Monday, August 20, 2012

A sweet little boy. And much too young to be sexualized by his own mother.

This was the photo on Brancy's blog today.

And this was the headline: Sunday School Stud

Has there EVER been a more inappropriate description of a three and a half year old?

I am usually pretty forgiving of young parents, but after what we saw on Bristol's crappy unreality show and now this, I am just wondering how much longer it will be before Levi rescues this poor little boy.

I mean who refers to their little boy as a "Stud" especially when he is dressed up for Sunday school? It really makes me wonder about just HOW his mother was raised.


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    if things stay the course for the "sunday school stud" he'll probably be a dad himself in the next 12 or so years...

  2. Olivia4:06 PM

    Wonder if he made it to Sunday school. I find it hard to believe that is a regular occurrence in that family unless there is another purpose.

  3. angela4:14 PM

    What is wrong with these people?!

  4. Have you heard anything on Levi's legal custody action? I was one of those who were willing to help with his legal fees, and then I saw him asking for money on his Facebook page to help float some new reality show. It makes me reconsider sending any money his way if he's still trying to do stupid stuff like that.

    1. jcinco5:47 PM

      sorry, but as I've always contended levi is just a bit player in the palin's grifting of America. it was all a ploy to generate interest..the guy is naming a sweet baby girl after a handgun for cripes sake. he's as trashy as the kid's mother...

    2. Uh...just saw Baldy's FB page and it looks like somebody told the alkie about Wayne Brady's tasteless joke about Trig Palin from LAST WEEK!

      Maybe Baldy thinks she can use Trig once again and get herself an invite to the Convention! Anywhoo...this is what she farted out way did RAM write this gobbly gook!

      "Sarah Palin
      Thank you, Wayne Brady. Trig truly is a blessing. I swear, to his family anyway, that extra chromosome he's got is a Love Chromosome! Thank you for your gracious comment today."

      That's some pure... unadulterated...Baldy word salad there folks! Oh and she posted a picture of the Toad with ANOTHER Trig!


    3. Anonymous5:39 AM

      GinaM9:07 PM
      Is that Trig?

  5. Anonymous4:17 PM

    He appears older than 3 1/2 years!

    Idiots referring him as a 'stud' on the Sabbath!!! Haha! Don't forget, they are fine - just fine - christian bullshitters!

    1. I agree--he looks about 5 years old in that picture.

    2. Anonymous4:15 AM

      If he is now a 5 yr. old, that would mean Bristol pulled another Palin deception and used another baby in her interview with Greta when she first introduced Tripp to the world? The infant she is holding looks to be no older than a few months at most.

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Whatever is age is, his eyes should not look like that. The Palins don't even notice.

    4. Anonymous11:15 AM

      He definitely is very tall for his age, unless he's five. 40 inches is at the top of the chart for 36 months, 46 inches for 5 years old. The International Building Code dimension for banister height is 35 inches to the bottom of the handrail, Alaska is 34-38 inches. The type of accent table he is standing next to is typically about 30 inches high.

      Y'all can do the math.

      It's possible that he's off the charts (two of my nephews are off the charts for their age), but it's the expression on his face, how he's holding the dog, and his clothes that seem to me to indicate that he's closer to five than three.

  6. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Maybe she's talking about the dog.

  7. sewnup4:20 PM

    It's not as if she gives a flip how he looks, anyway: pants don't fit, sneakers for Sunday School? Shirt hanging out like he's getting ready for the sandbox, not SS. She doesn't care about anything about the little guy unless she can somehow USE him. What a sickening situation.

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      She thinks he is hot? Does he have his own room yet?

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Bristol dressed Tripp like a little pimp. What has she done to that child?

    3. Anonymous7:08 PM

      I can only imagine what has happened to that child.

  8. Look at that sweet face! Just think of the nasty things that come out of that little mouth! TSK TSK TSK! Oh...and that kid ain't no three years old...that kid is getting ready to go to KINDERGARTEN...not Sunday School! We're not stupid Beefy! LOL!!

    And before Krusty gets here smelling like a bedpan and talking crazy about being a product of "rape"...Beefy told me to tell you....take the night off!

    See I can make shit up too Krust! LOL!!!

    1. ROFLMAO! Girl, you are outdoing yer fab self.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

      Look at that sweet face! You're so right, Gina! Tripp lucked out with the dominant Johnson natural good looks genes, shame he got the potty mouth Palin trait, but that can be fixed.

    3. Anonymous10:16 PM

      Does anyone anywhere ever see The Chin or Tripp at Sunday school or church?? I doubt it = again all for show. Any sightings???

      He sure looks older than 3 and a half. Does Tripp go to preschool???

    4. abbafan8:25 AM

      Didn't Barstool once say they (the Paylin$) were too busy to attend church?? Just like her fuckin' idiot mother - habitual liars that got caught lying!!

    5. Anonymous10:34 AM

      They were too busy. Now they have no RNC invite, just some carnival barking on the outside. It may drive them to go to church and get all the holy fixing up they can. Play up how good they are until God gives them the next game to play. Keep Brancy busy with her gig. Pray, pray and more pray. O how cute the Tr kids are. Piper is in school and Willow is dressing hairs in a high end school. Whatever it is they never vary far from the same old routine. Yes, if desperate enough they will actually use church and get their butts over there. who knows what actually happened with the liars.

    6. Anonymous6:19 PM

      At Kyla's party, he looked just like Britta.

  9. Anonymous4:22 PM

    So Tripp's now Mommy's Little Stud?

    God, Levi PLEASE intervene! Bristol is relentless using and grooming Tripp for her own celebrity, and it's sickening. We are witnessing this child's abuse - right before our eyes - and Bristol sees no shame in this? Someday there will be a horror show about this - an update of Mommy Dearest.

  10. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Sweet? Ok, whatever.

  11. Honestly I think you're reaching here, nitpicky at best.

    1. Nope, I agree 100% with Gryphen. Little boys are not studs and little girls are not sexy. It's amazing that a Christian lady like Brancy would use that word to describe a preschooler. Meanwhile a godless heathen, such as myself would never use sexualized terms to describe children

    2. It is wrong to call your child a "stud."
      This sexualization of a child is a form of abuse.

    3. Anonymous5:32 PM

      So if Tripp would have been a girl and Bristol dressed her up for "Sunday School" (yeah, right) with her hair in the requisite "Palin Updo", makeup on and a typical Palin-style dress and the caption read:
      Would that be OK?
      I don't think so.

      There's little Tripp, being called a STUD by his Mother (so creepy)...this boy is going to have some serious issues.

    4. Anonymous7:05 PM

      A million gold stars to Liz!

      Whats next for Tripp" Toddlers and Tiaras? Brisdol would make the perfect T & T Mom....she was raised by one. :)

    5. Anonymous8:00 PM

      If you caught Nancy Grace tonight, it was an hour on Reality TV children. A father is going to court to try and stop the sex-ploitation of his daughter. Other court cases, Honey Boo Boos was dropped. Interesting and related to Bristol and Tripp mess.This is ot the whole show.

      Some people are getting sick and tired of what is happening to children in these shows and some families. Not so obvious when little boys are used as sex objects.
      Very weird about Bristol.

    6. Anonymous5:08 AM

      I have never watched Nancy Grace or Toddlers & Tiaras, but came across the Nancy Grace show while channel surfing and actually watched it. OMG! So then of course, I became interested in the T&T show and went to the website. OMFG!!! I had no idea how bad it was...these poor little girls who are being raised to think and act like this. Child abuse. Disgusting. And these Moms (and obviously the viewing public who support the show by watching) should be held accountable. Did you see the 4-5 yr old little girl dancing on the bar in front of men? Sick.

  12. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Looks like a dandy.

    1. Nah--- if you shave his head he looks more like Mini-Me.

    2. FJ Dandy1:32 AM

      Anon 4:22: Nah, I'm a Dandy and he certainly doesn't look like anyone in my family. And one more huge difference, we Dandy's don't pimp out our children.

  13. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I'm sorry but i am having a hard time believing this child's age. Looking at the table and candles and having a similar setup in my home he seems large for his supposed age given the height of his maternal and paternal family members.

    1. No one in the family is tall, except maybe Track, and he’s from a different father. Todd looks tall because Sarah is very short.

      That child was born earlier or is a twin with Ruffled Trig.

      To be fair, Mercede’s comment on Ruffled Trig being a little stud (I forget the exact words) made me uncomfortable, and I’m a Child of the Sixties. Maybe it’s a Wasilla thing, but they should drop it.

  14. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Why's he wearing Todd's pants?

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      They were too big for Todd

  15. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I was expecting her to get him an account on Rich Kids of Instagram by now.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      haha great idea!!!

  16. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Even in the days where Elvis shifting his hips would cause eyes to bug out, this is really nothing.

  17. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Just when I thought I couldn't care any less for these people...

  18. Anonymous4:56 PM

    There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that that child is 3.5 years old. None. And for anyone to believe otherwise is ludicrous. That child is more like 5 years old. I'm around kids from 3-6 every single day and not one of my 3.5 year olds resembles this development. And I see dozens of them. Nope, 4.75 or 5.00 on the nose.

    And as far a referring a young child as a 'stud' it is not just appalling, it's reflective of a very skewed sexuality. We know that creepy Chuckie liked to carry out nefarious things with his children, Sarah being the prime example of that sort of sick abuse. It's clearly apparent in her behavior, if you know what to look for, I hope to God not, but I wonder if Bristol was introduced to this sort of thing as well, I wouldn't put it past Grandpa Chuckie or Todd to carry on a ritual that seems to be part of the Palin/Heath signature.

    Levy, you MUST move faster!

    1. vegaslib7:40 PM

      I thought the same thing about his age. It's not just his height, it's how his face has matured. I assumed 4.5 to 5 years old.

    2. Anonymous12:45 AM

      Agreed. I work around 3-6 yr olds (Montessori school), and those facial features are NOT of a 3 1/2 yr old. Also, too, his hight against the backdrop...
      Can't get over the sexualizing of a pre-schooler by a supposedly 'Christian' mother...

  19. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Talk about waving a red flag in front of a bull, LOL.

    Seriously, though, referring to your own toddler as a stud seems wildly inappropriate.

    And if you hadn't identified the poor kid in the ill-fitting clothes in that photo as Tripp, I never would have recognized him.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      I can understand a parent dressing a child for Sunday School and taking a cute picture with a complimentary comment. What throws me off is she has him dressed as a slob. He looks slovenly. How can she see that as a stud? Which is a very weird word to call your child going to Sunday School or anytime. She is of the Tots and Tiara mentality. If she could she would put him in in The Chillin of Chippendale's Revue.

  20. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I've looked at Bristol's blog and she seem to do a lot of praying for people. I guess that she has found religion, now that her blog is hosted by a Christian website. The problem that I have with Bristol recent embracing of being a Christian is that we saw how she acted and what she said on her "reality" show. I didn't see someone who treated others (Levi) the way she wanted to be treated. She treated Tripp badly, and from the look of things, Gino ended up giving Bristol a ring and his promise but Bristol didn't seem to give Gino anything beside a dog to learn responsibility.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Bristol doesn't talk about praying. Bristol is not the author of that blog. It's written by the co-author of her book, Nancy French.

    2. Co-author? LOL French is the ghostwriter, meaning she wrote the thing.

      Barstool and her supergrifting mother have "written" more books than they've ever read.

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Lots o praying is a sign of the end is near. That's what soldiers do in the foxhole when enemy has the upper hand. Expect she will be doing MUCH MORE PRAYING.

  21. As much as I dislike Bristol/her parenting/her attitude/her ignorance... I think I may have referred to my own son as a stud-muffin before (and also a future heartbreaker, my handsome little guy, etc). I know in some circles the "stud" term is used literally, but my family always used it to refer to someone that's really handsome.
    That said, I'm not really sure what a "Sunday School" stud would be.....

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      yeah, me too. It meant handsome, but maybe we were wrong all this time! LOL

    2. vegaslib7:42 PM

      But you didn't post it on the internet for the whole world to see. She has thrown this kid to the wolves and he will forever be in the spotlight unless she decides to make her own money and not pimp out her son. Like father like daughter.

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      No offense, but maybe you should reconsider. Handsome is one thing, but really think about what a "stud" is. Even if you don't literally mean a stud (as in, a male who is used to impregnate a bunch of females), it has a sexual meaning to it. At the very least, it's a word that insinuates the kid attracts all the little girls. Personally, I don't use heartbreaker either for children (it even creeps me out when my sister talks about my little nephew's "girlfriend" at preschool). I am by no means a prude, but kids grow up so quickly these days and there will be time enough for boy/girl stuff (or boy/boy or girl/girl). I'll put it off as long as possible.

    4. angela8:16 PM

      Sunday school sweetie would have been appropriate.

    5. Anonymous9:19 PM didn't post it on the internet

      I agree. If he looked as if she'd care to make him look presentable, being a Church going thing, also, too, it would have looked more appropriate. But weird to post "stud" and the Sunday thing on the internet. Her girlfriends were into that Hookers for Jesus thingy. I guess that is Bristol and she has to hide it from her mother's public.

      Brancy doesn't fit into to this scene well at all. She makes them look like frauds. Who in their right mind would think Bristol writes like that? She only did the prayer thing on TV as a performance and she can't act. Using the Lord's name in vain is an awful thing to watch.

    6. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Tell his schoolmates' parents that your 5 year old is a stud and watch how fast they get away from you. If the Heath/Palin Klan like studs so much, where are the adult studs in their families? Creepy Chuckie and purse carrying wimp Toad?

  22. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Ewww what a sick creepy family! You just know she learned this sick behavior from her mom, dad and grandpa. There is a long disturbing history of child molestation in the Palin family. See: chuck forcing sarah to sleep in the nude, "kids always losing their underwear" and Sarah accusing men of wanting to rape her daughters. It may go back further than grandpa chuck but Sarah and now Bristol have passed down the family tradition.

    1. $P is a poster child for childhood molestation.

    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Did you listen to Dr. Drew and Nancy Grace tonight? Both have been going over strange families like the Heath-Palins. Interesting.

  23. Anonymous5:15 PM

    She is just trying to say she takes him to Sunday School. She has to finally show some good side of her to keep Levi from taking him away from her. I think the courts are smarter than that. I am sure she is trying to undo the damage she has done raising her son.

    1. vegaslib7:43 PM

      Bingo. I somehow doubt they ever made it to church, or she would have posted those pictures too so she could earn her some Christian cred.

  24. Gryphen, don't you mean "has there EVER been a more inappropriate description of an ALMOST 5 year old?"

    I actually am not up in arms too much about the "stud" thing. I mean, I was in a baby store recently buying a gift for a coworker and they had those little snappy bodysuits which had "mommy's little stud muffin" emblazoned across the chest. Also, too: "all the girls wanna hang at my crib" and not to have the brand new female humans left out- "I make boys cry". (in rhinestones, no less)

    So I can't entirely blame Bristol for the mild yet wholly inappropriate suggestive dialect being used to consumerize infants and children. I can, however, blame her for being an atrocious mother, a miserable bitch, and a CONSTANT violator of a decree issued by a court of law.

    And- I bet you a dollar Tripp JOHNSTON'S (just like to remind Bristol of the laf's LEGAL NAME as often as possible) "Sunday school" is located in the exact same place as Trig's "vacation bible school". (Brancy's head, of course)

    I'm sure Sarah wanted Nancy Droo-l to do something "sweet" since she and Bristol have gotten so much bad press lately. Voilá, a photo of Tripl dressed for "church".

    Kids have to be quiet and BEHAVE in Sunday school. Not scream "I don't WANT to make Moses' beard out of yarn, you FAGGOT".

    And as much as I love to bring the snark, the sad truth is that's the REAL REASON Tripp can't do things like Sunday school- a child that pinches, kicks, slaps, punches, screams, bites, and curses is not welcome at children's events and activities.

    Levi, if this current lawyer isnt acting fast enough, get another one.

    I really would love to see a video of Levi walking up to the Palin compound, pressing the buzzer, and saying "I'm here to pick up my son for court ordered visitation". If they squawk "Tripp is in California", Levi should ask (on camera) why his child was taken out of state without his permission, in flagrant violation of a court order.

    Come on, Levi- you can do it! All you have to do is get him ONCE and then refuse to give him back- tell Bristol you are exercising your right to your visitation arrears- meaning all the times you have been entitled to Tripp but not gotten him. Bristol can come over for supervised visits because unlike her, you would not deprive Tripp of his other parent.

    1. Oops- made a typo. Should read "the LAD'S legal name" rather than "the laf's legal name".

    2. LOL Nyah at the Moses comment! (And if you want to read something hysterically funny, read the "Apology from an honest toddler" on Huffpo. I laughed until I cried.

      As to the merchandising of clothing that turns children into sexual objects, I just cry. I know Bristol Palin didn't invent this trend but I see this type of marketing as just a few steps from child pornography.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      I have two elementary school girls and I refuse to buy them anything that involves the word "sexy" or in any other way applies adult characteristics to children. Don't get me started on all the "brat" or "princess" (and I don't mean Disney princess) stuff, let alone pants or shorts that have words on the seat. Just what I want, people's eyes being drawn to my little girls' butts.

      All that stuff is for the parents' benefit to make themselves look "cool" or "hip" or as a big joke.

    4. Anonymous5:01 AM

      Years ago I worked at a resort hotel on the Gulf Of Mexico. We were very "family friendly" with many kids activities. We also had a big gift shop and the biggest sellers were t-shirts and those little shorts for girls (ranging from toddler-teen) with words like "Brat", "Cutie", "Back Off", etc. printed right across the butt. If a family checked in on a Friday, I can assure you by Sat. AM half of those girls ages 4-14 were sporting their new short-shorts. It amazes me that parents would ALLOW that. I asked the gift shop manager WHY? She would just roll her eyes and say "it sells!" Sad.

  25. That's a really cute dog. Will someone please rescue the puppy?

  26. Anonymous5:17 PM

    What a fun time that kid will have when his schoolmates discover the trail of goodies the kid's mother left all over the internet.

  27. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Umm a few things:
    -Tri-PP does not go to Sunday school
    -Bristol doesn't go to church
    -the dog was borrowed for a photo-op
    -Tri-PP sure looks "pretty" doesn't he? Oh the irony! Maybe thats why she abuses Tri-PP so heartlessly. The mother is usually he first to know.
    Save Tripp!
    Save Tri-G!

  28. That boy is 3-1/2, and I'm Marilyn Monroe's and JFK's love child.

  29. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I don't want to concentrate too much on one picture, but the child doesn't look happy -- he has that aggressive Bristol look. He's holding that dog up as protection. I'd say he would do well not to have his picture taken again for another few years -- to become unself-conscious and just be a child.

    No one in her right mind calls a child a "stud." That's on the level of "Toddlers and Tiaras." Children are not little sexual beings, unless the adults around them make them so. It brings up the nagging question of whether there has been sexualization and possible abuse in the Palin/Heath households in the past. And it makes it clear that, since Bristol hasn't snagged herself a male consort, she's happy to make her son grow up way too quickly.

  30. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Oh yeah I forgot Tripp is older than Bristol says. How long will she keep up that lie?? Is this her excuse for prohibiting Tripp from kindergarten? She just lies about his age. It's sick.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:24 PM

      This child will be the one who pays most dearly for the Palin lies.

    2. Anonymous6:12 AM

      You're right! I fear for this innocent child.

    3. Anonymous1:04 AM

      She has to pretend he is only 3 1/2, so she can keep him out of school until he is a bit more 'mature', and does not blab out all the family secrets... (can't expect that from a five year old, but a seven year old will be more likely to keep his mouth shut...)

  31. Saggy pants. Jacket on but shirt tails out. Tennis shoes, not dress shoes.

    That's not Sunday Best in my book.

  32. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Why are his pants falling down? Was he hanging out with Todd and chuck before this photo?

  33. Anonymous5:36 PM

    he looks like Bristol before she got her chin implant.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:22 PM

      He looks like his Dad and Aunt Sadie. imo

    2. Anonymous8:02 PM

      He also unfortunately favors his Grandpa Chuck.

  34. Anonymous5:40 PM

    That kid is 4 1/2 if he's a day. My bullshit detector is off the charts.
    Remember: if Tripp is older than they say, the whole house of cards (pregnancies, empathy bellies, white lies, and 'wild rides') all falls down.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:20 PM

      Not until October. 4 years, 4 months on Aug. 18th. imo

      And you're SO right about the whole house of cards. Tripp's true birth date is the key that will open the door to that domicile.

      Tick Tock

    2. WakeUpAmerica7:35 PM

      I'm betting on 5.

  35. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    Brancy's epic fail at trying to make Beefaloooonie look like a "good mom", after the "F" bomb left his lips on "Bristol Palin, Life's a Tripp and I can't discipline him".

    I checked her blog the other day, and she's whining about ok magazine incorrectly naming a child in Sarah's arms as "trig" in a side by side photo of her distant cousin "Princess Di" (yeah, right???), and posts a picture of the "Rill" trig and Beefaloonie by the dead lake.

    My comment:

    "What about a photo of Sarah and Trig? You're comparing two photos of "mothers" and "sons", and you supply a photo of "Sister" and "brother"?

    It wouldn't go through, Why?

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      yes yes yes! and why is it HER and not SARAH who posts pictures of him? Bristol with Trig in a backpack carrier, and she says something about it being the last time she uses that with him - uh, why is she even USING IT WITH HIM? Unless it's HER KID! YKWIM? I don't even freaking use one with MY OWN KIDS

    2. Anita Winecooler8:26 PM

      Great observation, I totally missed that backpack thing. I think Trig is perfectly able to walk on his own, and if not, wouldn't a stroller make more sense?

  36. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I'm reminded of a picture of Creepy Chuckles wearing a tshirt that says something about how "Hot" the Gov of AK is.

    I found it really gross. I'm a grandmother and I have many times said that my kids (now grown) were/are handsome,beautiful. But I don't equate those words with hot or stud.

    That family has some serious skeletons in their closets, if you know what I mean.

  37. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Sunday School Stud?????


    Is Bristol sending the Little Stud to Sunday School to learn about God or is Bristol sending the Little Stud to Pimp School to learn about Grandpa Todd's family business?

    Little Stud??? Sunday School?

    That's a new one for me!

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Bristol has no clue as to what Sunday School is for most people. Remember how she blasphemed in the show she said was the real Bristol. She is clueless. Church is a place to go for contacts and to make others think they are 'good'. Tripp is going to learn to work his 'magic' and use it for his base needs.

  38. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Hey Bristol did your daddy give your little stud a face cloth to carry in his pocket when he goes to Sunday School like Todd carries around??

  39. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Do all kids in Wasilla dress like Tripp for Sunday School?

    It must be nice for Tripp to have an uneducated mother with only a GED education who can afford nice Sunday clothes like that.

    Who says a skimpy dressed dancing mother who dry humps on the floor and sleeps around with several guys since the birth of her son doesn't get paid well for dancing?

  40. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Looks like a cross between a Ralph Lauren Kids model and Damien from 'The Omen' (the original one with Gregory Peck)

  41. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Bristol stay near your phone when Tripp goes to Sunday School.

    Be expecting that 9 am phone call to come pick up your son because he is calling all the other kids "F*@@ots!

  42. Anonymous6:42 PM

    What Bristol means is that Tripp is finally out of diapers.

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Out of diapers? The baggy look hides the diapers.

  43. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Is that boy drunk or something? Whats up with that goofy expression?

    I hope Tripp hasn't been drinking any of Bristol's Holy Water Wine Coolers.

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      When I looked at his little face I first thought he looked like he was on something. She is doing damage control for the worst show in television history. This is her idea of "good" behavior. She may have him drugged so he is better behaved. His outfit looks like a drunk, it may be Bristol who is drinking, that would explain why his clothes are so messy. The dog is cute. It looks like Charlie who was missing. Doesn't Charlie belong to Sarah, who is never around? Are they all in Arizona? California? Where?

      When will Tripp have stability? Not from a pill bottle. When will he get his own room and bed? I know Levi does care deep about those things. His attorney may be looking into a variety of lawsuits. They may be thinking of places other than Alaska to file other charges. Levi does have rights to know where his son is and the circumstances. If she hasn't furnished Tripp a stable room and bed, geeze, that is pretty basic, that would be serious.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Grandma is loaded on the teevee. It is not showing up so much on mommy. It is tragic to see Tripp looking that way.

  44. Anonymous6:48 PM

    That poor little boy. I don't give a f*** if he is 3 .4 .or 5 , it breaks my heart to see how this child is being used and abused. Anyone recall the images of him in the last video that had him calling his aunt names? Just sayin but it looked to me like he was really trying to protect his privates. Makes me wonder why a child at that age would know how or why to do that.

  45. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Bristol, before the little stud goes out there with the little girls, did anybody tell Tripp about the birds and the bees and "cramp pills" like mama Bristol used to take before trapping Levi?

    Tripp has that Palin blood running through him so I don't think he will ever learn about birth control until he has to elope over night because his Sunday School classmate is pregnant.

  46. Anonymous6:53 PM

    No Brokeback Cowboy Gino in the picture slobbering over Tripp with Slutty Bristol showing off her camel toe in her tiny tight hooker bikini cut off jeans?

    Where is trial daddy Gino or is it that he never found his way home to Wasilla after Sugar Mama Bristol threw his ass out the car for disagreeing with her?

  47. WakeUpAmerica6:55 PM

    Sadly, lots of people refer to little boys as, "stud" or "stud muffin" or "chick magnet." I hear it all the time. Honestly, I don't think they think that they are sexualizing the child. It really is a sad comment about our culture.

    1. Anonymous5:18 AM

      I saw clothing in a discount store that proudly proclaimed "Pimp" on the baby/toddler clothing. WTF. Whatever.

    2. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Sure it's about the sad state of our culture but if you think these people are not sexualizing children, THINK AGAIN. This is NOT normal. These people are not normal.

  48. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Will they teach the little stud Tripp about his grandfather Todd in Sunday School?

    If not, then the little stud can read all about it on Malia Litman's Blog

    Correspondence to Homeland Security Re David Chaney’s Introduction to Shailey Tripp, Prostitute, by Todd Palin, Pimp by Malia Litman

    "..... Shailey Tripp, has written the book Boys Will be Boys, which is now available on In her bold and courageous way, Ms. Tripp discloses the details of her recruitment into a life of prostitution by Todd Palin. She provides graphic details of Todd Palin’s anatomy, as well as names of her customers, which included Officer Padgett of the APD. Sarah Palin has previously denied the allegations in the story carried by the National Enquirer. She specifically said that the allegations were lies, and “B.S.” However Sarah Palin has not made a public statement regarding the book, Boys Will Be Boys. Todd has never denied the allegations of the National Enquirer Story, or the book of Shailey Tripp, even though he was specifically asked....."

  49. Anonymous6:59 PM

    All that money single dancing mother Bristol has and she can't find the time to hem up her little bum's new Sunday clothes or pay somebody to do it?

  50. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Wait a minute, isn't that the puppy that Bristol was supposed to have given to Gino to teach him responsibility? I thought that Bristol had a full grown dog. How many pets do they have?

    1. WakeUpAmerica7:59 PM

      I think that's the dog (mature) that went missing for awhile, not the puppy. The puppy was a newfy

    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Bristol gave Gino the puppy on the TV show, which was filmed a while ago. Don't dogs grow?

    3. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Looks like Charlie to me.

    4. Anonymous4:55 AM

      That's the "Palin" dog that lives at the compound. The one that went missing recently. Wouldn't it be great if dogs could talk? :)

  51. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Here's a question for Bristol!

    Your little stud is being sent off to Sunday School... what will you be doing Sunday morning?

    Will you attend church while your little stud poses for his photo op so that you can show the judge you are a good mother?

    Oh I forgot, you are too busy to go to church LOL.

    Bristol will probably be in her car drinking wine coolers and entertaining the other fathers while their little studs are in Sunday School too.

  52. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I personally remain on the fence about the true age of this child ("Tripp the 2nd"). I am much more convinced that Ruffles = Triggy Bear = Tripp the 1st is significantly older than advertised. But this photo provides possible actual data...
    Can somebody who is better than me at these things work out how tall Tripp is relative to the height of the bannister in the background? The bannister should be 36", plus/minus maybe 2", from the height of the landing, as per code requirements. An average 3.5-yr old boy would be 39" tall, or 3" taller than the bannister. An extremely tall 3.5-yr old, which as people have said Tripp presumably is not, would be 42" tall. I have to admit, it looks to me like Tripp is nearly a full head taller than the bannister, which would make him too tall. But I am not confidant about my eyeball estimation. Help me out?

    1. I measured Tripp's height by the white bricks of the fireplace and came up with 42 inches.

      Counting what the baseboard plus the half-row of bricks equal (2 rows of bricks), there are a total of 14 rows, and I'm guessing each brick is 3" high. 3x14=42

    2. Anonymous1:18 AM

      Where would he get the 'tall' gene from? Mom comes from extremely small family, dad (Levi?) is not exactly the tallest one either... So, IMHO, IF he is 3 1/2 y/o, and 42" tall, that would not make sense to me...

  53. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I hope the other little kids who are dressed like little kids doesn't call Tripp the F word for dressing like that.

  54. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Bristol makes millions, but she can't even dress her little guy in clothes that fit? Some extra length is important for growing boys. That overage ridiculous.

    Gryphen, in AK, do little boys wear sports jackets to Sunday School? If so, do they at least learn to tuck in their shirts?

  55. Anonymous7:11 PM

    A sweet little boy. And much too young to be sexualized by his own mother.

    What do you expect from trailer park people? Tripp comes from a long line of sexualized Wasilla Hill Billy family.

    Great Grandma Sally Heath was impregnated before marriage.

    Grandma Sarah Palin was impregnated before marriage.

    Mama Bristol Palin was impregnated before marriage.

    Auntie Britta Palin was impregnated before marriage.

    Sarah Palin's sister was impregnated before marriage.

    Tripp may be much too young to be sexualized by his own mother but this sort of thing happens up there in Wasilly.

    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Not that I care for the HLN show with Nancy Grace but they have picked up on the subject of sexualizing children and the reality tv programs who do the exploitation. They even mentioned poverty and poor diet. That is not the case of Bristol Palin now but it is the culture she is from. She is not one to get an education and move on. Her comfort zone is that uneducated poor-like culture.

      Mike Walker at the National Enquirer was taking it to heart what is going on with the victims of sex-ploitation tv. The Palins are another matter to the media but if the public stands up for a child like Tripp, the day may come when his circumstance is highlighted and he gets some help. Not likely, but there is a small chance.

  56. Anonymous7:15 PM

    With that look on his face and his wrinkly clothes, it looks like Tripp is ready to go camping in a canvas tent like his mother Bristol did. The only thing Tripp is missing is a bottle of Thunderbird

  57. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I remember reading that when Trig was born, teenage girls were saying what a little stud he was. Apparently, Bristol hasn't grown up, hasn't learned anything, is still a lousy mom, and has the class of an iguana without the charm.

    That poor child. I won't refer to him as "sweet" because from Bristol's reality show, he's not a sweet little boy. He's a foul-mouthed little boy with a trashy mom.


    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      He probably is sweet underneath it all (I've worked with lots of 5 and unders and most little kids are sweet I've found), but he has to be a little asshole to get any kind of reaction from his mom and just look at his role models (Willow, Sarah, Todd, etc..). Hopefully, he can be rescued by Levi and Sunny very soon before being a little asshole becomes a permanent trait.

  58. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Really, what can we expect from the daughter of a woman who tells the nation on Fox about how certain politicians, including the POTUS, who don't have the cojones to do stuff? Or a Tripp having a grandmother who references prostitutes, brothels, stripping poles on national TV, to make her political points. The woman Sarah has sex on her mind constantly, and uses it in the tone of her language.

    Guess daughter Bristol picks up on the sexual atmosphere at home and it raises red flags on the loose boundaries these Palins have when a daughter can call her son a "stud" and Chuck Heath Sr. wears a t-shirt referring to his daughter as "hottest governor".

    1. You know we might be doing a disservice to Creepy seriously...hear me out folks!

      Maybe Creepy Sr's "Hottest Governor" shirt was due to Creepy Sr seeing the hot flashes that Baldy was going through!


      Well okay I tried! LOL!

    2. Anonymous11:05 PM

      Now you have offended all of us here who are dealing with hot flashes :). Just kidding- this would be so funny except the thought of a dad wearing a tshirt saying his daughter is hot, is just sick & twisted.

    3. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Steven Powell is another creep. He wore a mask of sanity for years. On the surface he looked like a pretty regular guy. The whole dysfunctional family hid what he was.

  59. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Tripp is the innocent one here, but it's a shame mom Bristol thinks it's OK to post recent pictures of him on her blog. If she wanted to get away from publicity, why choose to keep his face up so he can be recognized? Why doesn't she just let him have a normal life and stop including her in her fixation with her own celebrity?

    The kid is going to be so used to everyone gawking at him that he'll be acting out way more than he is now. He's not cute anymore. And he shouldn't be addressed as a stud. He's got his mom's approval now on looking sexy and attractive, when he's just a small boy who should be thinking about furry animals and Sesame Street and little boy stuff.

    I can't believe this Nancy French is in on this. I wonder how much longer she'll be supporting this uncontrollable family.

    1. Anonymous11:03 PM

      Why are you surprised? Nancy French is a fraud and isn't a true follower of Christs teachings. How could she be?

  60. I find Tripp's body language disturbing.
    I've never seen a photo of a child with eyes narrowed to slits like that.
    What's wrong with him?
    Who would choose/keep/post in public that kind of photo with that expression?

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      That's an angry look. Or defiant.

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      I'm glad you brought this up because I was really disturbed by the look on his face. To me, it's chilling.

      He looks like a five-year-old pimp. Whoever took this picture staged it and created this expression. I wonder what Bristol said to him to get that look of untouchable privilege.

      I hope to God that Tripp is not actually feeling what this look is intended to display. Tripp must be very very confused about what is real and what is not real. And I think that IF he ever attends real school, he will have behavior problems.

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      That's how an unhappy, exploited child dealing with crazy adults looks- plain and simple!

    4. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Bristol dressed him like a pimp. Or did Todd take the picture? I wonder what he is learning from Todd and his buds.

    5. Anonymous6:39 AM

      The family has anger issues. Tripp is no exception. He is likely to be medicated. It can be done legally with a child. Church nurseries are alright with keeping young children of all ages under control. It is a way of life now. In many groups no one thinks anything is wrong with 'helping' a child with medicine.

    6. Anonymous7:28 AM

      that look of untouchable privilege.

      Not hard to do when drugs are involved. Sugar and other substances are common for child manipulation.

  61. Anonymous8:09 PM

    just read this on her blog
    "Praying for Mitt Romney’s Running Mate Paul Ryan"

    yea me too, however I was praying that his heart would be opened to the suffering of the poor, oppressed, elderly, disabled, other religions, and anyone with half a brain who can tell this guy is just another scammer out to screw the middle class....
    Bristol please look up the words critical thinking, it does not mean saying critical, nasty things about others....

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Bristol is not smart enough to see what a terrible person Ryan is.
      Sad, but true. She hasn't shown ANY evidence of critical thinking ability or independent thinking. Her education was obviously terrible and the lack of good parenting she received nonexistent. I'd like to have empathy for her. I really used to. But I just can't anymore. Not after seeing the way she has treated others including her exes and her child/children.
      Also she is a liar. And she chooses to be a liar. She doesn't deserve our empathy or understanding anymore despite the fact that her family is SO void of real family values and her parents are narcisstic nut jobs.

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Anon at 9:57 pm. I agree completely. Bristol Palin is not smart enough to have an opinion about virtually anything more significant that which nail polish she wants to use. Barely graduated from high school, barely literate, with not much going for her. Good grief - she has to try political commentating.

    3. Anonymous4:43 AM

      I doubt Bristol Palin even knows who Paul Ryan is.

  62. Anonymous8:10 PM

    the young stud is waiting for grandpa pimp to pick him up for church, yea church.....

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Didn't Tripp learn the f-words, cursing and hate talk from hanging in the pimps place? Anyhoo Bristol blames the pimp and the other creeps that she knows. She exposes an innocent child to the most corrupt and careless jerks in the Valley.

  63. Anonymous8:40 PM

    It's a crying SHAME how this boy is being exploited. I don't care whether or not he goes to Sunday School, I don't care what age he truly is. They are creating a monster who WILL repay/act out when he's older. Ask any psychologist.

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      That whole family needs therapy. That's a reality show I would watch. Flying cans and all.

  64. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Who knows maybe Bristol is trying to pimp Tripp for his own TV reality show!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      She already did that show: Life's a Tripp. And it was a major fail. She can't do that one again.

  65. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Ok in this photo, Tripp looks like one of the kids from Children of the Corn. Isn't that the name? I hate to comment on a child's looks but this photo is beyond creepy. It's the scary expression on his face, not his looks! And he is NOT 3 1/2!!

  66. Anonymous11:27 PM

    O/T. from Politico.

    "Roach’s experience with “The Campaign” is a vastly different one than his previous political film, “Game Change,” the HBO dramatization of Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s book documenting the 2008 presidential campaign.

    “There’s nobody having conference calls calling us liars,” Roach said with a laugh, referencing the campaign launched by Palin and her advocates against the account detailed in “Game Change.”

    “We knew we would take some criticisms from some people in Palin’s camp, but the people who came out, said, ‘We hated it — and we haven’t seen it,’ there was enough absurdity in that position that it wasn’t too bad.”

    Read more:

  67. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Does any other mother advertise on the internet that their stud muffin son is going to Sunday School?

    Is Bristol going through the Sarah "Me Me Me" Palin Stage? Reminds of the time when Sarah "Me Me Me" stood on a podium telling the world that she raised a combat vet but truth be told, Track was not in combat. Sarah was only trying to bring attention to herself.

    So what if Tripp is going to Sunday School, does Bristol want a Brownie button? A Girl Scout merit badge for Bristol perhaps?

    Who gives a rat's ass if Tripp is going to Sunday School?

    Is this suppose to make Bristol look like a caring mother and right all her wrongs as a mother? Is this advertisement on the internet blogs for the eyes of the Alaska Family Court?

  68. Anonymous3:20 AM

    My heart goes out to him. That family is really messing up an innocent kid.

    He doesn't look happy or free to be himself. He looks very miserable, controlled, posed for someone else's ambition, bit of fame (er, infamy) and personal gain (money, ego stroking, and attention whores get back in the news, both of them: B., S.).

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      He's literally posing with his dog, after having dressed himself. Bristol said so in the comments under the picture.

    2. Anonymous4:42 AM

      Yeah, because Bristol would NEVER lie.

  69. Not only has Tripp been able to pick up some 'advanced' vocabulary from his mom and aunt he has also been able to perfect 'sullen' under their expert tutelage.

    He rarely looks like a happy little tot, one of the sadder outcomes of the Palin zoo on parade. He will remember these days but I doubt in the way those around him expect. The public will soon forget how 'cute' he is and Bristol will be left to deal with his self-esteem and behavior issues all by her pitiful little lonesome.

  70. Dis Gusted5:38 AM

    he displays that "I'm superior to you" attitude that all the Palins possess. For all the $ his family allegedly has, you'd think he would have clothes that fit.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Look at Sarah in her mommy's shoes, and her stained clothes. We aren't dealing with stylish people. I'm poor and the people I know dress better than this lot!

  71. That poor little child. "Sunday School Stud". How sad.

  72. Anonymous6:03 AM

    What's wrong with his eyes? Has Bristol taken a cue from her mother and started drugging him to make him behave for photo ops?

  73. Anonymous6:03 AM

    What is wrong with these people? Tripp a STUD???? This definitely reflects on the kind of distorted family lives the Palin crew lead. THIS IS ABNORMAL. Poor little Tripp.

  74. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I think that if Levi ever does get custody of Tripp, he will have his hands full doing damage control.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Tripp looks and acts like tool.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      That's Bristol's plan. She doesn't give a shit about tripp. She takes out her obsessive anger and jealously over Levi on tripp.

  75. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I looked it up: the average stair rail is 36", the average 3 year old boy 35.5 to 40.5 inches. Taking the distance into consideration, Tripp looks a little taller than the top of the stair rail.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      I just measured my stair rail and it's 42". It seems there is variables in stair rails as there is in 3yr old's heights. On the other hand, I take care of young kids, as a nanny, and to my eyes Tripp looks 4 going on 5.

  76. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I think it is acceptable in some classes or peer groups to use slang. I worked with a twenty something male who thought he was charming referring to himself and female coworkers as "pimp and ho's". The third time he said it loudly enough customers could hear I told him how disrespectful this was. He amd a female laughed at me. I held my ground asking the female if she wants her little girls called whores at work by a man saying he is their pimp.

    He told the boss I "had issues"! The boss told him he could be fired and to thank me for stopping him. His defense was it is common language young people use.

    I find "stud" sexually inappropriate designating a toddler as a great fuck servicing the girls. Stud is not a modern word for "cute". I was also raised to hem the childrens clothing, teach manners and respect adults. Also not to publicly say I am giving a middle finger...F U on national tv.

  77. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Dear Dog Whisper,
    help me.
    Palin Dog

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Holding a dog by his rib cage while not supporting the hind end is not the way to hold a dog. Of course I wouldn't expect the Palins to care about such a little thing as a dog's comfort.

  78. emrysa9:26 AM

    it just shows where bristol's mind is that she would call her 4-year-old son a stud. really, any parent that looks at their child in such a way has got mental problems.

    and apparently nancy french was okay with posting this, speaks volumes about her, too.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Bristol's peer group is at the low end of the reality tv, knocked up teen acts. Megan McCant may have her own shortcomings but she has some class when next to a Palin. Poor Bristol knows nothing but the mentally challenged. Didn't even go away to school to see what others experience and open her mind and view of the world. Nancy French should be arrested for her part in child abuse and fraud.

  79. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Nice job, Bristol- your sad looking little guy looks like you spent all of 30 seconds dressing him- messy, wrong shoes, pants too long, hair uncombed, etc. I guess it's hard dressing an active (and anxious) little boy with only one hand free. Hint: wine cooler. P.S. What kind of mother (or ghostwriter) calls an innocent child a stud? Please tell me that.

  80. I see they got the dog back. Or is that a new dog?

    I'm sure it's just a prop and so interchangeable.

  81. Gryph: Scroll down Brancy's blog to the picture of the OMG magazine touting Scarah and Diana as being 10th cousins.

    Who is that baby Scarah is holding?

    (I can't help but notice the difference between Diana cherishing her son and Scarah holding hers up like a prop. But that baby does NOT look like the one she's passing off as Trig now.)

  82. Anonymous11:17 AM

    How many winecoolers did bristol let tripp have before church? Judging by his eyes I'd say at least two.

  83. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Bristol's slang is the opposite of what "Sunday School" moms say. After seeing her reality show and the blog quotes here, I think she has the maturity of a ninth grader starving for attention from her parents.

  84. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Does bristol still force tripp to sleep with her in bed? or whichever random guy bristol has over?

  85. Anonymous6:03 PM

    What is people's problem? You guys never think about anything other than sex.

    It's beyond silly and sad. That picture is adorable and he is definitely a little stud. Stud for a toddler means adorable.


    1. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

      Funny, when my daughters were toddlers I didn't call them "Sunday School Sluts" and when my son was a toddler, I never called him "Sunday School Stud". But then, he'd NEVER have said the word "Faggot", and I sure as hell wouldn't chortle and giggle while feigning surprise.

      It's not about sex, it's about whats age appropriate.

      Stud for a toddler means adorable?

      What's wrong with you people?


    2. Anonymous4:40 AM

      What a ridiculous statement. Stud for a toddler means adorable? No, adorable means adorable. Stud has sexual connotations, whether you admit to it or not. At the very least, it suggests he's driving all the girls wild. Gross.

      Plus, the kid is NOT a toddler.

  86. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Bristol has sex on the brain. She cannot help but make everything in her life sexual cluding her little boy.
    This little boy, who is closer to 5 than 3 1/2 is ill dressed for Sunday school. IF he went regularly he would have SS clothes that fit him and his mother wouldn't think he was cute to dress up for church-it would be normal not a special day.

    Real Christian values shine through Bristol. From the tent to the trailer to the paid for mansion that your mother's fans supplied. You cannot hide the fact that your family is low class dressed up like low class. Your whole family are nothing but spinners and liars... BTW..nice chin implant.


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