Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Here is a little tune to help a woman recognize "legitimate rape" when she experiences one.

Courtesy of Gawker: 

"A lot of controversy over Todd Akin's comments on 'Legitimate Rape' and the miracles a woman's uterus can do when it happens," the New York-based musician writes. "But how does the uterus KNOW when the rape is legitimate? Finally, someone with the answers-me." 

Sing along as Ferrera runs down the list of illegitimate rapes: A little drunk? Illegitimate! Knew the rapist? Illegitimate! Married to the rapist? Husband's privilege! And so on.

Well there you go, now you know.


  1. Sharon7:18 AM

    No matter what the GOP says now....there can not be any doubt that this is exactly their agenda and has been all along. Akin/Ryan simply needed to change the verbiage on their 1st bill to get it passed, and that's where it came from. Akin only said it out loud...and the best part is watching Ryan throw him under the bus, Robeme II, the sequel.

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Apparently it's NOT just Akin.


  3. Clearly, if the woman is pregnant then it couldn't have been "legitimate" so there is no need to make exceptions for that case because it simply can't happen.

  4. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Sarah Palin considers sexual crimes as "Boys will be boys". She has the nerve to spout off about a third party as if she would even be considered. The Alaska wife of a Pimp Purse carrier is delusional. Fox is using her stupid Ass for laughs. Go away Tundra Turd, you are nothing but a Stinky Grifyer.

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I think the woman has to resist until she's been killed. Then the rape would be legitimate enough for the GOP.

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    OT, but this should be your next topic

  7. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Completely O/T, but I found this on Bristol's facebook page. Is it me or is the top of the ear slanted?

  8. Anonymous7:55 AM

    This is a nine year old Sarah Palin? What is with her chest? Early Belmont?

    Palin may know more about rape than she is letting on.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I think it's just her ugly-ass 70's shirt. My daughter is 9 and only one girl in her grade has started developing (poor thing).

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Actually that's her freshman highschool photo so she would be like 13 I think.
      But I agree with you, I think her dad Chuck did something very horrible to Sarah. There are some clues on the record.
      -Chuck making Sarah sleep in the nude because "its unhealthy for girls to sleep with their clothes on". (this is the most disturbing to me)
      -Chuck making young sarah pose in a swimsuit on a motorcycle. (not sure this is true)
      -Chuck saying "kids are always losing their underwear" (really? I never lost mine. to lose your underwear you have to take it off)

      And then you consider Sarah's constant sexual references, emasculating men, claiming her daughters would be gangraped, accusing her enemies of being perverts, etc.

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      That is a ninth grade picture of Sarah.

  9. fromthediagonal7:57 AM

    Let's just face it, the regressives would like nothing better than to slam us back into the age of pregnant in summer, barefoot in winter.

    What frightens me for the generation to come is that they are damn-near there.

    What I cannot comprehend is that there are any women who agree.

  10. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Daily Kos just kicked Sarah

  11. Anonymous8:23 AM

    There's one crazy old M.D. who thought up a theory about rape and women's bodies, and it's being used as gospel by all those MEN who want to enter the lives of women and tell them what to do.

    Why some women allow themselves to be subjugated is an old and puzzling psychological and anthropological mystery.

    There are so many big and little "tells" by men about how they want women to behave. Remember Romney's dissing a plate of cookies at a picnic in June, saying they couldn't be homemade -- they must be from 7-11? Of course, he was just being his rude and thoughtless self, but he also showed his innate assumption that the ladies who were his hostesses SHOULD have been in the kitchen making him cookies, and were inadequate by serving him something store-bought.

    btw -- I think one of Mitt's big problems is that he may be on the sliding scale of Asperger's Syndrome/Autism. Since my son is an Aspie, I am not disparaging those with these traits -- I just hear the echoes of Asperger's in so much of what he does.

    1. fromthediagonal9:43 AM

      @anon 8:23... I agree totally, but will add another piece of fairly recent news:

      Check out Romney's accident in France while on Mormon missionary duty at the age of draft avoidance.
      He was declared DEAD on the scene of an accident in Southern France, where he was selected to drive the leader of the Mission. The leader's wife died. The leader (bishop?) was injured and Romney supposedly spent months recovering.
      Now, full disclosure: I thought the man was on the Asperger's scale long before I read about this accident.
      Though Romney was reported dead by police arriving on scene, it later was published that he merely had a concussion and that the priest(who later became a high ranking member of the French Catholic Church)was drunk at the time of the accident. Who knows. It was a very long time ago, and memories are flexible.

      Traumatic Brain Injury does not only happen to military exposed to IEDs. It happens in all kinds of accidents.

      My much more urgent question is this:

      Who do we want to lead this nation?

      Furthermore, do we want another dominating VP to fill in for a mentally compromised president?
      Yes Bush/Cheney, I remember, and so do others!

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      as far as Aspie - i don't see it -- i see sociopath and lack of empathy. every Aspie i have met has at least some amazing skill that pops up -- mechanical, musical, etc.

      i don't see romney as having that side of Aspergers.

      now he may have had some frontal lobe injury from the accident coupled with basically an amazingly affluent adult life that keeps him from even remotely understanding how the rest of us live every day.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:09 PM

      I simply see it as "I got mine, fuck you!" attitude. Whatever the cause, he clearly lacks empathy or compassion. That, and his flip flops and constant lies. He's a spineless weasel who'll do or say anything to win.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:18 PM

      I like the you tube clip, this girl has talent and he touched on all the stereotypes. Women get picked apart while trying to find justice. The rapist has more privacy rights than the victim.
      I really am amazed how this story has gained traction, and just when Romney and Ryan were getting their mojo together, and it's not going to go away too soon, either.

  12. Anonymous8:28 AM

    This is totally off topic but I don't really know where else to put it. Looking at pictures of Romney/Ryan together and I have to say the way Mitt looks at Paul kinda creeps me out. Its especially jarring because Mitt's facial expressions are usually very forced and robotic. For example:
    Mitt doesn't even look at his wife that way. Its like a young girl who has a crush on Justin Beiber.

    1. fromthediagonal10:14 AM

      Romney looks at Ryan the way McCain looked at Palin. Sad...

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      OMG. Um, that's kind of unsettling. And you are right, he just does not seem that animated around anyone but Ryan. Even his pictures with Ann look "posed".

      I read somewhere that Mittens was really going off his oats and was pretty rattled by the negative press he got overseas, but when Ryan joined the team he perked right up.

      He is really hoping Ryan's youth and energy will "sexy up" the R ticket, 'cause no one is really happy about backing Mittens.

  13. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Notice that on $arah's latest $creed with her BFF Greta, $he says 'bless his heart' several times when referring to Akin. That should be the headline in any 'lamestream' media.

    Gag me ...

    1. fromthediagonal10:16 AM

      @anon 8:54...
      Bless his heart" is Southern for "Fuck him".

  14. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I hope this goes viral. And Sarah? FUCK you!

  15. Anonymous11:32 AM

    And on another disturbing daughter was fired from her job last week at an Illinois TCF bank because according to her NEW manager...she should have "never been hired" due to her pregnancy.

    She was the branch's top producer, she had recently been promoted to supervisor by her previous manager and this new manager fires her weeks after he takes over her branch. And on the way out tells her that he would have never hired her had he been the manager at the time because he doesn't hire pregnant women. Then this idiot tells the other females left that he fired my daughter because he doesn't believe in maternity leave.

    TCF Bank family friendly? My ass they are! My daughter is 6 plus months pregnant. Who will hire her now????? This war on women crap needs to stop and stop now. Oh and this new douchebag manager has a Romney sticker on his car.

  16. Anonymous1:36 PM

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... that was so much fun, I was laughing my ass off. I thought she was going to pass out, she was so worked up. What a whack-job.
    And what is that roadkill she has on her head?


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