Friday, August 03, 2012

Mitt Romney draws a line in the sand concerning his tax returns, Harry Reid steps right over it.

This was an exchange that Mitt Romney had on Sean Hannity's show yesterday, in response to Harry Reid saying that he has heard from a reliable source that Romney paid NO federal taxes for twelve years:

(Before I move on to the tax return question I cannot let Romney's charge about the slow rate of recovery for the economy being Obama's fault. It's not. It is mostly the fault of the Republicans for blocking virtually every attempt to create jobs or repair the damage done to our economy by the disastrous Bush administration.)

Here was Harry Reid's response to Romney telling him to "put up or shut up:"

There is a controversy because the Republican presidential nominee, Governor Mitt Romney, refuses to release his tax returns. As I said before, I was told by an extremely credible source that Romney has not paid taxes for ten years. People who make as much money as Mitt Romney have many tricks at their disposal to avoid paying taxes. We already know that Romney has exploited many of these loopholes, stashing his money in secret, overseas accounts in places like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. 

Last weekend, Governor Romney promised that he would check his tax returns and let the American people know whether he ever paid a rate lower than 13.9 percent. One day later, his campaign raced to say he had no intention of putting out any further information. 

When it comes to answering the legitimate questions the American people have about whether he avoided paying his fair share in taxes or why he opened a Swiss bank account, Romney has shut up. But as a presidential candidate, it’s his obligation to put up, and release several years’ worth of tax returns just like nominees of both parties have done for decades. 

It’s clear Romney is hiding something, and the American people deserve to know what it is. Whatever Romney’s hiding probably speaks volumes about how he would approach issues that directly impact middle-class families, like tax reform and the economy. When you are running for president, you should be an open book. 

I understand Romney is concerned that many people, Democrats and Republicans, have been calling on him to release his tax returns. He has so far refused. There is only one thing he can do to clear this up, and that’s release his tax returns.

Now Romney has suggested, in that smarmy condescending tone of his, that perhaps Reid's source is someone inside of the White House.  However CBS News in Boston suggests a much more intriguing possibility:  

Whatever the level of exaggeration from the Senator or his source, there is probably at least some level of truth to the statement. Unfortunately, Romney is stonewalling the American public by not releasing his records so we’ll never know the truth. 

But the source coming to Harry Reid for these revelations adds a level of intrigue. Reid just happens to be the highest-ranking member of the Mormon Church in the history of this nation. 

It is likely that Senator Reid’s source shares the Mormon religion with Reid and Romney. 

 That message will not be lost on Romney. If the Bain fortress is not a fortress; if people are talking, Romney knows that trouble lies ahead. 

And the motivation for this leak may not be political. It is likely personal and tied to the Mormon Church. 

Specifically, if Romney was hiding money from the IRS he may have hidden money from his church.

This was a possibility that I brought up earlier, and it is looking more and more as if IT might be the real source of Romney's panic over his tax returns.

But if not, well THAT is pretty easy to clear up isn't it? Just release them and all of this speculation simply fades away.


  1. Punkinbugg7:05 AM

    THANK YOU. When I heard this story, the first thought I had was, "Harry Reid's a Mormon, too." Members are required to tithe 10% (minimum), and I don't doubt that the LDS church knows exactly how much you make. I just can't believe Reid would ever make such an allegation unless he had a very reliable source.

    I tweeted this very thing to to AC360 and Roger Ebert last night; wonder if anybody will mention it in the mainstream media?

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      10% on your gross income, not net. Also you have to give them a copy of your tax returns the LONG returns and they have plenty of CPA's around to check them out. You get your temple card pulled if you do not cough up the tithe.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      If he's paying his tithe instead of his taxes, that's screwed up. Clearly he is hiding something huge.

      Don't you think the Obama admin knows exactly what Mitts hiding?? Of course they have access to what he filed with the IRS!!! He is clearly hiding something that most Americans won't like. We can't let up on the pressure. He is going to continue to refuse releasing them

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      I think it's illegal for the IRS to pull info for political reasons. That said, political consultants talk and you can bet your bottom dollar that info from Romney's taxes might have spread around. PS -- I think they also know about Sarahs fake pregnancy. Which is why Obama knew in 2009 that she wouldn't run in 2012.

      Plus as the trolls at HuffPo point out one of obamas top fundraiser is a Bain guy.

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Mitt can make Reid look like a fool if he would release his tax returns. So Mittens, the ball is now in your court. Prove Reid wrong....release your returns.

    If I have to show years worth of tax returns to refinance my mortgage, Mittens should show as many as are requested to interview for the most important job in the world.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Surely Mitt isn't foolish enough to vet only 1-2 years of a VP pick's finances before making his choice, is he? That would be stupid, risky and irresponsible, wouldn't it?

      Understand that the same decision criteria apply to you too, Mittens.

      Continuing to hold out doesn't make this problem go away; it etches doubt in the back of every Independent voter's mind about Mitt's honesty and character. If Mitt is that concerned about what we'll see, then I have to give him credit for knowing that he's probably right and assume the worst.

      I'd hate to be one of the many House members that have to decide whether or not to throw Mittens under the bus rather than sink their own campaign standing beside and supporting an arrogant candidate with possible ethics and/or tax evasion issues. Nixon/Agnew was a lesson the old money still remembers well that tarred more than just a few reputations in Washington.

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      great point, and another way to highlight the difference between "you people" and fly-a-cock-horse-to-Banberry Cross" people.

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I don't think RMoney's tax problems will go away. He is between a rock and a hard place and either way it doesn't look good for him. In fact, I think there is a perfect storm brewing about how the 2% "makes" and keeps their wealth. RMoney isn't the only uber rich in this country who garners wealth through tax loopholes and stashes it in overseas bank accounts.

    Did RMoney really think his incredible wealth would not be an issue in his campaign for POTUS? He has certainly led a sheltered life if he thinks the American people will just fall to their knees and worship him because he is so wealthy. The 98% want to know.... that's a lot of votes Mittens.

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I lived around Mormons in northern Utah for 8 years. (They tried and subsequently gave up trying to convert me. I can think for myself!) But that 'religion' keeps a very, and I mean very tight grasp on its members. Members are expected to attend mandatory meetings several times a week at their 'wards.' They don't let their members have a lot of free time. It's a cult, plain and simple. It absolutely frightens the beJesus out of me to think of that religion having a foothold (hell an office!) in the White House.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Another thing to check out is who he'd have on his energy bard, fossil fuel pigs to the last one standing. He'd gut the EPA, Clean Air and Water Act, drill in federal lands and parks, every coast would be fair game. It is like Cheney and bush on steroids x 100.
      He'd also put plenty of LDS folk into very sensitive and high positions, like Bush put lobbyists and cronies in the same ones when he was president.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I can't imagine that Reid would air a church feud in public. He might have info. based on church connections though.

      But Reid isn't up for election and he can be hard fighter when he want to be, and in this case, he seems happy to fight for his party.

  5. If Mittens has to relinquish the nomination before it becomes official, who will carry the torch for real common sense conservative Amercia? Herb Cain? Newtie? The Screechy Wretch(tm), Thad McCotter? Bob Dole?

    You know things are really, really bad for the Grand Old Party when the leading candidate is beyond inadequate and awful and the ones who came in 2nd through 27th are simply horrible.


    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      I'm sure Sarah would be glad to plow through that open door.

      ah hahahahahahahahahaha!

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Sarah has been waiting because she just knew God would open that door! She knew it all along!!

      Palin/West 2012 !!

      BARF! What a ticket that would be!!? At least it would be entertaining on SNL! Willard's a bore!

  6. Anonymous7:18 AM

    "Reid just happens to be the highest-ranking member of the Mormon Church in the history of this nation."

    I didn't know that. He hasn't made an issue about his religion, at least not that I am aware. It is certainly intriguing that as a fellow Mormon, Senator Reid is calling Romney out on tax evasion and possibly his shorting his church as well.

    I can't get over the 77K deduction he took for Ann's horse. That's more than I earn in two years.... And that was just ONE deduction!!!

    1. Shouldn't that be that Reid, a Mormon, holds the highest office in government any Mormon has held?

      (Remember, the second "m" is silent.)

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Yes hrh is right. Also I'm sure the LDS church does not love Reid, given he's a Democrat. Still Reid isn't the type to make false claims.

    3. Anonymous12:50 PM

      He won Mormon of the Year in 2010 I believe!

    4. This phrase -- "highest ranking member of the Mormon Church" -- is misleading. He's the highest ranking member of the US government in the Mormon Church, not of the church itself.

    5. Punkinbugg9:35 PM

      The U.S. government forced Utah to have a two party system, so the elders said, "okay, everybody on this side of the room is a Democrat now, and the other side is Republican. But have no doubt. We control both."

  7. A. J. Billings7:18 AM

    Mrs Romney's quote to her interviewer tells us all we need to know about their gated community lifestyle:

    "“We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life,”

    If Mittens Romney had said "you people" he would be in big trouble, but because his saintly wife said it, its just a little faux pas.

    I'm sure all of us "people" don't have horses worth $1,000,000 in the olympics, and we sure don't have CAR elevators in our garages attached to our mansions.

    If Mitt hid $ from the IRS, he's in big trouble, and golly gee, maybe that's the Open Door for Granny grifter to ride in on her elephant to save the GOP from disaster, also too.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      She's no saint, her signature is on those same tax forms as his is.

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Saintly? ArrogANNt Marie ANNtoinette Rmoney?

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Sarah and her pimp AIP husband are coming to save the day!!

    4. Anonymous10:44 AM

      They BOTH make me want to barf!! Their higher than mighty attitudes are going to take them NO WHERE when it comes to the election in November.

      Plus, being Mormons, they lie, lie, lie. Most of them do that I've met as sad as that is to say. The men especially.

    5. Anonymous12:26 PM

      I think you're right about the men lying. I know a Mormon man and he lied about everything!!!One day he was telling about his experience building the Brooklyn Bridge. There was the small matter of his not even having been born . I pointed this out and he's never spoken to me since.Of course I'm heartbroken.

    6. Anonymous12:34 PM

      They have zero respect for women.They are 4th class citizens to them. I didn't know that they knock on doors.Two young men in their late teens early 20's knocked on our door. They told my daughter to address them as Elder.My daughter said "sure,if you address me as Bitch Queen Goddess of the Universe".They left.

    7. OMFG, I just spit beer on my monitor

      Bitch Queen Goddess of the Universe!

      I'm stealing THAT. Thanks for the laugh and beer up my nose.

  8. Wanna take a few of POTUS's quotes out of context and run a bunch of negative ads based on nothing but lies, and by doing so, start a pissing match, Team Etch a Sketch? Well, you did, so quit whining about being in a street fight now.

    Listening to these grown men whine and complain and demean themselves is depressing. It's so sad how far the GOP has fallen, and it's been their own pistola they've used to shoot themselves in the foot and the ass, time and time again.

    The GOP has proven again the saying: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." Looking back to this farce of a GOP Primary to determine its nominee for Pres, remember all of the "front-runners" in the polls: Sarah Palin (undeclared), Donald Trump Undeclared), Herman Cain (flavor of the week), Newt Gingrich (grifter emeritus), Rick Perry (oops), Rick Santorum (scary), Ron Paul (invisible to GOPe), Jon Huntsman (too sane to be considered), Michelle Bachman (bat-shit crazy as always), Mitt Romney (bottom of the barrel).

    I could go on for days about the joke of the process and how Mitt had to hammer his foes with perpetual negative ads, but it was a signal that it was his only way to be the nominee. Now they're bitching bc their candidate will never get over 45% and isn't strong in all of these swing started with diverse populations? Nothing's changed, all you shit for brains GOP apologist--- an ABO campaign with a sneaky, shady, lying, flip-flopper isn't the key to inspiring the electorate.

    Sorry, you guys lose again. And you will never get the independent votes when you run all of these crazy candidates and ignore the only one with any fucking sense who could've been very competitive all the way (Huntsman).

    1. I maintain that is why Rmoney is the nominee.

      They know he can't win. They know they don't have anyone that can win.

      Despite the fact that they really hate Obama they know he'll win so they're letting Mitt have his chance to play candidate

      Even though they can't decide if they hate Obama because he's a Democrat or because he's black, they know they hate Rmoney for being Mormon, being elitist, being a cardboard robot who doesn't even realize when his mouth has had a foot inserted into it. He's the Sultan of Gaffes. Yeah, he's wince-worthy but they know they're going to lose anyway so might as well let him have his chance, just to shut him up. Then in 2016, when they've got a shot, they can say "you had your chance" and then put someone forward who might actually win. They'll have four years to groom someone.

      2012 is a loss. They've written it off in everything but lip service. That's why Mitt the Twit even has a shot. The trick for him will be not to do something so stupid for him to lose the nomination. And at this point, that is NOT out of the question. Those tax returns just might do it, one way or the other.

  9. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Oh yeah, now the InterMormonBitchFight is added to the already heady mix of Romnism. Now let's relax, lean back and see how this campaign implodes.

  10. Anonymous7:36 AM

    If employers are allowed to check applicants credit reports as part of a background check for employment, how is requiring tax returns of a presidential candidate any different?

    You want the job, Willard? If you have nothing to hide, show the returns you showed to McCain.

    He has something big to hide. Maybe we can't see it right now, but we sure as hell can smell it, and it ain't good.

  11. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I simply cannot abide Mitt and Ann's smarmy, fake smiles. I had to say that first!

    In addition to the traditional release of tax information by presidential aspirants, there is a special twist in MItt Romney's case and that is his admission that he has money in off-shore accounts. Now it's one thing for a gazillionnaire businessman to do that (and that's wrong too) but for someone who wants to be president to have so little regard for the country he wants to "lead" that he would hide money abroad to keep from paying his fair share in the US is totally unacceptable.

    And then there is the question of how his money abroad is being invested. It is illegal for an American citizen to have investments in Iran. Mitt has some and he cannot hide behind the excuse that it's his blind trust doing it - he can instruct his trust not to invest illegally. He chose not to.

    Mitt Romney has a lot to answer for and it is not McCarthy-like to demand responses.

  12. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Lawrence O'Donnell Raises the Most Critical Question About Romney's Taxes: Amnesty

    "Consider this: if Romney did hide income at his Swiss UBS account and did not pay his required taxes on it until 2009 when he could get amnesty, he could correctly say, now, that he has paid 100 percent of the taxes he owed. Moreover, should he release his returns, the years since 2003 will have been amended to show the taxes he owed and paid, along with a 25 percent penalty for the year with the largest illegally hidden income."

  13. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Wouldn't it be something if the Mormons and Bain are what finally bring the lying asshole Mittens down? I'd forgotten that Reid is also Mormon. This is going to be so interesting to watch. Reid isn't backing away from his statements and I have to say that I believe him!

    Romney is still lying about President Obama and the FACTS of his presidency and what has been accomplished. I detest Romney as much as I do McCain and Palin!!!

  14. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Palin won't ride in anywhere. The press would tear her apart this go around.

    She didn't support McCain in the last go around! Remember when he called her back (from campaigning in Michigan I think?) and she said on nationl TV that she didn't want to follow his instructions. Remember how they had to really watch her and curtail her access to the press? McCain actually appeared with her vs allowing her be on her own.

  15. The thought of the Screechy Wretch(tm) "debating" Barack Obama gives me chills. Oh yeah! (With the mute button clenched tightly in my fist)

    Do I have your permission, BTK, to use your trademarked label?

    BTW, I saw a faded bumper sticker yesterday...Cheney/Satan 2008.

    1. ...The thought of the Screechy Wretch(tm) debating" Barack Obama gives me chills......

      "Can I call you Barry?"
      Lynne, beyond my permission you have my enthusiastic encouragement. For over a year I've not heard her screech, spoken or typed her name. It's been a good year.

    2. Quit it ya'll I just spit more beer reading Cheney/Satan 2008

  16. cckids7:52 AM

    Give 'em hell, Harry! My senator!! Just saw my favorite tweet of all time about this:

    "Harry Reid has collected all the f*cks in Washington and is refusing to give one to anybody".


    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Yes, he's a fighter all right and the fact that he's dropped this bomb and refuses to back down spells trouble for ole Mitt.

  17. Anonymous8:11 AM

    If Mitt-the-Twit is saying the source is "inside the White House", then they are saying that Reid is essentially correct - Mitt-the-Twit didn't pay his fair share.

  18. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I have a vague recollection of hearing Jerry Falwell tell his flock that they should tithe a full 10% of every dollar they earn.

    Does anyone know if that tithe is 10% of pre-tax income, 10% of post-tax income, or 10% of IRS declared taxable income?

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      The tithe is on gross income, not net.

    2. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Meaning they should send it to him so he could put another wing on his house.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      One offensive thing that Falwell did with the tithing is that he required all the employees of his businesses (tv broadcasting Liberty University etc) to join his church and tithe 10% of their gross income! 2000 employees. Ka Ching!,2563338

  19. Anonymous8:23 AM

    All Willard has to do to prove he's not a tax evading felon is release the tax returns. What's the big 'dill'?

  20. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Wickedly funny!

  21. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Mitt never bought a company after only seeing one years worth of financials (tax returns)...

    Why should anyone buy or vote for him after only seeing one or two years worth of his taxes?

    Fuck you Mitt ..and your offshore bank accounts.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      I've read tweets saying the same thing -- in that world of 140 characters or less!!

    2. ibwilliamsi10:35 AM

      No one got a student loan or a mortgate with only releasing one year's worth of tax returns, either.

  22. Evelyn Waugh8:41 AM

    Mitt Romney revered his father, George, who saw fit to release twelve years of his tax returns when he was running in the GOP primary in 1968.

    If it was good enough for George Romney, an upstanding, (and anti-war) candidate, then it's good enough for his son. We should expect nothing less from Willard Mitt Romney, and expect no excuses.

    If your father did it, Mitt, then so must you.

    1. George Romney had character. Mittens...not so much.

  23. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Here comes the KNOCKOUT!!/search/realtime/%23RockyReid!/search/realtime/%23MittWimp

    'You're going to have to take my word for it': Mitt Romney, tax returns, and a decade of evasion

  24. Anonymous8:45 AM

    This ad is tough, but we cannot fault the accuracy of its key points. To some extent, the Romney campaign has been hoist with its own petard by refusing to provide sufficient detail that shows how the numbers add up in Romney’s tax and budget plans. So we are left with the judgment of a respected and independent third party.

    We hold campaign ads to a high standard, particularly attack ads. If Romney releases the missing details, and a new analysis finds that Romney can meet the stated goals of his tax plan, then we can certainly revisit this analysis. But, until then, for the first time in this frequently nasty campaign, we award a rare Geppetto Checkmark for a campaign ad.

  25. Irishgirl8:49 AM

    TBogg at Firedoglake has an excellent post about Harry and Mitt. Here is a sample...

    "Harry Reid is the honey badger; he doesn’t give a shit. He has the advantages of being the Senate Majority Leader which comes with a bully pulpit that can’t be ignored, he’s not some bomb-throwing back bencher, and he is a fellow Mormon who, like Jon Huntsman, seems to harbor a white-hot hatred of all things Mitt. Reid is most likely serving his last term in the senate and he’s is plainly tired of fucking around with Republicans and fully intends to bury their standard bearer which can have down ticket implications if depressed Republicans decide to stay home on election day because their top of the ticket prospects look like they are deader than Bob Dole’s dick.!"

    1. Crazy nastyass Honey Badger don't care!

  26. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Politics usa has an article that clearly gives the best explanation if "the end justifies the means" of how Romney consistently changes what he says, changes his position, lies saying anthing to win votes. The article uses Romney's contradictions on the auto Industry.

    Our country does not need a leader who brings chaos, unmitigated lies, switches facts around for self serving win at the expense of citizens and our nation in the world. Any real value he has is negated by his patterns including hiding things and chaotic lies.

    1. ibwilliamsi10:34 AM

      Honestly, I liked Jon Stewart's assessment that "any generic Republican" could beat President Romney if the election were held today, while in a race held today between Romney and Obama, Obama would win. Romney is attempting to be "any generic Republican."

      I have to say, I thoroughly disagreed with Stewart's slap-down of Reid. Romney's taxes are fair game. He asks for rumors to be spread and if he doesn't like it he can stop it today by releasing his taxes. It's no more shameful that Reid made the statement about the anonymous source than that Romney inferred that the anonymous source was the White House. At least Reid didn't name names when sharing a confidence. Unlike Romney who accused someone who so far as we know had nothing to do with it whatsoever.

  27. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Harry Reid is one of the head mormon crazies? Well, at least now we know why the mormon craziness of Romney is not being attacked for what it is!
    Great! The country is being led by sickos from both sides.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Really?? Both sides?? The fact you've never known Reid was a Morman says more about you from your comment.

      You're the phucking sicko.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Reid is a decent guy. He is a Democrat.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      You are a sicko and you are stupid. Reid is not a top Morman in the LDS church. Romney was or is a bishop. Reid converted to Mormanisn (is that right?) because of his wife. Either way, he is a good person who does care about his constituents and his country. You clearly know nothing about him. But low info voters who get their news from Fox rarely are truly educated on the issues.

  28. Yeah, if Harry thinks Mitt is cheating THEIR church, he’ll knock him around like a punching bag. That may very well be the explanation here.

    I believe Harry is a sincere convert and not particularly wealthy. Mitt’s smarmy rich boy attitude has to gall him.

    This will give Sarah’s followers hope. Popcorn!

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      I don't believe Reid would step in it if it's for Mitt cheating the Church. Reid would see that as the Church's business to deal with Romney. There are enough in the Church that you could refer to them as the Mormon Mafia that can handle it.

      Reid's beliefs and what he has voted for and passed in his job -- some of those issues go against the Church 'beliefs'. He does his job.

      For Reid to get into it -- is about taxes, government. Not the 10% Church BS.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      "For Reid to get into it -- is about taxes, government. Not the 10% Church BS."

      I think it might be both.

      I think that Reid might be more offended if he has been told it's both. If Mitt had to show his tax returns (I wonder if that part is true for a big wheel like Mitt) and the tax returns screwed Uncle Sam (hey that's me and you!), then Mitt probably screwed the church too. Even if Mitt and Ann "gave" "extra gifts" so that the church ended up with a real 10%- they still lied and took credit for the "extra giving" that really wasn't.

  29. You know, when I heard what Reid said, I began to wonder, because I remember that he was also Mormon. Something's up, folks, and the sooner it comes out about Romney the better. Maddow has said that she was some sort of report tonight on some other aspect of Romney too. I ain't missin' that.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Not the sooner the better. Let this fuckup continue to fuckup until after he has been nominated and picked a vice presidential nominee.

  30. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Rachel Maddow Promises ‘Incredible Tape’ That Will ‘Change Direction’ Of Romney Tax Return Story

  31. WakeUpAmerica9:29 AM

    Romney cheats his country and pays tribute to his church instead.

    1. and his donation to his church is tax deductible......
      what a scam!

  32. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Video: 2004 Mitt Romney Says It’s ‘Poppycock’ To Blame President For Job Market

  33. Anonymous9:56 AM

    If you missed Rachel Maddow last night, she did a segment talking about the 'dancing ballet horse' and how it's actually a business of Mitt & Ann's -- they have 8 horses. She shows and speaks of the $77,000 business tax credit on Romney's tax return he did disclose

    Behind Rachel is the graphic "We haven't seen her tax returns either".

    At the end of the segment re the 'fight' of 'what is in Romney's tax returns' and 'what he says is in his tax returns', Rachel then teases us -- They have found some tape in the archives that may take this fight in a whole new direction "as of tomorrow" (meaning today). It will be her lead story tonight. Link to Thursday night's segment:

    Now -- on Maddow's blog today, there is a tape but it makes reference to having been 'uncovered overnight', so I don't believe it's the tape she referred to but the closet door is opening, and the skeletons are falling out!!!

    Here is the link to the Maddow Blog post and the tape. Let's just say -- Willard continues to step in it -- It reminds me of the saying 'He was for it before he was against it'.

    Sounds like he would have backed and voted for Obama!!! If you didn't hear the name Bush in the tape, you'd think he was talking about the President.


    1. Haha! $arah Palin was FOR Barack Obama before $he was AGAINST him!

      She talks about how she's fine with the fact that Barack Obama was doing so well in Alaska, how his campaign themes echoed hers, and how she "always looked at Senator McCain just as a Joe Blow public member, looking from the outside in."

    2. I thought the deductions for the horses were for medical because they were claimed as therapy for Ann.

      Best tax-dodging lawyers money can buy.

  34. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Hey Dawg. RU-MER IZ what brite north star TAPT 2 BE VP? Hahahahaha cum-Ing Sooooon - u h8erz will choke on yer dawg chow

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      HEY...your shift started a little early today "AlphaNumNuts!"...but the miss spelled words and crazy gibberish is still the same!

      Baldy as VP???

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Whatever you're's not enough...smoke MORE!


    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      If not Willow, that could be King of Fail Gino, trying to be all ghetto, y'all.

      Kid's gotta work off his BPLAT advance somehow.

      White People Rapping Poorly

  35. ibwilliamsi10:29 AM

    I honestly had no idea that Harry Reid was a Mormon. The wording in the article about his rank and status was a bit confusing:

    "Reid just happens to be the highest-ranking member of the Mormon Church in the history of this nation."

    That would make him the most powerful leader of the Mormon Church ever, even more so than Joseph Smith.

    The correct statement would be, "Harry Reid has achieved a more senior elected position in the United States government than any Mormon in history."

  36. Anonymous10:34 AM

    If the Left were anything like the Right

    'Mitt Romney isn't really a Mormon. He's an atheist who only went along with his father's faith so he could duck the Vietnam draft. He didn't actually try to convert anyone when he was in France either. In reality, he spent all his time in Monte Carlo gambling and buying high-end hookers. When his daddy found out what he was doing, he made him come home and marry his high school sweetheart. Actually, he only made him marry her after the second time she got pregnant. The first time, they got an abortion. Then Romney started using some of the mafia connections he had made in Marseilles to import heroin. By the time he became governor, they were flying it straight into a secret airport they set up in the Berkshires. When one of the pilots started to talk, Romney had him killed.'

  37. Anonymous10:35 AM

    What Romney is hiding is either something illegal, or he did not pay taxes at all for all those years, which is also illegal.

  38. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Republicans are playing right into Harry Reid’s hands but they’re too puffed up with the smug, bellicose inhaling of conservative media to know it. They’re all excited that Mitt Romney told Reid to “put up or shut up” about Romney’s tax returns.

    Let’s just take a moment here to think about that. Who needs to put up or shut up? Romney is the one running for president and refusing to do the most basic qualification of the job as a candidate. For some reason, no matter how politically costly it is, Romney is too scared to release his tax returns. He gave us one year, which his own father pointed out could easily be distorted. He promises to give us another year, but it’s August already.

    Romney just couldn’t resist. He lost his cool, and walked right into Harry Reid’s trap. By uttering a single syllable about his tax returns, Mitt Romney gave the story, and the questions surrounding his tax returns new life.

    Harry Reid has Romney exactly where he wants him. As far as Romney’s claim that Reid’s source is the White House is concerned, keep in mind that like Romney, Reid is a high ranking Mormon.

    CBS Boston is speculating that camp Romney has sprung a Mormon leak, “But the source coming to Harry Reid for these revelations adds a level of intrigue. Reid just happens to be the highest-ranking member of the Mormon Church in the history of this nation. It is likely that Senator Reid’s source shares the Mormon religion with Reid and Romney. That message will not be lost on Romney. If the Bain fortress is not a fortress; if people are talking, Romney knows that trouble lies ahead.”

  39. Anonymous10:37 AM

    CNN Edits Out Confirmation of Harry Reid’s Romney Tax Returns Source

    Last night on Anderson Cooper’s 360 Degrees, CNN Senior Congressional correspondent Dana Bash confirmed that a second source claims Harry Reid’s source is a “credible person” who has the “authority and ability to know about Romney’s tax returns.” Bash’s confirmation of a second source was cut out of CNN’s online video...

  40. Anonymous10:39 AM

    It's Macho Mitt versus Honey Badger Harry, round two, coming to you this time from Las Vegas, Nevada:

    Even by Romney's standards, this is getting really ridiculous. He's the one who needs to put up or shut up, not Harry Reid. I mean, does anybody think Mitt Romney would suddenly change his story if Harry Reid came out with sworn affidavits from his sources? Of course not. It would be the same old story from Romney.
    The one thing we know for certain right now is that Mitt Romney is hiding his tax returns. Even he admits the reason he's hiding the returns is because releasing them would be politically damaging. And the only way he can definitely answer the questions about what's in those returns is by making them public, just like President Obama has done and just like his father did. Until he does that, anything he says on this topic is just hot air.

    1. All Reid has to say is "I'm not running for President."

      The put up or shut up goes right back to Mitt the Twit, where it belongs.

  41. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Is it possible he used the church to launder his money?

  42. Anonymous10:44 AM

    House GOP worried about Tampa strip clubs

    Tampa Bay strip club owners can't wait for the GOP convention to get to town.

    "Hands down, the Republicans have always been our best customers," says Angelina Spencer, the Executive Director of the Association of Club Executives. It is the national trade organization for adult nightclubs.

    "And they tend to be business-focused," she says.

    "That’s really all I can say. We get clients from all walks of life, but for whatever reason… I have heard club owners say, 'Boy, those Republicans really are great customers.'"

    Can you feel the "family values" vibe?

    House Republicans are well aware of their members' proclivity for some non-marital T&A and realize it might be a bit of a, er, problem in the age of cell phone cameras and Twitter.

    House Republicans are officially worried that lawmakers and staffers will stray off the straight-and-narrow path at the GOP convention in Tampa this month.

    With the advent of cell phones, anyone can be an opposition tracker, so members should be wary of doing anything questionable in public, Rep. Pete Sessions, the National Republican Congressional Committee chairman, warned fellow Republicans at a Capitol Hill meeting Wednesday.

    "Let’s say you are going to have a cup of coffee. Perhaps, it’s a late night cup of coffee. Be careful," the Texas Republican said at a conference committee meeting, according to several sources who attended.

    1. I love this; love this. So the GOP the "family values" party, the less government, more personal responsibility party steps in to tell their members to NOT go to strip clubs, or have a late night cup of coffee (maybe with a hooker?) or to at least be careful (in other words, you can do what you normally would have done, but be careful, don't get caught). Oh geez this is so funny; this is the part of Sanford (hiking on the Appalachian trail) and others! Tampa, here they come: get those cameras on your cell phones ready and tweet, tweet, tweet!

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Plus, they are supposedly going to have 'look a like' Sarah Palins as strippers! Kick in butt!

      Wonder how many of the fat, white guys will be in attendance? I hope they catch them ALL 'red'handed and put their photos up on Utube. We already know these assholes are not honest, keep-your-vows type guys. Too many have already been caught in the various types of sex acts.

    3. Anonymous3:22 PM

      The republicans remember the mullet. Business up front and party in the rear!

    4. And some porn star (Jenna Jackson?) just endorsed Rmoney because she says Republicans in charge is good for rich people.

  43. Mitt doubled down on his assertion that he paid taxes:

    I can't believe he's still taking Reid's bait!

  44. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Just when you think Mitt Romney has reached the pinnacle of absurdity, he somehow manages to reach new heights. The latest example: now he's claiming that his tax plan—the one that the Tax Policy Center says would force the middle-class to pay the cost of tax cuts for the wealthy—is actually Barack Obama's fault. For real:

  45. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Proof that Mitt Ain't Fit to Serve

    Mitt Romney and his silver spoon slobbering minions must be idiots to allow this tax thing to stretch out so long. Anyone who can't figure out how to put a spike in this issue is not fit to hold the Nuclear Football. Who wants to see a guy whine? I'd respect him a little if at least managed to get his Magic Underpants in a twist, and fight back effectively. Even my Republican partners can't stand this simpering Bataan Death March on cable news every night.

  46. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Jamie Bouie over at The American Prospect points out what a disaster the Romney plan to cut taxes on the rich by raising them for everyone else can become now that Team Obama is holding on to this message and refusing to let it go. Simply stated "It’s hard to overstate the potential damage of this"
    You want a disaster? How about the fact that President Obama now holds a lead on the issue of taxes. The GOP should be crushing the President on taxes if they hope to take back the Presidency, but they are not, and considering that their number one issue is taxes, how high they supposedly are and how deeply they should be cut, the fact that Obama has a lead over the GOP on taxes is nothing short of a truly unMITTigated disaster for the Republican party.

  47. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Harry Reid revisited this, just yesterday, and I think he is on to something. Reid said:
    Last weekend, Governor Romney promised that he would check his tax returns and let the American people know whether he ever paid a rate lower than 13.9 percent. One day later, his campaign raced to say he had no intention of putting out any further information.

    I think this is a way forward. Hammering Romney on his secrecy and his flipflopping cowardice. Pressing him to "happily go back and look" and let the American people know. Calling him a coward for turning skittish on that offer. Going there, saying it directly: COWARD.

  48. Anonymous10:56 AM

    From now until the election, I will be talking about Romey's taxes as a scandal. Yes, a scandal.

    I can hear the howls of outrage from both friend and foe already. Well, let's look at the definition of a scandal (from google):

    An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage...

    I'm not arguing that Romney has done anything legally wrong. Not yet. Morally wrong? Absolutely! Even just considering what is incontrovertible fact, it is scandalous that Romney paid a 13.9% tax rate in 2010. 13.9% at a time when people are struggling every day to make ends meet pay a higher rate. And outrage? You better believe there is outrage!

    Of course I understand that reasonable people can quibble with whether Romey's tax issue is a scandal. Still, this is a great starting point for talking about Romney. Yes, let's debate with Romney supporters about the morality of millionaires paying ridiculously low taxes. Let's have a conversation about why it is important for politicians to disclose their finances. Don't like the word "scandal"? We can work on finding a other words you like better: outrage, elitism, disaster, oligarchy, plutocracy, cover up...

    Framing the argument gives us a huge home field advantage. Romey's tax issue is a scandal.

    1. Let's think about calling obtuse hubris something like 'mittrificant' as in "He was mittrificant when asked to donate to the American Red Cross" or "His mittrificance towards animal shelters was offensive."

      Since September 2008, i've referred to websites that are pretty but dysfunctional as 'palinesque' :)

      ... just my two cents...

  49. Anonymous10:59 AM

    ‘Queen Of Porn’ Jenna Jameson Endorses Romney: ‘When You’re Rich, You Want A Republican In Office’

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Does she know Romney wants to crack down on porn?

  50. Anonymous11:07 AM

    A few points of clarification from a Mormon Democrat who feels about Romney pretty much how Reid and Huntsman do:

    You DO NOT have to pay tithing to be a member of the Church. You might have to commit to the principle to be baptized (it's been a while for me), but the only time you are asked if you pay tithing is if you are interviewing for a temple recommend to enter the temple.

    You are NOT asked to bring any tax returns to show how much tithing you should pay. The question is, simply, "Do you pay a full tithing?" and the answer you give is, simply, YES or NO. That's it.

    There's no justification of business deductions or stock sales or whatever required for the question. It's understood that one pays 10% on his or her gross income, but there are no set standards on what that means for the owner of a small business, large corporation, or employee.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      I find any sort of tithing to be beyond reprehensible. Jesus's agenda did not include taking people's hard earned money to build bigger and better temples. I feel so sad for those that give their dollars to a church and do so under duress, as if they are purchasing a ticket to heaven. So sad, and I'm sorry if you have been caught up in the religious ponzi scheme.

    2. Well, if Rmoney is a Bishop or such in the church, that means he answered this question "Yes." every time it was asked.

      What happens if it turns out that he LIED to the church when asked this question?

  51. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Obama Eviscerates Republicans with Their Own Job Creator Argument

    President Obama has once again outmaneuvered his Republican opposition by using their own job creator talking point against them.

    Here is the video from NBC News:

  52. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Spoiler Alert.

    FYI re Rafalca on USA Team Dressage (3 horses on team)

    Team USA finished 5th after 2 days of competition. I believe that the top 7 teams now compete in the Grand Prix Special next week.

    Rafalca finished between 26 - 29th of 44 horses. If not for Steffan Peters who finished 4th or 5th -- Team USA would have been finished. Once the event finished, they condesed the results page so am unable to find the full details as was showing earlier on various sites.

    Guess that means Annie will be in the UK till next week. Her priorities of course is her horse -- not the campaign, nor her family and nor would she think of the 'citizens' above her horse.

    A Romney caring about anything but themselves!!! For Annie -- that includes the 8 horses that the Romney business own -- including Rafalca as it's on the 'world stage' at the moment.
    Care or concern for others -- Will never happen.

  53. Anonymous12:18 PM

    You guys paying attention to the fact that Romney is showing significant 'aging' already in this election run? He's lied so much and cannot keep up with all of them - it's showing on him physically as it has Palin!!! Plus, I think he dyes his's showing thinning too. Some think him attractive - I don't! Too evil inside that body and mind!

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      I said in the primaries he had already aged minimum a decade.

  54. I agee, I agree, I agree.

    I would like to know how does the gop vet? It's one fuck up after another, FOR REAL. And just to think the insufferable bitch was a better vp choice than romney? GTFOH. The gop doesn't vet candidates, they take turns.

    Take turns with our lives. They are mocking and ridiculing our government. They mocking our lives with lies, wars and our labor. But I digressed.

    Ahem...of course romney has a lot to hide, I believe it's worse than what we think. More than money. Maybe he is playing around with the wrong people-IMO

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Like what wrong people?

  55. Anonymous1:14 PM

    What if he got back hugh tax refrefund? Making loses out of everything

  56. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Ok, I'm kinda confused by this statement:

    "Harry Reid is the highest ranking elected Mormon in the church's history."

    What EXACTLY does that mean?

    1. Poor wording.

      It means he holds the highest government office that any Mormon has attained.

      Not office in the church, office in the country.

  57. Me too. At first I thought it meant he was highest guy in the church structure, but that can't be because that would make him higher than the guys who started it, higher than the current uber-leader of it, whoever that is.

    I was surprised that it might mean Reid is higher than Mitt in the Mormon hierarchy -- but that can't be because Reid converted to Mormonism when he married his wife, I read somewhere.

    But others have suggested that Reid is the highest-ranking elected U.S. official who is also a Mormon. That sounds like the best guess.

    But I'm with you, Ardiva -- who knows? Plus, it's so surprising that two Mormons would duke it out in public, so that makes their relative positions in their church pretty interesting. Also, if it was me (as Reid), I would have privately told Mitt I have the proof (or whatever it is he has) so he better release the returns or bow out. Or maybe he did that already.

  58. Everything i know about Mormonism, i learned from watching South Park.

  59. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Mitt is a intelligent guy. He grew up a spoiled rich kid and I wouldn't drink a beer with this jerk even if he did drink. He has not a clue how "you people" really think. He also is finding out what "you people" think of his entitled nonsense. Here is how I think Mitt had this trainwreck.

    I am sure Mitt thinks like most of the really rich who have profited in business. Everything is analyzed by always asking these two questions.
    1. What is in it for me (how do I make money) and
    2. How can I get hurt (how can I lose money,and also what happens if I get caught?)
    In addition for every investment (position) there is always an exit plan. How to get out and more importantly when to get out (decided in advance and reevaluated regularly.)

    Mitt looked at the taxes/presidency thing and made a decision. Now Mitt is a notorious flip flopper, so there must be some reason for him to stick with his decision. He has an exit plan for this position, and it probably is withdraw rather than show the returns.
    The costs of holding this position go up daily, and his trip overseas didn't make it go away like Mitt and crew hoped. That's probably one reason longtime Romney bagholder Rick Gorka lost it and yelled “Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.”

    I think that intelligent Mitt made the decision he felt he had to about the tax returns. Mitt knows how to take his losses and run. Since he hasn't done this, it means that he CAN'T AFFORD TO change course and take his losses with the tax issue.

    It's a bad surprise because this is the first time that the media hasn't bought Mitt's Schitt on one of his bogosities. Mitt would have gotten away with it if the media had ignored it. Mitt didn't see this coming, and there isn't a thing he can do about it. Treating the media like "you people" had something to do with it, back to that entitled nonsense that he can't even see that he does. Too bad Ann Antoinette is stuck in Europe with her horse and entourage. Otherwise she could buy Mitt a clue.

    Harry Reid knows all of this and this is payback. Payback for Mitt making Mormons look like morons. Payback for all the crap the Republican party pulled at Harry's expense these past few years. Payback for years of being called Dingy Harry by some cigar smoking pill popping fat fucker in some underground bunker deep in the heart of Dependsland, County of Hoveround.

    The Republican party made Harry's day by picking Mitt, and Harry will turn up the heat relentlessly.
    Must suck to be you Mitt.

  60. Not the rill Mann Coulter4:18 PM

    And Mitt is a Jugaloo so what are you Mann? (That makes Ann Romney a Jugalette. Photoshop opportunity!)

    "Then Hannity asked her if the attacks on the Romney's for being richy-rich are going to work or not.

    Coulter poo-pooed the attacks and Hannity played the MoveOn ad. Coulter dismissed the ad and then decided to compare Mitt Romney refusing to release his tax records to John Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, not releasing hers during his presidential campaign, because her husband, the Senator, was "just a gigolo whose tax returns don't matter any more than Seamus the dog's.""

  61. Isn't it also possible the source is someone connected to the Senate who had reason to see Rmoney's tax returns because, say, Rmoney was being considered as a running mate?

    Would John McCain kiss and tell?

    Also, I think it's entirely possible that Rmoney could have paid his 10% extortion to the church and zero to the IRS. That might look even worse in an election.

  62. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Firstly, the federal government does not "create jobs." Unless it's a federal position, nothing is magically created out of thin air. One thing you can blame for the sluggish private sector is the outrageous amount of regulation that is drowning the little guy... Such regulations are the result of some very leftist thinking... But! Mitt Romney, AND Harry Reid are just a couple of stubborn, political thugs who are deeply entrenched in their partisanship... Can I get a "Ron Paul"?


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