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"What am I, chopped liver?" |
What galls the Tea Party activists is the sense that Romney represents a lost opportunity for their agenda of less government, flatter taxes, and constitutional restraint. Facing a vulnerable president saddled with a bad economy and a crisis in the public sector, they feel stuck with a guy served up by Republican elites who speaks conservatism with an establishment accent. Worse, in this view, Romney seems incapable, or unwilling, to even defend himself, as the Obama campaign machine highlights his offshore bank accounts and his career at Bain Capital.
“Romney’s just not a fighter,” says Jenny Beth Martin, head of the Tea Party Patriots, the largest of the activist groups. “That’s why it would be good for him to have someone like Palin speaking at the convention. He needs to do something to rile up his base, to make them enthusiastic. And I don’t mean just the Tea Party. I mean die-hard Republicans. I live in the second-most-Republican county in the state of Georgia, and the folks around here are not enthusiastic about him.”
I think what his person is forgetting is that Palin may be certifiably insane, and is completely unpredictable in her behaviors. McCain learned that the hard way the night of his concession speech, and I have little doubt that Romney has watched the movie "Game Change" with all of the lights turned on, between the fingers covering his eyes, multiple times.
Which might explain the Romney camp's response:
Queries to the Romney camp about any possible Palin role at the convention meet with a stony silence.
And what does Palin say about this?
“What can I say?” she responded in an email from Alaska, when asked by Newsweek about the convention, just before heading to Michigan to deliver an Obama-thumping speech. “I’m sure I’m not the only one accepting consequences for calling out both sides of the aisle for spending too much money, putting us on the road to bankruptcy, and engaging in crony capitalism.”
“In accepting those consequences,” she added, “one must remember this isn’t Sadie Hawkins and you don’t invite yourself and a date to the Big Dance.”
Please! Sarah Palin has been inviting herself to the big dance for months, despite the lack of interest expressed by MOST serious Republican politicians.
Remember, Palin famously went on her "One Nation" bus tour just to pull attention away from Romney's big announcement to run for president. Well you just know HE certainly hasn't forgotten!
I would be completely surprised if Romney caved and let the Lunatic from lake Lucille anywhere NEAR Tampa. Even for a guy famous for his flip flops, I think this is much too big of a flop to let flip his script.
Of course that may not do much to keep the political albatross at bay, as Palin has rented space in a nearby plaza for reasons that have not yet been made clear. Which indicates to me that she may have plans to crash the party.
If I were Romney I would see if I could hire Senator Joe Lieberman to run defense.
After all he does have experience.
Oh Yeah....they are up in arms at the Asylum today about this! The patients are so excited that Baldy is getting some press...even if's the kind where she's portrayed as a damn stalker...but hey at least somebody is paying attention to the LOON!
ReplyDeleteDoes she think her comments will back Romney into a corner and now he will have to invite her?
DeleteHer desperation is showing - she's now hoping for some public backlash so she will get invited.
The loon.. you said it. She's poison, please. Are they going to invite John the Loser McCain, too? These two, especially Palin, lost the election for the Rethugs in 2008. Really, the Rethugs want them around at the convention as a constant reminder???
DeleteRomney the 'Pro-Lifer' and $75 million Stericycle investor who made money from the corpses of aborted dead babies.
DeleteYep, that should 'rile up' the base pretty good.
Good block, Lieberman, for one can see SINISTER etched all over her wretched face...
ReplyDeleteHell hath no fury like a woMan scorned!
My favorite part of that shot of Lieberman intercepting Palin is him grabbing her hand. I laugh every time I see it.
DeleteIt is the best Sharon.
DeleteI agree Sharon1943. Lieberman was supposed to be McCain's running mate! Could not have happened to a better person by a better person! President Obama does not need to have to come face to face with lunatic Palin.
I love this picture! This move right here is what saved Droopy's ASS! And Baldy just knew she was going to get her photo op with the President! But word had already come down...."Keep that THING away from the President at all cost!"
DeleteNo way did the President want any of her stank on him...he couldn't risk infecting Michelle and the girls with Baldy's nasty stench! This just goes to show you how deluded Baldy really was...she thought she could call the man all kinds of names on the campaign trail and the President would let that shit go!
Naw baby....you don't incite the Klan members at your campaign rally's and expect to be welcomed with open arms! He never even looked in her direction!
The best part of all...this picture must chap her rusty dusty saggy ass every time she see's it! LOL!!!
The skank went for the President like Shelly went after Bush - anyone recall the look of terror on his face when she made contact? That was priceless. I'm guessing POTUS would have handled it better than Bush but he still would have been wise to go wash off her stink.
DeleteIf they had planned on keeping Palin away from the President, which they should've of planned on in advance, why didn't they have the Secret Service standing close by to intercept Palin, or anyone else? It would have been embarrassing for the President if she found her way to him. I do have to give a lot credit to Lieberman and his quick thinking for intercepting Palin before she made it to the President. By Palin doing what did again shows her desperation in trying to keep her name in front of everyone.
DeleteLet me try again when I’m not enjoying a scotch. The other night, my internal censor was taking a nap with a big smile on her face.
ReplyDeleteI was born and raised on a farm about eight miles east of Thief River Falls, Minnesota (I live in Nevada now). Racism (toward Indians… there were no blacks) was startling. The violence and sneaking around of churchgoing folks was also startling. As a child, there was little I could do about either subject.
That being said, the nicest couple I knew were two old farmers who always gave personalized bibles to the kids finishing Confirmation. They knew those personalized bibles would never be discarded.
Recently, my brother took his new wife on a visit to northern Minnesota. She’s originally from the Philippines, with a complexion like the president. Her experience was so bad she won’t talk about it and she certainly won’t go back.
I’m not surprised there are Palin supporters drifting around the upper Midwest, since her specialty is bashing the black president.
I’m going to leave it at that (grin).
I live in SE WI but have a lot of relatives in northern WI. Same experience. Don't even try to bring up President Obama. N-words and worse just start a-flyin'. I cannot fathom how people can be so close minded and fearful just because other people are different.
DeleteThanks Darlene. I know many here did not understand, or follow your link. I felt bad for the shabby treatment you got here, there is altogether too much of that. It is for that reason I rarely say anything here anymore.
DeleteTRF is just a holler down the road from me, I know the town, better, I know what you mean. And yes, the treatment of Native people is shocking, disheartening.
Good to hear from you , always. I know some Underdahls, some Orvedahls, also too, and other -dahls as well.
Be well, I think I will read your book.
Well done Darlene!
DeleteDarlene...I followed your link and posted it for you...some folks had some "issues" but it happens on blogs.
DeleteI agree Grey, about the comments. Thank you Datlene for writing again. I really thought people in that area were more open minded. Disappointing!
DeleteThe strangest thing from my POV as a Black American is the way some of them claim to be prime examples of what Christians should be like while they hate some people on sight. Sorry your SIL had a bad experience in Northern Minnesota. I know how she felt. I was born, raised, and I have lived in the South my entire life, and I still have to deal with it. When BO won the election in 2008, I went to work the next day, took my students to lunch, and headed toward a woman whom I thought I was on good terms with. I stopped in my tracks because she was rolling her eyes, her face was all screwed up into an angry expression, and she turned her head in disapproval when she saw me. I stopped going through her lunch line from that day on. It was as if she was offended that BO had won the election and blamed me for it. For the next few months at the school, I found out who the faux Christians were because some of the teachers said some really ugly things out loud in front of some of the black students and other students of color. In many places in the U.S., Christianity is only skin deep. I was so glad that I was retiring at the end of that school year and wouldn't have to deal with that mess anymore. If these faux Christians think they're going to heaven and separate themselves from others who are there, they'd better think again.
DeleteApparently Minnesota Nice never made it's way to Thief River Falls.
I am so sorry to hear about ugly places like that in this country: full of backwards, hateful people. Sickening and saddening all at once.
DeleteM from MD
Hmmm Darlene, I as a Natibve Minnesotan and a child of a biracial marriage ( Ojibwe and Isish) was never treated badly in the town I was raised in ( Virginia Minnesota) . You keep on talking about the horrible experiences you had as a white child experiences as a white child and yet neither I nor my 7 brothers and sisters ever experienced such racism as Native Americans on the "Range".
DeleteWhere was this raicsim against Native Americans or my black or Hispanic cousins? We never felt it how did yu as a white child "feel" such racism?
I think you are trying to get blog hits or sell books. The rasicm I felt on "The Range" was minimal at best.
I think you better "invent" another youth to push this on.
I think your childhood memories are ones thatt are "making you money" and that is that.
Little Rabbit
Proud member of the Fond Du Lac band of Ojibwe
BTW racism was minimal in NE Mn and I never felt that I was not hired nor anything else because of my race and yer WHITE Darlene feels so put upon. I almost feel used by Darlene, BS Darlene, use your OWN ancestos not mine to sell your books.
Majii, I'm so sorry about your experiences. It's terrible!!! I grew up in a smaller town in northern Michigan. We were one of the few Jewish families and I was shocked at the hatred and the way we were treated. This happened to me several times later in high school in another state. I will never forget the hatred and venom expressed at me simply for being a different religion. The only good thing I guess is that it shaped my views at an early age and I became an outspoken advocate against any kind of discrimination.
DeleteGrey many of the comments here bother me too. But there is no point in commenting on it. I had to comment on this Midwest prejudice though to say people like that seem to hate anyone they perceive as different from themselves and it's sickening.
It seems to me that the less educated people are, the more racist they seem to be. It is almost a fear, rather than actual hatred. Anything they do not understand is to be feared. Our well educated, highly intelligent President is truly SCARY to these people. How DARE he be smarter than white people (yeah, right)A person's skin color does not determine their "worth".Character does that.
DeleteMajii, CELEBRATE your color. Some of us remember when the Civil Rights amendment passed and I was only in grade school. :)
DeleteGod bless you.....
She could only bring in 400 in MI - not the draw she used to be :>)))))
ReplyDeleteAccording to the guy sending the video feed, the crowd was 'massive!' Compared to what? Mitt's pitiful gatherings. This one of Sarah's was even paid for...all folks had to do was show up.
DeleteAnd what IS she doing with her blouse? Airing out her armpits?
Too bad there wasn't a nice thunderstorm in MI yesterday..but look, Sarah is under cover. As always. Gotta protect those expensive wigs. Would be fun to see her drenched to the skin as the President was, I bet she would not ahve been smiling and carrying on.
Yesterday at Sea4Pee they all believed there were around 5,000 people because one of their members who attended said so. A commenter mentioned that the Detroit News estimated the crowd was "at least 400", but they thought that was just another lie from the "lame stream media". As Sea4Pee says in their header, "Only the Facts", it's more like "Only the Facts We Want to Believe".
DeleteLOL it must be hell Scarah, getting pwnd by Romneybot
ReplyDeleteHey Mitt, not too late for a restraining order on Palin in Tampa
ReplyDeleteI read that W is totally NOT invited, and is to be steered away if he shows up.
DeleteLove, love love that 2nd picture because (a) the President clearly has no idea she's hovering there and/or isn't interested, (b) it's the only time Senator Droopy Dog has ever made himself useful, and (c) it's a reminder that even Mooselini can be cleaned up and made to look respectable and appropriately dressed, made up and coiffed for the occasion... or at least she was that time (thank you, RNC donors).
ReplyDeleteHey now, he's not Droopy Dog. He's Willie Tanner from Alf.
DeleteGood lord what is with her appearance. And in a Sadie Hawkins dance, you don't invite yourself to the dance, you choose a date. Wow.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but $carah (or her email writer) is really stoopid for bringing up Sadi eHawkign - Sadie was a character in the "hillbilly comic strip" L'il Abner. And she was the homeliest gal in Dogpatch.
DeleteBet it reminds Sarah of home...Sadie Hawkins dances and people with rifles and no teeth.
DeleteRomney would be lucky if Sarah even accepted an invitation. She has other plans anyhow.
ReplyDeleteNewsweek is a liberal rag like the rest of them. In the bank for Obama.
I wish I could find a "liberal rag". All the ones I see are owned by large right-wing corporations- same for all the AM radio around here.
DeleteWho owns Newsweek?
DeleteShe has other plans? What, she has already rented space down there next to the convemtion center (she couldn't even get IN to rent a table, so she settled for nearby. She'll have Brissy there with the boys and they can hawk old books, sign DWTS photos, and golly, give away DVDs! It'll be so much fun for the family. Why, they might have to spend some more PAC money and wrap that bus up again. I'm sure Piper can be counted on to behave this year. And four year olds LOVE being restrained to small areas with no toys for hours on end. That will make some nice ottage for the next show. They can call it: Sarah takes Tampa.
Delete"In the bank for Obama."
Delete"bank"?? Did you mean to say "tank"...dummy?
Yeah, she's WAY too busy and besides that, she didn't want to go to that dance anyway, huh? But she'll be "right down the street just in case someone else gets sick or has a daughter that gets pregnant or has to cancel for any other reason". Hint hint wink wink.
DeleteNewsweek a liberal rag?!? It wasn't so liberal when Sarah Palin and the Belmont twins were featured on the front cover not too long ago.
DeleteEeek! Eeek! Eeek! Is it a mouse squeaking, or is it Palin trying to deliver her talking points? It's okay if you like Palin, and it's okay if I don't, and I don't, because she adds nothing to any conversation.
DeleteNewsweek editors had woodies over Sara for a long time. Look at the photoshop of her Belmonts on the cover. I'm surprised as hell they put anything out even remotely negative about her meaning that the GOP curtain is closed for her. She can go to Tampa and stamp her feet down the street and try to weasel her way onto the convention floor and give a speech but my guess is she'll be given a wide berth and not be allowed anywhere near the podium.
DeleteGina, why do you always call people names? You can really be nasty, which is far worse than someone using the wrong word. A lot of your comments are funny but the others? Get over yourself.
DeleteSarah's To Do List:
Delete- Stick pins in Obama Voodoo doll
- Buy ugly shoes
- Run over opossum for new wig
- Buy hooker shoes
- Shop for new refrigerator
- Check out flea markets for 70's shoes
- Repackage unsold copies of "The Undefeated" as "Here Comes Sarah Christ"
- Check out Lady GaGa shoe collection
- Keep telling people "Death Panels" are real.
- Schedule pedicure & moustache waxing
- Write book about Paul Revere ringing bells for the 2nd Amendment.
- Invent Time Machine to make previous scenario sound true.
- Cancel Public Speaking course
- Compare 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' with Obamacare (spoiler: Mary is a Socialist; lamb dies)
- Hint at running for President in 2016: Ka-ching!!!
Anonymous5:08 PM
DeleteOppss...I offended the dummy! My bad! LOL!!
The RWNJs think any media outlet that derides the birther crazies or doesn't encourage racist "jokes" and cruel images or nicknames for POTUS and FLOTUS is "liberal media", even if it IS owned by some conservative corporate millionaire.
DeleteThis nutty assed woman really thinks she isn't going to be invited to speak because she's a truth teller?! She isn't being invited because no one wants to be festooned with her screechy voice, stupid clothes, insane tea pot word salad drivel, her obvious emotional instability and her hillbilly family
ReplyDeletewhom she'll pull along for protection.
But you never know, Romney may get desperate for anything. I think he's going to name Chris Christie as his VP. He needs a large, loud man to protect him from the POTUS. And Chris just turned down a leadership gig with the Republican Governors Assoc. I smell pork---I mean Chris.
Anyway everyone knows Sarah hates Mittens. And likewise he hates her and the skeezy celebutards he's had to act like he loves. Trump, Ted Nugent and the host of other birthers and crazies he will have to put up with-- to use during the campaign. Only word has got out that Sarah is lying low so she can use the Ron Paulites to disrupt the convention.
Well hell---I'm all for that! I only hopes she uses some of her money for the event, gets a stylist, goes back to Saks and maybe hires a hairdresser who won't allow her to put possums on her head and twenty-five inch high moon sandals on her feet. Sarah looks like a sad bag lady from the Wasilla ghetto out buying day old doughnuts.
Oh bosh, she looks just lovely. Sarah is a beautiful woman! I wish I was so petite. Snd men love it. She's 's got a steel spine and a strong heart too and that will take her far Romney or no Romney he is irrelevant.
DeleteI hope they do let her in, and give her one of those early morning slots where no delegates are around and the TV cameras aren't even running. Maybe she'd finally get the message? Naw.
DeleteAnonymous3:33 PM
DeleteUh...not so sure about that "strong heart"...she's using a LOT of METH and other stuff...we'll see how long that "strong heart" last...she may end up doing a Beerfart before she even makes it to the convention.
And yes...she's beautiful...to racist white men over 70 who are blind...senile and wear the same brand of Depends as Baldy!
She's sure got a lot of slouch in her posture despite having that "still" spine.
DeleteJust sayin'.
333 if what she's running on is her looks, at 48 she's gone about as far as she's goin'.
Deleteeveryone knows Sarah hates Mittens. And likewise he hates her
DeleteI'm not so sure "hate" is the emotion those two share. More like "can't let this scandal hit the MSM".
Gryphen and Geoffrey Dunn reported on what those two connived on, Palin's campaign in 2006, just a couple of months ago.
Palin isn't going to be invited to speak at the convention for the same reason the Kardashians or Paris Hilton aren't going to be invited. She's a silly, inconsequential celebrity and nothing more at this point.
DeleteJust try to find any news coverage on her Tea Party event in Detroit yesterday. I'm not talking about fansite blogs, I mean REAL news sources. I found one article from a Detroit area news source. That's it. There are several articles about her endorsement of Condi Rice... and of course more "Death Panel" lies, but she is rapidly losing her relevance among normal people -- conservatives and progressives alike.
ReplyDeleteShe's pretty much just preaching to the choir now.
She's not going to be at the convention. My theory is that she rented that space "just in case" she got a last-minute invite... but that space will probably be used to sell her "AIP-inspired view of the US" paraphernalia. Believe me, it will be some sort of money-making venture for her, and unless she's going to start selling "Sarah Palin Electric Grills", it'll be filled with her books, DVDs, Obama voodoo dolls, etc.
And the choir found better things to do that stand around and listen to the same screech she's been giving for three years. Gosh, I bet any one of us could recite it by heart, and she's still using notes.
DeleteYep...even the patients were complaining about this at the Asylum...the nutty mcnut nuts had this to say about it...
Delete"DocBarry1 Yesterday 10:24 PM
Are there any pics with Gov Palin at the end of the speech with the crowd and the wounded military personnel
Why was the stage so far back?
Did anyone see CNN, FOX NEWS, or any Natuonal Media present?
parigger Yesterday 10:33 PM in reply to DocBarry1
Stage was only maybe 5 Ft from front row of chairs ( Reserved seating ) . I didn't see National Media but that doesn't mean they weren't there . I was looking for them . I did meet Steve from C4P thoough . Does that count . Still Standin With The Guv
DocBarry1 Today 10:36 AM in reply to parigger
Fox, CNN and others didn't report it - unless I missed it
yes...I guess they "missed it"....LOL!!!
She probably uses the same speech because it's the one written on her hand and she doesn't wash so she has no new material.
DeleteMake that Sarah Palin deep fryers. Electric grills are too healthy, you know, like Michelle Obama.
DeleteMaybe if you wrote complete sentences with proper grammar, you wouldn't come across as a " dummy." Everyone makes mistakes but pointing anything out to you or having (God forbid) a different view, results in you bullying and browbeating the commenter. You are a bully sometimes just like Sarah. I wonder if this is why you spend so much time reading and writing about her.
DeleteScratch and dent sale on used refrigerators?
DeleteHmm, may we hope that Sarah endorses Mitt and gives him the kiss of death via her endorsement.
ReplyDeleteThat would do it ... Bain conflicts aside, tax evasion aside, flip flopping "Etch-a-Sketch" style aside ... one word of endorsement from Palin and he might as well throw in the towel! The kiss of death, or of defeat!
DeleteShe's apparently done in the Today Show which is now slowly sinking into the background against GMA
DeleteSideshow Sarah is pissed her golden VIP ticket to Tampa hasn't arrived.. It will still be a friggin circus with one less clown. Face it, Sarah, Mitt knows "washed up" when he see's it.
ReplyDeleteShe's an embarrassment to the party. She's mean, stupid and crazy. She does nothing but rile up the racist base and spout the same old bullshit every time she opens her trap.
DeleteUh...when was the last time a prominent Republican has been seen with the Ghoul of Wasilla?? How bout pictures?
DeleteIn Baldy's vodka soaked brain she thinks if she is "available" Meh and Co. will give her a call...but Baldy still hasn't figured out that she's the "tramp" that no self respecting man brings home to meet his mother but that doesn't stop her from hanging around hoping that someone...anyone will ask her to the big dance!
Poor Baldy...I suspect this has happened to her before...*cough* Curtis Menard Jr and the Hawaiian blonde *cough*.
She does realize that wearing Wonder Woman bracelets doesn't actually make her Wonder Woman, doesn't she?
ReplyDeleteShhh...don't tell her. She stole them from Piper's Halloween costume.
Delete$carah is not looking well. Did you notice how skinny she's become? The wedding ring slid clear up to her knuckle in this photo. And, what is w/ the red stuff on her arm?
ReplyDeleteWhat is w/ the red stuff on her arm?
DeleteAge spots?
Wedding ring? That's new...didn't she toss hers in the lake?
DeleteI think the 'red stuff' you refer to is fake tan, if it's the splotch on her arm/elbow on the left side of the image. She didn't spread it evenly and it splotched up right there.
DeleteSomething is definitely not physically healthy about that woman...don't even get me started on the MENTALLY not healthy part. She looks sick. Not well. Her body is emaciated and her non facial skin is awful. She's got TROWELS of makeup on her face, her hair is a disheveled disaster, all pieced together. Sick. Not well. Body is in distress. Something is very, very, very, wrong.
And the funny thing is I can't seem to muster any sympathy, though I am a deeply sympathetic and empathic being, she has severed any sort of compassionate thread for me, forever. I don't hate her, that would be giving her too much energy. I simply find her a vile, twisted, damaged human being who should be behind bars, not making speeches.
She's just pure succubus, sucking the life out of anything she comes in contact with. She literally leaves a trail of destruction behind her.
“I’m sure I’m not the only one accepting consequences for calling out both sides of the aisle for spending too much money, putting us on the road to bankruptcy, and engaging in crony capitalism.”
Suuuuure, toots, you just keep telling yourself that's why Rombain isn't calling you.
When has Sarah ever 'accepted consequences' for one damn thing?
DeleteWell, if anyone knows about "spending money" it would be $carah. Where DID all that Pac money go, anyway? That Pac should be investigated, it is more of a charity, with most of the proceeds going to the Palins.
DeleteAh - calling out both sides - maybe she thinks the dems will invite her along if she criticizes the GOP. What a sad liar she is.
Delete#retroactively - she should finish her term as Governor.
What The Fuck is wrong with Sarah Palin's skin?
ReplyDeleteLooks like leather from an old wrinkled cow.
yep. And the face s three shades lighter and a tone or two off from the rest of her. Undereye concealer comes in a tube, - BUT it ain't a one app tube, $carah.
DeleteReally classy, Sarah. As if the sheer blouse wasn't enough, exposing your white bra, you needed to give us a strap peek? Can you not spend $500 of your PAC $ on a stylist to show you how to dress like an adult professional woman instead of a hooker? Or did you, and was that the look you were deliberately going for? Congratulations, you achieved it.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't look like a hooker! She's too casual yes, but give me a break.
DeleteI agree 5:14PM...I think she looks like a Ho!
Delete“In accepting those consequences,” she added, “one must remember this isn’t Sadie Hawkins and you don’t invite yourself and a date to the Big Dance.”
Hey Gryphon, that first pix is showing: A. Classic. Hot. Flash.....
ReplyDeleteThe Sarah Palin Rooster Has Come Home to Roost!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin has made her bed and now no one wants to jump in it with her.
LOL Go away bitch!
She is now reaping what she has sown. She's been a nasty bitch to everyone and now it's Karma time.
DeleteIt's pretty common knowledge that McCain disliked Romney intensely during the 2008 primary. So much so, in fact, that he gambled the presidency and his legacy on a choice that turned out less than ideal (please read for 'less than ideal'' fucking crazy and stupid) instead of picking Romney who would have helped him when the economy bottomed out during the election.
ReplyDeleteSo my question is, what does Romney think of McCain now? Sarah, like a trailer trash bitch dumped at the prom, is going to be livid if she doesn't get a prominent speaking spot in Tampa. She's already reserved space near the convention center for what - to sell handmade jewelery? If she's sober enough, she plans to cause some serious trouble, and there's not much Mitt can do to stop it except suck up to her which will alienate every voter with 12 or more active brain cells.
I think Mitt is fucked. And all I can say to Sarah is - whatever you have planned, why don't you call your old friend Glenn Beck to help you out. I'm sure he's available...
"Queries to the Romney camp about any possible Palin role at the convention meet with a stony silence."
ReplyDeleteAww gee whiz! I guess this means that my picking Palin on some site to "pick Mitt's VP" won't count. I'm so disappointed.
How is Sarah taking it? Getting old and unwanted must be hard on her.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin at the convention doors...
ReplyDelete"Hey Sarah we here you knocking but you can't come in."
Or maybe: "Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me" and nothing happens.
DeleteI forgot: She gets the "twice on the pipes if the answer is NO!"
DeleteThat is one of the worst pictures of $arah yet - the way she's pullin' up the shoulders of her muu muu shirt draws attention to an incredible turkey neck. $chreeeech!!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin pullin up her muu muu shirt draws flies!
DeleteDem Palin and Heath females are always pullin up their shirts before they drop their panties.
DeleteThat Sarah Palin is a Fucking Idiot.
ReplyDeleteHa, Ha, Ha, she has "no ass at all". Not a good look for her in those droopy white jeans. Girl needs a sandwich. Sarah may have finally met her match, with Anorexia. Be interesting if that is what finally shuts her up.
ReplyDeleteHa, Ha, Ha, she has "no ass at all"
DeleteI respectfully disagree with you.
Sarah has Bristol, Willow and Todd.
Ha, Ha, Ha! You are correct, she needs no ass of her own because she is surrounded by other Asses....add Piper Diaper to that lineup and you have a complete roster of Asses. (I'd include Trig but it is not appropriate to speak ill of the mentally challenged. He could be an Ass, but he doesn't have the brain power necessary to engage his Assness.)
DeleteThat was just cruel to include Trig in that remark. How old are you?
I've seen Egyptian mummies with better looking moisture skin than Sarah's.
ReplyDelete"Queries to the Romney camp about any possible Palin role at the convention meet with a stony silence."
ReplyDeleteThat made me humor.
I had an old leather couch that looks like Sarah Palin and Goodwill wouldn't even take it for free.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I know what you mean. It's one thing when it's so bad no one will pick it up off the curb for free. You know it's bad though when they pick it up, take it home, and then bring it back.
DeleteThat's what's happened with Sarah. She wasn't overlooked or invited and then been stood up. She's been invited to stay at home. The Republicans thought she was the next leader of the party just 4 short years ago. Now, she's talking to 400 folks for free in the sun at a fair in Minnesota. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Sorry 3:08, but I have to respectfully disagee with you as to the Joe Lieberman-Willie Tanner thing. The actor who played Willie had a much thinner & pointier face. Joe has the jowls like Droopy and oh, dear God the voice.... I cannot see that man without hearing Droopy Dog in my head.
ReplyDeleteEvery time that Sarah was asked to endorse one of the Republican candidates, she didn't endorse anyone, playing coy. Oh, she liked Herman Herb Cain, and then it was Next (by proxy, Todd endorsed him). Even when Romney was the last one standing, Sarah could not bring herself to say a kind word about him. All that she could say was "Anyone but Obama."
ReplyDeleteWhen you treat people like that, guess how they treat you. She snubbed Mitt. Now, he has snubbed her. He may also find her shotgun tea party tactics a little dangerous, what with taking aim, targeting candidates, reloading and Sarah's rogue brand of politics.
Curious, that Sadie Hawkins reference: she still sees politics as an intensely personal, and sexual, situation.
ReplyDeleteShe's incredibly shallow, vain, and dangerous.
Everything she's got is based on her appearance, and it's fading fast. What will she do and where will she go when she's really middle-aged and can't disguise it any longer? Her sense of self will be demolished.
She won't change, she'll still be dressing like a teenager well into her 60's and 70's. And she'll still be dissing Obama.
DeleteAt 48, she's past the half-way point in her life, unless she lives to 96, which is not likely.
DeleteSo really, she's starting her senior years.
"really" middle aged. Palin;s on the downside of that hill by a bit. She is 49 and looks 60.
DeleteHmm, maybe Sarah knows about Mitt's 20 some years of tax returns and why McCain picked her over Mitt.
ReplyDeleteTry that Sarah. Even do what you do well and lie about it. Since Mitt hedges too, Sarah might get past Mitt and be at the convention.
Plus with Sarah there, the infighting should be more fun. I'm hoping for a real mud wrestling pit in the convention center so the tea party purists can burn off some excess energy while they fight about who's the best tea thug POTUS candidate.
While the Ron Paul bots do fun stuff like play with the a/c and lights so the tea taliban types think it's gawd sending them some kind of message.
All they need is a hurricane to add to their convention time fun. Hmm, gawd trying to say something directly to the tea. One example, quit obsessing about gay everything and what gay men might or might not do with their bodies or in bed.
Such kinky perverts, the USA tea taliban.
Sarah would be talking if she had anything on Romney.
DeleteShort form: Teabangelists
DeleteWe should all continue to be thankful to Lieberman for that move at the Alfalfa Dinner. Its one of the few useful things he's ever done.
ReplyDeleteI can’t remember, did she ever get to Obama that night?
DeleteShe never got to Obama. Lieberman provided one of the best cock blocks ever seen!
Anonymous4:15 PM
Nope - she has never gotten to President Obama and I'm sure he is thankful as hell!
DeleteSince winning in 2008, I don't think the President has ever acknowledged anything Ms Palin has said or done - and therein lies additional reasons for her rabid hatred. Other than saying her family were "off limits" I don't remember anything of her mentioned during the campaign - also, too.
DeleteYes, everyone at your last article talked about her orange shirt in terms of color or looseness. Actually, she is showing off her recently plastic surgeoned body--look at the picture from the last article. You can see right through her shirt. How desperate is she for attention? She is that desperate.
ReplyDeleteQueries to the Romney camp about any possible Palin role at the convention meet with a stony silence.
ReplyDeleteDe Ja Vu for Sarah
Not being asked to speak at the GOP convention must bring back horrid memories for Sarah Palin from the time the Wasilla Hill Billy was refused a speaking role during McCain's concession speech.....
I sincerely hope someone knocks her block off if she even tries to make a speech at the convention. Remember how relentless she was when McCain made his "I lost" speech?
DeleteShe litterly has to be looked at face to face and told that she would not be allowed to speak before she got the message. I think McCain was the one that finally stopped her vs his campaign members. She is a first class jerk!
I did not listen to the speech. If you've heard one Palin speech you've heard them all. Plus I am on vacation and thought I would spare myself.
ReplyDeleteHer outfit is totally inappropriate. I can understand someone wearing a somewhat sheer silk blouse with an elegant camisole or same color bra underneath but this outfit, a loose fitting see-thru red top with white bra (and it is clearly a bra), is ridiculous. It's the type of outfit you would see a 15-year old trying to sneak out of the house in.
Cougar? LOL!
"If you've heard one Palin speech you've heard them all."
DeleteYou'd think so wouldn't you? But this one was like hearing one of her past speeches as performed by Alvin and the Chipmunks.
I was reading articles about older women becoming Anorexic. Apparently they are becoming anorexic in record numbers. $arah really looks like she is. If she weren't such a vile excuse for a human being I'd be worried about her. She looks that bad.Plus only 4oo people showed up in MI. Actually from the pictures I'd say half that. She must be really hurting from how far she has fallen. GOOD!
ReplyDeleteShe'll be running a marathon any day now.
DeleteShe wants to be seen as a teeny tiny Hollywood starlet. Remember her speech after she quit and dissed the teeny tiny starlets.
Delete"She'll be running a marathon any day now."
Deletelol good one!
As long as it's one way. Or off a very short political pier.
DeleteDelegates, press, and VIPs will have to have official invitations and passes and go through tight security. If Mitt and the RNC say no Sarah then she will got get in. She is going so she can get camera time and feel like she is getting one up on the RNC and Mitt. She is a true media whore.
ReplyDeleteAll that will do is remind the Republican establishment who lost the last election for them, and why they have not forgiven Sarah.
She's there to be disruptive and get free camera time and slso, too to sell leftover books.
DeleteMaybe she has DVD's of the family reality shows. If people do not want to watch them on TV, why would they buy them? The Palins really think they are very special people. The fact that they have not one iota of talent does not bother them at all.
DeleteYes, Lieberman showed good sense in protecting the President from a woman, who within the past year, had actively, not tacitly, encouraged people to hate and attack the President and his family because of his race. Why she was even invited to this gathering is beyond me. She is a mote in the eye of American exceptionalism. She is evil.
ReplyDeleteThat dinner was a few years ago - doubt she'd be invited today!
DeleteShe was still Governor - was it not the same weekend as the governors were meeting - or some such thing.
DeleteSarah forgot, when she resigned, that Governors get invited places that media "spokespersons" don't.
Strange, for somebody who is always accusing men of looking at her and her daughters, Christian Sarah Palin dressed as if she wants men to look at her.
ReplyDeleteThat's like Bristol accusing men of looking at her and then announcing she will be the most most conservative dancer on DWTS but Bristol ended up showing her fat ass in a skimpy outfit and dry humping Mark Ballas on the floor right in front of her father.
These Palin females are physco!
The dry humping was unreal weird. But I put nothing past these idiots.
DeleteSpeaking to crowds of 40 at county parks.
ReplyDeleteGetting snubbed by Mitt Romney.
Can it get any worse than this?
Jail, perhaps?
Can it get any worse than this?
DeletePiper getting pregnant before going to high school!
Todd leaving her for Dan Savage?
DeleteOr Sean "I am SOO constipated" Hannity.Maybe Glenn Beck or Rove or Limbaugh is more appealing to Toad?
DeleteSarah better be careful on what she is tugging, the next time she pulls up her shirt she may end up pulling off her loose old granny skin by accident.
ReplyDeleteSarah learned at the Correspondence dinner she wasn´t good enough to speak directly to President Obama. But Joe Lieberman, friend and ally to McCain during ´08, was speaking to him so why shouldn´t she?
ReplyDeleteSarah will never be in their peer group.
Does anyone think Fox News will protest Palin not getting an invite by not televising the Rep Convention?? Me neither.. Little Miss Entilement is SOL! Shit out of luck
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised if in one of the first conversations McCain had with Romney, he told him to stay as far away from Palin as possible. She's the 'Black Widow' of politics and will takeover, if given the chance. I can hear her now, peddling her many nonsensical conspiracy theories. They might energize the base, but the rest of us look as them as if they've fallen and bumped their heads on concrete floors.
ReplyDeleteMcCain got to see 23 years of Romney tax returns in 2008... I bet he didn't see a Trig Palin birth certificate from Sarah!
ReplyDeleteAs tight assed as Romney is I doubt seriously he turned over 23 years of tax returns to McCain. Don't believe it for a second!
DeleteI agree that there was nowhere near 400. I enlarged the photo and counted every head, every partial head, every disembodied shoulder and every umbrella that I could see. (Well, I wasn't busy and was curious...what can I say?) It didn't convincingly make 200 even with those I may have missed, and it was fairly apparent where the general crowd ended.
ReplyDeleteAnd am I mistaken, or was there an actual black guy in the front row?
What's is new - all reports - 200 somewhat strong (?) - are consistently lies. She's a fraud through and through!
DeleteI didn't see a black guy just stale old white bread!
DeleteGlenn Rice, maybe?
DeleteHere is the most clear photo I could find of her in that shirt, without the podium in the way.
Pure aging porn star.
I was reading what people on this site were saying about the white bra and the translucency, but DAMN, Sarah...WTF were you thinking???
She looks like an aged Octomom.
DeleteHer blotchy skin and flabby arms need to be hidden.
DeleteShe is about as unprofessional as they come and an embarrassment to women. What a friggin' fraud!!!
DeleteCheck out this picture...love the dead tooth! I tell ya'...METH is one hellavu drug! LOL!!
Looking at the picture, she must have recently had a tummy tuck or lipo from the looks of her stomach through that thin shirt. I'm sure she was wanting all those old men in the audience to get a good look at her. She is one sick, old hag!
DeleteDead tooth? I'm not sure which one you mean. They look normal to me.
DeleteThough, my experience is with my Aunt's meth mouth. All her teeth are gone. Every last one. Full dentures that click into place.
DeleteYou do know what real Meth Heads look like, right? I know that you love to create humorous diatribes regarding the life and times of the screechy wretch, but seriously, if you spent any time at all in a hospital or clinic or any real world medical intervention type arena where we deal with Methamphetamine users on a daily basis you'd know that Meth is not the drug of choice of any of the Palins. Meth addiction tends to negate all function, even moderate functionality on a daily basis, much less getting on a plane, giving speeches and appearring on television even with TelePromtr assistance. Whatever Palin is doing it's not Meth, not even trans-nasal application (snorting). Please, do not lend credence to the Myth that Meth users can function even somewhat normally. It's a terrible problem and one that you obviously have not witnessed firsthand and especially in a clinical setting.
Gina, could you be more specific because I don't see a dead tooth and I'm not a troll.
DeleteGreat link and WTF was she thinking? She was wearing the Belmonts - her midriff is bare under the see through top and you can see the waistband of her white jeans. Pure slut through and through. I've seen hookers wearing more clothes hanging on the end of a bar at a road side honky tonk
DeleteWe've already had the METH conversation before on another thread.
Delete"Meth addiction tends to negate all function, even moderate functionality on a daily basis, much less getting on a plane, giving speeches and appearring on television even with TelePromtr assistance."
DeleteI hear people fry their babies in oil on meth!
You are fucking clueless.
Gina I think you linked to the wrong photo. That one looks like it was taken before the physical ravages of chronic amphetamine abuse began to be noticeable. Back then her behavior was the big tip-off.
DeleteOh sorry...everyone...I meant to say...MATH! My bad! LOL!!!
DeleteYeah I don't see a dead tooth either. Besides her veneers would hide it anyway.
DeleteYou're right...it's not a dead tooth...it's a FANG!
God, compare the top photo to the one on the bottom of the blog. Sarah Palin has aged horribly (look at her neck area!) in a four-year period. So thankful that Lieberman stopped her approach to President Obama and I'll wager our wonderful President thanked him big time too if he was even aware Palin was trying to get to him.
ReplyDeleteShe's one evil, ugly woman!!!
In that Lieberman photo, she looks like the Devious Wicked Witch of the Northwest. Her Ugliness was apparent way back in 2009. Is that what a Pimp's Wife looks like?
ReplyDeleteSarah delighted in being as nasty a player as she could be in the Tea Party. She was not a Republican player-- damn those Establishment Republicans. Now, she is getting payback.
ReplyDeleteCheck out her splotchy arm jello. Seriously, that is a wicked bad spray tan.
ReplyDeletewhy is she lifting her blouse and showing her bra straps????
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what she's planning at the convention and truth be told I doubt SHE knows. I think it will be just like last year when at a two day even Palin seemed drugged, lethargic, and unable to speak or even walk without Prosti-Todd assisting her. Then the next day, she had strapped the Belmont gals into a tight white sweater replete with skintight skirt for the Viagra-Rascal Scooter set, and appeared totally amped up. Complete 180 within 12 hours.
ReplyDeleteSo I don't think she knows her involvement yet because her people/handlers are waiting to see if she is mentally capable of being present at that time.
One thing is certain though- whatever the purpose of her rented booth, it will be something where her bots provide their credit card number and something that will require a recurring monthly charge. Like a "Sarah's Special Election Season Newsletter". She could call it "Gypsies, Tramps, & Thieves: how you too can get your clan of grifting pimps and layabouts into the political arena!"
I'm being a little sarcastic but as to the recurring charge, I'm completely serious. SarahPAC is virtually her only income now and the numbers aren't what they used to be. She will come up with any scam to keep charging the bots' credit cards.
Wonder if there is anything to this "prosti-Todd" thing? That Shailey Tripp has disappeared into the ether and I guess he's off scott free on that one unless she shows back up to say more about it? The APD cleared him of all insinuation of wrong doing, it really was just this one woman's word against his and she's gone and not pursuing it any further and talks dirty to guys on Dial A Star. Hmmm, who would you believe?
DeleteHands down.... I would believe Shailey. The airport video and the WGE video show a bully doing what he does best....bullying.
DeleteUh no. It was more than her word against his. She had all the documentation. Try reading Boys Will Be Boys. Check out Malia Litman's blog on the matter. Malia is an attorney.
Delete5:03 PM Why has Todd Palin NEVER DENIED the PIMPING Allegations? Is it just a COINCIDENCE
Deletethat Special Agent DAVID CHANEY was a part of the Palin Family Secret Service Protection Detail? The Federal Sex Trafficking Investigation is still ongoing. Don't be surprised when October 'LEAKS' of the Findings are in the MAIN STREAM MEDIA.
Hmmmn. Women considering plastic surgery or "injectibles" should probably be informed that it eventually may give them strange horse nostrils that appear to be permanently flared. Just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteWhy did she rent space? Does she have more books to unload? Or maybe Bristol's books? DVD's perhaps of "The Undefeated?" Or maybe she'll be charging folks to have their picture taken with her...you know anything for a buck.
ReplyDeletePictures of Sexy Sarah always give me a woody!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kristy! LOL
DeleteWell for pete's sake go talk to the hand then!
Delete@5:21 PM You must be Drunk, because there is nothing about Sarah Palin that would cause one to have a "WOODIE". Just ask Todd Palin why he goes elsewhere to be "SERVICED".
Delete"Die hard Republicans" who are not Teatards? What is that? Most "normal" GOP folks I know have a hard time saying her name without spitting derisively at the same time.
ReplyDeleteShe looks to me like she's wearing one of the cami's you find in the bra dept, there made of the stretchy material and you tuck it in your jeans or skirt or its a full on spanks or body suit. Still tacky with a see thru blouse for her age and also tacky to wear for a speech.
ReplyDeleteit does look like this is what she's wearing with the bra like straps.
no, it doesn't.
Deleteif she was wearing one of those her stomach would be the same color as the bra. it is not.
This nearly 50 year old idiot is wearing a tacky see through blouse in order to show off her anorexic body which she thinks is beautiful or to show off her rumored tummy tuck. Whichever it is, she is beyond cheap and tawdry. If a student came to my high school dressed like that, she would have to go home and change or put on a sweatshirt.
DeleteSarah...get some help.
Media plans to fill air time with Palin commenting on the convention are probably vaporizing. Palin can't manage a county fair speech without exposing her underwear.
ReplyDeleteAlthough some media outlets might go along hoping for a spectacular wardrobe malfunction just to boost viewership.
I can't believe that not only are some of the Peebots at C4P expecting Sarah to get a prime-time slot to screech at the convention, but some of them are actually expecting her to be chosen as Romney's VP running mate.
ReplyDeleteNow I can understand why she's able to grift all the spare change from their pockets - they're just plain stupid!
Sarah Palin, chopped liver? Of course, not! She is the wrapper that it is sold in....trash.
ReplyDeleteOMG.............The NECK! THAT is looking to die. Where did that "I will never come in second?" get you, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteThis woman is ILL, physically and psychologically. Someone PLEASE get her help.
But there's nothing to see unless she's wearing the Belmont Girls.
ReplyDeleteWow. Check out the comments...and this is POLITICO! 99.9 percent 'stay the fuck home, Sarah'. She just slips more and more into political oblivion. Look for her to throw a HUGE Hail Mary for the media's attention, she is over the top desperate, for sure!
ReplyDeleteNo Tampa invite yet for Palin
One gets the sense that Rmoney's campaign is at about the same point that McCain's was after he selected Palin and the initial curiosity and excitement wore off and the reality of the pick set in. That's when it began to unravel and he never regained his footing after that. He was defined by that one colossal mistake.
ReplyDeleteThis is shaping up to be the beginning of the end of Rmoney's campaign because of the way it plays right into everyone's worst suspicions about him.
The GOP is starting to realize that everything Santorum, Perry and Gingrich said about this this guy was true. His Bain experience was going to turn out to be a HUGE liability, his refusal to produce any significant tax returns would raise more questions than it answered (and, of course, his being the father of Obamacare completely undermined virtually all his arguments against it).
There are still several more weeks for a draft pick. I hear The Donald is still available.
"Mommy Mommy, Barry won't let me be President. I thought it was my turn"
ReplyDeleteThat's what the Rmoney campaign has been reduced to.