Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Little boy has important question for the President.

"Are you Spider-Man's boss?" 

And the President's response... 

"Well, I'm the Commander-in-Chief. But Spider-Man is a free agent."

Best answer ever!

And I bet it made that kid's day.


  1. Ailsa5:39 PM

    Awwwwwww! That is adorable - both guys.

  2. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Love it!!

    Thanks for always ferreting these stories out Gryphen! I also loved the Seamus story.

  3. Shari5:54 PM

    I'm going to admit that I have had a couple of adult beverages (very stressful day) but I have to say - President Obama is soo very cool! I absolutely love the way he interacts with kids and they obviously take to him. His response was from a man who understands he is just a man, a man who has a very powerful position, but just a man nonetheless. He is a humble man, not the arrogant man the right tries to portray him as. He relates to people with a genuine warmth that you just can't fake - sorry Romney, corporations are not people - people are people and our President not only understands this, he lives this. And for the most part, I agree with his policies. He's got my vote.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Hey Shari, I don't think it's the adult beverages that are talking, I agree 1200% with you, line by line, thought by thought and I ONLY just cracked a cold bee.

      And yes, he's got my vote, because I am a declared OBAMACRAT.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Hello, human diary. It is I again, Mitt Romney, your better.
      The last few days have been little more than a blur. I have traveled to so many states that I am not entirely sure which one I am currently in. I had thought that this would be nothing more than a relaxing little trip on Mr. Bus, but it was a lie. Most of my travel has been done via air vehicles; my meetings with Mr. Bus have been short and fleeting.

      I am severely tired, and do not believe I am thinking clearly at this point. I am beginning to strongly suspect my staff is playing tricks on me. Yesterday I attended a fundraising event hosted by a convicted cocaine trafficking felon, which seemed odd in the extreme. Today I spent the day listening to the owner of a coal mine talk about how the federal government needed to stop having so many regulations against killing coal workers. Am I against killing coal workers? Am I for it? My memory of my policy positions has become increasingly indistinct. For some reason John Sununu is constantly on television talking about me—did I hire him? I cannot remember. I remember visiting a farmer last week, a fellow who lived in a large, disc-shaped house and was only able to weather the current drought due to the income from his convention center. That fellow seemed likable enough, and we were able to chat pleasantly about our mutual love of underground vehicle-related home equipment. This week it is nothing but coal mine owners and cocaine felons and that excruciating little turd of a vice presidential unit. I left a book on Mr. Bus in Florida, then flew off to yet more campaign events. When I returned to Mr. Bus in Ohio the book was nowhere to be found. Even Mr. Bus seems different, though I cannot discern how or why.

      I must obtain rest. I have been snapping angrily at the staff. Now they are telling me that we must determine which of the countless past policies of my vice presidential unit we do or do not currently support. Why is this the first I am hearing about this? When choosing him we only discussed his policies on whether or not I and my fellow wealth units should be allowed to pay less taxes, we did not care about any of the rest of his irritating drivel.


    3. Anon at 6:20

      Thanks for posting; that is hiLARious!

  4. I'm thinking BHO inherited those yummy melons from his dad. Ooooooo, spanky, spanky!

  5. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I tell you. The DNC should use all these clips with children in a collage at the Coventiom. The man is magic.

  6. Anonymous6:10 PM

    A president Romney would say, "no, I fired him".

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Or "who's Spider Man?"

      Or "aren't you too old to believe in that stuff, sonny?"

      "Why aren't you working to put quarters into the IRA you'll need when you retire instead of reading comic books?"

  7. Spoiler Alert! Rachel does a take-down of Palin on her show tonight. Also does a piece on Ayn Rand.

    And I love the Child Whisperer in Chief.

  8. Anonymous6:36 PM

    In an interview with KXNO sports radio today, President Obama was asked to say something nice about Mitt Romney, Politico reports. Here's his response:

    "He seems to have a great family. And I really think he had a great health care plan when he was in Massachusetts," Obama said. "Seems to be working really well — One of the reasons why we set up the same kind of plan nationally and we're implementing it right now."

    Well played Mr. President, well played.

    1. A man who can think on his feet.......
      Obama/Biden 2012

  9. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have insisted they’re not running on the House budget plan Ryan’s best known for. Romney has his own economic plans, vague as they may be, and his campaign has tried to emphasize they’re different from Ryan’s.

    Ryan’s first solo interview as the Republican VP nominee suggested not everyone is persuaded.

    Ryan repeatedly tried to deflect attention from his own highly controversial budget proposal in an interview with Fox News’s Brit Hume Tuesday. Ryan’s plan is both a rallying point for conservatives and a whipping boy for Democratic strategists.

    Hume didn’t buy the suggestion that the Romney-Ryan ticket wasn’t running on Ryan’s budget plan, and the interview focused largely on Ryan’s budget package. In one exchange on balancing the budget, Hume objected when Ryan tried to talk about Romney’s plan — which has drawn fire for being vague at best. Hume insisted Ryan talk about his own economic vision, which doesn’t bring the budget into balance for decades.

    Ryan couldn’t predict when Romney’s plan would balance the budget.

    Hume: The budget plan you’re now supporting would get to balance when?

    Ryan: Well, there are different — the budget plan that Mitt Romney is supporting gets us down to 20 percent of GDP government spending by 2016. That means get the size of government back to where it historically has been. What President Obama has done is he brought the size of government to as high as it hasn’t been since World War II. We want to reduce the size of government to have more economic freedom.

    Hume: I get that. What about balance?

    Ryan: I don’t know exactly what the balance is. I don’t want to get wonky on you but we haven’t run the numbers on that specific plan. The plan we offer in the House balances the budget. I’d put a contrast. President Obama, never once, ever, has offered a plan to ever balance the budget. The United States Senate, they haven’t even balanced, they haven’t passed a budget in three years.

    Hume: I understand that. But your own budget, that you —

    Ryan: You are talking about the House budget?

    Hume: I’m talking about the House budget. Your budget will be a political issue in this campaign.

    Ryan: The House budget doesn’t balance until the 2030s under the current measurement of the CBO baseline.

    There are two things happening here. First, Ryan is unable to change the conversation away from the House budget, which Democrats, and reportedly some Republicans, are convinced is a guaranteed loser this fall.

    Second, for all Ryan’s skill as the GOP’s budget whiz, not even he can say when Romney’s budget will balance, feeding into criticisms that the Romney budget plan is not yet fully formed.

    The Romney campaign certainly wants to run on its own plans, not Ryan’s. But that’s increasingly looking like a tough sell.

    Here’s video of Ryan on Fox:


  10. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Then there's Sarah wearing her Superman hooker getup onstage with Sarah Steeleman and looking like the Joker is her boss.

    This kid knows who looks like a boss.

    Sarah sure doesn't.

    1. Anonymous12:11 AM

      Sarah Palin was kryptonite to Sarah Steelman's campaign.

      BTW, anyone know if the candidate the grifter endorsed in Florida won?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:01 PM

      She lost big time....Kryptonite? or The Palin Curse?

  11. Anonymous6:59 PM

    And the dots begin to connect...

    Paul Ryan's Brother Is a Private Equity Executive, Previously Worked for Bain


    1. Anonymous12:18 AM

      Bain?!? LMAO...Mitt, I thought it was your time?!? I thought you wanted to be POTUS Bwhahahahahahaha.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

      Those dots are HUGE! Thanks!

  12. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Sarah's tea friend in FL, Sandy, lost by double digits. The Palin curse lives!

    1. Anonymous12:22 AM

      The grifter has lost her grip over the tea party. Cue, "Glory Days"

    2. Anonymous2:40 AM

      Sarah Palin is bound and determined to make sure no female republican is ever elected again (bwah, hah, hah!).

  13. "No, young fella, I'm not Spiderman's boss. But I do have friends who are super-heroes. And super-heroes are people, too, my friend."

  14. It's pics like that that just make me so darn proud this man is our President!

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I share you pride, Molly. So darn proud!

  15. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Excluding Palin from the GOP convention: Big mistake?

    Sarah Palin ended weeks of speculation on Sunday when she confirmed to Fox News that she will not be speaking at the Republican National Convention later this month. Palin stole the moment in 2008, when she took the stage to accept the nomination as Sen. John McCain's running mate, but, this time round, she's said in a statement that the gathering to formally nominate Mitt Romney and his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, will be a "good opportunity for other voices to speak." McCain will make an appearance, as will former secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. Will Romney regret not getting Palin to plug his candidacy, too?

    Romney should beg Palin to take the stage: Whatever the reason for Palin's absence, says Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, "it's a mistake to keep her off the dais." Not only is it simply polite to give the last ticket's No. 2 a chance to say a few words, but Palin proved in 2008 that she can electrify the convention floor. "Few people in the party can fire up the grassroots like Palin does," so, if there's still a slot open, Romney should offer it to her.

    "Palin not speaking at Republican convention?"

    Palin is not a good fit: The last thing Romney insiders want is for Palin to overshadow their candidate at his big event, says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. Besides, "it's no big secret that Palin has not exactly been an enthusiastic Romney supporter." Until he picked Paul Ryan — who makes many Tea Partiers swoon — as his running mate, she hadn't even issued a convincing endorsement. Still, it won't help Romney if Palin's supporters see her exclusion as "a snub."

    "It's official: Sarah Palin not speaking at Republican convention"

    The GOP has moved on: Palin can still "pick candidates and work grassroots wonders," says Taylor Marsh at her blog. But let's face it: With Ryan, the GOP's updated version of Ronald Reagan, on the ticket, "there's no place for her at the power table." Today's GOP has Rice, Haley, and other serious "Republican female stars" to rally the troops. Palin's "brand of bloviating" is so 2008.

    "The incredible shrinking relevancy of Sarah Palin"


    Live links to bloggers/journalists within article

    1. The patients at the Asylum have a link to some crazy Baldy panty sniffer who's trying to gather 10,000 signatures to allow Baldy to speak at the Convention! ROFLMAO!

      Here's the link to the petition...


    2. The GOP better hide all their pet bunnies.

    3. Anonymous8:59 PM

      I signed the petition and commented. My name is Bubba DooHickey.

    4. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Let's ALL sign it!!!! We want her to speak too!!!

      We should all tweet and post the link everywhere! I will.!!!

    5. Anonymous12:25 AM

      Oh, the grifter has lost it. No donations, just a lousy petition?

    6. comeonpeople4:27 AM

      Look, that ship has sailed long ago.
      Sure she was able electrify the crowd BEFORE they knew a damn thing about her. She was pretty, she was presented as a mom of five beautiful kids and many other things that she clearly WAS NOT. We new nothing of her lack of experience (well, except for those of us who google vetted her ourselves and knew all we needed to know in like 30 minutes)
      But, I digress.
      The convention was her finest hour. She could read the words they gave to her, sort of.
      As soon as the facade started cracking and more and more people saw that she was an empty shell, hell even PROBABLY mentally ill, well it all fell apart.
      The GOP will never have her as a part of the GOP power.
      Her only hope is to really go rogue. Out herself and her scam and the GOP enablers that got her as far as she got.
      I would have a teeny tiny tidbit of respect for her if she really was that mavericky with the GOP.

  16. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Sarah Palin: Obama/Hillary Clinton Ticket Would Have ‘Darn Good Chance Of Winning’

    Sarah Palin made an appearance on Greta Van Susteren‘s show Tuesday night, during which she discussed Vice President Joe Biden‘s controversial comment that Republicans “are going to put y’all back in chains.”

    Calling Biden’s comment “disgusting,” Palin went to note that President Barack Obama‘s campaign might want to rethink the number two spot on the ticket:

    'If that’s not the nail of the coffin. The strategists there in the Obama campaign have to look at a diplomatic way of replacing Joe Biden on the ticket, with Hillary. And I don’t want to throw out that suggestion and have them actually accept the suggestion because an Obama/Clinton ticket would have a darn good chance of winning. But Joe Biden really drags down the ticket.'


    I KNEW she would jump on this one!

    1. Joe Biden drags down the ticket?

      Sarah? Seriously? Did you forget to take your thorazine again? Lithium alone is not cutting it.

    2. AKinPA4:00 AM

      If Joe's comment was "disgusting," what was the cross-hair's map and the blood libel speech. 8AM here and my blood pressure is through the roof.

      When oh when is that ignorant know-nothing going to sit down and shut up?

    3. No, no, Sarah, honey. You dragged down your ticket! Joe is saying true things that people need to know about the republicans. Since that will help democrats, it means he is helping his ticket. Get it?

      No, of course you don't. You're stupid. And until you call republican attacks on the President's patriotism, citizenship, or leadership dispusting, you don't get to call anything he or the VP says disgusting.

      Oh, and Sarah? I don't think a brilliant man like the President is likely to even hear about the stupid blatherings of a washed up loser like you. He's busy. He has a country to run. With Joe's help, of course.

    4. hahahaha - and President Obama - who hasn't seen, watched or heard Sarah Palin since 2008 wouldn't be hearing this either.

      R & R throw their racist calls again and again - glad that Joe Biden explained what they are doing - putting everyone except the 1% in chains.

      Notice how the President has been nothing but polite about his opponents and Mitt cries that the dems are being offensive. poor Mitt - learned the cue call from poor Sarah.

  17. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/08/rep-

    Sarah's on a hot streak. That's 0 for her last 2.

  18. Anonymous7:33 PM

    And this is the woman who Paul Ryan once idolized?

    Paul Ryan made Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged required reading for all his staff and interns!

    There's so much I could pull out from these videos and quote to you from what this evil woman says... but I just don't know where to begin... every comment she makes is a new ad for the Obama campaign.


    This really made me miss the brilliance that was Johnny.

    1. Anonymous2:43 AM

      He still idolizes her, it's just that he can't do it publicly because he was taken to task by the Catholic Bishops.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:19 PM

      Yes, she espoused Reason over Religion, and didn't value the traditional family unit as valid institutions in Society. How Ryan can brag about idolizing her work, how can he call himself a fiscal conservative?

  19. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Mitt Romney Says He’s ‘A Big Fan’ Of Papaya, Which Apparently Means ‘Vagina’


    1. comeonpeople4:30 AM

      Another lie.
      I don't think he has sex.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

      I think he likes Avocados as well, in the vernacular, it's called "The Testicle Tree" because of the cute way wrinkled skinned Avocados grow, in pairs with one lower than the other.

      Does Romney have someone research these things ahead of time? Why would someone need to know "Slang" used in hispanic communities, we all know "those people" don't vote republican, just the real American hispanic people do, right?

  20. Anonymous8:00 PM

    It's an absolute Joy to see how the Truth Team responds to the lies that Mitt is perpetuating...


  21. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Obama campaign: Romney's remarks at Ohio rally 'seemed unhinged'

    Earlier this evening in Chillicothe, Ohio, Mitt Romney accused President Obama of running a campaign of "hate," saying the president is a "disgrace" to the White House.

    The Obama campaign's response—an emailed statement from Press Secretary Ben LaBolt—was simple and to the point:

    Governor Romney's comments tonight seemed unhinged, and particularly strange coming at a time when he's pouring tens of millions of dollars into negative ads that are demonstrably false.

    VIDEO of an unhinged RMoney:


  22. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I keep hearing, mainly from the same type of people, about how awful President Obama is. I listened and even did some of my own leg work. Overall, I have found these accusations to be little more than idle chit chat and largely untrue. In fact, I see Pres. Obama is one of the USA's better leaders.

    I am glad, proud to be a Non-Partisan, not beholden to anyone or anything. I like to hear both sides, do my own research, and go from there.

    It is also a turn off to see how this president has accomplished so much, and watch some people still try to tear him down. They do not care about his accomplishments or anything good he has done or will achieve in the future. Coupled with the fact that they just sat down on this president and refused to do anything to work with him, even when he used their ideas...they are truly a do nothing Congress. If you got a job and refused to work, you'd be fired. This Congress needs to be fired, they are worse than welfare, because they are getting lots of money for nothing. They do not work. They have not worked since 2008.

    I am soooooo amazed President Obama could get anything done. But, he has. It's true, you can't keep a good man down.

    Obama 2012!

    He's the only adult in the room.

  23. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I love it and I love my President. I would be happy to have him for my Dad any day!

  24. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Why Is Paul Ryan The Most Hilarious Joke On The Internet?

    'Hey girl, I know I'm only 42, but my ideas on women's rights are over 500 years old.'



  25. Anonymous9:02 PM

    HIlarious how the right wing's panties are all tied up in knots now that Obama & Dems are fighting back using the same tactics on them that the GOP always have used for eons on everyone else. It's okay when they do it. But when it's done to them they cry, whine & sniffle like homeless babies without a mama.

    1. I wish that I could fan you :-)
      You're right. Years ago, a co worker said that the only platform that Republicans run on, is lies, and fear mongering. I thought that it was an odd thing to say. At the time, I voted for Democrats, Republicans, Independent, and yes, even a guy from the Green Party. I never looked at the "Party", just the message.
      Ever Since the "Swiftboat" lies about Kerry, I started taking notice of the Republicans.
      Then Sarah Palin came along. I have never seen anyone, so ignorant, divisive, and hateful. When she started calling some parts of America, the "real America", that was the end of any respect for her.
      Now, the GOP has really turned into treacherous scumbags. They have very little concern for the poor, the elderly, and the children. and, they call themselves Christian
      That's the really sad part.

    2. Patti, I guess it was sometime around the late 70's when the GOP finally figured out it was just much easier to lie to their low-info, non-critical thinking folks that are attracted by the social and religious issues.

      Yep, I agree. It is very sad.

  26. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I could not help but notice that when I heard that Paul Ryan was interviewed on TV, I waited for it, and it came: ON FOX CHANNEL!

    Which, as we all know, is NOT "TV" but a 24/7 propaganda instrument. Even with the softball questions lobbed his way, Ryan looked like an idiot, unable to sound like he knew much of anything.

    Jon Stewart of the Daily Show really did a number on Fox recently, by showing clips that were SO obviously a "tell" that their claim of "fair and balanced" is a freaking JOKE.

    The "reporters" kept referring to "our" and "us" meaning the right wing, not the network.

    How ANYONE, even someone named Billy Bobby Sue Fumduck, from Anus, Arkansas, can watch that channel and not notice they are being manipulated, is hard to imagine.

    1. comeonpeople4:32 AM

      Billy Bob Sue Fumduck from Anus, Arkansas.

    2. Hey hey hey hey! Care-full, man. Don't be talkin' bout nobodies kinfokes now.

      We's frum Missi-fuckin-sippi are-selfs an' summa the Dickwiller side of tha famlee headed on up ere af-ter theys got run outta tha Delter fer stealin chikkens a-ginn.

      See, their wernt no Chikk-FEE-lays in Greenwood, Missi-fuckin-sippi back in them daze. Anyways, I heared them Dickwillers and Fumducks started rite up ta breedin so I no I got sum re-LAY-shuns up air.

      Say, thanks fer the idee. I needs me a date to tha dance an I plum fer-got all bout askin wonna my kissin-cuzzins up air so's I might see me a li' stanky-poo after tha dance. Git er done!

    3. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

      Ah yes, the state where the word "pumpkin" is a noun AND a verb!

      Who was it that once said:

      I knew Billy Bob Sue Fumduck from Anus, Arkansas, and you, sir, are no Billy Bob Sue Fumduck from Anus, Arkansas"?

  27. Anonymous12:02 AM

    U got to check C4pee, they have a petition up asking that the GOP let her speak at the convention.
    And today's tue loss, that Lego hair endorsed and they lost, blaming that on others.

  28. comeonpeople4:14 AM

    President Obama knows how to speak with children because he is active raising his own kids as best as his time allows. He likely shares great quality time with them.And when he can't be with them I bet he is in contact alot and his girls know he is President
    Can you imagine Myth talking with the kid asking the Spider man ??
    POB made it short , sweet and understandable.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Actually I can imagine..O myth talks to the American people all the time

  29. Anonymous7:21 AM

    How sweet! I love the way that this tall man understands the need to get on the kids level....he understands the importance of looking them in the eye when he talks with them.

  30. Anonymous12:51 PM

    This is a great story...no other President could relate to kids like Obama can..makes me feel good knowing our kids have a future Thanks to this great man... "Obama 2012!"


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