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"Okay remember kids, never get dressed in the dark!" |
Here is what the local reporters had to say:
Palin, who endorsed Cruz before the May primary, also mocked Obama, who predicted during a recent Texas trip that the Lone Star State soon would become “a battleground state.”
“There will be an Alaskan-sized blizzard on the Brazos before Texas turns blue for Barack,” said Palin, who wore dark sunglasses and black boots given to her by Gov. Rick Perry, who’s backing Dewhurst. Palin assured the crowd they would all be back on the same team after Tuesday. (God those boots are horrible, I wonder if Perry was not setting her up for ridicule. I do have to set the record straight about something that Palin said in her speech about Alaskans "loving" Texans. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a rule Alaskans truly dislike Texans, and in fact that is the first prejudice I can remember learning as a small boy growing up in my state. Palin is simply pandering here.)
Palin spent most of her 20-minute remarks lambasting Obama and what she called “the permanent political class” in Washington. Palin called Cruz’s election “a come-to-Jesus moment.”
“There is good news,” she said, “and that is, there is nothing wrong with America that a good, ol’ fair election can’t fix.” (Gee if ONLY the Republicans would conduct a "fair"election there is quite a lot we could fix in this country.)
She described Cruz as “a proven, common-sense constitutional conservative, and he’s a fighter and he will bring new leadership to the United States Senate. He will shrink government, he will be putting government back on the side of the American working man and he will defend the Constitution.” (Has he read it yet? Because that might help.)
“Ted is not going to D.C. to make nice with the foo-foo, chi-chi cocktail crowd,” she said. “He’s going to do the heavy lifting to rein in our out-of-control government.”
Palin also injected herself into the Chick Fil-A dustup over its owner’s support for traditional marriage. “Jason,” she said, talking to an aide, “you’re going to have to take me on our way back to the airport later. We drive back a Chick Fil-A. We don’t have that in Alaska. Love me some Chick Fil-A. So, we’ll go there, Jason, on the way, OK?” The crowd cheered. (If you want you can hear the speech for yourself here. However be warned, Palin is at her screechiest best, and it may blow out a speaker or two. Not to mention perfectly healthy set of eardrums.)
And true to her word Palin, and her personal handbag carrier, did indeed stop at Chick-Fil-A in all their white trash glory.
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"Hey, fuck you gay people!" |
How many bags of fast food poison did these people buy?
Personally I don't believe that Sarah eats that stuff, I think she lives on Atkins bars, Red Bull, and hate. She just bought it to give the middle finger to the gay community, and to show her solidarity with the people who are against marriage equality.
Speaking of "haters hating."
Who would guess that Sarah Palin is doing ComicCon? Or are those trial balloons she is testing for a strip act in Tampa next month? She continues slamming with the same old drunk-like word salads. The Tea Party loves them some repeal Obamacare gibberish.
Quitter Palin will announce RNC plans soon ~ like she is in control of what stripper gear she can wear.
Those boots, that dress, at her age? 48 going on 14.
DeleteAnd the knobby knees...
DeleteSomeone observed on another Palin-related blog thread that no matter how much tanning she does, her hands just don't take a tan. I've wondered ever since I first saw pictures of her hands just what weird skin condition she has that affects them. Something like the vitiligo condition that (allegedly) affected Michael Jackson?
At least she had the bad taste yet decency to cover her knees with nylon on her Runner's World cheesecake spread.
Maybe she washes her hands after wiping on the spray tan everywhere else? She's dumb enough.
DeleteI am amazed that she did not put an ad for Bristle's reality show on those circles in the front of her boots. Since she has final say on what gets aired, she should be promoting the foul mouthed family members in the "show"
DeleteMichael had vitiligo, a rare disease that could not get rid of. Sarah Palin has 'the stupid', a not so rare ailment she chooses not to get rid of because Grifters gotta grift
Yep...she and the Toad would go to "Shit-fil-a" and grab a couple of bags of greasy trash...she probably charged it to BaldyPac too!
ReplyDeleteI think they picked it up for RAM.
DeleteNaughty, naughty!
Deleteshut the f%^& up Sarah.
ReplyDeleteThere was a gay kiss shown on the screen of the Olympic opening ceremony.
Behind the times sister. You are behind the times Oh, uneducated also, too.
That is without a doubt her most hideous costume yet.
ReplyDeleteDoes she throw up after she eats or is she anorexic?
ReplyDeleteHer act is getting old which puts the focus on her shape-shifting look of the moment. I am kind of glad she isn't doing the dirty librarian anymore.
What has made her face so puffy? Why the shades inside?
Can't bring myself to listen to the screech. You would think a lot more Tea Party fans in the Houston area.
Who's watching the trible this summer while Sarah, Toad, and the older girls are off posing for the cameras and lying about anything and everything? I know the troll will say "Bristol just loves babysitting Trigg and Piper" but I'm beting DWTS is nearing rehearsals now that the cast has been announced. And Willow hates children.
DeleteIt's funny that we have been told how much the DWTS crew LOVES them some Trigg...wonder how they'll feel when he starts using the F words backstage. And why is that child not enrolled in preschool? Is he going to be another uneducated Palin spawn who gets a girl pregnant when he's 16 or 17 and then neglects to marry too? I have never hated people as a rule, but this bunch of ninnies is really testing my resolve.
As far as Sarah and her sunglasses, somebody posted somewhere that she has probably had her eyes done alongside the boobs, and is hiding bruises.
Now that you reminded me to look, sure enough, there's that same mound of flesh on her left chest exactly like a augmented boob, whether it be Wonderbra or surgically enhanced.
DeleteI guess she's going to sport v-necks instead of crew-necks from now on...boop-boop-de-doop.
She is wearing the sunglasses constantly because she looks old without them.
DeleteSarah's shrinking, in more ways than one, and Toddy is getting buff in the chest as he strains that shirt.
DeleteAnorexia and Bulimia are very different by DSM standards right now, but in real life there is a LOT of cross-over. I imagine Sarah starves herself and when she does eat she throws it up. I also suspect she does give in to the occasional binge and then purges.
DeleteSarah--- eating disorders aside, you really need to go natural with either your skin or your hair. When you tan that intensely and have those blonde things in your hair, it just ends up looking like you're trying to fake your ethnicity.
Are you trying to be young and tanned and skinny because your oldest daughter is hotter than you? (those who don't like how Bristol looks-- she may have a shitty attitude, but I really don't think she's ugly) Must suck knowing you're getting old. Here's another tip: when you get older, you need some fat on your body because otherwise your tanned hide looks like hanging leather.
Not dissing Romney must nearly choke Sarah Palin. It must be torture for her to watch Mitt muck up his foreign tour, knowing he'll be cheered wildly at HIS convention.
ReplyDeleteI don' t think there will be wild cheers this year..the GOP is not real happy with Mittens, and his VP choice will be just as boring and out of touch, as they found out what happens when you choose a rouge rogue to prop up boring.
DeleteConcur with Sally in MI about Willard
Delete(I just love calling him that...why? I don't know. Perhaps he reminds me of a Rat).
Actually both Willard and Whatshername have that rodent like look about them.
Tacky and trashy are the words I would choose to describe that get up she stumbled out in. Hard to believe that anyone would take a word of what she says seriously. She is a true representative of he dumbing down of America and the reality TV phase of our history. Disgusting and really pathetic!
DeleteWhat is with those really, really, really ugly sunglasses?
ReplyDeleteShe wore them at the NBC party, when barely anyone else was doing so.
She's wearing the same pair inside the "restaurant" to pick up her greasy food.
Not only are they unflattering to the max, but it looks like she covering up something -- eye surgery, black eye given to her by Todd, ?????
The whole outfit,of course, screams trash, trash, trash.
And Todd's greasy hair (almost as slick as Mitt's) and '70s shirt. Well, the two deserve each other.
He has the same fatuous no-lip shit-eating grin he did at the NBC "Stars" party, too. Ugh.
DeleteI think she thinks the sunglasses make her look like a movie star.
DeleteThese sunglasses prove, once again, that the eyeglasses are worn only for appearances. You cannot get prescription wrap-arounds. These, and every other pair I have seen her wear, are off-the-rack. I have worn glasses for 55 years. She is a phoney. She does have a touch of strabismus, but the glasses she wears do not correct it.
DeleteThose are weird sunglasses! They remind me of the ones my aunt wore after cataract surgery.
DeleteAnyone know what she was paid - Sarah doesn't eat that Chicken stuff and Sarah doesn't give away free speeches.
ReplyDeleteTea Party Express was there, so maybe they paid her. They've been heavily involved in this race in TX. They've gone to towns and set up their bus as a phone bank. And, TPE/Amy Kremer/Sales Russo love Sarah and they have $$.
DeleteTruck Stop Hooker says what?
ReplyDeleteI can totally see Palin on top of a pinball machine being porked by Jodie Foster.
DeleteROFLMAO. (Seriously!)
DeleteLOL!!! She's got the lot lizard look down.
Deletemore proof that she will do ANYTHING to get a blurb in some news somewhere, anywhere.
ReplyDeletebill in belize
Does she think women in Texas dress like that? She really has NO idea about anything.
ReplyDeleteThose folks thinking she might have been a better VP than Mitt Romney just changed their mind. Insulting the British is nothing compared to this one opening her mouth.
Sarah Palin is the L. Ron Hubbard of the Church of Stupidology.
ReplyDeleteBest comment of the day!
DeleteClap clap! :)
DeleteOh hell yes, I'm stealing that one.
DeleteWait! Cruz went to Princeton. Could it have been because of affirmative action, the way the teabaggers claime it was when Michelle Obama attended Princeton.
ReplyDeleteHe's got a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. Surely he got there on his merits, not because of affirmative action, as the teabaggers accuse Barack Obama.
And, even better, he's an adjunt professor of Constitutional law at UT-Austin -- but not a "real" professor of Constitutional law, as teabaggers accuse our President of being.
Plus, Cruz was actually born in a foreign country! Is he a real American? His parents were Cuban and he was born in Calgary, Texas. How can we be sure he's not a Manchurian candidate, wanting to impose Canadian health care (of which he was a beneficiary) on we, the exceptional, lively, vibrant, mature American people?
Sarah, what were you thinking?
Correction: Calgary, Alberta, Canada, of course.
DeleteOMG, seriously? Teabaggers are even more hypocritical that I already knew...
DeleteOne question.... where did the "girls" go?
ReplyDeleteWhat are those white circles on her boots?? I can't decide if her boots or Todd's shirt is the tackiest.FYI: Perry made a statement after she endorsed Cruz & he went up in the polls that Alaskans should stay out of Texas politics. The GOP establishment hate her more than the progressives.
ReplyDeleteI think they are targets. Or they are what she took into the boob doctor to show him what size she wanted?
DeleteSurveyor's cross hairs, probably.
DeleteWhy would Perry give that tawdry has-been those hideous cheap looking boots? He hates her guts allright.
DeleteOMFG what is she wearing? 'Cause you know, that is JUST how all of us ladies in Houston dress. NOT!!!!! Others in TX probably don't feel this way, but I cannot stand it when people not from our state come to Texas and do that Texas-dress thing like they're one of us or something. When we do wear similar outfits, it's much nicer/blingier faux western look wear and it usually only comes out around rodeo time. Yeah, I wear my cowboy boots to work during rodeo, but this isn't the kind of stuff you see walking down the street every day. And we spend a bit more money on our highlights so we don't look like cheap hookers. She is emaciated and uber-trashy looking. And get out of my city you skank!
ReplyDeleteI'm in Texas and I agree with everything you said.
DeleteShe looks like she is dressing for a rodeo themed street walkers convention. I feel so bad that she represents Alaska, not that they would want her.
DeleteWhen she dressed for Hollywood she wore the bondage shoes.
I know shoes are very important to her and she is making a statement. What does she mean? She screams disconnect from reality, time and place.
Isn't that a definition of insanity?
DeleteI live 3 miles from Texas and I have never seen a Texan woman wear such a juvenile outfit.She's doing her caricature thing again,leather for bikers, weird velour midi dress in the mid west,gladiator sandals for Hollywood,etc.She has the mentality of a 12 year old girl and no fashion sense.
DeleteAnd I keep thinking about how much those boots must stink.
First of all, Texas isn't a "battleground" state. I've lived here since birth, and it's been RED since Nixon's election, and hasn't moved back. I'm not proud of that fact, it's just the way it is. Thankfully, I live in one of the few "blue" counties in Texas, so there's that.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, "I love me some Chick-fil-a"? I call shenanigans on that. I doubt that the harpy has ever eaten chick-fil-a. She's just giving the middle finger to the "liberals". I do feel sorry for the aides who probably had to eat that crap and endure the ensuing stomach cramps and MSG-induced headaches.
And Lastly, I only listened to a few bits of her speech (my eardrums couldn't handle much)... but I had to shake my head at her description of the boots, which she said were a gift from Governor Perry... which became a segue for her to then trash the Governor. Look, I don't care for our Governor either, but to say "Look what he gave me!", followed by a big "Fuck him!" says something about the lack of class this half-term Governor has. That might fly in Alaska (I know it doesn't), but here in Texas, our Mamas teach us manners.
Isn't that "love me some" whatever black vernacular? Is she now pretending that she loves her those back neighbors of hers up in Wasilly too? And you're right; she doesn't eat Chick-Fil-A. Probably never even heard of them until RAm told her she'd better get out there and support the anti-gay owner.
DeleteHer outfit reminds me of the 'cowgirl' outfits on Toddlers and Tiaras, with no cute factor. She looks like one of the moms in that cheerleader movie where the mothers were so cut throat someone died.
No doubt a gift from Governor Perry back when they were getting along well together, in early 2008 before she decided she was 7 months pregnant.
DeleteShe's been saving them for just such a moment, figuring out a way to twist the knife.
Manners. Isn't that the truth. That's why many in TX don't like her. She just does not have any manners. I don't care for Perry, either, but I didn't appreciate her Perry insult, either. Perry kind of knocked her out of the race when he entered. I think she's after revenge.
DeleteDid the boots have the white 'target' thingy on them when Perry gave them to her? Is that a Palin addition? Is it blank or what?
DeleteFugly for sure.
Texas was 45% Obama in 2008. There's a small chance....
Delete45% Obama. She can destroy any chance for GOP in Texas. I hope she does more of this Ho act and says all the sisterly bull. What about Trig, he was almost a fish picker from Texas.
DeleteAs I said in a previous article: Why is she dressed like a waitress at the Big Texan Steak Ranch?
ReplyDeletePalin doesn't pay didn't she continually steal coffee when she was governor? They probably gave it to her and she charged shitpac for it anyway.
ReplyDeletestill wearing the sunglasses - maybe some eye surgery with the boob job?
ReplyDeleteNo matter what side of the chick-fil-a controversy they are on, what a slap in the face to gay and lesbian Americans. Did she have to sound so mean about it?
ReplyDeleteSo presidential, sarah. With the few voters you might ever get if you ran for something, you shouldn't alienating people; even worse for you if you want to be a celeb. Hahahahahah
to Colbertize the 2nd caption.... I keep hearing "Todd and I luv us some Santorum sauce!"
ReplyDeleteToad finally bought a shirt that wasn't two sizes too big, but he got one that's too small. Notice how the junk food covers his belly.
ReplyDeleteMust have been torture for them, since they've starved themselves the last two months.
Why the sunglasses inside? Had a little work done around the eyes, or just red-eyed and strung out?
ReplyDeleteHere in Dallas, Cruz started resorted to various types of political tv ads which *tried* to use some not some obvious subliminal messages involving SP. However, the not so obvious was/is actually really obvious as her pictures of her in days gone by flash by as he blathers about his beliefs, his experience and his platform of relief for America. BLAH!! I've gotten very good at muting him the second his face pops up on my TV screen. Thankfully SP hasn't spoken on the ads, probably because Cruz would have to pay her for her input. I wonder how much he paid her to go to the rally and say a few words on his behalf? Maybe by now he'll think a refund is due him after the poor attendance volume at the rally? I sure hope so!
ReplyDeleteThat rally most likely would have had the same number of attendees even without her.
DeleteWhen are Republicans going to wake up and come after this trash? They had no problem bringing it to Bachman. I just can't comprehend why they continue to let this woman try to take over the Republican party. Get some balls and bring this woman down. It is way past time.
ReplyDeleteBecause she constantly bashes Obama. She serves a purpose to them.
DeleteIMO the elites are using her in gauging the success of their various attempts at dumbing this nation etc.
DeleteFor some reason the Republicans want the trash to bring them down first. They don't want to bring her down until the Palin Curse has demolished the Republican Party entirely.
DeleteSeriously, I think it has something to do with FU MCCAIN!!!!!
Palin looks like a has been hooker and Toad looks like the pimp he is. Just disgusting that these people have taken over the media.
ReplyDeleteOh c'mon don't perpetuate the myth! Trust me, they have NOT "taken over the media" lol! For starters you have to FIND "news" about them via the Internet mostly, you can go lots of places where they are never mentioned unless you search..meh..
DeleteThey are making a small dent in the tabloids. In Sarah's mind that is taking over the media.
DeleteChick-n-shit homophobic trash.
ReplyDeleteI posted the Chik-Fil-A pic on my FB page. Comment from a friend: Okay, I don't want to be judgmental or anything here but.....look at that guys shirt! .....there is no way that dude's never sucked a dick."
ReplyDeleteThat shirt is one DH would have laughed at if we were out shopping and he saw it.It is the exact colors of a tie given to him by a customer that he keeps in his desk in case they come in and he has to act like he wears it to not hurt their feelings.
DeleteHe looks like Sandusky's point man at Second Mile.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I don't think either Sarah or Todd ate a crumb.
ReplyDeleteThe bloated Jason and the monstrous Rebecca probably grabbed the Chick-Fil-A bags out of their hands and gobbled the contents down before they'd even gotten to the airport.
"The monstrous Rebecca" -- bwahahahaha!
DeleteThey probably had a helicopter to take it to Bristol and Willow.
DeleteWhen Nancy Reagan use to hang at the Ranch, she would have almost all meals come in from LA by helicopter.
My husband doesn't follow the Palin circus (he actaully has a life!) byt he saw an ad for "Stars Earn Stripes" and just groaned. I doubt he recognized the short guy in the very back of the ad (notice they never show Toad actually doing anything???) Another Palin show that will tank.
ReplyDeleteI tried to listen to her, but just couldn't. I did read some fan comments afterward. These people are sick, or deluded, or in a trance. She doesn't say anything. She has no plan, no ideas, no nothing but hatred for the current administration. What would she do? They insist she is going to be the nominee (with West, another know nothing angry man) and yet, there is no indication that she has any leadership ability, let alone the intelligence needed to govern. My God people. This isn't the Wasilla City Council. This is the US of A. The world is complicated. She can't even dress herself appropriately, and they think she is POTUS material? I can hardly wait for their hate fest to be over in August so she can crawl back in to her hole.
ReplyDeletesally, i've been thinking the same thing. what does she say? it's b.s., nothing more.
Deleteyou can see that she's totally clueless, yet she do go on for 20 damn minutes.
the worst part was their cheering when she said she was going to Chick-fil-a....what a show of bigotry was in that yell.
pheww.....it's a scary world out there.
Well,now we know her rallying cry if she decided to run in 2016 "A Chick-Fil-A in every pot and a snow machine in every garage!"
Deletedamn she looks really bad..by the way, us here in Colorado hate texans also too!.
ReplyDeleteTami - I'm a Texan...and a democrat, and a liberal. Why do you hate me?
DeleteLight years ago we drove to Colorado with our Texas tags. I remember well how Colorado hated Texas. I was shocked at the rudeness, love 'em or hate 'em Texans were about manners. That was the 50s and I thought everyone had manners until that trip.
DeleteI'm Texan and a progressive as well. I sure noticed the hatred of Texans when I visited as a teen in Colorado. It was really made obvious to us. I guess it is because a lot of Texans vacation there? Maybe many appear to be stupid clods. Who knows? So Alaskans hate Texans too? I'm not too fond of Alaska for giving the world Palin. Blech.
DeleteOne thing I have to say is that Texans used to be about manners.Things have changed with many young people in the last decade or 2.We work in casinos that many Texans frequent and I have never seen such a bunch of young women out to get drunk and act bad and young men who do their best to mistreat them.The lack of manners,respect,and civility is awful.On the other hand,the 35 and older crowd is respectful and mannerly to fault,even when inebriated.The younger crowd seems to feel the need to get stupid drunk and scream,holler,take of clothes,and otherwise force us to evict them.I often feel bad for their parents.
DeleteI'm a Texan, die-hard democrat, liberal, progressive...
Delete...and I have never understood why anyone can "hate" someone based on their home State. It's ridiculous and childish. I've met awful people from many states (some states more than others), but as a previous poster noted, it's all about manners. Hating someone just because they're from "X" state is prejudging, and prejudice is ill-mannered and just plain wrong.
Oh, my, just when I'd defended her as not trying to look especially young. Now she pulls out her tackiest mutton-dressed-as-lamb outfit. Oy. What a mess. She is straight up and down like a man, she needs to lay off the diet pills. Or maybe Todd likes her like that.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Granny Sarah has been in Piper's closet again.
DeleteA hooker and her pimp.
That outfit says everything you have to know about who is left supporting Sarah Palin. She is playing to the bottom of the gene pool. She will not be asked to participate in the Republican Convention. Trash!
ReplyDeleteNo way would Mittens have a Paylin on his ticket, if possible she won't get near the door at the convention. HOWEVER, I would so like to see Ann 'You People' Romney in her convention dress next to Sarah Palin (without RNC stylists) on stage RNC2012. OMGAWD!!!!!!!!
DeleteNow that is the 'RILL' SKANKERBELLE with SHORT PIMP
ReplyDeleteDADDY TOAD. They are an EMBARRASSMENT to Alaska. I wonder if TRIPP likes CHICK-FIL-A to go with his Homophobic Chants. The Spray Tanned SKANK will never change.
Did she buy that t-shirt at the airport? Yikes!
ReplyDeletegood one
DeleteEwww, I listened to some of her speech. Seeing her in photos is a whole other ballgame compared to hearing her and seeing her move. She throws off my equilibrium. She is so shrill, and hyper, and, well, butch. So unfeminine. She reminds me of my fat, whorey, Harley mama cousin-in-law.
ReplyDeleteThe old hateful denizens of c4p have a pic showing their imaginary "Governor"in all her trashy low IQ glory..words fail, she looks a lot like my bigoted slutty ignorant rightwinger aunt in law.
DeleteWhat happened to Sarah's hips? They seem to have disappeared, leaving her looking like a 12 year old boy, except with wrinkly, knobby knees. So weird!
ReplyDeleteIt's good that Sarah spews her homophobic hatred for all to hear, because a majority of Americans support equal rights for the LGBT community and they will remember Sarah's prejudices when they enter the voting booths come November.
Wow, she looks like she has an eating disorder. She has fallen so far since the Republican convention, it's just astonishing. I doubt that Bristol will enjoy the same fervent support on DWTS this time around. I wonder if she's prepared for what I think is going to happen...!
ReplyDelete8:14 She's in for a really rude awakening.
DeleteObviously, it was all for Jason Recher.
ReplyDeleteWhat a couple of Wasillabillies. Valley rash indeedy.
ReplyDeleteJesus, Joseph and Mary!
DeletePaylin's true colors are coming out: She's a racist, sexist, and gay bashing bitch, was we've known, since she was overheard in a restaurant saying:
ReplyDelete"Well, I guess Sambo beat the bitch"
That was back in 2008 when Mr Obama was nominated to be the Democratic nominee for President.
Friends, the political discourse in the USA has now devolved into a virtual civil war.
On one side are the religious and partisan prejudiced like Paylin, West, Demint, Jerry Prevo,
John Kyl, Louis Ghomert, and Sharron Angle.
These people represent the Teparty, the christian supremacists, and the militant dominionists who believe that America needs to be white and Christian.
They dream of America as it was in the 1950's:
Women knew their place in the home, blacks were not welcome in restaurants, and even Jews and Arabs couldn't join a country club. Prayer in school was forced on everyone, and anyone who didn't go to church was looked on as lower than sh*t.
On the other side are ALL the rest of us who want a secular Republic, adherence to the Constitution's separation of church and state, and a Congress where both parties work together for the good of the nation.
We can embrace and live along side, and embrace different races, religions, and ethnic groups in the American tradition as long as everyone is willing to acknowledge the principles of the Founders' vision for American
I don't see this ending well, and it could eventually precipitate enclaves of white separatism, as is now happening in some places in Montana and Wyoming.
With all the anti-LGBT rhetoric, transparent denials, daughter's language and teaching young Tripp hate and derogatory terms, one would think that the last thing Chick-fil-A publictity department would want right now is two rejects from the THE PIMP & HO BALL giving them this kind of "support."
ReplyDeleteEEEEWWWWWW !!!!!!!!! Two greaseballs pimping for grease is not a pleasant picture.
All she needs is a couple of tramp stamps, and she looks like an escapee from the best little whorehouse in Texas.
ReplyDeleteI don't think skankerbelle would be working at the "best" little whorehouse in Texas ;-)
Deletesunglasses in a building? more plastic surgery, fake fake fake......
ReplyDeletewhat plastic surgery would Jesus have? none.
If Sarah really cared about biblical teaching she would be looking at what good she could do in the world instead of what is in it for her. And I thought my family was a mess........
Octomom in high heel cowboy boots. Woo hoo! Ain't she purdy! She's a rock star!
ReplyDeleteBut think how great that look would be as a VP candidate again with Mittens.
ReplyDeleteOut on the stroll again, I see. She looks haggard and almost anorexic. Hope the Chick-Fil-A crap wreaks havoc on her tummy- she deserves it!
ReplyDeleteIf she eats it....she will most definitely force herself to barf it back up.
DeleteAnd yet this trash was the pick for McCain.
ReplyDeleteAnd she was a better candidate than Mittens!
DeleteCaption for the Chick-fill-a Palin photo... {{{Steers and Queers}}}
ReplyDeleteI think that when Sarah Palin wears her sun glasses, she does not want to make eye contact with people. It's disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteShe's high as a kite most of the time.
DeleteMy skank-ometer pegged in the red when I saw that pic. What the fuck!!! Skanklin has the fashion sense of a 10 year old with the intellect to match. She's a rotting disaster onion. As each layer peels off the next one is even more foul.
ReplyDeleteI guess she alienated any gays who supported her (RAM), also too!
alienated any gays...
DeleteBig mistake. Think of all the support she could have had for her tranny looks.
Back in the day theRE was a huge effort to organize against the old Biblical interpretationS of Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
DeleteIt was VERY SUCCESSFUL and got rid of her TV show and she did have to zip it some.
If they decide to stand up to Sarah or Bristol they will be done in a flash.
We will see what happens. The sooner the hate is squashed the better. ORGANIZE!
If your are too good for the foo-foo, chi-chi cocktail crowd, try a little Chick-fil-A
What makes Chick-fil-A so yummy addictive ? http://nicolesnutrition.com/?p=790
Anyway, Chick-fil-A is pretty sneaky and smart because they use a bunch of additives that help to enhance the flavor of their chicken and food like disodium inosinate, for example. The best options are the side items, and the grilled chicken salad and sandwich aren’t terrible.
Dream on
Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy, left, and son (and current chief executive) Dan Cathy
Happiness for an Alaskan is a texan heading south with a paylin under each arm.
ReplyDeleteGranny Tranny going all Miley Cyrus circa 2008. What a fucking embarrassment for the GOP.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad the GOPs pretend not to notice the smelly garbage pit they created. They look as atrocious as their couple.
DeleteWhen I worked in Rockefeller Center in New York City many years ago, a few blocks over were the live sex shows (this was in the pre-Guiluiani, pre-corporate takeover of Times Square)....walking over to a restaurant for lunch, we'd pass the guys on the sidewalk in front of these dives, trying to lure us inside.
ReplyDeleteI swear, "Dixie Madison," one of the performers whose photos was on the billboards outside looked EXACTLY, PRECISELY, like one "Pixie Palin," reincarnated here on a stage in Texas.
Only maybe "Dixie" was a little more fetching.
I live in Texas, and the only women who wear boots with short skirts are very young (teenagers, college etc), models on photo shoots (usually referencing in a non-serious way the stereotype of women in boots). Good heavens, I guess we're lucky she didn't wear them with cutoff denim shorts!
ReplyDeleteAnd just to make sure we didn't miss her own personal style spin - she wears an image of boots on her sweater! And then, even more ham-handed, she wears MATCHING BLACK boots, skirt, and sweater - black, in July in Texas.
One thing you gotta give her: she sure makes it hard to miss how tacky and trashy her taste is.
She made herself into a a local laughingstock with this one. Right up there with how she couldn't handle a gun.
As a fellow Texan, you hit it on the nose!
DeleteThe only time to wear boots is when your working the horses/cattle or going to a dance. Or maybe if you got some shit-kickin' to do - but do it with boot leg jeans on, please!
DeletePlease get her out of my state. We have enough problems with Perry here. The state isn't big enough for those two mentally challenged egomaniacs. Sarah, take your Chik Fil A and shove it.
ReplyDelete“Dude. It's not the attention they want. It's the fact they they're probably tired of people making money off their name, lies, and drama and they are just living their OWN lives. Try it sometime.
ReplyDeleteThere isn't one person who posts here who can't have everything successful, wealthy people have. It's called hard work and not buckling under stress.”
I just have to respond to this snotty comment some Palinbot left on another recent thread:
The Palins are all about making money off the names of others, lies, and drama, so shut the fuck up! Why can’t those Palin assholes live their OWN damn lives out of the spotlight? They are nothing but LAZY attention whores! None of them has a real job. $arah Palin “buckled under stress” after only a short time being John McCain’s V.P.! The stupid bitch couldn’t even handle governing the least populated state in the country! The skank can’t even do a real interview, and runs away from reporters!
The Palins aren’t even worth anything. Nobody wants to buy their ghost-written trash, or watch their shitty teevee shows. The Palins are being aided by a small group right-wingers in Hollywood. Nobody else wants them.
You are a fucking idiot! People can work their ASS off, and still be poor! You are so fucking stupid, and naïve! Poor people work harder than rich people! You are a fucking SNOB! Working class people are what keeps this country going, not the small number of wealthy parasites, like the Palins. And: You don't have to be wealthy to be "successful," you fuck-face! Having money isn't everything to some people!
Most rich people don’t work hard. A lot of them were born into wealth. Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump were born with silver spoons in their mouths! They are not self-made men. They would be nowhere, if it weren’t for their rich daddies! Just like Bri$tol Palin would be nowhere if weren’t for her rich-clown mother, who was a former half-term governor, and failed VP candidate.
$arah Palin didn’t even work to get that VP spot. John McCain picked her out of desperation, and then the move backfired, anyway. $arah Palin is the worst case of affirmative action, EVER! If it weren’t for John McCain plucking $arah Palin from obscurity, neither $arah Palin, or the rest of her grifting family would have been given the “opportunity” to laze around, making easy money off failed “reality” teevee shows.
NO Palin works hard. Making a fool of yourself on “reality” teevee isn’t “hard work,” you stupid asshole! The majority of Americans work harder than the Palins do. Maybe the Palins should try REAL WORK sometime!
I see the Palin's went out for another home cooked meal.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard out there for a midget pimp.
ReplyDeleteEspecially when he wears turquoise plaid shirts he bought at the JCPenny outlet store.
Delete"Tawd, if you pose with me like we are a couple, I'll get you a Reality Show. BWAHAHAHAHA, the "BIGGEST LIARS" would be the title. Are the SHADES worn to cover the surgery on her WONKY EYE?
ReplyDeleteOh good. Perhaps that Palin magic will help him not get elected and Chick-Fil-A in other ways fail.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is the kiss of death.
Talk about Kiss of Death: the PR guy from Chick-Fil-A dropped dead of a heart attack today. Probably read that Sarah endorsed their product.
DeleteThis could possibly explain what is happening with Sarah and her daughters.
I have no way of knowing the specifics of what the Palins use. I do believe that someone close to her must put together an intervention or the consequences will be dire. Be it for pills or the eating disorder.
DeleteIt is odd but the people she calls 'haters' would look after her health and well being than even her closets family member that claims to love her.
Here is an interesting discussion
If she wants to do a reality show, it should be What Not To Wear. She looks like she just came from 6th Street in Austin. My granddaughter is 10 and she likes to wear her boots, a skirt and cowgirl hat. She's cute in the outfit, but like I said she is ten, and she is a true Texan.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you captioned the Fuck-fil-a photo perfectly. And what's up with her nasty looking knees? Ewww. She is so disgusting with the way she dresses.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay group, feels about this spectacle? Anyone with a shred of decency would not go out in public looking like these two. Most people would hide if their children were on a "reality" show that is as low class as Bristle's is. Well, she wanted us to see the REAL Bristles, now we have and most of us do not like her anymore than we did before. God told me to say that, Bristles.
ReplyDeletelove the debbie does dallas get-up she's sporting...
ReplyDeleteWondering when that would come up. Maybe she will actually look up the movie title.
DeleteAlso too, the "good ol girls from Waco" (the more conservative part of the state) are rolling in their graves over her cacaphony. Ann Richards was one of them, so was Liz Carpenter, and another friend of a friend that I know in TX. Very few wear boots like that. The local term is "corner cockroach killers."
Regarding the Texas as a swing state idea that Sarah mentioned, she, of course, got it all wrong. In a recent speech in TX, President Obama said that TX could well be the next swing state. He did not say or imply that he would win the state, not even a little bit. He was referring to the demographic shift that will probably make TX a primarily Hispanic state in coming years, and since the Republicans have demonstrated that they hate 'em some Hispanics, there's a damn good chance that Texas could go blue (or at least purple). Ditto AZ.
ReplyDeleteSarah is dressed like how she imagines women in TX dress. I know plenty of Texan women, and none of them would be caught dead dressed like that, even on Halloween. Of course, most of the Texan women I know are middle aged professionals. Sarah unconsciously parodies women all the time. It's a wonder she didn't have a six shooter and a pony with her. What an idiot this woman is...
Regarding the Texas as a swing state idea that Sarah mentioned, she, of course, got it all wrong. In a recent speech in TX, President Obama said that TX could well be the next swing state. He did not say or imply that he would win the state, not even a little bit. He was referring to the demographic shift that will probably make TX a primarily Hispanic state in coming years, and since the Republicans have demonstrated that they hate 'em some Hispanics, there's a damn good chance that Texas could go blue (or at least purple). Ditto AZ.
ReplyDeleteSarah is dressed like how she imagines women in TX dress. I know plenty of Texan women, and none of them would be caught dead dressed like that, even on Halloween. Of course, most of the Texan women I know are middle aged professionals. Sarah unconsciously parodies women all the time. It's a wonder she didn't have a six shooter and a pony with her. What an idiot this woman is...
Twitter comment:
ReplyDeletesouthpaw @nycsouthpaw
Todd's shirt complicates our message. http://yfrog.com/h2vh5icxj h/t @TPR
I braved the video just to see what the skank was wearing. My laptop has been acting funny and has been slow to load so I went to nuke my leftover coffee and make a small meal. After a few minutes an ambulance with full sirens on drove by and the three pomeranians next door started howling, stopped for a minute, then started howling again even louder. I came back to find that I had accidentally left the sliding door open with the laptop blaring the scumbag's voice.
ReplyDeleteOMG she looks like 6 o'clock, straight up and down. Those knobby knees should be covered. She is fast on the road to looks like Janice Dickerson's knees.
Those white circles on her boots are the size she told the tit doctor to make her boobs.
I have been thinking the Dickerson knees = Palin. Isn't Dickerson in her 60s? Palin has her knees on speed dial.
DeleteWow, she is way too old to wear that kind of outfit. Is she trying to look like a stripper now? At 50 years old? And why didn't she get a knee lift when she got a face lift--those are some saggy-ass knees!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm confused. I thought there were all sorts of rumors about Todd being bisexual and sleeping with male prostitutes as part of his pimp business and Sarah also having lesbian flings in college...and she also has a close friend who is a lesbian does she not? So why the anti-gay stances from them?
Deletecould it be that they have much to hide?
Would not know, would not care, except that sowing hatred causes others to suffer, and THAT bothers me to no end.
anti-gay stances ****
DeleteIt is a Republican lifestyle. The more ANTI the more GAY they are, or closeted family member, secret life stuff. It is something with how their brains work. I really don't get it totally, you just see it over and over again.
Since they are so strong on this position and the silly posturing they do.. they have now convinced me that the talk about Todd is definitively very factual. They keep his voice off the airwaves as much as possible, but ppl know how he sounds and that doesn't help. The way he plays the side kick to her is another telltale sign. Is someone dressing him? Whatever the look he is sporting these days is another one.
Why does she have to dress like a hooker?
ReplyDeleteWhy does she need to wear sunglasses when she is inside?
a) She's mentally ill.
Deleteb) She's cross-eyed.
Oh joy, Dumb Cluck and Little Pecker visit a Chick-fil-a. Oh those Palin family summer vacations just ROCK!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Palin knows that Houston, 4th largest city in the county, was the first major city to elect an openly gay mayor, Annise Parker ? That's right, it wasn't San Francisco, or LA or New York. The sheriff of Dallas County is a lesbian Latina. How's that for breaking stereotypes ? Gryphen, please don't judge a state of over 25,000,000 people by our Tea Party crazies and we won't judge Alaska by the Palins, Joe Miller, etc.. Deal ?
ReplyDeleteI would like to just say FUCK YOU from Texas to Sarah Palin. It is getting closer to becoming a battleground state because we are getting fucked by the Republicans. They are de-funding our public schools and trying to make our kids stupid. Rick Perry is a colossal fuckup and people are finally beginning to get it. I live in an affluent, very conservative county, but the demographics have changed rapidly over the last decade or so. The percentage of people voting for Democrats has been slowly but steadily rising over the last few elections. Also, I promise you, even if they won't say it, the women in Texas who saw you wearing that hideous outfit are insulted and disgusted that you think we dress like that here because that's clearly what you were going for. FUCK YOU and go back to Alaska. Also, too, I wouldn't fuck with Rick Perry, he is exactly what you are, only much, much better at it.
ReplyDeleteOf the 6 million people in the greater Huston area only 1000 came out to see her? Wow. Just wow. And she's supposed to be the rock star of the religious right? Syd Vicious' corpse could draw a bigger crowd.
ReplyDeleteYou know the Tea Party Express put in huge amounts of money and effort to get those 1000 Tea Baggers up to see her.
DeleteOk Sarah.
ReplyDeleteI'm CERTAIN you'll back Chick Fil A just as much when super duper Xtian Dan Cathy comes out against single motherhood and women who get knocked up before they walk down the aisle...
Oh, wait...
Toad's outfit = Dukes of Hazzard FAIL
ReplyDeleteDo did the Monkey Queen get the Bubba parade while in hicks-ville? She and that cess-pool fit each other.... they really should get to gather...
ReplyDeleteHouston is the 5th largest city in American, with a population of over 5 million last I looked. The Woodlands is simply a neighborhood a part of Houston. There's a shopping mall there and a concert paviliion but it's not another city, it's part of Houston. So to think she can only get 1000 people or fewer, and that's probably an exaggeration, is pretty sad in one of the reddest states in the country. Very very telling. She was the VP candidate--one of the first women! a 'Christian!' A conservative!...and she's in one of the most conservative places in the country and she can't get enough people to fill a tiny concert venue? Very telling. I'm from Houston. Obscure rock bands can get more people than she did. Kind of shocking. Maybe Texas is getting more blue, or at least more independent.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the good news.
Deletewhat's with her sunglasses, she seems to have it on 24/7!!! Even late eve and in dark
ReplyDeleteIs it just me? Todd looks sooo gay.
ReplyDeleteHe might as well wear a sign on his forehead: Power Bottom.
DeleteDrag Queens Endorse Chick-Fil-A?
Does Palin still insist on bendy straws?
Snorting ketamine in a club.
perception of reality
Ketamine is a strictly regulated Schedule II drug unless you know a rogue veterinarian and have your own purse carrying assistant.
She s simply a disgusting whore,bigot and racist ! Screw he actually don't you'll probably get a STD
read her FB posts folks now 'really' hate her and her family.
Alfred Baldwin Wherever there is a photo op, there's Palin!
ReplyDelete8 minutes ago · 1
Ramona Mead Jones I love her and I've often said that God is not thru with her in politics. What a wonderful women of God she is!!!
7 minutes ago
Todd Campbell LOL Palin, do you think you even matter? I feel somewhat sad for you and your ridiculous life. Sad Panda. :(
7 minutes ago · 1
Micheal Emerick who cares
7 minutes ago · 1
Lorena McFarland Way to go!!!!!
7 minutes ago
Bobby Crone She makes me barf!
7 minutes ago
Rachel Kennedy Wish our country had more families like the Palin family.
6 minutes ago · 1
Retha Carter Way to go ! Stand up for them.. Love you guys !!!
6 minutes ago
Marie Ashby-Conlon
I am so ashamed of Sarah Palin right now. She has a daughter who has a baby out of wedlock but she has no problem judging people who are Gay? I'm ashamed of all the people who support this really. I couldn't imagine that none of you have be...See More
6 minutes ago · 2
Buddy Shadd My favorite Bible passage about marriage? The one where a rapist must marry his victim, never divorce and pay the father of the victim 50 Schillings. #pickandchoose
6 minutes ago · 1
Andrew Russell Sarah Palin to English translation: "I hate homosexuals"
6 minutes ago
Julaine Lieske-Colon Great
6 minutes ago
Tim Plews Please crawl back to Alaska and stay there
5 minutes ago · Edited
Karrisa Olsen I'm surprised Todd would support a company that is so openly against his sexual preference.
6 minutes ago · 1
Beth Ann Scullin Oliphant two things i don't like in one pic... Palin and Chic-fil-a.
5 minutes ago · 1
Amanda Smith
I am a Christian. I support gay marriage (go ahead, tell me that I'm wrong in the way that i believe in MY faith). I am part republican, part democrat. I support guns, our troops, and the constitution. I think that Sarah is a very smart wom...See More
5 minutes ago
Jeff Oliver Being from NY I haven't had a lot of chick fill a but it never really impressed me. Now checkers burgers on the other hand could burn crosses in the parking lot for all I care, love me some checkers.
5 minutes ago
Sharon Deno i can't support discrimination
5 minutes ago · 1
Inge Strack There once was a woman named Palin,
Whose big mouth was always a-wailin',
"The media's lame-stream,
Won't pull for my team,"
And soon her career was a-failin'.........
5 minutes ago · 3
Anthony Adkins Haha next great organization she will be stopping at with be the KKK followed by a vacation to meet some Nazis
I doubt Todd will last long on that show.
ReplyDeleteAll the major cities (except Ft. Worth) voted blue as well as most counties along the Rio Grande. It's the "Hicks in the Sticks" mouth breathers that voted red. Click on Texas in the map.
So much for Sarah Palin not being a homophobe!
ReplyDeleteMost middle-aged women should not wear short skirts on a stage. QuitterQueen is a great example of how ugly knees occur when you've been down on them for a long, long time.
ReplyDeleteThat second pic looks like a trucker buying a lot lizard a chicken sandwich and fries in return for services performed.
ReplyDeleteHe's smiling because of the deal he got. She's giving the thumbs up because it's the first meal she's had in 3 days.
DeleteLot Lizard! Bwahahaha.
she needs a "knee" job, they're really saggy looking.
ReplyDeleteHaha...a knee job! I wonder if there is such a thing?
DeleteApparently there is a "Knee Lift", a new procedure, one that Demi Moore has had.
Sarah, get to your doctor, STAT. Bwahahaha. Now that we have brought it to her attention, she probably will get it done.
Why not sashay through Nevada and stop in at the Mustang Ranch while they're at it? Doesn't Tawd get to promote his own causes, too?
ReplyDeleteAww Gryph - say it isn't so! "the first prejudice I can remember learning as a small boy growing up in my state". I'm a Tx transplant of 30+ years and I hate Palin as much as you do!! And, indeed, I experienced much prejudice lo those many years ago!
ReplyDeletehey sarah,, you know only druggies wear sunglasses inside to hide their stoned eyes, right?
ReplyDeleteToad's co-star Andrew McClaren (the ex-marine superstud who also happens to be a spokesman for Gay American Heroes) is not amused.
ReplyDeleteYou heard it here first. Toady is going to be the butt of Stars Earn Stripes. Wesley Clark, a Democrat, is going to make sure that before all is said and done Toady Palin will be a national laughing stock. I mean more than he is already.
Palin, mwaaaaaa!!! I'm pulling the strings! You are my fucking puppet. You will get your knees done. You'll get the saggy skin pulled tight on those knobby bones. Also too, you'll get your hands done, stretched and tanned like the rest of you. Dance puppet, dance!!
ReplyDeleteThat photo just makes me terribly sad. My daughter's best friend growing up is gay, a finer, kinder (and better educated) man you will never meet. Why is it ok to be cruel to someone for the way they were born? May the Palins rot in hell.
ReplyDeleteSarah has been refusing to take off her dark sunglasses lately. She wants to hide the work she had done on her eyes. Just a simple eye re-alignment. Either that or she's so high on illegal narcotics. Which is it Sarah?
ReplyDeleteFoo-foo chi-chi cocktail crowd"??
ReplyDeleteWTF? This woman is having a mental breakdown right before our eyes! Time for an intervention.
We already know the whole Palin family hates gays. From Tri-PP to Creepy grandpa chuck the entire family is bigoted haters.