Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Now THIS is how you deal with a lying Mitt Romney surrogate!

Courtesy of Mediaite:

“I understand that this is a Republican talking point because I’ve heard it repeated over and over again,” said O’Brien after Sununu insisted the Romney and Ryan plans were different. “And these numbers have been debunked, as you know, by the Congressional Budget Office.” 

“No they haven’t,” said Sununu. 

“Yes, they have,” answered O’Brien. 

“I have the Congressional Budget Office Budget report right here,” Sununu said, waving it on camera. “Go read page 13 and 14.” 

“I can tell you what it says, yes,” said O’Brien. “It cuts a reduction in the expected rate of growth, which you know. Not cutting benefits to the elderly. Benefits will be improved. The focus is on hospitals. The focus is on health insurance.” 

“He gutted the program by $711 million,” said Sununu of Obama. “And the fact is he reduces services to Medicare beneficiaries currently on the package. What the difference is, is that Romney says no impact to anybody 55 or over. It is clear in here that the reduction in services start on January 1, 2013 and Obama stole that money to put it into programs under Obamacare…” 

“The hospitals agreed to that,” O’Brien countered. “The drug providers agreed to that because their theory is that what they’re going to be able to do is make up by the number of people who come into the system. It doesn’t reduce or cut the benefits. Right….” 

“Soledad, stop this!” said Sununu. “All you’re doing is mimicking the stuff that comes out of the White House and gets repeated on the Democratic blog boards out there….” 

“I’m telling you what tells you,” she insisted. “I’m telling you what the CBO tells you. I’m telling you what CNN’s independent analysis does.” 

“Put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead when you do this,” Sununu shot back. 

“You know. Let me tell you something,” she continued. “There is independent analysis that details what this about and repeating a number–” 

“No there isn’t,” he interrupted. 

“Yes there is,” she replied. 

“No,” Sununu insisted. “There’s Democratic analysis.”

"There's Democratic analysis?"  Meaning I assume that any truth revealed by the media is immediately suspected to be a liberal concoction?

Hell this is the same damn thing that Sarah Palin said yesterday.

So this is where the line is now drawn in the sand? There are no more actual facts in the Republican point of view, just Conservative talking points vs Liberal evidence?

Holy crap! Well so much for having an open and honest dialogue on the issues!

By the way as you know I am not a big fan of CNN these days, but I think I might just be in love with a Soledad O'Brein. She has some fire, oh yes she does!

P.S. Just so you conservatives know, it just so happens that facts have a liberal bias. So clearly in order to stay conservatives you kind of HAVE to ignore them. Good luck educating your children for the future job markets.


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I was fortunate enough to see this interview live - I was stunned and at first thought perhaps I was watching an episdoe of the HBO series Newsroom !

    Maybe that show is having an influence and real journalists will finally get back to doing their job and being honest about the facts!

    We need to support Soledad O'Brein and loudly and clearly let the network know we support her and want real news - they are ratings driven - so lets show them ratings too so we can encourage this type of honest journalism to continue!

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Yes lets support Soledad so they know "we are watching"

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Mister Sununu resigned as Bush 41's chief of staff due to improprieties right before the 1992 re-election campaign got rolling to keep the scandal from hurting Bush.

      He's been nothing but a shill ever since, and he's basically a Sarah Palin who served his full term as a governor and is fairly intelligent. On second thought, they are both lying shills but otherwise, Sarah still suffers by comparison. Sununu is a Bushie. That's all you need to know to discount his rants. He's a Company man.

  2. Olivia12:20 PM

    This is a beautiful thing to see. Believe it or not, Chuck Todd got into a similar argument also.

    Could it be that some folks in the media are embarrassed that they haven't questioned any false assertions lately? Or is it that the lies are so blatant, they can no longer pretend that both sides do it?

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Let's hope that they all decide that facts are facts and they'll face down any Sununu-crook bullies wherever they are.

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I watched that yesterday and thought Soledad did one hell of a job! The Republican guy was a total jerk and she stood right up to him w/the facts!

    Wish all the journalists were like that. Rachel Maddow is outstanding too!!! Sharp as shit!

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    GOP had 8 years with GWB to fix healthcare. They didn't. What's Sununu's excuse?

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Republicans have been reduced to Pee-Wee Herman like responses and are acting like spoiled children.("I know you are but what am I?"?? Really?) They have no response to the truth and facts, just more lies, distortion and fear mongering. Only a liar, an idiot or a racist would support the current GOP. Shame on the so-called "reasonable Republicans" for letting the deranged teabagging nutjobs hijack their party simply because a (half)black man was elected President.

  6. Anonymous12:35 PM

    He sounds like a senile crochety old man. Kind of sounds retarded too though strike that considering what blog I'm on. I did learn something from that though--as a 57-year-old, I am a "senior." Got to go mull that one over.

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM


  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    IM'ers own sarah. See first comment of last post for Sarah's personal response to gryphen. How sad. She's managed to stop commenting here for so long and now she's back. She just can't resist. We own her. She is our puppet.

    1. Dinty1:15 PM

      To be honest, she really doesn't have that much else to do.

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      That isn't Sarah. It's Kristy, the troll with OCD

  9. Conservative children will think that dinos lived with humans and so, will only be fit to do yard work in place of the Mexicans they fence out.

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Susunu had to leave his post because he billed the Government for traveling around to buy stamps. He's unethecal, so why would any of us listen to a personto him. To start with he's a crook. He lied then he's lying now.

  11. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Those conservative children will get their lessons only from the fundie verswion of the Bible, so I expect their job propects will be very dim. Of course, they can always get into Liberty U and get a Bachmann type law degree and learn how to game the system for fun and profit.

  12. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Can you feel the LOVE?

  13. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Song Premiere: Devo, 'Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Seamus Unleashed)'

    Read more:

  14. Anonymous1:33 PM

    This must be a Luntz talking point, since now we're hearing it again....

    John McCain: 'Might Be Wise' For Obama To Pick Hillary Clinton For VP

    1. Heh heh.... the repubs do not have a filing cabinet full of ammo against Joe.

      Honestly, the more i get to know about Joe, the more i like Joe.

      I'm sure he wouldn't mind if i called him 'Joe'.

    2. linda4:45 PM

      i like hilary and i would've loved to have seen an obama/clinton ticket, but not at this late date. and definitely not if sarah and john think it would be "wise." LOL!

    3. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Well, John McCain, excuse us if we don't take your advice since the last time you chose a VP candidate it was freakin' Sarah Palin.

  15. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The Ann Mittney show doubles down on the tax return release tomorrow. As a surrogate, even Sununu is more believable. Besides, Ann's obvious dislike, there's another problem. She is the Mormon wife of a Mormon Stake President. Lying is what she does.

  16. Pat in MA2:03 PM

    John Sununu is a bloviating ignoramus. Good on Soledad, we need to keep seeing more journalists find their spines!

  17. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Soledad: What part of this conversation don't you understand (Mr.) Sununu???


  18. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Today she set Pawlenty straight.

    It's up on Raw Story. I'd add the link but the iPad doesn't seem to work on this interface with cut, paste, etc.

  19. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Any true facts Conservatives don't agree with are labeled as "lame stream media lies." Meanwhile they repeat their own lies so many times that they actually believe them to be true.

  20. Anonymous3:11 PM

    This guy doesn't deserve to breathe. If you stuck him with a fork he would explode his rotten insides all over the camera. Soledad rocked.

  21. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Wasilla, United States, and Los Angeles have been frantically trying to Mask the Truth about Grifter Granny since last night. BWAHAHAHA.

  22. At the 58 second point I think he started to say "wait a minute honey!"

  23. Anita Winecooler10:40 PM

    I liked it a lot, she's no Tameron Hall or Rachel, but close enough. I still hope she and Anderson jump the "Fox lite" gig and go with MSNBC or Current TV.


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