Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Video from 2002 shows Mitt Romney bragging about his DC connections and ability to get federal funds.

Courtesy of ABC News:

The video, which was surreptitiously shot by Democratic opponents of Romney on Oct. 16, 2002, shows him addressing a group called the New Bedford Industrial Foundation. The Power Point presentation he uses lists ways to improve economic development in Massachusetts, including “boost federal involvement.” 

“I want to go after every grant, every project, every department in Washington to assure that we are taking advantage of economic development opportunities,” Romney tells the group. 

And while Romney now often criticizes his opponents for being Washington insiders, in this video he touts his Washington connections. 

“I have learned from my Olympic experience that if you have people who really understand how Washington works and have personal associations there you can get money to help build economic development opportunities,” Romney says. 

He even cites money one his colleagues managed to get for the Olympics from the Department of Education. 

“She said, ‘Why don’t I get the Department of Education to buy tickets to the Paralympics so that high school and grade school kids can go to the Paralympics?’ She literally got, I believe the number was over $1 million from the Department of Education, funding to buy tickets for kids,” Romney said. “This way we got kids there and we also got additional revenues that we wouldn’t have had. That kind of creativity I want to bring to everything we do.”

Draining a federal agency of money earmarked for the education of children in order to fund your pet project? Well that certainly demonstrates the kind of compassion and selflessness that we need in the White House in 2012, don't you think? Yeah, not so much!

Damn! You know Romney is like a never empty political pinata.The more you poke him with a stick, the more lies, deceptions, dirty tricks, and flip flops pour out on the floor for all of us to gorge ourselves on.

And here I thought Sarah Palin was the faultiest choice the Republicans could EVER have chosen as their candidate!

Update: By the way John McCain ALSO thinks that Romney is a faultier choice than Sarah Palin:

Asked why he chose not to go with Romney, McCain said: "Oh come on, because we thought that Sarah Palin was the better candidate. Why did we not take [Tim] Pawlenty, why did we not take any of the other 10 other people. Why didn’t I? Because we had a better candidate, the same way with all the others. ... Come on, why? That’s a stupid question."

Oh snap!


  1. "Thanks, Mr McCain, for that overwhelmingly positive endorsement of my 2012 Candidacy. I'm sure Tim Pawlenty appreciates that you brought up his name as being a lesser candidate than your 2008 choice for VP on your ticket as well.

    Hey John, you're not going to repeat that during your prime-time speech at the convention, are you?"
    --- Willard Mitt "Retroactively Retired" Romney

  2. vegaslib2:22 PM

    Pot meet kettle. Every time Romney opens his mouth, he digs that hole deeper, even stuff he said years ago come back to haunt his ass. His recent rant about having a blind trust was refuted by his own words back in 1994. What a knob.

    1. Yes, indeedy! Wasn't that juxtaposition perfectly beautiful?

      Like $P and gonorrhea, he's the gift that keeps on giving.

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    But surely Romney retroactively FIRED the person that defrauded the Dept. of Education.

    And in yet another boost for the Romney campaign, Gingrich is calling for Sarah Palin to speak at the Republican convention.

    Bridge to nowhere? Sold it on e-bay? You can see Russia from Alaska? Paling around with...? Sarah Palin is exactly the inspiring speaker to whip up the crowd and fire up the base for her ole friend Romney.

    1. You CAN see Russia from Alaska. There are two small islands in the Bering Strait, Big and Small Diomedes. One belongs to us, one to Russia. They're only a few miles apart.

      O/T: there is marvelous use of the two islands in Armisted Maupin's "Further Tales of the City." In the Showtime mini-series version, Dea DeLaria, as a pilot stationed on Little Diomedes, is an absolute hoot.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Remember, the bitch doesn't like Romney! And, they know they cannot control, nor do they trust, giving her a spot to speak at the Republican Convetnion!

    3. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Yes, you CAN see Russia from Alaska. And the relevance to the foreign policy of experience of Sarah Palin is absolutely NIL.

    4. Anonymous7:48 PM

      what 3:58 said -- the whole lunacy of whether or not you can see russia from alaska was that palin inferred that the mere fact that alaska and russia are close together at some obscure location on the globe that SHE HAS FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE.

      sorry for shouting. but jeez. following palin's logic, everyone both sides of that small stretch of ocean ought to be freaking experts in foreign policy.

      it was one of the lamest things she has ever said and there is no way in hell she gets a pass on it - it was stupid.

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    “I want to go after every grant, every project, every department in Washington to assure that we are taking advantage of economic development opportunities,” Romney tells the group.

    "economic development opportunities". See what he said there? "economic development opportunities" are perfectly fine sucking at the federal teat but anything else is socialism.

  5. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Wasn't the Department of Education one of the cabinet positions Romney wants to eliminate? But he is willing to take money from it?

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    He is damn funny.


  7. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Jelly for your toast? Ya, your funken TOAST!

  8. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I know their must be more....it's going to be awsome when those taxes are released, if not released, we know that he is surely hiding something!

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      His tax money went to theLDS

  9. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Love it, get more video out showing his true colors!

  10. Anonymous2:57 PM

    OK, I'm still going with my theory: Yes, I'll acknowledge there probably is something in Rmoney's tax returns that is 'faulty' but I think McCain ultimately chose Palin because of her looks and sex.
    Between McCain and Rmoney, they both had too much wealth and too many mansions. Go with the hockey mom with five kids, not to mention a son in the military. (None of Rmoney's five sons have ever been in the military)
    Not a better candidate, just more attractive than the other one to foist over on the American electorate.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      There was also something about Paxson pressuring McCain because of his involvement with some woman. My recollection is foggy about this but one of Trig's many names is "Paxson."

  11. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Gotta hand it to him, Mitt loves money!

  12. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Mitt, Mitt, Mitt...you poor, poor, bastard!

  13. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Mitt....i love you! You digging your own hole to bury yourself! Go at it Mitt!

  14. Anonymous3:01 PM


  15. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Oh boy, this is good...its a full segment, not 3 seconds of distortions like he likes to do (thats what shhe said)!

  16. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Video can be your friend or your enemy...keep talking and smile for the camera!

  17. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Nice tie, looks nice around your neck to hang yourself....oh crap u just did!

  18. Anonymous3:08 PM

    A true American at work screwing other Americans...dont think so buddy...we Americans gonna expose how truely UN-AMERICAN you truely are.

  19. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Skrew you! Oops, you just did!

  20. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I'm just wishing they would have saved some of this for closer to election day.

  21. Typical Republican politician - so long as it benefits him and his interests, he's all for it and is an expert at gaming it.
    M from Md

  22. Anonymous3:26 PM


    Mitt is in serious trouble now. The editors of the friggin' National Review are on board now. This is getting so hilarious to watch. Mittens has never been called to task over much of anything in his life and he thought he could just slide by and say 'no, he won't', about whatever he deems he is above doing or not doing. This is such a smack of reality on the national stage and I am giddy with excitement watching it unfold.

    Release the Returns

    Romney may feel impatience with requirements that the political culture imposes on a presidential candidate that he feels are pointless (and inconvenient). But he’s a politician running for the highest office in the land, and his current posture is probably unsustainable. In all likelihood, he won’t be able to maintain a position that looks secretive and is a departure from campaign conventions. The only question is whether he releases more returns now, or later — after playing more defense on the issue and sustaining more hits. There will surely be a press feeding frenzy over new returns, but better to weather it in the middle of July.


  23. Anonymous3:27 PM

    o/t but funny. Nathan Ridarelli, last summer, mocked "the dirty" for spreading the lie that he and Bristol dated. He said on Jun 28 11, "So I'm apparently dating Bristol Palin now?? Much as I love the girl there are rumors. Thank yuo thedity.com"

    Just before that, he wrote "haters will broadcast your failure and whisper your success," something Levi recently wrote.

    The funny past, Nathan said last year he HATES Levi Joohnston. Sorry but that tickled me.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      ??You can read that this is a thread about Romney,can't you?If not,there is a picture at the top.

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      You can read that the post starts.......o/t ??????

      Do you need me to paint a picture?

    3. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Maybe it's just late at night, but I have no idea what you are trying to say. Who is Nathan?
      I saw your OT but still can't follow and I'm sober.

  24. Anonymous3:30 PM

    And cue the backpedaling...

    Yeah, Johnny, the best fit, meaning she had a vagina and you had a hard on.

    McCain: I Didn’t Mean Palin Was Better Than Romney

    “Some in the media have chosen to take my answer today, in response to the question of why I did not select Governor Romney as my vice presidential nominee, out of context. I selected Sarah Palin because she was -- the best fit for my campaign--.”


  25. Anonymous3:31 PM

    On Tuesday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry reportedly became the latest prominent Republican to call on Romney to release more tax returns, something he and other presidential candidates also did on the primary campaign trail.

    “I think anyone running for office, if they get asked within reason to give people backgrounds about what they have been doing, including tax returns,” Perry said at a press conference. Some Texas outlets reported that Perry called on Romney to release more returns; others said he “stopped short” of doing so. Video of the whole exchange is here.

    Ron Paul also called on Romney to release his tax returns Tuesday.


  26. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Stuff comes out daily about this jerk!!! A total fraud on the same level as Palin!!!

    He does not deserve being elected to the White House. We need to make sure people get out and vote in November - have their legal documentation to vote and support OBAMA/BIDEN 2012.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Yes, but how do we do that? I live in a state that required photo id OR "other document with your name and address" like pay check or utility bill. I feel so helpless re: what's going on in other states.

  27. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Willard the Mittens is going down fast. Just can't make it with the big boys.

    How did vaunted Romney Death Star break down?

    ...So at least at the moment, the vaunted Romney death star, the machine that flattened his Republican opponents, just isn’t working. Romney is trying to get traction — this week, he’s focusing on Obama’s crony capitalism — but he is struggling. To fix things, he’ll have to put out more facts about his own record, plus capitalize on more bad economic news for Obama (that’s a sure bet at this point), plus gain access to the money he’s raised for the general election, plus find a way to sharpen the SuperPACs’ games. And then he’ll have to regain the back-against-the-wall fighting spirit he had in the Florida primary. If he doesn’t, the Obama campaign will run over him.


  28. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Biggest Sarah Palin Conspiracies

    12. Did Palin Really Give Birth To Trig?

    As of 2011, no convincing photo has surfaced to prove Palin was indeed pregnant until roughly five days before the birth, but that could have been faked. An AP reporter claims to have seen Palin with a pregnant belly, and her doctor says the rumors are foolish...


    1. Martha again8:00 AM

      That link is over and out. Any new ones?

  29. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead4:13 PM

    OT but intimately related:

    When you see a headline reading "Gramps McCain claims he chose The Screechy Wretch(tm) as '08 VP over Rmoney 'because she was the better candidate'" you can translate it into simpler English as "High-profile blackmail victim identifies perpetrator in coded public statement".


  30. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Meanwhile, on the right, bloggers wondered whether Palin was trying to send a message to convention organizers.

    “The [Newsweek] article seems to be pretty heavy on sourcing from Palin’s camp, and very little from tea party activists. In fact, it seems very heavily sourced from Palin herself. … It looks like a shot across the bow, leveraged through Boyers with some very weak tea-party-is-angry dressing, aimed at Team Romney to give Palin a platform in August. We’ll see if the message is received, and what the response will be,” wrote Ed Morrissey at the conservative blog Hot Air.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0712/78597.html#ixzz20vpjKoJj

  31. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Now if we could just find some videos of that secret Republican meeting, the one in which they plotted to obstruct everything and be the party of NO, then the moderates will be convinced to swing the election for Obama.

  32. Anonymous5:27 PM

    The Old Fart picked her for her va-jay-jay believing all the Clinton voters would come running to the old Buzzard. Add the fact, he wanted to bang her. Probably got his rocks off many times as he is a dirty old man.

    Confirms why he truly is not a war hero -- he slammed more planes than others -- into millions of pieces and spewed/wrote bullshit about his being 'captive'. If not for his Daddy -- he'd be flipping burgers as he tanked in school. Cindy would not be his wife as she wouldn't have married lowlife scum and we wouldn't have to listen to the screech BS of Meghan.

    I've said for years and will say to the day he dies -- they should have finished him off in the Hanoi Hilton as he is not an American hero worth having for all the destruction he has done to the country when you think of all the back room deals for casinos, etc as he authored the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act -- of course as he loved gambling. He also should have been nailed under the Keating - Lincoln Savings & Loan as he skated on that one.

    Guess you can tell -- the prick can't die soon enough for me. He's a gambling addict and would not have thought twice about making decisions like bets or flipping a coin with no regard for the consequences or collateral.

  33. Anonymous5:34 PM


    Ziegler says: Palin Does Not Deserve to Speak at the Republican Convention

    "...I strongly feel that she has "sold out."

    "She made her decisions and she bet on the wrong horse. Now she must accept the consequences..."

    "This whole story is just another indication that we are watching the final burning embers of what is left of the Sarah Palin media fire."


  34. Anonymous5:46 PM

    John Ziegler, Sarah Palin Does Not Deserve to Speak at the Republican Convention


  35. Video: Romney in 2002, Boasting About DC Connections and Ability to Get .video-showing-that-in-2002-romney-bragging-about-getting-free-money-from-the-government and shows him boasting about his Washington connections and his .In '02 Romney Touted D.C. Connections, Federal Funds.
    Don Blankenship


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