Sunday, August 05, 2012

It's Sunday so let's talk a little Creationism. P.S. Penn and Teller call bullshit on it.

Just watching this kind of thing makes my blood boil.

Here are adults, too stupid to have even a basic understanding of science, trying desperately to make sure that the school children in their community will ALSO lack a basic understanding of science.  (Kind of like a Republican manufacturing plant.)

They use their stated desire to make sure their children have the opportunity to learn the completely fabricated "controversy" among scientists, to camouflage their true intentions. Which of course is to protect their religion against any of that newfangled "thinking,"which tends to create unbelievers.

Or as these people label them, Satanists.

This is happening today all over the country, most recently in Louisiana. THIS is why I fear for our children's future.

Thankfully the Millennials are rejecting religion, at an incredible pace.


  1. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Isn't Penn a Republican? If so, he's one of the only sane ones left.

  2. Sharon4:55 AM

    This is a great video and yes, quite hard to believe this is happening in 2012, but hey...this is the year of the GOP morons. When you consider what the GOP governors have been doing in the south with just the health insurance and voter ID laws, this doesn't seem much of a reach. I would think the intelligent people would vote these assholes out, or start comparing how the other states are treating their citizens and just move.
    These backward states might just see the next generation moving out in droves.

  3. That’s a typical earnest-looking older woman. You would be stunned at how many of those women were “loose” when they were younger. When sexuality failed, they retreated into religion, since they didn’t understand much anyway.

    Earnest old dupes; convinced they are on the path of righteousness.

    1. Darlene, while I truly enjoyed your revelation that many (most?) cranky old conservative women are failed hedonists, I also have to point out that in this case the woman depicted in the excellent P&T video is an actual middle-aged scientist articulately defending the theory of evolution against the rising horde of loopy right wing christitarians.

      Permit me then to further point out the welcome possibility that she could therefore be a very successful hedonist.

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      I think Darlene was referring to the crabby, humorless, be-wigged GA schoolteacher? I'll go out on a limb here and guess she never was getting much... lol!

    3. Anonymous8:00 AM

      How the fuck do you know? What an idiot statement. Back it up.

      And no, I do not believe in creationism.

  4. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Let's talk chicken sandwich boycotts instead.

    How's that coming along?

    1. How bout YOU skip on over to artery clogging...heart attack inducing....heavy loaded calorie "Shit-fil-a" and let the grown ups talk.... Okay!

  5. Anonymous6:09 AM

    And now we see the real reason why teabaggers want to shut down the Department of Education and place all teaching criteria in the locals hands. Big government my ass. The sudden rush of new abortion laws and anti gay legislation by these same smaller government people are an open book now. Religion isn't under attack by non believers as they claim... they just cannot admit things are evolving each and every day, while their God is becoming lesser by the second.

  6. Anonymous6:19 AM

    It cracks me up how they throw in phrases like ¨critically think,¨ ¨true science,¨ and ¨examine the evidence.¨

    You don´t have to drink the whole carton to know if the milk is sour.

    They are using an approach akin to kicking in front doors and slamming Bibles down on kitchen tables. It has never worked. In fact, it always backfires.

    The war is over. The battle won. The Internet exposes their naked lies. The truth is already in many of their homes, sitting on their computer desks, waiting for their children to find it.

    The Millennials and anyone with a nanogram of curiosity see right through this BS.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      This is why conservatives are attempting to regulate the net, as well (under the guise of protecting intellectual property, in a classic case of irony). If telecoms and service providers (and therefore their corporate masters) are allowed to control content -- as they see fit -- it is another means of limiting exposure to "heresies" such as science, logic, philosophy, diversity, tolerance, the ability to discern fact from opinion...

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      7:00 AM:

      Whoever you are, where ever your are, I stretch my arm to shake your hand!

      I, btw, am a conservative.

  7. Should have watched the video… got the people mixed up… stand by what I said, though.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      If you didn't even watch the video, you spouted off before making the slightest attempt to learn any of the facts. Yet you stand by your statement.

      Based on what?

      Remind you of anyone?

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      That's seriously ignorant and stupid. Gryphen's blog is terrific; why do so many people in the comments try to sabotage him and liberals in general? 'Darlene' here is reinforcing what far right wing nuts already think of liberals - that we don't care about the facts and smear people wantonly. It's not true, but there's several people on here constantly saying things that make the readers of this blog seem stupid. I think Gryphen should have blocked you long ago, it's to his credit he endures your crap.

  8. Smirnonn6:48 AM

    Bullshit is right. Think of this:

    Religion has been around for milennia. I've yet to hear of any concrete proof that god exists. Evolution is a relatively new theory yet there's volumes of emperical data that support it.

    "Believe" is a dangerous word. One can say they believe the Earth is 6000 years old but that does not make it true. Believe whatever you want but don't force your chosen beliefs on others.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      I believe I'll have another beer and watch the Bulgaria badminton game. Just saying...

  9. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen! Creationism is one H U G E lie.

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    So according to the bible, the planet Earth is 6000 years old. We actually know when the first scam artist floated the god myth. So then the dinosauers are not prehistoric in their minds too? We're in big trouble!

  11. Anonymous8:56 AM

    fuk_tard wannabe taliban..

    i'm thinkin' their 'perfect' world consists of nothing other than bullshit reality teevee programs and flyin' spaghetti monster.type. thingz ..

  12. Anyone can teach the literal, biblical story of origin in their homes and churches. Or, if they had a wee bit of smarts, they'd drop the literal nonsense and couple divine origin with evolution in their private religious training.

    Forget that teaching creationism in public school violates church/state separation and consider that putting creationism in public schools, calling it science, and subjecting it to critical thinking...well, that will seriously backfire. Seriously. The next step will be to demand that only christianists teach science classes and that critical thinking be forbidden or kids will be fleeing the churches at an even faster clip.

    Thanks for the excellent video. I loved the water/wine trick.

  13. Why oh why oh why do creationists insist on people who accept and believe in evolution provide 'proof'? Absolute, undeniable proof of evolution, the 'missing link' if you will. But, creationists don't have to provide proof of God, an afterlife, everything in the Bible, etc??? All they have is their 'faith' and that's it. End of discussion. These people amaze me and frighten me.

  14. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Never mind boiling your blood over that bullshit. It's going to take years to make Americans come around to seeing the light on the bullshit sky fairy stuff. Why, even those in that vid that are on the evolution side stick in the disclaimer that they are religious! Or, in other words, it's hopeless thinking anything but time will fix it. So boil your blood over this mess:

  15. Anonymous9:54 AM

    What I've never understood is this: We're supposed to believe that an all powerful all encompassing being, God, created everything, the universe, the whole shooting match. And yet, he/she/it had to carve the 10 commandments into a stone tablet to give to Moses. Really?

  16. Science? Not only that, these folk lack a basic understanding of the Bible.

  17. Anonymous1:18 PM

    This is happening today all over the country, most recently in Louisiana.

    I'm not sure the Louisiana "deal" has been activated yet...If I remember correctly, when it came to funding, a Christian woman in the Louisiana Congress suddenly realized that they would also have to fund Muslim Schools and she had a fit (as did others) so stay tuned...

  18. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I think that teaching both theories in school will accelerate young people's decisions towards evolution.
    They'll hear the fable, then hear the science and will make a logical decision.
    That professor was right.
    They just need a little push.
    This is definitely a push and will have unexpected results for the creationists.
    Unfortunately there will also be more bullying too.

  19. Anita Winecooler9:19 PM

    Excellent Video! These two guys struck one out of the ballpark. You're right, it makes my blood boil as well. I don't think it should be taught in schools at all, but have no qualms if it's taught at home or in religious schools. It'll give the psychiatrists business for years once they realize the "real world" trusts in science.

    I just hope the millenials keep the trend going, that's our only hope.

  20. Anonymous2:02 AM

    There's an assumption that actual science will continue to truly be able to be taught against creationism in the school. The science teacher is right. These christianists ARE stealing our liberty. The video was made in 2003. What has changed since then? Nothing. The christianist relgious right has just become more powerful.

    People who don't believe this crap should begin home-schooling. If we want to have any hope for the future, we need to adopt the method that the christianists have used. Don't like what's in the public school? Then teach the kids at home.

    The internet is great and offers refutations to these idiotic ideas but, as someone pointed out, the corporations and government are trying to control the content. If that happens, forget alternative points of view. We're also going to have to return to older means to disseminate information.

    We need to keep and collect books - the real, live paper books that gather dust - because they are going to become even more important. Digital books can be changed. Your software and/or hardware can become obsolete; you can be without power. What do you need to read a book? Just a light source. Think about it.

    Sorry for the disconnection of this rant but this situation and all its myriad fundamentalist variations make me very sad and afraid.


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