Monday, July 02, 2012

Yet another reason why YOU should be making the HBO series Newsroom part of your Sunday evening viewing experience. Sarah Palin edition.

Here let me set the stage:

New producer MacKenzie McHale had just laid down the law in a briefing with her staff that they were not going to follow the formula embraced by other cable news stations, which constantly offer controversy for controversies sake, and stage battles between two opposing ideological pundits in order to drive up ratings. Instead they were gong to offer something that was sadly missing from news outlets these days.  The news.

However the main character, and anchor of the show, Will McAvoy begins to panic about the numbers and decides to slip in this (now famous) interview that Bill O'Reilly conducted with the Lunatic from Lake Lucille concerning the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Afterwards, on the advice from his ratings guy, he decides rather than to ridicule Palin like everybody else was doing, HE would try to defend her and demonstrate how fair he is.

As you can imagine he finds himself stumbling to find something even remotely defensible about her stupidity and instead makes himself  look like an idiot, which also threatens to damage the credibility of the show's format.

This irritates his producer to no end, who then confronts him in the hallway to essentially ask what the hell he thinks he is doing:

"Palin, how did Palin get into the rundown? I made it clear that this show was not going to participate in the endless cycle of codependency between Palin...., and insult to injury you twisted yourself into a Windsor knot to save her! (Doing impression of Mcavoy) "I'm sure that what the Governor meant was that the Dutch living in 'Norwegia' have good ideas, and since she has an intimate knowledge of all calls going into and out of the White House she's a credible source on whether the 'Swedishians' have gotten their message returned."

You know it was actually worth listening to that screechy voice again just to hear this brilliant take down of the Grizzled Mama, delivered straight from the pen of the amazing Aaron Sorkin. (This of course is NOT the first time that Sorkin has dealt a blow to Palin's credibility, as he once referred to the hunting episode of her reality show as a "snuff film.")

Like I said the show is great, and it does a very admirable job of revisiting older news stories with the benefit of hindsight, which provides them the enviable opportunity to demonstrate how they feel it should have been reported at the time that it was actually taking place.

For a news junkie this is a hell of a lot of fun. However I bet there is a certain person living by a dead lake in Wasilla who absolutely HATES this show with a white hot passion.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Why does Rudie Giuliani have that wig on?

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Edit: That should be "Rudy".

    2. Anonymous4:42 AM

      And McAvoy?

      Really, Aaron?

  2. Smirnonn4:39 PM

    Yeah, I saw that last night. I was literally laughing uncontrollably after Sorkin's take down of the wig-ged harridan. My favorite part was re: the insanely stupid "PROVERBIAL can't even get a phone call back" statement:

    "...and since she has an intimate knowledge of all calls going into and out of the White House she's a credible source on whether the 'Swedishians' have gotten their message returned."

    Such a complete moron.

    She was a lot angrier back then. Still freshly stung from her epic fail of a campaign, I guess.

    1. When I saw this clip for the first time and the followup I was left rather confused and unable to fit it into the story.

      This comes from a Norwegian perspective, and with the knowledge of Norway's (and to a lesser degree Dutch) offshore capabilities. What Sarah Palin was saying was quite clear if somewhat stumbling on words.

      In the case of Norway we had 3 relevant ships close by that responded to the emergency signal, and these were later involved with subsea mapping of the spill. IIRC they also operated the submersibles that monitored the flow rates.

      And the part about the US government not returning phone calls was well known, and that foreign ships working in the area were told to make it look like an all American operation.

      So when she said the Dutch and Norwegians know how to clean up oilspills, she's right and this part really made the whole show (which up to that point was rather balanced and believable) fall flat.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Exactly. Just watched the second episode of "Newsroom" and I can't believe the arrogance of the writers. It is so obvious what Palin meant to say.

      People who believe that Palin doesn't know the difference between Holland and Norway are stupid *and* arrogant.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I love that the only time this idiot gets any attention, it's to point out what a freaking moron she is. There is not one clip of her stating anything of any importance and/or constructive advice. All she cares about are jr. high school spats and insults.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      It's really funny that only Fox News thinks that Sarah Palin is relevant anymore.

  4. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Do you suppose it's possible that this show will start to uncover the Palin Baby Hoax? Oh be still my heart. And actually blend into the story the real-life proof of the hoax (the Mar 14 photo showing the too flat Palin, 5 weeks before "delivery")?

    That would be even BETTER than getting little Danny Quayle mixed up into plots of the fictional "Murphy Brown."

    oh, please.

    1. comeonpeople3:15 AM

      Lets keep emailing him about it. What a perfect opportunity!

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      I sincerely hope the book "Boys Will be Boys" has been sent him with many emails from all of us telling him tid-bits about the idiotic Palin/Heath family from Wasilla, AK.

      This bullshit the Palins have put out these past years WILL eventually come out one way or the other. There is no doubt!!!!

  5. Sorkin does write great lines. As soon as the asshat ratings guy mentioned Palin, I knew that a severe smack-down was eminent. It was so good, I wanted light a cigarette.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Well, I can't get it here so I copied "Game Change" to disc and popped it in my blu-ray, lit a joint and enjoyed the show.

  6. The programe exposes how the corporate nooze is so superficial and dumbed-down. That's why the negative reviews by corporate "reviewers" (shills).

    Are all those noozepeople on speed? Are they all Noo Yawkers? (Trans: constantly interrupt each other and speak over each other) Are they all so sharp that they have an instantaneous zinger response to everything said to them, and no brain filter? Are they all hearing impaired and the batteries in their hearing-aids gone dead? It that why they're always shouting at each other? Is there a dictionary furnished by the program to explain all the insider jargon used by these hearing impaireds?

    Well, that Sadoski guy sure is on helluva sexy hunk.

  7. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Well, fine. I guess I need to go watch it NOW. I was going to wait until middle of the week... but now I can't. This is too juicy.

  8. Scruffer5:26 PM

    Ah, memories - I remember that.
    Being an actual Dutch Dyke, that brought a smile to my face!
    We're known for dykes!! She knows about us!!
    Also too, we stick fingers in them! :-))

    I'll just sit here and revel.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Nothing like the good ole days when O'reilly would have her on his show....He's a Fox tool but I'm sure he knows she is a dingbat!

  9. Anonymous5:28 PM


    The Alaskan government under Governor Sean Parnell’s administration is at fault for this Todd Palin prostitution ring cover up and is as guilty as well. The Alaskan government does not have to be involved in Todd Palin’s dealings but by merely ignoring it and covering up the crime of the state’s former governor’s spouse like the Anchorage Police Dept did contributes to the crime and makes the Alaskan State Government equally guilty and liable. All citizens of Alaska deserves equal protection and just because you are the spouse of the former governor of the state doesn’t mean you get special privileges for the crimes you have done against the women of the State of Alaska.

    Shame on Governor Sean Parnell, the Alaska judicial system and the Alaska law enforcement agencies for allowing this crime to go unpunished.

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Do you mean "Captain Zero" Sean Parnell - current gov of AK? Remember, Don Young, Representative in Congress (from Alaska) gave Sean that name and brother and sister, was he ever correct! Sean has zero personality and is nothing more than a hack for the oil industry in Alaska.

  10. Anonymous5:52 PM

    'Norwegia' and the 'Swedishians' - Make-crap-up-is-stan.

    Sarah and Bristol are still waiting by their phone's waiting for Barry's call.

    Using Sarah for ratings, for or against her "pundentcy" is simply unforgiveable. Quit giving this fraud the idea that she's worth air or print time!

  11. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Love that show. Thanks for highlighting! The first episode is free on YouTube if anyone wants to try it out.

  12. Anonymous5:58 PM

    With the proverbial can't get a phone call back?

    With the proverbial can't get a phone call back?

    With the proverbial can't get a phone call back?

    [Shake your head] With the proverbial can't get a phone call back?

    [Focus your eyes] With the proverbial can't get a phone call back?

    [Clean out your ears] With the proverbial can't get a phone call back?


    1. Sarah, I don't think that word means what you think it means.

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      I don't know...I just don't get it. Other than Ailes himself said he hired her cause she was 'hot.' But O'Reilly never has her on anymore. It's down to Sean and Greta.

  13. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I would love to watch that!

    This may explain what is happening with Sarah and Bristol Palin.
    the IV Drip Diet
    As I've written elsewhere, modern clubbers manage their binges with a balance of alcohol, illegal stimulants and pharmaceutical "downers" that enable them to prolong the experience.

    The New York Times has finally woken up to America's biggest unacknowledged drug problem:

  14. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Worth Clicking: That Boring Old Tax Argument Was Always a Winner

    July 01, 2012

    Bonus Quote of the Day

    "About the 15% of Americans who aren't paying taxes and are feeding from President Obama's hands, perhaps they will vote for such a tool."

    -- Sarah Palin, in an interview on Fox News.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I agree what an incredible BS talking point. Also, I thought she said 50 percent.

    2. The best of that link is the comments....

  15. Anonymous6:21 PM

    That sounds hilarious.

    Tomorrow I brace myself for Bristol Palin: Screws Tripp Over

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Why do you watch that trash? Raise your standards.

  16. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I watched the brilliant Sports Night religiously, so I'm not surprised by this.

  17. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Shame on Sarah and Bristol Palin for not publicly condemning Todd Palin's perverted behaviors and no Sarah it's not just boys will be boys.

    By not condemning Todd Palin they condone what Todd does to single struggling mothers in Alaska.

    As they say "You're either part of the solution or part of the problem!"

    So with the silence of Sarah and all the Palin kids, the Heath family, FOX News, Gov Sean Parnell, Anchorage Police Dept, Anchorage Daily News, all the Alaskan politicians, Alaskan law enforcement and judicial system, Alaskan women and children's protective services and agencies.... YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

    When all this surfaces about Todd Palin's wrong doings to Alaskan women, America along with Wasilla and Alaska will look at Sally Heath, Chuckie Heath, the Heath children, Sarah and all her kids and we will say what did you do to prevent it or warn the mothers and daughters of Alaska of Todd's prey on our Alaskan daughters you pieces of shit?

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Doncha know it's only bad when liberals do it? Her and her ilk can break any and every law and it's A-OK, but a lib crosses a line and the harpy loses her nut.

    2. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Alaska is operated under a very corrupt government and police department in Anchorage! It has been for quite awhile now under the asshole Republicans in the state. And, the small population there is stupid enough to reelected them!! Go figure!!!

  18. AJ Billings6:34 PM

    That interview that Gryphen is referring to may be the last time that Granny Grifter ever went on O'reilly's show.

    She is so stupid that she kept saying that the Dutch or Norwegians could "build dikes" to contain the oil spill in over a MILE of water.

    Click here, and skip ahead to 5:00 minutes, and just listen to how STUPID Paylin was in this interview

    At 6:26 Bill calls Paylin on the carpet and asks her if SHE knows how to fix the BP oil leak, and in typical Paylin style, she avoids answering the question, and throws out more TOTAL BULLSHIT

    She was like a Barbie doll on crystal meth throwing out random bullshit, and makin' up stuff to try and dump on the President.

  19. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Oh Bristol, why the long face?

  20. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Bristol or Kyle MacLaughlin?,r:3,s:128,i:131&tx=89&ty=89

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      try out to make links more friendly - but thank you anyway

  21. Anonymous6:37 PM

    That Alaska's energy expert Sarah Palin recommending that we hire a foreigner to put their finger in the hole and that should stop the oil leak.

    This coming from a lady who has a family history of babies popping out of holes of unmarried females even after the hole was tapped and plugged. Maybe somebody should stitch their holes shut?

  22. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Hey Sarah about getting Todd the 14 ft fence builder to build a fence around the oil leak? That's okay Sarah forget it. You guys would of found a way to sell it as another failing Palin reality show.

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      And anyway, the first high wind that came along blew that stupid attempt at a fence right down.

  23. Anonymous6:42 PM

    If Sarah was smart, Sarah would of offered the help of Willow Palin to build a oil retaining device since Willow is a genius at making poofy rat's nest hair styles.

  24. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Sarah can be proud of the fact that she will be remembered as a political joke.

  25. Anonymous7:00 PM

    How about getting Bristol to ride a mechanical bull to the leak and having the bull buck Bristol's fat ass into the hole?

    Don't say that's stupid, that's better than Sarah's suggestions and it would only cost us a bull and a wine cooler. Bristol would do anything for a wine cooler.

    1. Irishgirl2:29 AM

      I think that is a marvellous suggestion!

  26. Anonymous7:18 PM

    That was stupid to ask Sarah Palin for her expert advice on how to stop the oil leak. If Sarah knew how to plug holes then Bristol wouldn't of had so many kids.

  27. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Sarah got any advice on how to stop your family from making asses of themselves on reality tv shows?

  28. Anonymous7:36 PM

    If Sarah and Todd Palin had any sense right now they would look at that old FOX clip about hiring 'Norwegians' and the 'Swedish' to build build dykes to stop the oil leak and saying to themselves "What the fuck was Sarah thinking about?"

    I'm sure that's what McCain is saying to himself.

  29. Anonymous7:46 PM

    The only way Sarah Palin ever had a chance of working in Washington DC is if Gingrich would of been president and he hired her as a cabinet member.

    No way Obama or even Romney would hire that retard Sarah for coming up with dumbass ass suggestions like building a dyke.

  30. Anita Winecooler7:54 PM

    I'm seriously loving this show! And I imagine a new fridge on it's way to lake Lucille.

    I visited beefy's blog, and a lot of comments are putting her down, critiquing her "reality" show, I tried to comment, and am still blacklisted, so I can surmise it's heavily moderated, and they're allowing those comments as proof Beefy is a victim. The defenders rise to the challenge, then sink like lead balloons. It's almost as funny as the peepond!

  31. Baldy was on O'Really a few months was that crazy interview before Game Change came out and they had a weird(Hi Krusty...where you been Girl?) cut in the tape when O'Really asked her if she was going to watch it! So she must of starting shrieking and they edited that part out! LOL!! Anywho...

    I have been laughing all day at the antics of the patients at the Asylum! Not only are the patients arguing with the staff (moderators) they are also not being allowed to gather and talk(comment) about Baldy supporting Rmoney!

    Those patients are being removed (comments deleted!) and their Dayroom privileges are being restricted (threats of being banned)! LOL!!!

    These poor souls are not going quietly...I think soon the staff (moderators) are going to have Creepy Jr make an announcement (post a comment) AGAIN and see if that will get the patients to take their medicine (swallowing the Baldy party line)!

    I don't hold out hope for that...some of them have been hiding their pills in their cheeks and spitting them out when the staff aren't looking...and they are not happy that the staff will not let them live in their fantasy world!

    I told y'all' hilarity is ensuing over there! I finally tore myself away from there...but it wasn't easy...I think soon some folks will be scheduled for shock therapy (emails that tell them to STFU!) and if that doesn't work...the hospital will start taking new patients (creating sock puppets that back up what the staff has been saying!).

    Oh Baldy...don't you just love the infighting over's what you live for...never mind that those insane folks would drink your dirty bath water if you asked them too...all you have to do is get word to those idiots that you are NOT GOING TO BE PRESIDENT and put them out of their misery! Remember...GOD has SPOKEN to you!


    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      My first visit there. That Brianus - his tongue must be so firmly in cheek that he must be on a liquid diet.

      As my husband would say, "fish on". Even palinbots can't be so delusional not to see that he is having them on. Right?

    2. Am i the only person in THIS dayroom who thinks that Beldar Insert Conehead is having his fun as Brian Anus?

      He could pull it off, you know :)

    3. Olivia6:07 AM

      I never considered that Beldar might be playing the part of Mr. Anus. You are right, he could pull it off.

  32. Anonymous8:32 PM

    "And yet no they too can't even get the proverbial phone call back."


    I do think she said "The Norwegian". As in "Quick! Call the Norwegian!"

    And isn't that outsourcing, Quitter?

  33. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Sarah Palin is still getting attention but the wrong kind...focusing on her stupidity makes for a good show.

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:40 AM

      The truth always makes for a better show.

  34. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Gina, I think you are really that bi or tri anus character, incognito. Right? :)

    1. Anonymous10:42 PM

      You mean the guy(?) with ANUS in his(?) name TWICE? A sphincter says what? That's what I thought you said butt-boy.

    2. Naw...I'm not Brian Anus....that crazy dude is from Berkley, California and I'm sure he probably lives in an house on a hill with a bunch of cats!

  35. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Interesting. There was a very negative review on HP today of this show and the negative way they portray women. The author wasn't talking about Sarah, but about the female characters, the way they are portrayed and the manner the men on the show treat them. I'm not saying I agree. I have only seen the first episode and now I will definitely watch the second.

    OT but is Brancy still posting on her blog or has she quit already (Sarah's mini me).
    I don't want to go there so if someone has and doesn't mind sharing, I'd appreciate it. Thanks..

  36. Anonymous9:58 PM

    This is kind old news (April). SarahPAC 1st quarter filing.

    She plans on attending Republican National Convention.
    She spent about $19,000 to produce the video rejoinder to the HBO movie "Game Change."

    1. Anonymous10:37 PM

      Comment from above post - "Mrs. Palin won't give a red cent to anyone, until she can figure out how 2 will return for every one goes out. That's the way her mind works."

      How true that is.

  37. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Hey, we get to see Josh and Donna again. Who doesn't remember the line "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights." Yes, Jim Harper and Maggie Jordan are the Josh and Donna of Newsroom. And you gotta love the fast paced smackdown of the paylin. Sweeeeet.

  38. Anonymous12:07 AM

    S'aint Sarah needs a big pink ribbon in her hair to make her outfit complete.
    Or a pink arrow through her head like Steve Martin.
    Sarah's hair is so funny and ridiculous.

  39. angela2:40 AM

    That was one of my favorite Palin rants cause the stupid was soooo on display in that one. Boy does she have gigantic tells. How long had she been calling (and not getting a reply) and stalking the President before the oil spill anyway?

    Poor Nutter Butter----she will be comedy gold to many for a long, long time.

  40. comeonpeople3:14 AM

    Wouldn't it be fanf%^*ingtastic if Sorkin, in the show, investigated the Wild Ride and tight abs??

  41. The COMPLETE dismantling of the Flying Monkey Queen by Sorkin and the delivery in context of the show was wonderful.. Kinda like in real life, hey?? The same, and ultimate humiliation of said Monkey Queens pals, Guv. Brewski in Arizonie when the COMPLETE SB1070 was tossed into a landfill last week made it even sweeter...

    I'm astounded the volume of the squeaking from the banks of Lake Wassily have been so muted lately, since the Supreme Court and Obama have basically dismantled the nut-bag agenda forever. Next stop is to slice the Guv. of Florida into little wedge pieces the poor can put on some old, govt. toast that they had store in bomb shelters... That's the only kind of aid there is for ANYONE in Florida... He's done too...

    Great show... more to come!!!

  42. Jeanabella6:35 AM

    I'll continue to watch Network & hope the press gets the hint! We're sick both literally & physically because of the Corporate paid journalists & only a few Free Press!

    By the time reporting the facts on the health insurance industry happens, we'll all be dead!

    Most newspapers stopped using foreign journalists on their payrolls & most just use whoever the AP has that day! The public suffers from less information and we're sometimes getting that persons take or "opinion" of the facts.

    Corporate journalism as in Murdoch newspapers & media has HIS spin on the news they spit out. He's obviously not a democratic minded person, but a right wing greedy bastard who never should have been given a license here in states. Canada said no to Rupert!
    When the news became "entertainment" we were screwed!

  43. Anonymous9:51 AM

    This is bizarre and confusing. Incomplete.

    What are you quoting from? Where did this come from? What is it?
    Where did you get this report of a producer's hallway conversation? Is that your own composition (or an author somewhere?) as an imagined dialogue, or did it actually happen?

  44. This post is about the new, fictional, scripted, one hour HBO drama called "The Newsroom"!

    See the title of this post: "Yet another reason why YOU should be making the HBO series Newsroom part of your Sunday evening viewing experience. Sarah Palin edition.

    " an imagined dialogue, or did it actually happen?"

    It is a quote from dialogue in the second episode of the show!

  45. Anonymous4:03 PM

    He is NEVER going to call you Sarah

  46. I confess, I only skimmed this post, because I haven't watched the second episode yet. I just watched the first a couple of days ago (gawd bless On Demand), and am still undecided. The opening grabbed me, but it started to drift (I'm not too keen on the inevitable and predictable romance between Jeff Daniels and his new EP) -- but then it came back like gangbusters as soon as the oil spill was the focus. There was actual tension (very reminiscent of the chaotic rush to get the Norman Rockwell illustration on the air in "Broadcast News"). Loved that -- and if it can keep up that pace, the show's got a new fan. But the jury's still out 'til I watch #2.


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