Sunday, July 22, 2012

Well, well, look who made the front page of the Huffington Post.

Courtesy of the Huffington Post: The Palins have never been known for being particularly gay-friendly -- and unfortunately, it seems as if the youngest member of the family is following in the footsteps of his elders. 

A newly-released clip from the Lifetime reality series "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp" shows Tripp Palin uttering a homophobic slur when mom Bristol and aunt Willow won't let him visit the swimming pool. 
The Palin sisters gasp, and then giggle, when three-year-old Tripp's temper tantrum culminates in the tot calling his aunt a "faggot."

Well it took them a week, but at least somebody over at Huffpo finally noticed the poor parenting on display during this crappy unreality show.

Yeah, I bet the Grizzled Mam is going to be NONE too happy about this!


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    So, we have Bristol made famous by purposely getting pregnant and threatening to give America the middle finger, Piper made famous for pushing an adult whom her mother was speaking with, and now Willow made famous for a second display of homophobiia. If Sarah had any sense of shame, she'd be ashamed.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      How is Willow homophobic for ONE TIME mimicking language that the average teen uses on a daily basis. Think back to those myspace messages. Levi, Sadie, their friends saying nigg and fag. That still happens. It's just part of the language of today. How is that different from people saying "retarded?" The Palins react strongly against people who say retarded, that's no different.

      Mountain, molehill. Don't combine them.

    2. Oh shit, it''s back!

    3. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Okay, Kristy, just because YOU teach that to kids in your pre-K Sunday School class, doesn't mean that it's right.

      But keep defending their indefensible behavior anonymously. I'd be ashamed if I were you.

    4. Anonymous7:53 PM

      "It" is an obsessive nutcase who needs serious psychiatric intervention. It's too bad you can't ban her like others do. The entertainment factor is long gone. What kind of loon hits her head against a brick wall over and over again!!
      Its our crazy IM troll

    5. Kristy is INSANE.7:53 PM

      Kristy long dry spell is over and she's back with a vengeance, because

      Kristy is INSANE.

    6. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Yeah, like you know all about what the average kid's lingo is like these days, Kristy Patullo. You have no kids, you don't work with kids....

      Willow called a kid a faggot. Her boyfriend called a kid a raghead. That is the quality of upbringing these little miscreants have. Unfortunately, Auntie Willow has passed her foul mouth, antigay rhetoric on to her nephew.

    7. Anonymous8:13 PM

      I agree Kristy is NUTS

  2. Can't wait for Bristol's apology post on that episode. Think she'll spin it that he didn't say "faggot" but something else that they chose to bleep out?

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Are you a parent? I take it not.

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      At his early age, the young child is only learning exactly what he's being taught, and just listening to Tripp reveals what they are teaching this poor kid already!

      It's a travesty there are no mature adults in their entire klan that recognize the harm they are doing. The Palins are such horrible role models for their own kids, yet they put BRISTOL out as role models for others? How fucked-up is that? Pretty bad, I'd say.

    3. linda7:47 PM

      i'm guessing she'll say he said "fatbutt" or something like that.

    4. Kristy is INSANE.7:54 PM

      Kristy has no idea what a good parent is because

      Kristy is INSANE.

    5. Anonymous7:54 PM


      Your kids must be model citizens if you taught them to say "I HATE YOU, FAGGOT" before they were potty-trained. You sound like a great parent. /s

    6. @7:26
      Yes, I am a parent- of two teenagers who have NEVER told me they hate me (even during our hottest of parent/child arguments) , and do not use derogatory/hateful terms like that in conversation.

  3. Anonymous6:22 PM

    This child obviously is like most kids and is picking up what he hears around the house. His use of the word "hate" and "faggot" most likely came from him hearing it being spoken by either Bristol or Willow. Just another example of the white trailer trash known as the Palin's.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      My 3-yo nephew tells people that they're his "favorite son." You can tell he hears it a lot from his own parents (who don't have another son--they have a favorite son and a favorite daughter!).

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      My siblings and I playfully say things like "I hate you" to goof on each other. We saw Bristol and Willow do similar things in Arizona. A child hears that one day and can't tell sarcasm or humor from serious behavior and repeats. It really means nothing and mature minds know that.

    3. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Anon 6:58, thats funny because Tripp calls girls in his life "my girl." He's such a loving little guy. Typical rowdy 3 yr old who doesn't like punishment, but loving well behaved.

    4. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Mature minds??? That's rich coming from you. You are bananas, truly cuckoo

    5. Kristy is INSANE.7:55 PM

      Kristy has been peeping in the windows of the compound and spying on Briscow and her fat sister Willow again.

      Kristy has no idea that Briscow and Willow think Kristy is creepy and also,too

      Kristy is INSANE.

    6. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Yeah, Tripp's a typical kid of a hateful, ignorant mother and her family. It's not his fault yet what they're teaching him.

    7. Anonymous8:06 PM

      I stopped the "I hate you" with my siblings halfway through our teenage years. As 18+, these sisters sure are quick with that particular insult. Too bad neither are smart enough to realize you don't use that language in front of a toddler/preschooler.

    8. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Kristy THINKS she knows Tripp.

      Kristy is getting really scary!

      Stalker alert!!!!

    9. Google K.P.'s name and it looks like one busy bee.

  4. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Krusty must not have seen it yet. Mostly ALL negative comments.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      She's there already, alias "he is a what" lol.."everybody does it, no big deal, libruls bad, bristol good"..krusty fartullo you are a tiresome hag.

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Kristy Maroon Patutti is right here right now live!! She spends HOURS pouring over Facebook and twitter and google and puts imaginary scenarios in her head. She honestly thinks she knows the Palins!

      Call 911 or the FBI on this delusional fan. Her obsession is becoming alarming

  5. I am thrilled this has finally been picked up by wider media.

    The best part is- Bristol can't win by lying for once. If she lies (and she will) the BEST she'll be able to rebut this with is "oh, no- he was actually saying the F word!"

    She looks like the horrid parent she is either way.

    I strongly suspect the reason Bristol tried like all hell to get Levi to the balding bear (or whatever it's called) was because she needed a fall guy for Tripp's language. Bristol and Willow would have sat on their lazy asses while Levi played with Tripp- then the next time Tripp dropped a swear word or slur, I GUARANTEE it would have been "oh my GAAAASH, I can't believe Levi used those words around you Tripp!!!"

    As it is, I suspect Bristol will blame hecklers or paparazzi who "hate her mom" for yelling that evil word while she and Tripp are out, thus defiling her little Angel's ears!

    I would just LOVE for Bristol to swear it was "just" the F word and then have lifetime leak the original footage.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Parents can relate to her. Kids pick up weird things from mysterious places. Bristol was taken aback in that scene. It shows. I love how strangers are drawing pretty big conclusions from one silly scene. It's comical and weird.

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      I'd love for you to NOT make a mountain out of a mole hill. The language is out in the world. if you approve of it for yourself to use, are you surprised kids all over the world also use it?

    3. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Mature and intelligent parents DO NOT relate to this!!!

      This troll lives in the twilight zone!

    4. OH GEEZ! Krusty the Krazy Klown stalker has arrived with all her talking points and she's running those computers at full steam!

      Dang Krusty...slow your roll before you blow out the fan on your laptop!

      And I hope you got those bedsores looked at...I heard they were starting to stink and such!

    5. Anonymous8:10 PM

      BullSHIT, Kristy. I have kids, you do not. First, children aren't in "mysterious" places, especially at that age. We have an aunt who provides child care with a history of saying faggot and hateful sentiments. Is it so mysterious where Tripp picked it up? Sheesh, you have no clue.

    6. GinaM,

      I at first glance read your reply as "all her STALKING points." :)

    7. Anonymous9:25 PM

      @7:21- where is Tripp picking this up? He's not in preschool, or seemingly around any other people other than Bristol, Willow, Gino and at one time, Andy (he's got a new girl now, so Willow is on the outs). Toddlers mimic what they hear, plain and simple. The girls tell each other they hate each other, Tripp says it to them. They use the word faggot and god knows what else, Tripp says it. This is parenting 101. You either care about what your kid is going to mimic during this stage of your develop and alter your conversations accordingly, or you don't. They don't care and they are willing to let everyone see it. Disgusting.

  6. It's about time someone else noticed that Beefy's mothering skills are on par with her crazy ass mother! Maybe that's why Baldy had that interview with New York Magazine today about "Working Mothers"...but as usual...Baldy's interview didn't make any sense...exhibit A...

    "This double standard is not lost on Palin, who weighed in via e-mail on Mayer, her appointment, and her pregnancy:

    “There was obviously a lot of partisan hypocrisy about this issue during the 2008 election. I’ve been criticized for working with children and even having babies while serving as a city’s CEO and then as my state’s CEO. But I would have been criticized for not doing it as well.”

    WTF does this even MEAN??? Dumb ass Baldy did NOT do it well! And thank heavens BPLAT is showing us every Tuesday night at 11:00pm how BAD of a mother Beefy is...and of course Wallow is just as bad! Poor Piper...she doesn't stand a chance!

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I can barely read this incoherent comment.

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      I never understood why she decided she was a CEO instead of a Mayor and a (half-term) Governor. Who says that? What Mayor anywhere, other than Palin, routinely calls themselves the CEO of their city?

      Is she trying to rewrite the English language? I mean, if that's up for grabs, I'd like to nominate someone with a better understanding of our current English language than Palin. My 4 yr old niece comes to mind...

    3. Anonymous7:39 PM

      I can't fucking stand that she keeps saying she was a CEO !!! It's such a stupid analogy. I watched Gane Change again and really Julianne Moore shows what a nutcase Sarah is!

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I can barely read this incoherent comment.

      Say's the Palin Family stalker.

      Maybe if you got your fat ass out of the bed and attended some form of institution of higher learning you would be able to understand the words that are coming out of my keyboard dummy!

    5. Anonymous8:02 PM


      Krusty's mother just called in and said her daughter Krusty has refused to take her meds all weekend. Look for severe symptoms of psychosis and anti-social behavior. Do not try to engage her as she has been flinging poo all day at anyone who dares to make eye contact with her.

    6. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Our high school has as many people (students, teachers and staff) as live in all of Wasilla. I guess that the principal is qualified to be mayor, excuse me, principal of Wasilla. Nothing personal, Alaska, but you have less than a million people living there. There are cities in the US with millions and millions of people: New York, LA, Chicago, Houston, and more. The mayor of those cities is more qualified to run a government than Sarah is. And, she quit half way along.

  7. Ewww- Gryphen, your blog is advertising Joe Arpaio's PAC! I know the ads are supposed to be based upon my browsing habits but the google algorithm failed BIG TIME.

    Is anyone else seeing this windbaggy blowhard on IM?

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      No. I got the new TV show Secretary of State with Sigourney Weaver.

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      No I keep getting NoNo hair removal ads

      BTW I did buy one and it works. But the last month all I get is NoNo ads!

    3. Anonymous7:21 PM

      AdBlocker is the best piece of software that you can ever download. It's free and it works with Safari or Firefox; no more ads ever!

    4. WakeUpAmerica7:31 PM

      I am.

    5. Yeah, Nyah, Crazy Joe has been popping up on mine all week. That's what I get for going over and reading all the nonsense that oozes from the keyboards of the no-brain idjits at Daily Caller and their kinfolk at Breitbart, et al.

      It's good to see HuffPo calling out the Palins for teaching the young 'uns hatred and bigotry as toddlers. Yep, nothing like startin' em out hatin' all the "others" before they learn to count to 10 or to spell 3- and 4-letter words!

      When such a young kid has a vocabulary so limited but still spouts out "I hate you!" and "Faggot!" repeatedly with such ease and clarity, you can safely assume that he's learned it from hearing those things spoken repeatedly by his family and caregivers.

      It's pretty obvious now why Bristol tried to keep the kid's mouth plugged with a pacifier until he turned five--- so he wouldn't reveal all of the other curse words he's been taught by those filthy people. I can't wait to read how Sarah and Brancy attempt to spin this sorry display of parenting into "Obama's fault". As I've said so many times before, these Palins are absolutely shameless.

    6. I suspect that has something to do with some of the trolls and other stalkers who come onto this site to see what's being said. They're tracking their mud onto the site. These sites have cookies that tailor the ads to whatever its visitors have been hitting elsewhere. Sometimes I actually get to see an Obama ad here instead.
      M from MD

    7. Anonymous7:41 PM

      No! You see ads based on your own browsing habits. Gryphen doesn't choose ads- that's how google ads work.
      I can't believe tat fat racist moron has a PAC!!

      I want a PAC to support me too!! What the hell is happening to our country!?!

    8. I actually see ads for a Christian dating site, and college loan programs.

      I don't think I understand Google.

    9. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Gryphen, maybe that's a hint you should start dating Christians :)
      Google is all-knowing!

    10. Anonymous8:21 PM

      get adblocker.

    11. And sometimes I get ads for Timbuk2 or some other thing I was looking up. It can run the gamut thanks to the cookies that track all of us.

    12. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Take their advice Gryphen, Christian girls are Easy! Even with the "abstinent" ones anything else goes, and I mean Anything Else as long as it doesn't involve the vagina! They're more fun that non Christian girls sometimes!!! I love, love, love those xtian dating sites; if you can pretend to be all "likeminded" at least for a date or two you'll be luckier than you can imagine!

  8. lostinmn6:44 PM

    They needed their Sara story for the week and this was the best they could come up with.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Too bad no one cares.

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      LOL huffpo certainly is sad these days. Report on something that means nothing in the grand scheme of things and is only meant to drive ratings.

    3. What ratings??? Beefy show isn't even on the RATINGS chart! That stupid ass show is so pitiful, I expect Beefy to have Nancy write something that makes her look even more illiterate and retarded by tomorrow...oh yeah...she already does that!

    4. Anonymous8:05 PM


      When you say "grand scheme", you're referring to the "grandest", Sarah PAC, huh?

  9. Anonymous6:58 PM

    My kids never heard words like this come out of their parents', uncles’ or grandparents’ mouths so they would never think to use such foul language. Children mimic their parents.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Children mimic the world. Obviously given Bristol and Willow's reaction, that phrase was a shock to them. It looked like they didnt know what to think. There isn't a person close to the family who'd call Bristol a bad mother or Tripp a bad kid. Proven.

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Proven how maroon!!??? Show us your proof.
      In your crazy wirld of magical thinking you think sayibg proven meaare something. WTF is wrong with you! Get help for Gods sake! Because I really know " the family" unlike you who imagines they know them! And guess what-- not everybody thinks she is a good parent! PROVEN!!

    3. Kristy is INSANE.8:05 PM

      Kristy thinks that all 4 year olds say the word f****t because that's what Kristy teaches all the 4 year olds that she comes into contact with, it also could be because

      Kristy is INSANE.

    4. Anonymous8:08 PM


      Proven? It's proven that parents choose the environment for their kids 100% at Tripp's age. He's learned and mimicked the behavior that he's being exposed to. Bristol is just as poor a parent as her mom was. Tripp's language and behavior is all the evidence a child psychologist would need. PROVEN.

    5. Anonymous8:12 PM

      ^They were only shocked that cameras were there to catch it on film. That entire family has a potty mouth.

    6. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Nice try 7:18pm. Both Bristol and Willow called people faggots on Facebook. Next up on Bristol Life's a Tripp: Tripp learns how to give America the Big Middle Finger, just like Mommy did on Dancing With the Stars! Yay Palins! Best parenting ever, NOT! And these people are against abortion....go figure....

    7. Anonymous8:20 PM

      What should Bristol have done? Her first reaction should have been to turn to the camera guys and ask them to cut the scene. She also needed to have a little talk with Tripp about what language is good, and what is bad. Bristol and Willow use that language all the time; their face book posts are filled with it. I don't think that Bristol realized how much Tripp was picking up from her. That sticking the tongue out was cute, too, until he stuck it out at Bristol and Gino. Tripp saying over and over how much he hated them was a call for attention that was never answered. If Tripp is such a good boy the rest of the time, maybe he does not belong on camera or having his life turned upside down by a star struck mother. Bristol did nothing. She also did not prevent Tripp form playing with the candlesticks and lit candles. When he was frightened of going on the snow machine, she made him go. I can't wait for her to be nominated for the Mother of the Year.

    8. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Un, no. That reaction was "oh, shit, what did he just say?" (giggle, giggle) [which, by the way, gives positive reinforcement, basically guaranteeing he'll say it again]. A parents reaction to that should be shock (without the laughter or grins) and immediate admonition. I'm beginning to think Bristol has been punked and this show is a documentary on exactly why teenagers shouldn't have babies. Of course, I know young mothers who are excellent parents, so I think this is a what-not-to-do lesson.

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    ¨I´m doing a terrible job disciplining Tripp.¨

    No shit.

    That´s because she is a terrible mother who had a terrible mother who had a terrible mother...

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      The issue might be that Bristol had strict parents who set lots of rules (this has been spoken about in several interviews by her) and Bristol recalls how hard it is for the average kids to obey parental rules. Though I think much of that is just for the cameras. Tripp is a good boy who seems to be fearless.

    2. Kristy is INSANE.8:06 PM

      Kristy has to keep repeating the same thing over and over because

      Kristy is INSANE.

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Strict parents? This PROVES that you do not know " the family" at all. You have created imaginary friends and they aren't real Kristy!
      You have no frigging idea what you are talking about. And your obsession is getting worse with each passing day.

    4. Anonymous8:13 PM

      That family had and has no rules. Those kids did what they please and ran free with no parental supervision.

    5. Anonymous8:16 PM

      They don't know what the word "discipline" means. Sarah's rule as mayor was that she would do as she pleased until the courts told her that she couldn't. Curtis Menard walked into her office and told her that she belonged at home, taking care of her children. Bristol getting drunk and pregnant while she was a teen never had any rules. When Sarah suspected that Bristol might be pregnant, she took away her cell phone for a few days. How about giving her the talk about the birds and the bees-- and having her tested for sexually transmitted disease and AIDS? Bristol never had any rules so she doesn't know how to set boundaries for Tripp.

    6. Anonymous8:33 PM

      "strict" parents? LOLOLOLOLOL

      Now Brisket, dammit, listen to me! You're 15 so you don't know everything yet, so before you sneak out of the house to go get drunk and get fucked in a tent later tonight like you ALWAYS do, at least be sure to change into your old jeans.

      You know how you always wear the knees out of your brand new jeans when you go camping, and you need this new pair to be clean so you can wear them to church tomorrow.

  11. Anonymous7:00 PM

    This will play well at the convention.

  12. And this woman continues to denigrate the President with every breathe she takes - No wonder Sarah has issues with being a working parent - she didn't do much work and she certainly did nothing in the parent stakes.

    Parents are not responsible for much of what their children do - many of their values come from school, friends, activities and their beliefs. The problem Mrs Palin has is that she attacks others for their lack of "family values" while having one of the most dysfunctional families ever seen on the national stage.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      I don't understand your definition of dysfunction. Her family stands by one another, spends time with each other, and lives life with no regrets. It's all about YOLO.

    2. Oh Damn, the bedsore covered shut in has set up shop and is on the troll late night shift!

      Krusty...I hope you got your bedpan's gonna be a long night for ya'...LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous8:08 PM

      This is a figmentvofbyour imagination 7:15. Stop talking about people you don't know as if you are in with them. I know that you aren't! Proven Kristy. Proven!

    4. Only the truly messed up do not understand the meaning of dysfunction, especially when it is so readily apparent. Get help, Anonymous 7:15 PM.

    5. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Oh my fucking God....did you really just YOLO?
      It's like the mating call of the Jersy Shore crowd.
      ALERT!! ALERT!!
      We got a Palin here!!

    6. Anonymous8:42 PM

      What the fuck is YOLO?

    7. Anonymous9:04 PM

      You Only Live Once.
      Its a tired out meme that's universally laughed at by more savvy people. Its a joke.
      Someone is taking it seriously.

  13. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I finally watched the latest two episodes of Bristol's show when they appeared for free on the Lifetime website. Am I the only one who thinks Sarah doesn't like Willow very well? Of course, it's hard to tell because they're all so mean to each other. Also, what does Andy see in Willow? I realize the show is a tiny segment, but it seems edited to put Willow in a really bad light--she is constantly mean, rude, and bitchy to him. If Bristol and Sarah had final say, why did they agree to let Willow come across as such an evil bitch?

    Oh, and did anyone else catch the hypocrisy of Willow freaking out because Andy called her a bitch (which she was being) and then turning around to say of women at hair school, "They're all beyotches"?

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Willow and Andy just weren't meant to be. She is still close to his family though and the Palins will always be close. I LOVE how so much is read into one little instance. If I were to read that much into things over at this blog, I'd rightly assume that everyone here is an angry, unfulfilled ignorant asshole. Unless you've never swore in your life or never committed sin, can you really judge anything?

      Headlines come and go. Families stay together forever and children go on living happily.

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Willow and Andy are history now; good for Andy!

    3. WakeUpAmerica7:32 PM

      They would describe it as sassy and applaud her for saying what she believes.

    4. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Willow and Andy didn't work out because he was being unreasonable for not wanting her to go to a good school. She broke up with him because he was content working at an auto shop forever. At least listen to the words before you judge. Willow is still close to his family and friends.

      Willow is young and honest. She comes across as such. This show isn't for the "haters." It's for fans who accept people as people and don't read tons into things or insert biased, ignorant opinion.

      Think about. Bristol is friends with several of the production team. They're on good terms. This show is like less than 1% of their lives. They needed drama and to not glamorize anything, so they left things like this in to show that anything can happen no matter what.

      Not rocket science. Nothing is foreign in Life's a Tripp. Millions of good parents see that identical behavior at least once. It's what little kids do, talk back and fight orders.

    5. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:58 PM

      u gonna respond to every. single. comment, Krusty, you psycho?

    6. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Kristy- stop making things up about people you don't know.

    7. Wallow ditched Andy because she's a man hater and doesn't have a clue how to interact or keep a man...just like her sister and just like her bald headed mama!

    8. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Andy cut her loose because he's not the father. Proven.

    9. Anonymous8:13 PM

      These are very boring people who lead very boring lives. They repeat the same thing over at least three times. Each one sounds as if they could use a few more years of high school. I don't care if the show is fake and creates some false drama as an attempt to create some interest, it's vapid, it's lifeless and it is no inspiration to young parents who should be thinking about finishing their education, aiming for a good job and doing their best to be good parents to their kids. This show is about a selfish, self-absorbed girl who has shown us how not to raise a child.

    10. Anonymous8:23 PM

      "This show isn't for the"haters" its for the fans."
      Judging by the ratings....there are no fans.

    11. Anonymous8:34 PM


      You state that "the Palins are close". Little do you know how close. We here in the Valley know how close. Many of their most prominent traits come from being "so close".

    12. Anonymous8:43 PM

      A good school? What, Willow wanted to go to Stanford or Princeton and Andy told her to stay in Alaska?

  14. Anonymous7:05 PM

    How very sad for Tripp. A child's personality is supposedly formed, or at least on its basic trajectory, by age seven or eight. If this is an example of his path, he is going to be a loser big time.

    You'd think Granny Sarah would care more, would step up and give guidance, but I don't she has a clue as to how to mother if her own children's behavior is an indicator. Sarah Palin is not only a failed mother, she has raised girls who will follow in her footsteps. Not a legacy to be proud of by any measure.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      How ignorant and judgmental can you be.

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Says the Palin Family Stalker who will be receiving that restraining order...any day now! LOL!!

  15. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Notice how Willard is trying to look like Mercede Johnston? Epic Fail.

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Maybe I'd notice their resemblence more if she "just said no" to the fries and shakes for about 6 months. 18 years old is too young to be such a tubby already. She'll end up on meth or diet pills with her mom and sister in all likelihood. Just the Palin way to success and good health.

    2. Anonymous9:01 PM

      "Notice how Willard is trying to look like Mercede Johnston?"

      Yeh I can see the resemblance but Willow is more like 2 1/2 of Mercede Johnston.

  16. Anonymous7:12 PM

    O M G!!!! These Palin twats should be embarrassed of themselves and Bri$tol, you should be ashamed for exploiting your son and not raising him properly. More ammunition for Levi!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      They didn't start it. Remember that.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      They didn't start it. Remember that.

      Who didn't start it? Which voice in your head are you listening to now Krusty!

  17. Anonymous7:14 PM

    So when Tripp comes home from school with his New Boyfriend, will they send him to Levi?

  18. Anonymous7:14 PM

    They take after their mom.......those are some beefy quarters.

    I thought the same when the grisly one was on the cover of the runing mag. She has FAAAATTTT legs!

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      And you have the mentality of a 12 yr old.

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      low muscle content from very little exercise.

    3. Kristy is INSANE.8:40 PM

      Kristy is mental and wishes she had the body of a 12 year old. That's probably why

      Kristy is INSANE.

    4. Anonymous8:53 PM


      At least I'm reading and behaving on my grade-level because I'm 11 years old. How about you?

      Are you the crazy 47 year old lady who still lives at home with your mother? Aren't you the one that never leaves the room bedroom at your mother's house to even take a shower? Yeah, we've all heard about you.

      I'm glad I'm not your kid nor one of the Palins either.

  19. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Finally, hope this will end Bristol's DWS reunion crap.

  20. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Off topic, slightly, but...isn't he supposed to be three and a half? NOW? And this was probably filmed a few months ago, at least.

    There is no way -- NO NO NO WAY -- that that little boy is three and a half. NO WAY!

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      The Arizona scenes were shot April and May.

  21. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Notice how they said Tripp PALIN said faggot and not Tripp JOHNSTON?


    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      The good news is that they didn't blame Levi because Tripp is never around Levi to hear any language at all.

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Just another bit of "ammo" for Levi to use in his custody suit!

  22. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I wouldn't call it poor parenting as much as being dumbfounded by a 3 yr old saying something they'd never verbally uttered themselves. Faggot is something young men toss around when they're being silly. Or it's something someone writes out of intense anger or frustration. There isn't a person who knows her who would call Bristol a bad mother or irresponsible. You're making what was uncomfortable laughter into an immature reaction. They weren't being silly or immature. They appeared to not know how to react to something they've probably never heard uttered.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:59 PM

      Willow used the word DOUCHEBAG in the last episode.

      Oh, AND she's used FAGGOT on Facebook before.

      You are such a freaking loon.

    2. Krusty working both them computers tonight! I betcha' smoke is coming out of those bad boys!

      Work it Krusty! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous8:11 PM

      You are an idiot and I was happy to hear that you don't have kids yourself. Maybe there is a God.

    4. You wish. Go ahead and be an enabler. If anything, they were put off by his saying it in front of strangers with cameras. And the fact that they okayed the footage for showing says a heck of a lot about the Palins' poor judgment.

    5. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Yeah, boys use it when they're being "silly." You must be a shut in for all your worldliness.

  23. Kristy7:37 PM

    Why on earth would Sarah be upset? Your post makes no sense. And why should Bristol apologize? She won't. These are plain speaking folk. What you see is what you get. I've been saying this all along.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Outsiders do not know another person's family. I've watched a couple episodes of Kardashians and can't say I know them. On my job, I work with A listers in international relations and cannot say i really know them.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:00 PM

      /shut up, krusty. no one cares what you think, what you say, or what you write.

      you are pathetic. and oh, so booooring!

    3. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Just because they say it doesn't mean that it belongs on TV. Lifetime really has to be scraping the bottom of the barrel if all they can show are some immature girls who repeat the same dumb thing over and over while a little boy acts up and tries to get their attention. I don't care if they have rusted cars on their front lawn, if they are drunk before noon, if they throw up in the back yard and swear at each other. I don't think that Lifetime should glorify that kind of behavior and claim that the show is an inspiration to young parents. It isn't. It is a object lesson in how not to raise you child. And, it is the best advertisement for teens to have sex education and know how to use birth control.

    4. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Delusional. Proven.

    5. Kristy thinks that Sarah will send her a pair of her dirty panties as a keepsake. That's why Kristy lives on IM's, but then it could also be because

      Kristy is INSANE.

    6. Kristy is INSANE.8:43 PM

      That's MY line.

    7. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Uh oh Gina- you have outed yourself as the Kristy is insane poster!


    8. Anonymous8:57 PM

      If my mother saw my kid on teevee calling my sister a faggot while my sister and I giggled, she'd be mortified (not that it would ever happen because, one, I don't exploit my child for a morsel of ill-gotten fame and two, my kids don't use that language.

    9. Opps...sorry! My bad...can't we share...just for tonight? LOL!!

  24. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Because of the way Palin operates, Tripp's comment was probably left in the episode on purpose. I bet they assumed people would pick up on it. It plays well to most of her base and, then of course, she, Bristol and Tripp can all become victims 'cause the mean ol LSM is picking on a 3 year-old. Some of Palin's tweeters have already started the meme.

    Typical Palin garbage and chaos.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Or they're just real people who know life isn't perfect but that family is real and a strong, good presence.

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Real, strong, GOOD, families don't spread hate.

    3. Anonymous8:53 PM

      A strong, good prescence?? Hahahahahahahaha
      What else can you say to such a frankly stupid comment.

  25. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Every reality show must have a meme or a brand. The Palins choose stupidity and ineptness for their brand in all of their reality shows because they can't choose intelligence and accomplishment! I betcha Todd is an abject failure in his show as well because, well, Palins are low achievers; that's their brand and they're stickin' to it. How else do they excite "the base"?

  26. our lad7:45 PM

    Dig. In the movie The French Connection,that car chase,well it was done guerrilla-like,no cops,streets not roped off,William Friedkin and the driver,Bill Hickman. He's the fed that Gene Hackman shot in the end,looking for frog#1. Hickman was
    James Dean's pal, was behind him the night he
    wrecked, pulled him outa the car. Shit, sorry. Wrong thread.

  27. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Considering how good a kid Tripp is, it's easy to assume that once the cameras were off, he got a talking to. I dont understand how people can call him that wild and unruly. He's well-behaved for 20 out of 21 minutes of each episode. To not show a whitewash of parenting, lifetime probably felt like they had to include things that weren't just Tripp having fun and being a lovey little boy. Bristol has never promoted becoming a young parent. She sincerely has said it's hard work and I think THATS what this show's about: a toddler who's typically a delight but also shows how he can fight the machine of obedience.

    In the large picture and in most episodes, Tripp does listen pretty easily and learn. He's articulate and enjoys helping.

    Since you're all loving this whole "distort one innocent thing" dealio, maybe itll teach you to watch your own mouth and extend that to the keyboard. Imagine an 8 year old stumbling over here to IM on one of Gryphen's immature days. imagine what Gina's words would do to an impressionable mind.

    You're all hypocrites for attacking Bristol over something you commit everyday.

    1. WakeUpAmerica7:57 PM

      Dear Troll,
      My five-year-old granddaughter has never said "I hate you" to anyone or, God forbid, "faggot" because we don't use that language ourselves. Your pathetic attempts to whitewash this white trash, hillbilly show only serves to demonstrate what a pathetic person you are yourself. I pray to God that you didn't procreate. If you did, all my sympathy goes to any children who had to suffer through your narcissistic mental illness.

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      What show are you watching? Bristol taught Tripp to stick his tongue out at the photographer. Wasn't it cute when Tripp stuck his tongue out at Bristol and Gino and told them that he hated them?? Ha ha. (He had a cupcake before dinner. He couldn't sit still at the table, and he was angry that he was being ignored).

      Tripp acts up in EVERY episode. Bristol asked the readers of her blog to give her advice about how to handle Tripp's discipline problems. It's not one homophobic word. He is just repeating what he hears his mother, aunt and the guys say. He knew how to use the word properly. Bristol never corrected him. Bristol set the whole thing up, tempting him with a swimming pool that he couldn't go into.

      In case you need another example, last week Tripp played with some candlesticks that had lit candles in them. Both Gino (not his father) and Bristol (his mother) gave him a number of "final" warnings, but nothing else happened. Tripp was playing with fire, literally. Any adult should had grabbed his hands, said, "No, you can't play with fire. You could get burned. Here is (fill in the blank) something else to play with." Tripp is smart enough to have learned that when people ignore him, and he wants to be noticed, all that he has to do is act up a little. He does it in every show.

    3. Anonymous8:20 PM

      I for one don't call people "faggot" and say "I hate you!" every day. I don't know ANYbody who does. And neither did my children say anything like that growing up. This ugly speech is NOT normal. I don't hear other 3 yr. olds saying nasty things like that. He obviously learned it from home because that's what they say. Hateful words. It's very clear the Palins do not practice what they preach. Quit trying to make excuses for Bristol's horrible and immature parenting.YOU don't live with them so quit acting like you know it all. You know NOTHING about the false idols you worship. Shut up.

    4. STFU Krusty! Your fat ass is laying up in your BED talking shit about a fucked up family that is thisclose to sending you a restraining order!

      Thank GOD you don't have any kids of your own to impress! And I'm sure all of your nieces and nephews have already been told to watch out for Krazy Aunt Krusty!

      You're pathetic and I don't think you're crazy...I just think you are STUPID!

    5. Anonymous8:29 PM

      That child is an undisciplined monster. We'll see who's judging when he's 15.
      I don't believe in spanking, but that child need's a switch to his ass.

    6. Anonymous8:59 PM

      As one of many former physicians for Kristy Patullo, I beg to differ. Miss Patullo is a fucking loon. It is proven.

    7. Anonymous9:16 PM

      "fight the machine of obedience."

      What a peculiar thing to say. Especially considering that "OBEY" is what Sarah told the camera that was her most important word of advice for children (as in, what parents should demand).

  28. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I have watched the Bristol show in awe: when do we see her hug her son? when does she stop whining and get down on the floor and play with him? when does she read to him? when does she laugh with him? It's not some "f" word that is as troublesome as the number of times he tells Willow and Bristol that he hates them! He looks so lonely, one little boy against two big girls who don't have much time to waste on him, other than to threaten him or claim, falsely, that "God" is watching him.
    God is not a babysitter. God has other things to do.
    That's why you, Bristol, are the mother who is there to teach love, compassion, patience, humility, gentleness, kindness and caring to your sweet child. No time like the present to begin!

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      She hugs him constantly. They play constantly. Do you really watch it? Tripp glows throughout each episode. There's very little negativity. There's sisterly spats that have love at the core. There's relationship problems that were briefly touched on. But the Tripp scenes are mostly positive and show a brave, smart boy who's adored by his momma.

    2. WakeUpAmerica8:04 PM

      You make several excellent points.

    3. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Wow 7:55 troll, you are working overtime. That tells us that you are worried about Bristol's reputation the more defensive you become. Too late. It's all on film. Forever. You can try and excuse the Palin's bad parenting away all you want to with your words trying to use your twisted reason but it still doesn't change a thing.

    4. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Oh stop your whining Krusty! Beefy doesn't hug that kid because he reminds her of Levi...the man she LOVES to HATE!

      Just wait until Tripp realizes what his mother and aunt Fatty did to him on NATIONAL TV...then you can talk!

    5. Anonymous8:31 PM

      That child says "hate" more than any 3 year old I've ever seen. My child hated naps at 3. That's all.

  29. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Bristol left is in so I doubt she's worried about what stupid people want to construe from it. It's show realness, something you all CLAIM you want.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Ain't shit on Beefy "REAL"! Not her chin...not her face...not her body...the only real thing about Beefy is how retarded she acts!

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      WTF are you babbling about?!

    3. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Yup, it shows that Bristol is a real bad mother.

    4. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Good riddance pretend-Bristol! Why would she even care to come here in the first place? Is Gryphen THAT powerful that she can't stay away? Tell her to stay on her own fake blog.

      BTW are you getting any help for your Dissociative identity disorder?

    5. Anonymous8:59 PM

      It shows realness?

      It shows realness?

      Then how about Bristol showing some realness and coming out to claim Trig as her first born?

      When that happens then you can tell us about Palin Realness!

  30. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Gryphen, you say that Mama Grizzly won't be too happy about this. How come Huffington Post is posting this story late on Sunday night when the show aired last Tuesday? Is that so people will watch it next week to see if Tripp knows more swear words? Maybe this is Sarah's idea of getting some publicity for that show. Its ratings were so low that Lifetime moved it out of Prime Time.

  31. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Touche! He calls Willow a "faggot" because Willow calls everyone she disagrees with "faggot."

  32. Anonymous8:15 PM

    They look like a couple of bad babysitters. Just there for the money...hmmm.

    Children (especially boys) need stimulation. These lazy girls should have said okay lets go to the pool "only for one hour" then had him swim and play his heart out. Some dinner and dessert and he would have been out for a good twelve hours!!!

    From babysitter and then a young mother that was my trick. Invest the time, poop the kid out and then your all set. I've said this to certain parents. Give your kid the attention they crave FIRST. It's a worthwhile investment. After they are played out and fed you have time to yourself. Simple.

    I don't want to hear any HTT (Holier Than Thou) statements about this. Every parent has moments where they want "me" time. The thing with kids is their me time comes before yours that's what makes the difference.

    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      You are 100 percent correct. "Me" time is essential for any parent. I worry that this either this is the image Bristol want to project or that this is how she actually is. I find it extremely sad. Willow comes across as a completely nasty person and Bristol, a whiny moron who loves her son but doesn't know the first things about being a mother (she learned from the worst, after all).

  33. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Kids don't use words in this context if they've only heard it a time or two. More likely they imitate words that are commonly used in their household.

    And the "shock" they show is not because they can't believe that the little boy said something so "bad"...but because they realize that they're being found outted on tv, and Tripp's using this name is not something they expected; they forgot that it was a possibility that he would use the family lingo on camera.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Correct. I also think (based on their own use of the word and their reaction) they believe calling someone a "faggot" is funny and not a big deal, even for a preschooler.

  34. The Bristol apologist has her work cut out for her tonight. A shame the propaganda won't work.

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      What does Palin apologist mean? What propaganda? People have right to their opinion. Opinion will never be truth. The average viewer will never know the person they watch from afar and certainly not by 2 minutes of television.

      Are you referencing people who refuse to write outright stupid or hateful things based on something theyll never had real insight into?

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      She is like a weird energizer bunny. She scurries back and forth all over the place in an attempt to defend the indefensible (and convinces no one in the process). She is completely lost.

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      STFU Krusty! You wouldn't know "truth" if you were slapped upside your head with a bedpan!

      And thanks for admitting that you are a Beefy apologist! Idiot!

  35. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Parenting is difficult. No one will deny that. Bristol didn't ignore this action from Tripp. Willow doesn't ignore Tripp's acting out. When they threaten soap in the mouth, Tripp pulls back as one might expect. It takes time to teach a kid. Tripp's 3, the age where kids can talk well and pick up and and everything, with no meaning behind it. A playful "I dont like you" spoken between siblings of friends is taken as playful by a toddler. Adult words mean nothing to children.

    When you think about it, why do we, as adults, find it ok to use slang and swear words yet become outraged when children pick up on it? Because all children do at some point. Childrearing is a community thing.

    Think about what you write online , on a blog. There's zero difference between trashing something in words and reaming someone in person. Writing negative thoughts is probably worse because it's written in stone. Bloggers needs to learn this, especially ones that perpetually slander people and relay biased info.

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Again....thank GOD you don't have kids Krusty! You have no fucking clue about raising kids! And the fact that you think bloggers have anything to do with your stupid ass defense of that family of gargoyles shows how STUPID you really are!

      Get help stalker!

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Ummm..this show was to expose the"Real Bristol Palin".
      It's doing its job. Sorry if you don't like the results.
      She's a terrible Mother.
      Poor Tripp.
      He doesn't have a chance.

  36. Anonymous8:28 PM

    It's a good thing Bristol cares nothing about celebrity or what judgmental minds think.

    1. It's a good thing Krusty doesn't have to get out of bed to write these public love letters to Beefy...she just does it from the comfort of her bed! Right, Krusty! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      What a relief that Bristol cares nothing about celebrity! Just think if she did....we might have to see her on TV dancing shows and other reality shows, thank goodness that she abhors the spotlight. Oh, wait....

    3. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Giggly...hahaha...giggly.. haha...

  37. Omigod! What is that appendage at the bottom of Brisket's face?

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Something made of synthetic rubber?

  38. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I really enjoy this blog and the Palin posts but lately the palintrollthing ruins the comments for me, am I the only one grinding my teeth and trying to not let it bother me? If it were one or two comments it would be bearable but its all over the thread. Why does Gryphen hate his readers?

    1. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Clicks baby!! I love playing with trolls!!

  39. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I know about parenting, both from my personal experience and academically. From what I've read, the Palins' parenting style was feast or famine. The kids did what they wanted with little or no supervision (the rules don't matter when nobody is around to enforce them). Sarah and Todd were hands off until "wham!" they brought the hammer down. That doesn't work and, in fact, in many ways, that kind of inconsistency is the worst kind of parenting. The only thing kids learn is to not trust or respect their parents.

    We're already seeing signs of it with Tripp as well. Our resident Palin stalker calls it "independence" and "fearlessness." It it perhaps both those things, but not in a positive way. A toddler should not be independent from his parents and should not be fearless (not that I believe Tripp is either of those things on the word of a woman who is virtually peeking through the Palin's virtual windows.

  40. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I don't think that Bristol is very proud of that particular show, judging from her comments here. It was just one time, he's just a little boy, you guys swear more, everybody uses that kind of language, he's really very good off camera.

    Bristol's show was supposed to inspire young parents. It certainly does! It is the best example of how not to treat your child-- as if life was hard, and it was hard raising him (with a nanny, a fat bank account and an influential mother). There are single mothers would can only dream of jetting to Washington DC to surprise their mother, flying to LA to pretend to work for a minute a charity, flying to Arizona to look after their investment property, lounging in the living room of a hotel suite, tempting their kid with a pool that he can't go in.

    Bristol complained on her blog about discipline problems with Tripp, asking her readers for advice. The advice is simple. Get off of TV. You're not star material, and there's nothing in your life that is worth filming. Tripp acts up because you don't pay attention to him. You treat him as if he was a burden. You reinforce his bad behavior when you teach him to stick out his tongue or you fail to be consistent in your warnings.

    So far, Bristol has used Tripp as a pawn in her never-ending hate-fest regarding Levi. It's time to move on. Let the guy see his kid for a few hours. How petty do you have to be? She used Tripp as the adorable little star in the reality show. That didn't turn out too well. Bristol wasn't prepared to be a mother when she was just a teen, and she hasn't show any growth and improvement since then. Her show is no model for young parents who really are struggling to balance an education, a job and being a good parent. They don't have time for Bristol's activities, such as making fun of cloths in Los Angeles or shooting someone's book. The moral of Bristol's show is that teens need good sex education, regarding the use of birth control, along with what the real responsibilities re regarding having a child. What a surprise for Bristol that she doesn't have any "adult time" with Gino. Bristol, there are millions of moms and dads all around the country with more kids than you have, and they manage to add to their family population. Stop complaining and whining, and for Tripp's sake, please grow up!

  41. Anonymous8:45 PM

    The Palin defenders seem to be out in full force.

    Sarah Palin has perpetuated a myth about her life, her family, her accomplishments, her knowledge...

    she's used the media, facebook, twitter, ghostwritten books and falsified popularity to hide behind and promote her myth.

    John McCain helped to shape and hype her myth by elevating her to a national platform, cementing it in news releases, PR, biographies, until the public bought the myth, but the real Sarah Palin is a fraud, desperately trying to maintain her myth.

    She'll do it with her children, with her husband, with whatever she can cook up for more attention and more shaping of that myth, that 'brand' as they call it in marketing.

    Bristol is just trying to get some of that attention and the defenders here are trying to create a myth for Bristol. Sorry, we ain't buyin' it defenders.

    Bristol is a HIGHLY dysfunctional child of a narcissistic sociopath. She is providing a roof over this child's head, and hopefully a full belly with decent, healthy food, but she is providing little else.

    She doesn't engage with Tripp. She doesn't look him in his eyes. She sees him as more trouble than joy, which, with her arrested level of maturity, psychologically, would be expected.

    He is a burden to her, more of a chore than a joy, and a daily reminder of Levi, the man who doesn't want her anymore. The man who went off and got his life together and found a lovely young lady who seems to care for him, and he her and they are soon to welcome a child conceived in love, not desperation .

    All that resentment comes out in Tripp. Children tend to act out the inner, unexpressed emotions of their parents. They have a sense of 'emotional radar' and outwardly express what they are picking up from their mother or father, simmering just below the surface.

    Bristol has a whole lot of resentment living in her...a WHOLE lot. Tripp is just showing us how much. And Auntie Willard ain't much better.

  42. Anonymous8:52 PM

    As is the usual Palin way, Bristol is teaching her toddler to disrespect others. It's not Tripp's fault for repeating what he hears at home. Giggling about it and showing him how funny it is just reinforces and encourages Tripp using this type of language. Did you notice how his face lit up when he got the giggling response from his mother & aunt? Now Tripp realizes he has the power to make an adult laugh. This is a kid needing some serious attention. It isn't good enough to say, "tee hee hee hah ha ha God is listening tee hee hee".

    Bristol isn't doing her kid any favors that in the future won't be looked upon kindly at pre-school, on the playground or anywhere in public. She should explain to Tripp that these words hurt people's feelings and teach him some empathy and how his actions have an effect on others. Obviously Bristol and Willow were never taught this by their own parents so they never learned that either. In fact their parent, Sarah, specializes in disrespecting others.

    Most of all Bristol needs to watch her OWN mouth, stop peppering her daily conversation with profanity, clean up her act and take some parenting classes on behavior and discipline. If she doesn't start now I fear that when she does mature she will have many regrets and she'll never be able to figure out why she can't control Tripp's behavior. He will be hell-on-wheels as a teen or even before the way this is going now. I hope, but am very doubtful Bristol is smart enough or interested enough in taking the time to learn how to be a good parent and set a good example for her child. And Bristol if you're such a "christian" and God is on YOUR side, why you are not listening to him?


  43. Anonymous8:56 PM

    The Palins are starting them off young.... typical white trash billies.

  44. Anonymous8:56 PM

    As long as they get their names in the news, Sarah Palin is happy.

  45. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Tripp is the kid who, in preschool, teaches all the other kids bad words, the one mothers don't want their children hanging out with.

  46. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I cannot for the life of me figure out why Bristol and her mother would allow this incident to make it out of editing. Did they think it was funny? That it would make people like them more?

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      It is funny to Gay Bashers Sarah and Bristol

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Probably they did think it was funny. The thing they don't realize is that this is NOT normal. In fact they are sooo famous that they now believe their chit don't stink. I'll bet the producers at Lifetime hate the Palins even more and couldn't wait to reveal how awful they are. The whole thing is an inside joke on the Palins lol. It's Game Change II.

  47. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Bristol was worried about Tripp going to school with half siblings?

    I hope that potty mouth kid of Bristol's doesn't contaminate Levi and Sunny's new baby.

  48. Anonymous9:04 PM

    52,000 views on Gawker

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      I think that's more people than actually watched the last episode.

  49. WOW! 184 comments and the post has barely been up an hour! Good job Gryphen!

  50. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Comment from

    Well Ms. Wanetta Ayers, division director of the Division of Economic Development in the State of Alaska, Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development, as you can see, “Life’s a Tripp” sure has put Alaska's best foot forward and now the world can read about how Bristol Palin raises her little bigot in Alaska.

    What do you think the headlines will be when the world finds out that Alaska's government officials may approve and award state tax payer's money to be paid to Bristol Palin through the Alaska Film Tax Credit funds? What's next for little Alaskans, teaching them to lynch people?

    No thank you, I think I'll go to Disneyland instead of going to Alaska and watching 3 year olds use that ugly word Tripp uses.

    Huffington Post:
    "The Palins have never been known for being particularly gay-friendly -- and unfortunately, it seems as if the youngest member of the family is following in the footsteps of his elders."

  51. Anonymous9:23 PM

    also, too:

  52. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Bristol what's next for Tripp?

    Tripp walking around Wasilla with used condoms wrapped in facecloths in his diapers like his granddaddy Pimp Daddy Todd does?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.