Friday, August 10, 2012

Just our President being awesome!

I assume that Fox News will come up with a much different headline than mine.

Something along the lines of "Your tax dollars at work," or "President Obama giving young American the run around." To me that picture represents a great deal of why I like this President so much. When you can engage a child in play, without feeling self conscious or embarrassed, it speaks to your humanity and self confidence.

Hey speaking of Fox News, guess whose poll has Obama moving significantly ahead of Mitt Romney?  

Mitt Romney has had a tough couple of weeks on the campaign trail -- and it shows in the latest Fox News poll. After a barrage of campaign ads, negative news coverage of his overseas trip and ongoing talk about his tax returns, Romney’s favorable rating and standing in the trial ballot have declined. As a result, President Obama has opened his biggest lead since Romney became the presumptive Republican nominee. 

The president would take 49 percent of the vote compared to Romney's 40 percent in a head-to-head matchup if the election were held today, the poll found.

You know it must really chap all of the the asses over at Fox News to have to report that Obama is smoking their candidate so badly.

Gee sucks to be them.


  1. I wish the President wouldn't beat on Romney so hard by being so adorable until Romney is the official candidate.

    What if Romney isn't nominated?

    1. Is that really your advice to the President? To "stop being so adorable?"

      Because that seems a little intrusive, and somewhat odd.

      Perhaps instead we could suggest that Mitt Romney stop being such a creepy douche.

      By the way can you think of ANY other President that could have been accused of being "too adorable?"

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      I am with you Gryphen!

      Our President Barack Obama can't stop being his adorable self, but Mittens can really try to be less of a misserable disgusting creepy douche!

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      That you Sarah Louise?

    4. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Yes, Rmoney is the easier candidate to beat in the election, and, as you have pointed out, has no skill-set of adorableness. He also is not a brilliant stategist, but IS parochial in his thinking and Mormon-will-rule-someday in his beliefs. The Obama campaign has a lot to work with.

    5. Anita Winecooler1:40 PM

      President Obama is awesome every day. They're all puffed up over Ryan speaking up to President Obama during the ACA "talks", President Obama put him front and center, then decimated the Ryan plan.
      I can't wait for the debates, Romney's going to have some huge skid marks in his magic undies, and don't underestimate Biden vs Ryan.

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I like.

  3. Cracklin Charlie6:15 PM

    Little girls love to play "chase me".

    I guess the good folks at Fox would rather President Obama use the Oval Office for planning illegal wars, and new ways to steal money from the American taxpayer. I'll take a good game of "chase me" any day.

    My candidate is on my teevee screen right now!

    Obama 2012!

  4. Olivia6:17 PM

    This is such a great photo to have in my head. Much better than the visual I got when W choked on a pretzel when he "wasn't drinking"(wink, wink, nudge, nudge) all by himself watching a football game.

    I love our President and he makes me really proud that we elected him. Such a shame that all of his detractors can't revel in the accomplishments of this man and the glory he brings to our country.

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "When you can engage a child in play, without feeling self conscious or embarrassed, it speaks to your humanity and self confidence."

    That's the most critical criteria for me in assessing a person's character. That and how they treat their pets.

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      And I think Mitt would fail on both tests.

  6. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Okay, I'm convinced the Republicans have given up on Romney and they are using him as a distraction. As we are all worrying if Obama will win (which I think that he will) the Koche (spelling?) brothers, Edelson and all the other gazillionaires who are bankrolling Romney are working to win the Senate majority back (Yippee! The Turtle McConnell will be majority leader! Yuck!) and keeping the House. The Democrats MUST be working just as hard to win back the House and maintain control of the Senate. If Obama wins but loses both houses of Congress it will be a do-nothing, get-nothing-done four years! We can not let that happen! We need Howard Dean back with his fifty-state strategy like we had in '08. Obama/Biden '12

    1. Olivia7:21 PM

      I think the proper spelling is Douche brothers.

    2. Keep an eye on Ron Paul. I still think he's up to something and is likely to cause trouble.

  7. Anonymous6:27 PM

    That picture makes me smile!! As do all pictures of President Obama with children. The First Lady Michele too. You just can't fake that.

  8. Anonymous6:30 PM


    Good for American.

  9. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Yes, he's awesome. Especially when he's releasing deceptive attack ads that basically illustrate him as a callous asshole who's running scared. If he weren't shaking in his political boots, he'd run nice, legit campaigns. But oh, I forgot who works for him.


    1. Olivia7:25 PM

      You, of course are talking about RMoney. Callous Fuckstick Asshole who is running scared. Shaking in his political boots- "Please, Mr President, can't we just forget about Bain and my tax returns, my special underwear, my wife's horse and all the rest of those things that people hate about me. Of course, I can still lie about you."
      But you forgot who he works for...

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Eff you Sarah!

    3. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Sounds like a troll you just can’t keep it back today. I wonder if the Palin post sent it over the edge.

    4. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Hey 7:03pm you do know that a no candidate can control what their SuperPac has to say? Or did you not watch The Colbert Report when he explained that to us by creating his own SuperPac? You can thank the Supreme Court for Citizens vs. United if you hate any advertisements that are produced for any candidate that you feel might just be a little not to your liking. You really showed your ignorance with your comment. Perhaps be a little more politically aware before spewing your hateful opinion.

    5. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Dude, the only thing your guy stands for is lower taxes -- for himself. That makes the tax rate HE paid for the last 10 years totally relevant. Next!

    6. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Attack Ads? For 3 1/2 years the TEAPUGS have said nothing but Negative Falsehoods about PRESIDENT OBAMA, especially that LOSER SARAH PALIN. So now that He is fighting back, YOUR PANTIES ARE IN A WAD? You Palinbots can concentrate on your FAILING UNREALITY SHOWS.
      Let your Prostituting and Grifting continue until the I.R.S. comes down on you.

  10. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Now this is an EXCELLENT idea!

  11. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Oh this is RICH!

    Romney To Obama: Truce?

    Asks That Business Record, Taxes Be Off-Limits

    Mitt Romney, battered by Democratic attacks over his Bain Capital record and taxes, is calling on President Obama to agree to a truce over his business career.

    “Our campaign would be — helped immensely if we had an agreement between both campaigns that we were only going to talk about issues and that attacks based upon — business or family or taxes or things of that nature,” Romney said, according to excerpts of an upcoming interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd released Friday.

    Romney said he would prefer the campaigns “only talk about issues,” and claimed that “our ads haven’t gone after the president personally. … We haven’t dredged up the old stuff that people talked about last time around. We haven’t gone after the personal things.”

    Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul offered up a broader take on whether Romney was really suggesting that his career at Bain Capital — the crux of his argument that he is better equipped to handle the economy — should be considered off-limits.


    Mitt, you smarmy little prick! You fucking destroyed your opponents with nasty, carpetbombing ads, saturating the media market with your millions and leaving them in the political dust. And you want PBO to ease up on you and your lying, misrepresentations, taking things out of context and smearing our president with racist foghorns and implications of un-Americanism? Not a chance.

    PBO knows how to take it to the mat and you're just a whiny little mewling puke that has asked for it, and now you, Mr Bully of small animals and destructor of peoples' lives and livelihoods want it to let up? NOT A CHANCE! Why don't you just call it a day and 'suspend' your campaign and acknowledge that Barack Obama will be president for another 4 years. At least you can leave with some ounce of dignity, because if you continue, you WILL hit the mat and it will be that 'black guy' who doesn't understand the 'anglo saxon' mindset of your kind that will be standing over you.


    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Thank you for saying PBO, indicating respect that is well-deserved.

      I saw Romney in FL. He has no passion, no soul.

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      What I don't understand about the media touting that Romney ran Bain which means he'd run government better than President Obama! Fact is - our government isn't run the same as businesses throughout our nation!

      And, why isn't the media going after Romney and the fact he was on the Board of the Marriott Hotel years ago that paying federal taxes (he was also head of the review committee for the audits for the company). Guess what - they got caught for not handling their taxes properly and ended up have to pay back a couple hundred million!

      Our journalists are NOT doing their jobs in this country. They don't ask the hard questions or counter lying statements that are made by those running for office - throughout the country for that matter!

      Folks - read and research Romney through the internet. There are so many sources to go to. The guy is a liar (Mormon) and asshole! He is a man that has spent his entire life avoiding paying taxes!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    3. Mitt can give it - but all his life he's never had to take it. Gosh the President and his campaign want Mitt to man up and show the electorate who he really is - Mitt on the other hand doesn't think it fair that he is being called out to tell the truth about his past. Mitt is the boss - he doesn't tell you people anything.

      Now - has he asked this VP to be announced tomorrow about his Income tax? bet little Chucky Todd won't be asking the question - but someone will.

    4. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Wonderful comment and a joy to read; totally with you on every point!

    5. Poor Mittens. He's been surrounded by yes-man and other acolytes that he just can't handle any sort of resistance. He really does expect to get everything he wants..JUST...LIKE...THAT!
      I hope Obama cleans his clock and I hope we get some serious Dems in Congress IN SPITE of Rove and the Koch Brothers and all of their money.

  12. Anonymous7:34 PM

    He really is genuinely interested in kids, in people.

  13. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I don't personally care if Obama loves children or puppies or any of that. I do care that he is very much the lesser of two evils in this upcoming election. Just vote if you feel that he can run this country more effectively than Romney can. There are many problems that Obama, nor any candidate can solve, but at least a vote for Obama will be a vote for progressive action in this country. He won't solve global climate change or drought or any of the resulting food shortages, but we can have someone at the helm that can guide our country through the next 4 years of what might be very trying times.

  14. Mitt will be naming his VP choice tomorrow (Saturday) morning in Virginia. Latest rumour says it'll be Ryan.

  15. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Love that photo! Thank you, G
    O/T but I am loving this - Mr. "I have all the business experience that my opponent lacks" suddenly doesn't want to talk about it anymore, and now the breaking news is that he will lkely announce Paul Ryan as his VP choice Saturday

    There you have it folks: Obama/Biden vs. Munster/Munster now that little Eddie's on deck... please Sarah, throw a wig in the ring and run a last minute third party mavericky campaign thingy with Allen West, oh please please please?

    1. If he really has selected Ryan (I still think McDonnell might be a chance) - he just lost some of the previously guaranteed old white (medicare) voters. Do Mitt's campaign staff ever get things right?

    2. Anonymous10:04 PM

      He's announcing in Virginia, it could well be McDonnell.

    3. Honestly, I'm trying to care who Romney picks as a VP running mate, but I cannot make myself pretend it even matters. Mitt is still the top of the ticket and it's really just a matter of him choosing who goes down with him.

      I guess I could think ahead and try to figure who would be hurt more in 2016 from being the losing VP candidate, but it doesn't matter one iota. Obama/Biden will coast to victory, and Jeb Bush will be the GOP pick for Pres in '16. If Hillary wants it, I'll be behind her at this point.

      Thinking ahead to that election, I wonder how bad Sarah's appearance will have degenerated. On second thought, that makes me nauseous to even think about her atrophied ass, her crusty feet, her creepy claws at the end of her arms, her plastic-textured face pulled as tight as a drum and finally, that splotchy sun-dried chest. Of course, the wig Baldy will wear in 4 yrs is a mystery today, but I have no doubt it will be just as greasy and dirty as the one she wore today. She's been so successful, why change?

  16. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I live in conservative Colorado Springs. Tonight I wore my "Dogs Against Romney" shirt to Barnes & Noble, curious and slightly apprehensive about whether anyone would comment. Well, the guy working at the cash register did. He started chuckling and said, "I HATE Romney!" He then told me how one of Rmoney's firms had taken over the company where this guy's dad had worked for 13 years. They let him go with no severance and no notice. The B&N employee couldn't say enough about how much he dislikes Rmoney.

    I know that's one person, but it gave me hope that maybe this town isn't quite as red as I'd thought.

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      There are enclaves of "normal people" amidst all of the wing nuts in places like Colo. Springs. They grin and bear it, and have compassion for the non-thinking brand of bots that dominate politically and socially. But they are happy to see a friendly face on a real human being, and by showing up wearing your t-shirt, you gave that person a little hope that there's a bunch more like him out there. Hope is still a good thing to have. Without it, well, what's the point? Better times ahead.

    2. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Good for you for wearing your "dogs against Romney" shirt!

  17. our lad8:27 PM

    Clearly a man at home with kids and dogs. A guy who has no problem cracking jokes at a banquet while engineering another man's demise. Wouldn't want to play cards with this guy, he's got no tells. I can't wait for the debates, Mitt Romney is somewhat out of his depth on this one.

  18. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Good news! Sarah Palin is about eight hours away from total irrelevance! Sarah, you know, once Mittens picks a VP, you're out! Persons non grata!

  19. Anonymous9:36 PM

    The man has soul.

  20. Oh my lord Griff - you must be about - my recent comments posted - I did copy Gina & visited the C of P - they are now discussing the next WH cabinet - will Sarah be chosen?

    I really want to remind them that President Obama will be selecting the next cabinet - but it seems so sad to send them over the cliff in that fashion.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      If you watch the PeePond from a distance, you do see a lot of "make-believe" shit being discussed. But they are so harmless and emotionally/socially immature, I often feel sorry for them. While they are all adults chronologically, they remind me of my nieces that are 8 & 9 who had all the Barbies and accessories and car and all that stuff out in the living room. They were oblivious to the adults that were in the dining room drinking coffee and chatting. I heard things about boyfriends, and going to the beach, and getting a puppy, and everything else they could dream up for blonde Barbie and brunette Barbie and all of the other names. But it was a fantasy, just like Sarah as POTUS, Allen West- VP, etc. they have heard of a few "names", and they want to fantasize about giving those names some jobs that they have no real clue what they entail. But they want to talk about their fantasies, because it makes them feel like they are adults participating in the political process. So I just look at them as kids. They're learning, but they have much to learn and a long way to go.

  21. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Here are some fabulous captures from PBO's campaign. Kids, crowds, smiles, hugs...that's what I see.

  22. Anonymous10:05 PM

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012!!!

  23. Anonymous10:54 PM

    just kids being kids

  24. OT, but i bet the news crews are lighting up the street in front of Paul Ryan's house 'bout now...

    You just know Romney's announcing his VP pick on the 11th as a desperate attempt to change the headlines.

    Wouldn't it be funny if Romney picked Paul Ryan as his running mate but then Romney wasn't named as the Republican candidate at the RNC?


  25. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Does Ryan have much to offer to base a reality tv show on? Will the Ryans camp with the Gosselins or Honey Boo Boo?

    How does the party disengage the infamous Palin reality tv clown family?

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      That's so funny! And true! Indeed, reality tv clown family.

  26. melissa1:33 AM

    Completely OT, but have you read this article? Some mouth breathing tea party member uploaded a video to youtube stating that President Obama was secretly married to a Pakistani man. Apparently he has 'evidence' but won't show it. Here's the story, and there is a link to the youtube video embedded within:

  27. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Even if, Heaven above, Romney wins in November, there's not a cabinet post or appointment that he'd ever give to Sarah Palin. He'd be a laughing stock. He's gone as right as he's going to go with Ryan, and there are other, smarter, if crazy, t-baggers he could name.

    Where would she go? Knows nothing about Energy? Justice Department? Not a lawyer. Education? Doesn't believe in it, and has demonstrated tht by not educating her childen.
    Watch: she'll start her own little SarahPAC "Watchog" group to keep everyone in line and her in the headlines.
    I think her Fox contract is about to expire, and the clock on the wall is showing 14 minutes and 58 seconds.

  28. In retrospect, that picture now makes me think the President had advance notice of the Ryan pick.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.