Saturday, August 11, 2012

Well it looks like Mitt Romney is more concerned with pleasing the rabid Right Wing of his party than he is in winning the election. Works for me!

Courtesy of USA Today:

Republican Mitt Romney will announce his vice presidential choice on Saturday, ending weeks of speculation about the No. 2 slot on the GOP ticket. 

NBC News and CNN, citing sources close to the Romney campaign, are reporting House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan will get the job. USA TODAY is trying to independently confirm the information. 

Romney is set to reveal his running mate at the U.S.S. Wisconsin, before setting out on a tour of key swing states to highlight his economic plans for the middle class.

This is yet ANOTHER indication that Romney is a coward, and that he is terrified to defy the will of the Teabaggers and fringe groups within his party. Pussy!

Ryan may be the "It' boy of the Right Wing, but his budget plan to cut Medicare, slash funding of popular social programs and education programs, while giving greater tax cuts to the rich, is NOT going to go over very well in middle America.

Essentially with this move Romney has made it clear that the label he wears which identifies him as the candidate FOR the 1% and AGAINST the 99%  of Americans, was NOT just something made up by the Obama campaign.

Thanks Mitt! You just made OUR job that much easier!

Anybody want to tiptoe over to the Sea O'Pee and tell them that their last desperate hopes have forever been dashed? Okay, okay, don't all rush at once!


  1. Anonymous2:01 AM

    OK I took up your challenge and went to the C4P website. I didn't know whether to puke, laugh or say a prayer for Sarah.
    OMG they are so delusional.
    Not real enamored with Ryan. They'll accept him. He is second choice. Sistah Sarah being the first.
    Sarah/Ryan 2016
    Sarah/West 2016
    Sarah is building her own congress, all by herself. Throw boat loads of money her way.
    OK right now I'm laughing, thinking about the crap I just read. Now I'm off to bed. You all have a great day.

  2. Well, i guess Romney's etch-a-sketch told him it was OK to alienate the voters in Florida since Ryan's claim to fame is trying to chop social security and medicare.

  3. A. J. Billings2:53 AM

    The Paylinbots are none too happy about the Ryan pick. Of course they have to wait to see what their Wasilla Idol says about him, because they MUST bow to whatever she wants, also too.

    Ryan is just another rich white guy, and he's Catholic. The Pbots see this is a slap in the face, cuz their Protestant evangelical wing isn't being catered to.

    Worst of all, Ryan is just nuts over Ayn Rand,

    Here's a quote from Rand:

    "Government “help” to business is just as disastrous as government persecution… the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off."

    Think about the EPA, and how clean our water and air are now compared to the 1960's when a RIVER in Cleveland caught on fire.

    Romney/Ryan is a pick for rich families, and the rest of you can eat cat food and live in cardboard boxes

    1. Anonymous4:36 AM

      Cat food is expensive, with a RoPaul administration, I'll have to eat my cats.

    2. Anonymous5:44 AM


      RoPaul! Ro(gue)Paul for President? NOT!!!

      And certainly no offense is meant for RuPaul, whom I admire for many reasons.

      Gallows humor aside, Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan and Romney hopefully will not only lose, but lose big. Yet we must not let that thought carry us away. The GOP corporate sponsored leadership has a long range goal:

      Ryan is being groomed for 2016, and this run, though hopefully futile, give him the much-loved "gravitas" he will require in the next go-around.

      So, let's not kid ourselves, did in for the long slog and educate others, especially the younger generation whom he will try to convince that it all is in their favor.


  4. AKinPA2:54 AM

    Do you think this is a way to gather support from the paulbots? It's certainly not a way to gain independents but maybe it's the way to keep the paulbots from running a 3rd party.

    Also, a Catholic social action group, Franciscan Action Network criticized Romney and the Ryan budget (Ryan is a Catholic) yesterday:

    “The Franciscan Action Network (FAN), an organization of Franciscan friars and sisters and lay Franciscans, is disturbed by the demeaning campaign ad and conversation about welfare by the Romney campaign. Franciscans, and Christians everywhere, follow Jesus who came to "preach good news to the poor" (Luke 4:18). Our Christian tradition teaches that we are to treat the poor with dignity and to prioritize the poor in our policies as a society. At a time when millions are struggling financially, it is degrading to talk about the "dependency" of people hurting in this economy, as Gov. Romney did recently.

    Beyond these messages, the deeper problem is the budget proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan and supported by Gov. Romney. This proposal balances the budget on the backs of the poor with cuts to Medicaid, Head Start, Pell Grants and other vital programs. “

    So is the Ryan choice a sign of hubris (we’re the 1%; we know what we’re doing), stupidity (a Mormon and a Catholic on the same ticket trying to win the support of the Evangelicals who hate Mormons and Catholics) or a desire to crash and burn as they did in 1964 (we’re gonna lose anyway so let’s lose spectacularly)?

    1. I am so looking forward to the busloads of nuns who will follow Ryan everywhere he goes.

  5. London Bridges3:00 AM

    Whodathunkit thunk it! Pee Wee Herman for VP!

    1. Anita Winecooler1:29 PM

      now THAT'S some serious funny! Thanks!

  6. Anonymous3:07 AM

    In some ways a repeat of 2008--the candidate has to shore up his base support by picking a VP candidate that the right wing of the party has put forth. Anyone out there who still believes that Romney will govern moderately should now see that he will just cave to the right.

    Just as McCain undermined the campaign he wanted to have with Obama, about "experience", Romney will have a campaign on cutting medicare in the future rather than the current economy and need for jobs.

    And why does Bill Kristol continue to have any credibility.

    1. Anonymous4:56 AM

      Thanks for saying what I was thinking. Republican presidential candidates must not be able to do basic math. To win, they don't need to secure the votes of people who would never have voted for their opponents anyway. They need to gain the votes of independents and moderates of both parties. Thanks for pulling a McCain, Mitt.

  7. London Bridges3:15 AM

    Paul Ryan also seals the verdict that the Koch Brothers "own" Willard. Scary!

  8. Pat in MA3:15 AM

    Remember all those Tea Party signs during the healthcare debate that said "government keep your hands off my Medicare?" well NOW they're appropriate! Florida's 27 electoral college votes go to Obama.

    1. ibwilliamsi11:50 AM

      I hope so, Pat. I don't know if they can remember back to the healthcare debates. Most of those folks probably died from a lack of oxygen to the brain since then.

  9. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Like Palin, Ryan is photogenic. Unlike Palin, he has a amiable personality and is reportedly very smart. I don't see him feeding up red meat to the crowds. Like 2008, I expect Romney to get a bump in the polls from his pick. BUT I think that will wear off as the Ryan Budget comes under greater scrutiny. HOld fast over next couple weeks. The Obama team will know what to do.

    1. Anonymous4:43 AM

      "The Obama team will know what to do."

      They really do. I love seeing the Dems fighting back, swinging first, and hitting hard. That is why the repubes are crying and whining about Obama being too tough on Romney, he isn't being swiftboated and taking it like a good little Democrat is supposed to.

    2. ibwilliamsi11:49 AM

      Really? You think he's photogenic? I think he's about as good looking as my dog's ass.

    3. Anita Winecooler1:34 PM

      Well, "photogenic" in comparison to who? (With all respect for ibwilliamsi's dog's ass)

      Mitt is old enough to be his dad, just like Geezer and Gidget in the last GOP choice.

  10. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Yeah, my first thought was to cry for the dashed hopes of the sad, sad crazies at Sea of Pee.

  11. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Do you think that THEY threatened to release his taxes if they didn't pick Mr. Right Wing Social Engineering ?

    1. ibwilliamsi11:48 AM

      There's a thought...

  12. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Wonder how many years of tax returns the Romney campaign asked Ryan to produce? Sorry Willard, this won't help you.

    A Fan From Chicago

  13. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Romney is speaking now, where is his Flag Pin?

    1. ibwilliamsi11:48 AM

      That rat-bastard commie!

  14. Anonymous5:40 AM

    The Ryan pick is a distraction. The GOP knows Mitt Romney can not and will not win the White House.

    However keep an eye on the Senate races, that's where the real show is about to begin. If the GOP retains the House and gains the Senate, it won't matter if President Obama is re-elected, it will be business as usual in Congress.

    Oh and on a side note. We have to give our loathsome grifter a round of applause for basically crapping on any other female Republican's chances of being chosen as a VP running mate.

    Well done, grifter, well done!

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Its really important to hold the Senate again and get Speaker Pelosi back, but Obama can still veto and nominate. It will matter a lot.

  15. Sharon6:24 AM

    At last....good news!!! Now we have months to define Ryan's horrible budget and the true goal of the GOP. This is Robme's Palin moment...desperate choice for a desperate man. I just hope Chicago can clarify what this really means to us 99%ers, Ryan should be the final nail in the GOP coffin for many elections to come. The VP debate is gonna be worth watching, Ryan brings nothing to the table but time in the most hated Congress, his votes for Bush and no experience outside of government. His selection will hopefully help get rid of Teabagger congress too.

  16. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Paul Ryan has never had a private sector job in his life. The Obama team will eat him alive.
    Agree with 5:40 am... this is a distraction, and it's obvious they won't win. Rmoney and Ryan already look hilariously awkward together.

    1. Olivia8:08 AM

      How can you say that??? He drove the f'n weinermobile fer crissakes!!!

  17. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The Obama campaign has been working tirelessly for months to lay the groundwork to convince people that Romney does in fact support the agenda of... the guy he just chose to be his running mate. So, yeah, their job just became A LOT easier, hahaha.

    The fun irony is that one of the reasons Republicans came to love Paul Ryan so much in the first place is because Obama singled him out for criticism in a deliberate attempt to raise his profile. Even before this campaign began in earnest Obama needed to convince people what the Republicans were really trying to do, and to do that he needed to attach the ideas to a face, because the media needs a "story," and stories need "characters." Obama even provided a bit of drama by inviting Ryan to come see him speak, to then eviscerate his plan to his face... Afterall, the media eats that stuff up! And included in those stories of personal drama, Obama hopes, will be a bit about the policies he found so objectionable in Ryan's plan to begin with. Fortunately Republicans, who reflexively take the opposite position of Obama on everything, played right into his hands by adopting the object of Obama's criticism as their new standard-bearer... and now the party faithful have even managed to strong-arm Romney into putting him on the ticket!

    Well, they got played.

    1. Obama is the first Internet President. Of course he knows how to troll.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.