Monday, July 30, 2012

Newsweek asks the logical question.

You know I was just talking about this today.

Have you ever noticed that Romney always looks EXTREMELY uncomfortable in pictures taken when he is not actually posing for them?

I notice it mostly in those moments in between answering a reporter's question, or the pauses between sentences in a speech, as if he would rather BE anyplace else in the world than where he's at, and DOING anything else in the world than running for president. Yet he seems to feel trapped, as if he has no other choice.

And this insecurity is also reflected in his constant gaffes. First in England, and now Israel:

Having publicly pledged to protect Israel, US presidential candidate Mitt Romney has stirred controversy by telling Jewish donors their culture is part of what has allowed them to be more economically successful than the Palestinians. 

The reaction of Palestinian leaders was quick and strong. "What is this man doing here? Yesterday, he destroyed negotiations by saying Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and today he is saying Israeli culture is more advanced than Palestinian culture. Isn't this racism? Israelis and Palestinians have a conflict, but they are people, they are equal, it is not a better culture or advanced culture," said Saeb Erekat, a top Palestinian official. 

"It's Israeli occupiers and Palestinians under occupation, and that's why Palestinians cannot realise their potential."

You know somebody needs to get that idiot out of there before he starts another war.

My understanding is that Romney is headed to Poland next, where I have little doubt he will regale the locals with his favorite Polock jokes.

No matter where the guy goes, other than hanging out with his family or other wealthy people, he seems to constantly epitomize the "fish out of water" type.  Which has caused some rather creative people to make certain comparisons.

Personally I don't even know WHY Romney is running for office? Unless he simply feels it is his destiny. (Gee where have we heard THAT before?)

You know that could be it,  perhaps he is running because the LDS church leaders have determined, like to or not, that Romney is the one to fulfill a certain prophecy.

Are there NO Republicans who want to be president simply because they want to do something positive for the country? Or is that a stupid question?


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Romney is not a wimp. He's a sociopath. For example, he arrogantly says he'll look at his tax records and tell us what he sees, not let us see for ourselves. AND he says that with a straight face, while laughing internally at our supposed stupidity.


    Asked last night if he has ever paid less than the 13.9% rate he paid in 2010, Romney said he'd have to check his records. "I haven't calculated that,” Romney said in response to a question from David Muir on World News Tonight. “I’m happy to go back and look,

    1. Anita Winecooler7:13 PM

      I loved when Muir asked "You'd go back and look for me?" and Mitt gave him the "heh heh heh" half laugh/half grimace and nodded "Yes".

      He can't escape the tax topic, it'll dog him to his last campaign gasp.

    2. Are all the candidates the GOOP nominates sociopaths? This will be the second presidential election in a row.

  2. WakeUpAmerica2:47 PM

    I don't understand why the GOP didn't push Huntsman forward for the nomination. He was the only sane one running. Oh wait...never mind.

    1. Boscoe5:23 PM

      Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. I think Huntsman would have at least made this election an interesting choice between two reasonable men.

      This time, instead of Cranky "the fundamentals of our economy are fine" McGetoffmylawn and the inbred hillbilly, we get a soulless automaton from the money planet who is failing miserably at assimilating human culture.

      I suspect that we're never going to get a satisfying debate between Rmoney and Obama. Just as with Palin, I see Mitt's handlers trying to keep him away from microphones as much as possible.

      It actually makes me angry that just like in 2008 I feel like I have no choice but to vote for Obama simply because the other side has lost it's tiny mind and is fielding a psychotic joke.

      Not that I'd necessarily make a different choice, but at least it would FEEL like a CHOICE. At this point the Republicans might as well be saying: "why do you want that tasty pizza when you could have this steaming handful of dogshit instead?"

      Yeah, no thanks Mitt.

    2. That's why. He was the only sane pick that would appeal to the widest base. He would have been great to bring in the independents. Which is exactly why he was poison. The fundies and 'baggers would never have supported him until after he was the nominee and he couldn't become the nominee without their support.

  3. There goes Mittens around the world sticking his thumb up peoples' asses and pissing them off...

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It's a daddy issue, just like Dubya.

    And no, Romney is not a smart man either.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      And he'll never be the man George Romney was either.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

      Lenore was one feisty broad, what happened to Mitt?

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    The and the very sad thing is that he could win

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      No, I don't think even the kochs and adelson have enough millions to convince the voters that Romney would do anything positive for the country, let alone the world. And they do only have one vote each. We may not have millions, but we vote, and we do care about the future of this nation.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Not if Pres Obama supporters vote.

    3. Olivia7:50 AM

      If he wins, this country deserves him.

  6. angela3:09 PM

    Romney is another rich boy idiot with daddy issues, a sense of entitlement, snarky, no filter and the sympathetic patience of a starving dog on a pound of meat. We barely survived the last one. If this one somehow cheats his way into the WH the way the other one did in 2000---- we are doomed.

    Obama/Biden 2012

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM


    2. Just like Dubya. Disturbingly so: both men came from fathers who were accomplished and did things for the common good: WW2 service and Civil Rights marches. But their sons are such watered down wannabes that it's both tragic and alarming especially as both feel it's their calling to be President. Dubya was more than enough for any country. Do not let Romney get a foot in the door.
      M from MD

  7. linda3:10 PM

    a friend of mine, a Ph.D. psychologist, said it best. it's like Romney has Asperger's Syndrome. although i feel that the comparison is unfair to those who actually have Aspergers!

    1. You know he COULD have Asperger's.

      That would actually explain a lot.

      I also think that he had a lot more help from his dad and church members in making his millions.

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Did you see Newt jumped on that "you didn't do it alone" bandwagon today? He said that if the President were speaking to the Olympians, he would say, "You know that gold medal isn;t yours. It belongs to everyone who helped you." You know, GOP, every winner I have heard has thanked everyone "who helped me get here." Honestly, the GOP is pretty desperate to still try to milk this two weeks in.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Then again, sometimes an asshole is just an asshole.

    4. Anonymous4:24 PM

      O/T but I was actually thinking that Brisdull has Asperger's - no reaction or sense of the emotions of another.

    5. AKinPA5:07 PM

      Linda and Gryph, I'm not so sure. The people I know with Asperger's have pretty limited interpersonal skills and can't empathize with others, but that's only part of Romney's problem. Romney and his wife ooze arrogance and condescension and a sense of entitlement. His gaffe in the interview about London's prep for the Olympics had nothing to do with Asperger's. He just had to condescendingly (probably not a word; sorry) critique their prep from his vaulted position as "savior" of the 2002 games. He might have Asperger's, but that eternal smirk he wears and that condescending lilt in his voice when he is explaining that corporations are people and that he's shared all we need to know about his tax returns and that he won't explain any of his solutions for the myriad of problems the failed president has created isn't Asperger's. It's pure Thurston Howell III (with apologies to actor playing TH III; he was only acting a part). The Romneys' arrogance goes straight to the bone.

      Today in Israel, he actually used the royal "we" saying something like "WE will support and back up Israel and my country will too." (Not quite a direct quote.)

    6. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Asperger's syndrom is a kind of autism. They are very intelligent but have limited emotional connection to others.

      People the Palins and Romney are not intelligent and they lack empathy. They are sociopaths.

    7. Anonymous6:31 PM

      As the mother of a grown son with Asperger's, I can say that it takes many forms and many variations. There's not a doubt in my mind (after twenty years of study, workshops, therapies, parents' groups, etc.) that Mitt has Asperger's in some form.
      Does it disqualify him from public office?
      Based on his Asberger-y behavior, as well as his Little Prince Fauntleroy attitude, I'd say our democracy needs a leader who can connect with our people, who can understand our people, and feels as one with our people.
      Political positions aside, I wouldn't trust Romney. He needs to go back to his comfort zone -- which is making money and not caring what others think of him.

    8. Anonymous4:01 AM

      Let's run it through the filters and distill it down. He is an arrogant ass. His wife, also, too.

    9. Olivia7:57 AM

      As the mom, grandmother and close relative of others with Asperger's, I am convinced that there are several very good politicians who do have Asperger's and do quite well. It is possible Mitt does have it because it covers a wide range of behaviors. However, I think the term sociopath covers him perfectly.

      An Aspie might have trouble connecting socially with others but that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to. The sociopath in Mitt doesn't give a shit whether or not he connects with others.

  8. jcinco3:10 PM

    I think he suffers from Asberger's. Remember Jerry on Boston Legal, remember how he walked, how socially awkward he was, who does that remind you of?

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      That makes sense. I have a couple of music students with Asberger's. Only thing is, the really high functioning one has far more compassion than Mitt shows.

    2. linda4:13 PM

      wow! maybe my friend was right - we sort of laughed it off . . .

  9. hedgewytch3:10 PM

    That's the cover of Newsweek? Uh Oh! That's not good. That's got turn a few independent voters off. I can hear those poll numbers ticking downward now.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

      He should have posed like Sarah "Sex Kitten"

  10. eclecticsandra3:22 PM

    He is doing it for the church. Imagine having a Mormon President! It would be perfect. Romney has been promised something that he believes he will get.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      That's what I have concluded as well. He's doing what the Mormon bosses are telling him to do.

  11. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Can't build a relationship without trust. This guy looks like someone who's trying to play it off. When you're corrupted by money, lots and lots of money, the next step is power. Fueled by greed, the lust for it is obvious in this man's face.

    Corporations are people too. Spit.

  12. Chris Mathews described Romney's comments during his European tour perfectly: he's like a lawn sprinkler of insults to all nations!

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      And Poland doesn't even want him there! And he applauded the Israeli national health care, too, which is eerily similar to the ACA, right down to the mandate! Walk that back, Mitt!

  13. Welcome back to "Jeopardy 2040" starring cyborg Trebekbot 2.0.

    "For 30,000 Chinese yuan, the category is "Wacky Canamerican Politics". The answer is "A socially awkward, flip-flopping, gaffe-prone, semi-billionaire American presidential candidate defeated in 2012 and never heard from again." Contestants? Anyone?


    I'm sorry. The question is "Who was Mittens Rmoney?... Who was Mittens Rmoney? Now let's play the Lightning Round...

  14. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Andy Borowitz: A Brit, a Jew, and a Polish guy walk into a bar and say, "Holy crap, Romney is a douche."


  15. How or why anyone thought that this trip abroad would instantly give Mitty foreign policy credibility is beyond comprehension...

    But good that he went and PROVED to the whole world that in fact he is NO diplomat... doesn't no shit about foreign affairs and is in no way fit to be the penultimate leader of this country...our leader is already in office and there is NOTHING Mitty can do to even compare to President Obmama...

    he should just QUIT like his counterpart SP, because neither of them are qualified to sit in the oval office... the true LEADER of our country already occupies it... Rmoney needs to quit during the RNC if not before...

  16. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Hmmmm, Romney would do better to come up with some Pollock recipes, then he wouldn't offend the workers in Poland's fishing industry.

    (Sorry, Gryph, couldn't resist. luv ya)

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I don't like Romney and I really don't like his so-called 'religion'. It's a cult, plain and simple started by a sexual pervert (Joseph Smith) who was caught screwing an underage girl.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      All religions that espouse exclusion of women from positions of power are pretty much "cults".

  18. Anonymous3:53 PM

    MITT THE TWIT sums it all up for me.

  19. Anonymous3:59 PM

    He is a bully; and bullies are weak. In response to the "wimp" Newsweek cover, I expect more sabre-rattling and tough guy talk.

    My only fear is that the election process might be hijacked by his rich backers.

    If the election process is moderately fair, Prez O will roll right over that entitled, clueless twit.

  20. carollt4:09 PM

    What I don't understand about Romney is why he runs from everything he ever did or is. He runs from Bain Capital. He runs from achieving 97% health insurance coverage in Massachusetts. The other day he was running from the fact that his wife has a horse in the Olympics. And he runs from being Mormon. What is up with that?

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      He's a wimp, obviously. :)

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Because it's "his time." It's all they have until Sarah rides on on her Ajax "stronger than dirt" white horse singing the Underdog theme song.

      She's ALL that, you know......

  21. No doubt at all in my mind that the "certain prophecy" is his motivation. Obviously he couldn't care less about anything except his own deification.
    He has no driving desire for any people except those that are in his immediate circle of friends. The rest of "us people" are of no consequence.
    Everyone needs to read that article. Then you'll understand the man.

  22. Anonymous6:09 PM

    There's a whole spectrum a Asperger's Symptons. Surely, many of them apply to Mitt Romney.

    As well as the weak son of a powerful father. He can't live up to George Romney, no matter how hard he tries, and still seems as though he's living under George's (and the Elders') shadow.

    In short, he's not his own man, and he can't really think through what his own man could or should be.
    DANGER for someone who wants to be a politician, a diplomat, a conciliator, a leader.

  23. Sharon6:45 PM

    I watched that BBC video about Robme.Mormon connection and I think its the real clue to his running...his destiny, his time, etc. He is a puppet like Dubya was, the church helped make him a zillionaire and now he is scared shitless about the tax returns and I think its the church hes afraid of...not us. The only reason he is there is becuz he was a puppet, Huntsman would have been the smart choice, but hes a Mormon too. Adelson and Koch made their choice and without their money, Mitt would have gone away just as fast as he had before. Ann is his perfect wife, just like him in every way....they are so far above us little people, they represent the worst of our country in every way.

    1. Anonymous2:58 AM

      Yes, he's grown up, after being groomed all his life to be the President for Zion, not the country. He's growing more & more desperate to get elected. There's literally NOTHING he won't do to get in office and he has to feel it slipping away, generating even more desperation. His arrogance & sense of entitlement just won't let him believe he can't do anything he wants, be as secretive as he wants, make as many misstatements as he does. He's got all the power and wealth of the Mormon Church, the Corporations, the religious right, the RW neo cons & their bottomless pockets behind him. He's counting on the fact that he'll still be elected. If that happens, the real Romney will come out as "The Dictator" never seen before in our history. George Bush is a rank amateur in comparison. He's playing the wimp so the neo-cons will elect him & then choke on it.

      Any Fundamentalist voting for him will wish they had listened to what their brains(?) were telling them about his cult. When you ignore what's in front of you & vote instead for your racist hate, it'll comes back to you a hundred-fold.

      Don't fool yourselves about Jon Huntsman. He's Romney's cousin, descended from the same original Joseph Smith Apostle, Parley Pratt. They're both "royal blood." The families are very close so don't buy the story that Huntsman doesn't like Romney. It's a set up. They have the same goal - for the Mormon Church/prophecy. Huntsman only ran this year to provide a contrast as a "sensible sounding" moderate candidate, & will be the next candidate in line when Romney fails. Not a Moderate - a Mormon Theocrat. Mormons are even more advanced than the Dominionists were in their "stealth candidates." Anyone buying into any of them will be very unpleasantly surprised.

  24. Anonymous7:23 PM

    actually i am beginning to doubt he had much to do with any of the success of Bain.......he is the epitomy of a series of un-fortunate events. maybe that is why he lacks cogent ideas for his campaign - everything has been done for him and led to this moment --- think how palin was handed unearned opportunity over and over.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      I think you nailed it!

  25. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

    The editor of Newsweek was asked about the choice of cover, and the interviewer said "Yeah, he's had a few gaffe's... and the editor interrupted and said "A few gaffe's are excuseable, but he's flipped and flopped or been aloof on every single topic there is all through the GOP debates until today.
    And it's so true!
    Sorry, I can't remember the show, maybe Reliable Sources, but he defended the "wimp" comment quite well.

    And I agree, his blank affect when he stops talking creeps me out, he just looks deceptive and corrupt.

  26. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Mitt's won sons asked him NOT to run.

  27. His diplomacy with the white anglo saxons was less than stellar. That baptizing of "Mitt the Twit" is gonna stick.

    Then he goes to Israel and basically calls them all Shylock and says culturally they are real good with money.

    More hoof in mouth disease.

    One shudders to think what he's going to tell the Poles. Maybe something about how WWII cleaned up all those unsightly slums in Warsaw?

  28. Mittens needs to have a facebook page like Bristol:What I Meant To Say...

  29. Anonymous7:05 PM

    BUT BUT BUT....BUT it is my TURN! It is my RIGHT to be KING! MINE! MINE! MINE!

  30. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Yeah, his emotions run pretty much from from A to B. His bemused and aloof look never changes. His walk suggests wet diapers. His smile is pasted on and must evaporate as soon as he is out of camera range. Yucky.


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