Sunday, August 19, 2012

IS the reality show "Stars earn Stripes" an indication of a renewed fascination with military fetishism? Well it DOES feature a Palin. Update!

Courtesy of the New Republic:

That the military supports television projects as a way of promoting itself is nothing new. But reality shows, with their non-actor participants and murky line between staged drama and real-life scenarios, are a confusing hybrid. “Stars Earn Stripes” is not representing the military. It appropriates the mechanics and set pieces of military duty—shooting guns, kicking in doors—and uses them as ways to quantify winners and losers in a highly stylized game.

Executive producer David Hurwitz brushed off concerns that the show trivializes war. “I can see how naysayers who will always look for something would say that,” he told me. “But Todd Palin’s son is serving as an infantryman in Afghanistan. Someone like Nick Lachey, who people might think of as a pop star, is the same age as most of the officers now serving.” (And yet he is NOT serving is he?) Moral concerns aside, he emphasized that “Stars Earn Stripes” is mostly just designed to be a spectacle. He called it “the biggest and most explosive show ever on television.” No matter that the show feels culturally tone-deaf, a campy artillery bonanza just weeks after Aurora has begun to fade from the headlines. 

Yet “Stars Earn Stripes” also fails as entertainment. The show is not officially Pentagon-supported, but it still plays like unapologetic propaganda. Phrases like “honoring the troops” and “real American heroes” are thrown around so many times, with so many moments set to patriotic music, that the drama hits just one shrill and numbing note. The gun blasts blend together. Todd Palin manages to remain perfectly dull even while saying things like “I usually use a 338 caliber rifle that knocks a moose down pretty good.” And Nick Lachey, to the surprise of no one, is not very good behind a gun. 

As for Wesley Clark, he looks mildly uncomfortable and generally nonplussed. “Thank you for your service,” he says at the end of the premiere, and for a moment it is unclear whether he is addressing the stars or the soldiers. Then he turns toward the first celebrity to get the ax. “You are dismissed.”

I have to say that after subjecting myself to the premiere of this pile of crap I will not be sitting through any more of them. I had thought that I would be the most offended by Todd Palin's participation (Whose son, as you can see, is being used as some bizarre form of rationalization for his participation) however I actually found the entire program incredibly distasteful and essentially an example of military porn.

Having Wesley Clark's participation, somebody that I once, but will no longer admire, does NOTHING to lift this out of the bullet riddled mud, but instead allows it to drag him right down to the level that is currently occupied by the likes of Sarah and Todd Palin.

THEY embody the idea of faux military, violence laden, pro-American sensibilities. Each of them is a coward at heart, yet enjoy the trappings and reflected glory of associating themselves with military themed activities. And each of the "celebrity" participants in this program are now essentially their reality show cousins in that regard.

If this were simply JUST this one TV program I might not be too worried, however I attended the movies this weekend and found that we are currently in the middle of a renewed fascination with the Ronald Reagan inspired eighties styled films that drove pieces of garbage like "Rambo" with Sly Stallone and MIA" with Chuck Norris to the top of the box office charts.

"The Expendables," Arnold Schwarzenegger's return debut "Last Stand."  "GI Joe:Retaliation," and even a remake of the incredibly xenophobic "Red Dawn." are all slated to hit our movie houses within the next several months. All of them focused on America, or Americans, facing danger from foreign entities, where the only hope for salvation lies in the access to an endless supply of weaponry and the American penchant for violence.

Personally I would like to take a look at just WHO is backing these movies, and would be VERY surprised if they did not have connections to the military industrial complex in some way.

Now don't get me wrong I am an dedicated movie goer and have never shied away from movies that feature violence or even military themed movies ("Saving Private Ryan" and "Black Hawk Down" are two of my favorites.), however what I think I am seeing is a trend toward a purposeful glorification of the military that is very reminiscent of the kind of atmosphere that was omnipresent during the military buildup of the eighties, when Ronald Reagan was saber rattling in virtually every speech and invaded Granada in 1983 just to give his now beefier military something to do.

I DON'T believe that this is driven by our President by the way, and would be none too surprised that IF it is receiving some sanction from the Pentagon that it is happening despite President Obama or without his knowledge altogether.

Update:  I think the argument that his respects the military and the troops is ridiculous on its face. What a program like this does is reduce the idea of military service, which is vital in keeping America safe, to a series of military flavored "Fear Factor" stunts that are only attractive to the kind of individual who gets their entire understanding of war from video games. Resulting in military trained glory hounds, adrenaline junkies, and those attracted to the idea of government sanctioned killing.

And we already have the an example of the kind of soldier that produces.



  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I used to enjoy Wesley Clark's comments when he would appear on Keith Olbermann's show on MSNBC, but I've lost respect for him. This demeans him. And by gosh, Todd Palin's pose is just down right ridiculous! He just looks so silly. And he doesn't have much of a speaking voice, does he?

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I agree with you about Clark. That this man, who was associate with honor and integrity, could sink so low for money is just disgusting. I once thought he had potential to be of presidential caliber but no longer. He is not worthy of dog catcher consideration.
    Oh and the Hollywood war thing, think Iran. Of course the president of Israel just took a pile of wind out of PM Benji N's sails so who knows. it might also be a back lash against the chick flick crap out there.

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I totally agree, Gryphen. I tried to watch the first episode of this show, and I found the whole exercise manipulative, childish, and generally despicable. It doesn't surprise me at all that a Palin is associated with it, but Todd is (for once) not the biggest problem here.
    The kind of people who would enjoy this dreck are the same people who know nothing about REAL American history and the true struggle for freedom. They are the same people who would take away those freedoms, deny our history, and replace all that we've achieved with god, guns, and greed. The founding fathers would be ashamed of us.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      This next episode I hear is good. I got a scoop.

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      I hope it's a pooper scoop.

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      8:32 AM

      Good for General Electric? That is not good for America. Corporations are destroying our country or turning people into servants for the few.

    4. jcinco9:36 AM

      how so? is tadd kicked off for being a whining girlie-man with a falsetto voice?

    5. Anonymous1:09 PM

      This episode they jump from a heeleecopter onto a building and rappel down the building.Does this have something to do with Toadies fear of heights?

  4. Maybe this is overly simplistic, but I'm watching Hunger Games and thinking how it applies to our military fetishism.

    The rich folks in power always profit from war, so they promote war and send other people's children to die.

    Dead soldiers are glorified, money is made, and on and on it goes, each generation giving sacrificial tribute to the powers that be.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      In a nutshell that is how it goes.
      Profit, promote, other people's children to die.

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      I watched the movie on my daughter´s recommendation. My son recommended the trilogy to us both.

      My daughter and I downloaded the trilogy on our Kindles and read them together.

      It´s a good story.

  5. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Hmmm... I have ONE take away line from one of the Rambo movies - yes, it glorified violence, etc, but remember when Stallone is on the boat talking to an Asian woman - and he defines expendable for her - "it's when they invite you to the party, but don't really care if you show up."

    That is how the military regards all its recruits - EXPENDABLE - only the care if you show up, but have no interest in making sure you get to leave in one physical and mental piece.. Cannon Fodder, 21st century style.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      We have a 16 year old from Cheyenne Wy staying for the summer and possibly longer. Nice kid but I am not use to his thinking about the military. All of his older friends are in the Army. They play all the games and connect with the "right" music. It is as if they have no choice, is it school or military? No it is just military. The suggestion of school and being better prepared for the military is unheard. He has talked with recruiters and his friends back home. He talks about the miltary as a family that will care for him, do him right, it is all good. It has worked for everyone he knows. I try to bring up the "EXPENDABLE" factor, but that is subversive, not patriotic. It is chilling how young minds get worked over. Yes, these shows and movies are a great help in manipulating young people join to fight. This young man thinks it is necessary and exciting to learn to kill. He wants to become a pilot but first of all the training is a hook. This show is great for a thrill seeking youth.

      Around here he is having to learn to work in the outdoor, clearing bush and basic hard work. He will say he hates it and will never do that kind of work again. He believes the military will train him to kill and next he will be ready for flight school.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      And it explains why the GOP doesn't value education for all..uneducated kids who have been sold a bill of goods about how wonderful their futures will be after their service are much easier to brainwash into killing and torturing the evil dark folks who don't believe in God and 'hate America!' And they are expendable...there will always be more kids who grow up with violent video games and think guns actually solve problems.

    3. Anonymous10:30 AM


      He will need at minimum a Bachelor's Degree to become a military pilot. You should encourage him to attend college, first, as ROTC and then he will be required to pay for his schooling by serving in the military, where he very well could be trained a a pilot. Unfortunately enlisted men and women don't qualify for pilot training. Has he even spoken to a recruiter?

    4. Anonymous11:03 AM

      During the Viet Nam era a lot of young people demonstrated against the wars. What really angered me was that is was the older adults that controlled decision if we would go to war or not, but most of them were too old to have to go and fight. At the time, you couldn't vote or drink liquor, but you could go get drafted into the military and killed in a war you had no say in. It even hold true to today, although they have lowered the lowered the voting age to 18, the 18-20 year olds still have very little say if we go to war or not. And it's true, corporations are the ones who profit from war, and it doesn't hurt the economy either. I still wonder if Bush's reason to lie to the public about invading Iraq wasn't at least partially based as a way to help the economy. And how much thought did he give if it on the cost in lives it was going to take. And not just our own, but the civilians of the countries we entered who would also end up dying.

      Romanticizing war, like this show does, gives our young people the wrong impression of what war is really like. Can you imagine how much of a failure this show would have been in the late 60's and early 70's. During World War 2, we really didn't have the option of going to war or not. We were attacked by Japan, and the Germans were taking over Europe and was looking to eventually invading our own country. We have no place trying to be the world police and controlling every skirmish taking place between different factions. That's why we have the United Nations, and we shouldn't play a larger roll than any of the other countries taking part in the UN's forces. It's no wonder why were hated in much of the world and thought of as bully's.

    5. Anonymous11:40 AM

      "I still wonder if Bush's reason to lie to the public about invading Iraq wasn't at least partially based as a way to help the economy."

      But the war didn't help the economy. When Bush took office we had a budget surplus - Bush's two wars pushed us into this huge deficit we now experience. He provided lots of work for his war profiteer buddies along with generous tax cuts for them. Yes, the war definitely helped rich people, but it certainly didn't help the economy.

      But I do agree that I don't think he gave any thought to the amount of human life that would be lost, either.

    6. Anonymous12:24 PM

      But the war didn't help the economy. EXACTLY. Bush reminds me of a mental midget that was easy to program. He was the stooge that was put in place. He had a real dick by his side. I have no clue if he thought much at all. He maybe totally removed from most of reality and things like actual death of troops, missing limbs, traumatic brain injury just do not register. Maybe after a few wake up calls he started to see that reality and he feels something, who knows? He is at a time of life when philanthropy is scheduled. He is nothing like former President Carter so I don't know how much is just what he does for his legacy to look good. I hope he realizes he deserves to be in prison, I doubt it.

      I don't see how we can improve things if we never confront the liars and profiteers who did this great injustice and have all the blood on their hands. As a country we are living in a suspended state. We can't deal with the truth and we can't make things better. Only some temp fixes and mind games. We are not dealing with how we kill people and how we got in this financial mess. Why do the most corrupt in the world and among us get by with so much?

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    "Thank you for your service". ?

    What an insult to every service member that really did SERVE their country.

    "Thank you for your service", soon to become another reality show elimination catch phrase like "you're fired!" and "you are the weakest link-goodbye"

    No, it's not glorifying war, it's turning it into reality show entertainment. Much worse in my opinion.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      It's trying to give a taste of what servicemen risk and do daily.

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Oh please. It is glorifying war. And trying to recruit more innocent young people into service where they will either be killed or maimed and regardless will come home with mental issues that we refuse to pay for. Peace is much cheaper than war, and safer for all of us too.

    3. Anonymous9:48 AM

      'It's trying to give a taste of what servicemen risk and do daily.'

      That is pathetic. Who needs a taste. We need to see and know the reality of what we do both to servicemen and women, their families and their communities. Take for example the Palin pal, U.S. Army Specialist Jeremy Morlock. There was not enough scruntiny and not enough learned from his experience. Try as he did to appeal to his family friend, Sarah Palin, she failed him. Spc. Morlock's daily life would show what happens to others that may not go so far off the deep end. He is not the only one to be injured and sent back to fight while heavily medicated. As a country we can barely speak of the high suicide rate or the massive drug problems of those in service.

      Listen to this video. It hardly covers the grotesque misrepresentation of this shameful production. It is a start, more discussion will help.

    4. lostinmn10:46 AM

      If they intend to give us a taste of what service men and women face daily then why not fire live rounds at them while they do their little stunts? Or have IED's placed at strategic locations around the set? Or have children wired with C-4 walk up to them with their finger on a trigger? It's no more real than some x-box games. There you get killed and wait five or ten seconds to respawn. In war, dead is dead, maimed is forever. That argument is a load of crap anyone sitting in their easy chair drinking beer will ever understand war better or be horrified at the consequences to young bodies. Go watch the first ten minutes of Saving Private Ryan. Then you might get it. Might. If you don't then go out and zip one of your children in a body bag and leave them out back for an hour. What's the use? The neo-cons glorify in war as long as they aren't the ones taking the bullets.

    5. Anonymous12:09 PM

      'It's trying to give a taste of what servicemen risk and do daily.'

      On a reality entertainment show?? Are you kidding? Let's show the body parts, the blood. The babies that 'got in the way'.

      Let's show the horror in the eyes of 18 year old Americans after their first tour. Show the deadness in their eyes by the third.

      Let's not forget to show the fear and shock in the innocent victims in those countries; that just like our own soldiers, will NEVER leave them. never.

      Keeping PEACE. That is the measure of the strength of our nation. Of our world

  7. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Why on earth is Todd Palin considered a 'star'? He's listed as a 4-time Iron Dog Champion..well, haven't others also won that contest? So, are they considered 'stars' like Todd?
    And how is 'Todd Palin’s son is serving as an infantryman in Afghanistan' relevant to anything? Are all parents and spouses of military servicemen (women) now considered stars also??? That's so screwed up. They put Palin on simply because of his wife. (Whom I refuse to name!)

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Seriously, how hard is it to ride a snow mobile? I guess you need endurance and warm clothes. I'll bet meth helps with the endurance. Didn't Toad also cheat?
      Yeah, he's a star.

    2. Anonymous9:12 AM

      And they work in PAIRS. No Iditarod driver out there with his or her dogs has help on the trail. In the snow and wind and ice. And a female has actually won that grueling race, too.

    3. Anonymous10:09 AM

      ***** Why on earth is Todd Palin considered a 'star'?

      We don't know all that goes on behind closed doors. The man from England, Burnett, Dick Wolf, David Hurwitz and others are the names of the big wigs they will tell us. Someone sold Todd Palin to the power brokers. GE is a big investor in NBC or something. It is plausible a big name with connections wants to do a favor for Sarah and they get Todd a deal to pump up his military cred and deflect from his subversive ties to his seven years with the AIP.

      The Palins and supporters could not have been too happy with 'Game Change' exposing they lied and covered up Todd's affiliation. Using Track for military cred is sensitive. This is a perfect vehicle to revise Todd's history and give him the image of super hero military strengths.
      More recent it was in the news about dear close tied at the hip to Heath/Palin, Ivy Frye and Joe Miller were influencing other subversives in a hotel. Forget all that. Just make Todd look great in the eyes of those who buy into the fantasies.

  8. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Todd does not have a son.

    Curtis's son is in the Army and Bristol's son Trig is in hiding.

    DNA testing is needed for the truth to come out.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      He looks so much like his father here.

  9. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Yes Sarah emotionally and monetarily supports military organizations. How is that bad? She charitably supports many things privately. It's what real people do.

    Brave Soldiers are ignored daily as vapid individuals steal focus. I for one am grateful for shows like these that attempt to show how tough our servicemen work and how much they RISK.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Yeah, we sure wouldn't be able to appreciate the military of it weren't for this show. (rolls eyes.)

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Nice that Sarah monetarily supports military organizations privately. As it should be.

      But, this show is just another example of taking an honorable sacrifice and using it to make: show creators profit, advertisers profit, Mark Burnett profit, participants profit monetarily and career-wise. Very little of this display does anything to help the real military. The eight participants will get the show to donate $100,000 each to their favority organization, but that is peanuts compared to what some young men and women have to come home to. They need jobs, health care, and affordable incomes - they don't all get invited to "play war" for great amounts of $$$ in the entertainment industry. And that is just that, entertainment.

      The participants of the show already are no doubt part of the 10% higher income bracket. They don't make $10/$15/$20 an hour barely making it. Does Todd Palin need to work? Why didn't he ask that the show put a young serviceman/woman in his place?

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      @8:25 - Your comment is complete nonsense. Todd was a member of the AIP for seven years, you know, the group of folks who want to succeed from the USofA. This is just a hypocritical money making scheme by the Palins. The super patriotic 'Rah Rah Rah' from Sarah is just part of her celebrity/grifting schtick. Intelligent folks have always seen right through it. Sarah doesn't emotionally or monetarily support anything or anyone except herself. Do you post this claptrap for free or do they pay you?

    4. "Brave Soldiers are ignored daily as vapid reality shows steal focus. I for one am grateful for shows like these that attempt to steal focus from our servicemen."

      There. Fixed it for you.

    5. Anonymous9:14 AM

      the only things Sarah supports are the "Belmonts"

    6. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Vapid individuals like Sarah? And how do you know she donates one cent of her money to anything at all? Her PAC is not HER money. When she was out there pretending to be smart in 2008, she said she would be an advocate for special needs kids and families. So where is the school? The money for research? She doesn't even volunteer at Trig's school, does she? From what we have seen of her, she does nothing without a camera present and a check afterwards.

    7. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I'm sure the Commander in Chief has noticed all that emotional support he gets from the Palins.

      and John McCain also too. He got a big boost from the Palins.

    8. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Then dont watch. Truth is, unless one has a family member of friend in the military, I DOUBT they pay attention. Thats just using common sense.

    9. PalinsHoax9:24 AM

      "Brave Soldiers are ignored daily as vapid individuals steal focus. I for one am grateful for shows like these that attempt to show how tough our servicemen work and how much they RISK."

      Then why don't these shows have real, actual servicemen on the show, to relate how tough the military is? Why do they have a vapid individual who never served in the military, who is/was AIP, purse-carrying, Iron Dog cheater on the show - who also prefers the company of prostitutes to his own wife?

    10. Anonymous9:28 AM

      The military is BIG BUSINESS and the best social welfare system going in America today. Sadie just made a courageous comment on the 'baby' mentality of too many teens and young people where she lives. It is the same for other parts of the country. The military mentality is not excluded from areas like Wasilla/Palmer. The Track Palin story is typical except for the part where his mother is a paid shill for the military complex. Boys get in trouble, boys, are offered a deal to join the military and skip prison or probation. The military will take gang members and criminals. The worst of people are glad to learn and later return to their gang and train their criminal compadres.

      The Palins are AIP thinkers. You don't have to hold a membership card to keep your beliefs. It is far better to take over from the inside out, as if it is all legal and good for the country.

      Both the Track Palin and the Jeremy Morlock stories, if truthfully examined and told, would be deeply penetrating as to what is happening in America today. It is vital that we know the truth and see what is going on with our children and the military complex.

      Front people like the Palins are puppets for those with more power but they are doing the work for some insidious control freaks.

    11. $arah is not going to give a goddam penny to anyone without an ulterior motive, and then $he's gonna $hout it from the rooftops because $he is an attention whore.

    12. Anonymous9:37 AM

      $carah has NEVER done anything privately, except hiden her daughter's pregnancy. Charity? There is only one - the Palin family. The money donated to her pac does not go to help other politicians, it goes to rent storefronts in Tampa and for bus trips. Name ONE bona fide charity that is helped by this despicable family of grifters. Not even children with disbilities are helped, even though there are some in their own family.

    13. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Sarah and Todd would be actively involved in the International Paralympic Games if they supported special needs people and wounded veterans. They would be using their undeserved fame to raise money for bioengineering research in artificial limbs.

      This show should be about veterans who were wounded and recovered, about military widows and widowers who are surviving and coping.

      This show should be about how war has a direct impact on your next door neighbor.

      And you.

    14. Anonymous12:33 PM

      vapid individual = Sarah Palin. nuf said.

    15. Anonymous12:46 PM

      9:54, I'm on board with your ideas.

    16. Anonymous2:43 PM

      And exactly how would you know that? Sarah doesn't do anything for anyone unless it will benefit her or pay her a large fee.

  10. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Todd Palin's participation in this sounds like the pants in the family, Sarah, pushed this. Watched some of it, and Todd sounds so generic, little passion, sitting like a lump on a log, parroting the same lines Sarah has, about Track being in the military. Does Todd or Sarah ever DO anything on their own merit? Do they always have to earn a paycheque on the merits of what their children ARE or DO?

    With Sarah it was supposed advocacy for down syndrome children, because she had one. She was the spokeswoman for the perfect family, likes hers. Or, she's the official mouthpiece for defending young daughters against the likes of David Letterman. With Bristol, it's spokeswoman, advocate for single teen moms, because of Tripp, or reality tv show, showing struggles of life with Tripp. With Todd now, it's being dad of infantryman in Afghanistan Track. (and in fact, why would this spotlight-seeking family want to remind everyone over and over again about their son's tour of duty, putting him in harm's way?).

    The Palins, these last 4 years, are all about earning their living on the backs of their kids.

    It's almost a sure thing that Barnett is in Sarah's pocket, and they've been working on keeping her and the members of her family in perpetual reality tv employment.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Oh come on. Freakin' ruins my day when you use the words perpetual and Palins in same post.

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I was waking care of a pt whose brother was just discharged from the army with an injury he got jumping out of a plane. Anyway, he thinks the show is disgusting. That's all I need to know.

  12. Anonymous8:40 AM

    You know Sarah's gonna wish she pegged herself a Wolverine instead of a mama grizzly - in order to remain topical. But then remember, "We have to stand with our North Korean allies."

    1. Surprised she hasn't tried to take Honey Badger.

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Nuttin' honey about Sarah. She's all vinegar.

  13. Anonymous8:42 AM

    The military advertised on Bristol's show, at least when it was shown on-line.
    Our tax dollars at work.
    Who, one wonders, was the audience for those ads? Would young military men be watching Bristol's whining? Or was it some sort of payback?

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Military at all cost is not good. Not good for troops, not good for civilians and not good for the United States of American. Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower served honorably and tried to warn citizens so this flagrant abuse to make a few wealthy and give them a slave labor force would not be how things turn out for our nation.

  14. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Those who serve in the military deserve the respect they are due, but they don't flaunt their service, nor try to gain their 15 minutes of fame; and they don't get rich. It's just unexplainable "Stars Earns Stripes" is trying to parade the patriotic thing just before the election. They seem to be trying to rally the right-wing electorate, using Todd/Sarah visual as the rallying cry. I'm surprised we won't see Sarah on one of the episodes.

    Manipulation here at it's core, and these people who participate in Stars Earn Stripes walk away with a nice paycheque and win undeserved praise because they picked their charity of choice. No actual donations come out of their own pockets towards these veterans charities.

  15. Anonymous8:51 AM

    that girl with her leg over the top...where's
    her right arm?
    if i'm holding on to the top with my leg/thigh
    like That, with my left hand perched balancing on the top...Id certainly Also need my right hand and arm.

    whats she holding on to with her right arm?
    lol, idiots.

    i also like how toaddy has shadow in front of him while others shadow behind them.

    stoopid people who think they can pretend
    do 'pay homage' to those who actually
    do their dirty work for them.

    what a disgrace. nothing more than 'recruitment' shit like top gun was.
    exposing the need to recruit more young kids
    to do rw dirty work.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Yeah, weird. Maybe she was scratching her rear end. And Todd! Those mom jeans and shoes are too much!

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Fake Hollywood tricks are how fakes want to pretend to appreciate the military. They are nothing but haters of the lowest denomination. Go ask Alice, I think she'll know.

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Todd is gay. I happen to know this for a fact. You can guess why.
      I am gay so I have nothing against gays. But Todd is a closet homo- and a hypocrite and abuser of men & women. Calling him a star is an insult to all the people (and there are many) that he is abused. He's a dick- and yes it's very small.

    4. Anonymous1:14 PM

      John Travolta has had protection for years and was able to live a secret life. Finally a few are speaking up. How can that happen with Todd Palin? He will continue destroying others and these hideous falsehoods until something can be done.

      No one deserves to be victimized by these fame ho celebrities. They just go on and on hurting others. Anyone who lives a lie is an evil skank traitor. May justice prevail and those hurt be made whole and benefit.

  16. I too have lost all respect for Wesley Clark. I have no idea why he is doing it. I would not think he needs the money.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Hes a commie isn't he?

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Far worse, he is a Palin comrade.

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM

      A commie? Do you think this is the 1950s or something? Idiot! Get an education for Gods sake. Your stupidity gives intelligent people a headache and fear for the future of our country.

    4. Anonymous1:16 PM

      I thought Sarah Palin ran her city like a socialist or an old world communist? Her state is still on the dole. Why doesn't she do something about that?

  17. Anonymous8:55 AM

    "8:25am:I for one am grateful for shows like these that attempt to show how tough our servicemen work and how much they RISK."

    it does show makeup. hairdo's. smiles and big
    ad money. all.
    you real war.

    like what the palin kid aint seeing.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      "like what the palin kid aint seeing."
      What does this mean?

      And I meant that it tries to show a portion of what they endure physically. NO ONE part of the show claims to be as tough or strong as a member of the military.

    2. hedgewytch9:31 AM

      There's no endless trainings, endless detail cleaning of weaponry, equipment and floors. There's no humping across 30 miles of desert wearing 150lbs of gear in 110 degrees of heat while wondering if you are going to step on a land mine. There's no endless waiting, watching, and waiting some more for orders. There's no piss in your pants fear when you see the mortars coming in and your friend screaming next to you with his guts exploded all over your face.

      This program is bullshit. It is offensive. And every military personnel who has served past or present, and to the families who sacrificed their own on the battlefields.

    3. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Well said, hedgewytch.

    4. If they really want to show what the military experiences, they should give everyone paint ball guns, divide them in half and let them shoot at each other.

      Then we'll look at the paint and see who "survived".

      The stunts in the first show were just that. Stunts. So they used live ammo in really safe conditions and the FX guys blew stuff up.

  18. Anonymous9:11 AM

    How is making millions from a reality show supporting the troops? Will the profits from the show be donated to the military? If the truly want to support the troops they should enlist!

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Make millions, sucker some more kids into a false narrative and have a $100,000 tax write off while you look like a good guy and a patriot. It works everytime. Most folks are to busy working to pay attention, they just need to be entertained and love the cheat thrills.

  19. Anonymous9:18 AM

    It's not a fetish. It's knowing what makes a strong country.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      You haven't traveled much have you?? That's obvious. You live in a teeny tiny brainwashed bubble. It's quite sad how ignorant you are. People with your backwards mentality make our country weak.

    2. Bad reality TV makes our country stronger?

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Brainwashed is the key word.

    4. There is a world of difference between glorifying the military and glorifying militarism.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Oh I get it. Giving money to the Palins is hat makes our country stronger.
      Eye roll

    7. Anonymous2:09 PM

      IT IS A FETISH. any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion. In no way is this disgracing display making anything stronger. The illusion of strength makes Todd and the whole shebang foolish.

      Feeding the country these lies and tricks is horrendous and must be stopped. Not only this one television show. It is clearly a trend. The public is already too far removed from warfare and fighting. There is a serious disconnect. Sad to say we think it is legitimate to protect ourselves from the brutal images and the truth of killer armies.

      The RW mouth pieces like Limbaugh tell syncophants what movies are alright to watch. If it is a movie too close to the truth, that will be put down. It will be labeled disloyal or unpatriotic.
      Instead crap like Stars Earn Stripes is sold under the lie that it is showing strength.

  20. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "If we worried half as much what others are doing for us and spent twice as much time helping others, we would all be exponentially happier."

    People need to remember that when they vote. I get the feeling few people on liberal blogs understand this

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      If you are trying to infer that the Palins help others don't waste your time here. We all KNOW who that grifting family helps, plastic surgeons mainly since $carah and Bristles are completely fake from their faces, hair and bodies. Tucked, sucked, botoxed, liposuctioned messess both of them.

    2. Anonymous11:52 AM

      And how do YOU help others? You don't, do you. You are such a hypocrite. Democrats/liberals are the group that has always looked out for others. Legislation and history prove this! The only time this was not true was during the time of the civil war.
      Millions were raised out of poverty due to Democratic policies.
      So who are you to talk about doing for others? You spend all your time defending charlatans and pimps!

    3. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Rich people try to buy their way into heaven all the time. Others may try to appease a guilty conscience. There is all kinds of so-called charity and doing for others that is a sham. It means nothing except crap and corruption. True giving and help is not usually scripted for corporations and elite individuals to score big profits off a public that expects to be entertained.

  21. hedgewytch9:20 AM

    I would not be surprised at all to find monetary connections with this production (and probably others that you've mentioned) coming from the Kochs and from the GOP type "institutions" such as Americans for Prosperity.

    They want to keep the neocon wars going as they are big money makers,and it keeps the young poor kids busy fighting overseas instead of protesting on the streets.

    I can't believe that General Clark got himself involved with kind of crap. He should be ashamed of himself. I wonder how in the world did they talk him into this? He has totally denigrated his uniform and the honors he won while wearing it.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      The part about General Clark makes me profoundly sad.

  22. Anonymous9:59 AM

    @9:18 AM It's not a fetish. It's knowing what makes a strong country."--

    bullshit. what makes a country strong is its
    people. it is Only When your people are freaked out you 'feel' you must defend 'your' personal Fear of losing 'your' personal shit.
    pretty Weak Position, that. one defended the american or global peoples when wallst LOOTED all the money, homes, jobs. thats ok.

    put your Rand down and wake the fuk up.
    a 'country' is only as strong as its people are.
    it doesnt matter how many bullets or fake tv stars.

  23. Grey Lensman10:09 AM

    O/T, abit, but this is a must-read:

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Those of us that pay Federal Taxes support the troops with our tax dollars; we don't have a choice. Even if you don't support the mission you support it financially. Wouldn't it be nice if we could "earmark" our tax payments?

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      I agree. I am sick of giving money to Raytheon, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing’s defensive operations etc. ... So what if regular people occupy jobs in these companies? Taxpayers could just as easily put that money toward infrastructure improvements, research and development and education for all our children. It also makes me sick to my stomach for what the Bush Administration unleashed on Iraq. I lay in bed in the middle of the night and think about how frightening it must be for civilians in countries we have decided are our enemies to have drones hovering around their cities.

    2. Anonymous12:02 PM

      The Iraq war was fabricated and a set up, it is costing us dearly. Some die, others are maimed some suicidal, suicides, addictions or PTSD. we can't even put the culprits on trial and give them what they deserve. That is not a strong country. We are weakened as long as we let them kill us off like they do and they get rewarded and benefits.

      The lies to put us at war are taking the country to the poor house and putting us at the mercy of others. As military soldiers comes home we spend more money. We can't cut the military money back, it is better to put grandpa in the street and on a starvation diet so he won't last long.

      Only a few will come out of this a winner.

  25. Anonymous10:41 AM

    The invasion of Grenada happened immediately after 241 American marines were killed in a bombing in Lebanon. It was a blatant exercise designed to get the public to rally behind the troops and to forget about the deaths.

  26. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Again many thanks and gratitude to Jesse. You did it again with this vital and deeply riveting piece.

  27. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Sorry, my comment is off topic, but I thought if any old Republican men, particularly those going to the convention, they should be fore warned. The local and state authorities in Tampa are cracking down on prostitution in general, and in particular at the local strip clubs. They have already arrested 16 prostitutes in the last 2 nights. But don't worry, the Palin look alike will still be here, but don't try to pay her for any extra entertainment, if you know what I mean. If you should find the real Palin, that's another story. She's rapidly loosing her fan base (financial support) and may take you up on your offer. Just don't offer too much, if you do she may think you're a cop.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      That will not effect a business run by someone like Todd Palin. It will help his business b/c men will know where to go for protection.

      Todd has connections and now he has the reputation of a strong man with back up. Military ready.

      Tampa police cracking down only means some women will be examples. The police will look like they are doing their job. For all we know they are more corrupt than in Anchorage.

      It is only RNC establishment that is keeping Palin out of the party, not all the extremists and crazies. she has plenty in her base to make some noise. They have ways to solicit money.

      What I find quirky in Florida is it is illegal to carry an automatic inside the convention. Yet you can have guns outside.

  28. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The glorification of military service is even more disturbing given recent reports of increasing active-duty suicides.

    For now, I won't allow my disgust for SES to impact my respect for Gen. Clark. Hopefully, he'll refuse to participate if there's a 2nd season; and, better yet, he'll help ensure a 2nd season won't happen.

    There was one bright spot in the post:
    "Todd Palin manages to remain perfectly dull...."

  29. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Mentally ill Kristy P is back on the blogs, poor delusional woman. Maybe we can all ignore her because she is a very sick person (like Sarah and Bristol) who gets her jollies by stirring the pot. These sick people like any kind of attention-negative included. Pity them. They are very sad and live empty unfilled lives. Yes that sounds like their accusations. It's called projection.

  30. Anonymous11:56 AM

    What is crazy is that these people are NOT stars!

  31. Okay, I excel at abstract logic so not sure if anyone will follow the connections.

    I watched two hours of this crap last Monday because nothing else was on and I wanted to be sure I didn't miss the first new episode of Grimm which followed immediately after.

    As I was watching, I thought of two things: The Hunger Games and Race to the Top.

    Does anyone else see the connections?

    Competition to finite resources.

    In this reality TV show of military porn (love that image) we have stars competing for money for charity. All charities need money and there is a finite amount available.

    Race to the Top. There is a finite amount of Federal money for schools. Instead of providing a little to those in need, schools are forced to compete through grants. The winners live and the losers fiscally starve.

    Hunger Games. If you haven't read the books or seen the movies, it's gladitorial games for survival. A Fascist state capital keeps 12 districts on the brink of starvation providing resources so the capital can live in luxury. Every year there is a gladitorial games where the youth of each district compete to the death. The winner's prize? His district gets food for a year.

    I look at Stars Earn Stripes and I think "How far are we from this becoming the Hunger Games?"

    I find the show revolting and will not be watching again. I also consider it highly disrespectful to our men and women serving in the armed forces.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Thank you for watching that once. Excellent observation. We may already be the Hunger Games.

  32. LOL, 11:39!

    Also, Jesus wept.

    I don't think we're more than two seasons away from any of those if Romney were to be elected.

  33. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I firmly believe Hunger Games IS the oligarch's notion of an ideal society. The problem is that the Repugs & Baggers will be the last ones to figure that out. They'll continue to cling to the hope that if they only win the lotto, they can be up there with the Rich Folks.

    We haven't watched SES (and Grimm rocked, btw), and don't intend to, but one thing I have noticed about the promos--several of the other participants are featured, but I have yet to see the TodBo. He's shown in the background sometimes, but never doing anything and never speaking. Kinda makes you go hmmmm......

    1. Well, I'm a progressive and I *know* the only way I'll be up there with the rich is to win the lottery. No other way. I can't earn enough to pay bills and "invest" enough to "earn" enough to live off my capital gains. I barely cover expenses at the end of the month. I know the odds of winning the lottery are astronomical, but occasionally someone does win. It could be me just as easily as anyone else. Billion to one but still.

      It's cheaper than smoking or drinking when it comes to vile habits.

  34. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Gotta have my Grimm!

  35. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Thank you for including the reality of the Morlock boy. Not a pleasant reminder but very important.

  36. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Is it a fact that Track Palin is serving as an infantryman in Afghanistan?

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      There are few facts about Track Palin. Mostly he is well concealed. The meme is he wants to be left alone and oh my does that make people proud, he is not like his glory hog mother. Infact, there was a PR piece where he sat with Gov Parnell for dinner and played football, just one of the guys, before they claimed he was going to Afghanistan with his brothers. I think this time it is said to be to rebuild the government. Which Sarah will say so we all have freedom of speech.
      I don't know about the others but Track is able to come back to the states. He is not doing a long duty or he is treated special.

      When Track was to be in Iraq for a year, his mother's friend, a Colonel, exaggerated what was to be his job. That had to be retracted but if you google it, only the wrong information still comes up. The false information is that he guarded his superior in a dangerous zone in Iraq.

      Now it is said he is in a very dangerous part of Afghanistan rebuilding. At least, he can get out of harms way and fly back home when he wants. Do you think that happens for other soldiers?

      There are numerous shady things about Track and that makes it hard to believe any of the PR the military or the Palins put out. An accumulation of oddities, like he is married and there is no marriage license to be found. There was to be a big celebration last winter, that didn't happen. There was a baby born a few months after the alleged wedding but who can say what that is about? Why are they handling his press releases to create more questions and making him look like he has more to hide. Go figure.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      If you ask Sarah, she'll probably tell you that Track is the United States Army Middle East Headquarters Commanding General preparing battle plans everyday.

      Most likely Track is running his step father Todd's middle east prostitution ring.

    3. Anonymous8:23 PM

      The son of the VP candidate would NOT be put in harm's way. Considering how conservative the Army is, I suspect Track is not in harm's way this time either.

  37. Yeah, what is next for the No. 1 family of reality TV??
    I know, it's the "Trig and Tripp Show! Watch the zany and wacky antics starring Trig Palin and his nephew Tripp Whatever His Last Name Is Today as they tackle big difficult issues like, "Trig explains (what else?) but trigonometry to a group of rowdy, drunken 12-year-olds and his fascinating class on: DNA, can it really prove whoooose your daddy??Watch Tripp as he teaches a class in "How to spot and humiliate a homosexual in a crowded Democratic-run day-care center"...Oh, the fun...No finger painting here, folks.

  38. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Doesn't that guy know not to put his ass up in the air like that to Todd?

    When Todd gets a whiff of that no telling what Todd might do?

  39. Chenagrrl5:20 PM

    That picture of Todd reminds me of a man running and reaching for the outhouse door.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

      To me, it looks like he wants to play leapfrog with the guy in front of him.

      That promo posed photo is disgusting.

  40. Anita Winecooler7:50 PM

    Thank You for a great post. I lost all respect for Clark. War as entertainment is a slap in the face of what REAL service people go through. It's a slap in the face to those who gave the last full measure, it's a slap in the face for their families and the sacrifice they endure and will endure for life.

    We sanitize what war is, we aren't allowed to grieve our heroes who lost their lives, we have no idea how many innocent people were injured or killed. We celebrate the returning vets, but after that, they're basically marginalized and ignored.

    I'm also sick of this talk of "PTSD" suffering vets as "ticking time bombs". It's villifying a treatable condition that rarely causes the vet to act out violently.

    Why not a real documentary about real soldiers and their experiences? Everything's

  41. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Our local NBC channel not only showed the Monday premiere which I didn't watch but had it on for another two hours Sat. night. Crap! Hopefully, having to repeat the show again means their ratings were so low the first time, they decided to try, try, again. Sometimes happens just before a show is canceled. We can only hope. This show is beyond disgusting and an insult to our troops.

  42. Anonymous5:56 AM

    "TOP GUN" director, Tony Scott, jumps from bridge in LA.


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