Friday, August 03, 2012

Hungry for some chicken? Or perhaps some same sex kissing?

Yep today is the counter protest to the Wednesday's Chick-Fil-A "eat in" staged by who else, Mike "Are you finished with those fries?" Huckabee.

Here he is with his lovely family, demonstrating the result of a constant diet of Chick-Fil-A food.

Oh damn, I think I am cured of my fast food cravings for life!

By the way, might I just add, that kissing actually BURNS calories, which makes it a much better way to protest in my opinion.

Just so you know other restaurants that serve chicken have decided to use the Chick-Fil-A homophobic stance as a marketing tool

Though apparently not ALL Chick-Fil-A franchises are hatin' on the gays.

Take this guy for instance:  

New Hampshire’s only Chick-fil-A restaurant is going against the wishes of chicken chain founder Dan Cathy by pledging to co-sponsor an LGBT Pride Festival in the state. 

In a statement on the New Hampshire Pride Festival website, Nashua Chick-fil-A franchise manager Anthony Picolia said he was backing the the event, citing “positive relationships with family, friends, customers and employees in the LGBT community.” 

“It would make me sad if someone felt that they were not openly welcomed into my life or restaurant based on their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender,” Picolia explained. “Chick-fil-A at Pheasant Lane Mall has gay employees and serves gay customers with honor, dignity and respect. We also don’t discriminate in giving back to the Nashua community, donating to a wide variety of causes.” 

“I would challenge people to come have a conversation with me before they make assumptions or boycott my restaurant. Come to my restaurant and see for yourself that my team and I only have one mission: To serve exceptional experiences to all.”

Now THAT is chicken done right. I certainly hope that those involved in today's Chick-Fil-A kissing day buy a couple of sandwiches from this guy, and thank him for not being a douche.

Of course even those who think they are standing up against gay rights are not exactly doing it right.

You know I don't mind battling the Right on these issues, but I kind of wish they would come up with a few smarter folks on their side. It's just getting embarrassing.


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Which one of those "wholesome " sons was convicted of animal cruelty? What an inspiring family.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      They ain't no convictions when Daddy is Goobernor. But it was David Huckabee who killed the stray dog at Boy Scout Camp.

      Much more here with many links. Kinky Friedman involved in exposing this! Hucksterby's head of the State Patrol run out of his job not long after the dog killing?

  2. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Hahaha I love that last picture. Of course the homophobic bigots can't even protest properly. They aren't smart. This is their last desperate gasp to cling to a dying belief. Bless their hearts.

  3. Sally in MI4:56 AM

    I'm not certain there ARE any smarter folks on the right...I mean, Sarah and Toad have gotten wealthy on hate. Mitt stayed wealthy because he cheats the system and uses people. They are just not nice people. The reasonable ones have left the building...and there used to be reasonableness on the right. Now thanks to Sarah and her lucrative hate business, civility is all but gone, as is the ability to compromise, which is somehow seen as weak (limp, according to Sarah.) While she cannot claim all the glory for this ruination of America, she is in large part responsible for launching the current hate movement. I hope someday she is held to account.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      She will be held to account eventually. Her time is coming to pay up for her evil and hateful ways, I have no doubt!

  4. Anonymous5:25 AM

    My sister was in West Virginia and couldn't understand why there was so much traffic into the mall on Wednesday. When she got in there, she saw a huge line to Chik-Fil-A and it dawned on her. It is WV after all.


    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      I'm from GA.I feel ya.I'm surrounded by Bible-thumping conservaturd fat fucks.

  5. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Did Mrs. Huckabee whip up those fugly shirts from a tent? Or a few tents, I should say. Someone pointed out yesterday seeing the long lines at Chick-Fil-A "When was the last time you saw so many Christians showing up for a charity event?" They can come out in force for HATE, but when it means helping the less fortunate, they stay away in droves. Palin could be a the poster spokesperson for Anorexia or Bulimia. What a bag of ugly bones.

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Palin has always liked ginning up the hate throughout the nation. She's on a roll. Watch out for her!!! One evil woman! Todd, her supposed husband, is a proven pimp. Wonderfully married couple, my ass! Ask folks in Alaska!!!

      As to Huckabee - I've listened to him on the radio and he lies.

      What is wrong w/these christians (and I use that term very loosely!)? They do not practice the teachings in the Bible that I was taught that is for sure.

      Get to the polls in November and vote the Republicans out of office across the nation. Romney is frightening as hell!! He's known for lying - under oath and everything. The last time his tax returns were shown was when he was trying to prove his residency - Utah or Massachusetts in order to run for gov of Massachusetts. They put him under oath and he lied. Sincerely hope more research is done on that matter by some good journalist. The guy has such a history of lying. I want to see 10 years of his tax returns. And, I DO believe Harry Reid. Mittens needs to 'prove to us' Reid is wrong!!!

      Mormons and christians (pushing their religions on us) remain very circumspect in our world of today.

  6. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Huckabee does represent the pudgy right wing fundie demographic. He has to fight the weight every single day.

    Ironic that Mitt runs for President all the time with his dog issues, whereas Huckabee couldn't outrun his son's dog issue.

    How very sorry state of existence that must be, for him and Sarah Palin to only have to live off low-calorie hate and red bull. I'd be angry all the time too if I had only lame Christian/country music, television, books and jewelry to feed my soul.

    This is not a dig at Southerners, I know plenty with taste and artistry, but all the Republican functions I have had to go to, the pool is shallow for donated items for auction, the music provided and comics are really painful to listen to.

    “Mr. Palin, I am a conservative comedian and I actually tell pro-Palin jokes in my speeches. May I quickly tell you one.”

    He gave permission, so I served up my best.

    “I like Sarah Palin, but I can’t stand her position on traditional marriage. I think it’s awful. What I mean by that is I can’t stand the fact that she is married to somebody who is not me.”

  7. OverMountainMan6:07 AM

    I've been scanning the blogs in and around Georgia, The Homopobes are planning on violent actions they are going to use excuses like homosexual activity around their children and or goad the kissing patrons into confrontations, I hope not but this could be a bloody day : (

  8. A. J. Billings6:10 AM

    $arah Paylin can take her homophobic bullshite back to Wasilla.

    Isn't it a good thing to know that the religion from guy they called "the Prince of Peace" is being used to propagate hate, prejudice, and actual murder?

    I post this in Matthew Shepard's memory.

    And for the record, I'm not gay, but I'm all for live and let live, and life, liberty, and pursuit of whatever happiness is possible in a nation where 40% of the population lives their lives via mythology.

  9. Interesting that the GOP is out there supporting chickens while the President is out there supporting people and talking about jobs and health care & all those sorts of things

  10. Anonymous6:57 AM

    The Baptist brotherhood did a bang up job of marketing. What if the media had pointed out the irony of the man who was head of Chick fil-A publicity died of a heart attack? His death and funeral went black. Pastor Huckabee stepped in at the right time and turned things around for them.

    O/T Have you seen these home school text? Friends of Chuck Heath?

  11. Anonymous7:25 AM

    that shirt that Toad is wearing is very suggestive. God loves gays, as do I...

  12. Anonymous8:30 AM

    We've got loonies all around us, not just in the churches.

    We've got some Bozos on our side, too.
    It's just part of being human.

  13. This Chik Fil A situation has become a PR nightmare because of the polarization that exists already, and because of the "shit-stirrers" whose business is enhanced by controversary. As a straight, Caucasian male, I realize that I haven't had to put up with a lot of shit over the years that many of my friends have in terms of discrimination over racial, gender or sexual orientation.

    It's for this reason that I want CFA to feel the financial repercussions of their corporate decisions. I don't want them to go out of business or have to lay off employees. I'd rather that they realize after running the numbers over a quarter or fiscal year that they are eroding their premier brand by doing knuckleheaded stuff like working to defeat SSM with their contributions. I really don't give a shit what the personal beliefs are of the CEO, restaurant manager or the guy cooking waffle fries either. It's theirs and it's personal. Just treat all of your customers the same way--- with respect, dignity and provide good food and superior service. Period.

    When you're in business, every decision that you make on behalf of the business is a business decision, and I'm hopeful the CFA will be encouraged to make a business decision that respects all of their customers. To be fair, in our city there are 8 or 9 locations owned by a couple of franchisees, with most in the vicinity of a mall or high-traffic retail area. Each of the franchisees allow their managers to support the schools in their area with coupons, special "school day" promotions where a particular school receives a portion of sales, etc. I have worked on various boards which have been supported by these local restaurant managers going "above and beyond" to help civic groups and schools.

    I guess the reason for this lengthy screed is to say that I have mixed emotions on the buycott/boycott thing, and I just want folks to keep their objective in mind and to temper their emotion and anger to promote a progressive outcome. I have already talked to 3 restaurant GM's and each was genuinely concerned about the situation of having their local goodwill harmed by sloppy corporate communications. Rather than scream at them or being rude, I simply asked for their commitment to communicating honestly to their local owners and to corporate that contributing to those polarizing groups was bad for business because, while it may not hurt me personally directly, if it hurt any of my friends or loved ones, I don't like it and I won't support them hurting people I care for.

    Anyway, it's a start. And I intend to follow-up to learn what communication flows from these discussions. Hopefully, this is a flash-point that will result in some progress for the company and its people. They've ways been a very brand-conscious and employee-friendly place of business, and this can be a catalyst for them to improve once they get their shit together at the top. Hopefully.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Good point.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Good post! but it's too late now and CFA has the momentum. So regardless of which side started the fight, it's now looking like the gay community wants a fight. They shouldn't because it's a fight they are going to lose, due to sheer numbers not being on their side.

      There is a time to back off and that time has come. This would be no different than if the Mormons wanted to put in 'in our faces'. They would suffer a huge defeat and irreparable damage to their cause. Let's all get over it and return to where we were when this thing started.

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      I don't believe the gay community is going to lose this fight, and in many ways they have already won by making public the beliefs of their CEO being against gay marriage. Although I very selfdom patronized CFA, I'm sure I will now stay away completely knowing that the CEO is financially supporting groups against gay marriage.

      I too, like everyone else, noticed the weight problem that Huckebee's family suffers from which appears to be genetic. They above all else should be listening to Michelle Obama's push for all American's to get in shape and lose weight. This is not something that should be look at as being political, but a health issue that affects all Americans no matter on what side of the fence they support. Huckabee could make a great example to everyone in acknowledging his family's weight problem

    4. Anonymous2:05 PM
      When elected governor of Arkansas, Huckabee was obese. In 2003, physicians diagnosed him with type 2 diabetes, and informed him that he would not live more than 10 years if he did not lose weight. Huckabee acknowledges that he has weighed as much as 300 pounds (135 kg). Prompted by this diagnosis (as well as the subsequent death of former Governor Frank D. White, whose obesity contributed to a fatal heart attack), Huckabee began eating a healthier diet and exercising. He subsequently lost over 110 pounds (50 kg). The New York Times called the weight loss so rapid that "it was as if he simply unzipped a fat suit and stepped out.*************

      He is a Baptist minister first and and loyal to corporate politics. He is not that interested in a healthy America and children.

  14. Anonymous9:32 AM

    You know, i remember that I had a bold wide blue/white vertical-striped shirt similar to the ones the Huckabee "men folk" are wearing. Except the collar was the same pattern as the rest of the shirt and it was 100% cotton buttoned down. And the stripes were more narrow--- about 2x a regular pinstripe. But it had no elbow patches of course. And it was 30 years ago as a college freshman when my Mom still bought many of my clothes.

    Fortunately, she also gave me a crewneck solid navy sweater to wear with it so it wouldn't make my girlfriend dizzy looking at it. I made sure to have a party pic made while I was wearing it so I could show Mom that I was appreciative of her good taste. She never dressed me and my brother alike as kids and never suggested we wear the same shirts as our Dad in a family photo. There would've been some boycotts planned even at the suggestion of us all dressing alike like a bunch of dorks.

  15. Anonymous9:57 AM

    While more edited in recent years in different version of the bible, people forget that homosexual relations WERE in the bible. The story of Jonathan and David in 1 Samuel is just one example. Yes the king is against the union at first but finally comes to accept David as his 'son in law'. The story also tells how Jonathan loved David more than women, and even tells of their kissing.

    The church has even had rituals for these unions: the “Office of Same-Sex Union” (10th and 11th century), and the “Order for Uniting Two Men” (11th and 12th century) along with many more I can't remember off the top of my head which go all the way back to the time of Christ.

    When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's I was taught to accept the bible as a guide and not as fact. This seems to have been lost in the last few decades.

    People probably forget that "almah" the word used to describe Mary in early texts does not mean virgin but rather "a woman of marrying age".

    There are hundreds of contradictions in the bible and many stories which can not possibly be true. Yet the masses accept them without question. It is sad that reason and critical thinking have gone away in our society. With each new translation of the bible God's word is lost and man re-interprets it to fit the prejudice and hate of the current day.

  16. Sharon10:17 AM

    Jon Stewart did a great job as always explaining this dilemma....Cathy is on the wrong side of history period. Hate is hate and the true believers are liars, it's no wonder atheists are growing in numbers. I am a spiritual person, not religious...the golden rule works for me every time, and I don't need a book used as a crutch. John Lennon had it right when he wrote "Imagine", what a beautiful piece of music filled with love and hope.

  17. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Hokey smokes, Bullwinkle, will you look at these porkers?

    Fat, stupid, and chik-ful-hate is no way to go through life.

    Glad there's none of that garbage in my neck of the...high plains.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      If your part of the high plains has gas or oil drilling, then Chik-Fil-A will follow the redneck roustabouts and the white trash they bring with them.

  18. Anonymous7:11 AM

    The day that Sarah puts some real chicken between her lips and swallows will be the day of judgement. After all Calories ya know.

    The Huckabees are porkers.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.