Monday, July 30, 2012

Oh good it looks like the President has his best (wo)man on the job.

Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall as Hillary explains to the foreign leaders that "Mitt the Twit" was the BEST the GOP had to offer this time around, and not to worry because even America is not self destructive enough to put that idiot into the White House?

Well I would.


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    No offense but this country was stupid enough to elect the shrub twice.Romney seems to have enough supporters to elect his lyin ass.Do not take anything for granted.I hope they recall the asshole from this little trip of his before he starts ww 3.Fucking idiot.

    1. Yes I still suffer from PTSD due to Bush's two elections, but Romney is no Bush, who at least was able to pretend he was a normal human being.

      Yes, this election is far from over but I am still pretty confident in our chances. And this trip of Mitt's overseas has only made me more so.

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Bush is such a good man by nature. He cares for all humans and doesn't have shame or hide things about himself. Sure it lived/lives an imperfect life. Who doesn't? Democrats are stupid and often employ diagnoses like ptsd to account for their stupidity in electing one of the worst President in history in 08. Even some who are far left agree.

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Yesterday you were loving Cheney's "balls" you're loving "bush"! Pick a side Krusty! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous6:41 PM

      ReTHUGlicans are stupid and often employ diagnoses like ptsd to account for their stupidity in electing one of the worst President in history in 2000 and again in '04.
      Fixed that for you, You're welcome.

    5. Anonymous6:53 PM

      What? He okayed the torture of human beings. The killing of hundreds of thousands in Iraq. He scoffed at Abu Graib. There isn't a nice none on his body. And just to clarify: hexwad handed the WH by daddy's Supreme Court and cheated the second time.
      And I have mobtegrets about electing Obama. He is working for all people, not just the rich or the war machine that runs the GOP.

    6. Anonymous6:54 PM

      To Anonymous at 5:47,
      "Bush good man by nature"
      "cares for all humans"
      "Democrats are stupid"
      "Even some on the far left agree"
      I call Bullshit!

    7. "Bush is such a good man by nature" - well he lost that somewhere when he started 2 wars - one of which he LIED about and got his minions to lie about. Bush has a problem leaving the US in case he is arrested for war crimes - and Romney won't be too welcome outside the USA if his current "tour" is an indication of how he will behave.

      Where have you been living since 2000? Sure isn't the world I know. You should be on your knees praying thanks to the Lord that John McCain LOST in 2008.

    8. I love how you (anon @5:47) cut through the crap and just lay it all out. I'm sure most of the folks who visit here will now have an epiphany. Gryphen must be humbled. Is your nickname Yoda?

      /s off

    9. @Anonymous 5:47 PM: You do realize you sound insane, right? Not one sentence in your demented little comment was true, coherent, or even grammatical. Get help.

    10. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Bush didn't win chit.

      Close elections are easy to steal and the Repubs took advantage of that in 2000 and 2004.
      If we do our best to get the Pres Obama supporters to the polls, or vote absentee, we will hinder any election theft.

      A LARGE voter turnout is the enemy of the Repubs. We have to make sure the election is not close.

    11. Boscoe9:27 PM

      The Supreme Court annointed Bush, he was not elected.

    12. Anonymous2:16 AM

      Even some repubs. admit (not publicly just to each other) that W was a dismal failure. Most knew before he was given the job that he was "dumb as a stump" just as McCain said he was. You sound like $carah. Anyone who gets into the WH just as long as they are repubs. is a genius to her.

  2. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Damn Gryphen, hope your optimism is warranted!
    That said, love the captions above and YES, I would love to know how our top diplomat,world weary Mme Secretary straightens out the mess left by RmoneyGrubber.


    1. On the old TextsFromHillary site, there was a picture of Mark Zuckerburg (Facebook) texting with the caption:

      Guess what I bought?

      Hillary replies:

      A big-boy shirt?


  3. carollt5:38 PM

    Hillary will be more than ready to take the baton from President Obama on January 20, 2017. President Hillary Rodham Clinton. Has a nice ring to it, does it not?

    My dream is to have 16 years of smart for President. We don't always get that with the Republicans these days.

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    DAMNIT. the person who SHOULD have won in 2008. I abhor ignorant, blind voters who were fooled by Obama.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      This must be Baldy the Alkie! lost the election for old man McShame with your epic stupidity....thank God those "ignorant, blind voters" knew a good thing when they saw it and it wasn't your drunk ass!

      It sucks to be Baldy...huh! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Go climb a tree, Putrid PUMA

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Poor Thing, Check Yo h8 Itz not 2 L8 2 embrace sumthin...anythang Positive

    4. Anonymous8:19 PM

      WTF are you trying to SAY??? English....please write this in English...nobody can understand this Wasilla hillbilly gibberish!

    5. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Spoken like a true moron who believed Sarah Palin was anywhere close to a substitute for Hillary. What do you think Hillary thinks of Sarah Palin?

    6. Actually, Gina, I think it's the monstrous Rebecca, the visage seen in your avatar.

      Wasn't she a Clinton supporter during the Dem primaries in 2008, and when Obama won the nom and Palin was introduced by McCain, didn't the monstrous Rebecca switch parties and begin worshipping Palin?

    7. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Yes, Becky has said she was a Clinton supporter and was one of those morons who switched to Palin.

  5. To quote the London front page the day after election in 2004, "How can 55,000,000 Americans be so dumb." Don't underestimate Mittens and the capacity of the GOP to STEAL elections.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Let's make it a large turnout. Large turnout are hard to steal.

  6. Love it!

    Gryphen - Did you create the image?

  7. Anonymous6:27 PM

    My new screensaver!!!

  8. Sapphire6:30 PM

    Ha love this photo. This is extremely off-topic, but I was reading a story on the NY Post. I have no idea why. My blood pressure is pretty much shot to hell reading all those despicable comments. It's scary to think people actually think like this!:

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    1 -- Bush did NOT win in 2000 -- PERIOD. The majority of American voters picked Gore. That's a fact, regardless of what you think of the Florida vote. In a pure democracy, Gore would have won.

    2 -- he won in 2004 by scaring people. Plus, I love thr guy but Kerry was a terrible nominee who refused to go on the attack or answer any of Bush's attacks. Bush made the election about Kerry's character and Kerry refused to fire back and attack Bush's. How can you make a big deal over the fact that your opponent's administration leaked the name of a CIA agent who works on terrorism? And, you know what, he also should have gone after the fact that the dude didn't DO ANYTHING after getting a memo that says "al Qaeda determined to attack the homeland." me? I would have run commercials just using that headline and nothing else every day for a year.

    Obama is not Kerry, rest assured. He's no pushover. Trust me. He plays hardball. He wasn't even supposed to win the Democratic nomination for the Senate, but he did by outsmarting the competition. Obama will win, the only thing that might make it otherwise is if the GOP cheats -- but they're going to have to cheat ALOT to win. ALOT.

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      I agree with everything you say. The scary thing is they will CHEAT!!

  10. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Wall St bets on Romney. Cover of the Drudge report.
    Yes it's very biased. But my point is don't forget the big money in this country, more than ever before, is behind Romney. Don't underestimate them.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      I was in a sales meeting yesterday and a salesman said the doctors he'd been meeting with are holding on to their money-

      because they are "afraid of who is going to be RE-ELECTED".

  11. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Who is the celebrity that Sadie was dating? (As mentioned on Palin'sPlace blog..

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Why u jealous Bristol? Hahaha
      Haters gonna hate

    2. Krusty the Krazy showed up over there and I'm sure Beefy was lurking too!

      Speaking of Beefy...poor thing...not ONE legitimate celebrity has a romantic interest in her insecure, needy, trampy ass! She has to settle for Sadie's sloppy seconds...crybaby Gino! Tsk Tsk! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Briscow and Walrus are not desirable to the Hollywood set. Who wants spoiled whining Brats as dates? Stay out of Sadie's personal life,
      your Jealousy is showing. Both of you SHORT, LOG LEGGED, NO ANKLE SKANKS will end up with a SHORT, WIMPY PIMP DADDY like TOAD.

    4. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Kim Kartrashian was filmed being PISSED ON by her boyfriend;

      and even SHE has "famous" suitors!

  12. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Ron Paul supporters greet Mitt Romney in Poland!

    1. Lots of President Obama supporters - also too - but the MSM in the US doesn't mention that

  13. Anonymous7:19 PM

    we got the best of all possible combinations with President Obama and Hillary as SOS

  14. Anita Winecooler7:54 PM

    I don't know what Mitt was thinking, he's praising Israel's health care costs at eight percent, when ours is 18 percent of our GDP, a full ten point difference! Israel has Socialized Medicine aka ACA, but doofus moneybags is clueless.
    He intimated that Palestinians are "less than" Israelis and we should put our embassy in Jerusalem, can't wait for what he has in store for Poland.

    In the mean time, Gryph's post shows who the real diplomats are.

    1. Anonymous3:30 AM

      And, while trying to talk back his comparison of per capita GDP for Israel and the tiny, struggling Palestinian state/Gaza, he repeated the same thing using Chile and Ecuador, US and Mexico as examples. Romney is beyond stupid!

  15. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Bristol was on E this eve, she sounded irrated and pissed.LOL

  16. Anonymous8:41 PM

    If you're in the mood for a fun little flashback, this is a video I just stumbled across of Robin Williams performing in England in December of 2008. Naturally, most of the jokes are related to the election and he does a pretty thorough job on Bush, McCain and Palin.

    I got a particular chuckle from a joke about Palin coming "from some sort of reality show"...that's pretty sad when your life ends up imitating a joke from Robin Williams!


    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Thanks! I always enjoy good comedy. I just got done watching Kathy Griffin/Seaman 1st Class on Bravo, she really ripped into Bristol's show, funny stuff.


  17. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Romney will be a "polish joke" before he leaves Poland.

  18. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Here's another version of the pic with Hillary taking care of business...


  19. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Romney the dunce

    American politicians, whether Republican or Democrat, have always focused on the Jewish vote, and this is one thing. But there is a fine line between a politician and a demagogue, and Romney’s Israel trip, in which he raised $1 million, constitutes him selling his soul.

    1. Anonymous6:40 AM

      They aren't focusing on the Jewish vote. Jewish people don't make up that large a percentage of the American voting public and many, many Jewish people are not religious and/or are ambivalent toward Israel.

      In fact, it's likely that the vast majority of American voters who have strong feelings of support for Israel are Christians.

  20. Anonymous5:40 AM

    President Hillary Rohham Clinton 2016!

    1. Anonymous4:29 AM

      As a big Obama supporter then and now, I was wary Of Hillary in 2008 but now.... HILLARY 2016!!! She has every qualification needed for POTUS and gets better and better every year.

  21. Well I'm excited about the Democratic convention! Elizabeth Warren will be preparing the crowd for President Clinton, which means the barns, they will be burning, and Julian Castro, mayor of San Antonio, will be giving the keynote!

    Just Castro's name -- not the Castro, but the Hoo-lee-ahhn pronunciation-- will give those C4P low lifes fits.


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