Thursday, August 23, 2012

Probably the best advice the President can give us. "Don't boo, vote!"

I really like this clip because I think it cuts right through all of the noise about how best to fight back against the SuperPAC's and GOP dirty tricks to what is essentially the only REAL solution, and that is to get as many people to the polling places as possible.

I think we have seen that if we have enough votes on the Democratic side that the easily hacked Diebold machines, voter suppression techniques, and attacks from the Right Wing will have a much limited effect.

Personally I am hoping for the implementation of a Helen Reddy strategy. 


  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    One aspect of being able to run an effective political campaign is being able to effectively communicate. Sometimes this means sound bites, but not just sound bites, bites that are memorable and motivating - sometimes referred to as "10 words." A good example would be: The romney tax plan - he pays less, you pay more. See - quick, easy, and clear and all in 10 words. Another would be: Republicans in congress - don't boo, vote (actually 6 words so even more concise). YES!

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Less is more. PBO knocked his message out of the park. I do think it would be helpful if he and Biden spent more time addressing the deficit.

      A poster suggested that photos of Obama with childre would be great on a screen at the convention. The idea inspired me to envision photos connecting with childre and people of different ages and races titled Obama for All Americans. Including job creators lol well known like Oprah Winfrey.

  2. Anita Winecooler8:20 PM

    Oh, what a blast from the past with Helen Reddy!
    I agree, we MUST vote and help get out the vote this election. This particular soundbite jumped out when I first saw the speech.

    Speaking of Helen Reddy, she did a song about Sarah as well.
    Delta Dawn


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