Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Time to change the name of Bristol Palin's unreality show to "Life's a BAD Tripp!"

I am still having trouble making out exactly what it is that Tripp said, which was then bleeped out by the producers. However I will admit that it really does not sound like he is saying "fuck," but that it could most definitely be the word "faggot."

If so, and I am not at all sure, then that is in fact MUCH worse than if he simply dropped the "F" bomb. People say "fuck" for all kinds of reasons, including simply stubbing their toe.  But the word "faggot" is ONLY used to insult somebody using a gay slur, and he would have to have heard that in the home from one or both of his two caregivers, Willow and Bristol.  Which of course is the kind of language that Willow has a history of using.

This show may finally do what Bristol has claimed she has wanted to do since her days as a spokesperson for Candies, show that being a mother is hard that teenagers are not prepared for the responsibility.

Despite reports that Bristol practically raised her two sisters, neither she NOR Willow show ANY parenting skill whatsoever. They do not set good boundaries, they laugh at everything inappropriate that the child says, and they threaten him with punishments it appears they never carry though with, instead of providing appropriate consequences for his actions which provide him a sense of continuity and safety.

In short, they treat Tripp like one of those Teacup Chihuahuas that rich ladies carry around in their purse everywhere they go.  He is a person, and Bristol continues to treat him like a prop. Which is something I have little doubt she will live to regret after this kid hits his teens and becomes the poster child for dysfunctional parenting.

I have to admit though that it is hard to fault Bristol and Willow too much, from EVERYTHING I have ever heard their mother was constantly self absorbed and only minimally involved in their lives.  And as Joe McGinniss wrote, when Todd was not home these kids essentially were left to fend for themselves.

And if ever we needed proof of those allegations I think this show is providing more and more evidence of how poorly these girls were raised with each and every episode.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I thought he said fuckin or fucking bitch,or fucking asshole, except he couldn't think of a noun. He must hear those phrases bandied about often.

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Kids that young don't say words like that if they haven't heard them. The potty mouth Palins have taught him what he knows.

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I think you mean "good boundaries" not "goof boundaries." Goof boundaries are the only kind a Palin can manage (kind of like the goof fence Todd put up). Goof manners and Goof parenting also too.

    This family just gets trashier and trashier.

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM


  4. Anonymous5:22 PM

    People say "fuck" for all kinds of reasons, including simply stubbing their toe.

    Real people and real parents try not to say "fuck" and other words in front of their children. They love their children and don't want to bring trouble down on them. Tripp has learned this behavior. Very sad and compounds all the other child abuse they are documenting.

    1. BabyRaptor6:41 PM

      Real people don't judge someone based on the words they use. Real people realize that the message, not the sounds chosen, are what matters.

      I love my son. The fact that I say Fuck around him occasionally does not disprove that. And neither does society's unreasonable, reason lacking notion of "bad" words.

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Dont be ridiculous. I will judge you if you use the word Nigger or Spic. And you'd better believe you'll be judged harshly if your son says 'fuck you" to a tracker or police officer.

    3. emrysa7:02 PM

      babyraptor this is some of the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard.

      CHILDREN don't understand the difference between a "message" and "words." if you say "fuck" around your kid, then the kid is going to learn and use that word. context doesn't matter when you're 3 years old, you know this and why you are trying to defend a 3 year old using the word FUCK is beyond all rational comprehension. oh, one more thing? fuck off with that bullshit.

    4. Anonymous7:06 PM

      6:41, I am a real person and I do judge you, and I do consider you a bad parent for not watching your filthy mouth around your child.

      Don't like it? Too bad.

      If you can't be bothered to monitor the language that comes out of your mouth when you're around your child, he will never learn that the word fuck is highly inappropriate to use in many situations.

      If you use "fuck" around him and don't let HIM use it, you're a hypocrite.

      If you don't CARE if he uses it, you must be Bristol Palin.

      Either way, you are one classless person.

    5. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Real people's children don't hear their mother say "douchebag."
      They also don't tell their mother frequently that they hate her.
      This is one sad and mixed up little child.

    6. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Baby raptor I feel sorry for your children. They are going to grow up to be low lifes.

    7. Anonymous7:24 PM

      "tracker" should be "teacher" (commenting from an iPhone is hard).

    8. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I suppose if you're planning on your child's future career to involve writing rap ballads or doing entry-level work then let 'em say whatever they want. Who cares, it's just words right?

      And I'm sure they'll cultivate the type of friends that find strong language "cool"... But I somehow don't see this future group of friends visiting colleges together during their senior year of high school... or working toward scholarships... or doing much of anything they don't want to do. "If it feels good, do it", right?

      But don't despair. This is why we have DeVry and ITT Tech.

      It's a tough, competitive world out there once the kids are no longer toddlers. Why not give them every advantage a parent can? Teach them MANNERS. Buy yourself a book on Etiquette if necessary and teach your child. Get them involved in a team sport, or Boy Scouts, or Girl Scouts or SOMETHING where they will have some positive experiences with others in their peer group, and get them out of the 'safe zone' of their house where "anything goes".

    9. Anonymous1:48 AM

      OBviously by their reaction, they're not used to hearing stuff like that from him. Duh

  5. This was heartbreaking to watch. Tripp won't have much of a chance with those two dopes raising him.

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Yeah, and given the footage I've seen, I'm not even sure if by "two dopes" you mean Gino and Andy, or Bristol and Willow. Those two guys, while hardly adequate parents or role models, seem more involved with and concerned about the kid than any of the Palins.

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Why did Bristol point the pool out to Tripp just to tell him that he could not go swimming? DUMB!!!She needs parenting classes.Maybe she can get a gig on the Nanny show and the Nanny can come in and teach her how to be a mom.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Why did she take him to some stupid wally world thing in Anchorage (I can't remember, a pizza/place? bouncing bears or something) telling Tripp that his dad (or Levi as he's known) would be there, knowing full well he wasn't going to be there? That was child abuse, pure and simple. This entire show is just to get 'even' or back at Levi Johnston. It's one entire reality TV show about getting even in their minds for Levi writing a book exposing the Palins as the frauds that they are and it's sickening. The Palins are vindictive and vitriolic. Disgusting.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      It's all very sad. But what is still the most shocking to me is that they think this makes them look good or sympathetic! You know Sarah approved this footage. These girls are a product of their dysfunctional upbringing. And if anyone tries to give them feedback, they are a hater.

      Loving babies does not equip you to be a stable, effective and good parent. Levi has quite a bit to show a judge but will he? And will he and Sunny be better parents? I don't know them but I hope so. They are frankly too young themselves.

    3. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Anonymous5:48 PM
      Exactly...about the Levi thing.
      But on the Other hand, she is giving his attorney much ammo!
      And this single mom bs, and soon Levi will marry Sunny!!
      I just hope its not to late for Tripp when Levi finally gets him due to Bristol's/wallow child abuse.

  7. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Trooper Wooten had a few things to say about Palin parenting, or lack of. Also the dentist that ended up dead. He would go to games to see Track. It seems he did not like the way the Palin children were treated.

    A judge chastised the Heath/Palins for bad behaviors when a sister was divorcing and Sarah was hell bent on inserting herself and destroying the ex-hub, Trooper Wooten. Is their a time the Palins have not been under some suspicions about what they have done to their children?

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Didn't Curtis Menard go into Sarah's office when she was Mayor and tell her that she belonged at home, taking care of her kids??? In addition to his being Track's godfather, he might have had another interest in the boy, too.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Where is this story from about Curtis. How do we know it's true out of curiosity. It's very telling.
      Did Curtis have children with his wife? How sad he died at such a young age.

    3. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Curtis Menard's wife told The story to the author of the biography, Trailblazer.

    4. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Curtis Menard's mother has/had a staffer that now is very well paid by SarahPac. Postage and clerical work that she is very well paid for.

      Do they actually believe that Curtis died in an accident?

    5. Anonymous1:51 AM

      Dude get your facts straight. Curtis wife said "the kids were not in danger or in a bad position. Curtis just felt mothers shouldn't work (period)." It was all ideological differences, and personally, I wouldve been taken aback. The kids were fine and normal.

    6. Anonymous1:51 AM

      Willow worked with the oldest Menard girl.

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I believe the C4P crowd would call it a generational curse.

  9. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Like mother, like son. This is what this child is being taught, at home and around the Palin compound. It's not surprising and you know what? I'm going out on a limb here, but that little boy is not that cute. Sorry, but he isn't. His behavior, attitude and now vocabulary, makes him as ugly as his grifter granny, mother and aunt. And I'm really sick of Wallow's 'liberal's hate my last name' bullshit. It's not your last name Wallow, it's your mother's vitriolic, hateful rhetoric and shallow grasp of the issues that 'we hate.' She sold out, pure and simple, for money and fame and her children are apparently following her footsteps. You reap what you sow.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      These girls do not know what a true liberal is. They listen to their dumb ass mother and don't evolve into thinking for themselves. If they did they may be like my sons. One is an independent. The other Repub (caveat here: also in the military) but socially liberal. I, of course Democrat. While they respect my views they do not conform to them just because I say so.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Anonymous5:34 PM
      Well said!
      and ditto the "libril" bullshit by wallow!

    3. Anonymous8:40 PM

      She is an adult now but when a child she was taught a cult think about 'librul'. It is sad she is so ignorant and allows them to lord over her all that crap about something she knows zero. It will be a cold day in hell when she would be an expert on Syria. Long after that is when she learns diddly about 'librul.'

    4. Anonymous9:11 PM

      ya, since they missed high school, it would be hard for them to learn critical thinking skills. Given their genetics, maybe impossible.

  10. Anonymous5:34 PM

    The only thing more white trash than a 4 yr old saying 'faggot' is the adults laughing at it.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM


    2. Anonymous6:29 PM


    3. Anonymous1:54 AM

      They're probably laughing at it because it's a new thing and it took them by complete surprise.

  11. Durham5:36 PM

    I think it's very obvious that Bristol has no idea how to parent because she never saw it from her mother. Even today Sarah is elusive and self absorbed and it's obvious how her three oldest children were poorly raised by quitting school and with at least her oldest son, having problems with the law. Levi has plenty of evidence from the video's of Bristol poor parenting, and I wonder why the child protective agencies have not step in yet. Does Sarah still have enough influence to prevent them from doing a visit, and if necessary get a court order to do so. I really hope that Levi is serious that he takes her back to court for violating his visitation rights and brings to the courts attention, if they don't already know it, how poorly Bristol is raising Tripp. It's sad, but I'll believe he's serious when I see it.

    1. emrysa7:32 PM

      "I think it's very obvious that Bristol has no idea how to parent because she never saw it from her mother."

      yep exactly why tripp is a "hellion." his mother has no idea how to take care of him.

  12. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Could you imagine allowing your child to have a playdate with Tripp? And he or she coming home with all these new "words"? There wouldn't be a second playdate.

    Tripp is a beautiful child, but he doesn't seem have any social skills (for his age, of course). Aside from Trig, does he have any friends his age? Does Bristol have other young mothers in her circle of friends? It just looks like they're winging it and letting the child go undisciplined. The longer they allow this to continue, the worse it's going to be to control... and the poor child will find it difficult to cultivate friendships once he starts school.

    It's just so sad to see a child being "un-raised" in this manner. He deserves better.

    1. emrysa7:09 PM

      "Could you imagine allowing your child to have a playdate with Tripp? And he or she coming home with all these new "words"? There wouldn't be a second playdate."

      exactly! what mother would want their kid to play with bristol's kid? NO ONE would want to be involved with such a psycho family. tripp is doomed to a hell life unless levi can get some custody.

    2. Anonymous11:07 PM

      Tripp would not be allowed to come to my home to play with my child. Not that he is a "bad" seed, I do not believe children are inherently "bad." He is just poorly parented and I would not feel it would be in my child's best interest to strike up a friendship. What happens when Bristol reciprocates with a play date? I wouldn't want to be in the position to have to say no. I simply find her an ineffective parent who doesn't seem to have boundaries.
      Liberal Mom

  13. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Time to call Child Services. These film clips are all Levi needs to get full custody of Tripp.

    1. Anonymous1:56 AM

      Nice exaggeration.

  14. What can I say that hasn't ready been said so many times? The Palins are shameless. I think a family cout judge should view the clips of this show to view the behavior of Brustol and her family, That kid is going to have problems from all of this abuse.

    I'm horrified!

  15. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Willow is Pregnant in that scene. So, how are those UNWED TEEN PREGNANCIES stacking up to FAMILY VALUES?
    Wasillabillies know how to SPREAD 'EM.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Three for Bristol. Two boys and a girl. One girl for Track and a boy for Willard.

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      It's rather sad that I too thought Willow must be pregnant if she is going to AZ to "Hair school." Just like Bid Sis, disappear in AZ and come back to Alaska with a new chin and a slim physique. And NO degree from "hair school."

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Who is the baby daddy?

      Andy's mother is an old inner circle friend. That was a set up. What happened to the boy that Sarah gave the family pics to for a 'sweetheart' prom date or something for Willow? Now Willow has a new boy friend. She just turned 18 and he is 22. When did they actually first hook up?

    4. Anonymous1:56 AM

      Anonymous 6:59, LOL. Going for fiction of th eyear?

  16. Anonymous5:45 PM

    If Lifetime bleeped the word, then it was the kind of word that needed to be bleeped. It doesn't matter which F word Tripp said, he swore at his aunt and his mother, expressing something that he said over and over, "I hate you, I don't like you." The shocked look on Bristol's face makes us think that it wasn't a Fun word or a Fluffy word. No, it was one of those other F words, that 3 year old kids are usually taught not to say.

    One day, Tripp will go to school, and that kind of language won't be accepted in class. Parents won't want their kids to play with Tripp because they'll bring that bad language home with them. Bristol admits, again, that she doesn't know how to discipline Tripp. She also does not know how to cook for him, and judging from the way his shirt is buttoned wrong, she can't dress him either. Last week, he ate a cupcake before dinner, spoiling his appetite and maybe giving him a sugar rush. (He had bad manners then, too). Bristol has been so absorbed in promoting herself when she has the one world's most important, demanding, full time jobs-- being a good parent.

    I also wonder about Willow. She's not the mother. That's Bristol's job. I'm surprised at how much weight Willow has gained, and she hid it with the room over-blouse. What else could she be hiding? Why is Willow going off to Arizona for a year when there is a beauty school in Anchorage?

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Willow's weight balloons up and she goes to AZ? Either she is seeing Bristol's ob/gyn or plastic surgeon. Hair school my ass.

  17. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I can certainly see why these two idiots behave the way they do, with a pimp and an egotistical no-nothing for parents. That explains thei behavior, but it doesn't excuse it. Grow up and take responsibility for becoming a good parent and a good person.

  18. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Poor Sarah was insulted that she wasn't invited to speak at the Republican Convention. It might have something to do with Sarah's "gravitas." No sooner does Bristol's reality show finish then we will be treated to Todd jumping out of helicopters. Neither is in keeping with the dignified image of speaking at a political convention.

    Recently, I saw an on-line entertainment gossip site which hinted that one of the channels that features reality shows would like a summer wedding-- hinting that it might be Bristol. If Bristol gets married on TV this summer or even this fall, it diminishes what little credibility Sarah has as a Fox News person.

    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      It is either fake wedding or porn to make money. Porn would pay better.

  19. bws585:49 PM

    small thing, but who buttoned his shirt?

    1. Anonymous2:00 AM

      Probably him. She said he dresses himself.

  20. Anonymous5:55 PM

    After this incident occurred, why in the world would Bristol want to put it in her tv show? After the first "I hate you" Bristol should have asked the cameraman to turn off the camera because Tripp was tired and needed a nap.

    If they think that this was the kind of sensational material that would make people tune in, it's a terrible image for Lifetime. What's next, Child Abuse TV where we can watch a kid sitting in a corner for an hour, getting spanked until he cries, or watching his favorite toys getting thrown away. Seriously, watching Bristol and Willow mistreat Tripp is torture. They don't want the kid around. And, I can't imagine one mother that would air video of their kid acting that badly-- unless they have no idea how bad it really looks. Reality sucks.

    1. Anonymous2:02 AM

      Dude, a typical toddler scene isn't child abuse. Stop throwing around the term. It diminishes REAL child abuse and situations where kids are in ACTUAL danger.

      Lke in all episodes, Tripp is a generally happy kid. If they ONLY showed these moments and not the few negative ones, BRistol would be portraying an unrealistc view of motherhood and that would MAKE people want to have baboes.

  21. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "Reality" shows are scripted. Tripp either was coached to say that line or it was elicited by some suggestive environment controlled by the director. Furthermore, editing "reality" is rampant in the industry. And Tripp's line was so badly bleeped that the audience's attention is FOCUSED on the line.

    The show's director, producer, money backers all WANTED that remark from Tripp shown on the air. Bristol may be a dismal failure as a parent, but there are even worse influences going on in little Tripp's life.

    In my own family, the 4 year-old granddaughter is a remarkable mimic and we are all struggling to eliminate every possible bit of "language" and even harmless slang, lest it be repeated at pre-school, dance class, playdates etc. But, at no time, does anyone reward the child with a laugh or giggle at something inappropriate. It's just gently explained that such things are not pleasant to hear or say, then we move on. Tripp getting positive feedback for his remark is the most sickening part of this episode.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      None of this surprises me. All of these children were ultimately 'birthed' by a malignant narcissist. The 'father figure' engaged in pimping. The term 'Valley Trash' doesn't come close to encapsulating the ugliness of this family. These are some vile folks.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

      I agree, but if he's acting up this way on national television unchallenged, how is he when the cameras aren't rolling?

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      There is no worse influence in Tripp's life than his mother. SHE is the one who allowed this travesty to be shown on air.

    4. Anonymous2:03 AM

      They wouldn't script that, and it doesn't sound like the show is scripted. It sounds like there's a wide theme for each scene and they just talk.

  22. Nice Christian upbringing Bristol is giving Tripp. Teaching her 3 or 4 year old son words words that have to be bleeped.

    1. Anonymous2:04 AM

      This is offensive that you would say she TEACHES him such things. Parents can't control where their kids learn things. She was obviously shocked at his usage of such a word.

  23. Anonymous6:00 PM

    They just sit on their backsides and threaten the wonder he "doesn't like" them. When do they talk with him, play with him, read to him, cook for him, sing to him? When do they stop telling him what to do and just listen to him?

    This is like watching the worst "nanny cam." It's really sad to see. I'm not a "hater" or a "liberal" or any of that -- I'm a mother of two who doesn't see any love or affection shown for that child, and he reacts as he does because he feels threatened and alone in so many situations.

    As one of the commenters has written, Tripp's not cute anymore, and he needs to have connections to children his own age -- away from Bristol and Willow and the Palin vortex. He needs to see how other people live, and how they love their children.

    I know it's awful to say, but from the start, Bristol has acted, and said, that Tripp was a mistake and a burden. That shows up in every scene of this miserable show. If she can't love this child, she should give him to Levi to raise. I think the boy would get some real affection from his father and his father's girlfriend, not the mixed- up mess that he gets with his mixed-up mother.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Tripp is like a trained monkey. What happens when the cameras quit rolling in ten weeks? Willard, Brisdull, and the Trippster need to crawl back in a hole never to be seen EVER again!!! Buh, bye.

    2. Anonymous2:05 AM

      Wow, I love how you feel you can say this after watch a minute clip.

  24. Ummm...if this is what they showed the little terror doing...WhatTBLEEP did they leave on the cutting room floor?

    1. Anonymous2:06 AM

      Notice how the episodes only have a minute or 2 of negatives stuff. Most of it is fun and positive and shows a generally happy Tripp.

      THIS is the point. To show parenthood as realistcally as possible.

  25. ibwilliamsi6:03 PM

    "Why did she take him to some stupid wally world thing in Anchorage ... telling Tripp that his dad (or Levi as he's known) would be there, knowing full well he wasn't going to be there?"

    THAT is some sick shit.

  26. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Is Bristol TRYING to get Tripp taken away? I think that little boy is a brat. And she's putting it out there for all the world to see. She's giving Levi all the ammunition he'll ever need, week after week.

  27. ibwilliamsi6:06 PM

    She's an AWFUL mother, and Willow is no better.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I think Willow is the babysitter from hell. I bet she is really mean to Tripp when there is nobody else around to see.

    2. Anonymous2:07 AM

      You can keep thinking that. You look stupid though.

  28. If that was indeed real (reality shows often lack reality) and if that were my child there would have been IMMEDIATE, severe consequences. Discipline is no laughing matter. Guess the bear poop didn't fall too far from the mama grizzly.

  29. Anonymous6:08 PM

    So, at 00:13, did the sign on that building say "Valley Ho"?
    Now WHY would they edit that shot in?

  30. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Those people on her Facebooks are brainless..I brought up the
    'F word" and the 'I hate you' on her Facebook and they are totally ignoring it or they are saying kids will be kids, no one is perfect and instead of judgement and criticizing her we should be praying to God to guide Bristol in being a good mother..he's so cute and Bristol is beautiful and an awesome mother..They make me sick..where do these people come from??

    1. Yep. Kids will be kids.
      Just like (tiny two-toned penised)
      Boys Will Be Boys.

    2. Anonymous8:58 PM

      That's what they've tried, pray and he will be alright. Well that failed, you can see how serious the failure. What do they pray to, a false idol? They are blasphemous and show off with the drive while being filmed in car driving.

  31. During last week's episode, Bristol bullied and belittled her child endlessly. I truly think she deserves a visit from Child Services.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      It is almost like she is begging for them to come help her. Anyone please rescue her. She knows she is a failure.

  32. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Tripp calls his mother a faggot and they laugh and think its funny? Bristol is the worst mother ever. Worse than Casey Anthony. She's teaching her child gay slurs and he should be removed from her custody immediately. Let's all file complaints with child protective services before Tripp becomes a gay basher.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      I have to disagree. The only thing keeping Tripp from meeting the same fate as poor Caylee Anthony is because we've seen him on TV and Bristol thinks that she can continue to make money off of Tripp. I'll vote for Casey Anthony as worst mother ever, with Bristol coming in a close second. Bristol did knock Tripp out with baby benadryl, though. I might have to reconsider.

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Bristol or Casey Antony is too close to call just yet.

  33. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bristol is going for the $$$$ the Kardashians got for their wedding. She is delusional.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      She really is! No one cares about her fake trial marriage and wedding sham. These people are slow and trashy

  34. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I raised 3 boys, and none of them would have been allowed to say they hate me or anyone, let alone use foul language. The only way a 3 year old learns to talk like that is from the people around him. My kids did not hear such things in our house. Obviously, Tripp does hear it.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Tripp is now 5 years old, not 3. He's not at that cute stage anymore and his bad behavior makes him just like his mother, his aunt, and his grandma. Sickening.

    2. Anonymous9:04 PM

      He can't play the cute card much longer even with the hard core enablers. He is atrocious brat now. What did she do to him? what a devastating thing to witness. Wish I hadn't watched. It is deeply painful to see Tripp's anguish and so frustrating with all the stupid.

      Hard to believe this family was any kind of contender to be a heart beat away from living in the White House.

  35. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I listened multiple times with really good headphones and he definitely says faggot. The worst part is the Palin girls think its cute and funny. They are disgusting bigots and homophobes. Worse than rabid animals. I'm praying that bristol loses her son. She deserves to have her tubes tied forcibly.

  36. It is unimaginable that these people allowed that footage to be shown. They have no shame, they have no pride, no sense of self-preservation or public dignity, no idea of appropriate public behavior, nothing. That little boy is only behaving as he has seen people behave. There's no one there for him to show the way to a civilized adulthood. Unbelievable. Of course, this is the same family that showed the whole world a teenaged daughter pushing a much younger child's face in to her own birthday cake.

  37. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Time to get over the f.. fantasy that poor little Bristol was stuck raising her sisters...some of the readers of this and other Alaskan blogs recall the string of baby sitters and nannies that worked the Palin family while Sarah was off doing whatever..... And then there is concept that just because your parent's raised you a certain way isn't a free ticket to repeat the same mistakes.

    Whatever, it is fairly obvious that Tripp is a spoiled brat that is rewarded seen in this clip...for speaking and acting inappropriatley.

    Bristol has created a little monster....

    BTW - Willow looks like sh*** Why is she using pillows and jackets to hide her mid-section?

    And finally to the trolls: I look forward to substantive comments.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Fast forward ten or twelve years. Where will Tripp be? School, jail, home schooled, military school, or a flipping burgers?

  38. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I thought he said the f word, but it may have been faggot. Just another example of bad parenting from generation to generation, starting with the Heaths, then the Palins and now their kids. Tripp is badly behaved because his family allows his behavior. I'm sure Sarah Palin's kids were never taught properly either.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Another generation of disrespect, sexual promiscuity, and law breaking.

      Track-Cut the brake lines and 52 school buses

      Bristol-PG multiple times before marriage

      Willow- Breaking into a family friend's home and doing $30,000 worth of damage.

      Nuff said.

  39. That poor poor kid. His mom does treat him a lot like a pet.

    1. lostinmn7:27 PM

      Hell Sunny, if I treated a pet like that Animal Protection would take it away.

      I guess when your mom is the queen of the Alaska Mafia the kids are going to do what they want because there's no one in the state of AK government who dares cross Sara.

  40. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I can't wait to read what the mentally ill krusty troll will come up with to defend the obvious child abuse we all see.

  41. Anonymous6:42 PM

    i can't watch more than 30 seconds. the whole situation creeps me out.

  42. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Whatever Tripp is saying, it's rude and defiant to talk back to a parent, and the little tyke will be a monster and a bully to other kids in school. What Bristol doesn't realize, is that she is not only hurting Tripp, she is also putting herself in a position where no guy is going to hang around her for long with a brat like that.

    In fact, she won't have any friends or social interactions with others if Tripp isn't disciplined, because it'll just get worse and he'll be uncontrollable and her social life will suffer because of it.

    I wonder what Britta and Track think about Tripp's behavior. I can imagine they don't want their baby girl anywhere near Tripp, especially leaving him alone with her for even a second. Seeing what we see on the screen, no mom would trust him. He may become dangerous as time goes on if she doesn't nip this in the bud now.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      It's a terrible thing to say but if I had a very young child, I would not leave him or her alone with Tripp. I do not fault Tripp because he learned his misbehavior from Bristol and Willow. I feel sad for Tripp because he is not learning how to get along with others, especially others his own age.

      Every one of the Palins from Mama Grizz, Pimp Daddy Todd, and ALL the kids, including, I am sorry to say, Tripp. exhibit bullying behavior. THAT is a Palin family value.

  43. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    I'm totally appalled at how poorly everyone treats that child, and my hunch is that they don't care at all because he's Levi's son. The kid has been taught to stick his tongue out at adults, point, use the middle finger, say words like "I hate you" , "faggot" and calling Mom's child friend, Dad.
    To what end? To sling barbs at his father and to keep the "victim" myth going.
    Their reaction, alone, is encouraging him to misbehave, it's his only way to get "attention". I wasn't perfect as a mother, I think any parent has regrets, but to let these "teachable moments" go constantly, does reflect poorly on her and her family. Bristol's lack of self awareness and smug joy in her ignorance is the problem.
    If my husband ever told my kid a "wolf story" before bedtime, believe me, we'd have a serious eyeball to eyeball over it. And if I promised my child something I lied about (a visit with his dad), we'd have a serious eyeball to eyeball about it, and rightly so.
    It's abundantly clear this child is not being raised properly, he's "collateral damage" to Bristol's false "being a single mom is hard" bullshit.
    Kids need guidelines, consistency, a regular schedule, and meaningful playtime with their peers.

    Sorry for the rant, but watching this train wreck makes me worry for Tripp's wellbeing. He deserves better.

    1. Anonymous11:26 PM

      They also need love. I don't see much of it in these shows.
      I'm drawn to them like a moth to a flame: can this be real?
      Now I know it is -- even if some is hyped for the camera, most of it is what the girls are comfortable with. Sitting and talking, occasionally looking over and threatening each other or Tripp. Passive, lazy, hostile women and a child who's on his own.

  44. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Someone asked who buttoned Tripp's shirt...obviously the four year old wearing the shirt.

    I want to know why this four year old has his knees clamped shut like he is protecting something.

  45. Anonymous6:57 PM

    How to raise a man that hates women.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      God no kidding

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      He's apparently not too fond of homosexuals either.

    3. angela1:40 AM

      So true . . . .

  46. Anonymous6:59 PM

    You keep laughing, Bristol. This is SO not funny and it IS going to come back and bite you BIG TIME.

    GROW UP!

  47. AJ Billings7:02 PM

    HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that Bristol says quote:

    I'm doing a TERRIBLE job disciplining Tripp" on camera, and they didn't cut that out?

    Do they not understand the implications?

    I feel so bad for that little boy, as Bristol is obviously unfit to raise a child.

    For him to call his mother or aunt a faggot, is also unconscionable.

    They are setting this poor boy up for a miserable life being in trouble in school, and spoiled rotten

    Without true affection, guidance and structured discipline, he might as well be raised by a wolf pack as these two.

  48. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I wonder if Bristol is planning to give Tripp up to Levi, and she's purposely turning him into a monster so he'll be too much of a handful for Levi and Sunny.

    Where are the Nancy French christians from Pathos on all these scenes. Do they think it's funny too? Where is the christian community in Alaska, Wasilla? Where's the outcry for the protection of a 3 year-old? Are they just concerned about a fetus? This show is dangerously close to peddling child abuse as entertainment. It couldn't be worse than to show a hoarder with a 3 year-old, both living in one of those rat, cat feces-infested houses, with junk and garbage reaching the ceiling. Of course that would never be permitted, because it would be agreed that a child shouldn't live under those conditions and family services would rescue him until the parent got psychiatric treatment, but with a young mother like Bristol, who laughs at his bad behavior, she is doing as much damage to his spirit and his soul as any obsessive-compulsive mentally-ill parent.

    I can't believe not one in the christian camp has spoken out about this, knowing that the grandmother of Tripp is a charlatan and is deluding and making a mockery of Jesus Christ.

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Remember -- always -- that as long as you claim to be a "Christian," your fellow rightwing "Christians" will always give you a pass. It's always OK if you're a Republican.

      Remember the big stink when Britney Spears' 16-year-old sister Jamie Lyn got pregnant out of wedlock? The usual rightwing commentators were all up in arms over this example of librul Hollywood values and trashed her mother up one side and down the other (who I doubt is a liberal but that's beside the point).

      THEN - in order to prove that her dear mother, and not her, had given birth to Trigg - it was announced that 17-year-old Bristol Palin was pregnant out of wedlock.

      Not. A. Peep. Other than the "aww, even young people from the most god-fearing families make mistakes, let's not judge her, that could be one of our own children" hypocritical bullshit.

      They don't give the teeniest tiniest shit about children, they are only fodder to control women with or judge women perceived to be liberal by.

    2. There's no outcry because nobody's watching it. And that's a shame.

    3. Anonymous12:08 AM

      Right on. They were just concerned that Bristol HAVE the child and not 'murder' it. They didn't care what Jamie Spears did with her fetus: it was just a crime that she was even pregnant. The hypocrisy of the right.

  49. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Did willow Go to Arizona to get an abortion? Is that where the palins have their "procedures" done? Abortions, plastic surgery, etc.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Willow probably went their to have her baby or have her mouth realigned and lose 5 lbs and come back 90 pounds lighter.

  50. Anonymous7:15 PM

    A feral child who was raised by wolves has a better shot at life than poor Tripp being raised by his woefully ignorant, uneducated self-absorbed, and unself-aware mother and her equally ignorant sister.

    What's really tragic is that they have not a clue how ignorant they are. They were raised by wolves themselves, and they simply don't have a clue. At this point I doubt they ever will because they have been too brainwashed by what passes for their parents into believing that everything is always somebody else's fault.

  51. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Meanwhile, so much for the Palin's promoting Alaska. Willow embarrassed the Alasks beauty school by turning it down for a school in Arizona.

  52. I'm just waiting to hear the reaction from Levi's end of the parental equation. These shows depict some seriously bad parenting skills.
    M from Md

  53. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Bristol and Willow remind me of Patty and Selma, sisters to Marge Simpson. They hate Homer, kind of like the Palin sisters who hate on Levi. The only thing missing is the smoke plumes.

  54. JenniferinVA7:42 PM

    I think Tripp would turn out better if he were raised by chimpanzees. Those two nimrods are the worst influences on a small child and they are letting themselves be filmed acting like boneheads? What the hell is wrong with these people? If they aren't afraid to act like this in public, imagine what they act like when there are no cameras following them around.

  55. Anonymous7:48 PM

    And this was in front of the cameras. Can you imagine what would have happened if the cameras weren't rolling? Tripp is clearly in charge since no one is meeting his needs and no one sets any limits on him. The kid is going to be impossible as he grows up, but it isn't his fault. Bristol is too lazy to be a good parent. Her child is an inconvenience to her.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Aghree..Bristol is to lazy to parent Tripp!!!

  56. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Wait a minute!

    Is Willow being sent away to hair school or is she being sent away like Bristol was sent away to her auntie's house to have her baby like Bristol did?

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      I think that Willow looks pregnant.

  57. Anonymous7:51 PM

    HA! My adult son was listening in when I hit the link. He reminded me that when he was little he once called me a "scum sucking sewer rat" - a phrase he learned from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I didn't remember the incident but he said that he never called me or anyone that again.

    1. Anonymous12:06 AM

      Why did he stop? Did you punish him? Talk to him about why the language was imappropriate? I'm guessing tou didn't laugh or tell him to go stand on a chair.

  58. Anonymous7:54 PM

    What does Bristol Palin and NFL quarterback Michael Vick have in common?

    Michael Vick is not worthy to own a dog!

    Bristol Palin is not worthy to own a son!

    Michael Vick was implicated in an illegal interstate dog fighting ring where dogs were trained to fight.

    Bristol Palin is training Tripp to be obnoxious and unruly. What decent parent teaches their 3 year old child to stick their tongue out at other adults? What caring mother teaches their child words like the F bomb and faggot?

    Michael Vick's dogs were taken away from him and he was sent to prison.

    Maybe the Alaskan Children's Protective Service should take Tripp away from Bristol for the sake of Tripp?

  59. Anonymous7:55 PM

    It isn't a stretch to believe that when Tripp is with Levi and Sunny, he is a content and sweet young boy. They meet his needs, pay attention to him, and actually care about him. Young children only become dominant and obnoxious like Tripp appears in the video when they are around people who don't meet their needs.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      I'm sorry, I despise the Palins and think Bristol Palin is a sorry excuse for a mother, based on what I've seen, but your fawning statement is pure fantasy based on a few tabloid interviews. You have no fucking idea how Levi and Sunny interact with Tripp or if they meet his needs.

      Frankly, given their irresponsibility in unintentionally getting pregnant (or so goes the public claim, which IMO does not cover them in any glory) in the first place, and the weapon of destruction homage middle name they are saddling their poor defenseless child with, I don't expect them to be any great shakes as parents either.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      I agree with you 8:17. We don't have any idea about Levi and Sunny. Maybe they're great, but we don't know ANYTHING about them.

      But you know, all comments will turn ugly again as soon as Levi does something people here don't like. yada yada yada.
      Sheesh people, stick to the facts. We have seen Bristol acting like a poor parent and a bitch. That's a FACT.

    3. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Sunny is a pre-school teacher, I think she knows how to meet the needs of a 3/4 yr old..most likely better than Bristol. I'll bet their daughter won't be saying and F words or I hate you, slapping and talking back when she's 3 years old..

    4. Anonymous9:05 PM

      8:17 Right on! I agree with you. Levi does not seem too bright and I don't know how he will provide for two ( or more??) kids. Sunny seems sweet. Are they getting married? I wish all parents had to take parenting classes.

    5. Anonymous9:56 PM

      They are all irresponsible young people that have no reason breeding another generation. Bristol might have money but she has no parenting skills. Levi and Sunny might be okay parents, who really knows, but they have not the financial means to be breeding another generation either. Why these young people produce children is beyond me; life can a be very rewarding experience in your 20's if you are not saddled with the burden of children. They are missing the best years of their lives, in my opinion.

  60. Anonymous7:57 PM

    If Tripp somehow ends up with Levi and Sunny, they will have their hands full trying to undo what Bristol has done to him.

    She has completely spoiled him and he is NOT cute. He has serious behavior problems. He's angry. He curses. He hits. He misbehaves.

    There is need of critical behavior intervention if Tripp is going to grow out of his problems. Very sad to say, but I would not leave Tripp alone with any younger child. He has already gone after Piper.

  61. Anonymous7:59 PM

    First of all...the little guy has been on a plane and in airports all day. His mother should have known he was tired and cranky. Rather than understand that, she is so lacking in parenting skills that she points out a swimming pool to him when he has had a very long day. Maybe they were trying to get him to have a meltdown on the camera. If so, brilliant, Bristol; you succeeded in less than 3 minutes to have the kid self destruct. It isn't Tripp who needs a time out, it is his mother!

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Then Bristol should have told the film crew that Tripp was tired and they would film the next day.

  62. Anonymous8:01 PM

    You all are really exaggerating. Bristols a fine mother and a good person. The producers edited this for max drama. You all need to chill! CPS? You have got to be kidding. Judging peoples real life from a reality show isn't smart or mature.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      An unemployed high school dropout making sex tapes and teaching her kid to say faggot for a bunch of strangers in a TV crew is bordering on at least a CPS interview.

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      KP - Ignore. Verbal tell: "mature."

    3. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Bristol has been exposed as a consistently terrible mother on this show. It's her show and she call the shots on what gets edited out, so I will go right on judging her incompetent (I'm being kind) parenting ass. She's putting it out there for all to see and if she doesn't like being judged on it, she should have shitcanned the show before it started airing.

      Whine, whine, whine, you want some cheese to go with that whine, Bristol?

    4. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Bristol's a terrible mother and a horrible person. I'll be calling CPS in Arizona And Alaska first thing in the morning. This child abuse must be stopped. The palins are evil and Tripp must be saved before its really too late.

    5. Anonymous8:41 PM

      @8:01 STFU.

    6. Anonymous9:01 PM

      If it hadn't happened, it couldn't have been edited in. You really think the editing department only picks out the bad parenting clips? 6:01 you are as delusional as any Paylin.

    7. Anonymous9:10 PM

      There are hundreds of kids in CPS who are starving, have parents in drugs and or beat their kids. Good luck getting them to evaluate Bristol it won't happen unfortunately.
      I hope I'm wrong. Good for you if you call. Can you let us know what they say. Sorry I'm so cynical-

    8. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Anons on 8:18: there isn't proof of any sex tape. And hating gays or using words like faggot or even fuck isn't against the law. Lots of parents talk that way and their kids aren't removed by the gov.

    9. Anonymous9:16 PM

      "Judging peoples real life from a reality show isn't smart or mature."

      Maybe so, but wasn't THIS reality show supposed to be DIFFERENT? Wasn't it supposed to "set the record straight". We got it.

    10. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Those bad people in the film crew taught Tripp those f-words. They made him say "I hate you." They fed him a cupcake so he couldn't sit still for the Valentine's dinner. The film crew taught Tripp to stick his tongue out at a rival photography team. If Bristol was such an exceptional mother, she would have stopped the film crew the first time that they taught Tripp to act up. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Bristol is a lousy mother.

    11. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Here's the website for Alaska's Office of Children's Services (OCS). It's not called "CPS" here. Have at it, those who proclaim to want to contact them:

    12. WakeUpAmerica10:14 PM

      Ok, where is the proof of her being "... a fine mother and a good person." All we have seen and heard is just the obvious, and I'm not just referring to her reality show disaster. Give proof or shut up. Your opinion means nothing.

  63. Anonymous8:02 PM

    One thing we aren't considering is that this behavior and lack of parenting is the normal in dysfunctional families. Why would this be any different than how they live every day?

  64. JenniferinVA8:06 PM

    I think Tripp would turn out better if he were raised by chimpanzees. Those two nimrods are the worst influences on a small child and they are letting themselves be filmed acting like boneheads? What the hell is wrong with these people? If they aren't afraid to act like this in public, imagine what they act like when there are no cameras following them around.

  65. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Where is Bristol's weekly apology? The problem with a reality show is that it might actually show some of her real life. (I know, most of the show is staged and scripted). Each week, Bristol had to issue do-overs for her lame show. It must really be pushing all of the ghost writer's bells and whistles to explain why a a lack of discipline is a good way to raise a child-- and why it's so cute for Tripp to tell Willow and Bristol how much he hates them.

  66. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Anyone who has ever lived in a trailer park will find that clip hauntingly familiar.

  67. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I don't believe for a second that puffy one in the pink was looking into colleges. Maternity wards maybe.

  68. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Funniest video (not by Obama campaign) with dressage horse dancing while Mitt skirts around the issue of releasing his tax returns

  69. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Is Hair School the Wild Ride excuse for Willow to leave town to have her baby in seclusion?

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      She noticeably carries garments in front of her to hide her BABY BUMP. It is MONO Time again in the Palin Family. WALLOW is BIG MAMA.

    2. Anonymous11:13 PM

      What happens when brillo comes back from the AZ and still can't style hair? What will be the excuse then?

  70. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Even though Willow would be a terrible mother, she is a better parent than Bristol is.

  71. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Bristol shot Levi's book.


    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Playing with guns, making sex tapes, teaching her son to perform disgusting acts for strange men with cameras. I think it's time she gets a visit from detectives Benson and Stabler.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Law and Order SUV. Yes!!!

  72. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Bristol to Willow: "If you don't get out of Alaska you will be stuck here."


    Shame on Bristol, it was Alaska who gave you your GED. It was Alaska who hid your children's birth. It was Alaska who gave your unqualified mother the governor and mayor jobs. It was Alaska who refused to look into your father's pimping business. It is Alaska who refused to reveal the truth about who birth Trig.



    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Why did the bitch go back to Alaska if she is telling Willow to get out of Alaska or get stuck there?

      Oh I know why, Alaska and its taxpayers is the only state in the union that would pay Bristol money from the Alaskan Film Tax Credit Fund to film the world's most fucked up "I Hate Levi" reality show on the face of this planet.

    2. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Fuck you Bristol!

      It was Alaska who gave Willow her GED and looked the other way when she was caught breaking and entering.

      It was Alaska who gave Track that sweetheart deal for cutting school brake lines.

      It was Alaska who advanced unqualified Piper to the next grade after missing all those days of school.

      It was Alaska who allowed Bristol to adopt her baby out in secrecy.

      It was Alaska who gave Bristol her GED after missing all those days of school to deliver her Mono.

      It was Alaska who supplied the college dorm room for Sarah to screw Glen Rice in.

      It was Alaska and the Anchorage Police Dept who covered up and got rid of evidence that would of convicted your father and his prostitution ring.

      It was Alaska who helped build and cover up that red 2 story house that was built around the same time the Wasilla hockey rink was built.


    3. Anonymous10:05 PM

      9:08pm, not to pick "nits" but Track unplugged school bus engine heaters and deflated tires, the brake line cutting happened in Eagle River and Track was not involved in that incident; they were years apart. I wish that Gryphen would not help further this myth of Track's crime. What he did was bad enough, but the record needs to state what his crime truly was and not burden him with someone else's crime. Just sayin'.

    4. Anonymous10:42 PM

      Anonymous10:05 PM Maybe Sarah should come out and set the record straight?

      What crimes did Track, Bristol, Willow, Todd and Sarah do against the good people of Alaska and produce Trig's birth certificate so Bristol can stop taking the heat if she truly isn't Trig's birth mother.

    5. Anonymous10:56 PM

      9:08 You are totally wrong. I've lived in Alaska for years and when this came out in the Valley - it lead to Track Palin. It did not occur in Eagle River which is near Anchorage. You are basically full of ca-ca, honey bunny! Check the records in the Valley newspaper and Court systerm!

    6. Anonymous11:05 PM

      9:08 Alaska is a corrupt state and protects the Palin/Heath clans. The 'captain zero' governor is in Sarah's back pocket and has always been. Hopefully, Alaska will turn to being 'blue' and get rid of the Republicans in their state!!!

      Sarah is a 'nothing' now - things are slowly changing!!!

    7. Anonymous11:08 PM

      8:57 There will be a hell of a lot of hollering if the State of Alaska provides benefits to this idiotic reality show of Bristol's.

      The Palins do nothing more than bring negative attention to the State of Alaska and most residents wish they'd get the hell out! Sarah is no longer favored in the state!

  73. vegaslib8:46 PM

    I haven't read the comments, so excuse me if I repeat something, but if you have to bleep out a child, that is unforgivable. A child that age only repeats what he has heard.

    BTW, no matter how cute Tipp is, he is a little monster and needs to be reigned in and taught to be a loving little boy. No excuse for a child that age to say these things.

    1. Anonymous11:55 PM

      No excuse for a parent to be using these words while around a young child. She is also a monster and should know better. And if Sarah had editing approval, shame on her for lettig this air at all.

  74. Anonymous8:48 PM

    That boy is worse than Diva Piper and Wild Child Willow put together.

    With Uneducated Grifter Bristol as his mother and Con Artist Sarah and Pimp Daddy Todd as grandparents, Tripp will be in prison someday.

    Mark my words.

  75. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Children love attention. Any kind of attention. Willow & Bristol laughing about Tripp saying the eff word is horrible. His little innocent face lit up knowing it was all just a joke and really got approval because Willow & Bristol were giggling the entire time thinking it was SOOO funny. Saying that God is listening or You'll get your mouth washed out with soap is all just such a HUGE joke! Did you see the look on Tripp's face? He knew he made them laugh & they approved of it. He'll do it again and again because he knows they approve by all their giggling. Not one single lesson was learned here. Bristol is a HORRIBLE parent and needs to be spayed. She's not even worthy of raising a puppy dog. I hope she's saving her money up for when Tripp becomes a real hellion teenager on wheels and she's lost all control just like her parents did their children who had to raise themselves. She'll pay, you betcha. But she doesn't give a fig right now cause she's gettin' that $$$$$$$$$ - much more important than raising a child right. What a sorry ass family and Tripp we're so sorry for you if you read this one day.

    1. Anonymous12:08 AM

      Yeah. Nicely said.

  76. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Will SarahPAC pay for Tripp's lawyer fees in the future?

    He is going to need it.

    What's the name of the Alaskan soldier who was friends with the Palins? The one who got into trouble in Iraq or Afghanistan?

    I wonder if he was as rebellious as Tripp is when he was Tripp's age?

  77. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Okay, I've never watched this show, but I just looked the clip. They should have called the show, Night Shift at Burger King Wins the Lottery.

  78. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I'm starting to feel pretty bad for that kid. He's basically having to fend for himself amongst a bunch of juvenile delinquents.

    Doesn't take a genius to figure out this will have a bad ending.

    1. Anonymous12:06 AM

      Me too. It makes me distressed to see his distress. I am a mother and this is not mothering behavior. Really, it makes me sad to see how manipulated this little guy is. Kids at that age have magical thinking.... He really believes he is his mother's protector even though she abuses him.

      If I saw this going on next door, I would probably call CPS. I can't believe it is on tv and supposed to " inspire" women.

      Down with Lifetime.

  79. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Bristol has nobody to blame but herself. Life's A Tripp was really meant to put a bad light on Levi but it has turned around and bit Bristol on her big ass.

    Bristol is making Tripp look like the second coming of the devil and then Bristol and Willow stands back and laughs.

    Bristol do you know who is looking at Tripp's devilish antics?

    His future kindergarten teacher!

    All the kindergarten teachers in Wasilla are saying. "Oh fuck I hope I don't get that rotten ass kid!"

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Teacher 1: No way I'm taking Tripp! I had Willow for two years! I paid my dues!

      Teacher 2: Don't look at me, I had Diva Piper for the 1/2 year she attended school and I passed her so I wouldn't get her next year.

      Principal: I know, lets get the Palins to home school him. We can say he is borderline retarded like his mom!

  80. Anonymous9:50 PM

    When Little Tripp grows up and becomes an Alaskan Independence Party member and gets caught beating up some black kid or involved in a prostitution ring and Gay hate crimes you can blame nobody but Bristol because the jury will be presented with Tripp's documented life story which reveals how he fought his mother and Auntie Willow, hated other adults and stuck his tongue out at them and how at 3 years old Tripp first started hating Gay people.

  81. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Levi has probably never been so happy that he wasn't part of Tripp's life. All of the bad behavior is definitely from the Palin camp. At least he is having a new baby that can perhaps be raised away from publicity and cameras. He needs to just write Tripp off and start over, which it seems he is doing.

  82. Anonymous10:02 PM

    that is appalling and it seems None involved even recognize this, to include the 'producers'.

    that child is nearly striking that one girl.
    next time he will do that since the girls find
    it all so humorous.

    you can see how this roots back to their own

  83. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Bristol and Willow sit there with their hands over their mouths scrutinizing this ill-behaved child as if he is some sort of alien that just landed on the couch beside them. There is no connection, no physical or emotional connection to this little kid. He sits as if he is waiting for something; punishment or approval, but the girls just talk amongst themselves after half-heartedly scolding him. Bristol has shown America and the world that she wasn't ready for a kid and her kid will tell the tale by being in the news for most of his life for being the type of person that was raised by this mother that can't connect. Bristol should have just stopped at Trig and been happy that her mother removed from her the "burden" that she was not ready to handle. Tripp, the "rebound baby" was a mistake of the highest order in that Bristol was not fit to raise him. Certainly Sarah Palin knew that Bristol was not equipped to raise the Down child Trig, but little did she know (or perhaps she did) that her daughter Bristol is not fit to raise ANY children. So sad, at least they have money for therapy, though it is doubtful that any of the Palin fortune will remain by the time that Tripp is in his teens and 20's and needs serious therapy.

  84. Willow, the aunt from hell, provoked Tripp and he had every reason to react with anger. Imagine what it's like to have someone grab you from behind, lift you up and plop you down hard on a sofa. I couldn't tell how tightly she was holding Tripp's arm but she may have hurt him. Bristol allowed it to happen. It's as though she's not used to having primary responsibility for Tripp. Hopefully, the nanny does a better job.

    Gryphen hit all the right notes on this one.

  85. I find it interesting that lifetime hasn't put these episodes up yet. Embarrassed? They should be!

  86. WakeUpAmerica10:58 PM

    I wonder what happened to Ivy the nanny. Did she run off screaming into the night?

  87. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Willow the Pillow

  88. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Remember the "Roseanne" show ?I just figured out that the Palins are like the Connors after they won the lottery.

  89. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Levi's new attorney has plenty of ammunition to go for full custody! your quest to trash Levi even further, you have just presented Levi with the biggest gift he could ever receive.
    Tripp will happy to live in a normal family with his father and Sunny. Thank you for your stupidity.

  90. Anonymous11:55 PM

    I hope that the good that comes from Bristol's "show" is intervention for Tripp. It breaks my heart to see how he is treated. Levi and Sunny would be much better loving parents I am sure.

  91. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Bristol and Willow may assume that the way Tripp acts is "normal" - they've only seen/known dysfunctional family life. That explains why they are oblivious and actually have this stuff on national television. It's an embarrassment!

  92. Anonymous12:38 AM

    This is awful, no doubt about it. Sounded like he said "faggot" to me because he was saying "I hate you, ----!" He was calling them a name, so saying "Fuck" wouldn't make sense.

    I feel really sorry for this child. These two sub-marginal young women behave as if they are teenage sisters babysitting their little brother, and not giving much of a shit about his behavior or how they treat him.

    When Bristol is present, it is completely inappropriate and unacceptable for Willow to open her stupid mouth in an attempt to discipline Tripp. Period. This is Parenting 101. It's not her place and she should shut the hell up. It only confuses and frustrates the child.

    And, of course, laughing at him when he said "faggot." That was special. Well, what more can you expect from ignorant, bigoted white trash? Where do you think he heard the word?

    I think he is a normal little boy who has not had adequate limits or boundaries, ever. He seems very confused (and no wonder, with these two idiots barking orders at him that he's learned they don't mean) and frustrated and doesn't know how to express or deal with his frustration, so he acts out.

    And I don't mean just frustrated because he didn't get his way about something. There's a deeper frustration due to a lack of steady parental guidance, a lack of dependable parental protection, a feeling of being safe, secure, loved AND respected in a stable environment. Providing a stable home and establishing limits are essential so that little kids feel calm and safe. Not filled with daily anxiety, frustration, and feeling a constant lack of control.

    He's been repeatedly dragged around to CA, then AZ, then back to CA, then back to AK, now down to AZ again, with no sense of a stable home and certainly no sense of competent parenting. Very sad.

    Plus, why couldn't these two lazy nitwits have taken him down to the pool for a short swim? They'd been sitting on planes for God knows how long. It wasn't dark, and a good swim would probably have helped him fall asleep. Plus, they talk to him like he's an idiot, telling him, "ewww, no, we don't want to go down there now, there are teenagers in the pool," you know, like he doesn't have to put up with these two dumb idiots who act like immature teenagers on a daily basis.

    If this is Levi's kid, he REALLY needs to step in and try to provide the opposite of what this child is getting in "Palin" world, which looks like child abuse to me. Levi's no gem, either, but if he can get joint custody, maybe he and his girl friend could at least provide the kid a stable home life when they have access to him. Tripp definitely needs other role models in his life. As limited as Levi is, anything would be better than what Bristol and the other Palin imbeciles are providing.

  93. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Elderly school teacher? She was what, 35?

  94. Anonymous2:16 AM

    When I look out look out over an hotel pool, the first thing I always think of is that there would be drunk kids swimming in it also.


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