Friday, August 17, 2012

Just in case you had any doubts.

Essentially besides better hair, there is NOTHING which differentiates these two from the policies of the Bush/Cheney years. Nothing!

In fact Paul Ryan had not trouble at all voting for ALL of them.


  1. G, be sure to check your email. A couple of good articles for background on this and your last post on the "swift boating" nonsense. I can't copy links into into the comments here so I sent links to you. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous7:01 PM

    May they never have the opportunity to peddle a fantasy tale of weapons of mass destruction (in Iraq or elsewhere) from the White House.

  3. Bush and Cheney were both white. The Republicans can't stand that there's a Democrat in the White House. And an African American family living in the white house and not wearing uniforms...outrage.

  4. emrysa7:21 PM

    gryphen, have you looked at the ONE YEAR that romney released his tax returns?


    not 4 million in wages, ie money that he worked for, but 4 million in interest - ie monetary investments that made 4 million.

    this guy is so fucking far removed from 95% of america, I cannot believe that anyone would think that he can relate to them. fucking unbelievable that anyone can cast a vote for someone who is so far removed from the majority of americans' reality.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Not 95%. 99.5%. That's based on what he declares as income. We STILL don't know what he had parked offshore or in international hedge funds that are unregulated. If its outside the reach and the SEC, he's hiding the paper trail.

      Mitt has managed to get a lot past the IRS, but he doesn't want 100,000 accountants and analysts and tax attorneys reviewing his finances just because they happen to be Democrats. Because the more eyes that see his returns, the more flags will appear for moving money around inside and outside of shell corporations set up as a tax dodge and to shelter and "legitimize" deposits and balances shifted among different jurisdictions. Very sophisticated for a handful of IRS auditors to be on top of but Mitt is no fool. He will lose the election before he gives us a map to find out where he has all of his treasure buried, and a trail to find evidence of other activities.

      Mitt hasn't been honest with all of his backers, including his church. Some are just now realizing it themselves, and a few will turn on him after they realize they already have a knife in their back. Politics ain't beanbag, and Mitt hasn't had anybody that played hardball better than he does as an opponent until now. Possibly with the exception of Teddy Kennedy, and that was for small stakes. Small ball won't help him now, as he's learning so painfully.

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Check out Levi's Facebook. Heartbreaking.

  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Geez...tough call, but I consider R & R rank ametuers compared to Bush & Cheney. Bush - DF that he is came from VERY old money and a family line in politics. Cheney had decades of personal experience in the big time and in my humble opinion is pure evil. On the other hand, R & R similar to the cheap whiskey by the same name... a couple of nouveau riche boys that married well and think they are entitled. Thank goodness neither is actually smart enough to do any damage, but on the other hand the egoes of R & R and thier wives could be a problem. : )

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:12 AM

      Good analogy, and I agree that Cheney is the unholy spawn of darkness and evil itself. However, Ryan has the Koch Boys solidly behind him, pulling his puppet strings, IMO. Thurston Howell will be a figurehead like G.W. "Slappy" Bush, while Eddie Munster takes his marching orders from the NeoCon Syndicate. It is to worry if Mittens of the dead fish eyes and blue-eyed Paulie are "appointed" like Bush and his Master. Serfin' USA--here we come...

  7. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Hey check out the token black guy standing right behind them. He looks familiar. Did they hire this guy to stand there??? Someone else mentioned this and now I'm beginning to take notice. It would be fun to do a Where's Waldo thing. Imagine if they have the same "regular" black guy in Iowa, Denver, Las Vegas or wherever his schedule takes him. Could be a funny gotcha if you could prove the guy is some actor on the payroll. LOL

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Good catch. Not just him. They will rotate different people as part of advance teams. Then some of these folks magically appear in different press shots. A good eye can pick them out at multiple venues, especially in wider shots that are designed to show "diversity". Women, college aged, asian, black. Nothing new or really insidious, but it's all for the cameras. Like a catalogue where you notice that one of the sexy lingerie models is also a "soccer mom" in an ad in a different section of the catalogue. The campaign is selling a candidate and nothing else. When you realize that, you'll either be less or more cynical. More at first probably, but you'll learn why there's more "acting" and "lies told" by the Republican plutocratic party. Campaigns are an illusion, just like a reality show, except that there's a lot more moving parts, background noise that you have to filter to get to what really matters. Been there, done that. Still never sold out but lost friends who did. Pity them, not me.

  8. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Eddie Munster all grown up and Mitt Rob-me.

  9. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Neither Bush nor Cheney actively worked for a personhood amendment to my knowledge. Bush showed some respect for Islam. I'd say Bush/Cheney 2.0 is far worse.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      They don't care about the social issues. Those things are aeams to an end. That's why Mitt has pandered to every group on every issue over time. But they will use the political leverage from those issues to get people to vote against their financial interests if it comes down to it.

      If it sounds like Mitt is a whore, well, I don't think he'd consider that to be slanderous as long as he gets the job for the right price.

      Right now it looks good for Obama and the middle class. But if it goes the other way and Mitt wins, there will be a lot of pressure put on Senate seats by big money to yield to a Repub Pres and House the authority to centralize power even more in the hands of the few plutocrats. Not a good scenario unless you are in the top 5-10% or at least at their feet humping on one of their legs.

  10. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Did you see that a Palin group has bought billboards in Iowa touting her as Preisdent, and they have sent materials to delegates all over the country begging them to nominate her in the first round of voting. Figures. She does no work, spends no money, EARNS no delegates, never sets foot near a debate, adn these morons think she deserves to be the GOP nominee. Hey, go for it. Then we can have a look at HER taxes, Toads's pimp records, and a few birth certificates to boot!

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Billboards in Iowa for anyone but Romney will benefit Prez for reelection. That's just pissing away campaign funds because somebody committed to a contract for X number of boards before they knew which way the political winds were blowing.

      Sarah encourages this nonsense but she still gets left at home when the real politicians go to Tampa. She's spiteful to do stuff to hurt her party, but she's in it for herself, and she still thinks it makes her look better to pull others down. That's exactly why her bony ass isnt invited to the convention, despite that tummy tuck, face lift, new Dolly Parton wigs, and most of all the big titties, which may or may not be permanently attached yet.

    2. Anonymous12:53 AM

      I saw that! And my initial reaction -- Well, this is a Fool's Errand:

      Exodus, is that you??? And the hilarity ensues...

  11. Anonymous9:57 PM

  12. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Has anyone else noticed that Mitt and Ann remind you of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette? Paul Ryan looks like Eddie Munster, only Eddie was lovable. If anyone thinks that these two represent anything but blue blood and cold blood, they may as well get in the bread line right now.

  13. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Did you know that Ryan practices "hillbilly fishin'" known as "noodling?" That's the cruel practice of catching catfish by ramming your fist down its throat.

    So, along with Romney's trying the family dog to the roof of the car, Dick Cheney's waterboarding, and Bush's unprovoked war that killed tens of thousands of civilians, we know where these guys stand.

  14. shughes28539:35 AM

    OMG!! Ryan looks like Eddie Munster from the Adams family.....

    Maybe that's him all grown up!

  15. Anonymous4:34 PM

    People have a reason to be concerned about "backgrounds" and future motivations/actions of their politicians.

    Both parties have had numerous "ICKY"
    incidents and scandals. . .but the convicted FELON metal count goes to the Republican party.

    Some got caught and some just skated by w/ a wave and a smile. . .

    ~ ~ ~
    "More Fed level Republicans have been CONVICTED of felonies (not accused, not the victims of witch hunts) in the modern era than Democrats.

    The ratio is about 10 to 1."

    (Note:listed by administrations)

    Convicted Executive Branch Republicans - 40

    George W. Bush (R) 2001-2008

    Claude Allen, Domestic Advisor to the President, felony theft
    Lester Crawford, Commissioner of the FDA, conflict of interest
    Brian Doyle, Deputy Press Secretary of Homeland Security, seduction of a child
    David Savarian, Administrator of the OMB, perjury
    Roger Stillwell, Department of the Interior, bribery
    Steven Griles, Deputy Secretary Department of the Interior, obstruction of justice.
    Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, VP Chief of Staff, perjury and obstruction of justice, commuted by G. W. Bush

    George H. W. Bush (R)1987-1992

    Catalina Villaponda, Secretary of the Treasury, tax evasion

    Ronald Reagan (R)1981-1988

    Michael Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff, perjury
    James G. Watt, Sec of the Interior, perjury
    Deborah Gore Dean, Asst Sec of HUD, perjury
    Thomas T. Demery, Asst Sec of HUD, influence peddling
    Philip D. Winn, Asst Sec of HUD, bribery
    Rita Lavelle, Asst Admin of EPA, perjury
    Elliott Abrams, Asst Sec of State, withholding evidence
    Robert C. McFarlane, National Security Adviser, withholding evidence
    Alan D. Fiers, Chief of the CIA's Central American Task Force, withholding evidence
    Clair George, Chief of Covert Ops-CIA, perjury
    Oliver North, convicted of obstruction of justice, overturned
    John Poindexter, conspiracy, overturned
    Duane R. Clarridge, pardoned before trial
    Casper Weinberger, Secretary of Defense, pardoned before trial

    Gerald R. Ford (R)1973-1976

    Richard M. Nixon (R)1968-1973

    Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President, tax evasion
    Richard Nixon resigns before impeachment
    H. R. Haldeman, Chief of Staff for Nixon, perjury
    John Ehrlichman, Counsel to the White House, perjury
    John W. Dean III, Counsel to Nixon, obstruction of justice
    Dwight L. Chapin, Deputy Asst to Nixon, false and misleading statements
    Herbert W. Kalmbach, personal attorney to Nixon, illegal campaigning
    Charles W. Colson, Special Consul to Nixon, obstruction justice
    John H. Mitchell, Attorney General, perjury
    Frederick C. LaRue, Advisor to John Mitchell, obstruction of justice
    G. Gordon Liddy, Special Investigations Group, burglary
    E. Howard Hunt, ‘security consultant,’ burglary
    Five White House ‘Plumbers’ convicted of burglary

    Dwight D. Eisenhower (R)1952-1959

    Llewelyn Sherman A. Adams, Chief of Staff, contempt of Congress, resigned

    Convicted Executive Branch Democrats - 4

    William J. Clinton (D) 1993-2000

    Henry Cisneros, Secretary of HUD, perjury, pardoned by Clinton
    Webster L. Hubbell, Associate Attorney General, mail fraud
    Ronald Blackley, Chief of Staff to Mike Espy, Sec of Agriculture, perjury

    Jimmy Carter(D)1977-1980

    Richard Helms, proposed Ambassador to Iran, perjury

    Lyndon B. Johnson (D)1961-1969

    John F. Kennedy (D)1960-1961

    Harry S. Truman (D) 1945-1951

    Franklin D. Roosevelt(D) 1932-1945


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