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However Think Progress had little difficulty recognizing its putrid stench:
During the presentation, Romney tried to lay out the differences. Obama takes the money out of seniors’ Medicare Advantage plans and cuts payments to providers, causing some to lose his coverage, he argued. The program’s trust fund would go bankrupt by 2024, under Obama, and seniors would lose access to the care they need. His plan, alternatively, would preserve the program for current retirees and keep it solvent indefinitely.
Think Progress explains why this is wrong.
The Obamacare savings slow the growth of Medicare over the next decade by, in part: eliminating overpayments to private insurers in Medicare Advantage, reforming provider payments to encourage greater efficiency, tying reimbursements to improvements in economic productivity, and reducing fraud and abuse. The law does not impact patient benefits.
As a result of these savings, “growth in spending will be restrained” and the life of the Medicare trust fund is expanded by eight years, the government estimates. Sixteen million seniors are also benefiting from the savings by receiving preventive benefits without deductibles or co-pays and saving more than $3.9 billion on prescription drugs.
Should Romney restore the $716 billion — and unless he institutes other yet to be specified reforms — we would move back to the old system of overpaying private insurers and providers. He’d be re-inserting inefficiency back into the system, jeopardizing the benefits that seniors are currently enjoying, and shrinking the solvency of the Medicare trust fund from 2024 under current law to 2016.
I don't know about everybody else but I am particularity irritated with the fact that the Republicans keep repeating this same lie about the Affordable Care Act "raiding" Medicare when that lie has been debunked by just about everybody who is NOT working for Fox News.
Just today Paul Ryan started off saying the following: "We want this debate. We need this debate, and we will win this debate." And then immediately repeated the exact same lie, as if THAT proved his point.
It seems clear to me that the Republicans are simply doubling down on misinformation and hoping that the American voters are too stupid to do their own fact checking.
Jesus NO WONDER they vilify teachers and keep trying to take all of the money away from public schools! The dumber you are, the more Republican you are!
"The dumber you are, the more Republican you are"..boy ain't that the truth, you sure as hell are not going to get smart watching Fox or listening to Rush or loving on Sarah!
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that a lot of them ARE stupid.
ReplyDeleteI think he got this stupid blackboard idea from Glen Beck.
I hate these guys!!! I have Medicare because I am disabled and I am SO furious at their lies and so scared about losing my coverage. I'm 51 and paid in for 30 years before getting MS! And lucky Her highness Ann Romney! I can barely pay for dog food let alone afford a horse or even lessons! And just how the H does dressage help with MS!
What is wrong with out country.
I'm do worried about what they might do to Medicare and social security that sometimes I don't sleep at night. I am really afraid because they lie and lie and morons cheer. They could win! What happens to all of us disabled people? What about all the old people in nursing homes who are on Medicaid?
What they want to do is equal to killing all of us and I am serious about this.
I hear your pain. I am 74 and have been fighting for health care for everyone since I first went to nursing training a saw so many patients that came to the hospital way too late because they could not afford to come earlier. How can the republicans live with themselves pretending that they are more deserving of better health care because somehow accumulating more money makes one superior. I hope you can keep your health care.
DeleteYou are not alone. Damn them!
DeleteI hear you. Lots of others worry about the same things. You are not alone. I have faith that Americans will do the right thing on Nov. 6. Keep the faith man! I'm trying to myself.
DeletePaul Ryan said our right to health care comes from God and not government.
I hate them too. They are liars too. Then you see people idolizing them. Look at kristy who posts here. She's always calling Democrats evil but they are the ones always fighting for people.
She can't even explain her views rationally. None of them can.
O/T re: white board, but on topic re: Romney:
As I just tweeted re: the “13%”:
Damned math! Ex: $1k in taxes pd = $7700 taxable basis. But @mittromney’s yrly income is more like $15 mil. Effect rate: .00008%. (twitter.com/WarpdElfAtYrSvc/st…)
So, Romney may be deceptively “truthful” at the 13%, but it is only 13% of taxable income. Remember – he had losses galore due to economy crashing.
He can have his bitch of a wife go on TV and try to defend him, but as long as he refuses to show his tax returns we will not trust him or believe him. She reminds me of Barbara Bush and word around DC was that Barbara was a bitch. Ann acts just like one also. What kind of a wimp has his wife go on TV to defend him and fight his battles? Aren't MS patients supposed to avoid stress? She looked pretty stressed to me. Lying will do that to a person.
ReplyDeleteHe's going all Beck!
ReplyDeleteRepeating their talking points over and over is an old Republican standby while campaigning. Ever wonder how all of them have the same talking points all the time? They all received the same memo. The three latest "repeat after me's" are:
ReplyDelete1) The White House is so hateful and divisive
2) Obama cut $716 billion out of Medicare
3) Obama should replace Biden with Hillary
For the past 3 days Hannity has been trying to bring in the race card with the Biden "chains" talk..he even had Allen West on tonight talking about it! Every night the same BS from Hannity, spewing hate all the time just like Sarah stirring the pot. I think you need to be racist to think that remark was racist toward the people attending..funny but I understood exactly what Biden was talking about and it had to do with Wall Street not the attendees.
DeleteWhen trying to sell something that the speaker doesn't understand - or disagrees with - or knows the listeners will disagree with - use a white board. You can also hand out pencil and paper so everyone can write it down - or ask them to take a picture of the white board - and if you stand next to it - the MSM will think they are photographing you.
ReplyDeleteGlen Beck returns to haunt us.
Lawrence O'Donnell just played part of that on his show: what a condescending tool Romney is. And Maddow just pointed out that Romney lies, constantly. I really loathe the Romneys: Mittens and her Majesty Ann 'how dare you people question us' Romney.
ReplyDeleteM from MD
Mitt’s Medicare whiteboard — corrected
That's exactly right: doubling down on lying (you call it misinformation for some reason)
ReplyDeleteThey're making themselves sound like the ones who care about the poor and less fortunate.
I cannot believe they get away with bs like that.
A big THANK YOU to Soledad O'Brien, who doesn't let them get away with it!!
Gryphen....have you seen the movie Idiocracy?
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE should watch it.
It is about the "dumbing down" of America in the future.
It really hit home....as it is happening now, and we need to stop it.
This movie needs to be put into every theater and on TV and drum it into everyone's heads.
After seeing this movie, we are scared.....even though it was a comedy. It was so true.
Oh also to as well - I'm waiting for a handwriting analysis professional.....
ReplyDeleteHe learned that from Glenn Beck.
ReplyDeleteO/T - Just watched the VERY SHORT Ann Romney interview on Rock Center. She says that Mitt would be unable to act as President without her. She is his "true partner. I don't think he could do it with me."
I have to say, this is not a woman that I would care to know at all. I would avoid contact with her in any situation. She has ice water in her veins. Baptizing her dead atheist father. Mormonism should be outlawed.
Methinks a few of us should arrange to booby trap our graves - just in case. definitely with huge warning signs.
DeleteSo what happens if she dies? Mitt does a Palin & quits?
DeleteSad fact, no-one is indispensable - get over yourself Miss Ann.
Things that make you go hmmmmmm.....
Revealing Ryan is just gonna get better and better. I just read on Politics USA how he lied on his Congressional financial disclosure, just like Justice Thomas did about his wife's income from Tea Party groups. Ryan's wife (lawyer/lobbyist) inherited 1-5 million $ from her mother...which he had to disclose in June 2012, when he was vetted. Apparently this happened years ago, but he neglected to include it...oh my. The word "LIE" will never be the same and I am glad to hear more pundits using it. Everything out of his mouth has been a lie, and now we have 2 liars, but we should trust him. Like Harry Reid said, this man would not be a candidate for a cabinet post let alone prez. It will be nice to see Ryan out of congress after this failed run too. Maybe he can do a reality show with Palin and Robme..the Liars Club.
ReplyDeletegryphen sez: "It seems clear to me that the Republicans are simply doubling down on misinformation and hoping that the American voters are too stupid to do their own fact checking."
ReplyDeleteyes, they are. and unfortunately, because we have too many low-information voters in this country, this strategy will win them some votes. however, it's most likely not enough votes to win the election. but maybe at this point it's not about winning, it's simply about creating the smallest gap as possible, in order to keep the republicans engaged for the next 4 years.
On top of the low intelligence factor, the inability to REMEMBER things from even a short time ago, is a key feature of today's rightwinger.
ReplyDeleteI can still hear the "echo" of the other clowns who hoped to be the Republican nominee, revealing dreadful facts about Romney...and at the TIME, all of the "base" were nodding heads, agreeing that Romney would make a terrible President.
Even the Fox channel was not that kind to Romney...THEN. Now, of course, he has been picked by God to save mankind, going by their praise of him, and now Ryan as well.
But the real kicker for ME was to watch video of O'Reilly, nearly coming to tears, preaching that despite what the liberals are saying, the President has no control whatsoever on gasoline prices.
But that was three years ago, and it was BUSH he was defending. Cut to O'Reilly THIS year, bleating like an injured goat about how OBAMA has caused gas prices to soar.
Doesn't ANYONE on the right, have a memory--or a conscience--anymore?
Apparently Lyan Ryan can run for VP and his congressional seat in WI. :(
ReplyDeleteOh Noes! Mitt thinks he's an edumacater! He swung by Staples and borrowed H Ross Perot's white board.
ReplyDeleteMittens, it's too late to "teach" people, it's distracting and insults people's intelligence.
Now if you wanna get people's attention, release ten years of INCOME Tax Forms, including the overseas investments and bank accounts.
"Blind trusts are and age old ruse, if you will" Mitt Romney
Have you read the executive order that President 0bama signed that (supposedly) "gutted Medicare"?
ReplyDeleteI have and it does no such thing (and it's boring to the max).
So I printed it out and have it handy for when the conservative relatives come over and repeat their Republican/Fox News lie about "Obama gutting Medicare" -- because I intend to hand them the printed document and a highlighter and ask them to please highlight the section that "guts" Medicare. (Because there is none.)
The current Republican meme about "Obama gutting Medicare" is a lie - and a lie that is going to blow up in their faces during the debates.
This is the party running ads telling us that Obama didn't kill bin Laden, the military did. But we all know they'd have deified Bush if he'd accomplished that. Nothing this party does surprises me any more. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteYes, Mitt, you can erase the white board so there is no evidence of what you said....except when it has been recorded. :)