Thursday, August 09, 2012

Jack Osbourne calls for the boycott of Todd Palin's new reality show.

Photo courtesy of Perez Hilton
Courtesy of TNT Magazine:

Jack Osborne has called for a boycott of NBC following their decision to sack him from an upcoming show. 

The reality TV star and son of rocker Ozzie Osborne has alleged that the US broadcaster fired him due to his recent diagnosis with multiple sclerosis. He responded angrily on Twitter, saying, "NBC said they didn't fire me over my diagnosis? Bull-Fucking-SHIT." 

The show in question 'Stars Earn Stripes' is a new military fitness challenge reality show in which celeb compete in tough challenges. Jack's mother Sharon Osborne has also kicked off with the network, quitting her role as a judge on 'America's Got Talent' in protest against NBC. 

Jack also referred to a fitness challenge he took part in this year, tweeting "I took part in a 16 hr challenge over 30 miles with a 40lbs ruck on my back in Jan. I had MS then. Don't tell me wot physically demanding is." 

As we know NBC had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find a last minute replacement for Jack Osbourne, which is how they came up with Todd "handbag carrier" Palin.

So apparently now it comes down to a contest between the fans of Ozzie Osbourne boycotting the show, verses the dwindling fans of Sarah Palin trying to convince the nurse at the mental hospital they are committed to let them watch the show.

You know I have to say that my money is on Jack, Sharon, and Ozzie. (Those mental health nurses are strict!)

By the way as you know I am usually NOT a fan of reality shows, but I did watch a few in the past, and my hands down favorite for quite awhile was "The Osbournes." It was highly entertaining and makes both of the crappy Palin reality shows look like something thrown together by a failed film school student. (Here is part of my favorite episode where Ozzie went to the dentist and kept asking for more nitrous oxide because after years of heavy drug use his tolerance level was too high to feel its effects.)

And as for personality I have to say that Jack Osbourne has more in his little finger than Todd Palin has in his whole "mom jean" clad body.

Also when it comes to powerful females I will put my money on Sharon Osbourne over Sarah Palin any damn day of the week!

My advice is for the Mama Grizzly is to stay well clear of this particular controversy unless she wants to learn what its like to have her ass handed to her by a woman who has successfully fought off both the rock groupies throwing themselves at her man as well as colon cancer, while also managing her husband's music career until he became one of the greatest legends in heavy metal music.

You know on second thought go ahead, start something. I dare you.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Jack hates the pimp with the two-tone, 4 inch long penis.

    Jack ... Challenge Todd to dick measuring contest.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah engineered the whole thing and forced NBC to drop Jack for Todd the Pimp. Shame on her for discriminating against Jack because he had MS.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I don't think $arah can force NBC to do anything - but likely $he helped plant the idea for Todd as a replacement for Jack.

      Wait till audiences hear the Pimp's squeaky girly voice.

      Todd Pimpin' - what a man! NOT.

  3. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Sarah nor Toad will say a damned thing because they are chicken shits! Sharon would eat them both alive and they know it! Would sure as hell be fun watching though! I'm sure she has absolutely no respect for either of the Palins!

    Good to hear that Jack O. is doing well w/his MS!!!

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Sharon and the Prince of Darkness...also,too!

      I didn't know that they kicked off Jack to put the pimp in there? That sux. Wow first Barstool rips off the Massey bros now this?

      Prince of Darkness/Sharon has way more peeps than stupid sarah! Fuck the Paylins! Boycott NBC!

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Do you really want to mess with the Prince of Darkness or Sharon?

    3. Sharon and Jack vs Sarah and Todd - now that would be one kick ass celebrity death match (if you all remember that fun show).

  4. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Todd is my hero.

    How many guys can pimp out prostitutes at the same time their wife is running for VP?

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Or have a reputation of peeping at women's nipple through holes without getting in trouble!

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      And McCain knows about Todd's prostitution ring and he is covering up any investigation.

    3. Olivia5:00 PM

      And pimp them out to Secret Service agents assigned to the campaign along with who knows how many others inside the campaign. Ya gotta hand it to him, he knows how to shut everyone up.

  5. Anonymous1:50 PM

    ABC let Bristol dance on DWTS while she was pregnant.

    Why did NBC fire Jack for a wee bit of MS?

    Will Mitt's wife loan Jack her dressage horse for MS treatment?

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      I call for a boycott of the show, in support of Jack, and every other person with MS and other conditions that are discriminated against.

    2. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Yes, a $700,000 horse that someone else rides is a great treatment for MS. And like Anne Robney, Jack could take a $70,000 tax write off on his investment also too!

      Mittens/Paylin 2012 (Wink!)

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I have always loved Jack. He is just a decent great man. He did not deserve that at all. I can't believe NBC is so stupid.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      His mother is an awesome strong woman. she sounds serious if she stepped down from her position. She isn't a quitter. This has a chance of educating and informing people about multiple sclerosis. It would be great if she goes all the way with this and brings some good into the world. It isn't just about Jack. What a hit, hit him when he gets that news? That is sick. NBC is disgusting.

  7. Speaking of the Palins, particularly Da Boss: Did you see Andrew Halcro's Do you hear me #&!@$#% now? blog title to the left?

    Halcro has good reason to be file this blog post; he's been blogging for years about what I've called (on Twitter earlier today) Sarah Palin's Alaska Solyndra.

    Actually it's worse than Solyndra, with the thievery, the unpaid loans over and over and over again, and now, a mysterious fire (shades of that mysterious fire at the church Sarah used to go to, that destroyed adoption records).

    For anyone who's not been following this issue, go to Halcro's blog and search for "Matanuska Maid" -- he's got years of information there.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      That area is not that populated. It makes sense the same "family" is central to the thuggish bully acts.

      I still can't get over Willow. That at a young age she would destroy a friends property to such an extent. I wonder why? Track is notorious and will never live down what amounts to attempted murder. Sorry but cutting brake lines are not a little prank.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Thanks KaJo for bringing this story to light. When I went to work in Palmer on Tuesday I was breathlessly confronted by one of the people the work to preserve historical buildings in the town, and told that the old creamery had burned in the night. The first words out of my mouth were "hmm, looks like someone cut their losses". She was a little flustered by my response but there really is no other explanation. There was no gas and no electric running to that building. Owned by a lawyer in Anchorage that is not giving comments to the press. It could have been a beautiful addition to the community but there was way to much money required to renovate and too many people running around with "pie in the sky" hopes and dreams but no funds to create the reality. It is sad to lose this little piece of Palmer history but it was nothing more than an eyesore taking up valuable real estate in downtown. I had been an advocate of disassembling the building and selling the old wood and having it milled for "distressed flooring" that is so popular now in homes. Someone could have made a mint off repurposing the wood present in that structure. I wish I had a few million to make that a reality :-) History can be preserved in many different ways and no one ever seemed to agree on what path should be taken for this old structure.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      5:25 PM

      I am sorry to hear that. It would have been beautiful to repurpose.

    4. Anonymous6:44 AM

      But, but that's like recycling. . .and that's only for Kumbaya hippies that want to save the world (and again, explain to me how that's a bad thing?)

  8. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Is there ANYTHING that those palins touch that doesn't turn into a fucking controversy? OK trolls, I know, everyone is out to get them because the WHOLE world is populated with nothing but jealous palin haters, but come on.

    Go get em Jack

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      They are just a good and real American family, living their life in private. It's stonishing how many darn things are just fabrications about these good folks! They have nothing to do with NBC and their choices. Why do libs fabrifercate like all of you do? If Dems weren't so dumb, they would be smart.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Are you damn crazy. The Palins live out their lives on one reality show after another, how in the hell do you call that living their lives private?

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      I know, right? The Palin curse strikes again. I hope they get a lot of people boycotting and the show bombs. I know I won't watch.

    4. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Anonymous5:04 PM

      You had me going right up to your revelation that we libs "fabrifercate" like we always do.

      Good job with the snark! Watch Sarah use that word next week on Greta's show.

    5. Anonymous7:50 PM


    6. Amy in Juneau7:53 PM

      Anon 5:04 pm

      Hi Brillowpipe!

    7. Anonymous11:00 PM

      5:04 PM Did we 'FABRIFERCATE' Todd's Prostitution Ring? How about Willow's Pregnancy? How about Sarah's Mental Illness?
      How about all of the hidden Palin Babies?
      How about the High School Dropouts? How about teaching TRI-PP to call Willow a 'Faggot'?
      You are a Family of Dysfunctional Clowns.

    8. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Some people rilly don't recognize the spirit of snark we IM'ers are capable of in speaking through the Palin tongue.

  9. Boy would I buy a ticket to see $arah take on Sharon. Oh. Boy. That would be a show!!! Sharon would eat her up and sh*t $arah out before $arah knew what hit her.

    1. Sarah talks the talk-- she likes to think she's got a tough skin and can hold a man's attention-- but Sharon is everything Sarah wants to be and then some!!

    2. Olivia5:02 PM

      She likes to think she has a tough skin but constantly whines about all the perceived slights to her and her family.

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM

    And we all know the Palin Family is all about progressing the rights of American's with Disabilities and Special Needs, so they'll be right up there on their amplified soapboxes calling NBC to the mat for descriminat. . .oh yeah, sorry, if it isn't about a Palin it isn't worth advocating for.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      What if DWTS 'dismissed' bird brain because of anorexia?

  11. Cracklin Charlie2:26 PM

    Maybe Ms. Sharon needs a copy of Shailey's book. Anybody have her address?

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Jack might like one also.

    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Maybe Sharon could review it on "The Talk"?

    3. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I just tweeted this to her!
      All we have to do is link to Shay's book "Boys will be Boys"...

      I would love to see Sharon kick Payme's skanky ass!

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Let NBC know where the money and the ratings are. SHARON! SHARON! SHARON! v skank p. It would sell on pay for view and DVD's like hotcakes.

    5. Anonymous4:45 PM

      I'd be happy to forward Shailey's book to Sharon O. plus other information about the Palins.

    6. Anonymous5:08 PM

      The osbornes aren't like you people. They arent going to shell out blame to those who aren't in the know at NBC like the Palins! It isn't their fault NBC ditched Jack. It was probably NBCs law department, not the Palins. Jeez! Manyfaktured controversy!

    7. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I guess NBC's legal department has no problem with having a pimp on the show.

    8. Anonymous9:48 AM

      NBC honchos are in bed with top brass. McCain had no problem with a pimp family and worse. Who in that cabal care about any disabled or children other than children as props. Meghan McCain was lucky her grandmother was still alive as she grew up. Old Johnny admitted he was never around. Cindy has those years Meghan was known as a brat and Cindy was stealing drugs from a children s charity she ran.

      They are all a bunch of good old boy club members you can't blame Sarah how it all works behind closed doors.

  12. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Hmmm rilly NBC, sounds like you took a page from Governor Palin's attempt at damage control in Troopergate to mask the real reason why she abused her power in firing the State's top cop (cause he wouldn't fire her former brother-in-law) - by saying they offered him a better job where his talent's were needed, and that Commissioner Monegan 'declined.'

    In an official statement, NBC chairman Bob Greenblatt "Although we did not ask Jack to participate in the competition, we were able to offer him two substantial alternative roles on the show, both of which he declined. This network does not discriminate on any basis."

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Substantial alternative roles: Craft services? Wardrobe? I like your stand, Jack, and the education about MS you're giving everyone who reads your comments.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Everything about Jack is a WIN! Montel was on dr Oz today. He's had MS for years.

  13. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I believe Todd knew he'd be in it since late last year.

    And If Jack really has MS, that IS a major reason to not cast him. It's not discriminatory when it's health related. TERRY CREWS almost drowned. This show appears to be serious.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Why couldn't NBC be honest with Jack?

    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      MS hasn't stopped me from doing anything in my life.

    3. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Fuck you Krusty! It is not serious!
      If it were tawwwwd would not be on it.

      Fuck you!

    4. Anonymous3:43 PM

      MS is an interesting disease. It does not follow the same trajectory with each person. My brother-in-law had his frst ms episode when he was 21. He went blind for several weeks, and lost the use of his hands/arms. He went back to normal, and did not have another episode for over 20 years. That time he had muscle weakness in his legs. He is now 60, and has a few minor symptoms. For HIM, this disease has not been debilitating. I hope Jack has the same luck.

    5. Yes- I took care of a pharmacist once who said that s/he knew his/her MS was flaring when s/he lost the ability to perform mathematical calculations. I have a friend with MS who, shortly after diagnosis, was almost housebound for a couple of years and has since improved slightly (but is still fairly severely impaired).

      Obviously the sensible thing is to ask Jack whether HE feels the MS would impede him. And he's newly diagnosed: he doesn't really know everything that MS might do to him- reading about it and experiencing it are two different things.

      I wonder if NBC has a clause in their contract saying that they can unilaterally terminate any contestant whose health gives them cause for concern. If they do, they can probably fight this out legally. They still look like assholes, though.

    6. Anonymous4:43 PM

      3:43 I have MS - there are different types - progressive and relapsing. I have progressive and have a difficulty in balance issues and walking.

      People with it have different things occur - some worse than others. The relapsing type has medication and treatment where the progressive type does not have effective treatment as yet.

      You can go blind - lose control of your potty habits - have no feeling in your feet/legs/hands, can forget things and on and on. Some have pain and others do not! No two cases appear to be the same.

      I suspect Jack O. has the relapsing type as those w/the progressive have permanent things occur w/their body.

      When I was told by the neurologist at Mayo Clinic that I had MS ten years ago, I told him I was happy with that diagnosis.

      The reason: they were testing me for MS, Parkinsons, brain cancer, and Lou Gehrig's disease. The initial symptoms can be similar so they have to rule things out is what I was told. The doctor told me he'd never had someone say that to him before. Probably sounds goofy to people reading this, but I still feel the same. I cope and keep adjusting - knowing things could be so much worse!

      Attitude and positive thinking are great helps when someone is diagnosed with ANY disease.

      Good luck with your MS, Jack! You appear to be doing well!

      Todd Palin will bomb in the show there is no doubt. The Palin clan fail in just above everythhing they set out to do!!

    7. Anonymous5:08 PM

      "It's not discriminatory when it's health related."

      Um, please familiarize yourself with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

      Anon at 4:43, my mom also has MS. She too was relieved by the diagnosis. The drs think she had it for 25-30 yrs before it was discovered. She'd been tested for it years earlier and somehow the dr at the time ruled it out. Her neurologist now says her brain is a textbook image of what MS does.

      Anyway, the diagnosis made sense of a lot of mental and physical symptoms she'd been experiencing, trying to cope with, or denying for years. So she too was relieved that she finally had a name and a course of treatment. And receiving accommodations such as a handicapped parking placard has made an incredible difference in her wellness and energy.

      You know, OP, I said to read the ADA, but now that I'm thinking about my mom, I'd rather just meet you in a dark alley. Then you can tell me again how it isn't discrimination if it's related to someone's health condition.

    8. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Best wishes to you, 4:43.

      Your positive attitude is contagious and very helpful to those of us who sometimes want to complain about "just getting old". Thanks!

    9. Anonymous6:06 PM

      2:29 IF jack really has MS. ARe you fucking kidding? IFF?? who would lie about having MS? Oh ya, Palin's lie about pregnancies, so it must be the same thing.

      4:42 you are completely right. Jack gets to decide, not NBC.

      4:43 Wishes to you for your best health

    10. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Thank you 5:49 from 4:43!! I'm going to be 70 this year and have lived a very, very good life. The MS has just slowed me down is all!!! I'm still doing things in spite of the MS but just have to rest abit more. Never know when I get exhausted if it is the MS or the aging process. Both seem pretty much the same in some ways.

      Happy retirement!

    11. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Whatever happens I hope the Osbornes don't chicken out. It sounds like the public needs to learn a lot about MS and ADA.


      I hope they get a lot of support and back up. Most of all Jack. He is no dummy and is a fine person. Write to him, back him up.

      Some education about Todd is good but not the main focus YET.

  14. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Count yourself lucky Jack. This show will probably do about as well as 'Life's a Never-ending Bitch/Whinefest.'

    The door is open now for you to do something better.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      YES and he will. His stand is important, vital not just for him. Others with MS.

  15. Anonymous2:35 PM

    It is kind of hard to believe there is someone who ran for high public office that is more bat-chit crazy than Ozzy from his days and nights of debauchery. Oh yeah, they do have some fan base.

    "The Osbournes" They were freaky but good entertainment TV and they are originals. Too bad so many copy cat fools think they could be that fascinating. The Palins are polar oppostites, just thinking the name puts me to sleep.

    Why would NBC fire Jack? They replaced him with that weird loser. That only means they were desperate, real desperate, so desperate I don't have the word for it. What were they thinking? It isn't a stretch to think someone did pressure NBC into such a bad move.

    Kelly is alright, too. She did the loyal to DWTS thingy. She must have the identity of growing up with famous parents connection. Bristol was a more sympathic character back in the day. The fat thingy got to Kel. She actually did lose weight and is a knock out. The comparison of Kelly and Bristol made it certain that Bristol is a fraud like her mother. Coinicidnence that Jack and Todd are now part of a reality show mess up?

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      And to replace him with a Secessionist also too there. It boggles the mind.

  16. Anyone who thinks a network canned a popular, attractive, extremely sympathetic figure who was just diagnosed with a terminal illness AND is father to a newborn, yet still physically up to competing- and willing to buy his OWN insurance policy. . . with Todd "purse carrier on Friday, pimp on Saturday" Palin just "because"- no way. This is yet another example of the unquestionable hold Sarah has over the networks.

    I have mentioned before that occasionally I will be overcome by a moment of clarity or even clairvoyance and just feel very strongly about something.

    What I feel strong about here is that Todd has provided prostitutes to higher ups at NBC and that is why the we are seeing a recent SECESSIONIST participate in a show highlighting the American armed forces.

    As for Jack's request, I am only TOO happy to boycott NBC, and I hope they take note of the last show tied to a Palin and how dismally poor the ratings were. Did her show even come on this week? NBC was already on my list for obviously lying about Jack. They say they were "considering" him but hadn't actually offered the spot. So what made them choose Todd over Jack if they were just "considering" participants? Why kick the proven ratings grabber, reality show vet who has proven popularity with audiences- and instead take the controversial, proven anti American with very low popularity?

    Sharon Osborne- what I wouldn't give to see Sarah try and tangle with that woman. Do it, Sarah! Go on, say something about her only son! Homegirl will chuck a ham at your skinny ass and she will NOT MISS.

    1. NBC doesn't need Todd to provide prostitutes- there are plenty of young women who want to be actresses who would be willing. Remember Media Insider? She once posted that between a gorgeous woman who can do the role and a gorgeous woman who can do the role AND is willing to have sex with you... there's no comparison.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      I can't boycott NBC like I couldn't boycott Chick fil_A. Don't watch, never heard of the other until the Baptist put it on the map. Other than that I would do what I can for Jack Osbourne anyday. This is an unnecessary slam in the face. Why? I don't know about NBC execs using Todd's services. military personnel... hmmmm ... of course, all that is a long ongoing given. NBC mixed with military brass, gov'mint high ups or Secret Service, they are like divas expecting more than bendy straws.

      Read the comments.
      Vince Palamara and an old friend of the Chaney family are talking about Todd's buddy David Chaney and the service. A club that Todd can hook up to.
      "Well, the Secret Service is very much a Republican club from what I learned. It came to my attention that they didn’t like it when Democrats were in the White House. I’ve been left with the residual impression that a lot of wagon circling transpires within the ranks, from time to time, in support of prevailing attitudes favoring certain political viewpoints."

      Palamara does extensive work on the JFK assassination. George Chaney was with Kennedy in Dallas.

    3. Anonymous10:36 PM

      Nyah, you are so right about Todd Pimpin' and the Secessionist angle.

      He was involved in that movement in AK for years! Now he's getting paid on behalf of the troops?! What a $hameless $ham the whole Paylin clan is.

    4. Anonymous10:00 AM

      terminal illness ?????? We all die.

    5. ibwilliamsi7:38 PM

      MS is not a terminal illness. It's no fun, but it's usually manageable, especially if you have the resources to stay fit.

    6. Sorry- you are of course correct; I think I was confusing MS and ALS.

  17. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Fox News poll: Obama's lead grows as Romney's support slips

    The president would take 49 percent of the vote compared to Romney's 40 percent in a head-to-head matchup if the election were held today, the poll found. Last month, Obama had a four percentage-point edge of 45 percent to 41 percent. This marks the second time this year the president has had a lead outside the poll’s margin of sampling error.

    Obama’s advantage comes largely from increased support among independents, who now pick him over Romney by 11 percentage points. Some 30 percent of independents are undecided. Last month, Obama had a four-point edge among independents, while Romney had the advantage from April through early June.

    There was also an uptick in support for Obama among women, blacks and Democrats.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Obama lead grows every time Romney appears or speaks.

      I think Romney is like Sarah Palin, just another dumbfuck who thinks they can be a politician.

    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      No wonder team Obama wanted and prepared for Romney to get the ticket. Even is reality TV wife and mother could pull a show and be the GOP candidate it is OBAMA 2012!

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I think it is because America is finding out what a horrid liar Romney is - in everything he says and does and he's been like this for years!!!

      And, I'm not so sure he is as smart as he thinks he is. He was raised with money and has played very dirty (more and more is coming out daily) in making more through Bain.

      The Republican party is one huge mess!

    4. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Many "Republicans" do not want Romney. Who will replace him when they get rid of him?

  18. A little reminder to all, The Osborne's were very good friends at one time with "Greta". In fact, I remember they were her guests at a White House Press Corps dinner during the W administration. They could know the Palin family. Food for thought.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Osbornes like Republican. Scientology is the Religion of favor for Hollywood now. Sharon may be from a small island off the coast of France but she is more Mama Bear, more Grizzly than Sarah could ever imagine.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Ozzy was all kissey with little scrub I think.

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      It would be a kick to watch Sharon go after Sarah. Suspect it would be a knockout in minutes!!! She'd literally make mincemeat of the skinny little white-trash idiot from Wasilla.

    4. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Anonymous6:40 PM

      After Sharon put her in a headlock and pulled the wig from Baldy's head, it would sure be interesting to see what Lego parts she'd pull off next...

      Talk about a ratings bonanza! That's one reality show I would watch.

  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I happen to have MS, and I hope Jack gets through life with a mild case like mine.
    And I am proud that Sharon dropped her job with Americas got talent after NBC dissed her son.

    I will not be watching, and as a veteran I am appalled that they are having an anti american secessionist on this show.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Yeah, it just wouldn't be like the Palins to fuck over some friends or associates, would it?


  20. Is anyone here on twitter, and willing to send a link to Jack about Todd's nearly 8 YEARS in the AIP? I feel if he had that info it would help his cause and bolster the case against NBC.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      The family needs to learn as much about Todd as possible but AIP is critical.

      Jack needs to view the tape of Todd to see WTF?

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I don't understand why we think Jack was forced out to find a place for Todd but it would be lovely if the Osbourne's saw it that way. I wonder if Sharon has seen photos of Sarah's Mar. 26 to Apr. 18, 2008, 18-day transformation.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      That might be why NBC thinks Todd is worthy. Great abs run in the family. Better yet any guy that fathers a baby with a woman with a SpongeBob SquarePants belly and she thumps at it... well that is not your average dude. I bet he can jump from helicopters!

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      No, the show needed another woman but no one was available at the last minute. Todd had the shortest dick among all of the cast replacements so they decided he was the closest they could get. Plus, Toddy also has access to the "Belmonts" [since Sarah had her new set bolted onto her bony frame], and his high-pitch sissy voice, both of which add to his versatility. This is known.

    3. Anonymous10:41 PM

      You mean HEELicopters.

      The Pimp speaks as poorly as the Quitter with almost the same high squeaky voice. Wait'll America gets a load of this loser -- and when the show airs, the info about the Pimp's long involvement in the AIP will surface. HA!

  22. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The Democratic Party will make history later this summer when it reveals its new party platform supporting same-sex marriage rights. BuzzFeed got the first look at what that will sound like. Draft language of the Democrats’ same-sex marriage plank from the site:

    'We support the right of all families to have equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law. We support marriage equality and support the movement to secure equal treatment under law for same-sex couples. We also support the freedom of churches and religious entities to decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference.

    We oppose discriminatory federal and state constitutional amendments and other attempts to deny equal protection of the laws to committed same-sex couples who seek the same respect and responsibilities as other married couples. We support the full repeal of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act.'

  23. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Conservative Group Launches “Dump Romney” Campaign

  24. Texas Mel, you are right! They shared a limo. I completely forgot!

    Greta has been looking mighty impatient with Sarah lately.

    I bet Greta knows where some serious Palin bodies are buried.

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Greta was on Haiti when Bristol looked like she was going to pop.

  25. Anonymous3:23 PM

    My advice to Fucking Chicken Shit Sarah Palin is stay the fuck away from this controversy!


    Sharon don't play that shit you fuckin' wonky eyed retard Wasilla Hill Billy trailer park trash!

  26. Anonymous3:34 PM

    How true, OT:
    Anonymous7:53 AM
    Teachers are very important to society. Look at what happened to Willow Palin when she was home schooled under the guidance of her parents.

    Her mother Sarah Palin went on book tours, went on tv bad mouthing President Obama and pretending to be informative when she spewed her nonsense and hate on FOX. Instead of going to school, Willow spent time on the road in the lower 48 with her father and boyfriend, who was not in school either, driving to Minnesota to pick up snow machines for Todd Palin's hobbies and now Willow who did not receive that extra help from her mother or father is not qualified or wants to go to college.

    As you can see by the parenting skills of the Palin parents, they have always been self centered only thinking of their future, their name recognition and their happiness while their children are left to fend for themselves. Example, Bristol had to feed her siblings instead of Bristol studying at home and now look at Bristol. Bristol's career is trying to make money off of her son on reality shows and publicly bad mouthing her baby's daddy and Bristol, like Willow, is not qualified for college either. However Bristol's career choice backfired and now she is being ridiculed as a terrible mother. Like her mother Sarah, Bristol in thinking of only herself went out and spent money on a chin implant and being know for buying and wearing shoes like mom.

    What about Piper Palin? Sarah took Piper out of school during the McCain campaign as a prop to show others she is a mother and what did we see? We seen Sarah pretending to study math flash cards with Piper. The problem was that she was studying addition at the age where other kids are learning higher math.

    Let the Palin kids be shiny living walking and talking examples how important it is to have qualified teachers.

    Look at Sarah Palin herself. She went to 5 colleges in I don't remember how many years to get one simple degree and she can't tell you what she reads or tell you correctly what Paul Revere did. Sarah can't even speak correctly. English should be Sarah's primary language but she fails at it and only speaks proficiently at word salad. Sarah with her limited vocabulary calls the place where supposedly Willow is at "Hair School". Most people would say their child received a high school diploma but Sarah calls it a high school degree, Sarah calls a lake a swimming hole and other nonsense like that.

    I'm not sure if you can blame the teachers for the Palin's educational shortcomings or just chalk it up to the rumors that the Wasilla Hill Billies are borderline reeeeetards?

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      We have never been shown any indication that Sarah Palin did in fact graduate from college. She went to five various ones and I have serious doubts she ever graduated. They had to make her look good for the McCain campaign and another lie was spewed!!! What is new!

    2. I completely don't believe that Sarah graduated, because it would be impossible for her to collect the necessary credits while jumping schools as frequently as she did, but I don't think the McCain campaign deliberately deceived anybody about her college career. She told them she graduated from U of I and they didn't know what a liar she is- they would certainly have thought that nobody would lie about something so easily checked.

    3. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Sarah's role model was her father, who bragged that he went to 10 colleges. Either Chuck Heath is a terrible liar or he flunked out of at least a half a dozen schools.

      I can't decide if Sarah talks like an uneducated hick on purpose, to appeal to "ril" folks, or if she is really that dumb. She also called her "patio" a cement pad. When she was asked by Katie Couric about Tina Fey playing Sarah on SNL, Sarah stumbled over a word that sounded as if she wanted to say "caricature," but she didn't know how to pronounce it. Let her refudiate that.

      No, education is not a priority in the Palin family. I always thought that it was because Sarah is ADDH and can't learn anything. Her kids may have inherited it from her. Sarah heard a lecture about Paul Revere and came out ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. She cannot learn in the conventional sense of the word. But, she has media smarts, and she knows how to attract attention.

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Ask Malia Litman. Sarah DID graduate!! They confirmed it on the the phone with her. They didn't tell her the degree though.

    5. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Cheney was right, the process failed. Not McCain for for skipping a proper vetting.

    6. Anonymous7:39 PM

      @5:26 - No. Malia LItman was never told that Sarah graduated. The word is that when the U of I office was phoned, she was told that Palin was an alumna. But you don't have to graduate to be called an U of I alumna. Anyone who matriculates there may be called one.

    7. Anonymous8:46 AM

      As to whether she could have graduated, the answer is probably "yes." My ex is in academic counseling. There are certain majors in any school that have very few classes required for the major. There is also an ability in the academic counseling office to cobble together a degree if a student can't manage the credits for an actual major. At a certain university I am familiar with, if a student looks unlikely to graduate because of the inability to pass upper division classes, its major is often changed to Communications because the requirements for that degree are so minimal that an eggplant can complete them. The other possibility is that a student has no prospect of graduating so an academic counselor sits down with it and basically says something like this: "Okay, you passed one upper division journalism course and you have a shit-ton of PE. We'll call it 'sports journalism' and wham bam yur dun." Sports Journalism? Really? I don't think so.

  27. Anonymous3:40 PM

    In 1997, the town of Talkeetna, AK (population: 600) voted a cat named Stubbs into office as their mayor through a write-in campaign. The citizens in Talkeetna have been satisfied with Stubbs's policy, so they've kept him in office for 15 years.

    Now, some mysterious political forces are tossing Stubbs's name in the hat to be Mitt Romney's running mate, and the website is making its case for a feline veep.

    The site suggests a few campaign slogans, such as "Romney Stubbs, double trubbs." It further explains why Romney should consider the top cat in politics as his running mate::

  28. Anonymous3:41 PM

    If it is important for NBC to put a known pimp on a reality show who takes advantage of single struggling mothers in Alaska by turning them into prostitutes, then I have nothing else to do with NBC.

    Todd Palin refuses to address this claim by his former prostitute/employee Shailey Tripp. I believe that Todd doesn't want to publicly anger Shailey Tripp and rightfully so. Shailey may have done that in the past to survive but she won't take Todd's BS anymore!

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Aren't Tripp's children challenged? Don't know the details but Todd taking advantage of a mother is hurting her children as well.

    2. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Covering and abating perps of child neglect and abuse is hurting children.

  29. Anonymous3:44 PM

    For those who don't know, Jack Osbourne has his own show on the SyFy network called Haunted Highways. He had to bow out of the last couple of shows of the season because of his diagnosis, but at the end of the final show of the season they showed a clip of him stating that he will be back next season. Good for SyFy.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      @3:44pm thanks for that! Didn't know will look for the show.

  30. Anonymous3:45 PM


    Talk to me, how come you stood up to a man in a bar who only said something about your mom but you remain silent about a woman who not only publicly said that your father Todd Palin was her pimp and had sex with her but she also wrote a book about it?

    Why are you so quiet about this Bristol?

    LOL, your pimp daddy doesn't want to anger Shailey Tripp?

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Has Sarah responded to that retarded remark from the Republican the other day-- or is she only offended when Democrats use that word?

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Dance on ABC like Pimp Daddy taught you, Bristol! Oh, that's right.

      "Second verse, same as the first."

  31. Anonymous4:05 PM

    OT...Palin on Hannity tonight. Which wig will she wear?

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Which False teeth, spray tay, and Fake Breasts will she wear?

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM


    3. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Sarah still needs to try out that girdle with the padded ass and give up on the hip-huggers, because her scrawny ass just makes the new fake titties look even more preposterous.

      And while her Herman Munster shoes do attract attention, without an ass protruding just a little, there's no meat on her bones between those huge fake tits and her clodhoppers.

      Whose titties get bigger, going from an A-cup to a C-cup, as they simultaneously lose a third of their body weight?

      That's about as likely as a chunky 20 year old woman with no muscle tone and a sedentary lifestyle suddenly GAINING 40 more lbs while dancing 6-8 hours a day, 5 days a week for several months, without being pregnant.

      Sarah and Bristol are both so full of shit. It's sad that both have these body image issues, but they certainly don't help themselves by undergoing the knife every time they have a couple of weeks free from the reality show cameras.

      Those two are a couple of sickos! Fact.

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      4:40 PM
      Any of em. All of em.

      She is a caricature of a human being already with the tiny stick body which is missing an ass, a humongous bobble head with the smelly, road-kill wigs, excessive tit structure, and over-sized Sasquatch shoes.

      Piper could look just like Sarah with all of the accessories that Lego-woman attaches to her stick body.

  32. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Advice to Bristol..... better stay clear too!

    Bristol doesn't want any part of those Osbornes either.

    The Osbornes aren't like quiet Levi.

    They will go to Wasilla and beat some asses if they have to!

    I wouldn't put it past them to actually go on the DWTS dance floor and put a beating on Bristol.

  33. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Why are you people picking on Pimp Daddy Todd Palin?

    Is it because of Willow's weight?

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Anonymous4:15 PM

      No, it's because we are jealous. All 325 million of us in America who are not fortunate enough to be in the Palin Klan. It's a tough life not being one of "them" and not being on the teevee every week. Sigh. I must admit the fact that I'm so jealous.

  34. On a related note, I'd bet money Kelly Osbourne can kick Bristol's skanky ass from LA to Anchorage.

    Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      She sure could. Do you remember when everyone was picking on Bristol's DWTS weight? Comparing her to Kelly who took off weight. Kelly was a big Bristol defender. Stood up for her and felt for what she was going through. Poor Bristol, it wasn't fair. Kelly had her back.

      I doubt any of them are mad at Todd. It was NBC.

    2. Anonymous11:33 PM

      ^Hi sad Krusty

    3. Anonymous10:22 AM


      The past about Kelly and Bristol must be still on line, if you will google and read. I don't know what Kelly thinks now. Her prior stance is fact.

      What is happening now with the family is on line. If you have a link to where they are talking about Todd please include it or you are the sad one. Why do facts bother you?

  35. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Jack seems like a really cool guy. When he got sober and lost weight he did a great show on the Travel Channel called Jack Osbourne Adrenaline Junkie and he worked his butt off in various pursuits. The Osbournes might be loud and crazy sometimes, and speak their minds without filters, but it's nice to see that Kelly got cleaned up and Ozzy seems to be enjoying middle age without the drugs and booze. That Sharon had a lot on her hands managing that crew but they seem to have all come around and be fine. That herd of little dogs on The Osbournes used to crack me up; they were always pooping or peeing on the floor and they seemed to just run the house!

    1. Kelly does a wonderful job on Fashion Police. She always has something nice to say even when she's criticizing the outfit- and her critiques are thoughtful and well-expressed.

      I don't "do" fashion, because I live in jeans and work in scrubs, but I watch Fashion Police every week and I certainly don't think there's anything wrong with a career in fashion. I'm not a Kelly fan particularly, but she does a damn good job.

    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Ozzy is a genuine entertainer, which makes him and his family interesting, at least. The wasillabillies, not so much. Actually downright annoying. Also too as a three decade plus Alaska emigrant, I really am nauseated that some people will still associate scabby p with Alaska. It does not represent the politics or opinions of anyone that I know. Mentally Ill? You Betcha.

  36. Olivia4:57 PM

    OT: Teabagger fail!

    1. Funny that the owner of the hotel that Judson Phillips cancelled on is Romney's current sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

  37. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Todd "jazz hands" Palin was a member of the AIP!!!!! How can NBC put him on a show with soldiers.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      AIP doesn't get any press. The Brit's would be more interested than any US media.

      The Osbourne's are darlings across the pond, Brit's wonder wtf are crazy US doing now.

      Europe does not want another dictator to take over, like WWII. We don't think anything can happen here. It is a different mind set and the US media is not doing us right.

      Although AIP was in Game Change it is mostly hush, hush.

  38. I am so weary of people just making up crap about the Palin family. They are a good, honest Christian family of hard-working Americans and anybody who says that the Palins have screwed them over is just jealous of their success from their God-given talents.

    The following are just a few of the people who are just jealous and have never been screwed over or even talked bad about by Sarah and family:

    1. Osbourne family. Todd is a hard worker and very athletic and could carry Sarah's purse for 30 miles.
    2. Massey Family. Didn't Bristol make their idea for the reality show MUCH more successful than they could ever dream of? Also, the Masseys are black. Besides, Bristol is a great dancer--- much better than Kyle.
    3. Republican Party. This is how they thank her for all she’s done for the GOP.
    4. Mitt Romney. Was jealous of Sarah’s bus last year when he announced he was running for President and she showed up at a clambake.
    5. Voters of Alaska. Who cares what they think now?
    6. Joe McGinnis. “Thanks for building that fence, Todd, so I can carry Tri-G on my back while cutting the lawn without being leered at by any pedophiles who are trying to also peep in Piper’s bedroom window.
    7. Lisa Murkowski. Sarah DESERVED that Senate seat because of all of her executive and legislative experience as mayor and city council member, making her more qualified to be a US Senator. But Sarah had the last laugh by endorsing that fine American and AIP member, Joe Miller. Take that, Lisa. Hah!
    8. Johnston family, including Ricky Hollywood.
    9. Mike Wooten, who dared cross the Grifter.
    10. Barak & Michelle Obama and other blahs except for Allen West with the 80’s MC Hammer ‘do.
    11. Sasha and Malia Obama
    12. Paul Revere, who did whatever Sarah says he did that night with the bells, whistles, guns, and bad of chicken sandwiches.
    13. Liberals, who are all evil.
    14. Environmentalists
    15. Katie Couric, who has low self-esteem and whom Sarah tried to help.
    16. Charlie Gibson
    17. Bush Family, especially that old Barbara Bush woman.
    18. Jesse Griffin, who’s a big liar
    19. All the other lying Alaska bloggers
    20. Andrew Sullivan, gay writer
    21. All teh Gays
    22. Lyda Green, the old biddy.
    23. Andrew Halcro
    24. The Alaska Daily News
    25. Newsweek which sometimes sucks
    26. Walt Monegan “who I can fire anytime because I’m the Governor.”
    27. Time Magazine and all of their lying writers.
    28. Bill O’Reilly, who better be more respectful of the governor
    29. Roger Ailes, who doesn’t seem to understand what blood libel really is.
    30. Rick Perry. “I was a better governor”
    31. Tina Fey. “I played me much better than Tina Fey did.”
    32. Kathy Griffin “She’s a 50 yr old bully and a has-been.”
    33. Michele Bachmann, who has no executive experience
    34. Elizabeth Hasselbeck (jealous)
    35. David Letterman, who talked about Sarah to boost ratings
    36. Rapper Common, whose poems don’t all rhyme and he is a thug.
    37. Chris Christie, who Sarah bitch-slapped.
    38. Dick Cheney, who Sarah threatened to bitch-slap, if he didn’t walk back his “mistake” comment.
    39. Karl Rove, who is not the leader of the Tea Party, Sarah is.
    40. Kate Gosselin, who is not as good a mother as Sarah.
    41. Joe Miller, who evidently doesn’t know how things work with endorsements
    42. Bill Maher, who said Sarah is a dumb twat.
    43. Nancy Pelosi, the dingbat.
    44, 45 Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace. Sarah has never spoken ill of either of them.
    46. Rick Santorum, a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.
    47. The gay dude on Bristol’s award-winning show, Stephen Hanks.
    48. Mike Huckabee, who called Bristol fat and lazy for not coming on his radio show.
    49. Political “Pundints”
    50. All the non-ChikFilA-eating haters who are also liars and are jealous, also, too.
    51. Shailey Tripp, who says Todd has a small dick.
    52. Glen Rice, who can't stop laughing about this "Stars Earn Stripes" show, for some reason.

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      53. All people in the Democrat party because they do not love God.

    2. Apparently, you don't live in Alaska or the USA. You live in "LA LA LAND!"

  39. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I would love to see Lila Ali in a boxing match with Toad Palin. She would kick his coward ass!

  40. WakeUpAmerica6:38 PM

    I thought that was Todd "Nuts in a handbag" Palin.

  41. Anonymous6:50 PM

    It's not Todd's reality show, it a reality show that Todd is on.

  42. Anonymous6:51 PM

    LOL... Jack doesn't mince words.

  43. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Todd with his jazz hands and jizz pockets. I wouldn't give that ass-hole a fist bump without putting hand sanitizer on immediately afterwards.

    On the other hand, I might be more inclined to miss his fist and punch his punk-ass in the throat. It might help that voice unless his vocal chords have already been damaged by all of the throating we hear he does in the closet.

    Who knows... maybe Todd will come out of the closet during this "reality" show if he meets the right military stud to play top to his bottom. Because he sure ain't fucking that bag of bones that the honorable Chuckies Jr & Sr call "Our Sarah". I can't fault him for that, however. Just sayin'.

  44. WRT the ADA: being on a TV program is a job. When you hire somebody for a job and they have physical challenges, you're entitled to say, "How would you address doing this task?" or "Are you capable of carrying x number of pounds?" and suchlike. If you would normally hire the person for the job, and you can make "reasonable accommodations" to enable them to do so, then you can't refuse to hire them on account of a disability. So the question would be, could Jack participate with his MS? If not, what kind of accommodations would NBC have to make in order for him to do so?

    It may very well be that NBC has worked out the physical results for succeeding in its program. Reluctantly, I can say I think it would be legally defensible for them to boot Jack if they don't believe he can do it.

    Unfortunately, MS can cause intermittant problems that might make it impossible for Jack to compete. It's not even a question of health insurance. If they're required to, say, climb a robe 30 feet to a platform, and one of his arms suddenly doesn't work? He can't compete. He can't even participate. I don't know if this is one of those programs where they boot somebody off every week, like Top Chef or Project Runway, but if it is, having a competitor with MS would throw off the planned program.

    My personal take on it would be to sit down with Jack and say, "Some of the things that might be required (because they wouldn't want to give it all away in advance) are carrying X many pounds, hiking X many miles, parachuting, etc., etc.- do you feel you can do that?" and if he thinks he can, let him compete. If he can't finish the task, then he could be booted and he can give a Talking Head to explain about MS. I'd prefer it have been handled this way.

    But reluctantly I have to agree that if NBC reasonably thinks he can't do the challenges, and there's no way they can make reasonable accommodation because the whole point of a competition is to have a level playing field, then they're probably within their legal rights to cancel his contract. It's a damn shame, but I think that legally they're covered on it.

    1. Anonymous4:38 AM

      I know several people with ms, there is no timeline for the progression if the symptoms that affect their mobility and activities. As we are learning from Ann Romney, therapeutic measures stave off worsening conditions. A lot of sufferers show know notable symptoms for decades.

      Jack doesn't seem to exhibit much, it's early stages after all.

      Legally they are covered, justified? Like Jack says, bullshit.

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      I am with Jack. He has access to best of lawyers. Even LaLaLand has some of the best.

      You know who loves some of this blind gossip stuff, esp that that can be backed up, is Crazy Days and Nights. They eventually tell the names of the items. All this is so very juicy. Doesn't matter that Jack's issue is with NBC. Todd just happens to be the replacement? His true story should be revealed. If anyone cares about this story they will want to hear all the side bars.

    3. Yes, it is progressive, but it's also intermittent and unpredictable. It's entirely possible that somebody with MS might wake up and be, say, unable to bear weight on one leg. I can see why NBC would be concerned.

      As I said- my sympathies are with Jack, but I can understand NBC's POV.

  45. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Hey, Queen Esther! STFU, ignorant harpy!

    1. Anonymous2:19 AM

      She sure has a way with words. Nauseating is on her mind because that is how she feels with her hangovers. Rudy Giuliani was on after her, he walked back Sarah's petty name calling, her "liar" remark. In this bobblehead Hannity show she was back to a little old church lady pitch, actual nausea. At c4p they will be giving themselves golden showers, church lady would sell with that bunch.

  46. Anonymous11:10 PM

    The Palins are their own worst enemies.

    That Palin family is so fucked up that forever as man lives, the Palins and their demon seeds and all their generations that follow them until the end of time are tainted for life with the Sarah Palin Curse.

    The Palins will be forever remembered to the universe as useless thin skinned insecure vengeful conniving scamming conning baby breeding phony Christians lying sacks of shit dysfunctional uneducated homophobic grifting Wasilla Hill Billy full blown REEEETAWWWWWWDSSSSS.

    Did I miss anything? I'm sure I did but you get the jest of it but feel free to add on.

  47. I love Sharon and all the Osbournes but this may not play out in their favor once the Burnett consortium steps in. They are BIG in the network industry right now when many others are not. Joan Rivers and Roseanne took on the networks and we all saw where that got them.

    Daresay if anyone is up to take on the likes of the Palins it would be the Osbournes. Undoubtedly the world will get to hear a little bit more about the AIP. And a little Tripp thru AK's Appalachians. I think the show will have a heavy military audience and something tells me that not all of these folks support fighting for secessionists and certainly not 'voting' for them. Some of them might even think the "T" word about those who pal around with a bunch of whiny dudes who despise the country the military protects with their actual lives.

    The die has been cast, tamper down the call for a boycott a bit. Most thinking people weren't going to take much interest in this anyway. How long before Huckabuck weighs in again if he thinks his dear lil $arah is being picked on?? Or Trump, he needs a new cause. I predict Tawd will solve this early on. I plan to vote with my remote. Won't even let my cable company report to Neilsen that I peeked. (To be fair I wouldn't watch this show even if TP wasn't on it.) Visiting IM for the review will be more than enough for me.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      "I think the show will have a heavy military audience and something tells me that not all of these folks support fighting for secessionists and certainly not 'voting' for them."

      The neo-nazi shooter at the Sikh Temple has brought attention to the part of the military with that ilk. It is said Wade Page started his journey with the haters, white power groups in the Army. NO, not all folks, military or civilian, support fighting for secessionists or any on the dark side. It may not be popular to speak out with facts and truth about that, yet people do need to be educated. Even if the media are cowards and want to black out AIP type facts. Keep pushing for what is right.

      Alleged war heroes like John McCain have been getting by with their bull crap for decades. No one should rest until he is exposed.

      With secessionists, any types like Palin attracts, joining the military causes danger to the the decent troops and puts our security at risk. The military needs to show some love and not cover up the dirty little secrets. Public Relation lies are too important to the DoD. Right wing idiots are too hidden by the military.
      Would you want to know what Track Palin is actually about? He is from the same brotherhood clothe as Jeremy Morlock.

      America must do better for our troops and public safety.

  48. This all makes me wonder if Jack didn't at some point say something to the pimpish toad to piss him off, you know like calling bullshit on a lie or perhaps it was Sarah that caused the ouster of Jack. I have to wonder because Sharon is pretty down to earth, if Jack did something wrong she is likely to tell him to buck it up. MS is a spectrum disorder like so many other illnesses, it can be severe or mild and in an individual can change from mild to severe and back again. I doubt Jack would even try to be on a show like this one unless he was doing very well at the time. NBC may have used the MS as an excuse when in reality it was the threatening letters from the Palin lawyers that caused the whole problem.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I don't understand. Where are the links to the Jack and Todd dispute? I have only seen Jack has a problem with NBC.

      Thanks for not thinking I am Krusty because I am asking a question. I may not have all the information yet.

  49. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Again I say...who can look at that picture of Tawd and not think he is gay?

  50. ibwilliamsi9:16 AM

    How is a mom supposed to explain to her son that being a pimp doesn't make you a star when they put Tawd on this show?

  51. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Sarah Palin is the reason why I don't have a job and unemployment is so high,but thankfully Obama extended my unemployment benefits so now I can watch all the Palin and Osborne reality shows all night and sleep in the next day...thanks Mr. President

  52. Anonymous6:32 AM

    who the fuck is jack osbourne just another loser get a fucking job you fat slob your no one special and neither is your fat sister


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