Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Open thread for "LIfe's a Tripp" or "How to destroy your child's life in front of a national television audience."

Photo courtesy of Sarah Palin's public Facebook page.
I chose this picture, even though it does not feature Tripp, because I was struck by how unhealthy Bristol looks in this photo. She looks like she is just about as skinny as her crazy ass mother.

That's not good.  I do not want anything to happen to Bristol I just want her to go away, and hopefully sign over custody of Tripp to his father.

By the way Brancy has been very busy today and there are four, count them four, blog posts today. (Who do they think they are? Me?)

One of them is a  partisan political post, one is a reference to the Aurora shooting, but the other two are attempts to convince us that we did not see in the last two episodes what we KNOW we saw in the last two episodes.

Included in one of them is this nugget:  

As I wrote yesterday, irresponsible reporters are writing that Tripp uttered a slur on the episode, which he didn’t. 

Since I wrote my blog, Lifetime showrunner Matt Lutz came to my defense. He has explained that Tripp did not say the F word used for a gay slur. He told some of the magazines making these false claims that he’s reviewed the raw video several times. In fact, he was actually in the room when it happened! 

And he agrees: Tripp didn’t say that word. Maybe that will put this ridiculous issue to rest.

Hmm, in the words of Bill Shakespeare, "I think the lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Brancy you do know that the whole "You didn't see what you thought you saw" thing only works on people stupid enough to support a Palin don'tcha?

However WE think for ourselves.

Gee  I wonder what OTHER examples of poor mothering we will see tonight that Bristol can spend the next week denying ever happened?


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Really. Who cares?

    She and her various bastards are nobodies.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      There's blue TriG again. Or should I say the FAS one not the Iconic (retard) TriG...that we saw going to Iron dog.
      Wow...do they think we are stoopid?
      Oh and Barstool, SPEED KILLS! Keep it up and you will join the 27 club.
      Did any one see the pic of ms fake boob?

      What a fucked up family. So Barstool when are you getting fake boobs b/c you've melted your real ones away with speed?

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      MS boob and a monkey named crystal were the stars at a NBC party...

  2. Anonymous5:41 PM

    i clicked on the link to Sarah's facebook and posted "you mean mother, right?" under that photo..I bet it won't last long...

  3. Olivia5:43 PM

    It would be quite simple to post the original video without the bleep. No more denials would be needed and it would be settled. Wonder why that isn't happening, hmm?

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      You know that is what would happen if she was right about what Tripp said.

  4. Anonymous5:46 PM

    LOL!!! I took a screen shot of the comment I wrote on Sarah's Facebook page before her minions scrub it...

  5. angela5:48 PM

    So these idiots are saying the three and a half year old didn't say "faggot"--he only said "fuck"?

    You know, because a three year old repeatedly saying he hates people and the word "fuck" is so much more acceptable and speaks to him being surrounded by hateful, foulmouthed idiots who swear in front of him all the time---as opposed to hateful, foulmouthed homophobic idiots who swear in front of him all the time.

    Someone please call DCS on these hillbillies and Lifetime Network.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      He definitely said faggot. You can tell my the sound of the t at the tend of the bleep.

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Actually, he probably did say "fuck" because that family would not be shocked and scandalized at someone saying "faggot" since they are so familiar with it.

    3. Anonymous9:27 PM

      don't forget hitting and kicking at his aunt. this little boy has no discipline, there is no defense for such crappy parenting....

  6. Anonymous5:53 PM

    They are probably editing the segment as we 'speak' It's interesting how the Lutz producer came to her defense, yet in one year there must have been a ton of material they could have used other than this segment, where they had to bleep out a 3-year-old's slur/curse whatever it was. So on one hand they are intentionally trying to make Bristol look bad, but on the other hand they are defending her. So which is it you think?

    1. vegaslib7:13 PM

      I would be $10,000 that mama Palin had to come in guns ablazing to make them defend the unfit mother Bristol is.

    2. I think P.T. Barnum knew the answer :)

      Sometimes it's easier to get attention with bad stuff.

  7. Chenagrrl5:58 PM

    If Tripp didn't say the word, why was it bleeped out, and why the drama in the show with Bristol and Willow giggling like he was their age, or they were his.

    I see the signs. Rough Road Ahead, if Bristol doesn't help Tripp get a civil tongue in his head.

    What annoys me about the snippets is her lack of affect as she says how bad she is at being Tripp's mother. She's not a news announcer, she's his mother. Who else will help him.

    1. BabyRaptor10:02 PM

      Do me a favor and put your big kid panties on?

      People who swear are not lacking in civility. People who use slurs are, yes. Your run of the mill cuss word does not say bad things about the person using it.

      All swear words are is a bunch of words that society gets their collective diapers in a wad about. Nobody even knows why.

      Note: This is not me defending the Palins. This is me getting tired of being insulted because I don't think a bunch of 4 letter words are somehow bad.

  8. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I can't tolerate any of the Palins, but I do think it is unnecessary to call Bristol fat constantly, which I see happening on blogs quite a bit. She is bound to develop an eating disorder over this. Yeah, her mother is a horrible, inexcusable excuse for a human being, but hitting someone on their looks is a bit harsh. We cannot help what our genes gave us in the looks department. The time she looked strangely chunky was during DWTS.

    1. In states like Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and Tennessee, homosexuality is considered a choice, obesity is genetic.

      Strangely chunky? (LOL) She was PREGNANT, Numbnuts!

    2. Durham6:57 PM

      Sorry, but we can treat it and it's not genetic. I think both Sarah and Bristol both have an eating disorder. It's especially obvious in Sarah from what many people have said, but again it's not genetic.

    3. Anonymous7:01 PM

      I don't like the body comments either. I think it's despicable to talk about these young girls bodies. We have so many problems with eating disorders and it's irresponsible. Look at Bristol in this photo and what had happened as a result- she's anorexic now.

      I do think the plastic surgery comments are fair game because they are such frauds and liars. But the mean girl comments and name calling? I hate it and think it makes commenters look terrible for lack of a better word.
      The made up nick names sound like how mean girl high school girls talk about others. The names arent funny or clever either. Just my opinion and no I'm not Kristy or another troll. This is just my opinion having once been a young girl bullied by mean girls and developed an eating disorder as a result.
      Why do some of you have to be so catty and cruel. There is plenty to criticize without calling them fat or pigs etc.

    4. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Too late, she already has an eating disorder, see Exhibit A in the photo above. Seen her around town and she's 95lbs or less, bony shoulder blades sticking out and no ass to speak of. She shouldn't have gone on DWTS pregnant and heavy if she didn't want to carry the stigma of being a "fat girl", now she's taken it a bit far in the weight loss category. She'll either bounce back or continue on to hospitalization. When your chin and your hair weigh more than both of your legs you just might be bulimic. Just sayin.

    5. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Strangely chunky? They put her in the gorilla suit hoping she'd be voted off. Wanna see strange, look up the photos of her in that purple military style dress, with her baby pooch sticking out. Now she looks anorexic.

    6. Anonymous7:31 PM

      HrH: obesity CAN be genetic. You don't know much about it do you? have you read the multitudes of medical research articles on this? And wtf is with the southern states comment. A bit OT /out of context!!t The poster seems to know Bristol was pregnant. She was being tactful, unlike you who resorts to calling someone numbnuts because you don't like what they wrote. Your comment is another example of the not so nice banter that occurs on this blog sometimes.

    7. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Bristol was as Pregnant on DWTS as Willow was on the last episode of LIFE'S A SHAILEY TRIPP.

    8. Anonymous7:44 PM

      ONE MORE TIME doofus at 6:04. it wasn't the weight - it was the shape shifting, the inexplicable weight gain during the supposedly strenuous workouts on DWTS etc. and the flaunting of it.

    9. Anonymous8:00 PM

      She looks old and pale now. But of course she was fat. So there!

    10. Anita Winecooler10:15 PM

      that's funny, Bristol, herself, on tonight's show had "cold laser" done to her body because she and willow's weight "fluctuates ten to twenty pounds"
      The next scene, scarfing down sugary drinks.

      They call themselves fat, because they know people notice.

  9. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Glad that this is open for comments for those watching the show, as it doesn't air on my cable.

    The timing of "Life's A Tripp" is a godsend; it's revealing some significant dysfunction with the reasoning skills of the hypocritical Palins and Bachmanns, and assorted conservative batshit crazies, against reality. It's sifting out the delusional ones through the "logic sieve" and they are really looking empty, stupid, incompetent, dishonest, greedy and attention-addictive.

    It's almost as if the show's backers who were behind Life's A Tripp, are purposely sabotaging Sarah's chances of ever being taken seriously. They may recognize the "Lucy Ricardo" gene Sarah, Todd and Bristol have, which is, "put me in your show, at any cost", and so they expose the whole package to viewers. Of course Lucy/Todd, Lucy/Sarah and Lucy/Bristol think they can sing, dance, act, perform beautifully, but only they think it. Everyone else hears, sees, experiences the true disastrous performances. And they see the contradictions in Bristol's statements, showing a multiple personality person who says one thing, but does another. It's troubling to watch the train wreck, but it is the cheapest campaign ad for President Obama, as he doesn't have to say anything, the Palins are screwing their own pooch.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM


    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      I refuse to watch any of it, but remember when $arah encouraged everyone to watch the premiere? You were going to see the "real" Bristol? They honestly thought this was good stuff but it was panned and ridiculed to the max, hence Brancy's "on second thought" crap.

      This family is TRASH. Anyone (Granny) that would purposely leave in an expletive/bad word that a young child issues when they supposedly have control over what hits the air......and wants RESPECT? To be taken SERIOUS?

      We all know Bristol didn't make the "build it" video either.

  10. I think it's quite odd that Sarah posted this photo but must say it made me smile. Trig is adorable and it's nice to see him looking so happy. Sad, however, to see he's without his glasses and is wearing a shirt that's several sizes too big.

    Gryphen - Take a look at the May 5 '08 kitchen photo with Mercede where it doesn't look like Trig has 'sandal gap' (gap between big toe and 2nd toe). I can't tell if that's because of the camera angle or because kitchen Trig and the Trig in the above-photo aren't the same kid. 'Sandal gap' is evident in newborns who have this characteristic.


    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      I was looking at photos of children with down syndrome. That separation between the toe and the other four toes is typical of down syndrome kids. My impression was that in the latest photos of Trig, he doesn't look all that "DS" as if it has a particular look. But, the "sandal gap" is an indication of DS.

    2. WakeUpAmerica7:45 PM

      No way is that Trigg.

  11. Ummmm...... Where did this Trig come from? Gee Louise....how many babies are living in that hillbilly compound??

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      this looks like "all by myself at church camp" trig. he is a cutie.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Blue TriG or the FAS TRiG.
      Both are adorable but just come out and admit barstool had twins!
      one had DS and the other FAS.

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Bristol at CHURCH camp?


    4. Anonymous9:34 PM

      There is NO sign of FAS!! So many ignorant comments.

    5. Anita Winecooler10:18 PM

      What word rhymes with "camp" and "fits" Bristol?

  12. vegaslib6:08 PM

    That chin could put someone's eye out. And she thought this would make her look better? Good choices are not the Palins strong point.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      That chin looks ridiculous. She should have kept her old chin.

  13. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Faggot or Fucker, doesn't matter. He's a Palin in the making, rude, obnoxious and not cute even though he thinks he is.

  14. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Losers say what?

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Losers say what?
      Yea, we know, we ain't no church goin' griftin hillbilly family most of us are LIBERALS, but
      we would not let our 3-4 or any age until teens...OK to say fuck and hopefully we will teach our LIBERAL VALUES so our kids don't call LBGT or anyone names like faggot!
      But that just us Liberals..huh krusty?

  15. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You just know Bristol is itching for another realtime television event to showcase her Sarah Jr. bag of bones.

    Won't make her a better dancer on DWTS or a better looking parent in whatnot.

  16. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Check out that chin y'all..was Ms.Fartullo right after all and she did have jaw surgery not an implant? To err is human..

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Ok never mind I thought that was an OLD pic 'cause Bristle looks 14 or so OMG the Adderall sure's taking its toll..

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      On that pic above, she looks like she is in her thirty's.

    3. Anonymous9:09 PM

      8:03 pm

      You're being awfully kind there, unless it's "late 30's" and some "hard years" at that.

  17. After the horrible shooting last week, I kept hearing people use the word "psychopath" to describe the shooter. Since I'm not in the mental health field, I decided to do a little research, and I read a book by Dr. Robert Hare, an expert in the field. It's too soon to tell if the shooter is one, but, of course, the book could have been written about Sarah Palin. The term fits her to a tee.

    I know that won't surprise anyone here, but it got me thinking about her kids and how they must perceive the world. Her girls are absolute horrors, but I don't think they ever had a chance to be anything else. They're not very bright and were raised by a psychopath.

    Are they even capable of understanding how this horrible show makes them appear to normal people? I doubt it.

    1. The best book on the subject is called "The Psychopath Test" - recent book and really funny as well. There are psychos all around us...

    2. Durham6:49 PM

      I didn't read the book like you did, but I went to Wikipedia and found what they describe as a psychopath also fit her to a tee. After reading that, there is don't doubt in my mind she is one. I'm sure Schmidt and the others in the campaign would agree without hesitation.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      re: the shooter. Folks like to throw psych terms around in instances like this, but he actually doesn't fit the true psychopath profile(Sarah, absolutely, along with another boatload of dysfunctions).

      However, don't be surprised if he turns out to be schizophrenic or something similar. Male, late teen or young adult, extremely intelligent, and fairly sudden onset. "There's a fine line between genius and insanity--Oscar Levant.

    4. The most incredible thing I learned from Dr. Hare is that psychopaths don't care if they are caught in lies - it absolutely doesn't matter to them since they have no conscience. When they're caught in a lie, they don't suffer even embarrassment. That explains so much about Sarah's behavior, doesn't it?

      What hell that family must live through (and cause). I didn't even recognize Bristol in that picture. She looks so much older and sickly. If she weren't such a despicable person and a wretched mother, she'd be a tragic figure.

      I think The Learning Channel should do one more Palin reality show where they fly a team of psychiatrists and psychotherapists up to the compound and do some intensive therapy for a few years. After they remove all the children, of course.

      But another thing I learned about psychopaths - they can't be fixed. It's who they are - intraspecies predators who suck the life out of everyone around them. That's our Sarah!

    5. I've read the aforementioned books, but I found the best to be The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout. Chapter 3 describes a Sarah Palin type - right down to the non-existent college degree.

    6. Anita Winecooler10:28 PM

      The monster with red hair knows all about symptoms of depravity, and was acting the part quite well in court in the short clip I saw on the news

  18. Honestly, I just can't watch that poor child be abused one more night. Bristol seems to recognize that she's not a good parent but she makes no effort to be a better parent. Kind of like her whacko Mother knowing nothing about the '08 debate topics, but making no effort to study. The very sad part of this is that now we're talking about a child's life and this abuse will take a toll on him for the rest of his life. I'm so totally disgusted that Lifetime (and Levi) has allowed this abuse to continue and to be recorded for posterity. If there'a one good thing, it's that maybe the tapes of the show will be helpful for Tripp's future therapists.

  19. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I bet she's on the same diet pill, fat melting, skinny latte diet that her mom is on. My guess is this means she headed back to DWTS and an all out redemption effort where she tosses the frumpy outfits and the "I'm too pregnant to move" schtick. I don't know Brissy, you have to find a new way to rig the votes (maybe DWTS made her a deal?) and you'll be up against competitors that won on actually skill and charisma. How are you not going to get the early boot.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Pssst! Word on the street: meth is great for melting the fat away plus you can go for days without sleep, trouble is your hair starts falling out and your teeth do the same. Not good for brain cells either. Who does that remind you of?
      Palins please go away now.

  20. Put the unedited portion of that on your blog Bristol. Then you have all the vindication you deserve. If you won't do that, then I will go with what I know I saw on the show. They didn't bleep it entirely. I also need to lip read to comprehend what is being said. He said faggot. Prove otherwise. The words of the producer aren't cutting it.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Because what producer would openly admit to choosing content that exposes the 'star' of the show as the homophobe that she probably is. It exposes her and her sister as the haters they really are, without a clue as to what is appropriate in raising a child. Raising the child on tv to feed their celebrity kardASSian wannabee is the first thing that comes to mind. Selling a child's image to feed some desire (fame? money? certainly not to piss off Levi?) is so typical of the Valley Trash.

      Apparently allowing your child to say faggot, and then apparently not responding correctly to this, and then televising it for the world to see... how Patently Paylin.

  21. Anonymous6:25 PM

    OT, but Bristol's so-called "full time job" is caring for Trig. She gets paid to watch her own kid. Imagine that!

  22. Virginia Voter6:27 PM

    I won't be watching Life's a faggot, I mean fucking Tripp, cause, well frankly I'd rather poke my eyeballs with toothpicks, but I am loving this whole train wreck .

    Only a hillbilly trailer trash family would defend their toddlers use of the word fuck, like that's so much better than saying faggot. I mean really, who does that? And what's even more hilarious is that the pious church lady Nancy French has to pound out blog posts about the little brats cursing problem. Hmm,,let's see, which is worse, fuck or faggot? Either way, you lose Bristol...you're a horrible mother raising a future juvenile delinquent destined to be expelled from preschool. No preschool will allow his hitting, cursing, and homophobic slurs.

    1. Preschool? We don't need no stinkin' preschool.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      >>>"And what's even more hilarious is that the pious church lady Nancy French has to pound out blog posts about the little brats cursing problem."

      This is where there maybe needs to be a new definition of blog whoring. Blog Ho'in? That's you Nancy!

    3. WakeUpAmerica7:42 PM

      You are spot on with your comments.

  23. Durham6:40 PM

    I've never heard anybody calling someone a "Fuck". Calling someone a "faggot" on the other hand makes, a hell of a lot more sense and I have no doubt he used the word the way he heard it being used. Bristol is still trying to talk her way out of this because she knows it's damaging her. I'm surprised they let it be used either way. I guess Bristol did not have enough common sense to stop it when it happened.

    1. I don't expect a 3-yr old to curse using correct grammar or to necessarily get all the words right.

      I think he said, '...you fuckit'--kind of a combo of 'fuck you,' 'fuck it,' and 'faggot'.

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Yep, it was faggot that he said, you can hear the 't' at the end.

    3. Anonymous8:26 PM

      yes, you have, but usually preceded by the adj. stupid or dumb.

  24. WakeUpAmerica6:42 PM

    That's Bitchtol? Who's the kid because it sure as hell isn't Trig.

  25. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Geeez...looks like Sarah once again thinks she is a celebrity. Sick!!!


    1. Cracklin Charlie7:10 PM

      She looks SO fake!

      And that's got to be a wig, right?

    2. Love the picture! Baldy wearing her frosted tip wig trying to compete with her porn star sister...Lisa Nailin Palin...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      Look at the tit tays! Get it Baldy...those Repubs will for sure be hanging out at your table at the "strip" mall in Tampa! LOL!!!

    3. Holy Schmoly. What totally obviously fake breast'eses.

    4. Anonymous8:04 PM

      She looks like she just cut someone's brakes.

    5. Is that Adrienne the token African-American Palinbot next to her?

    6. Anonymous8:43 PM

      That's Glen Rice's sister. Cocoa Puffs thinks she can trick her into revealing Glen's address.

    7. Anonymous8:47 PM

      The girls came out to play!

    8. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Hmmmm, was she responding to comments stating that she never showed CLEAVAGE?

      Too bad it's such a blurry photo, because it still doesn't look like cleavage. Just a smooth plastic mid-chest with two melon-sized lumps on either side.

  26. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Palin & Todd w/General Clark...disgusting on his part!


    1. The Asylum is in a tizzy over the Baldy sighting..here's some tweets...

      "Alan Sepinwall

      To those asking, it wasn't Tina Fey. Todd Palin's on an
      NBC reality show, and a made-over Sarah accompanied him & of course
      got all the q's.

      Sarah Palin generated such a huge interview scrum that it
      threatened to leave the actual NBC stars ignored. So weird. #tcas12

      At NBC's #TCAs12 party, a VERY glammed-up Sarah Palin just walked by. So strange."

      Notice they said Baldy was "glammed-up"...yeah, because normally she looks like she smells and sniffs the armpits of her "cloths" (waving at the Toad) before she goes on TV or in public!

      I guess one of her sugar daddies must have gave her some "walking around hooker money" so she could get cleaned up! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Clark is a shameless profiteer. Looks like they're talking shop.

  27. Anonymous6:49 PM

    OMG - Toad really looks odd in this pic and WTG was Sarah saying...


    1. The Toad looks like Baldy's PIMP! LOL!!! And Baldy...well she's showing what she's famous for! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Yeah - she's around an old man, so the tongue actions starts. It's a reflex with $carah... daddy issues?

    3. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Baldy is showing the crowd the best way to give a political blow job and Toad is so proud of her for remembering the technique she learned from his hookers. But all kidding a side it looks like Palin's meth mouth is just flaring up again. Todd is hiding his meth mouth behind that plastered on grin.

  28. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Uh oh. Wallow practiced a perm on Brisdul's hair. I have to disagree Gryphen, Bristol finally looks healthy. It's good to see mother and son together and having a good laugh. They must have just gotten back from Applebee's.

  29. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Bristol's defense on Tripp's F-word makes no sense. She blames those nasty liberals/irresponsible reporters for claiming Tripp uttered a slur, instead of a foul expletive.

    It would be like a child caught eating all the cookies in the cookie jar. And he thinks he's justified because the cookies didn't taste good.

    She got caught allowing her kid to use bad language. Doesn't matter what he said. She GOT caught, and she allowed to keep in on the show, and she and Willow were acting like they couldn't stop giggling, and Tripp says he hates people, and slaps and curses and and she's pivoting to make the issue about how media is to blame, because they are reporting the wrong 'bad' word.

    And, she needs a hero like Matt Lutz to come to her defense. This is what is most striking about this kerfuffle. Bristol wants a male figure to permit her to bullpoop her way through life.

    1. Anita Winecooler10:34 PM

      Lutz is a Putz!

  30. That's the new VBS Trig.

  31. Anonymous7:01 PM

    It doesn't matter which "F" bomb Tripp dropped, the point is he was censored by the network for the "F" bomb slur. Regardless of whether he used the slur "Faggot" or "Fuck it" it was inappropriate and offensive. I'm an adult homosexual so I can say both words. Tripp will have to wait until he's older and then he too can use both words. I can already tell that little cry baby is going to be a big old fag when he gets older. Bristol is going to shit her pants, LMAO!

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      I don't want to speculate on a pre-schoolers sexuality,but he sure is a whiny thing.

  32. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Bristol's lookin' like one of the "Ethernopians" (H/T to Southpark)

  33. Cracklin Charlie7:05 PM

    That's one nice set of choppers Trig's got, there!

    Very cute kid. Has he been in Bristol's show, at all?

  34. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Bristol's PR person could only be worse if she issued a blogpost stating that "that fucking little brat did not call someone a motherfucking faggot he fucking called them a Fuck! Get it, a Fuck not a Faggot, geez, fucking grow up...."

    I love writing PR material, perhaps I should give Bristol a call.....

    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Brisket IS a FUCK! Wallow, also, too. Neither are ones I'd have, but they ARE FUCKS for any dudes drunk or desperate enough to dip your wicks into those skanks. You betcha!

  35. Virginia Voter7:13 PM

    Alright I can't sleep, cause I drank too much caffeine today, so I figured I'd watch the two most boring chicks on the planet talk. In the first eight minutes you can see all of Bristols obsessions manifest ...Gino is texting, and she snaps, tells Willow she doesn't trust him (sound familiar), talks about her weight fluctuations and how she and Willow will go for lipo sculpting ...oh and 17 year old minor Willow lives in her own one bedroom apartment while she attends hair school. Now we get to watch while they get their fat sucked out.

  36. vegaslib7:16 PM

    The first time I ever heard my daughter say a curse word, she was 10 years old and immediately apologized. It's not that she didn't hear curse words, she just knew she wasn't allowed to say them, at least she didn't around me. Either I was extremely lucky as a mother or I instilled some sort of rules that she understood.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      My Dad is 91 plus and there is no way I would DARE swear in front to him!

  37. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Where are the pictures of Sarah holding her "son" Trig in such a mutually warm embrace? Where are ANY pictures of Sarah holding Trig (once he was old enough to fight back)?

  38. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Lets face it normal people,
    The Palins had this nasty clip to release if Briskets reality show failed. While Obviously Tripp said this, this never would have seen daylight if her show had been a hit.
    Brisket, in the Heath/Palin family tradition is only using her offspring for $$$$. like to blame 21 yr old Brisket, I do feel this reaches back to her poor childhood and the lack of a true mother figure.

    Little Rabbit
    And while I would

  39. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Trig doesn't look too severely DS. Was there a trade somewhere along the line?

  40. Virginia Voter7:22 PM

    Wow, Bristol purchasing Willow a dead bear as a housewarming gift. Willow making too many librul democrat friends...Bristol worried her sister is changing too much....these girls make watching grass grow look exciting in comparison. Why does this show only have like 4-5 minutes of run time then 5 minutes of commercials? Oh, yeah, I think I answered my own question.

    1. That's why when I watch it online...no commercials and that 21 minutes go by hecka slow...I can't imagine watching it LIVE!


    2. Anita Winecooler10:40 PM

      Wasn't the look on Beefy's face priceless? Blank Stare
      Blink Blink Blink
      "I'm starting to worry for Willow"
      Blank Stare

  41. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I think that Miss Sarah just lost any hope of being invited to the big coronation party next month in Tampa. I think that ol' Ann RMoney is turning up her nose at the thought of having that hillbilly trailer trash family in the same room as her and all her 1%ers. The RMoneys = Thurston Howell III and Lovey.
    I don't know about anybody else but that convention in Tampa is going to be a real hoot! Grab your popcorn and be ready to be entertained. Sarah for VP! AGAIN!

    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Nope, underneath the exterior, Lovey and even Thurston had hearts.

  42. lostinmn7:33 PM

    If that's a recent brisket shot someone needs to talk to her about rapid weight loss - bulemia or diet pills to that degree are not healthy. Then again it could be someone just stretched her fat face upward and tied it tight in that bun on her head. A little black skin paint and you've got a winner. But she better watch out because if they pull that skin any tighter the chin might penetrate the skin and pop out the bottom. They trying to sell this kid as Tri-G or this another kid she calved? Or maybe Waddle's she might have one with another on in the oven, do the Palin women do anything besides breed, calve, bitch and live off other people?

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      I just can't figure out how people are saying Bristol is dangerously skinny based on that photo.

      She's doubled over and most of her body is covered by Trig. She may in fact be very skinny now (she did look to be in the super-shorts photo with Gino in the Arizona manse), but I can't conclude anything by the photo posted above.

  43. Virginia Voter7:38 PM

    Oh no he didn't! Gino asks Bristol if Nancy writes all her blog posts, and now Bristol kicks him out of the car on the way to the Grand canyon! Tripp is protesting, and grabbing his arm...this is child abuse, pure and simple, and Bristol is telling Tripp that Gino isn't a good daddy, and she'll find him a new daddy. Gino is crying, maybe this is ll planned but from his reaction it seems on the level.

    Then the coven talks shit about Gino right in front of Tripp. Can someone please call Levi Johnston, now? His kid is going to be screwed for life.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Levi should run for the hills because Tripp is already broken. He's getting a new family now and Levi needs to let Tripp just be a Palin.

    2. OH SHIT...for reals VV?? I can't wait to see this! Love the hillbillies doing their hillbilly thing and reinforcing their hillibilliness!

      VIVA Wasilla Hillbillies!


    3. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Are you sure this isn't "Fark"?

    4. Anonymous9:30 PM

      I agree with Anonymous at 8:16PM. Levi should just let Trippp be a Palin and focus on his new baby and girlfriend and do it right this time around. In 14 years he won't have to pay child support anymore or deal with the Palins anymore. When Trippp is a legal adult and if he wants to have a relationship with Levi, then they'll have a better chance of developing a healthy relationship.

  44. crew 37:41 PM

    Tripp said "fuckhead." They won't release the tape without the bleep because it is not going to make things look any better.

  45. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I switched over to see what was going on and Bristol put Gino out on the side of the road. Tripp was saying he didn't want his "daddy" to go. Bristol said she would find him a good "daddy". That did it for me. Bristol is abusing Tripp on national TV. Just unfreaking believable!!! She is lower than trash!

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      I know. That broke my heart. I agree. Child abuse.

  46. Anonymous7:42 PM

    It looks like a pom pom on her head. If her sister is going to "hair school" why do these girls look like ninnys?

  47. Anonymous7:42 PM

    That's the Brisket??? Now way! Well except it maybe her new chin. Whose the kid? Is this the one she had after DWS?

  48. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I don't know where to begin. She thinks she "made the right decision to leave a friend on the side of the road?" Oh my. And then discussing this decision with her toddler child. Okay, this is getting out of control. This family couldn't come across any worse. I am beginning to wonder if Lifetime knows exactly what they are doing.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      The Palins are all so trashy. See y'all in Tampa. LOL

    2. Anonymous9:10 PM

      I am thinking Lifetime is NOT fan of any Palin.I think they are purposely destroying Bristol on this show. I think Willow is FOR gay marriage. LOL

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      This is just a stupid reality show, right people. He's not left on the side of the road; he just got into one of the camera crew's car. I don't doubt Gino can act, he seems to be the most comfortable on camera. But it is confusing for a child and this still is child abuse. This is all scripted to try to create drama and they know people with get all excited when they mistreat this kid.

  49. Virginia Voter7:50 PM

    Ah, Willow claims in a job interview that she does Sarah's hair for her Fox News appearances...now it all makes sense.

    Bristol drives a uhaul 1400 miles in a day, and meets up with Gino in Seattle...I can't believe Levi actually stayed with this psycho for so long. Get out Gino, get out now.

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Bristol probably flew to wherever they filmed her in the UHaul for a few minutes--like when Sarah flew to her bus. I seriously doubt Bristol drove that to Alaska. Who's black SUV was she driving in AZ and what happened to it? There isn't any flow with the show--it's just too chopped up/haphazard.

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      9:19 There isn't any flow with the show--it's just too chopped up/haphazard.

      I noticed that too. When they're in WA with Sarah, they're bragging about how Willow is going to one of the top 10 hair schools. Then, several episodes later, she is just starting to look at hair schools. Maybe Sarah is in charge of editing for continuity.

  50. Anonymous7:51 PM

    And she just blamed Gino for HER ditching him on the side of the road. I am amazed.

  51. Anonymous7:52 PM

    God.... it's like she thinks she can just continue to dangle men in front of Tripp looking for "good daddies." Poor kid can even see that his mother is a total bitch to Gino and sides with him.
    And what's the latest fight over? Because he called her out on Nancy ghost writing her blog.

    1. Anonymous10:16 PM

      The Palin's can't handles the truth.

  52. Anonymous7:53 PM

    What's that on her head?Another missing dog?

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      I think Anon 7:53 just found Charlie, the dog who ran away but Wallow caught and ate, then arranged on top of her slutty sister's head like a pom-pon. Poor Charlie!

  53. Anonymous7:54 PM

    After wondering why Bristol would have allowed her son to be shown saying either "fuck" or "faggot" on national television (well, OK, on a little-watched cable show), especially as that scene was not "live" but caught on tape and shown as the result of someone's conscious decision to show it -- I've come to the conclusion that Bristol and her mother decided to air the scene to use as librul bait.

    They knew that showing Tripp using a homophobic slur (and I do believe he said "faggot" -- we know from their FB pages that both Bristol and Willow use this word) would get them a pass from their own base, but would definitely be noted in evil librul world.

    That would give them the opportunity to accuse those librul critics of calling poor little toddler Tripp (and he is a poor little toddler, with Bristol for a mother) names.

    Of course, nobody called Tripp names, they called his mother out for being a piss-poor example of a mother, which she is (many also noted that with Sarah as an example to follow poor Bristol was doomed in that department).

    I have no way of knowing if I'm right, of course. But it makes sense to me, LOL.

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Now you're talking. This is too over the top. No one would watch boring Bristol so we'll make her into a freak show and add a few scenes where we twist Tripp up a little. We straighten him out after the scene is shot. No harm, no foul. But it gets those libs heads just spinnin'. And look at all the traffic the Brancy blog got today. She can't get the crowds watching for then enjoyment or interest, but she can get people all ticked off so they'll rant about her to all their friends. Yuck, just so icky.

    2. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Makes sense to me too. It's Sarah's modus operandi.

  54. Anonymous8:00 PM

    She looks like an anorexic with a shovel for a chin.

  55. Bristol: Ooh sorry for leaving you at the gas station
    Gino: Doh!
    Bristol: Do you think we should break-up, or go get some pizza?

    OMGawd Bristol you are the biggest bitch, worst mother and total waste of plastic surgery.

    Side note~ For the baby bear you got stuffed for your sister... The Mama Bear says THANKS so much for taking care of that ball and chain of a cub!I'm sure you know how kids tie ya down and all...

  56. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Is that her sex tape weight?

  57. Oh and another thing Bristol... Baawhaaa to the next guy on the roaster (ya I meant that).
    If your boy was smart he would choose to live with his REAL father, you are completely messed up.

  58. There's no way the little child in the arms of Bristol (that IS Bristol, isn't it?) is the same child as the one Sarah Palin is holding a year and a half ago in Arizona: http://tinyurl.com/cdvmuxl

    So -- are they fostering little aboriginal/Alaskan native toddlers in the hopes we guess it's Trig, or are they just shuttling them in one door and out the other just to mess with our minds?

    1. Good point and comparison...those eyebrows don't change, know matter how many months go by, but these two photos show a curved eyebrow and a very straight eyebrow...can't be done, certainly can't be changed, these are two different children Absolutely!

    2. Tyroanee, it's more than the eyebrows. The nose, the lips, the distance between lips and chin, even the earlobe. All different. That can't be explained away by a year-and-a-half between photos (assuming the one above is recent).

      Now that I've gone away, and returned to this blog post again and looked at that picture of Trig (?) again -- he looks like Levi Johnston even more than Tripp does (personally, I never saw that resemblance, but some say they have).

      Tripp is a Chuckie look-alike, nor a Levi look-alike.

  59. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "Take a little vacation with my baby." Take a vacation from what? You don't do a damn thing, Bristol. Your entire life is a vacation.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Baby? What baby?

    2. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Being almost famous is hard work.

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Carrying that backhoe-shaped chin around must be pretty exhausting after being on a 6-month meth binge!

  60. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Maybe she and her mom can appear on Fake Celebrity Eating Disorder Rehab.

  61. Virginia Voter8:13 PM

    So boys and girls what did we learn tonight. That we have been right all along about Bristol...she is obsessed with her weight and appearance, Willow is playing a cruel joke on Sarah, Bristol is a complete passive aggressive psycho as Mercede Johnston as described her in detail for years, oh, and she's a shitty mother. And most importantly, that Nancy writes all the blog posts....thanks, Bristol !

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Well, the current Bristol has achieved the drastic weight loss she desired. Not sure if it was from the methods described on her latest show but she's anorexic now, so hopefully she's happy.

    2. Anonymous10:02 PM

      The whole Palin family have a serious passive aggressive thing going on.

  62. Anonymous8:13 PM

    One thing for sure is he said faggot and he got it from Bristol and Willow.This sounds exactly like the crap those two skanks posted on their own facebook pages.To these two dipshits faggot is funny and they use it talking to each other all the time.The kid hears this shit with those two assholes laughing and thinks it must be funny so he uses it too.What a crock of shit with Bristol acting innocentOh he got it from the family.Another fucking palin lie.

    1. I don't know whether the two Palin sisters posted crap on their own Facebook pages (or MySpace pages) but I do know they posted homophobic slurs on another Wasilla teen's Facebook page when he had the "nerve" to criticize "Sarah Palin's Alaska" -- on his OWN Facebook page!

      You'd think you could write a personal opinion on your own Facebook page without a pair of Palin troll sisters butting in, wouldn't you?

  63. Anonymous8:13 PM

    She is showing a little cleavage with the Belmont girls at the party in LA. It sort of looks like she has some implants now. You can see the edges even tho she tries to keep them covered, but she also has a very deep "v" in the front of her dress. This must be the intro of the Enhanced Belmont girls. She will probably start showing more cleavage in the future...

  64. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Let's pray Bristol is picked for DWTS. What a great way to see if she has a weight loss. Or if she can "outeat" the exercise of dancing.

    Am I wrong or what, first it was 10PM, then 11PM and tonight we don't get her til midnight. What's wrong with this picture?

  65. irresponsible reporters are writing that Tripp uttered a slur on the episode, which he didn’t.

    Oh, really? So what DID he say that freaked you and Willow out?

    1. Anonymous10:16 PM

      And why did the network have to bleep it?

  66. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Is it just me or have you also noticed that in every episode or almost every episode, Bristol mentions marriage to Gino. Why the rush? Maybe because She thinks she's a Kardashion and will get paid millions to air it on her show and get everything for free as well? Gino is her puppet and the marriage will not last. Tripp will get more screwed up in the head and lash out even more. I thought thus show was suppose to be about Bristol raising Tripp as a single mom and how hard she has it. I hardly ever see her with Tripp and she's always having fun. What a train wreck. On second thought, Bristol please pull the plug and go away.

  67. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I understand that Bristol left Gino at the side of the road. That's a wonderful lesson for Tripp. He will always wonder if Bristol will leave him at the side of the road, too. He's too young to understand that they were filming a fake reality show.

  68. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Wow that picture is quite shocking! I'm sure Sarah posted it as a dig towards Bristol. Sarah is obviously jealous of the attention Bristol is getting. What's wrong with the palins fashion sense? It looks like Bristol took a dump in those mismatched shorts. And what's with the Palin obsession with hoodies? Trying to hide something?
    Finally which Tri-G is this supposed to be? Ruffles? Another stand-in? What a weird creepy "family".

  69. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Obviously willow did her hair to make her look even more ridiculous. The Palin girls hate each other and this is just one way they express it.

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      passive aggressive behavior

  70. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Looks like a spent feather duster glued to the top of a garden trowel.

  71. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I won't be watching the Palin child abuse hour this week but look forward to getting the straight full story here.

  72. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Run, Gino, run! This is your chance. You are free. Run and don't come back. Get as far away from this psycho-bitch as you possibly can. She said she doesn't want you so hold her to that. Don't even think about trying to reason with her - it can't be done. She will try to get you back but don't believe her - she is just playing games. Run, man. Do it now!

    1. Anonymous10:40 PM

      You sound like a concerned friend with good advice. Don't look back Gino!

  73. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Someone is borrowing Snookie spray tan ;) and weeee bit too much cleavage, what the heck i"m in Hollywood!!!

    Sarah Palin, poolside at the Beverly Hilton Tuesday night at the TV Critics Association


    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      I wonder if the reporter is asking, "Do you think it's a good idea to be attention whoring in Hollywood while your grandson is being turned into Jeremy Morlock?"

    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Tan? Burn? Strange make-up job?
      You know, she must think she's in trash-heaven. No job to pretend to do, all stitched up and tricked out, her brats home minding her other brat-grandkids, people snapping photos of her but no sound recordings to reflect her screech, no one asking her to remember stuff she didn't understand (like Paul Revere, or reading), no sweltering humidity, no real hair to comb. . . .what could be better?

    3. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Enhanced Belmonts?

  74. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Holy crap Tripp by the end of the show will need counseling!!!


  75. Anonymous9:09 PM

    The Palins couldn't be Homophobic or they would have kicked Todd out a long time ago.

  76. Anonymous9:10 PM

    The toddler with Bristol in the photo still has all of his baby teeth so my guess is he is around 4 or 5 years old. I don't know who he is but he sure has a great smile!

  77. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Levi's Sunny posted they went to an attorney last week and Levi posted he's getting Tripp's room ready. After tonight's episode, Bristol may end up being Levi's "sugar mama", her favorite expression she loves to throw up in Gino's face, via huge child support payments. Halle Berry, Ann Heche,& Sherry Shepard all may HUGE child support payments to their baby daddies.

  78. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Hey, Kristy, let me save you some time. You just pick which defense you want to go with tonight from the following list of your standard responses:

    a) Well, Bristol and Gino just werent right for each other. At least they realized it. Interesting, his family still loves her.

    b) Obviously you arent married. Any married person knows its perfectly normal to make your spouse get out of the car when you have an argument. I personally have done this many times in front of my children and they turned out fine.

    c) Shes not doing anything other people her age dont do. I bet if you saw Levi and Sunny they would be even worse to each other. And Sadie is really mean too, thats why she has no friends and Bristol has tons and tons and tons of friends. Now its proven.

    d) In my work with international A-list celebs, I see them do much worse things to their kids and spouses all the time. Look for couples fighting on youTube and just laugh like the rest of us with an actual sense of humor.

    e) No one who knows Bristol would ever say she is a bad girlfriend. Lots of boys in Wasilla want to date her and think shes hot. FACT.

    f) Your all just libs who hate everyone and lead miserable, unhappy lives reading defunct blogs. And you take one moment out of her entire life and just make up random accusations. Weird. You do not personally know her so you cant judge. This is PROVEN fact.

    --There, any I missed? It's pretty sad that someone as devoted to the Palins as Kristy is can't come up with better or more original material after all this time.

    1. That is spot on Anon 9:15. Gryphen could just pin your parody at the top of each comment thread and save the lunatic Kristy, and us, a lot of time.

    2. Anonymous9:54 PM

      OMG! Awesome preemptive strike against the stalker Krusty!! Very well done!

  79. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Someone on another blog said Bristol told her son "I will find a better Daddy" and Tripp said " i don't want a better Daddy". I haven't seen the show so didn't hear it..that poor kid-where the hell is Levi letting this happen to his son??

    1. Anonymous10:34 PM

      That's a horrible thing to say to Tripp! More child abuse! When will it stop? This is sick cruel stuff Bristol is doing. And she must think it is great reality tv....

  80. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Just tuned into this post. Is this a "caption this contest" with that photo of Bristol and Trig? If so I'll go with Trig saying "My Mommy and I, we chose life"!

  81. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Yeah Bristol, just get Tripp a new Daddy. Just throw out the guy he knows as his Daddy in the middle of nowhere and tell him you will get him a new one - it's just that simple.

    This is even more appalling than the faggot episode.

  82. Okay I am going to watch this thing tonight, just to make sure people aren't yanking me.

    Seriously, she kicked Gino out and told Tripp she was going to get him a different daddy? Where at, "Daddy's R us?"

    And yes Levi does have an attorney now.

    Better lawyer up crazy lady!

    1. Anonymous10:36 PM

      Bristol Palin is just unlucky in love. But while it was easy to blame her first failed romance on the sleazy Levi Johnston, this time she looks like the bad guy.

      On the latest episode of Life's a Tripp, she takes a road trip with her son and boyfriend Gino to visit sister Willow in Arizona. From the moment they arrive, it's clear Bristol has lost that lovin' feeling.

      Rolling her eyes at just about everything the guy does, she tells Willow, "I don't trust him." Apparently Gino has "done stuff," she says. I assume that means he cheated with other girls. Bristol also admits she hasn't exactly been an angel in their relationship either. From there, things go downhill and fast.

      As they all drive to the Grand Canyon, the feisty teen mom is annoyed at just about everything Gino says and does -- including the way he chews -- and she kicks him out of the car at a gas station along the highway. He's left to fend for himself with no means to transportation and eventually books a flight and calls a cab.

      Now, he may be a bad boyfriend and unworthy of her love. That is for her ultimately to decide. But you don't abandon someone in the middle of nowhere. That is just not cool. Especially over something as trivial as him getting on your nerves. That's a real BITCHY move Bristol.

      The saddest part of the whole drama though was how it affected Tripp. As she tossed Gino from the car, the little guy was begging for her to let Gino, who he calls daddy, stay. "I'll find you a good daddy," she says. But Tripp shouts back, "I don't want a good daddy." My heart just broke for him. Gino too. Left shocked and alone, he cries thinking about what a breakup will do to the toddler: "I am going to miss Tripp. I feel like he's my own kid. Nothing I can do because he's not my kid."


    2. WakeUpAmerica10:42 PM

      More than a bitchy move, it was downright cruel. But, but, but....she's such a devout CHRISTIAN!

  83. Aha, Bristol is giving Gino the Levi treatment.

    She was ALWAYS convinced that Levi was cheating, according to his mom and sister.

    BTW, she cheated on Gino more than once.

  84. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Gino should never have anything to do with Bristol after her saying she is his "sugar momma". That would come up over and over through the years. I wonder if she hears Sarah say that to purse carrying Todd.

  85. I think this episode was designed to convince people that Bristol was not pregnant during DWTS.

    There is NO procedure that just melts the fat off. How stupid does she think people are?

  86. Ohhh, it's cosmetic surgery! I stand corrected, that will work.

    These are children, having surgery instead of working out. Good parenting Sarah.

    1. One little fat embolism or kidney failure due to stressed kidneys from Lipodissolve, and you have a Palin vegetable.

      I guess the latest fat dissolving procedures don't involve a vacuum (which has a high risk of bleeding and embolisms) but instead lasers are used. EXPENSIVE! No wonder there are tens of thousands of dollars spent by the Palins on "postage".

  87. She got Willow a stuffed and mounted black bear?

    How much money do these kids have to just throw around?

    1. Is Willow going to put the stuffed and mounted black bear at the entrance to her "hair shop"?

      We have a restaurant in our town that's called "Bigfoot Pub & Grub" and there are about 3 carved wood Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) in front and just inside the entrance. Same tacky feel.

      (the food's great, though)

    2. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Creepy Chuckie probably had a hand in that with his stuffing and mounting of animals everywhere.

      Makes me physically ill that a gorgeous black bear was killed and stuffed for show. And given as a friggin' present to a spoiled little bitchess.

  88. Anonymous10:30 PM

    From the looks of it, Gino is puzzy whipped. And by Bristol Palin no less. Gino, get a life! Was this public humiliation worth 10K? Baby, your rep is ruined.

  89. Holy crap! Gino just called Bristol out over Nancy French writing her blog posts!

    And she didn't even deny it.


  90. So after he mentions Nancy she dumps Gino off in the middle of nowhere, while Tripp grabs onto his arm and begs her not to abandon him.

    The most mature person in the car is Tripp.

    "I'll find you a good daddy." What a bitch!

  91. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I watched last week just to see for myself what Bristol's "show" was all about. I got my fill and it made me sick. won't watch again. The comments are appreciated, although makes me sad once again for Tripp. Bristol is worst mom ever!

  92. Okay now I am just confused as to WHY Bristol agreed to do this show.

    Was she just concerned that not enoguh people knew she was a crappy mother and a terrible person?

    It literally makes no sense.

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Bristol really wanted to show up and destroy Levi but with the Sarah Palin Curse lurking on the show it backfired and made Bristol look like an ass and made Tripp look like a spoiled undisciplined kid.

  93. Anonymous10:43 PM

    That is one big ass chin Bristol attached to her face.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.