Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jonathon Capehart damns Paul Ryan with faint praise. Hey, at least he's better than Sarah Palin.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

Ryan actually has the policy heft that Palin pretended to have. Sure, like Palin, Ryan has no foreign policy experience. But I certainly don’t expect Ryan to be as disastrous in international relations. Not because Palin set the bar so low that I felt more qualified to run for vice president just by being able to answer the questions posed to her. But because Ryan is a hard worker who will study actual policy rather memorize lines to get through a debate or interview. 

Palin was a statewide elected official before she quit her office halfway through her first term as governor. Ryan is a seven-term congressman who has never run statewide, let alone nationally. Thanks to his “Roadmap” and subsequent budget plans, Ryan has spent more than two years under the hot lights of national scrutiny. Yet, the lights of a presidential campaign burn with the heat of a thousand suns. We’ll soon see whether Ryan can handle that. But this much I know: He won’t wilt. 

Finally, here’s the biggest and most important difference between Ryan and Palin. With his selection, the 42-year-old Ryan is the bona fide leader with the necessary policy chops that conservatives hoped Palin would be. She was poised to be the leader of the Republican Party after her 2008 defeat, but she squandered her future potential on reality TV shows and point-scoring from her perch at Fox News. That Palin won’t be speaking at the convention in Tampa is proof that her Republican reign mercifully may be over. 

I really don't think I will EVER tire of watching pundits use Palin as a measuring tool for how bad a political candidate COULD be. It just warms the cockles of my heart.

However many in the GOP are still in a relative panic over Mitt's choice for VP. Enough so that they sent out a memo with talking points directing them on how to spin the Ryan budget and the predicted blowback concerning his views on Medicare.

Some, like Dick Morris, are even saying that this might have doomed the Romney campaign. (Yeah like it WASN'T doomed already!)

By the way speaking of blowback, I hear that Palin will be on with Greta tonight. This will be her first interview since being kicked to the curb by the Romney campaign, and told she will have NO role at the convention.

I will certainly have MY bowl of popcorn at the ready. Could be HIGHLY entertaining.


  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    A Gold Star to all that know the names of Romney's five children and Ryan's three children.

    Sarah set the bar for using her kid's as political props .. a mistake that few others will follow.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I can only name one...Tag. Don't know why.

    2. Must be a Republican thing...Tag, Tripp, Track...

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Seamus, Sarah, Zygote, Snickers, Fluffy, Stinky, Jar-Jar and Croyden.

    4. That's not a fair comparison because The Screechy Wretch(tm)'s children have such distinctive and unusual names they're just easier to remember: Puck, Pistol, Pillow, Pauper, Prig, and Pancreas

    5. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

      Seargeant? Meg? Rafalca? Am I close?

    6. Tab, Trickle, Toobie, Tapper, Taxi

    7. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Tugger, Tussel, Troubadour, Trollop, Trunnel ?

      Did I get all 5?

    8. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Tactless, Tabernacle, Tabloid, Table D'Hote, Taciturn

      Mormon-approved names for Willard's sons.

    9. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Taggart (b. 1970)
      Matthew (b. 1971)
      Joshua (b. 1975)
      Benjamin (b. 1978)
      Craig (b. 1981)
      Yeah had to wiki except for Tagg.
      The others are pretty common biblical fundy as well as popular for the era names.

      Jezebel had a cute parlor game post up about them back in February. My own take...

      As for Taggart - at 41 don't you think a guy should be known for something else besides "son of...."? He isn't. And he has really bad, greasy hair. (Maybe that explains why Mittens is so desperate to be Pres - otherwise, he's just the "son of George," a much better man, by all accounts.)

      Craig - sorta weird looking - too much gum when he smiles. And thinning hair at 30.

      Matt is birther - no more need be said.

      Ben looks like ArrogANNt. 'Nuf said.

    10. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:37 AM

      Larry, Moe, Curly, Shemp, Click, Clack, Scooby-Doo and Seabiscuit?

    11. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      7:51 won the prize!

      Next quizz, how many of Romney's grand kiddo's were conceived in a petri dish and implanted in surrogates? (bring hand sanitizer when they stump for Pop!, just sayin')

  2. Anonymous3:58 PM

    "proof that her Republican reign mercifully may be over. "

    Great! Although her comedic stylings will be missed.

  3. Be careful, boo. Yes, it COULD be highly entertaining- but Palin's screechy cadence after being deniiiied could also cause your testicles to tuck and run like an ice bath.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Belly laughing!

    2. Nyah,

      My TV will be turned off here until at least 10:00 PM for safety measures. Last time Screechy blindsided me, I had the tuck and run so bad that my neck looked like Ann Coulter's with her man-sized Adam's apple bulge going on.

      It's not worth the health risk, so I'll just look for the transcript tomorrow.

    3. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Nyah 3:59 PM

      Better to tuck and run than risk a nip and tuck in the nads vicinity.

      That must be what happened to Toddy No-nuts and why he has such a squeaky tone of voice.

    4. ShesToast-

      You and I have the same strategy. I just CANNOT listen to that breathy, screechy shriek. Simply can't do it. Hearing her back alley treason against our president, HER president- it just gets me too upset.

      But thankfully we have Gryphen and his nads of "still" to handle what we cannot!

      I eagerly await his dissection and commentary but definitely won't subject my own ears to her toddler throwing fit slash cat being murdered by lawn mower screech.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      Excellent advice!

      That explains The purse whisperer's "suprano" speaking voice!

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    A youngster in Iowa today asked:

    "Are you Spider-Man's boss?"

    And the President's response...

    "Well, I'm the Commander-in-Chief. But Spider-Man is a free agent."


  5. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "By the way speaking of blowback, I hear that Palin will be on with Greta tonight. This will be her first interview since being kicked to the curb by the Romney campaign, and told she will have NO role at the convention."


    love it when that mindless fetid skank goes on greta, then i get to go into greta's blog and kick mindless tea_tard ass in the comment section....what's really fun is that it, the blog, is barely moderated if even moderated at all


    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Just might join you!

    2. Anonymous8:19 PM

      4:03 PM Greta's blog was a hoot tonight, with one Panty Sniffing Palinbot saying that he is in her Army and she will be President for the next 8 years. A lot of feathers were ruffled over there. They are as bad as the Sea of Pee.

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      LMAO !!

      I've been in there for about the last hour 'rufflin' feathers'

      particularly gettin' a kick outta the one texas tea_tard gal screamin' at the other 'bot's, in particular that perpetually drunk (?) sea4pee 'tard john norton ..

    4. Anonymous10:50 PM

      Thanks for the tip - I'm gonna pay a visit to greta's blog and shake things up a bit.

      I can't wait to hear if Greta tosses pre screened soft balls as usual to $ad $ack $arah.

  6. So basically he's saying that Ryan isn't a complete fucking moron.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM


    2. Anonymous4:42 PM

      He may also be pointing out that Ryan isn't mentally unbalanced. Ryan, also, too, probably hasn't set up a blog under a child's name and hired a ghostwriter in a desperate attempt to fabricate said child's image while simultaneously duplicating his own opinion.

    3. Anonymous9:59 PM

      What caught my attention was that Ryan would study!

  7. Anonymous4:20 PM


    A very interesting discussion on Paul Ryan.
    M from MD

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Oh this is just so good to FINALLY see. Palin is finally being kicked aside as she should have been from the beginning. Now if the media would stop reporting about her, she will have to fade away.

    I just checked and her latest endorsement in FL is losing and she will be on Greta tonight. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bitch.

  9. From many of today's talking points it seems the GOP pretenders have learned 1 lesson from Sarah Palin

    Spend your time demanding apologies when the other side tell the truth. The GOP can't take it when the truth is thrown at them - yet they can throw the racist talk at the President - and he just carries on doing his job and ignoring their insults.

    The other thing I read seems to indicate that the rabid right wings winning primaries is giving the democrats many more possible wins in the election that counts. Sarah is out there helping the dems every time she opens her mouth.

    1. Just found another lesson learned by Mitt - this time from Bristol herself also too -

      Ryan helps Mitt reclaim his political virginity.

    2. Anonymous10:51 PM


  10. Anonymous4:43 PM

    VP pick rarely makes a difference in the race

    A few notable vice presidential selections that didn't end up deciding the race:

    — 2008: John McCain-Sarah Palin

    McCain has been roundly criticized for his selection of Palin, a first-term Alaska governor with an affinity for going off script. Palin delighted the conservative base but struggled to show mastery of many policy issues. The bump in the polls McCain enjoyed after rolling out Palin was short-lived, and the Arizona Republican lost by a convincing margin to Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who peddled his own brand of blue-collar politics. But Palin's public stumbles were not likely what lost McCain the election. Rather, it was the economy, whose bottom fell out under a Republican president's watch two months before Election Day.


    1. She made the election much safer for then Sen Obama than it would have been - she cost McCain many more votes than she brought him - and the ones she brought were in the red states regardless. Palin added negatives to the states that mattered.

      McCain can't admit he made a BIG mistake.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Sarah Palin played a huge part in McCain's loss because she proved to be an idiot and was not viewed as being VP qualified to take over should the old fart die while in office.

      McCain lost because he chose her, was arrogant and didn't have a clue how to bring America back from the Republican financial mess (Bush and Cheney) we were already experiencing!

      Plus, Obama and Biden were a great choice and McCain and Palin lost in a landslide.

      McCain and Palin have since been nothing but blowhards. One has been shoved off the Republican stage FINALLY and McCain will probably die in Congress.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    3. Anonymous10:54 PM

      McShame's slogan "Country First" was the biggest lie in American politics with his pick of $arah.

  11. Sharon4:44 PM

    The GOP must be working Frank Luntz to death with Ryan...he has to come up with a dictionary full of new talking points to hide their real agenda. Job creators, death panels, welfare queens.....oh my. I am kinda glad our Dems keep saying he is a serious man and smart...give him a lift before the fall. His comment at the Iowa fair when asked about the farm bill pending for helping the drought in Iowa...was priceless, we can talk about that later, I want to enjoy the fair. He was in Iowa FFS and Obama at the same time told the audience to ask the "leader in congress" to help them NOW! Priceless

    1. Guess "we can talk about that later" is better than saying I voted against the bill to help the farmers through the drought. Not much better, but better.

    2. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Just like Ryan/Robme will let Americans "know the details" of their plans (for whatever) after the election. In "quiet rooms" of course.

  12. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Terrific article. Love this: "She was poised to be the leader of the Republican Party after her 2008 defeat, but she squandered her future potential on reality TV shows and point-scoring from her perch at Fox News."

    Can't wait for her point-scoring with GVS tonight, I'll hear it later on-line.

    also, too..... Fox Internship Lawsuit Heats Up As Lawyers Seek To Include Entire Fox Entertainment Group

    Sarah and Todd don't have any employees at their studio? Do they hire a cleaning service? I wonder what Bristol's flunkies are paid? Minimun wage? Is it all taken care of by "postage" ?

    1. Anonymous10:58 PM

      A must read: Maureen Dowd/NY Times -
      When Cruel is Cute. Very ouch...

      "Ryan is the cutest package cruelty ever came in...

      Although I think he cums second to $arah. $creech!

  13. Anonymous4:48 PM

    O/T, or maybe not:


    Had 'liked' Palin, Beck etc.

  14. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I've been reading the comments at Sea4Pee, and it appears many of them have finally realized Palin doesn't have any political future left. The comments are wide spread without any direction or common thread, and there is a lot of talk about their personal religious beliefs. It's obvious they're turning to their faith not knowing any other way to handle the message the Republican party send Palin. They're a group of lost and drifting souls suffering from the realization Palin's 15 minutes of fame is over, and have no other place to turn to, to express their sorrow except to one another. How long will it be before they can finally escape their deep depression over this bad news for Sarah, and return to their normal depression level is anyone's guess. After all, isn't it because of depression the most common reason strongly religious people turn to religion in the first place, as a method of self treatment and escape.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Oh no, they can't leave! That would put about 1/2 dozen moderators and BriAnus out of work. I wonder how much of a percentage they get every time they encourage the minions to donate to SarahPAC? Why do you think they come up with those odd amounts, like $20.12? Can't exactly use tracking or referral links, can they?

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      I think I said it would take 'til about Wednesday for them to figure it out. How, if Mitt loses, He'll likely try again in 2016, nd Ryan will too. If Mitt wins with ReTHUG cheating, then it would be 2020 and Ryan would likely run then. IN 2024, $carah will be 60. And at 48 she already looks it. At 60 she will look 82.

      Of course, I'm hoping and working for Obama/Biden 2012; Hillary/Warren 2016 and 2020,then Warren and Grayson? or Warren and Chelsea? Or Warren and Gillibrand? Take your pick. And Krugman as head of the Fed.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:32 AM

      The Pee'd-On simply need to scatter and find a new televangelist to donate their spare pocket lint to. Oh, but noooooo...yesterday morning they were praying and trying to convince each other that the best thing since Jeebus will definitely be running in 2016! Here we go again!!

    4. The Sea4Pee is a must morning read for me as I enjoy my first cup of coffee. If I ever need reaffirmation that I have a brain and can and do think for myself, I get it from the sad sheep commenting in unison how Sara is the greatest thing to walk the earth since Jesus...

  15. Anonymous5:22 PM

    O/T As Todd Palin's tv show debut airs tonight in Stars Earn Stripes pretending to be a hero, a real hero steps out tonight in the news. Her name is Shailey Tripp, and she saved the lives of the people in her building where she lives. She demonstrates once again her true character and nature, as selfless, and was featured on the local New Orleans news tonight. As far as I am concerned Shailey Tripp is the real hero so go suck it Todd Palin, I mean pimp daddy. (WDSU SIX NEWS)

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM


  16. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Hysterical twitter @paulryangosling

  17. Gryphen, I'm trying to figure out where you really stand on The Screechy Wretch(tm). I've gone back and read every post you've ever written about her and, frankly, it's a mixed bag. Some negative, some less negative but still quite negative, some excoriating, some just highly critical. Honestly, it's kinda wishy-washy. Whether or not you hold her in high esteem, just say it directly instead of beating 'round the ol' George W.

    I don't want to put words in your mouth but would it be fair to say that you feel that in the past she simply hasn't been good enough? And furthermore, would it reflect your view to suggest you feel she isn't good enough now? And in conclusion, does it represent your opinion to predict that looking forward - the direction where all the really good predictions tend to look - that she will never, ever, ever, never, ever, never ever be good enough?

    And if so, why don't you just say it????

  18. Oh SOMEBODY looks unhappy on Greta tonight!

    1. And now she is making it about herself. Big surprise.

    2. Message for the day, same as usual, DON'T trust the media.

      Then you will like Mitt Romney.

    3. Greta bravely asks about convention snub.

      Palin barely held it together. but made it to the end without spitting venom at the camera.

      Just barely however.

    4. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Sarah looked like an old discarded prostitute on Greta. Why do they punish Greta like that.

    5. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Do not waste one second feeling sorry for Greta...she deserves everything she has to put up with. All those interviews when she let Sarah and her family members tell bold faced lies and she made no effort to expose them for the fakes she has to know they are. I hope they take her down with them. If she had one iota of self worth she would not have allowed herself to be used as Sarah's puppet. If she truly was a "news" person, she would have slapped the bitch silly and stopped simpering at her.

    6. Anonymous7:51 PM

      She was also with Sarah and Bristol in Haiti when Bristol looked as though she was ready to go into labor any minute.

    7. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Pickign nit - it is BALD faced lies.

    8. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Does Greta have to sign non-disclosure agreement too? She must know a lot.

    9. Anonymous10:36 PM

      Greta's brother-in-law J. Howard Coale and his wife, Lauren each gave $5000. to SarahPac in 2010. I can't post links but if you Google, info is out there. So, the Coale/GVS support seems to be a family affair.

  19. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

    Oh my Dawg!

    Rachel's a MUST WATCH. She FINALLY addressed the "felled vp candidate, The Quitta from Wasilla, Sarah Who? and John Mc Huh? They're not speaking at the convention, as well as Shrub and Darth who actually finished their terms.
    She interviews Steve Schmidt who skewers Robme for rolling out Ryan too late.

    The entire show is jiffypop worthy!

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      I thought McCain had a speaking role at the convention?

    2. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Hmmm, I was reading that McCain WAS speaking at the convention, did that change?

    3. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Watch Rachel again. She said McCain is speaking.

  20. Anonymous6:07 PM

    She might go after 'Can I call you Joe' Biden, since they are in a tizzy in the Mitt camp that he said Mitt and Ryan would 'put them back in chains'. Cue faux outrage, and damned if it wasn't just right on schedule.

  21. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Ryan a better V.P. pick than Palin, top Iowa Republicans say


  22. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Lego Hair is pissed, and its me me me. LOL

  23. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I am tired of the media claiming Ryan is serious, will study, and so on- he's an idealogue who has accomplished little in Washington except obstruction.


  24. Anonymous7:53 PM

    WTF? Huffington "Bristol Issues Warning After Ryan VP Pick" ?
    "palin move could expose gop rift " ? she declined ?

    1. Anonymous11:03 PM

      Why is The Chin posted under politics at HuffPo?? $he should be under entertainment (using the term loosely).

  25. Anonymous8:18 PM

    c4p was hysterical today. Brian The Anus replaced her with Jesus in a diatribe "I gave my life for them" repeated in caps.

    That site is so funny. They all line up in order for the day of who posts what. Then someone comes in with a polite rebuttal and the war is on. They dive bomb online polls/blogs as soon as they see one detrimental and quote Bible passages.

    Over 1450 messages tonight. I've kept count of names and there's under 50 that keep it going even they claim MILLIONS love their Queen. It is to LAUGH!


    1. Not What You Want to Hear4:58 AM

      I read that post by Brianas whatever his name is. If I was Palin, it would be enough to hire more round the clock security. That guy is a restraining order waiting to happen.

  26. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Hey Sarah, you spent all of that PAC money to:Surgically lift your face, enhance your tiny breasts, buy tons of spray tan and you still look like shit. It is time to retire from GRIFTING and get back to your Soap Opera's and Reality shows while gorging on CRUNCH WRAPS while curled up in a Fetal Position. You are DONE, THROUGH, UNDER THE BUS, and UNWANTED by the 'GOOD OL' BOYS'.

  27. Randall2:37 AM

    The Republicans should be a little careful with their Medicare meme. For the next month or so, if they continue with "Obama gutted Medicare" by "stealing 716 billion dollars from Medicare" they're going to have to eat a bit of crow once they get into the debates.

    Because Barack Obama is a damned good debater.

    And "Obama gutted Medicare" and he "stole 716 billion dollars from Medicare" are both lies.

    And President Obama will stuff them right down Mitt's throat during a debate - possibly THE defining moment of the debate - the moment Mitt lost the 2012 election - by a landslide.

  28. Anonymous4:00 AM

    You'd think that at darn near 50 she'd have grown up by now. PATHETIC narcisstic woman.

    Hey, $arah, remember in '08 when you said God would have the right people win? Remember those open doors He was going to give you that are slamming shut at every turn? What voices in your head are you listening to? It certainly isn't God speaking!

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      God did make sure the right people won, they are Obama/Biden. So Sarah was right.

  29. Not What You Want to Hear5:46 AM

    I second that recommendation that people read today's Maureen Dowd column "When Cruelty Is Cute" about Paul Ryan's genial countenance. She cuts right to the chase: "People who intend to hurt other people should wipe the smile off their faces."

    I look forward to the Obama campaign making Ryan do just that. I have a feeling the guy's not as impervious to getting rattled as his fans seem to think. I also look forward to his debate with Biden, who I think is going to make him look like the little rightwing rat he is.


  30. Chenagrrl8:26 AM

    Makes ya wonder if Palin, with her I'll-show-you mindset, might run for AK gov again to keep her dying star from being sucked into a black hole.


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