Saturday, August 25, 2012

Best day ever! Update!

Like I have said so often before, if children could vote Mitt Romney wouldn't even bother to show up.

Look at that little girl looking up at the President. Do you think even Romney's own children ever looked at his like that?

Or like this?

Nope, me neither.

Obama/Biden 2012!

Update: It looks like the Obama Diary had a similar idea for a post.


  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I love these photos! they make me smile and feel good inside. Thanks, Gryph.... I needed that.

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The only time anyone is smiling at Romney is when he is lying about liberals. I don't think even his wife like him very much.

  3. If Kids Could Vote.....Those photos from the Obama Diary made me cry. Again. Gawd, what is it with this man? Sorcery? Or just a giant heart?

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      It is of course the giant heart. :) Small children and of course dogs know....cats know too but they prefer to torment the evil as well. :)

  4. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The evening of November 6th is going to be a very good night.
    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012....Oh yeah! :)

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Get out and VOTE! Make sure everyone you know votes. :)

  5. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Certain people do have a certain something that draws children to them. Obama seems to have that. I don't; kids hate me! I try to talk to them and engage them in intelligent conversation and while they don't cry they find me very "meh".

  6. PalinsHoax7:38 PM

    Gryphen, thanks so much for the link to all the pictures in the Obama Diary.

    I love how President Obama interacts so naturally with children, treating them with respect and dignity, and yet also being playfully at ease with them.

    What an inspiration President Obama is.
    Democrats Across the Board 2012.
    No more Republicans /Tea Partiers.

  7. Anonymous7:40 PM

    That's what you call 'Extreme Cuteness'!!

    Need a good laugh, check this video out. ROFL!!

    That's what I would call telling Todd Akin what they thought!!

  8. Anonymous7:45 PM

    The photos of the president with children are so telling. Now, I have seen some photos of Pres. Obama with children where the kids (of baby or young toddler age -- by school age, they know who Pres. Obama is!) look scared or distracted. I think that is normal. They are in an unfamiliar situation and flashbulbs are going off in their faces.

    But I have never seen a photo of Pres. Obama looking anything less than genuinely engaged with the the kids he is pictured with, whether the photos are candid or posed. He's totally comfortable and unselfconscious with them.

    OTOH, the pics I have seen of Rmoney with kids are painful to view. His phoniness is so obvious and his discomfort with them is rampant.

  9. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I love these. Love the spontaneous photos and relaxed look of the President with people. Baby laughing while President Obama scrunches his face, and the little girls so proud. Just makes it so obvious he makes adulnicets and kids comfortable, which is a great quality to have - it shows he knows how to connect with people.

    And to the righties out there who would even think he's being relegated to being viewed as 'the anointed'(Hannity's special reference), NO - it just means he's a great President, and IMO a very nice and special man.

  10. ThanksABunchJohn8:05 PM

    OT: I told you all that I have 3 degrees of separation from Paul Ryan... some interesting tidbits: Paul's wife Jenna and kids attended my friend's grandson's birthday party today at the Janesville Country Club. Secret Service were there in force. Jenna did mention that her FaceBook was wiped clean in casual conversation. It would be interesting to take note the EXTENT to which Secret Service goes to obliterate photos and other internet nuggets for a VP nominee. Contrast and compare the Palin complete blackout vs. Ryan modest security? A juicy possibility...

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    So many of the kids eyes appear to be looking to his eyes. It's like they can see and feel the 'trust' in him and not the 'crying fear' we've seen in pics of Romney and others with kids

  12. Anonymous8:42 PM

    And from the mouths of babes.... God bless them .

  13. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Now, if he would only free the Guantanamo detainees and stop the wars in the middle east (where our soldiers are committing suicide rather than continue on in a hopeless conflict) then he might actually get my vote. So yea, babies like him but humanitarians find his stance on more important world political matters rather lacking. He should spend more time forming a plan for his next four years regarding the middle east and the illegal detainees in Cuba and also perhaps address Bradley Manning and how he might deal with him if he expects thinking America to cast their vote for him. Too bad babies can't vote....

    We don't elect Presidents based upon how the "under two" crowd react to them. He has some serious shit to deal with and instead people focus on his smiling baby hugging photos. Keep this up and you'll end up with a President that you don't want.

    1. Anonymous9:33 PM

      His name is President Obama.

      Not dickhead, liar, scammer Romney.

      P.S.: He's working more than you are. And the comment about 'world political matters' -- go back to your fucker Pres Bush then. Like he did a fucking flipping good job. You're an idiot. And oh by the way -- I and others are entitled to what we feel and think. You're 'controlling ways' may work in a 'controlled setting' like the See of Pee but not here. So two words -- Fuck off.

    2. Anonymous9:45 PM

      What would you like us to do at 1:00 a.m. - phone bank? Knocking on doors? I'm sure that would be appreciated by many - NOT.

    3. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Dear Anon. @ 8:50, bite me.

      Seriously, someone who has compassion and empathy is a big step ahead of those who don't. What makes you think Romney gives a rat's ass about your concerns (any of 'em, all of 'em)? Your "Honey Do" list cannot be achieved by one person, without Congress. Peace in the Middle East? Do you think Republicans care?

      Oh, I give up. Bite me again.
      Wild and Cranky Tortoise

    4. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Sounds like Munger took a wrong turn

  14. Anita Winecooler10:13 PM

    Thanks Gryph, The one with the kid saluting is precious. I saw this first hand during the last election, he spoke at a local diner, as cute as these photos are, seeing it in person is a totally different experience.

    He's accomplished much, but no one but him has the experience to tackle the major issues affecting the world. We need to get him elected because Romney has no clue.

    Obama Biden 2012

    Vote for these children's sake.


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