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Angela Merkel, Forbes magazine's choice as the number one most powerful woman. |
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Hillary Clinton, Forbes magazines' choice as the SECOND most powerful woman. |
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Michelle Obama, Forbes magazine's choice as the seventh most powerful woman. |
However as I was going down the list, I could not help but notice that there was somebody, who you MIGHT expect to have a place on this list, missing.
I racked my brain but for the life of me I could not figure out who it was.
I mean it was right on the tip of my tongue but I just could not seem to figure out who was not represented on this list.
Ooooh, that's right. Well isn't THAT interesting?
The 2008 VP nominee, queen of the Teabaggers, shill for Fox News, reality show mainstay, Sarah Palin is NOT represented anywhere in the list of the top 100 most powerful women in the world?
You know all I have ever wanted was to help make this imbecile irrelevant. Mission accomplished.
Now if I can only help do the same for the entire Republican party.
P.S. Do you know what might be the unkindest cut of all for the Grizzled Mama?
That the woman who she undoubtedly sees as her personal Fox News interviewer/facilitator/gopher was named the 94th most powerful woman in the world.
I am SO looking forward to their next interview together.
Hee... hee... GVS! How on earth did they overlook the famous fake pregnant one? No other woman can beat that one for sheer moxie.
ReplyDeleteot Check this out... Hollywood wimp needs a scooter.... she is NO tight ab Sarah Palin. Can you believe this? She needs to watch Sarah's video of her walk around Juneau in the snow. The least Sarah could do is give her some tips on how grizzly moms stay in shape during pregnancy. This is Sarah's friend and Sarah loves women. Dontcha know she will do all she can for her sisters.
The Chin, looking more distorted than usual, has a new press release photo. Reworking her image but hasn't rid herself of the thunder thighs. Hefty is good but next to Mark not so good.
Ooooh, that little convo in the Faux Snooze green room is gonna be a pip! Do you think Queenie won't talk directly to Greta, but will use the sullen, exasperated Piper as her go-between?
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Gryphen--you continue to inspire us and make Miss Wiggy a little more unbalanced every day.
Meanwhile, back at Rancho Insanity, the inhabitants are nervously chewing their knuckles about Akin and his chances in MO (slim to none, unless there's some election hanky-panky). At least a few of the women there are waking up a bit (!) and are actually offended by his "belief." Wow! My fave comment of the day: "This election will be an indictment of Obama, the corrupt, liberal media, and Hollywood."
Hmmm...we already know their views on Pres. O. However, they jes' LOVED that librul media when it used to report on Sarah and Brissie's every fart, and don't they also too LOVE watchin' them thar Palin ree-ality shows? Produced in, uh, Hollywood??
Greta scored higher than Baldy - gotta love it!
DeleteWhich shows that they were digging really deeply to come up Greta Van Stupid who only serves as Baldy's mouthpiece on Faux News. I guess that really tells the story about how the world feels about Mama Skank and her brood of criminals??
DeleteOh, that poor refrigerator door.
DeleteWhere's Rachel Maddow? Come on, the woman is flippin' brilliant and scares the guano out of the Rethugs with her commentaries.
Deleteglad to see the $nake $kank fraud is getting everything $he deserves
DeleteI do long though to see her in handcuffs and an orange jump suit too
How on earth does a Fox talking head like Van Suspenders even make the list at all? What kind of real power does she have? She talks to big wigs (and in some cases, genuine wigs). Big whoop.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I wouldn't consider 94th place on this any great achievement anyway.
They must have really been REALLY stuck for names by the time they got to ol' twisty face.
Sarah Palin is getting exactly what she deserves as to her demise in just about everything. Everyone is recognizing what a liar and fraud she has been for the past years. It's about time!!!
ReplyDeleteI never used the word 'hate' until following her these past years. I've read ALL the books written about her and have researched her life in Alaska - personally as well as ALL the jobs she has gone through which reflect a horrid record of not being qualified and 'quitting' or 'let go' being a constant factor.
Not only has she been proven to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature, but everyone learned she did not do the work as the 'quitter' governor, but that Toad carried the load! She'll be in the history books as being the worst gov that Alaska has ever elected. (Thank God she quit at mid term!)
She has proven to be a horrible mother, is not religious in thought, word or deed and she and Todd have a sham of a marriage! (Both have proven to have had affairs and Todd is now known as a 'pimp' due to the book "Boys Will be Boys" by Shailey Tripp (notice that last time - sound familiar?)
The last thing that needs to be proven is that Sarah did not birth that handicapped child she only USED for sympathy votes in the McCain campaign, which obviously didn't work. All reports say she does not care for the kid as a 'real' mother would, but that people are paid for his care.
She is the sorriest excuse as a woman and most (except on the extreme right) women would NOT want to follow in her footsteps.
Hell awaits her, there is no doubt!
Love the list of 100 women - Mrs. Obama and Hillary Clinton are in the top ten!!! Now, those are women that most of us 'respect and admire'! Those two words do not begin to fit Sarah Palin - 'hate and disgust' would be more like it!
I couldn't agree with you more. I'm sure she was in a depressive state before she even got this most recent news. By now she's beyond the refrigerator and has almost destroyed the range.
DeleteI too never used the word "hate" and rarely heard the word, but I believe it was Sarah herself who brought the word into out national discourse. As I recall, when she was campaigning as vice president she would use the word often as a rebuttal to those who criticized her. When she did, I believe she couldn't think of an intelligent reply, so she just called them "haters". I've also noticed that the Palinbots at Sea4Pee often use the word the same way as if they're copying how Sarah use of the word, and are again using it when they can't come up with a reasonably intelligent response. It's a fall back reply when you can't think of anything intelligent to say.
I also find it hard to believe she actually has a degree in journalism, or communications, when she can't speak proper English. If she really did graduate from Iowa State, or where ever she say's she graduated from, they must be extremely embarrassed . I also wonder how those who majored in journalism from Iowa State feel about it, and how it's viewed by employers reviewing their resumes.
As far as being a horrible mother, all you have to do is look at the results of her three oldest children and how they turned out so far. Piper is the next, and she shows high promises of being failure just like her three older sister's and brother. As Sarah loses her influence, they lose all of the opportunities it brought them. I also believe that Sarah secretly financed the production of Bristol's reality show by using intermediary's to hide her support. Sarah does own a production company and could easily have bought what already had been filmed in LA, probably for very little money since it was a loss to them, and then do the filming in Alaska to finish the show.
Durham, what you say about the institution that (never?) granted her "degree" is spot on. Personally, I would NEVER recommend a graduate of my program unless it's someone I'm proud of. I have grads working fast food (rather than as manufacturing techs) because they KNOW I won't give a good recommendation to lazy, combative, goof offs. The best I can do is neutral (yah, he was a student here. period). Whatever is the U of Idaho thinking at this point?
DeleteIt was the Univ. Of Idaho. She would never have gotten thru Iowa State. It is a highly respected school of Science and engineering and Vet Med. Hubs got two engineering degrees there and his Masters and most of his Doctorate at UCLA and U of CO. I doubt the U of ID even wants to claim her. They sealed her records!
DeleteI see "anonymous" doesn't have the guts to put his/her disgusting name out in public, just take pot shots at Sarah from under Mommy's bed. Well "anonymous" what have YOU accomplished in your miserable life? A little prison time perhaps? Sex with animals? A little tad of child molestation? Is that why you are hiding your name, because it might show up on some very unsavory records somewhere? Well you belong on this piece of crap of a column with the rest of the dirt-bags. Wish that new form of AIDS on all of you!!
DeleteWell a big Hello to Sarah Louise.
DeleteWishing a new form of AIDS on the posters? Well it all goes back to you my dear, bless your little heart.
Here's the link to the new photo of Bristol and Mark. As all I can say is WOW, was that the best facial expression to NOT bring attention to the new chin???
ReplyDeleteClick photo to enlarge:
DeleteGinormica and Tiny Dancer still works as their Team Name.
DeleteInquiring minds will want to know, will Bristol manage to NOT gain weight this time around?
Still has the fat legs. She looks huge next to Mark.
DeleteThat has to be photoshopped. No one's chin is that bizarrely long.
DeleteYeah, but what is her IQ? Inquiring minds do also want to know.
DeleteShe doesn't have fat legs. What is with some of you who are women who attack her as fat. She simply isn't! Let's see your legs and we can critique them.
DeleteHer chin is another matter. It's really sad that anyone would do that to their face.
lol me thinks someone in the photo editing dept had a little fun with brisdull's picture. her face looks hideous!
Delete@1:13 ummmm....yes, those are hamhocks, just like her moms. It's easy to get rid of fat with drugs and lipo, but legs (thighs) are not a simple fix.
DeleteSo you want to see mine? I'm a 50yr grandma that hikes and bikes daily. The legs are awesome, thank you very much, and I would not have to cover them up with nylons for a fake cover shoot where I pretend to be a runner.
Barstool will be doing hc porn soon.
DeleteI was surprised to see JLO on there....the parameters of 'power' are debatable.
ReplyDelete10:34 I totally agree with you; I too question several of those women named. And who makes the determination as to who and what constitutes "powerful?"
DeleteA Tea Partier Decided To Pick A Fight With A Foreign President. It Didn't Go So Well.
"Wankers whipping up fear."
God I love that guy. He is the kind of "mouthpiece" (mean that in a nice way) that the dems need to find. He doesn't take any blow back or cave in. He's fired up. It just seems like most dems are too "nice?"
DeleteAs noted on the linked page, the exchange took place in 2010, and Higgins became president in 2011.
DeleteA truly wonderful rant. I wish some of the Democrats could be this outspoken.
I'm guessing Sara won't even mention it. Hey though. I wonder if the witch has plans for Tampa if the hurricane hits? Maybe she can slip into the abandoned convention center and generously accept the nomination to the empty arena - then go on the sea of pee and tell them to send money for her election. Gryphen - it's time to create the tidal wave for a Sara Palin write in for President campaign. You could point out how Lisa pulled it off and it would cause enough disruption to absolutely kill Mittens.
ReplyDeleteThen again, as you pointed out, there were words in her speech to GVS indicating she was put on the sidelines deliberately by the GOP. Now THAT would have been a fun conversation to listen in on.
Reading comments on my local Patch and the conversation was about what a moron Akin sounded like when he mentioned legitimate rape. Then some repug kept saying that Biden was ignorant because he mentioned the "in chains" thingy. That's like the argument that Prez Barack should show his college transcripts because Dems want Romney to show his taxes. Apples and Oranges!!!
DeleteBUT what does Scarah say in the Greta interview about "our children wil be shackled?" A bunch of IDIOTS!!! And anyone that is on that bandwagon is just DUMB.
To all politicians and elected officials:
WE the PEOPLE pay your salary, pension, medical benefits...Stop wasting time on regulating my uterus and start working on the economy and jobs!!!
Gee, if only I had a magazine, I could name myself as the most powerful dude!
ReplyDeleteWhen did modesty die?
Obama: Romney's cuts would cripple schools Speaking at campaign rally in Las Vegas, President Obama says Mitt Romney's spending cuts would cripple schools while his tax cuts shower more breaks on millionaires.
And Gawker just leaked Romney's Bain Documents which will dissolve all credibility of this tax dodging cheat.
DeleteSarah'll be so mad her wig is going to spontaneously combust next time she's on with Greta.
ReplyDeleteThe most powerful woman in the world is raising a toddler that will someday be president of the United States.
ReplyDeleteYou do realize Angela Merkel is German and has no children right?
DeleteAnonymous12:23 PM - I think you missed the point. Read Anon 11.13 again.
Delete"As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."---H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
DeleteNo room for bald skanks I guess?
ReplyDeleteOT - Obama's confession of true birthplace has been discovered: born in Norway
OMG, look at that CHIN!!!
That has to be photoshopped. There's just no way a human being can have a chin that large and misshapen!
DeleteCan't believe that Bristol would give her approval for that photo. She looks like a cartoon character. Wonder why DWTS would want to publish something that makes a laughing stock out of one of their contestants.
DeleteOh my, why the long face bristle?
DeletePoor Mark Ballas. Must have picked the short straw again. The first time around the wear and tear probably took 3 years off his dancing career.
DeleteAnd did you notice that Mark's chin looks exactly like bristle's -- Long and pointed. LOL
DeleteAlso, they are apparently each pointing out those long chins to be noticed? NERDS -- both of them! ! !
Poor Mark. Hope he's got a good health plan. That chin is so sharp it could cause some serious flesh wounds.
DeleteWhat are they doing in that photo? About to suck each other's fingers?
Looks like Beefy's had more work done, she's a job creator, just like her mom!
Something these women have in common is having actually completed programs of higher education, at least a B.A., but mostly post-graduate. Their colleges and universities could all be counted upon to remember them well, at least in paperwork if not in actual memories.
ReplyDeleteThat would be graduate degrees. There really isn't anything post-graduate, unless you are referring to a post-doc fellowship.
DeleteCome on that's a bit picky. A postgraduate student is a student who has attained a bachelor's degree and is studying for a higher level degree - MA, MFA, Doctorate etc. It is therefore common to talk about any degree earned after receiving a Bachelor's degree as a postgraduate degree.
DeletePerhaps that is not so in the university you are associated with. If so, it's unique or not in the USA.
Sarah will tell everyone she decided not to run for most powerful woman of the year, you know, to give some new blood a chance...to grab onto the mantle and pass it to someone else to, um, progress the, um, progression of, um, progress.
ReplyDeleteI guess Bristol didn't make the list either.
DeleteO/T, but TBogg has some fun with Nancy French's latest idiocy.
I can't wait to see what Tbogg does with
DeleteAfter-Birth Abortion? also at Brancy's blog.
ReplyDeleteGawker has posted confidential financials from Romney. People need to make sure this stays in the news.
Gryph, also too... kudos for knowing it's "rack" one's brains and not "wrack". :-)
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling that SP is being told that she has to shut up and play nice in order to beat Obama and I get the feeling that she is giving lip service to this, and nodding and saying, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh...but that inside, she is gathering steam and preparing for something MAJOr. And to that, I say -- You go on, Sarah, and do whatever you are thinking.
ReplyDeleteWhat could Sarah do that's "MAJOr"?
Delete"You go on, Sarah, and do whatever you are thinking" is a laughable fantasy. It's an oxymoron to use "Sarah", "do" and "think" in the same sentence.
Come on now, to be fair, they did say 100 most powerful WOMEN. We all know that Piglin is not of that species. So technically, Forbes magazine is 100% correct.
ReplyDeleteHey Todd, who was that woman i saw you with last night? Todd; That was no woman, That was my wife! HA HA HA HA
DeleteO/T - Hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteJust said on the soap - General Hospital:
Jason (to Spinelli): I want you to go to Alaska
Spinelli (to Jason): As in 'I can see Russia'
She'll think now she should appear on the show!!!
Everyone DUCK!! Clear the path to the fridge -- The cans are flying!!!
The beautiful, intelligent,loveable, respected and dedicated mother of two wonderful daughters, the FLOTUS Michelle Obama, was in the top ten in the WORLD. While that disgusting wretch from Alaska is NOWHERE to be found. It looks and feels just like 1984 all over again, when another Black Women stomped her dumb ass in the Miss Alaska Beauty Pageant. Bitch, you are the ultimate LOSER !
ReplyDeleteWhat about Katie Couric? I'll bet that would really burn her cookies if Katie Couric make the list and she didn't.
ReplyDeleteEqually bad would be if daughter Bristle made the list and she didn't.
Katie is 62nd. :)
DeleteAnother influential woman left off the list is Bristol Palin. She reads a lot, and when there is a controversy, someone writes a blog post which is put up under her name.
ReplyDeleteSince the Akin abortion rape thing is still in the news, 'Bristol Palin' now has a new post up on 'her' blog.
"After-Birth Abortion?
Did you know that some liberal “scholars” published an article in a supposedly reputable journal suggesting that it should be just as permissible to kill a newborn baby as it is to kill an unborn child?"
What a stupid comment. You know it is all Sarah speaking thru Bristols ghost writer. Bristol is even more inarticulate than Sarah!
DeleteDoes Brancy publish a link to this article she is talking about?
Bristol REALLY lets her mom run her life. She is a nobody .
One, typical Palin lazy and late - that was published in February. Two, Bristol obviously hasn't read the paper, or its discussion. It is a perfectly lucid laying out of a philosophical argument (it has an omission which makes it flawed and invalidates its conclusion (will tackle that elsewhere.) But to claim that it shouldn't even be discussed is well, typical uneducated (Palin) thinking (using that term very loosely.)
DeleteRaped, Pregnant, And Sued For Custody? One Woman’s Horrific Story
Joe, Isaac, and Joyce – The Triple Threat To The GOP Convention
ReplyDeleteO/T - Cops have been busy in Tampa for weeks!!
"From the Pink Pony to the Play Pen, undercover officers made the rounds visiting 12 strip clubs in a two-day operation called "Keep it Clean". Sixteen women were arrested Thursday and Friday and charged with offering to commit prostitution.
Tampa Police said they are investigating prostitution and human sex trafficking of minors based on tips that prostitutes may be coming to Tampa to work in adult establishments during the convention"
If she's not at her 'rental space' - just think what the damage will be in the Compound when a mug shot appears in the news -- of her 'look alike' stripper/prostitute!! Bet she don't wear 'Belmont Boobs' as they've been affixed!!!
If she's at her rental space, wonder if she'll post bond for her? LOL!! Then again, the cops may get confused and arrest HER!!
All those Rethugs are gonna be so upset and 'frustrated' cause they're so looking for a 'release'!!! New shipments of condoms have been delivered around town!!!
Mitt Romney Makes Reporter Agree Not To Ask About Todd Akin Or Abortion
ReplyDeleteThe Republican presidential ticket’s Todd Akin tragedy has now entered the third stage, bargaining. In a comical effort to wish the Akin story out of existence, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney forced Denver CBS reporter Shaun Boyd to agree not to ask any questions about the Todd Akin controversy, or the issue of abortion. The Democratic National Committee and the Obama campaign leapt on the news with relish, distributing the video, and a brief memo, to reporters.
From the Obama campaign:
The Denver CBS affiliate today reported that, as a condition for a one-on-one interview with Mitt Romney, they had to pledge to not ask Romney about either Todd Akin’s recent comments or the topic of abortion.
It’s no surprise why. On Tuesday, the Republican Party’s officially endorsed the Akin amendment, which would ban abortion for all women, including rape victims, and Paul Ryan has struggled to explain his support for redefining rape. Mitt Romney’s campaign might be able to muzzle reporters from asking tough questions, but women across America deserve to know the truth about Romney-Ryan’s extreme agenda.
Hehe. Just what will Foot in Mouth Mitt say next?
ReplyDelete"Now Mitt Romney Says That The Reason He Won't Release His Tax Returns Has To Do With His Religion..."
So Mitt belongs to a religion that many label a cult, with magic underwear, and now luckily for Mitt, they have a secrecy clause for tax returns also too!
"Our church doesn’t publish how much people have given. This is done entirely privately. One of the downsides of releasing one’s financial information is that this is now all public, but we had never intended our contributions to be known. It’s a very personal thing between ourselves and our commitment to our God and to our church."
Should have used this line earlier Foot in Mouth Mitt.
What does his church have to do with charitable giving? Sure, you can donate to your church and claim it as a tax deduction, but that is not necessarily the only charitable contribution.
DeleteYou can donate to other entities and claim a charitable deduction. You can also make charitable contributions to any number of people and organizations and NOT claim a deduction, out of the idea that giving is its own reward.
So Mitt, your tax returns will show whatever charitable deductions you chose to claim as a tax deduction. Intelligent people know that this is possibly just a piece of your charitable contributions. So big deal, Mr. Suddenly Modest and Humble. Charitable deductions and the mortgage deduction are two of the most common deductions used.
You don't get to smear God all over your returns and try to claim that somehow this is just too, too delicately private for the sordid eyes of You People to goggle at.
Because we don't give a shit how much you donated to the Mormon Vhurch or whether your church leaders will be happy with you.
We care whether you claimed the tax amnesty in 2009 to avoid criminal prosecution, and we care how much of your wealth you stash overseas to avoid contributing to the country which has provided you with so many opportunities.
I suspect your second Sarah displayed here (Sarah number two... how apropos), will appear on Greta next week. Those grammar school mean girls have a terrible streak of jealousy.
ReplyDeleteWell, this can't be good for her pride. First, she's bumped off the Times list and now this with the added insult (Greta).
ReplyDeleteShe still has more power than an enlightened society would give a vengeful, lying, anti-women's-freedom harpy. She's still doing damage. She won't be truly irrelevant until she and her family crawl into their hidey-hole, hopefully accompanied by a teachable moment for the media, the GOP, and the public.
I'm trying to process how Greta Van Susteran is on this list. Granted, I don't ever watch her show except for the links up here of her kissing up to Sarah Palin. Can someone please tell me how you can be powerful if you have to suck up to someone the RNC doesn't seem important enough to speak at the convention???
ReplyDeleteShe's the token Fox representative. Forbes covered all the networks.
DeleteHardcore Paul Ryan Rap
I'm surprised that "Greta van Sump Pump" made it at all. Forbes is really reaching here...
ReplyDeleteThis is no small slight. Even Tina Brown was on the list. Ouch!
ReplyDeleteWTF? How the hell did Greta Van Sucks get on there? What has she EVER done not to mention how in the hell is she influential? BIZARRE!!!
ReplyDeleteEven making 94th on the list is unbelievable!
DeleteShe sucks as a journalist and I don't see her influencing anyone at all!
But wait a minute folks. She is influential, and it is really, really unfortunate.
ReplyDeleteShe's influential with the tea party knuckle-draggers, the Jesus nutscases, the birthers, the Ted Nugent crowd. Those that advocate 'don't regroup, reload. (Shoot to kill, the 'kill them all, let God sort 'em' out crowd)
That's extremely scary. Those people that want to take this country back to 1853...
I'm sure Sarah is taking credit for Greta being on the list because of all of the Sarah (suck up) interviews.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Oxford dictionary online it's either 'wrack' or 'rack'. The choice is yours and your commenter 'pol' is a fool. You might consider checking such comments rather than misinforming.
ReplyDeleteGreta is a Scientologist. Her sister ran on the Democratic ticket in Maryland and Greta endorsed her a few years ago. Don't ever think Greta agrees with everything Sarah says.
ReplyDeleteActually, I'm shocked that Greta Van Mush Mouth made the list at all. She interviews poorly, and even worse, she interviews some pretty stupid people on a semi regular basis, like Sarah Palin in whatever mental state she's in on any particular day.
ReplyDeleteBut you're right, the next interview with the quitter and the "uninvited" should prove interesting. I would imagine vinegar tits would start off by congratulating Greta through clenched teeth and bemoaning the fact that no conservative made the first five, then move on to her usual hate and vitriol.