Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Convicted domestic terrorist Schaeffer Cox fires attorney and blames him for not fooling the jury into believing that he was not guilty, guilty, guilty.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:

Attorney Nelson Traverso filed a motion with the court Monday asking to withdraw from the case, stating his client was extremely unhappy with the job he'd performed. No aspect of Traverso's role in Cox’s defense was up to par, according to the motion. Cox was found guilty on the most serious charge, conspiracy to commit murder, and he faces up to life in prison. Sentencing is scheduled for September. 

According to Traverso, Cox complained about how Traverso presented the case, conducted direct and cross examinations during trial, used exhibits, decided which witnesses to call and what arguments to make. In a move not usual for defendants who fail to beat the rap, Cox now claims he received "ineffective assistance of counsel" -- a legal term referring to whether Cox's constitutionally-mandated right to competent legal representation was met. The standard has two prongs: was the attorney competent, and if not, was the attorney's poor work directly responsible for the trial's outcome? 

Such claims are difficult to prove, and rarely successful. 

During the verdicts, Cox reacted with disbelief as the guilty verdicts piled up. "The prosecution withheld evidence from you guys," he at one point shouted to the jury. He took his own notes throughout the trial, and could be seen whispering -- sometimes with looks of anger and dissatisfaction -- into his attorney's ear. 

I agree, I also think that Cox had poor representation, I mean whose stupid idea was it to put Shaeffer himself on the stand?

Oh right, it was HIS idea

You know as much as I enjoy watching Schaeffer Cox crying like a little prison bitch on the witness stand, I would suggest that he stop while he is behind. We don't have the death penalty in Alaska, but if Cox manages to get a retrial (Which of course he won't), and decided to represent himself yet again, he just might screw it up badly enough for Alaska to reestablish one for the first time since 1957.

It is time the little jerk recognized the fact that he was only a legend in his own mind, and that, in the words of Bobby Fuller, he "fought the law, and the law won."


  1. Oops. The song was written in 1958 by Sonny Curtis and was first popular in the mid-sixties by the Bobby Fuller Four (the version I remember). Mellencamp may have covered it, but they aren't his words.

    1. Thanks Nefer.

      Apparently I was having a brain fart and thinking about the "Authority Song" by Mellencamp. All fixed.

    2. The Fuller version came out in 1966...I in the army & training at Fort Gordon, GA...a friend, Bobby Greene of Athens, GA & I would sing that song so often that the rest of the platoon gave us a choice. Either shut up or continue...if we chose to continue they would drag us to the shower & scrub us withe wire brushes.

  2. Dinty1:55 PM


    Just went through this exact stalling tactic with a guy who paid to have a friend of mine murdered a few blocks from my home (an area that doesn't have alot of that sort of thing). Once he was convicted, his attorney cited "an undisclosed conflict" and stepped down from the case.

    The new attorney needed six months, which eventually became well over a year to familiarize himself with the case. Many motions and 2 1/2 years later (including one that involved attempting to disqualify the judge) and he was sentenced to life without parole.

    Get ready for over 2 years of really annoying bullshit before this thing gets settled.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      G- even if AK did vote in the death penalty...and all them "christians" would do it in a hot second...if wouldn't be retroactive...Charles Manson!

  3. Anonymous1:58 PM

    He's going to make another prisoner a perfect wife, being that he will probably be very submissive and defenseless against someone who is much larger than he is. I'm sure it will be a joyous wedding for all but one prisoner. May the wedding bells chime!

    1. Balzafiar2:41 PM

      I'm sure he has graduated from Prison Sex 101 by now and has learned to love it.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      1:58 and 2:41 and any others who feel it is appropriate to make jokes about rape.

      There were a lot of these kinds of comments on a previous post (I think here at IM, but am not sure). I almost commented then but did not and felt bad about my not commenting. If I don't argue against these types of comments, does that make me any better than those who make these horrible comments?

      So I promised myself I would forever comment whenever I see someone making jokes about rape.

      RAPE is nothing to joke about.

      The prisoners' sentences do not include being raped, they are sent to prison to serve time for their crimes.

      Rape in prison is no better than rape outside of prison. Raping prisoners is not better than raping people on the streets.

      Rape is rape and it is a violent crime that should not be tolerated under ANY circumstances.

      NO ONE deserves to be raped. No one!

      And yes, I'll sign my name to this because I am proud to support the fight against the violence of rape and the attitude in this country (and world) that makes it OK to joke about rape. Rape is not funny. And jokes about rape should not be tolerated.

      Maggie Wall in Kodiak

    3. WakeUpAmerica3:52 PM

      Good for you, Maggie, for standing up for your beliefs. I agree.

    4. Thank you, Maggie. That needed to be said.

    5. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Agree Maggie

      To see how bad it is imagine how we would react if someone suggested or joked about the possibility that Sherry Johnston would be raped in prison. We'd be outraged and appropriately so.

      To paraphrase Chris Rock - "you want to know how bad rape is? We want to hunt down Bin Laden for 9/11 so we can murder him. But we aren't gonna rape him...because that would be cruel!

    6. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Not the "perfect" prison wife until his front teeth are knocked out for "easier access

    7. AJ Billings4:06 PM

      I Agree completely Maggie.

      Look , we know that Schaeffer is an egocentric and dangerous idiot, and he reminds me of James O'keefe

      Both of them deserve prison time, imho.

      What Cox has done is much worse, and he certainly is going to have a rough time in prison.

      Denigrating someone about being raped is no laughing matter.

      I know we are a diverse group on this blog, but come on kids, joking about rape is no joke at all.

    8. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Maggie, I wholeheartedly concur.

    9. MorotCity Begonia5:36 AM

      Thank you, Maggie. My real name is Roberta Brown from Michigan, formerly a Detroiter.

  4. I'm still hoping that he or either of the other two decide to cut a deal in exchange for a reduced sentence by ratting on TP, SP, and JM.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Alaskan Dave: heck yeah, that would be the best possible outcome! I wouldn't put it past the sniveling weasel... c'mon Francis, sell 'em all down the river!

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I thought it was a federal case. AK law wouldn't apply. And there is a federal death penalty: http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/federal-death-row-prisoners

  6. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Next he will claim "Cruel and unusual punishment" because he is not allowed to watch "Life's a Tripp" while in jail.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Maybe "cruel and unusual punishment" would be to have to watch the Bristol's "Life's a Tripp."

  7. Anonymous3:56 PM

    BTW if the lawyer was ASKING to withdraw, instead of withdrawing that means he was a court paid atty for the defendant. Why does tough boy Schaffer need a free govmint atty? Why is he asking for a free handout? Nothing but a welfare nanny expecting the govmint to pay his way through live.


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