Monday, July 23, 2012

The Non-Theist's 7 Deadly Sins.

I am not a believer in the idea of sin, but having said that this kind of works for me.

How about you.


  1. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Hey, Gryff! What's with the "surveyor's marks" in place of the "o's"?

    Kidding! Just KIDDING!

  2. Sally in MI3:44 AM

    Did you find that in the dictionary under GOP Political Party? If not, it should be describes those heartless bastards perfectly...them and the NRA.

  3. London Bridges3:52 AM

    I kinda like Fear Mongering, Hatred, and Greed!

  4. Dis Gusted3:52 AM

    why are the o's targets w/cross hairs? ROFL

  5. Anonymous4:24 AM

    How many of these apply to fixed moose or to the larger media beyond them?

  6. An European viewpoint4:58 AM

    Terry Pratchett says (I think in Snuff ?) that the basic sin is in treating people as if they were things, and all other sins roll from that.

    Fear mongering, racism, greed are sins.

    Hatred is not ; it's a pretty valid feeling in bad circumstances, just like fear - think someone about to murder your loved ones, you need enough hatred to put your own safety second and try to overpower him.

  7. An European viewpoint5:07 AM

    Moreover, I don't like those two :

    - "False morality" is a particular form of "Hypocrisy", so it shouldn't stand there.

    - "Duplicity" can be linked to "Hypocrisy" too ; besides, duplicity is often needed in protecting oneself from more powerful people, so to make it a sin is not reasonable.

  8. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I think what we have here is an advanced copy of the 2012 Republican Convention "platform"

  9. Randall6:32 AM

    Yeah, I think greed/avarice should be on there as well.

  10. vegaslib10:11 AM

    Sums up Palin and the GOP perfectly.


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