Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Just a reminder that religion does little, or nothing to determine morality.

The KKK often met in churches to plan their acts of terrorism against those they deemed a danger t othe supremacy of the white race.

This from their 1920 pamphlet:

THIS IS A WHITE MAN'S ORGANIZATION, exalting the Caucasian Race and teaching the doctrine of White Supremacy. This does not mean that we are enemies of the colored and mongrel races. But it does mean that we are organized to establish the solidarity and to realize the mission of the White Race. All of Christian Civilization depends upon the preservation and upbuilding of the White Race, and it is the mission of the Ku Klux Klan to proclaim this doctrine until the White Race shall come into its own. 

WE STAND FOR WHITE SUPREMACY. Distinction among the races is not accidental but designed. This is clearly brought out in the one book that tells authoritatively of the origin of the races. This distinction is not incidental, but is of the vastest import and indicates the wisdom of the divine mind. It is not temporary but is as abiding as the ages that have not yet ceased to roll. The supremacy of the White Race must be maintained, or be overwhelmed by the rising tide of color.

Their racism and hatred was not minimized nor tamed by their faith, in fact it was inflamed by THEIR version of Christianity.

Those who believe that a person is morally superior to others simply as the direct result of their religion is a fool, and a person whose judgment is questionable at best.

Yet today we often see that individuals are either trusted, or ostracized, based SOLELY on their choice of religion, or even more dramatically their choice to live their lives free of the constraints associated with religion.


  1. Leland2:13 AM

    If you REALLY want to see one of these A**holes get apoplectic and turn violent (and yes, I mean violent!) remind them that the Biblical characters were NOT white, that the earliest true civilization was not white, that the concept of writing came not from whites, that the understanding and dissemination of the most important mathematical concept - that of zero - was not made by whites and that, in fact, whites were responsible for one of the greatest losses of knowledge in human history!

    Tell them that and watch their blood pressure go through the roof! (I'm waiting for the time I tell one of them that their head pops like a zit.)

  2. Sally in MI3:17 AM

    Jesus was not white. Not that any of these self-professing "Christians" follows anything he said anyway.

  3. Anonymous3:20 AM

    You're a laughingstock KKK. Too dumb to know that the "Christ" you claim to worship wasn't even close to white, he was a Jew, with dark skin. You remember them - they're the ones you hate so much.

  4. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Just ONE word for this picture: Revolting!

    The content of the pamphlet is rooted in the ancient, most primitive, reptilian part of the brain: the instinctive Flight or Fight reaction which drives the Will to Power.

    Unfortunately, no matter how much our capabilities of analytic reasoning have evolved, there will always be those whose Will to Power will drive the "You are one of us, or you are nothing" to its inevitable conclusion.

    Oh, but it is a beautiful morning!
    Smile! Rant no more!


    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      The content of the pamphlet is rooted in the ancient, most primitive, reptilian part of the brain: the instinctive Flight or Fight reaction which drives the Will to Power.

      Yes, the limbic system of the brain, associated with the four F's—feeding, fighting, fleeing, and sexual activity.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM


  5. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I disagree with your last line there, Gryphen - It insinuates that atheists are just kids who don't like the rules.

    In reality, it is much harder to live as a free thinking atheist, who must reason ethically, instead of living as a religious person who simply follows the directions of the authoritative figures of their religion or its books. In many cases those directions (as we have seen with $carah and Rmoney) seem to be license for a life of entitled assholery, rather than one of ethics or kindness or compassion.

    It's the difference between trying to live a life that is a masterpiece - or painting by numbers.

    1. Leland9:17 AM

      Sorry, 5:20. I don't see that at all. The first line you write, that is.

      Yes, you are correct. It IS much harder to live the life of an atheist -especially when those around you know you are "one of those".

      Could you, perhaps, explain your thinking and from where you got the idea he was saying we sounded like "children who didn't like the rules"? Because THIS atheist just doesn't see it.

      Personally, I see and hear him saying that the more dramatic reactions from society as a whole are reserved for those of us who fit in the atheist category.

  6. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Speaking out loud mouthed, pathetic little bigots:

    Sarah Palin has returned fire claiming that former Vice President Dick Cheney’s contention that Sen. John McCain made a “mistake” in picking her as his running mate is off-base in an interview with Fox News Tuesday night. Palin’s fiery response blamed Cheney’s opinion on the “lamestream media” and threw in a reference to a quail-hunting incident in which Cheney accidently shot his friend.

    “Seeing as how Dick – excuse me, Vice President Cheney – never misfires, then evidently he’s quite convinced that what he had evidently read about me by the lamestream media, having been written, what I believe is a false narrative over the last four years, evidently Dick Cheney believed that stuff and that’s a shame,” Palin said.

    In an interview on Sunday, Cheney said that picking Palin was a “mistake” and that she was not ready to be president.

    “Here’s where the mistake would have been, I believe. If I had not answered the call,” Palin said. “I was honored to run for the vice president of the United States alongside Sen. John McCain. I was honored to accept the nomination from the GOP.”

  7. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Welcome home Mitt the Twit!

  8. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Ted Cruz's Deceptive Triumph

  9. Anonymous6:19 AM

    ABC: "One More Unwelcome Moment" Ends Romney Overseas Trip

  10. Anonymous6:22 AM

    ROMNEY: Russia Is Our Number One Adversary

  11. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Romney Adviser Can't Articulate Any Difference Between Obama and Romney on Israel

  12. Anonymous6:28 AM

    An Angry Sarah Palin Responds To 'Dick' Cheney: He Is Buying Into ‘Lamestream Media’ Spin

  13. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Chaz The Intolerant Chicken Wishes You A Happy Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day

  14. Anonymous6:35 AM

    The more I see evidence like this picture and reflected in today's life - the more I understand the truth of most Christians -- and the more convinced I am that I want nothing to do with them. I've had personal proof from the time I was young of the hatred and downright meanness that comes from 'Christians'. After living on the street, I was taken in by a 'Christian' family. So far, so good. And then one day we went to one of the early malls in a nearby town. I saw a black and white couple with the most adorable and beautiful baby. I pointed it out to my foster father, a well respected deacon in his church. He said, with absolute certainty - "that child should be killed. There is no place for mixed race people and those who do mix should also be killed." I couldn't get away from that 'home' fast enough. I was 15. And it was Chico, CA.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Aon6:35, it seems that despite your difficult years in your youth, you have become all the stronger. Yes, those statements are just horrendous, but they live on.

      You have my admiration. Keep going!

  15. Anonymous6:37 AM

    President Obama Donates

  16. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "Worried" - Obama for America TV Ad

  17. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Mitt Romney's Tax Returns: When Will He Come Clean?

  18. Anonymous6:40 AM

    “Romney appears to be saying that the Palestinians are purely the architects of their own poverty, or, if you prefer to look at the converse, that Jews are culturally some money-making motherfuckers. Either way…”

  19. Anonymous6:47 AM

    This is what concerns me about the Tea Party:

    Here's a pic of the crowd from the recent Ted Cruz rally featuring the Tea Party Express and Sarah Palin:

    It's from this album:

    And this isn't an anomaly -- it's a typical Tea Party crowd.

    What happened? Why are we going backwards? I swear, if we see another repeat of the 2010 elections (House & Senate), I'm afraid it'll usher in another 1950's-era... and I don't mean the "June & Ward Cleaver" 50's either.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think ALL those people in the pic are racists or bigots... I think many of them don't even realize what's truly happening around them... they're too caught up "in the moment" and too star-stuck by Palin. I can only pray that some of them take a step back and assess their situation and SEE what's lurking just beneath the surface of "taking back America".

  20. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Palin said, "Everybody misfires once in a while. And you know what? In the GOP establishment, what I have found, Greta, sometimes you're the Louisville slugger, baby. Sometimes, you're the ball. And evidently, in these last months, per many, many comments from those within the GOP establishment, I'm the ball."

  21. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Anyone who believes that religion somehow constitutes an analog for morality need only take an introductory course in philosophy to see the folly of sch argument. But then again, that would require critical thought now, wouldn't it?

    1. Leland9:03 AM

      Anonymous 7:01? What you are saying is clearly stipulated directly under Gryph's Blog Title at the top of this page.

      Morality (or the lack thereof) has NOTHING to do with the religion one chooses (or was forced into by parents brainwashing their children) and EVERYTHING to do with the choices one makes.

      And with most of the people I have had interaction with, an introductory course in Philosophy wouldn't even get their mental transmission turning, let alone recognizing the truth of real morality versus religion.

  22. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Palin will continue to beat her drum that everyone but her lies and makes things up. After she was presented as vp pick I did research on her as others did. There are records about earmarks requested and given easily obtained about politicians for example. I began to wonder why Palin did not tell the truth for there were facts that were neither all bad though not astounding about her.

    Palin consistently shifts blame, false guilt, turning facts around to her advantage blatantly lying. Simply, when caught lying she spews more lies including the honest person is the liar.

    The irony is her habitual lying and making shit up, smearing her shit on others, practiced lying got her to higher paces but is her downfall. She was given alot if rope and advancing her self her way she hung her self. It is sad she has had Bristol do the same.
    I believe Bristol is damaged long convinced of the grandiose distortions under the spell of her mother.

    Palin exists attacking people incapable of rational and factual discourse. Polarizing people, falsely alleging evilness, bad and making facts fit falsely sticking facts to manufacture false guilt due to a pathalogical personality.

    while projecting others lie. She is the epitomy of smoke and mirrors.

  23. "THIS IS A CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION, exalting the Christian religion and teaching the doctrine of Christianity. This does not mean that we are enemies of the world's other religions but it does mean that we are organized to establish the solidarity and to realize the mission of the Christian religion. All of Civilization depends upon the preservation and upbuilding of Christianity, and it is the mission of the diehard Christians to proclaim this doctrine until Christianity shall come into its own.

    WE STAND FOR CHRISTIAN SUPREMACY. Distinction among the religions is not accidental but designed. This is clearly brought out in the one book that tells authoritatively of the origin of Christian religion. This distinction is not incidental, but is of the vastest import and indicates the wisdom of the divine mind. It is not temporary but is as abiding as the ages that have not yet ceased to roll. The supremacy of Christianity must be maintained, or be overwhelmed by the rising tide of diversity of thought."

    Just thought I'd change it up a bit. I think we could probably change "white supremacy" to "Pro-Traditional Marriage" too, substituting "we are not enemies of the gay people", but we are superior to them blah blah blah.

  24. Anonymous10:19 AM

    When politicians mention Anglo-Saxon heritage or
    " culture" they know exactly what button they are pushing.


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