Saturday, August 18, 2012

Final thought for the day.

That is one of the problems with hyper religious people, they always think so small.

I cannot TELL you the number of times that I have been threatened with this punishment. Apparently it is still good for frightening children and a certain percentage of low information individuals.


  1. actually ..from a real Christian's standpoint.. anne s here.. judgement and all that crap doesn't even reach the brain cell... that is NOT what true Christianity is about. you twist things my dear Gryphen.. you spout out about religion like you are a seasoned fool... your "resources" are pure crap.. stop trying to characterize thus "control" this "religious" thought.. your avenue of religious understanding is taking mainstream religion and spouting against it .. why do you intellectually equalize yourself with cult type thinking?? Jesus.. real deeper.. more meaningful.. Go THERE ... yeah, you don't have that "control" "superiority" thing going on.. but is that your real goal anyway? You want "religion" and to spit in it's face?.. face REAL religion then.. trust me, it will humble you.. make you love this short life we are in.. it's all about PEOPLE... real people . not some far removed existence that likes to talk about what they should do... In a nutshell. you wanna talk religion.. BE, Experience religion.. get genuine.. your ultimate goal.. isn't it

    1. I would respond if I could just make out what in the hell you are talking about?

      I do believe in people, in humanity, that is why I don't want to see them oppressed by religion or somebody else's narrow version of morality.

      Telling somebody that they are going to hell because they refuse to believe as you do is to an atheist the same as telling an adult that because they did not decorate a tree they will not get a present from Santa Claus.

    2. SALLY in MI7:29 PM

      jennifer, what is your point? Gryphen asks us to embrace the universe, and if we believe God created it, we can. Why are you so hateful? You just make his point. If we who believe are secure in our beliefs, we can also embrace all other thought. It doesn't belittle my belief to have wonder and awe at this world and all others. It doesn't demean my religion to allow others to have their own belief systems. Why are you so threatened? What difference does it make? I think God created all of us and gave us free will. If that is true, then he also loves all of us no matter how we have twisted whatever is left of the original documents written by MAN, by the way. He wants us to love. That is all.

    3. WakeUpAmerica8:12 PM

      You can be oppressed by just about anything including atheism. You are completely narrow-minded in this area, Gryphen, and insulting. But hey, it's your blog, so insult away if that's what floats your boat. I would say that you have a deep-seated anger about the religion to which you were exposed and take it out on all of us. I could be wrong.

    4. WakeUpAmerica8:18 PM

      BTW, Gryphen, you are certainly giving us your narrow version of reality. Perhaps you don't realize it, but you come across as believing that religious people are small-minded and anti-science. I do know some who are that way, but most of the religious people I know are definitely not. It gets wearisome that you keep hammering on that nail. Your perceptions of religious people seem to be quite warped by the crazies in your state and your anger at what the religious Texans have done to Alaska. I would be angry too, but most of us "religious" people aren't like that.

    5. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Hate much?You sure hate you some Texans.What was that first post all about?Drugs?Mental defect?Too much ecstasy of the spirit?Todd Palin sent you the wrong prostitute?

    6. BabyRaptor11:25 PM

      The fact that you don't agree with Gryphen's resources doesn't make them crap. Sorry if that busts your ego bubble in your face.

      I'm not sure what you mean by him trying to control religion...If you think he can control what you believe, maybe you need stronger faith? Otherwise, why get your panties in a wad if he says something that isn't sunshine and roses about your invisible friend?

      Also, stop telling people to just "go find Jesus." It's not that easy. You have faith in him. Good for you. Guess what? Not everyone does. And you telling him your opinion of the character is not going to change that, no matter how special you happen to think Jesus is.

      Lastly, to everyone talking about how Gryphen needs to stop posting about it, and how it makes you feel talked down on...Don't read the posts. It's really that easy.

      And please stop with the "most of us aren't like that" claim. It doesn't matter if you personally think that most of you aren't the way he's portraying. The people he's talking about with his posts are. Further, the Christians who are continually out in the public eye, the ones who are continually seen, are. The politically active ones who are trying to wreck this country are. So that's what people are seeing.

      If you don't like it, work on changing the perception. Whining about how your feelings are hurt when people talk about what they see and experience is doing nothing. It's not going to make people shut up; it just shows your thin skin and privilege.

    7. Anonymous1:17 AM

      So how come none of you Christians chiming in here didn´t just silently pray for Gryphen?

      You are the ones who sound angry.

      And the underlying hatred in your comments is a huge turn-off.

    8. Jennifer, it is unclear what you are trying to say, but if the conversation on religion upsets you so much why do you click on here?

    9. Anonymous3:37 AM

      How is believing we are literally made of star stuff narrow minded?

    10. Anonymous5:32 AM

      I agree completely with Sally in MI. In the past year I have become a daily checker-inner at "" and it always fascinates me. Not that I understand any of it. All of it is a mystery and a miracle to me. But it does my heart and soul good to see pictures of the vastness beyond our lives and it helps to put our little lives on planet Earth in perspective.

    11. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Thanks Beaglemom, I always love hearing your thoughts! This place is a wonder and I too choose to enjoy its mystery. Somehow, unlike religious people I don’t feel any need to choose a religion to describe it or my place in it. So, in the mind of a religious person I am doomed? This strikes me as incredibly arrogant and twisted.

    12. Tania9:27 AM

      To the lunatic with the original comment; what are you on? I pity you because you can't even make a bit of sense and are just spouting moronic abuse. You need to learn how to form a sentence and come back in a few years when you've conquered that and try again.
      To 'WakeUpAmerica'...I read this blog every single day and pretty much everyday I take a quick look at the comment section and then as a rule I am usually so disgusted I cannot read further. There are about five people that are the main culprits and you are one of the stars, along with vile 'Gina' that post idiotic spew filled rants that do nothing but bring down the blog - which I think is what you must be attempting to achieve! - and make newcomers to the blog think that all of us critical of Palin are whack jobs that spend hours everyday writing comments about Bristol's chunky thighs. It's EMBARRASSING to read and I'm sick of it. In all the religion posts your comments are stupid and negative, as always. I suggest that if you don't like it, can you PLEASE just...go away? Please? Thank you!

    13. Tania9:27 AM

      STFU "Tania"...if you are so repulsed by the Baldy post comments why bother to read them? And to tell WUA to go away...that's what a TROLL does.

      PS...all your comments you've ever posted that I read sound like an OLD BITTER DRIED up UNHAPPY person...maybe you should re-read what Gryphen might help you loosen up some! LOL!!

    14. WakeUpAmerica10:49 PM

      Oooh my, Tania. Guess I hit a nerve. You sound like one of the amoebas at the Urinal; free speech is only for those who agree with you and everyone else should go away. Here's a thought: if you're so insensed with comments here, why don't you go away?

      BTW, I have never, I repeat never, commented on Bristol's thighs chunky or otherwise. I do believe you are mixing up commentors.

    15. WakeUpAmerica10:50 PM


      You the girl, Gina!

    16. the Girl! I admire how you ALWAYS stand your ground on Gryphen's religious post...even against some nasty comments (*yeah I'm looking at you "Tania") and still keep on saying what you have to all I can say to you...

      "Speak (It's really "Free Your mind" but I think "Speak" is better!) your mind and the rest will follow" (H/T to EnVogue)

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Awesome and beauty with no words.

    I do want the inhabitants of this small planet to honor and respect what we have.

  3. lostinmn7:23 PM

    I've been told I'm heading there and if the people who've told me that are going to heaven I'll take my chances with the folks who are joining me there.

    1. WakeUpAmerica8:14 PM

      A lot of truth in that remark.

    2. Anonymous9:45 PM

      How about the thought that heaven and hell are right here on earth folks? I've always thought they way.

      Know that I've experienced both in my long life here on earth.

    3. Anonymous3:50 AM

      @anon 9:45... I agree, but with a caveat:

      That concept only works for those whose brains are capable of empathy; in other words, for those who have a conscience. That capability of altruism is innate, and it is neither dependent upon a religion nor any particular philosophy.

      Every culture observes rituals of awe, of joy and of sorrow when faced with the power of Universal Law over birth, life and death.

      I shall leave it at that and take a walk on the beach to have my own ritual to rejoice in the one knowledge of which I am sure:

      I am stardust, pure energy come to form, who was birthed, has given birth, is still alive and will die to become pure energy once again.

      Peace fromthediagonal

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM

    One of my earliest Catholic school memories, first couple of questions in the catechism.

    Q: Who made you?
    A: God made me.

    Q: Why did god make you?
    A: To know, love and serve him in this world and to share with him the everlasting happiness of heaven.

    If god's perfect and doesn't make mistakes, and he made me to go to heaven, how can he send me to hell?


    About the only thing I believe in is the Rainbow Bridge because to deny our pets the company of their humans for eternity is just plain wrong.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM


      I was raised Catholic too although I've not practiced the religion for years. But, I did attend Catholic elementary school and remember the questions and responses we were made to memorize as you indicated. I still remember the answers to them (you noted just two of them!) and I'm almost 70! Brought back old memories of the nuns in their black dress, the strict atmosphere and the rules. A good way to be brought up (?) - pros and cons.

    2. Anonymous9:04 AM

      I'm 63, and was in Catholic schools during the last gasp of total Nun Rule. Aside from the "don't think, just memorize" mindset and the Daily Dose of Guilt, I lived in fear of the nuns, a few of whom were totally wacko. Grades were emphasized, we had a ton of homework and outside reading, which was a pro. But all those years of unsatisfied curiosity and struggling to appear as a believer when I was not took their toll. I'd never put a kid through that experience.

    3. WakeUpAmerica10:43 PM

      I have to tell you that my niece set a nun straight when she was in high school. The class was supposed to raise money to help a poor, single mother of five. The nun asked the class what they should give the woman. My niece, God bless her for her honesty, raised her hand. When called on she said, "Condoms."

  5. WakeUpAmerica8:09 PM

    I think it's a high percentage of low information individuals. Although, religion doesn't have a corner on the low-information individuals market. I'm sure there are plenty of low-information atheists as well.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Likely not, at least not in the USA. When someone is constantly bombarded by all-Christianity, all-the-time, the low-information people just embrace it and believe it. The person who seeks out additional information and questions what they hear is not low-information. I suspect the notion of hordes of low-information atheists is just a fantasy you use to make yourself feel better.

    2. Anonymous6:09 AM

      This is rich.

      (Someone who believes 9/11 was a conspiracy is prattling on about low information individuals.)

    3. Tania9:30 AM

      And WakeUpAmerica is the classic NO information trogolydyte

    4. WakeUpAmerica10:39 PM

      Well now, Tania, that was a bit of a venomous remark. Go have an adult beverage and chill out.

    5. WakeUpAmerica10:40 PM

      Who believes 9/11 was a conspiracy?

  6. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Sorry Jennifer - I'm with Gryphen. I couldn't figure out what you were talking about either.

  7. Anonymous8:16 PM

    other worldly......

  8. Anonymous8:41 PM

    See you there, Gryph... looking forward to wonderful, warm hospitality. And par-tay, also, too!

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      I've already reserved a window seat on the bus. My big worry, tho, is how to keep my stash of chocolate from melting.

  9. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I'd rather dance with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      @anon 8:54... "and only the good die young", reminders of Billy Joel. Don't know about that part of his lyrics, but then, who am I to quibble?


  10. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I am w/Gryph on this one too. Too many are mixed up in their communications about religion and come across as hateful and angry. Is that the teachings of religion? I don't think so!

    I'm agnostic, but most of my friends don't even know it.

    It would be such a better world if we treated each other with kindness and respect wouldn't it? It doesn't matter what faith we belong to or even if we are 'of faith'. I have two atheist friends and they are as kind and loving as I try to be.

    1. Anonymous3:54 AM

      I think there are a lot of us like you, Anon 9:37. The current religious zeal has sent me running in the opposite direction. I cannot stand the intolerance and control of religion.
      Yes, I like the words of Jesus. I like the words of the Dalai Lama, too.

    2. WakeUpAmerica7:05 AM

      I agree with you. My disagreement with Gryphen is in the way he treats people of religion as though they are all the same. And yes the "current religious zeal" has sent me screaming into the night as well. I think the problem is really "organized" religion.

      I have no problem with people being atheist or anything really. Good people come in all places, we each have to find our own path in life. I also think it is quite arrogant to think God spoke only to Christians.

  11. Anonymous10:25 PM

  12. G. You know what you need?

    You need a "Get out of Hell Free" card.

    I carry one with me at all times, for just such occasions. I've even given a few as gifts.

  13. Learning religion from poorly educated hucksters is akin to getting your meds from snake oil salesmen of the late 19th century, or watching CNBC to learn how to invest- a bad idea.

    Hell means distance from God, not some mythical place, or so I learned studying Philosophy/Religion (and Physics-even took an Astro-Physics course from your guru Carl Sagan) at Cornell.

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      I thought Hell meant absence from God.

      Physics taught you that Hell meant distance from God?


      I wanna learn that part about physics.

      Please enlighten.

    2. distant, as in the present perfect of distare- to stand apart or be remote.

      Studying Philosophy taught me, inter alia, that there are many linguistic forms which can refer to the same object. In physics, distance is used in its more quantifiable sense.

      I assume however, you were merely being "clever" and you have ably succeeded.

    3. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Believe me, I know how distance is used in physics. And I know the definition of the word.

      I know different languages have different words for the same object.

      What I don´t know is what you learned in physics about Hell.

      Where, exactly, is Hell addressed in physics?

    4. Perhaps you missed the parentheses around the reference to Physics and Mr. Sagan or are unfamiliar with their meaning. I studied various cultures' conceptions of hell, inter alia, in my Philosophy and Religion courses.

    5. The Physics of Hell:

      The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington engineering mid term. The answer was so "profound" that the Professor shared it with colleagues, which is why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.

      Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law, (gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:

      "First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, lets look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell.

      Since there are more than one of these religions and since people do not Belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added.

      This gives two possibilities:
      1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

      2. Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

      So which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Ms. Teresa Banyan during my Freshman year, "...that it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you.", and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then, #2 cannot be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and will not freeze." the student received the only "A" given.

      Does that help?

    6. WakeUpAmerica10:36 PM

      Now that was a thing of beauty!

  14. Kimosabe3:42 AM

    Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu, mother Teresa, the Dali Lama. Ignorant, low information morons, all of them.

    1. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Compared to Gryphen and the other kids who went to his crappy sunday school and came out enlightened, yes!

    2. WakeUpAmerica6:55 AM

      Don't forget Pope John Paul II. How many languages did he speak?

  15. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Happy Sunday Straw Man

  16. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Whoever the christians are that you met, Gryphen, that said you were going to hell, were hateful, judgmental and self-righteous. It's unfortunate that these alleged christians are saying this. Romans 9:15 - For he sayeth to Moses, I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion upon whom I will have compassion". Another word - the rain will fall on the just and the unjust. Romans 3:23 - For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God".

    Yes, scripture writes about various sins, but this for those who need the meatier things of the Word to read, and act, respond to. There are so many things in there that ALL christians don't obey, because we are all weak. We try, but we can't. That's why the Savior came, to release those who believe from the bondages of sin, where they can call on their Father in heaven to have a relationship with, and He listens.

    I know......this will be ridiculed. It doesn't matter to me though. There are so many supernatural things that have happened in my life, that are NOT coincidences. I've seen miracles. I've felt a power that is stronger than anything else in this world. It's an experience, of course, that I would love everyone to experience, if they are so inclined.

    And if they are not inclined, that doesn't matter to me. I love hanging out with others of different faiths, beliefs, ideas, and share our views, without hurting or offending others. Although, Gryphen, you do tend to stereotype christians and put them all in the same box, and leave one feeling they are ignorant or uneducated.

    The universe is awesome. I, like, everyone here, am amazed, and get a chill up my spine when I see NASA photos of Mars. I am in wonderment at those things I don't understand just like everyone here. Preaching over. You may all leave and enjoy your breakfast buffet at restaurant of choice, or your chicken dinner at home. Amen. Peace be with you.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      The social pressure to accept and respect all faiths is hogwash.

      The only beliefs I respect are the beliefs that respect mine.

      As you do.

  17. Tania3:45 AM


    There MUST be a mirror shining brightly in the glint of your computer, honey. You start to call me old and sad? 1. You don't know me. I'm young enough to be Palin's daughter and I despise her. I work and study at the Masters level in psychology. I really do feel bad for you because you must have your own personal serious issues but I do wish that you'd use that energy on looking at yourself. It's not normal to spend hours and hours on someone else's blog posting truly humiliating (for you!) screeds day in, day out. No one has more criticism for Sarah than myself, but you prefer to spend your time dissing her and her disgusting daughter on a LOOKS level. As you also did to me. People with legitimate criticism don't have to always harp on about her outer ugliness when the inner ugliness is the real issue. I also make fun of both of them and make cracks about Bristol's enormous thighs, but to do it like YOU do is another thing altogether. I've sent people to this blog from other bigger news sites in an attempt to spread the truth about Sarah and to raise Jesse's profile, which he richly deserves. I am telling you the truth here. Without fail the conservative I'm trying to have a proper argument with will come back and say how ridiculous the site is, and they always say because of the vile comments. And they are right; although what Jesse puts out is good, the comments make the site look like our version of the Sea of Pee! Now I always add the caveat to ignore the comments, but that only makes the blog seem dodgy. Jesse is a gentleman and a believer in free speech so he let's you post your filth, but you are hurting his blog! You only hurt our cause and take away from the hardwork of good people like Jesse, Malia and Regina Palingates. I think you'd be better off with your own type of people, and making your own vile blog where you can say all this without hurting a good blogger. If you really care about getting the truth out about Sarah Palin, you'll stop this!

    1. Tania3:45 AM

      See...this is what I love about trolls like "Tania" really think I give a shit about your life story? Nope...I don''re just words on a blog to me!

      I could careless what you think or what the "cause" is...if you don't like my comments TROLL...don't read them...don't comment about them...and don't mention my name!

      That way you can continue "to raise Jesse's profile" and whine and complain on "other" blogs about how bad Jesse's commenters are...see...I'm trying to help YOU out! LOL!!

      PS...and for your info...Baldy Palin's "truth" is already out there for everyone to see...I guess you really haven't been paying attention to Jesse's blog huh! LMAO!!

    2. WakeUpAmerica1:04 PM

      I think I get the picture now. Tania is one of those people who went into psychology to figure herself out because she is too screwed up for a therapist. We have one of those in our family too. God help her clients if she decides she wants to "treat" clients.

      Gina, I'm wondering if Tania is one of the patients at the asylum. Would you please try to find that out? LOL

    3. WakeUpAmerica1:06 PM

      BTW, Tania-the-Holier-Than-Thou Troll
      Jesse lets you post your demented filth here as well. You're pretty damn judgemental for someone in the field of psychology. Oooh snap! I think that means you're a hypocrite.

    4. WakeUpAmerica...

      Yeah good ole "Tania" sounds like one of the patients who slipped out of the Asylum and made her way here to blabber on about nonsense!

      Next thing she'll be dropping anti-Palin blog names while whining about how much she's trying to "save Jesse's blog"! LOL!

      Trust...ole "Tania" will be back...sometime during the night...just like a troll! LOL!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.