Saturday, August 25, 2012

Republicans, fearing aggressive blowjob, cancel first day of convention.

Comic courtesy of
Courtesy of The New York Times:  

Republicans on Saturday canceled the opening day of their national convention, saying their first concern was for the safety of delegates and guests in the face of Tropical Storm Isaac, which is strengthening and is headed toward Florida’s west coast. 

“Our first priority is ensuring the safety of delegates, alternates, guests, members of the media attending the Republican National Convention and citizens of the Tampa Bay area,” Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, said in a statement. 

“R.N.C. convention officials and the Romney campaign are working closely with state, local and federal officials, as well as the Secret Service, to monitor Tropical Storm Isaac and preserve Florida’s emergency management resources. Officials have predicted participants may encounter severe transportation difficulties due to sustained wind and rain.” 

The convention will officially open on Monday but will immediately recess until Tuesday afternoon at a time to be determined later, Mr. Priebus said. 

Planners stressed that the official business of the convention — nominating Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan — will go on as planned later in the week.

So wait, they're going to start, and then before anything really begins to happen they're going to pull out?  Hmm, maybe THAT'S why they don't believe in birth control?

Okay seriously which GOP genius decided to hold the convention in Florida during hurricane season? I mean don't these people believe in climate scie...oh yeah, WHAT was I thinking?


  1. Shoot. I was hoping the convention attendees would be driven indoors because of the rain and it would really help out the working girls :(

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      My thought was I hope they would be outside for a BBQ or something -- Locked out of the venue. Drowning & blown away!!!

      Let them have their own "You're doing a great job Brownie" experience!!

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Your wish is granted, with high winds on Monday and Tuesday with lots of rain. Wednesday it will start to clear up with sunny skies with only a few clouds.

      Tampa resident who has experienced hurricanes before.

  2. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Somehow, it's Obama's fault.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    They announced yesterday that they were moving Ann's speech from Monday to a spot later so she would get network coverage and moved the "important" business of nominating R&R to Monday, so that spectacle wouldn't be covered by the networks. LOL!

    Now they're canceling Monday altogether and have called in the hated government to help them. You know that Government they want to drown in a bath tub. Guess they decided to drown it in a hurricane instead. Idiots!

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I am glad they are depending on and working closely with the government services and employees they are opposed to and speak they want to do away with in broad sweeping statements.

    The Obama campaign will have a great time using the R fodder they do it all alone presenting these details. Karma!

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Who else but the republican party would schedule their convEntion for Florida in the middle of hurricane season!

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Palin 2.0

  7. Anonymous4:49 PM

    sounds like mccain trying to postpone the campaign for the economy....?

  8. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I bet the truth is they cancelled because they lost the battle with the networks. They've continued trying to negotiate to get the networks to cover Monday night and the networks flatly refused.

    Mitty's all pissed now -- he lost.

  9. Gryphen, I don't know where you get your misinformation but my reliable sources tell me the delay is due to a scheduling conflict with more than 275 Eastern European prostitutes flying in for the convention.

    I'm sorry. did I accidentally type 'prostitutes'? I meant 'hospitality suite hostesses'.

    Hospitality suite hostesses and prostitutes.

    Ok. Just prostitutes.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      You are sadly misinformed. Tawd Palin is renting a space in a "strip" mall near the convention center to supply the prostitutes.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Beldar, you NEVER disappoint! Hospitality suite hostesses...good one!

    3. Anita Winecooler9:53 PM

      Well, Romney IS a "Job Creator". Those girls have an extra day of pole polishing time. Romney's pandering to the working women's vote!

      Beldar never disappoints!

    4. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Hospitality suite hostesses are people, my friend.

    5. Anonymous6:54 AM

      All right!!! Prince ReTardibus is giving us the entire day off on Monday! I'll see you guys down at Thee Dollhouse, a titty-bar in Tampa where porn star Lisa Ann is doing her "Sarah Palin Impression".

      Lisa Ann, if you're impersonating Sarah Palin, you need to leave that fine booty and your sensational hooties back at home, cuz Sarah Skank ain't got neither boobs or booty (nor hair either, also, too.) She's done dried up and turned into an old bag of bones with a big whoppin head topped off with her "dirty road kill wig de jour".

  10. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Oh, and look at all the government agencies that are assisting them in this matter. Are any of them the ones they want to get rid of?


    1. Anonymous12:55 AM

      Any of them, all of them.

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM

    As my grandma always said, 'God don't like ugly.' The repubs should take heed.

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      I would agree but then there is the mole rat....

  12. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Note the high level of local, state and federal resources necessary and employed - nit to mention the public safety grant the state received to host and carry out this convention

  13. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'm waiting for my, go to guy, Pat Robertson to explain why this happened.
    When I lived in Nome, the locals were told to sit in the back, during tourist season. Hope the dear residents in Tampa, that are barred from so many places, treat them the same way we did. We took our business elsewhere.

  14. Anonymous5:24 PM

    The pee pond is all over this is a sign from God for their idol the Golden Heifer....excuse me, step in and save the day.

    Question for you, $arah: How do you sleep at night knowing what an absolute FAKE you are while you grift from those who can least afford it? Why couldn't you just tell the truth? You were TOLD "no" but you just couldn't handle the rejection just like you have NEVER been able to do.

    The more you try the more pathetic you look. We can see it in the emaciation, the nastiness, and your surgeries to try to hide how it's eating you alive.

    I would almost feel sorry for you if it weren't for the fact you enjoy it. Narcissism will be your downfall. The clock is ticking......

  15. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Hmmm, no word from Pat Robertson?

  16. Anonymous5:29 PM

    VP Biden was the only adult who canceled yesterday so he wouldn't distract from the efforts to protect the citizens of Florida.

  17. Anonymous5:36 PM

    O/T but Gryphen, isn't this the family portrait to beat all! Every little detail is simply perfect, from the expressions on everyone's faces to the little pink shoes. Made me really smile when I ran across it.

  18. Anonymous5:47 PM

    If kids could vote…..

  19. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I live in Tampa and naturally have been paying a lot of attention to this storm. Monday is going to be raining and windy with winds probably around 40 to 50 miles per hour, as it looks right now but subject to change. Tuesday will still have lots of rain and it will still be windy, but experience tells me the winds will be much lower (20-30? ? ). Anyway you slice it, their going to experience miserable weather and won't want to go outside.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Sounds like a lesser version of fall and spring and the odd winter storm in Alaska! We have winds here in the Valley that top 80mph at least 2 to 4 times per year. We just go on living life and really nothing ever gets cancelled. Sounds like this won't be more than a "moderate thunderstorm" for Tampa, yet they are cancelling the convention? Suck it up Florida, life goes on!

    2. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Anon @8:55 It's not just the wind. You must factor in the heat and humidity - so hot and sticky that makes you want to puke - that you can't get away from if you lose power. The thunderstorms add to standing water from the regular rainy season and breed mosquitoes. So if you sit the shade to get out of the sun, moquitoes drive you back into the sun. Try working cleanup dawn or dusk to keep out of the heat - nope, the bugs will eat you alive.

    3. Aononymous @ 8:55, why the "Alaskans are so tough" attitude? Those who live in tiny isolated villages are indeed hardy individuals. But most Alaskans enjoy the comforts of civilization just like those of us in the lower 48.

      Isaac may make landfall as a category 2 hurricane, with sustained winds of 96-110 MPH. That's bad enough, but most hurricane deaths result from drowning as a result of the storm surge.

      For the sake of all the residents of the beautiful Gulf Coast, where I grew up, I hope you're right and it remains a tropical storm. But storms often gain strength from the warm waters of the Gulf, so the rule is you always prepare for the worst.

  20. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Aggressive blowjob! LOL! Gryphen, you nasty boy, you. Seriously, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that a lot of those 'bigots in the closet' are all too familiar with BJ's.

  21. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "... working closely with state, local and federal officials, as well as the Secret Service..."

    They sure do love them some big government don't they.

  22. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I'm imagining a scenario where the delegates alternates, guests, members of the media, and tea party patriots all get stuck in a building and have to spend the night huddled together. Maybe they could iron out their differences. Kind of like one of those disaster movies where people of all persuasions are relying on one another to survive.

    At the end of the ordeal they are all hugging and clinging to each other. The storm is over, the flood receded, then......Sarah opens her mouth on Fox and the in-fighting starts all over again.

    1. Anonymous12:29 AM

      All that would be left is Chris Christey with a bloateder bellie and a pile of bones.

  23. Anonymous6:01 PM

    If Mitt can't get all that free airtime, he'll pout, stamp his feet and cancel a convention day.

  24. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Let's see now where they try to 'squeeze' Gov Christie between.

    Tuesday speeches will have to be shortened if they try to move Monday's into the other 3 days plus the roll call as that was going to be Monday night.

    Anne's speech now: Hi, my name is Anne Romney. I'm a liar, a fake and an idiot. Thank you. Good night.

  25. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Mitt, today on the campaign trail, said:

    “Just a word to the women entrepreneurs out there,” he said. “If we become president and vice president, we want to speak to you, we want to help you. Women in this country are more likely to start businesses than men. Women need our help.”

    But everything I hear is tinged with the stain of the REPUBLICAN sponsored house bill that tried to help taxpayers by eliminating funding for raped women unless it was __forcible___ rape.

    They want HELP us women be business people, they want NOT help us women when we get raped. Do they think we are stupid?

  26. Balzafiar6:16 PM

    The only people that need to fear aggressive blowjobs with the GOP in town would be the local citizenry, especially any young urchin wandering the streets after dark.

    GOP'ers do like that tube steak, aka trouser trout!

  27. Anonymous8:21 PM

    No problem for Willard. He'll just hold it retroactively.

  28. Anita Winecooler10:00 PM

    Aggressive Blowjob?

    Either they're inviting Palin, or Christie Farted or Donald needs heavy duty toupee glue.

    Whatever it is, this is the strangest way to start a convention. "we're concerned about travel in high wind and rain, but we're starting without you then starting again the next day"

    Good Stewards of Government resources, the secret service monitors weather now?

  29. The networks aren't broadcasting anything on Monday that the RNC wants. Ann Rmoney is speaking but she won't be broadcast.

    Watch Ann moved to Tuesday during broadcast time.


    Because Ann is more humanistic and viewers react more favorably to her than her husband. That's what the really want. Ann on TV giving her speech.

    Oh, do you think any Talibangelicals will think that Isaac is being aimed at the RNC because of their War on Women and Aikin's remarks?

    No, of course not.

    Now if it had been the DNC......

  30. I am certain this storm is going to be a nightmare for the people who live in Florida.........they are on dirty side of storm. No telling what mother nature is gonna hit the fan called Florida with., The last thing the people of Florida need is out of towners running around needing VIP services that are just not available as first responders are taking care of their own families and businesses.
    Money buys you nothing when there are no services...
    GOP needs to just stay the hell out of the way and decently let people ride out this storm who live and work in Florida.

    I have my fingers crossed Sarah gets ahold of a microphone and a camera and begins broadcasting from her warehouse location close to the convention...whatcha gonna do Rence?

  31. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I live about 100 miles south of Tampa and I, too, wondered why GOP picked Florida in the summertime. I figure it's because the normal temperature is 95+ degrees and humidity so would prevent protesters from standing outside picketing all day long (heat stroke). But like you said the GOP geniuses forgot about hurricane season.


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