Thursday, July 12, 2012

Okay does ANYBODY else see what I see?


  1. So impressive past presidents will time travel to see him in person.

    1. Anonymous12:13 AM

      OT sorry Gryphen, but this is breaking news!!
      Breaking: Romney was 100% stakeholder in 11 Bain companies later than 1999
      via @GranholmTWR

  2. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Good ole Abe!

    1. He was a Statesman, not just a politician. But a politician has to get himself elected before he can occupy Statesmenship -- thinking long term, like Obama did for health care, knowing it could be politcal suicide.

      Obama could very well lose this election, if the election-box rigging is attempted (as it seems to be promised). A massive turnout could thwart this. Hope. Hope.

  3. WakeUpAmerica9:06 PM

    Yeah. That was the first thing I saw. Since I couldn't see any other Amish, I had to assume it was Lincoln.

  4. Anonymous9:08 PM

    My two favorite Presidents!

  5. When presidencies collide.

  6. I don't care if it's a Lincoln impersonator (and there are a LOT of them making a living off looking like Abe), it's quite an eye-opener to see that face in the crowd.

    You know the Obama crowd aren't as stupid as Palin fans, because Palin fans actually think the impersonators really are Sarah Palin.

    I kid. Obama supporters merely know their history. They know Abe couldn't possibly be 203 years old...

    1. MotorCity Begonia10:32 AM

      I attended a small Star Trek convention in southern California in the early 2000s and another group having a conference was a Lincoln representative/lookalike group. (They said they were motivational speakers.) There were 90-some Lincolns, in full 18oos clothing, several Mary Todd Lincolns, a Grant, and a Lee. Wow - for once, we Trekkers ware NOT the most unusual folks at a hotel! One of the Lincolns played the saw (you use a violin bow - very strange sound) and another sang 1800s songs and they'd do duets in the lobby. That was one crazy weekend!

  7. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Stranger stuff has happened.

  8. Anonymous9:15 PM

    At first glance I saw: Diversity

    Second glance: Lincoln

    1. Anonymous11:10 PM

      Yes, me too!
      Sarah B

  9. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I love photoshop!

  10. that....ABE LINCOLN??

    *GinaM looking over her shoulder and signing off for the night*

  11. Not photoshopped.

    1. There are more supercalifragilisticexpialdocious Obama/Mack pictures at

    2. Oops - that should be 'supercalifragilisticexpialIdocious'...

      ... not to be confused with 'supercalifragilisticexpialidouchy' which is the term i apply to Rmoney and his band of dangerous blands.

    3. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead7:01 AM

      Hammer, I myself have struggled to find words powerful enough to convey the true awfulness that is the Mittster and his equally awful ilk. In all honesty I must say, I think you've captured it all in "supercalifragilisticexpialidouchy": the pathological prevarication, the quick mincing steps (magic underoos too tight, Mittens?), the fake "I'm just one of you guys mocking the Darkie in the White House" semi-laugh when he speaks, the utter hypocrisy of condemning Obamacare/Romneycare, his expensive "string of poloponies", and more. Well done, I say! Well done.

    4. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Definitely photoshopped. The crowd on top to the left are not even looking at Obama

  12. Anonymous9:48 PM

    That looks like one of the Abraham Lincoln impersonators that were on Conan O'Brien's show when he went to Chicago a few weeks ago.

  13. Anonymous9:58 PM

    "Wow, what a nice crowd. Different ages, races, men & women.. President Obama sure does reach a lot of... OMG, IT'S PRESIDENT LINCOLN!"

    Maybe there were vampires around...

  14. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Very fucking cool.

    I also love the diversity of the crowd. Young, old, Asian, black, white... and you can bet nobody had to be importer for the photo op!

  15. Anonymous10:18 PM

    The Obama Diary blog had a few different pics up of 'Abe' in the crowd a few days ago - hat and all.

  16. Alpha and Omega. VERY cool! Thanks for posting, Gryphen.

  17. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Okay, if Abraham Lincoln is a vampire hunter, and he's after Barack Obama, that must mean . . .

  18. Sally in MI1:52 AM

    That's neat. And yes, I think Abe woud be far more approving of President Obama than he would be of corporate shill Mitt.How dare that liar call our President a liar? I don't think Adelson's millions, Rove's lues,or the Koch's influence can save this GOP from itself. They are imploding right before our eyes (and Abe's, evidently!)
    And did anyone see Satan at Mitt's last 'rally?'

  19. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:20 AM

    I'd love to believe that's Old Abe's energy revealing itself at an Obama rally, not an impersonator, never knows...

    Ever been to Gettysburg (no joke intended)?

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Yes, and understand implicitly what you mean. This has been a universal experience of everyone I know that has visited there.

  20. Anonymous2:37 AM

    First thought : Lincoln looks like he wants to apologize for the jackhole behavior of some of the current members of his party

    Second thought: with my luck, I'd have been standing right behind his guy if I'd been in attendance... (i'm 4'11")

    Third thought: "TOOOOOODDDDD!!!!! He got Lincoln to come to one of his speeches..... Get Reagan on the phone and see if he's busy next week!"

  21. Randall5:07 AM

    I'll be darned!

    It's Aye!

    Aye Blinkin!

  22. So awesome. Thanks, Gryph.

  23. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I like to scan the crowds I see appear behind Willard Mitt Romney to spot any non-white faces. There are never any. It's ALL OLD, WHITE people. The GOP is the party of WHITE people. If you happen to be a non-white Republican, you are brainwashed, confused and stupid. There's no other explanation.

  24. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Oh yeah and ABE LINCOLN!!! That's awesome. Its like he's watching approvingly as President Obama continues his legacy.

  25. The Illinois Bois hangin'. I'll bet Bill Clinton would've busted up in there had he known Abe was gonna be in the house.

    Now, since Romney has to mimick all good things Obama, look for a wide-angle shot of Mitt working a crowd of bused-in supporters including one who looks suspiciously like Richard M. Nixon. Dick will not only be in the crowd but he'll also be driving Mitt's bus and honking the horn as Mitt's bus circles one of the President's campaign events.

    Can't you just imagine Romney and Nixon going around in circles in the bus with Dick's head sticking out the driver's window and Mitt hanging out the door on the other side, with both of them yelling, "Crooks are people too, my friend!"

    Ugh! The Romney team makes me wince way too often, just like they've turned off so many other former GOPers who are now Independents supporting President Obama in this election.

  26. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Except that Abe never intended that blacks should be allowed to vote.

  27. Great picture. But, dunno, I think the Abe guy looks more like Fidel Castro.

    The real great thing about that picture is the diversity of the crowd. Nothing has made me prouder of my country than standing in the infamous "Purple Section" on the lawn of the Capital on January 20, 2009 in the middle of a crowd of blacks, whites, young, old, Asian, Hispanics, all together cheering the inauguration of the first black president.

    And I hope to be in the same spot on January 21, 2013, cheering on his second inaguration. I already have my hotel room and plane ticket and I can only hope I get tickets again. Otherwise, I'll be on the Mall.

  28. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

    I love this photo. Knowing Lincoln (GOP) was an influence on President Obama's study of Government and history.

    Notice how much MORE meaningful it is because POTUS Supporters Don't "do" "revolutionary teabaggery re-enactment costumes" on a daily basis.


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