Friday, August 24, 2012

If Bristol Palin thought media scrutiny was vicious BEFORE, just wait.

There are more and more indications that the kid gloves the media have used while dealing with the Palin brood in the past may no longer be standard issue, as the Palins continue to try and squeeze as much out of their "fifteen minutes of fame" as humanly possible.

With the absolute flop of Bristol's own reality show,  it appears that MOST in the media just want these people to fucking go away.

Check out this write up from the Daily Mail concerning Bristol's upcoming appearance on DWTS:

She amazingly ended up in third place when she starred in Dancing With The Stars, despite attracting lower scores than her competitors. 

However Bristol Palin will be hoping for better luck second time round when she returns to the U.S. reality show for the upcoming All-Stars season. 

Bristol, daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, has reunited with professional partner Mark Ballas, who she danced to third place with during the 11th season two years ago. 

Although this time, Bristol looks rather different. The abstinence advocate is a lot slimmer and facially looks different after undergoing 'corrective' facial surgery for 'medical reasons'. 

Yes even the Daily Mail does not buy the story that Bristol looks different due to "corrective facial surgery" for "medical reasons." (And gee, that was SUCH a believable cover story.)

And though they are not directly addressing the elephant in the room, somehow I doubt that it will not be addressed numerous times if Bristol somehow manages to last past the first round of eliminations.

And if I were her I would not expect the same level of support from her mother's crazed fans to keep her on the show that she benefited from the LAST time.

Especially since a petition that was circulated to force the RNC to allow Palin a speaking slot at the convention has only attracted 1575 signatures as of this post. And that is for a petition to get their idol onto the stage at THEIR convention!

That can only mean that Palin has lost virtually ALL of her support among the fringe, and that she truly is, what we always dreamed she would someday be, a has been.

Which of course means that THIS time Bristol will be judged on her actual performances, and NOT on the frantic, and repetitive, voting from the lunatics who once believed that her mother was the second coming of Ronald Reagan.

Gee I can hardy wait to see how THAT works out for her.


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Fuck, she is such a witless little dummy.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Feck, you're such an ignorant cow.

      See how that ignorant judgment thing works?

    2. Anonymous9:22 PM

      The Bristol the Pistol theme is cute, also, too.

      That is what makes her look good and sensitive.

      Kids with guns are cute. Another American shooting. More gun play cuteness.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Geez Louize - did she get a whole inch added to that chin?

    And, if those teeth get any whiter, we'll be calling her the blue-light special.

    And that sad thing is, you can tell by her pose & body language that she thinks she look hot.

    The only think I like about her is the shoes & those probably belong to DWTS (unless she stole them).

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Ok, I'll the odd guy out. I think she is looking good.


    2. Anonymous4:24 PM


      Photo shopping is popular. Most people do love it. People spend millions on plastic surgery, so that is the way of the future. You are like the masses, you have lot's of company and you are not alone in your taste.

    3. Elizabeth 44:

      I agree with YOU.

      I consider Palin and Bristol total losers. Have felt that way before those outside Alaska even knew her name.

      But, when commenting on a blog, you MUST go along to get along or YOU will get put down.

      You need to say "fuck", "horse teeth", dislike "white teeth" and you must be able to "tell by her body pose and body language" that Bristol is being arrogant at the moment the photo was taken because she thinks she looks "hot."

      I am a 68 yr old heterosexual female and as much as I dislike the inside of Bristol, in the photo she does look "hot." Photoshopped, who cares, all the DWTS photos are photoshopped so why would Bristol's been any different.

      Oh, and you MUST write that something is wrong with her head as it is sooooo big.

      I haven't read beyone a couple of post below yet, but I am sure there are many posters who cannot think of anything legitimate to criticize Bristol for---despite the plethora of negatives things that are true about her---and must rely on the 4th grade level of juvenile humor and indulge in the same mean spirited attitude that both Bristol and her mom are truly guilty of being.

      And now in about 4, 3 2 ...I will be called a C4P troll.

      Of course I am not, and anyone who has followed my posts knows that, but when you cannot support your position, always resort to name calling.

    4. Everybody...ignore "OneJerk/Dobie"...she said this same shit about Baldy on another blog and got her ASS handed to now she's on here...probably drunk...doing the same thing!

      You're not a "C4P troll" sound more like an alkie! Get some help. You sound like you need it.

    5. Onejrkitty has specialized in being the devil's advocate on several blogs, to no purpose whatsoever. She has about as much chance at changing anyone's mind as Kristy Patullo does.

    6. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Dobietracker said:
      "I am a 68 yr old heterosexual female and as much as I dislike the inside of Bristol, in the photo she does look "hot."
      Sorry dear, but your whole post sounds like "a personal problem".
      Really since you want to boss people around and tell them what to say or not say...Well
      Hon... you should just start your own personal blog and you can CONTROL it!
      Otherwise STFU about what people do or don't say. And yes I did see that very immature display at the other blog...really...your 68?
      This is Gryphens blog and he gets to say, WTF is said or not said here.
      Really strongly suggest you start your own blog, bless your heart, and be sure to give us all the link so we can avoid it!
      And for all the other "Concern" trolls, ditto start your own blog and leave us alone.
      The Regular IM'ers who like it just fine.
      Thanks Gryphen!!!

    7. Anonymous7:46 PM

      We all behold the Leno Chin as a thing of beauty. It grows more appealing when extended. And what says truth, beauty, and the American Way more than photo shop? It makes me sign a petition evertime.

    8. Anonymous7:52 PM


      May you grow like an onion with your head in the ground, and then may the ground be fracked.

      Old Yiddish Curse

    9. Anita Winecooler8:48 PM

      All photos on DWTS are photo shopped? Hmm why didn't they photoshop Waddles the last time she was on?

      "The elephant in the room" Gryph, you crack me up, but lets not insult elephants. They're smart, live communally, are family oriented, and know how to discipline their offspring.

    10. Anonymous9:29 PM

      "who cannot think of anything legitimate to criticize Bristol"

      Who would ever criticize Bristol for the whooper she told under oath to a federal judge? Can't criticize her for stuffing her chest in '08? There are a many things to critic her on but the current one is the weird promo photo shoots. So why do people come here to lecture?

    11. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Agree 7:01 and 7:21 It doesn't take much to get on "dobie's" nerves. Been there, met ms know-it-all/done-it-all. Isn't she also the one that never fails to take a shot at a certain blogger we all know and adore???

      Any coherent thoughts she wants to share get lost in her scolding superiority. You are so right in suggesting that she start her own blog, that might offer a reality check.

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    What's wrong with her head? It's soooooo big!
    What's wrong with her chin? It's soooooo long!
    Poor Bristol. She got played by her plastic surgeon! Didn't she check and make sure he wasn't a liberal first?

    1. How much is a head enlargement? Did Piper tell her big sister she'd be smarter if only her head were as big as their Mom's?

      Seriously, I wonder how much that idiot paid so she could have a big fuckin head like that. That's abnormal. And I'm sure it didn't come cheap.

      Somebody explain to little Piper-Diaper that Mommy's head is only that big because of those dirty wigs with bump-its rising out of the dome and extensions attached with all of the sweat and oil and grease and grime that their dear mother accumulates by not washing her wigs or even her bald, nasty head for six weeks at a time.

      Oh, and by the way, Beefy, I can still see those lumps of cellulite that always come back, even after having it extracted by lipo regularly, in those unsculpted legs that don't get toned from all of the exercise and hiking that you don't really do very day.

      For 21 yrs old, you're still very "doughy soft", even if you've had 2 kids among your 4 or 5 total pregnancies.

      But it takes someone being very observant to notice all of those physical flaws because of the huge distraction at the bottom of your face--- that CHIN!!!!

      I swear that thing doesn't even look real!

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Have you seen Al;ice in Wonderland with jonny depp? She looks like the queen of hearts.

  4. Anonymous11:21 AM

    What happened to the DWTS baby? Aborted and disposed of by Romney's fetus disposal company? :( I thought Bristol was pro-life?

    1. Her sister in law was "pregnant" rather conveniently in spring 2011.

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Remember Bristol if you don't gain weight this time, it only proves us right that you were pregnant the first time. You don't want to prove us IM haters right do you? Better get knocked up quick!

    1. AKinPA1:13 PM

      And, remember, Bristol, also, too: When you get pregnant to prove all the haters wrong, you can't claim you were raped and get a pity party going because we all learned this week from one of your good faux Christian "thinkers" that you can't get pregnant if you're raped. What a dilemma for you!

      These idiots are the fountain of youth for me. I read about them and I'm zapped back into middle school acting just like them. And that's going back pretty far because when I was in middle school, it wasn't even called middle school.

      When are they all going to go away!?!?!?!

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Bristol wouldn't lie, she will pack on another 30-40 pounds. That is what basketball and dance workouts do to her. You have her word.

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Ya b/c you know SHE doesn't get "nervous" like all the rest of them on DWTS!

      Hopefully she will be kicked off asap and we won't have to see her tromping around w/ that chin!
      And Ballas, what happened to your "Dance studio"? Palin curse?

  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I thought women were supposed to have an hourglass figure not a triangular shape that get larger as you move towards the head. Weird.

  7. Bristol looks completely different in the face even since her last "formal" picture. What's with the horse teeth?

    O/T: Romney has gone Birther in his remarks in Michigan where he names the hospitals he and Anne were born in. "There's no need for me to show my birth certificate," he said.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Too funny. He has invited 7 birthers to talk at his party. He nixed Sarah Palin. How bad is she to him?

    2. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Sarah has let many people down. She is a coward. Not once has she come out and spoke from her heart about what she thinks and believes. She won't speak for birthers. She does not deserve to speak with the honorable Republicans who are not afraid to brooch the subject. No wonder she was not asked to speak.

    3. "Honorable Republicans"?

      Could you furnish us with a list of same. OK, a short list. Alright, just one!

  8. Anonymous11:33 AM

    A Skank is still a Skank, no matter how much Plastic Surgery she hsa had. Did she buy some talent also? The Skank is still a loser. You PIMP DADDY Bots can cheer for the UNWED MOTHER all that you want, but she and her Wasillabilly Family are still LOSERS.
    Where is that DWTS Baby? Where is Willow's new Baby? Pro Life and Family Values my ass. Arizona is where you go to have illegal medical procedures without the Media.

  9. Anonymous11:35 AM


    "May your son the doctor introduce you to his fiancée, Bristol Palin."

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM


    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Ha! Good one.
      M from MD

    3. That is a great web site! I liked this one:

      "May you live to be a ripe, old age, and may the only people who come to visit you be Mormon Missionaries."

  10. Anonymous11:35 AM

    So, Bristol, how's that "Alaska is where I need to be to raise my son" thingy workin' out for ya?? You've gone, oh, what was it your mother said of Levi...oh, yeah, 'all Ricky Hollywood.'

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Except she 's gone Icky Hollywood.

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Good one, 11:58. May I use that as Bristol's new name? Icky Hollywood, hahaha!

  11. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Bristol and a mare go into a saloon.

    Bartender says, "Ladies, why the long faces?"

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Hehehe! What goes around comes around Sarah. She mocked John Kerry and now her daughter chose to have a long face....yeah, Bristol, why the long face?

  12. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Gryphen, You need to add the picture of her in the blue jacket/skirt that her stomach is so big and her belly button is pushed out. The one above is good, but the other one alongside this one really shows the pregnancy.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      What about the tiny little Bristol with Sherry and the ball?

  13. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I'm going to lower myself here: her head is too f*cking BIG! And she keeps making it BIGGER with every new chin.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      It would have been BIG like Sarah the bulimic addict anyway. There was no need to extend it with surgery.

  14. Anonymous11:40 AM

    O/T -why does Sarah always wait until days before a primary to endorse someone? Why isn't she out there campaigning for her choice from the beginning. Endorsing at the last minute doesn't take much effort...

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      You just answered your own question. Effort. Glaringly missing from those Palin "family values."

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      I've noticed that, too. She waits until it's almost a for-gone conclusion, then waits for credit to roll in for her 'choices.' Funny, though, she's never really endorsed Romney. Is she still hoping for a brokered convention or something?? She sure advocated for that several months ago.

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Hell no, 12:04! She's hoping Obama gets elected which means she gets to keep her gig with Faux. She just can't come out and say she's hoping the Dems win the White House. Also, if it somehow (stealing election) looks like Romney might win two days before the election THEN and ONLY THEN will she endorse. I don't see how the hell Romney can win without getting major help from the EDS machines when he has such low percentages with all of the diffferent voting groups

  15. Anonymous11:45 AM

    THAT'S supposed to be Bristol Palin? I thought Slappy the Dummy borrowed one of $arah's wigs and threw on a dress. Scary.

  16. Anonymous11:49 AM

    sadly, she looks pretty good. I have a feeling she has been dancing her ass off (remember in the show she said she hasn't danced since DWTS - that means she has, right?) in hopes of giving the middle finger to the haters. Thankfully, the others were already good dancers.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Bristol dancing her ass off is as credible as Sarah's serious runner creds. They are both lazy and want everything handed to them.

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      What? You mean Sarah isn't a serious runner like she pretends to be?? She was on the cover of Runner's World.. She runs marathons under the name 'Sarah Heath'..Well, at least one last year when she was on her 'One Nation/Vote For Me' family vacation/bus tour. I'm shocked. So shocked, I'll have another Bud and watch the Little League World Series! Go Goodlettsville!

    3. Anonymous12:19 PM

      I don't think we have much to worry about in the whole a Palin-putting-effort-into-anything department.

      She will suck and this time she'll get her ass handed to her right early.

    4. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Looks fade, chins come and go, but ignorance is forever.

    5. Anonymous12:40 PM

      11:49 AM

      Check her legs. Also reason to cover arms. She got real skinny but no sign of exercise. Everyone knows the real reasons.

    6. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Pam Anderson was a good dancer? She works out but can't say she is that good at dancing.

    7. Anonymous1:31 PM

      That photo has been altered and stretched to make her look thinner and taller.

  17. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I like the other photo, with Mark saying "two in the pink"

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Add a pinky and you have a "shocker" ;-)

  18. Anonymous12:11 PM

    DWTS is one of my guilty pleasures. It's fun to watch *star* amateurs work hard and progress through the weeks. Bristol never belonged there, still doesn't. I hope she's outta there week one so that can enjoy the show.

    How rigged was "the luck of the draw" that she ended up with kiss-ass Mark again (bet that was her demanding point of the contract also too). I was soooo hoping that she'd be paired with Maxim! lol

    But what really REALLY galls me is that Kyle was runner-up that season and the best they could offer him was a chance at a wild card vote-in while Tea Party's favorite lazy "shake the titties" contestant got the phone call-um, er I mean g_d miraculously opened the door for her (as her fairy tale *reality* show door came crashing shut). G_d needs to nail those damned doors and windows closed!!

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      I like Max so I'm glad he didn't get stuck with Icky, although it would have been fun to watch him bitch at her.

  19. Even I'm shocked by those embarrassing petition numbers.

    Bristol may want to beg the 'Vote for the Worst' crowd to support her again. Despite the shame, the money is good. Surviving a few weeks on DWTS may be enough to give the appearance that she's redeemed her image and trick the clueless Lifetime execs into committing to a 2nd season of Life's A Tripp.

    The VFTW folks failed in their effort to get Bristol the mirror ball in 2010 and they may relish this new challenge.

    "Bristol Palin clearly deserves to win this show because she is so outrageously good at making people hate her. [...] Let's do it for the Baby Grizzly! We'll let her think she won based on her talent.

  20. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Not that I ever liked her, but I thought she was cute. I see that she's taken care of that so I can fully loathe her now.

  21. The intent is to turn her into a Hollywood "Starlet."
    One problem is, there is no there there. Bristol is a reflection of Sarah's vacuous and hypocratic nature. Sarah adored Ivana Trump.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      She must have got her brand "hair up" from Ivana Trump then...what a copycat.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      If she adored Ivana Trump then Sarah was imitating her style, check out Ivana's big up dos:

  22. Anonymous12:17 PM

    5 days in a row... no story at Wonkette on Bristol, Sarah or Todd.

    4 out of 5 days, HuffPost has been Palin free.

    15 minutes is abut over. Thank God

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      she can't even get a gig with the birthers now.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      I think she's back under the knife, and will claim that she was getting the kids off to school this week. She'll be back and back until Fox stops paying her.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Is Trig going to school, 1:25? I notice you said kids.

  23. I don’t think she’s been eating at all. Her breath must be lovely.

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      I don't think you have a brain.

  24. emrysa12:25 PM

    poster child for liposuction.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      poster child for Ketamine.

  25. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Bristol Palin’s ‘Dancing With the Stars’ gun pose shocks after theater massacre

    1. Wow!

      The author, Jodi Jill, didn't pull any punches.

      I think you're on to something, Gryphen! The media's gloves are off... !

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Didn't they see her show and how she hates on Levi? Shooting his book, giving granny a pink gun. granny hates on Levi, too. Sociopaths have no conscious or empathy towards others. I am sure she hates the public, especially anyone that would go to a theater when they could be home watching dumb TV shows.

      Bristol the pistol is all about guns and gun imagery. Tripp has play guns, fun, fun, fun. No Palin is going to be sensitive about those who are shot or their family.

      What matters is projecting the images they like. Only wimps don't like Bristol the pistol, she is a rough and tough frontier woman.

    3. Did y'all see who had the first comment on that article? Krusty the bedpan smelling Superfan of course! LOL!!

      Krusty and her many computers are going to be on fire once DWTS comes on from trying to defend Beefy's untalented ass!

      Better buys some more computers Krust...otherwise Beefy will be gone in the first week! LOL!!

    4. vegaslib2:34 PM

      I saw that! How funny. She must not have time to go to the bathroom having to go to every single site on the internet to defend her Bristol Meth baby.

      Five whole idiots came to her defense. Don't think she's gonna last long with those kind of bot numbers.

    5. Anonymous3:37 PM

      DWTS is rigged. She will last as long as the agreement.

    6. Anonymous4:14 PM

      That is horrendous. Two insensitive bimbos but typical of a psychopath not to care about those who grieve for their love ones.

    7. I never even noticed the hands in the gun pose, I was too busy focussing on their ridiculous pursed lips.

      But that's what they're mocking, blowing smoke from the mouth of a gun. I suspected the pose was something Sarah suggested when all I thought they were doing was making "fishlips", but I'm even more sure now that she suggested the pose.

      They're all pathological, even Mark Ballas. It's not cute or funny.

  26. Anonymous12:31 PM

    She needs to produce her High School diploma, not a GED. Her mother needs to produce her so-called college degree and transcripts.
    Willard needs to produce his taxes. See how that works, you racist birther ass-holes.

  27. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Up next, Bristol becomes Slim Fast spox. You just know that it's in the cue.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      I think Kirstie did that and gained weight.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I believe she lost weight probably by purging her food, like her mother. From what I've read about Sarah, if it's true, she does purge and has an eating disorder. Bristol saw how her mother lost weight and copied it. If she continues to purge her food while she is on DWTS, she'll end up having health problems. The producers at that point will probably make it look like she loses a round just to get her off the show. I'll bet she will won't go past the 3rd rounds.

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Slim fast doesn't take Meth-heads!

    4. Anonymous8:12 PM

      If they want her to stay on the show then they will give her an IV drip and supplements. More speed always helps. It is Hollywood and the show must go on. When they think she is not a ratings wonder or worth the hassle, she will be gone.

    5. Anonymous9:56 PM

      She will be adverting Shake and Make Meth before Slim Fast. Slim does not want a meth head, especially not one you can spot a mile away.

  28. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Gee, did not "dancing" make Bristol lose all that weight because when she was on DWTS she was gaining weight not losing...

  29. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Bristol has a nice receding hairline going there. (What is with the Palin gals and male pattern baldness? Hereditary?)

    It looks as if some mad-scientist-doctor-drug-addict transplanted Sarah´s breasts onto Bristol and vice versa.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      I'd guess severe dieting=messed up hormones=hair growth problems

    2. And drug use.

  30. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Now that you can't even stretch it and say Sarah is political, why won't the media discuss what ladies love to talk about? Diet, weight, exercise, staying in shape how to. The Palins are such a fine example. So much good can come from their experiences.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Yeah, having babies out of wedlock, dropping out of school, taking six years at five schools to get a degree in a subject you know nothing about, lying, sleeping around. And about those body changes? Well, the Palins have enough money for plastic surgeons, and they use them. In fact, since Sarah has been so quiet this week, I'm wondering what she's having done now? Or is she in rehab for her diet pill problem or her anorexia?

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Some WOMEN talk about foreign policy, history, and government. Others talk about caring for people in need or educating children, or perhaps they study science to eradicate disease. Some do a lot more than talk, they change the world.

      But ladies wanna talk about make-up and hair and diets. The important stuff, huh?

    3. Anonymous12:58 PM

      LMAO! That's some good snark!

    4. Anonymous2:23 PM

      The "ladies" I hang with talk about physics, manufacturing, science, engineering, technology. I've delivered 4 kids, but maybe I'm not a real "lady"?

    5. vegaslib2:36 PM

      Crystal meth, Redbull and crunch wrap supremes are not a healthy diet.

    6. Anonymous4:03 PM

      The men at the RNC will be doing a lot of talk about the birth certificate they are obsessing over. Poor Mitt has to stay zipped but that is what the convention is about. Real brilliant talk those men and any women they allow to speak.

    7. Anita Winecooler8:50 PM

      It's healthy to have a few periods between births, just saying!

    8. Anonymous9:13 PM

      They'll be talking about Lisa Ann's rack and nice round oversized booty if they know what's important.

      Shit. Let Lisa Ann bust up in there while Mitt is giving his acceptance speech, and next thing you know they'll be throwing produce at Willard and roses at Lisa Ann, who will take Mitt's spot and then replace Eddie Munster with the Donald and then that place will start to Rick.

    9. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Maybe Prince Mittens will get caught doing the Harry, what happens in Vegas meets social media. Game change!

    10. Anonymous11:08 PM

      10:00 And Vegas isn't happy...I'm listening to an online radio station out of somewhere and just heard a news story that Vegas Visitor's Bureau is NOT HAPPY that someone leaked the photos.

      They even have a new PSA about take the photo, but don't post it because...what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  31. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I have a hard time believing there is no one with photos and knowledge of the real Palin athletic conditions since mama bear became a mayor. Why would they not share tips with interested media? You don't even have to go to the fraud and fake pregnancy. Just the skinny on body shifting and running and work out stuff.

    If you believe in Sarah, she is a miracle. You can prove it with the photos.

    TIGHT ABS. Bristol has her own miracles. Both can do so much to help others who were huge to get the tight abs. Why don't they share more?

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Probably because sharing their "secret" dieting tips -- diet pills and unhealthy eating habits -- won't snare them a multi-million book deal.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      The second link is good. The first one, pic on the right is not dated right. It's not from the middle of the "pregnancy" with Trig.

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      She is more holy than Mother Mary, anyone that believes her should have that second photo as a shrine. And pray everyday that they can body shape like a Palin. Now that Bristol wants to focus on her body and how she does it, they will need a shrine for her. You would think she could share some of her tricks with her adoring fans. If they keep her dancing long enough it will be a real eye opener.

    4. Anonymous9:07 PM

      I think that Beefy was trafficking in illegal narcotics at the RNC in 2008 inside that dress she borrowed from Meghan McCain. Probably about 3 kilos in the belly and about a key in each big titty slot. That girl had more strange lumps and giant insta-titties appear. I was amazed.

  32. Just keep ignoring the sludge and Hollywood will flush this trash away.

  33. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I remember when Sarah, said with a sneer, that Levi had turned into Ricky Hollywood. So, what does that make Bristol?

    Bristol's only claim to fame is that she was the pregnant unwed teen daughter of a woman who ran for VP four years ago. Now that Sarah is sidelined, I hope that people will give the rest of her family the same treatment.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Beefy = Happy Hooker

  34. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Really? Really, a freaking Petition for $arah to speak at the RNC??
    Hmmm, I wonder who came up with that brilliant plan?

    I have to LMAO, I know in my gut it was a Palin.
    Either $arah herself, or the Toad.

    mary b

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      RAM. She's scared to death of the unemployment line.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Oh we should all sign! Wouldn't that be worth a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of beer?

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Careful. You WILL be spammed until you regret it.

      A word of advice: get a disposable email account and use it just for crap like that so you don't have to wade through nonsense to get to correspondence you're actually interested in reading.

    4. Anonymous8:18 PM

      RAM can always write a killer movie script. More revealing than Game Change. Why wouldn't she cash in? She has to tolerate the brat she deplores all this time. She deserves some compensation for all her suffering.

      Did she ever cash those checks and what the hey was she holding back for?

    5. She's in love.

  35. Anonymous1:12 PM

    This is one of my all time favorite Palin body shifts.

    Now Bristol is taking over as a body shifter queen.
    I would like to read more about her and how she does it. A documentary not produced by any NBC, ABC, Lifetime producers and no Breitbart or Burnett.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I still believe the day will come, whether Palin is a nobody or not, that the truth about Trig will come out.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      I suggested in another thread that Sarah should come out with the Trig truth right before the convention so everybody pays her all kinds of attention. All the "journalists" would drop their coverage of the yawn fest that is the Repube convention and have Sarah on all of the morning shows. Sarah could really stick it to the Repubes for their treatment of her while becoming the center of attention that would last at least another fifteen minutes. Nancy Grace, Sarah? How about it, Sarah? Give the Repubes that famous middle finger of yours.

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      @Anonymous 6:24 PM
      Great idea!

    4. Anonymous8:20 PM

      6:24 PM I bet John McCain and others would pay to keep her quiet, that is where her money is now.

  36. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The girl in that photo doesn't look to me like she's been working out. She looks like she's been taking diet pills like Mama. That is an entirely different body than even from her crap TV show. Wonder how much of that is shopped? Seriously, she has no boobs, and her legs look a mile long. That is not Bristol's body. which would explain why the head looks so large.

    1. Yeah when I saw that pic I thought of TV Guide getting busted years ago for putting Oprah's head on the body of someone much more trim.

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Lipo, plastic surgery, I mean, jaw realignment surgery, tummy tucks, she goes to the same place that Sarah goes. (It's kind of sad that a young girl is so unhappy with her looks that she needs drastic surgery to look like a star. That doesn't fix what's inside. It also does not make her a better dancer, a better speaker, a deep thinker, an author, a better mother or anything else.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:55 PM

      Naaaah. Remember on the reality show? Waddles and Wallow got their fat vacuumed, and Waddles did a funny motion with her finger, while wondering where the fat went, up in the air?

      Yep she's a high skool graiate, allright!

  37. Anonymous1:30 PM

    If she starts to piss them off or lasts too long on the show, the media may decide to start spilling the beans on the DWTS pregnancy -- "baby "Tristan".

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      And look like lying assholes.

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      The LYING ASSHOLES have a name, PALIN.

  38. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Her support will be minimal this time. After the uproar over Brustol placing 3rd, DWTS had to change the voting process. She will receive 1/5 the votes she did last time! Bots can't vote until their fingers bluster and bleed this round!

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Not so fast - seems to me they can, They still are bragging about setting up different emails. Methinks there should be a per vote charge as long ago - going to charity. One vote per credit card.

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

      One way or another these shows are rigged.

    3. Anonymous7:45 PM

      You DO realize that the 3 stars who were battling for the 13th spot all were telling people use every email you have, use every resource, create emails......

      Again, this show cannot be cheated. It is the system. The more enthusiastic the fanbase the better.

    4. Anonymous9:00 PM

      I agree. They are obviously rigged because I had all of my mom's fans cheating every week to vote as many as 200 times each for me, and the best I could do is finish in third place.

      Plus, I was like the best dancer and hardest worker and my mom was in the audience, but she wasn't booed.

      I'm glad my fans know that I was cheated out of winning that big silver ball that was as big as my belly before I moved over to Arizona for a few weeks to guard my son's privacy, not for any particular medical procedures.

    5. Anita Winecooler9:00 PM

      Dp the math, multiply the number who signed the petition by one, and you get the entusiasm.

  39. Anonymous1:33 PM

    She is free now and she can come out with her birther theories. I would like to she her on the stage with Sheriff Joe and Ann Romney.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Can you please use OT if you're going to go off topic here? Who is "she"? Sarah or Brisdull? This thread is about Brisdull.

  40. Anonymous1:34 PM

    So, Bristol dances hours a day and plumps up. When she stops dancing, she loses weight. That's a real endorsement for exercise, huh?

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      An endorsement for truthiness, Palin-style.

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      She's been working out and hiking. I think she didn't know EXACTLY what to expect last time, which is probably why her family was hesitant about doing the show before.

      Now, she's capable of being like all the other stars on the show and saying up yours to her haters like they do to theirs.

    3. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Stop hating me because of my advanced appetite. I need real exercise, not this dancing shit 8 hours a day burning 2000-3000 calories.

      I need more like an hour and 15 minute JV basketball practice with the 1st hour half court drills and regular hydration breaks. Then 10 minutes of conditioning and 5 minutes of stretching. Professional dancers are in shitty shape compared to teenage moms who are 2nd team on the JV squad.

    4. Anita Winecooler9:04 PM

      Yeah, there's a new reality show! ----- you heard it here first!

      Bristol Palin, who's life is a Tripp, climbs and exercises.

  41. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The photo doesn't look like Bristol Paylin, except for the enormous thighs. They didn't come from exercise and being in shape. Compare the real athletes to this person and it is obvious who is in "shape".
    I don't wish her anything bad, I just wish she would get out of the way of others who are so much more deserving and go away. Actually, can't stand her.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Bristol is soft and lumpy even in places where she had scars from the lipo needles.

    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Spanx, dark hose, skilled make-up crew fix all those flaws. Gorilla mask required to disguise that face. Dancing 102 for intermediate thunder-thigh hohos.

    3. Anonymous10:11 PM

      You saw the enlarged photo shop picture of the chin with fingers pointing to her mistake surgery? It outlines the mess her face is now.

      That face will be so weird on HD. They won't be able to find enough masks to mask it. Unless they go the full planet of the apes.

      She is going to be so fugly from the inside out this time, she will get off with a FU attitude. It may turn into WWWrestling, she can't actually dance anyhoo.

  42. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Off topic.

    Yiddish Curses for Republican Jews website.

    "May you feast every day on chopped liver with onions, chicken soup with dumplings, baked carp with horesradish, braised meat with vegetable stew, latkes, and may every bite of it be contaminated with E. Coli, because the government gutted the E.P.A."

    "May the secretary your husband is schtupping depend on Planned Parenthood for her birth control."

    "May your son the doctor introduce you to his fiancee Bristol Palin." Yeow!

    Many more and add your own at

    h/t Balloon Juice

  43. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Petition at 4:26pm Friday 8/24/12 1,585

    Queenie wants to be on stage with the other birthers.
    Get her there. Screw old Mittens.

    goal is 10,000

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Let me know if someone decides to light Screechy on fire. I've drank 8 20-oz drafts and I've got to pee real bad so hurry. It's up to her to stand downwind though.

      That's the best I'll do. I ain't signing shit cuz that always costs me money when I'm this drunk.

      Big Tipper

    2. Anonymous10:13 PM

      No one is sucker enough to sign. She can just go to the Arizona birther convention and duel with Sheriff Joe to lead the posse into the desert for 40 days and nights, no food or water.

  44. Damn, the whole freakin insufferable family is bonkers.

    1. We all know you'd cheated and lied your way to third place.

    2. We all know your skankest cloghopping ass can't dance.

    3. We all know your wine cooler drunkass is fucking all the time...yeah mark we mean you.

    4. We know you are throwing your fake third place into real stars faces who are deserve third place...go take care of your kids, fakeass snooki.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      You can't cheat a show that 24 mil people watch.

    2. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Game of Life,

      You are just biased because DWTS actually cheated Beefy by not allowing her to cheat her way all the way to 1st place.

      Do you know how difficult it is to dry hump on the floor and twirl a ribbon skillfully in order to fool stupid people into thinking you're actually dancing so they will then vote for you 80 times each week?

      No, I didn't think you would know. This shit is hard work. They don't really use mirrors to fool everyone in the audience when it's on the teevee. That was real ribbon-twirling, and you didn't see anyone else trying that complicated shit, did you? Or dressing up as a gorilla? I rest my case.

      Bristol is a great dancer and my best friend I've never met. And I love her dearly. These are facts.


  45. There is NOTHING about that picture that looks like Bristol Palin. Freaky. What is that f'd up, deranged family doing to these kids?

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Julie 4:29 asked, "What is this f'ed up, deranged family doing to the kids?

      They're fucking them up and deranging them.

      But only while they can make a few bucks off of em. They are then free to move out when they turn 18 or whenever they violate their parole, whichever comes first.

      It all evens out. It's a pretty good deal for the kids because they can afford to buy good weed and designer drugs without having to steal as much before they can drive a vehicle legally.

    2. Anonymous10:15 PM

      The kids can all have their own Pac and "postage" they will be set for life.

  46. Anonymous4:53 PM

    was that picture of Bristol photoshopped? There is a weird line around her mouth where her pudgy little cheeks lap over her mouth/chin implant. Looks like one of those little mouth masks kids wear.

    Somebody with knowledge of leg skeletal structure explain why her knees bend backwards? They curve toward her backside, not frontwise like most legs. I've seen this in girls with poor posture - and often there is a curve in the lower back toward the buttocks. sway back I think it's called.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Commonly called "tent ceiling" leg disorder. Often associated with wine cooler consumption combined with illegitimate rape inside of 2-person hiking tent. Usually a precursor to 9-month mononucleosis.

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      That was funny!

  47. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Even with all that surgery, this girl is just so PLAIN. The camera does not love her. Those in the industry who may not be conventionally described as lookers at least have personality that jumps off the screen. Palin doesn't even have that.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Bristol has a chin only Sarah would love.

      Anybody else would tell their child to take their implant back and get a refund.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Um, her chin is exactly the same.

    3. Anonymous10:19 PM

      7:41 PM

      That was really mean of you. Her chin is actually smaller than the Jokers and Jay Leno's combined. She is just a tiny thing, Mark Ballas makes her look monstrous, that is not B's fault.

  48. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Looks like the dressmakers were able to cut down Bristol's 2010 season announcement dress. She was pregnant that time, so there was some additional fabric to ensure the modest Bristol was not revealing too much.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Don't throw away the extra material just yet.... those Palin and Heaths are very fertile!

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      It's so great seeing Bristol's dwts friends no staff excited to see her again.

  49. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I know someone who had the jaw problem Bristol claims was why she had surgery. The doctor wired my friend's jaws shut and adjusted it for 6 weeks. That corrected her alignment and she did not look different after the wiring was removed. FYI: She drank liquids for 6 weeks and did lose a little weight.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      So are you saying that Christian Bristol is lying that she only had a mouth realignment and lost 5 pounds?

      Bristol claims to talk to God, I wonder if God is the one who told her to say that she only had her mouth realigned?

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      The doctors should wire Bristol's, Willow's and Piper's legs together so they won't breed like wild animals.

    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I don't know why she wouldn't just say she had simple lipo. It's not a big deal and not exactly a rare things. Though TECHNICALLY in May 2011, she did have her wisdom teeth pulled. Just before that bus tour.

    4. Anonymous10:20 PM

      She can't say simple things because she is a chronic habitual liar like her mother.

  50. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I thought that DWTS baby went to her brother's girl friend or wife or whatever, are they even married?

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Dude, stop talking. You're just making your blog friends here look lke morons.

    2. Anonymous9:11 PM

      7:38 PM The Dude is you, and 2-toned Penis Todd PIMP DADDY. You Palin LOSERS are OWNED by Gryphen and you can't stand it.

  51. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Is her wretched reality show over?

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Any of the Palin's wretched shows over?

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Is her show over?

      I'll let you know. I'm going to sit in front of this tv forever until I see Bristol's show again. It just can't be over. What will I have to live for?

      --- Krusty Stalker
      P.S. Don't fuck with me, Lifetime Network. My room doesn't smell like piss because I am always running out for a bathroom break. And I don't have any pets. I am serious about my fucking obsessions, okay?

  52. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Sarah wears wigs because of her ketamine and meth addiction. She has meth hair. hardly any there.

  53. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Bristol knows she doesn't deserve to go on DWTS, so why go on it?

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Anon 6:32
      "... why go on it?"

      Money? Yes
      Attention? Yes
      Exercise? lol don't be naive.
      To showcase her talent? You're killing me.

  54. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Where will Tripp be during her long dancing practices and at night when she is to tired to do anything because of the workouts? When she wants to go out with mark? Wonder if mark is her new boy toy? She must be giving him something for him to be teaming back up with her.
    Bristol telling the whole world she's done with the hollywood scene because of all the media and hassle that goes with it. Most importantly wanting to come back home to akaske and raise Tripp here, giving him a normal childhood including a stable home and preschool. I see none of that happened. I just picture Tripp running around the set of DWTS with Bristol no where in sight. I hope to hell that there's know way to cheat with the voting. She will be back home in a week or two after being voted off. Hope the judges will be honest and tell her just what they think. No sugar coating it like always.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      TRIPP WILL NOT BE WITH HIS FATHER!!!!!!! Guess where

  55. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Strategic long-sleeved dress covering fat arms. Lumpy thighs that will be covered with dark hose when she dances to spread out the fatty lumps, pack in the cottage cheese and cover the lipo scars. Not too bad at a quick glance from the neck down when looking at Beefy from way across the McDonald's parking lot.

    But if you see up close that horribly-shaped, elongated horse face, none of the other items matter other than nit-picking.

    Nice shoes though, as if anybody would notice after staring into Rafalca's face.

  56. Anonymous7:56 PM

    At least she's a healthy weight. All that hiking and elliptical paid off.

    We call those lollipop heads in LA. Bristol often jokes to friends about her big head. There isn't a girl with a better sense of humor.

    Too bad no one here knows how to get to know someone personally before judging them.

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      What hiking? Health for got to show in legs. She can show off her arms later. The photo-shop makes it all look fake anyway. Wait to see how she looks on the show but remember most of that is faked.

    2. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Who the hell needs to know a photo shopped promotional Hollywood picture before jokes?

    3. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Palinbot talk means nothing, and Bristol is a GRIFTER.

    4. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Ignorant robotic commercial photographs are just part of a grifter's life.

  57. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Look at her thumb! I enlarged this and her thumb has been photoshopped to a guess is a whole lot of butt and 1/2 a thumb got photoshopped away.

  58. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Bristol Palin has issues! Her chin, cheeks, forehead, education, homophobic Tripp, abandoned Trig and the DWTS baby.

  59. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Don't you mean all that screwing paid off?

  60. Anonymous8:54 PM

    1,586 8:53pm Friday 8/24/12


    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      No one is signing that petition. Haven't they found a way to fix it?

  61. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Where's Gino? Will he be waiting in the wings for Bristol, his one true love, to come back into his arms and swear her undying love? Or was he only useful for her Unreality Show - as stand in dad for Tripp..... Or maybe she will find a "better daddy" for Tripp - one that is rich and a celebrity? Will she be wearing her promise ring from Gino or did she already hock it?

  62. Anonymous10:27 PM

    May your daughter be elected President, and may you have no idea what you did with her goddamn birth certificate.
    Old Yiddish Curse

  63. Anonymous11:45 PM

    in that photo, bristol girl looks like a 35ish year old woman. FUGLY!

  64. Anonymous4:48 AM

    G -
    HuffPo has had an article along with a picture of Bistol and her DWTS partner up for two days. It is under Entertainment/TV. Thus far not even one comment. Perhaps people are losing interest in her.
    Pat Padrnos

  65. Anonymous5:05 AM

    HERE WE GO AGAIN! This is what will happen to Bristol when she works hard and does the grueling dance work outs, she will explain this to you.
    Bristol on the View November 24, 2010.

  66. Anonymous5:39 AM

    I thought the jaw surgery made her face look thin. What happened in the picture on your right? It is after surgery. Has she continued to fluctuate up and down? Why is no one in her entourage concerned about a serious eating disorder? She is like her own mother. The big head look is only one of many signals. Television shows do not care about health they have their butts protected. Bristol is an adult and it is her managers and staff that needs to get her the help she needs. DWTS are using her for a potential ratings draw.

  67. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Me thinks Bristol got the chin extension so she wouldn't have that manly rock jaw like Sarah has.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.