Courtesy of Forbes:
In the opening paragraphs of Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion, he clarifies that the law specifically does not involve a tax. If it did, Roberts clarifies, the Court would have had no choice but to reject the case for lack of jurisdiction as a tax case cannot be brought until someone is actually forced to pay the tax. This is, as we know, not the case.
The fact that the Court found that the mandate was constitutional under the taxing authority granted Congress by the Constitution is an entirely different matter. This finding does not reduce the individual mandate to the status of a tax—it merely says that as the penalty for failing to purchase health insurance will fall to the Internal Revenue Service for collection, it was something Congress could provide for under its Constitutional authority.
While I grant you that this gets a bit into the weeds, the effort that is being made by the GOP to use the Court’s basis for decision as a weapon fails on its face and is completely disingenuous. There is a difference between the levying of a tax and the Court finding Constitutional authority for Congress under the taxing authority. But then, anything that is more complicated than your basic “See Spot Run” first grade reading primer has always been fair game and fodder for the GOP message machine which would prefer to base their arguments on misstatements than educating and enlightening its base.
As I am sure many of the rest of you are as well, I have been especially irritated lately by this steady drumbeat from the Republicans that the language which Justice Roberts used in his opinion proves that the mandate is a tax, and also proves that President Obama lied about it NOT being a tax.
One of the reasons that I have been so irritated is that the GOP has so successfully poisoned the very idea of a tax, that the millions of low information dipshits that heard this talking point would immediately have a hissy fit over it and never bother to find out if it were factual or not.
So I found the above article in Forbes, which I think explains it quite well, but of course it is full of words using multiple syllables and I was still worried the information would not effectively trickle down to the potential voters that are only minimally paying attention at this time.
And right about the time I was pondering this problem, I happened to notice this exchange between Chuck Todd and Romney spokesperson Eric Fehrnstromon The Daily Rundown this morning.
Problem solved. If the Obama camp says it's not a tax, and the Romney camp says it's not a tax, then regardless of what the Right Wing talking heads want us to believe, it is NOT a tax.
In other words Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell, and John Boehner can talk until they are blue in the face (Or in Boehner's case a brighter shade of orange) but it will mean absolutely nothing. The mandate is not a tax, and the American people are hearing that from BOTH candidates running for president.
What that means is that the ACA cannot be used as a wedge issue in the election, which really only leaves the economy, which right now happens to be improving, and which Romney has STILL not offered proof he could speed up if elected.
You know what that means!
Obama/Biden 2012!
P.S. By the way even if the mandate WERE a tax, which it's not, it would be nowhere near the "biggest tax increase in the history of the world" as Rush Limbaugh so ignorantly states.
Here take a look for yourself.
Apparently Oxycontin makes it hard to do math, right Rushbo?
Whatever you call it -- tax, insurance premium, user fee -- it is a tax write-off.
ReplyDeleteSo you pay it, then you get a tax break for paying it. You can't beat that!
Every new story I read or listen to it becomes apparent the right has no clue what to do next. They are running an ad here non-stop that this is the largest tax increase in history - right along the story that Mitt's guy says it's not a tax. They can't get it straight.
ReplyDeleteWhat's more important is that the usual MSM bullshit marshmallows have been replaced by spears. Maybe not tempered steel but definitely hard enough to penetrate. Even the local shill for the right on CBS in MN went after some GOP turd spokesperson for business and called him out. It's getting ugly and when Nora takes down Boehner you know things are going to get ugly. Nora's normally a GOP apologist and tosses as soft a pitch as Katie Couric - surprise, surprise.
I think it's naive to say this means "the ACA cannot be used as a wedge issue in the election." The Republican Party is hell bent committed to the proposition that they will never let the facts get in the way of a good attack on the socialist Black man in the White House. They have glommed onto several talking points (Rush's asssertion about the size of the"tax," "Job killing law," "Death Panels" the American people are totally opposed to this legislation, European Socialist program, government takeover, etc. and won't let go.
ReplyDeleteLying is as simple as breathing for these folks.
I think we're seeing two other significant developments coming out of the decision Thursday: It is clear that the Republicans were not expecting the way the Court voted and therefore have NO PLAN for moving forward. And some people associated with the Supreme Court (including maybe some Justices) have turned on Roberts and are leaking negative stuff about him to the media. Which I think is unprescedented.
The Republican Party has sunk to a new low.
A Fan From Chicago
I pray that independents are far smarter than the rednecks and uneducated southern dimwits who elect people like McConnell and his ilk. Because we need the truth more than ever, and the GOP has no idea what that even means.
ReplyDeleteI spent yesterday talking my low-information friend off the ledge. She lives in Florida and she has a Green Card. She moved there from Canada (Pity that) and does not have health insurance. She was afraid that she would be arrested because she did not have health care. That is what some people are being led to believe. I kept saying, "It's a lie!" until she finally understood that not everything she hears or sees in the media is the truth. Hopefully tomorrow, she'll call and find out if she is eligible for Medicaid. She certainly is in the poverty zone. I also tried to explain to her that her governor Voldemort is talking about refusing the subsidy from the federal government for expanded coverage of Medicaid.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats have got to inform people of what is in Obamacare and what is not. I'm still not sure that I got through to my friend.
Excellent point, CS. It's inexcusable for the White House not to have a well-executed and vigorously publicized 'wiki' style website that's easy to navigate and search which explains what Obamacare is all about, what's in the bill and what isn't and what it all means to the American people. Even if the government doesn't want to do this, the Obama campaign should step up and get it done.
Delete@Crystal Sage - I've been emailing this ten question quiz from Kaiser Family Foundation to my friends to inform them.
Beldar, do you mean a site like With links to key provisions and a drop down "what ACA means to you?" menu?
DeleteAre you 100% sure that was that up BEFORE my suggestion? Perhaps they're just a LOT more responsive than you give them credit for being....
that's like trying to convince a christian god doesn't exist
ReplyDeleteI am afraid I have to say it. It doesn't matter how many facts you cram down people's throats. It wouldn't matter if Roberts himself went to one of these idiots and CLEARLY explained it to them. ANYONE stupid enough to watch FOX NEWS and believe it will NEVER accept it.
ReplyDeleteI would even go so far as to say that even with Romney saying it they won't believe it.
Sometimes I wish there was an intelligence requirement for voting!
Damn good points Leland. Funny how Chief Justice Roberts was a hero of the ultra right teaparty, and was one of the good guys.
DeleteSuddenly, a very learned judge makes an honest decision about a VERY complex case, and he's now lower than whale shit.
Not very logical , but the religious right never majored in science, critical thinking, or anything resembling FACTS
Oh, Gryphen, you and your sad little obsession with... um... facts. Fine, it isn't a tax. But apparently you never got the memo: "It's a tax" was always just winger code for "He's BLACK". Even the "it's unconstitutional!" battle-cry was code for "He's BLACK!". The birther bullshit = "HE'S BLACK!". Even McCain's 2008 battle-whine "He doesn't understand the surge!" was code: "HE'S BLAAAAACK!!!"
ReplyDeleteAsk Fred Mertz or Frank Lutz or Luntz or whatever the hell his name is. Conservative focus group testing proves that in 2012, EVERYTHING they say is code for "HE'S BLACK!!!" Take a good hard look at Mittens and you'll see why: that's all they got.
This is true insanity.....the GOP is stuck with the worst candidate possible and they know this is it. I wish those Fox morons would realize the billions spent on trying to elect this joke would pay for teachers, fireman, police....bring thousands out of poverty and put alot of this country back to work. The world must be laughing at us. Sheldon makes millions from gambling and prostitution overseas just to bring it here to buy an election. We seriously need to get rid of the evil trinity....McConnell, Boehner and Cantor. We have to get the Congress back, keep the Senate and let Obama do his thing. I can't imagine Fla keeping Lurch after all he's done to destroy that state. AZ....who in their right mind would want to live there??
ReplyDeleteSharon -- I think if the rest of the world truly knew about how your election is being purchased through the Citizens' United ruling and the superpacs, there would be less laughing and much more crying at the demise of the great democratic republic.
DeleteMaple......I totally agree with you, in fact I read your post several times and felt my eyes well up. It's like the "Emperor has New Clothes", how can so many people be fooled by these snake oil salesman? I truly can't imagine how Obama keeps going, how he keeps so positive. He is the light for me and the only hope this country has to survive.
DeleteSomewhat off-topic...
for those among us with memories long than a gnat's, remember that: "Obamacare"
and you watch - after a couple of years, after it has become as popular as Social Security - the Republicans will insist it NOT be called "Obamacare" - and they'll insist they were the ones responsible for its passing.
You wait and see...
I believe you are absolutely right. They will accuse President Obama of co-opting republican ideas going clear back to Teddy Roosevelt and once again! illicitly taking credit for things he has no business taking credit for (Bin Laden, anyone).
DeleteSpeaking of Rush Limbaugh, how long do you think before he moves to Costa Rica?
ReplyDeleteI just loved Chuck Todd's interview! Romney's going to have a hard time waking this back. Mitch Mc Connel and orange weepy were tripping out on the news as well, universal health care isn't the issue, and red states are getting ready to refuse the funding and expansion of Medicare. Keep it up, Morans, the government is refunding a hundred percent for three years, after that, it goes down to 90 percent.
ReplyDeleteOnce people see the benefits, start getting refund checks, and get used to "getting benefits", it's pretty hard to get them to agree to giving them up.
I think President Obama and the Democrats are missing a golden opportunity to call the Affordable Care Act by a perfect, far more sutiable name - - National Romneycare. For example: "Senator McConnell, what would you replace National Romneycare with?"