Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bisexual, non-theist just won a Democratic primary in Arizona. How in the hell did THAT happen?

Courtesy of the Friendly Atheist:

Arizona State Senator Kyrsten Sinema — an openly bisexual nontheist - has won the primary!

I have to admit that I had NEVER even heard of Kyrsten Sinema before, but right now SHE is my favorite congressional candidate. In fact I might even have a little crush.

Wow a non-religious, sexually open female with a brain, what's NOT to like? (Oh by the way, she USED to be a Mormon and is a former criminal defense lawyer.)

God I hope she wins! In a place like Arizona that would be AMAZING!

P.S. You can see an interview with Sinema, conducted by Current TV, by clicking here.

P.P.S. If you want you can donate to her campaign here.


  1. Nancy6:34 AM

    Wow! Kyrsten Sinema is the total antithesis of Sarah Palin...rock on!

  2. I watched her short campaign ad. She speaks in, like, sentences with subject/verb agreement and shit. Apparently AZ has moved past their little flirtation with the Half-Ass Half-term Grifter and moved on to supporting some candidates with intelligence.

    She IS a cutie and very bright. Back off, G. Be patient and let me get shot down first before you ride up and get knocked out of the saddle, also, too.

  3. Hawt!!

    Kyrsten.... call me!


  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    When Ann Romney screamed, "I LOVE WOMEN!" I was half expecting her say she is coming out of the closet.

    It is good to see a bisexual winning in AZ.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      That statement goes right up there with Ann's "Let's unzip, Mitt..." *shudders*

  5. Kyrsten Sinema was my State Senator before resigning to run for this seat in the brand new 9th District.I have supported her from the getgo and was really ticked off when two Dem men ran against her with negative ads and a "We'll take over little lady" attitude. She ignored them, ran a squeaky clean campaign and beat the snot out of both of them. Then, she gave a gracious speech complimenting them on a hard fought campaign as they stood there dazed. They never knew what hit them.Her sexual orientation and moral compass are total news to me. My reaction? I wish we had a bunch more like her!!!

    1. I'm neutral on the sexual orientation thing, but I'd say it's a positive that she reveals confidence in her abilities by exhibiting freedom to be herself and not feel like she has to pretend to be someone she is not.

      Sounds like she's a down to earth person who busted her tail to be where she is, and she's not satisfied yet so she's still working hard to attain greater success, and she's gonna help some other folks along the way.

      I just like seeing smart, honest, ethical hard-working people be successful without dancing to the beat of someone else's music.

      Politics is tough, so I hope she won't hesitate to bloody a few noses of other candidates that don't play fair along the way.

      Having the ability to negotiate hard and then knowing when to compromise in order to get to a win/win position in the middle ground is a key factor for success. That's why the TeaBaggers are so ineffective with anything other than obstruction.

  6. Anonymous7:48 AM

    It's just good to see a democrat win in AZ. But those old republican white males just might vote for her too, since all they judge anything on is looks.

    Maybe Sarah could go interview her :) But I doubt manjaw( is that why she made Brisket get one?) Sarah
    would look even more worn out, as in worn out and put up wet.

  7. Let's not jump to any conclusions here, Gryphen. As Rush Limbaugh - Amercia's unofficial douchebag laureate - sagely counsels all attractive young women interested in public service: "post your sex videos online first and THEN we can talk politics".

    In other news, apparently the redistricted 9th actually has a chance of electing a Democrat to the House. Who woulda thunked it?

  8. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Happy Day - I now can watch MSNBC in 'real time' and not depend on the online segments. My provider has added MSNBC 'live' to it's package with very minimal cost.

    That small cost is worth it to watch Rachel et al!!! I also think Alex Wagner has found her 'legs'. Do I want to watch Morning Joe - No! I want to enjoy my coffee -- I don't want to have to clean it off my screen with the BS lies of Joe and the spineless Mika doormat. If her name was different, she'd probably be offered a job at Fox. She's reminds me as being the announcer for a game show. She reads a prompted and news clippings and brings nothing to the table.

  9. Leland8:54 AM

    An ex-Mormon. A lawyer. A non-theist. A bi-sexual.


    Want to bet Mr. Rmoney is really happy to see her in the race? BWAH HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Or Quitty Pants? She has to be FUMING today!

      MUAH HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

    2. Quittypant's candidate of choice was in another district and, as usual her endorsement was the kiss of death!

  10. Tania9:00 AM

    Gryphen, my Australian political blog has an excellent journo at Tampa. His latest article (name is Guy Rundle) is 'Go(l)d becomes the ground of American life' and is a brilliant take down of the GOP in the vein of Rolling Stones one. I encourage you to read it in full - the blog is
    A great excerpt: 'It is an intellectual/philosophical slum, one that legitimizes a dystopia - one where the society is indifferent to whether you live or die, but vitally concerned with what you read, see, ingest or do with your body otherwise.' And 'the pious hopes of people such as GOProud, who will not recognize that the party now actively hates them, and sees their appeal to human freedom, not as a variation on political themes, but as the ultimate danger.'

    In fact, please do have a look at all his postings on his experience there. I know you will enjoy his humour and take on it as a foreigner that is ultimately so depressed, so baffled, at it all. The site might ask for you to register, but I say this is worth it, and will be free so do bother to sign up - a matter of minutes. I think you might like to quote him occasionally as he reminds me of you in your writings. He is particularly concerned at what he calls the theocratic political party and the lack of concern about that he is seeing first hand. He's also great at mocking the clods that clutter the Tampa halls!

  11. Anonymous9:15 AM


    Bill Nye Blasts Todd Akin, Challenges ‘Fucking Idiot’ to Debate

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Bill Nye is beyond awesome!

  12. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Just hearing there will be the balloon drop tonight -- haven't heard the GOP back away from celebrating while I haven't heard them mention either New Orleans either when another 50,000 at this moment are being evacuated.

    Not only does it replay the picture of one man -- one man sitting at the plane window in a fly over but it now paints the picture of the whole party standing looking over his shoulder. In the distance you can hear them all chanting 'Good job Brownie'.

    In the speeches -- not one mention of concern or prayer for New Orleans.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:11 PM

      I'm watching it now, Romney's failed to define himself. A bunch of talking points with nothing to back them. Romney's tossing the raw meat to the base, tell them what they want to hear, but he's not changing any undecided votes.

      And you're right, they're praying for everything under the sun, but nothing on the crippling storm and suffering of other people.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:46 AM

    Kyrsten's the entire package--not a shallow shell like **SOME PEOPLE** we know--and not afraid to reveal who she is. Wonder how many others in public service are just too terrified to be truthful about themselves? I'd bet the number is pretty staggering.

    And, Keith Olbermann contributed to Kyrsten awhile back, causing his original suspension at MSNBC.

    Hey Palinistas! Jealous of Senator Sinema yet?

    1. Kyrsten is running for the House seat in our newly created District 9 here in Arizona. It was Gabby Giffords that Keith donated to. Kyrsten was our State Senator before resigning to run for the House.

  14. All those secretive GOP Palin-wankers should have no problem backing this one either... they all have their little 3-way fantasies fired up I'm sure.

  15. Cracklin Charlie9:57 AM

    A crush???

    I'm telling Elizabeth!

  16. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Tremendous news!

  17. Anonymous10:32 AM

    However this was only the democratic primary. She will now face the republican candidate. Best wishes!

    1. Kyrsten is facing an opponent who is the survivor of a GOP field of 7 or 8 candidates. District 9 is heavily Democratic and Kyrsten has out raised her opponent by over $700,000 already. There is also a Libertarian candidate which will further dilute the vote. We intend to work our buns off to gather up every single vote for her.

  18. Anonymous12:04 PM

    You had me at "used to be a Mormon". Anyone smart enough to find their way out of that convoluted brainwashing machine has my respect.

  19. Dis Gusted3:04 PM

    1/2 down Bristol's page is a picture of Tripp allegedly taken 8/9/12. His first climb of Butte. He is HUGE! for a three year old.

    I suspect he is going to turn 6 soon.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      There's is no way that child is 3 1/2 years old. He looks like a little kid, not a toddler. I don't know who they are trying to fool.

      When he starts to loose his baby teeth in a couple of months, will they say he lost it playing hockey?

  20. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

    Life is good! I hope she wins!

    I lived to see the first African American elected as President, I'll live to see him re-elected, and this fine Woman comes along and makes the possibility of an openly godless candidate holding office!

    As a politician, her honesty and eloquence is refreshing. Strong Women don't need permission from anyone, whom she loves isn't an issue for me.


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