Friday, August 17, 2012

It's "deja vu all over again" as Fox News uses the EXACT SAME words to describe Paul Ryan that they used to describe Sarah Palin four years ago.

 Courtesy of Media Matters:

In the days since Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate, Fox News has been gushing over the Wisconsin congressman, calling him a "rock star," a "bold, transformational" pick, and "the future" of the Republican party. 

Some of that praise sounded familiar, so Media Matters took a look at Fox's coverage of another Republican vice presidential candidate -- current Fox News contributor Sarah Palin, who was 2008's "rock star" pick and "future of the Republican Party."

Okay now that is kind of eery.

And it makes it pretty clear that the talking heads over at Fox are nothing more than the GOP's delegated cheerleaders waving their pom pom's and turning cartwheels as expected regardless of how badly their team sucks ass.

So now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Paul Ryan IS the 2012 version of Sarah Palin. As if we ever had any doubt.


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    The only rock in Sarah Palin's rock star equipment was getting old men excited sexually. Paul Ryan just ain't got it.

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Last year I sold my chance to be President on Ebay.

    Paul Ryan was the winning bidder.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      I saw a cartoon years ago; in a playground, a black kid was saying to a white kid, "I'll sell you my chance to be President for a nickel."

  3. A. J. Billings6:45 AM

    As much as I don't like Paul Ryan's myopic and draconian "plan", he's got a lot more on the ball than Granny Grifter.

    Ryan actually has an education, is articulate, and is a politician of some merit.

    He can speak without sounding like a 6th grader, and represents his positions with some eloquence, and moreover has a serious background in financial policy.

    He also knows something about government and how it works, unlike Paylin who wondered aloud
    "Just what is it that the VP does all day".

    (did Ms Airhead never HEAR of google? WFT?)

    Please don't misunderstand, I am not supporting Ryan, as he's pretty staunchly against abortions, and his vision for America favors the wealthy.

    Comparing his record to Paylin's is a lesson in contrasts in many respects.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      I realize you are not supporting Ryan, but I just wanted to respond to the phrase, "his is a politician of some merit."

      He has been in office 13 years and only had two of his bills pass.

      One was for renaming a post office in his district. The other bill was to remove excise tax from archery hunting bows - why, you might ask - turns out he is an avid bow hunter so that bill directly benefited his own interests.

      That record does not speak highly of real work skills other than his ability to BS his district's voters into keeping him in office.

      End of rant - just wanted to bust that myth that Ryan is some sort of talented politico.

    2. hedgewytch8:55 AM

      May I add that Ryan's so called "serious background" in fiscal policy is to advocate the continuance of the Bush era "trickle down" policies. He has stated that he thinks Ayn Rand is the cat's meow and we should all model our government as she laid out in her books. His "fiscal conservativeness" would add 17 trillion dollars to our debt while continuing to destroy the middle class and give it all to the rich.

      Ryan may speak better than Palin, and he just might beat her in the lie department as well. I'm really starting to think that Ryan is just a more polished male twin to Palin.

    3. Olivia9:17 AM

      To Anonymous @ 8:12am, very good points you make about what an empty suit he is and even with the nearly complete lack of substance in his career, his accomplishments completely outshine those of Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Ryan is being touted as one of the smartest men in the GOP. A man who can translate complex policy into convincing, digestible, sound bites. He is lauded as the fresh, young, persuasive ¨voice¨ of the GOP antidote to President Obama. IOW, the exact opposite of Sarah.

      Before the ´08 VP debate the GOP lowered the bar on expectations. It worked.

      Now the GOP has raised the bar on the ´12 GOP debate to the stratosphere, proclaiming Ryan will mop the floor with VP Biden´s head.

      Will it work?

    5. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Why are they going after Joe Biden so hard if they think that Ryan will "mop the floor" with him? Sounds to me like they are terrified to have Ryan go up against Biden, because Biden will reveal what a shallow poster boy Ryan really is.

    6. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Joe Biden had to use kid gloves on Sarah Palin for fear of being labeled a bully and a sexist. Rick Lazio, anyone?

      If the GOP thinks that Ryan can save Mitt Romney's billion dollar political butt, they are sadly mistaken.

    7. Anita Winecooler4:51 PM

      Funny how Ryan said he didn't accept stimulus money, the man who's all about government had to walk that back when he wrote a letter asking for stimulus money for Wisconsin.

      I'm not blaming him for doing it, the people he represents deserve the same as every other state, but the fact he LIED about it is what should bother people.

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM


  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Is Paul Ryan just Palin with a penis?

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      No, Ryan can speak in complete sentences and reads books. Other than that, he is as much of a liar as the Quitter.

  6. And Tom Morello is going after him! Yeah!

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      LOL: Tom Morello: Paul Ryan 'Is The Embodiment Of The Machine Our Music Rages Against'

      When are Cheney/Bush going to be tried for war crimes?
      July Deadliest Month For U.S. Troops

  7. If I wanted a rock star, I'd vote for Jerry Garcia, except he's dead, no pun intended.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      No problem. No one ever said you could not vote for dead people.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

      Hey, dead people are people too, my friends!

  8. Romney picking Ryan surprised me. There's clearly a move afoot in the GOP to remove the circus image, witness the speaker list for their convention lacks all the zoonies, Perry, Bachmann, Cain, Palin, etc.

    Ryan at first glance isn't one of the circus kind of crazies, but his beliefs are way out there, he's a religious ideologue, and will no doubt be highlighted by Democrats with glee.

    Strange choice! It solidified the base which didn't need solidifying, they were going to vote GOP not matter who the nominee was (Lassie would do) because they flat-out hate Obama.

    But Ryan's too far right for Independents and moderate non-hateful GOPers, and anyone else. That leaves Romney whom no one really likes having to pull the load alone.

    Looks good for the happy, smart and decent team fighting for the non-zillionaires who could use someone on their side. Yay!

    1. PalinsHoax9:22 AM

      "they were going to vote GOP not matter who the nominee was (Lassie would do)"


      Hey, please leave beautiful Lassie out of the GOP mess. We sure don't want Romney driving around campaigning with Lassie strapped to the roof of his car.

      Besides, Lassie has integrity and high standards. Lassie does not associate with just any Mitt, I mean mutt.

  9. No, this time we really mean it. Really, you guys. We're totally serious.

  10. To paraphrase Bill Maher once again, what does it say about the Rethug Party when Ryan, allegedly, the smartest person in the party, and $P, the stupidest person in the world, agree on everything?

    That should be on as many billboards as the Dems can afford.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      The best statement EVER showing the Republican party for what it ISN'T! That Bill Maher is so damned smart,. Can hardly wait to watch his show tonight!

      Sarah, hope you will be watching it too, honey! Bet you are going to be mentioned a time or two!

  11. Anonymous7:51 AM

    She thought she was the only rock star. It must hurt to learn this was just a "talking point" and easily transferred to whoever is on top at the moment?

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Talking point aside, the unknown Palin caused quite a stir with her supposed poster family (hid the teen baby bump).
      Just saying the image sold and presented (replacing even their underwear) was appealing if Mim, apple pie replaced with down home moose burgers she hunted, unbelievable female who built a gas pipeline!

      Stump speeches practiced and delivered punch after punch! The temporary illusion became reality quickly. It worked for a while to have the talking points "sexist attacks" to deflect learned facts that were discovered to know more about the unknown VP pick. Unable to isolate her, like a trained animal only available to repeat her lies about the bridge, pipeline, jet she spoke had to answer questions.

      I thought Bristol was the mother of Trig because they used Trig to hide her baby bump not Todd holding his own child but a child holding a child every time they appeared!

      When tangled webs are woven it takes time for people to accept their judgment was off and they lived her cover and narrative designed to awe people.

      Good people learned to not fall so easily.

  12. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Republicans have nothing new.

    Actual sacrifices are made while glib and talentless idiots play.
    Seven US troops killed
    Todd Palin could afford to donate $100,000 to his favorite charity. The fact that Todd Palin is glorified on TV, and he is getting more Palin fame for doing an exploitation show, while thousands of real troops do the actual work in very dangerous places makes 'Stars Earn Strips' especially insulting and thoroughly nauseous, repulsive and revolting.

    Just asking...Will Ed Harris thank John McCain if he wins Emmy for 'Game Change'?
    Even though John McCain lost the 2008 Presidential election, he may be responsible for winning Ed Harris an Emmy for "Game Change."

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      I loved Ed Harris and Woody in "Game Change". Think they should both receive awards. They are still running the movie on Cable TV.

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      NBC could run "Game Change" and stop that mistake with Todd show. Donate the money they save to good charities and get better ratings.

  13. Anonymous7:53 AM

    AGAIN, NO republican could EVER get away with this like this

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Yawn. Okay Sarah. You must really be desperate if you think this will have any effect on anybody. Bless your little teabagging heart. You're wasting your time here. Nothing you say matters. You might as well go yell at clouds. At least then you'd get some fresh air for a change.

    2. Anonymous7:53 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...okay alkie...still mad at Katie...even after all this time?

      Let it go Baldy...let it go! Paul Ryan is the new YOU...nobody gives a shit about the OLD YOU anymore! LOL!!!

    3. Olivia4:30 PM

      Oh really? So you are saying that Bush isn't a Republican? Check this out. He got away with it for 8 years.

      Here's another one:

      Would you like me to also post Sarah Palin's phone call from "the French president"?

      And you found one fucking video of Biden making a goof and you think it is shocking? You need to come out from under the slimey rock where you live.

  14. Gryphen, you are going to looove this on Politico today (it actually sounds like something you'd write):

  15. This man is supposed to be an intellectual.
    Ryan majored in economics and political science at Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio.
    He has no advanced degree.
    I guess if you are a republican, an undergraduate degree is considered intellectual.

    1. They high five each other when they get through the alphabet.

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM


  16. emrysa8:06 AM

    bwaaahaaa! that's because they got nuthin'. they would say the same thing about anyone they picked.

  17. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Fox news a.k.a. G.O.P. TV.

  18. Anonymous8:18 AM

    May it work out just as well as it did in 2008 :)

  19. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Okay, I've seen two things this morning that truly disturb me.

    1. A clip showing Ryan talking about how he and Romney are for the middle class!
    2. An interview on MSNBC with a Navy Seal who is representing what is supposed to be a contingent of Navy Seals who are deeply disgusted and disappointed with President Obama because, according to them, he has been a glory hound taking credit for the Seals did in the raid taking down Osama bin Laden. They also allege that our President has given away too many details about the raid and undermined the Seal's anonymity. Yeah, right, so what is it with them putting their faces our in public? Felt like a Swiftboat attack. The Seal being interviewed spoke with the same vitriol we are seeing in the Tea Party.

    I am worried about both of these following Romney's attempts to cast our President as an angry black man who has no moral compass in his zeal to win. I know it is merely projection of his own heart, but Romney is turning this run-up to the election into a vicious slime ball.

    1. hedgewytch9:04 AM

      I would really doubt that the person you are describing is an active member of the SEAL team -retired maybe. They DON'T go out in public and the DON'T diss their Commander in Chief.

      If he is an active member, you can bet he's gonna get a whole lot of backlash from his commander and the rest of his team.

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      They are EX members and from their attitude you can tell why. This is just a wash rinse repeat of what they did to Kerry. It is not going to work.

    3. Anonymous10:12 AM

      This transparent GOP tactic should be encouraged.

      It smacks of desperation and duplicity.

      Professional warriors know President Obama kicks ass.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:08 PM

      No active Navy Seal would dare show their face in a commercial, they're disgruntled ex navy seals. And the commercial is a disgrace. President Obama always gave credit to the Navy Seals for completing the mission.
      It took guts to make that call, that's why it didn't happen under Bush/Cheyney.

  20. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Paul Ryan is a game changer!

    1. John Birch Society vs Ayn Rand, not much difference!

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Tell that to the survivors of the elderly that will be eating cat food, long suffering and dying off early. Ryan has to walk back his love for Ayn Rand. Her legacy after poisoning so many young minds, she died a failure and a fool. Ayn Rand and her husband, Frank O’Connor signed up for Social Security and Medicare in 1974. FOIA confirmed the hypocrite.

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      What is the game?

    4. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Paul Ryan is a mama grizzly!

  21. Randall8:22 AM


    Are you telling me that in a few years from now we'll be calling Ryan "an idiot" and "that fucking lunatic" and "batshit insane" and saying he "dresses like a color-blind clown" or "his tits aren't really that big"? Stuff like that?

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Well, actually many of us are saying these things already - except for the tits part - though a topless photo of him has just been released (see HuffPo). Oh, the dressing like a color-blind clown - nah, that wouldn't be appropriate, he just dresses like Mitt - bland.

  22. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Paul Ryan: dipshit that likes Rage Against the Machine.

    Tom Morello: "Hey Jackass, stop using our music on your racist, misogynist, right wing clown show." Oops wrong azzhole, that tweet was for Rush.

    Tom Morello: 'Paul Ryan Is the Embodiment of the Machine Our Music Rages Against'

  23. Anonymous8:32 AM


  24. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Wolf Blitzer gets his ass handed to him on a silver platter @ Aspen Security Forum (full video)

    It was truly a thing of beauty. Wolf Blitzer did a live, on stage interview with Adm. Bill McRaven, Head of the U.S. Special Operations Command at the kickoff session of the Aspen Security Forum. Admiral McRaven was in charge of the Seals when they raided the bin Laden compound at Abbottabad, Pakistan.

    If I had not seen this live, I would not have believed it. The transcript is from the CNN website and is heavily edited as is the video they posted. The video following the transcript is unedited and from the Aspen Security Forum. What you will see in the video but not the transcript is this little gem:

    Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has suggested that the decision to launch the raid was a no-brainer. "Even Jimmy Carter would have given that order," Romney said in April.

    McRaven refused to respond Wednesday when asked whether he agreed with Romney that any president would have made the same decision Obama did. However, at a couple of junctures, the Special Operations commander offered effusive praise for Obama.

    ...And we understood that there were some strategic implications to it.

    But, at the end of the day, it was what we had been doing really for 10 years. The president and his national security team - I'm not a political guy, but I will tell you, as - as an interested observer in this, they were magnificent in how they handled the start to finish.

    We went through a number of meetings. The president asked all the right questions. His national security team, with Secretary Gates, Secretary Clinton, Chairman Mullen, the vice chairman, Tom Donilon, Denis McDonough and John Brennan and others, really did a fine job of digging down to find out the facts, to make their recommendations based on the facts.

    And of course the president gave me ample time to prepare once the concept was approved. But at the end of the day, make no mistake about it, it was the president of the United States that shouldered the burden for this operation, that made the hard decisions, that was instrumental in the planning process, because I pitched every plan to him.

    So any indication that Bill McRaven ordered this raid, led this raid was, you know, the key piece of this raid is just patently false.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Nice to know someone from the Seals is coming out to defend Obama.

      That MSNBC interview this morning was the total opposite.

      I agree, President Obama made the tough, courageous choice. He has not gloated on it like Georgie did with his "Mission Accomplished" moment.

  25. Anonymous8:53 AM

    MALIBU, CALIF. – The king of reality television. Mark Burnett’s Television Series of Biblical Proportions

    Sarah Palin will be starring in the role of Queen Estherwith Todd Palin as the voice of God and will walk on water.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Barf! Todd will drown! Those two are the furthest things from 'christians' there are on this earth. Look back at the history of both of them, they practice nothing of the teachings! Zero. Evil/lying/frauds both of them!

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Burnett is as pathetic as the Palins. Birds of a feather.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

      Aww, how sweet! He casts his wife as the Virgin, I guess Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean will play the three wise men.

  26. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Sarah Palin, don't miss 'REAL TIME' with BILL MAHER
    you will probably get some attention. BWAHAHAHAHA.

  27. nogravity9:03 AM

    Déjà vu, that strange feeling you've been had before.

  28. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Gryphen,you have to see this youtube video of Ryan BEGGING for votes for TARP.

  29. Olivia9:27 AM

    It works out really well for Fox to use all the same words for Paul Ryan as they did for Sarah. They don't need to pay anyone to invent new superlatives and none of their viewers have enough brain cells or retentive memory to recognize that the same words are being used again. Look for a repeat in 2016.

  30. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I love the idea of Palin plummeting and 'augering' in. Does that make me a bad person?

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Absolutely not! The majority of us that have followed her for the past four years think it couldn't be happening to a more deserving person!

      The evil woman is getting back everything she has dished out and more - public humiliation! It's finally happening across the nation!!!

      Now, the birthing of the supposed challenged son has to be proven. The kid is not hers is pretty well documented.

  31. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Hey GOP, how's that "rock star" thingy workin' out for ya?

  32. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Mr. Gryphen,

    Me and a bunch of my IT friends have pretty much had it with the bullshit from C4P so this weekend we've decided to cause a slight disruption in service so to speak. Stay Tuned. Any C4P readers here, i hope to God you ignorant pieces of shit have a decent IT admin. Let the games begin.
    FYI: We all have 20+ years in IT, we're not kids. This will be fun

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      OH SNIPPY SNAP SNAP! I will be watching and laughing!

    2. Olivia10:15 AM

      Yeee Hahh!

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Jeebus, 9:40, almost all of the ¨regulars¨ at C4P are trolls!!

      Shit, man, I should know.

      Iḿ one of them.

    4. Anonymous11:45 AM


    5. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Rock on. I look forward to this! Why this weekend and not every day?

    6. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Oh my, I can't wait for the fun!

    7. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Seems like they don't even realize what you're up to. I'm sure it's because you been banned "over there" and they will indeed be blindsided! Viva DDOS! Have a great weekend!

    8. Anonymous1:10 PM

      to 10:24am:

      I've always thought that HRH40, Karen and blueniner might actually be "friendly fire" over at the's hoping that you are one of them!

    9. Anonymous1:17 PM

      They sure cling to their religion and guns over there at C4P, don't they? I guess that's all they have left now that their Queen has left the building.

    10. Anonymous1:38 PM

      10:24 --

      I used to troll there pretty regularly -- mostly to piss off their resident racist (who has since been banned for too much Sarah for President crap).

      Would love to know your handle so I can follow along!

  33. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Rock Star: Like Ted Nugent, in a suit.

  34. Anonymous10:16 AM

    O/T Another Soverign Citizens Group like A.I.P. involved in a shooting in Louisiana 2 deputies killed 2 deputies wounded. 5 Suspects in custody. 'DON'T RETREAT, RELOAD'.

    1. Olivia12:27 PM

      Are you noticing that these shootings are happening almost weekly now and get less and less coverage by the media?

  35. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Off topic but this baby does not like Tim Tebow:

  36. Anonymous10:42 AM

    OK, folks. My apologies to whoever actually wrote "Twas The Night Before Christmas". And no, Bill O'Reilly, this is not proof of the war on Christmas!

    Twas the night before the convention and all through the place
    a frighteningly bald creature was stirring with a snarl on her face..

    The banners were hung from the rafters with care
    proclaiming all the important people who would be there

    But one banner was could this be?
    No picture of half-term governor Sarah, new star of reality TV?

    While down at the strip mall there rose such a clatter
    the creature was screaming "They can't ignore me, I still matter!"

    "Those bastards in the GOP say Ryan is smart and can think..
    How could they not want me? My God I can still wink!"

    The mamma grizzly was struggling with her Zanex cap,
    "They better let me get up on the podium before I snap!"

    She was skin and bones, a nasty, vindicive, shriveled-up old elf
    Spewing venom and hatred and still quite full of herself

    A smirk and a snarl and the twist of her head
    could send Dick Cheney to hide under his bed

    She had on her superman shirt, wig and come-fuck-me boots
    Seeking the attention of the Koch brothers and other old coots

    "Greta, Sean and McCain all said I should speak"
    her fists punching the air and tears running off her beek

    "I'll show them" she screeched, "I'll get even with them all..
    My tea party followers will fill this strip mall!"

    She sprang to mount her broom and gave Todd a whistle
    "Come Piper, come Willow and you, the fat one, Bristol"

    She vowed to go on Fox News to continue her fight
    "Fuck you Romney and Ryan, and don't have a good-night!"

    Thank you all very much,

    1. A frightening bald creature. Ha ha ! Take a bow, Liz.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:50 PM

      Thanks for the laughs, Liz! Very Clever! "the fat one, Bristol" had me in stitches!

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Thanks, ya all. Anita Winecooler, you and GinaM are my heroes! I always enjoy reading your posts. It just 'encourages' me!

      Blue girl Liz, living in a red state...

  37. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I'll bet sister Sarah is one pissed off lady AGAIN!! Someone said Ryan is good looking. I don't think so - has creepy eyes.

    Anyway, I never watch FOX news - always stay connected to Rachel, Lawrence, Ed and Chris. They give us the facts!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  38. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Yes, Fox is repeating their love at first sight affair with Ryan, like they did with Palin. But, even though they are seeing him as a bold pick and a rock star, he still has more to offer than she did. He doesn't wear provocative FM shoes, doesn't flaunt his family in every meeting, rally, or press coverage. He doesn't call his wife some goofy endearment name (first dude).

    He's an experienced Congressman. No matter his conservative politics, he, for being a conservative, isn't in the same box as Sarah. Lots of embarassing things may be revealed in the next weeks about him, but, so far, the State of Wisconsin doesn't have, so far as I know, bloggers like IM and Mudflats, among others, that revealed disturbing info on how Sarah ran things back home.

    As bad as he may be, he doesn't seem to have that smirky, hypocritical, smarmy, baby talk, coy, demure grin. He's not a daddy's girl who believes she can get anything she wants. So far, his family do not seem as dysfunctional. He doesn't brag on his family, brag about how tough they are, and insinuate he's got something no one else has.

    He has a bit of humility. Sarah has none. Ryan's record shows he wanted to do public service since he was out of high school. Sarah didn't seem to know what she wanted, and the only job we hear about is her short sports tv gig. Her political aspirations seemed to come to her as a second thought and a way to grift as many people as she could.

    One good thing about Paul Ryan, again, despite his flaws, is that when he does do interviews, his ability to communicate will stand out. All the little Sarah flaws from 2008 will start to come to the surface in comparison to Ryan. If Katie interviews Ryan, imagine the media all over comparing his interview to Sarah's. It will be a hoot!

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Ryan is a professional politician. He's only passed two bills during his many years in office. He has no other option that to suckle from the public teat. He's no better than Palin, not by a long shot. Check his record; he's does nothing except for get paid for holding office.

    2. The only things he has communicated to me in his interviews is that he lied repeatedly about stimulus funds, including the one about how his staff wrote the letters and he knew nothing about it, that he will not and cannot be honest about his plans for the tax code, Medicare, and Social Security, that he, like Romney, is dishonest about his taxes, and that he is as big a story-changing weasel as Romney.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Paul Ryan is no better than Sarah Palin.

      Say what you will about Sarah (and I've said plenty myself) at least Sarah energized the flailing McCain campaign. She had charisma and could work a crowd. People connected with her. She started her political life as a city councilman and worked her way (albeit by winking and flirting) into the governorship of a state. She became the first Republican woman to make it as far as the Vice-Presidential candidacy.

      Paul Ryan on the other hand, was born into a life of privilege and never had to struggle for anything. He made it in life by taking advantage of the very government programs he opposes. Other than one token summer job driving the weinermobile, this guy has never worked a real job in his life. All his years in Congress and he has only passed two bills. He doesn't connect with crowds and people don't like him. And the only reason he doesn't flaunt his family is for the same reason none of the other Republican men do.

      Paul Ryan has no more foreign expertise than Sarah Palin and has about as much education. You can argue about Sarah's college career, but the only difference in the end is that Paul Ryan attended only one college - a small, relatively unknown college in Miami, Ohio (have YOU ever heard of it before now?) instead of several. He has the same level college degree as Sarah - he has no advanced degree either. He has less work experience than Sarah Palin and no executive experience at all.

      Sarah Palin may operate out of naivete, uses mean-girl tactics and eventually went "rogue", but Paul Ryan operates out of Ayn Randian contempt, uses Karl Rove tactics and will never be anything more than a right-wing lackey.

      Sarah may be a crazy lady, but Paul Ryan is Sith Lord evil.

  39. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I wonder if Sarah minds that he got the VP bid at an younger age than she did.

    1. Yes. Of course she does. After all, it is trivial and meaningless, right?

    2. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

      She'll have to consult with the "new voices" she's hearing, I wonder if she'll show up in Todd's "superman" underoos top again.

  40. Anonymous11:36 AM

    What is the angry Screech doing ? When did she last praise the new kid on the block ? She must be so proud of the GOP ticket. I bet Todd is glad he and Track are not members of the Republican Party.

  41. Sarah lowered the bar of expectations so much that anyone would look like a polished, knowledgable statesman when compared with the image that she presented.

    Following Sarah's launch in the media as the VP nominee, the only Republican that was ecstatic that Sarah had been chosen was not John McCain. It was Dan Quayle. Although Dan wasn't weak enough to drown the campaign of Bush41 in 1988, he was a laughingstock of the country by the time the '92 re-election campaign began.

    Quayle, who was selected primarily because he was young and attractive, was also much more "religilous" than Bush41 and helped shore up the RW Fundie base for Bush41, who was more of a moderate. Sound familiar?

    I can't paste a link here, but if are interested in reading some prolific quotes from the dumbest politician prior to Sarah Palin, go to and search for Dan Quayle quotes. He couldn't maintain Sarah's breathless word-salad stream of consciousness, but he definitely set the standard of the day for saying just plain old stupid shit all the time.

    But Sarah stands alone at the bottom of the worst, and only she can lower the standards she set. Paul Ryan has his work cut out to even be in the bottom 2. I think he's just a liar and not stupid enough, but maybe he can prove me wrong.

  42. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Cracks me up! Imagine the scheming currently underfoot within the Palin clan trying to figure out a way to keep her relevant!

    I'm so, so delighted the Palins are being put down everywhere they turn! Todd is currently being raked over the coals for his 'playing soldier' in that stupid military reality show - Bristol will soon receive it on DWTS and Sarah is currently getting it from every direction to include the Repuplican party that wants nothing more to do w/her!

    Charma!!! Each of them deserves every hateful thing that is and will be said about them. They certainly have dished it out over the recent years and we've all been sick to death of it! Liars and frauds - all of them!

    Sarah should be put in API in Anchorage for a long, long stay. Toad needs to divorce her and get the hell out of Dodge and Bristol needs to completely move away from them and start her own life!

    Track has stayed clear of them throughout and was the ONLY smart one. Probably because his real Dad is suppose to be a Menard vs a Palin. Perhaps that explains it?

    Willow has a troubled life already! She, too, needs to get away from them and start her own life.

    And, there is Piper, the proven spoiled brat that Sarah carted around throughout the nation. I'm sure Piper hated every minute of it as she got older! She is growing up being the worst educated of the lot of them and I bet already hates her mother. Perhaps she or Willow will write a 'tell all' later in life about their horrible experiences under the roof of their mother and father?

    And, then there is the challenged child that supposedly isn't even the birth child of Sarah. Sad, sad situation there is no doubt. He didn't have the impact that she thought her would - especially as time has moved on - birthing a disabled child - to enhance her position on the campaign trail w/McCain. I would not be one bit surprised to see him basically discarded. His care is not provided by Sarah and Todd already.

    Sarah and Todd USED their kids and have doing nothing but harm ALL of them! I don't even know how Sarah's immediate family can claim her as theirs. I know Alaska isn't claiming her/them any longer or proud to have them as residents. They have horribly embarrassed the State of Alaska population!

    I have been in a family that supported Sarah Palin in the beginning and I was the 'outcast' for talking negatively about her. Cracks me up thinking back on it!

    But, now they are all saying I was right! It just took so many so damned long to see what a fraud, liar, inept and bullshitter Palin is and was!

    Goodbye, Sarah! It's about time that we are finally seeing your demise! Glad I'm not you and happy in the thought that I NEVER had ANY admiration of you EVER. I feel you have disgraced women across the nation! It's obvious the Republican party feels that way too!

  43. ibwilliamsi12:55 PM

    How can someone who has been working as a Republican in Washington for twenty years be "the future of the party"?

    Why are the Dems not calling him a "Washington insider"? This is what Paul Ryan is. Other than a short time 15 years ago when he worked in Marketing for a relative, he has been a professional politician.

    Own it, people.

  44. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Before I make my judgement about Paul Ryan, I just need to see his collection of shoes. Reckon McCain's vetters might've seen something hidden in Sarah's closet (besides Toddy) that would've been a danger signal?

    Show us your shoes, Ryan.
    Show us your tax returns, Romney.
    Show us Trig's birth certificate, Sarah.

    GOP folks always hidin' their shit- too secretive to trust them crooks.

  45. Anita Winecooler6:02 PM

    This is Fox at their finest! Of course whoever the pick is is a "rock star"! Sarah's a fracking lump of coal and Ryan is a piece of Shist. Romney's the "pet rock" strapped to the top of the station wagon.

  46. I'm not accusing him for doing it, the individuals he symbolizes are entitled to the same as every other condition, but the truth he LIED about it is what should hassle individuals.
    Miami Dodge


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