Wednesday, August 15, 2012

After seeing the President's magical picture from yesterday, Mitt Romney tries to one up him. I don't think he's doing it right.

Here was the serendipitous, and much talked about, picture taken yesterday.

"Let me demonstrate the power of hope."

And here is Romney's attempt to show a little of his stuff.

"If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed!"
Let's face it the guy can't do anything right.


  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Because "magical" pictures are reasons I vote for Presidential candidates.

    People like you make me lose hope in the evolution process. Thankfully, there are actual intelligent people in this country. Just none here.

    1. You are so right.

      Having a sense of humor, or a desire to be silly once in awhile, will surely spell doom for the human race.

      Oh damn my obviously unevolved bran!

    2. Oh for God's sake, lighten up. If you can't tell a light-hearted joke, told as a brief time out from serious discussions, then you are, as you yourself admitted, an unintelligent person.

      Also, please re-consider whether you should vote at all since you clearly lack any critical thinking skills.

    3. Todd, is that you? How's the business?

    4. Yeah, Gryphen! Thanks for screwing up evolution for everybody else!

      (heh heh heh... Obama2012. pass it on...)

    5. WakeUpAmerica2:55 PM

      Ohhhhh! Gryphen really gets under your skin, doesn't he? Sucks to be you!

    6. Anonymous2:59 PM


      Hey G. Can you tell that Sarah's panties are twisted up in a knot?

      Ooh, I can feel her anger here in the lower 48. It's funny, she gets dissed because she acts like an idiot, then she gets mad and her little low-info bots have to send her some money and write letters to the editor and to blogs defending her honor so she'll quit her hunger strike. She's so funny.

      I just wanna know "When is Sarah going to start paying Kristy Patullo?". She works harder than RAM and is more loyal also, too. Pay your help, Sarah. Oh,BTW,where is Tri-G's birth certificate? Still waiting... tick tock...

    7. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Daaayum, you must be a fucking blast at parties!!

    8. You voted for Sarah Palin, so I wonder exactly what you base your decision on. Obviously not intelligence, competence, or sanity.

      Oh, and maybe you should ask young-Earther Sarah Palin about evolution.

    9. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Oh, Gryphen. It looks like you have an admirer. She waits expectantly for you to post so she can be first to comment. Are you in the market for a psycho-girlfriend?

    10. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Are you trying to bring the serious, somber mood from a wonky, hi-brow serious political site like C4P over here to G's Fun House of Obama-worshiping Libruls?

      Good luck with that. We just want some free shit from the gub'mint. And more babies. Sorry, I meant we want more abortions. Or how about birth control bills? Ms Fluke has all the Libruls doing it like rabbits, so we need to take 5or6 birth control pills a day. Isn't that how it works? Oh well, explain that to us sometime. Since John McCain is advising the Dems on political strategy, Mr Boehner called me from the House and asked me MY opinion.

      I told him the GOP "might want to" Dump Mitt and Draft Sarah. I think he laughed until he cried.

      Palin/West 2012 "It ain't too late 'til it's too late!"

    11. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Ah 2:08 was probably hoping that the "evolution process" that she referenced in her comment might actually mean that her next born would not have a tail. Sorry old gal, it doesn't work that fast!

    12. Anonymous6:17 PM

      If Krusty was impregnated, it happened with the stench of urine in the air while she was logged on to G's site here. I'm going to take another shower now. I feel icky.

    13. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Wait one flippin minute!
      Wasn't it the Urination that posts "Magical" pics of stupid sarah gazes out at a pipeline to no where?
      And...then there was her gazing at the WH! Bwhahahahahahah! That was pretty magical and didn't work.
      So Krusty, we know you are the biggest sad sack and debbie downer, so you go play on the freeway if you won't have a sense of humor, which seems to be lacking in Cons. I guess their FEAR site in their brains are too lit up to have a few laughs.

    14. emrysa7:36 PM

      oh shut the fuck up, 2:08. you sound like the most miserable cuss on the planet. bet you don't get many party invitations with that attitude.

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Romney would not make a good Sith. Palpatine was the ultimate politician. He knew how to conceal his truth intentions until the time was right. Romney has no choice to unload the chamber hoping to hit his target.

  3. Wow, Jesse, you have a terrible case of troll-itis today? Hope you're taking something for that, I heard it could get nasty if untreated.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      I'd try an anti-fungal where Krusty the Clown Troll has been already. And have pepper spray ready for the next time she gets over the wall at C4P. Idiot were Sarah alone, a fly swatter seems to work just fine. And just a mean look works to get Toddy settled down. He's been trained well.

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM


      Freudian auto-spell correction on iPhone:
      "Idiot were Sarah alone..." should be "If it were Sarah alone...".
      Either will do in a pinch when reading glasses are in the car.

  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Tonight on CBS News, Bob Schieffer asked a reporter who is with President Obama's campaign "Why is the President allowing his aides to attack Romney, why not do it himself?" She said the President wants to "stay above the fray". Schieffer laughed, mockingly. He is the one who lobbed softball questions at Romney/Ryan on 60 Minutes on Sunday. Obviously not one of the "lamestream media" Palin screeches about. Why did he not ask about Mrs. Romney emphatically telling the reporter that there will be NO MORE tax returns turned over. What office is SHE running for? She supposedly has MS, and should avoid stress, yet her charming husband has her go on TV to be his spokesperson. What a wimp he is. I wonder how the loeaders in other countries will deal with Ann if her husband should win? He will be laughed off the world stage as pussy whipped.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Bob Schieffer seems like a real asshole.

      His family is close with the Bush's, so bias isn't really surprising.

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Schieffer is okay. It's hard to stay in the middle when it's so lopsided and the GOP can't gather any momentum. The MSM will want to push Mitt a little so the race won't be a Reagan/Mondale '84 landslide. Because a boring race is bad for primetime network campaign ad sales revenue for September, and those bad ratings and low audience counts during the conventions and the following month adversely affect the rate card, which hurts networks and affiliates alike on their ad sales during the 4th quarter during the heavy Holiday-advertising period.

      I think the MSM senses that the Repub takings taking on water pretty fast, and they might help Mitt and Paul bail a little water here and there to keep them afloat. The network news guys have to keep the bosses at corporate happy, and a closer race helps profitability.

      Just some opinions which cost you nothing and might be worth less than that.

    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      I don't buy it. They didn't care anything about that when Bush ran against Kerry. In fact, they gave a ton of airtime to the swift boaters.

  5. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Oh! Oh! Oh! Is it Lon Chaney?

  6. I'll bet the Palinistas are furious over that picture of President Obama. Gives him the look of having "magical powers" that Sarah tries so hard to make people believe she has. Damn. Out-classed by that Black Man again!

    Who does he think he is? Merlin?

  7. Message to Sarah Palin re her remarks on Joe Biden...Someone should tell her that if Joe Biden weren't the gentle man he is, he'd have torn her to shreds when he had the chance during the 2007 debate.
    Elaine in Canada

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Joe was a sweetheart to her, whether she could ever admit it or not. Definitely kid-gloves treatment. He did the right thing for the time. No glory in Mike Tyson beating up a midget. No glory in Joe making Sarah look stupid and allow her to play the victim.

  8. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Make sure you check out Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC tonight: he really went after the Romneys about the tax issue.
    M from MD

  9. emrysa7:33 PM

    lol good fun!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.