Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Neil deGrasse Tyson "I'm not worried about kids. I'm worrried about grownups, okay?"

If image does not enlarge click here.
(Here is the source of the quote.)


  1. The man's unafraid to think the few thoughts I'm afraid to think!

  2. Children live in the moment, Adults worry too much about what has already happened and what might happen.

  3. Leland10:21 AM

    He forgot to mention: Grown ups burn people at the stake. Grown ups riot and kill when told they have a violent history. Grown ups hide behind white sheets and terrorize black people. Grown ups will turn on anyone who is different. Grown ups will....
    Ain't enough room!

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Hooray! Sarah is the new Sarah!

    She's hot, a sexy "maverick",got big boobs, loves to hunt and is "ready to punch Claire McCaskill out..."

    She wears jeans and belts. She says all the same bullet points.
    "Despite her history, Steelman says she is still an outsider fighting career politicians and the party establishment.
    “The first thing I would say is the status quo has got to go,” she said in an interview with the News-Leader."

    Maybe she'll even have a pregnant teenager who gets a TV show!
    Bonus - she even looks like our Sarah, but blonde! Yay!



    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      I was just looking up "recipe for disaster" in the dictionary...

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      You know, sad to say, but Sarah is kickin' ass on her competition...

      Do we learn nothing?

    3. Anita Winecooler10:03 PM

      Uh Oh! Run Baldy, Run! She's blonde, she's young, she's got a rack, she hunts!!!

      Another "maverick", that's the ticket! It worked so well for McCain.

  5. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Exactly. We need to be more childlike and less childish.

  6. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Neil is correct about so many things, and being worried about adults in this case is the correct thing.

  7. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Once again, deGrasse Tyson nails it. Definitely one of the coolest scientists walking the Earth.

  8. OT: Apparently Mitt Romney released 23 years worth of tax returns to John McCain as part of the VP vetting process. What was so scary in those returns that made McCain pick Sarah Palin?

    Why when he has 23+ years worth of returns compiled and ready has he released only 2 years worth? What will those returns tell us?

    Inquiring minds want to know

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      It also raises the question - What is McCain hiding in that he had access to all those 23 years of tax returns???

      Those returns would have been vetted by his 'VP Committee' --- hmmmm --- did that include Steve Schmidt among others???

    2. Didn't he only release one year's return (2010) and an estimate for 2011? I'm pretty sure that's the case, and also, too he filed an extension for his 2011 taxes, so I don't even think he filed them yet.

      So McCain gets 23 years of returns when the guy wants the VP job, and we get 1 year when he wants to be Prez?

      Sounds reasonable, if you're a republican, I guess.

    3. Dinty3:05 PM

      @betsykaz -Great way to frame this issue:

      - releases 23 years of tax returns to become Vice-President
      - releases 1 year + estimate of tax returns to become President

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Finally, a scientist who's using the bully pulpit effectively. We need more Neil deGrasse Tysons!

  10. Anonymous12:13 PM

    * 173 comments on a post about Bristol Palin's baby's hair.
    * 300+ comments on Sarah Palin's latest Facebook remark.
    * 100+ comments on Willow Palin's birthday.

    * Less than 20 comments on every other post, on any topic.


    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Anon@12:13... Sad, isn't it?
      I have been wanting to say this for a long time and didn't have the nerve to do it because I did not want to reap a firestorm.
      At least there are now two of us weather it.
      Let's stand together.

    2. Y'all make such great remarks on Gryphen's non-$arah posts and frankly, i'm glad there aren't a lot of comments to wade through on those particular posts. Some of you are SO smart! I've learned SO much!

      Trashing $arah doesn't require much thought :)

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The most astounding fact of the universe.


  12. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I keep confusing Neil deGrasse Tyson with Michael Eric Dyson. And I wish that I had a cool sounding name.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      I do too!!

      IMO -- they're both excellent -- well educated men.

      More than I can say for the buffoon with the Baggers following him. To even think to entrust the nuclear 'button case' to someone who won't disclose his 'hidden riches'. Not in my lifetime.

  13. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I just found a great video that might just go along with this post or maybe be a stand alone post?

    Joe Conason Moderates ‘Tiny Pundits’ Debate http://www.nationalmemo.com/watch-joe-conason-moderates-tiny-pundits-debate/

  14. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Lego hair will be on Hannity tonite. Watch for wigs to flip and drools!

  15. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Abby Huntsman diss Palin:


  16. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Lego to discuss abt new polls showing of Pres and Mitt, on Hannity .
    WTF for all people they want to hear her take on polls.

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The Ten Worst Running Mates In Presidential History:

    #10 Palin.


  18. WalterNeff1:35 PM

    To be fair, kids put their hands on the stove andy eat paste. :-)

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      And when it hurts or makes them sick, they don't do it again.

      When they're brought up around brain devoid baggers -- they never learn right from wrong. They're lucky if they go to school.

  19. Beldar Herbert Conehead2:09 PM

    More Dr. Tyson, Less Screechy Wretch(tm)
    better for everybody that way....

    "Science: the all-natural antidote to ignorance!"

    1. Anita Winecooler10:19 PM

      Even I know you can't do REAL science with FAKE money!
      Mr Wizard is a Severely Liberal Quack.

      Wizard Romney would use REAL money,

      Wanna wager ten grand?

  20. He's not entirely right. A shocking number of students aged 12-17 do not understand the theory of evolution, do not believe it is supported by scientific evidence, and in fact do not even understand the meaning of the word theory. Kids in that age group are not much more likely than adults to have a solid understanding of evolution.

    I can't cite a source because I don't have the handouts, but this fact was presented at a continuing education intensive I attended last summer.

    Teachers, parents, and voters need to be aware of this and stay vigilant. My personal view is that religious fundamentalists are to blame, at least in those states that have made concerted efforts to have so-called "intelligent design" included in their science curriculum, or to have a disclaimer of sorts included with the teaching of evolution.

  21. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I teach kids in several grades in an elementary school but my favorite grade to teach has always been kindergarten. Yes, they are very labor intensive (tying shoes, helping with coats, hats and mittens, opening milk cartons, pre-cutting everything) and there are often issues with body fluids (fingers in noses and accidents in pants) and some people can't deal with that part of it.

    However, I love them precisely because they are so fresh and new to the world. They're open to new experiences and take great delight in things we don't even notice anymore. They love learning and they haven't learned to be cynical, contrary or defiant...yet.

    And when I walk into their classrooms, they grin and say, "She's here!!!" like I'm the second coming of the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy, all rolled into one. I get hugs most days of the week, either in the classroom or in the hallway.

    I try to learn as much from them as they learn from me, although I suspect they have the much harder job!

  22. Anita Winecooler10:23 PM

    He's right.

    My "Dream Job" would be Art Linkletter's Show!


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