Thursday, August 16, 2012

Broadway stars turn song from "Les Miserables" into Obama campaign song. Okay this is awesome!

Wow! That was amazing!

Here is the open letter from their website: 


To nearly everyone an RPM's a rev-per-minute. To me it's a Rosa Parks Moment. 

Her decision to remain seated in December '55 moved me to stand up in 2012. Like so many over the intervening years, I've taken inspiration from an unflinching American icon who said, "Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others." For me that seminal Moment occurred when Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke was viciously and repeatedly attacked on the air by a podium-pounding predator whose venomous remarks disgusted pretty much everyone within the sound of his voice. (I don't know Ms. Fluke or her assailant.) 

More to the point – that predator's driving the Republican bus and arguably no less menacing than the one Ms. Parks encountered 57 years ago. 

You'll recall her busman summoned Montgomery police and had her arrested for refusing to give up what had been designated a "Colored Section" seat. (The bus was full; a white man wanted to sit down; the driver reflexively moved the Section sign from in front of Ms. Parks to behind her.) 

Under the circumstances she hadn't actually violated the law but was – as well we know – arrested anyway; and convicted. 

Her tenacity ignited the modern civil rights movement. Fittingly, history was preserved as that Cleveland Avenue bus now famously resides in the Henry Ford Museum, an enduring testament to character and courage, to those who dared to dream a dream and undeniably to the audacity of hope. 

While the GOP's resident rabble-rouser routinely defames those with whom he disagrees, their party's presumptive nominee hasn't the character or courage to condemn such abusive behavior. Indeed, fomenting incivility and intolerance is grist for their ground game – and they're doubling down. 

If you're not a moneyed Republican plutocrat with a name commonly mistaken for a mattress, soft drink or sundae, don't own a ball club in Chicago or casino in Macao or have an extra hundred-mil lying around, what do you do to make a difference? You stand up the only way you know how. 

I'm not an activist, lobbyist, PAC, 527 or 501(c)-anything, just a private citizen (and sometime parodist) asking "who will be strong and stand with me." 

One Term More is a transformative political parody rendered under fair use. The accompanying illustration conveys the transcendent nature of a remarkable man. Sketches based on a recently reported, well-sourced, deeply disturbing event depict an uncommonly cruel act of aggression. 

No ad time will be purchased nor will it be sold. It's intended as social commentary, criticism & personal expression, displayed only online and freely available to all. Its purpose and character is informational, non-commercial & not-for-profit. The parodied lyrics are mine; the music's from "Les Mis." 

Jefferson wrote, "The greatest good we can do our country is to heal its party divisions and make them one people." The Founding Fathers wouldn't have tolerated 21st century Tea Party polemics. No matter the nation's crushing ills or deep political divide, the framers chose to govern, not obstruct. 

Having brought forth a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, you've got to wonder: 

Are there any levelheaded Republicans left to remind untethered Tea Party apostles – notably those washed up on the shores of the Potomac – that incendiary rhetoric, hysterical white populism and a reckless disregard for the unalienable rights of others is not a government of, by or for the people? 

Misogynistic, homophobic, radically regressive and ideologically unhinged with little apparent interest in governing and no appetite for compromise or common ground, that Grand Old Party's out-of-order, a consequence of preposterous partisan pandering, legislative belligerence…and all that tea. 

To the extent any nominal independent expenditure can underscore the titanic distinctions between candidates, parties and platforms – from ALEC-influenced legislatures codifying colossally misguided stand-your-ground laws to muddleheaded McCarthy-mimicking Members of the House calling colleagues Communists – ours will, we hope, attract the attention of an inquisitive electorate and contribute to a more reasoned electoral outcome. 

At the end of the day will unruly Republicans simply be too tone-deaf to hear the people sing? We'll know when tomorrow comes. 

Don DeMesquita

Well that was just as powerful as this amazing song! You know I don't know what it is about President Obama but he ALWAYS gets the best songs written for  him, and attracts the most gifted of supporters.

Do you all remember this one?

Well with this kind of talent supporting the President how can he lose?

(H/T to The New Civil Rights Movement.)


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I stand in awe! What incredible talent and imagination this group exhibits! This will go viral!

  2. Balzafiar6:32 PM


    Words fail me. Just fantastic is the best I can do.

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    WooHoo...I love it, love it, love it!

  4. emrysa6:40 PM

    gryphen I love me some obama, and of course he is the best person for the next 4 years, but that video was kind of scary. harsh overtones of propaganda. let the criticism begin, I can take it!

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      It was scary, but not because it was propaganda, but because the lyrics are true. It is part of the republican platform to discriminate against people based on sexual preference (gay marriage), impose their religious beliefs on others (abortion, birth control), lower upper income tax rates while increasing middle income taxes (CBO and independent analysis), stop the dream act, and more.

      There is nothing wrong with persuasively conveying a message. It is wrong only if it incites the listener to hurt or deceive others. They are just asking that we vote.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Of course it's dramatic. That's the point. But, it's not propaganda.

    3. Liz Ernst7:26 AM

      I agree somewhat, but the reality is, this kind of in-your-face Obama propaganda is important and necessary to win this election. Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida are limiting elections in a way that affects democrats most harshly. The right's propaganda is intense, lie-based, and designed to elicit an emotional response (Karl Rove at his finest). In the past, dems have taken a moral high road when it comes to this type of campaigning, and we've lost. We need this, because we need to win. Obama needs to win this election, despite the superpac money feeding Romney's campaign, and despite the ignorance and bigotry of the right. Obama should be a shoe-in, but he is not because of these sad obstacles so, more videos like this one I say!

  5. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Wow indeed! Please go viral!

  6. SALLY in MI7:12 PM

    I saw this last night and was so busy reading tyhe lyrics I missed the graphics. That is one powerful video!! My favorite show of all time, and now this!! Thanks, Gryphen! One Term More!

  7. Wonder how much it would cost an Obama PAC to get ahold of the rights to use that in the campaign......

    1. Anonymous12:24 AM

      I'm willing to bet it would cost the campaign zero dollars :)

    2. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Certainly they'd be honored to be asked. It's so powerful and beautifully performed. Just the right song for these perilous times.

  8. That was AWESOME Gryphen, thank you for that.

  9. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Abbsolutely beautiful! It brought tears to my eys! It's a show I've seen many times and is a favored.

    I think President Obama should have that group sing at the Democratic Convention and on the campaign trail.

    Classy like hiim and people would love it!

  10. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Chorus member Matt Ashford starred on Days of Our Lives for many years, where he played the love interest to Melissa Reeves' character. Ms Reeves recently got in a Twitter war over Chik-Fil-A -- she supported the bigots.

  11. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Powerful, moving and inspirational!

    Thank you for sharing this. I will share it with others on FB.

  12. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Here's a little something for you, G...

    Over at crazies4palin, they're cheering this article from NRO:

    The anonymous "facts" are provided by Edward Klein, the author of this Hillary Clinton attack-book monstrosity, that was panned by both liberals and conservatives:

    Mr. Klein would fit right in at c4p... no wonder they're praising him.

  13. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Bravo! Goosebump-inducing music! Mr. DeMesquita should make all of the Republicans feel ashamed of what they have been doing for the last four years but we all know that they know no shame. Time to take a stand, get out and vote, and if there is anyone needing to get registered help them out. If this is close, the Republicans will steal this one. The Kochs, the Edelsons, and the Mitt bankrollers are investing way too much money to be denied this election. We must deny the millionaires this one and stand up to the SCOTUS scum who foisted the Citizens United decision on all fair-minded people. Calling them Justices of jurisprudence just doesn't seem right.

  14. Awesome!

    To the trenches, brothers and sisters! Vote for justice and for the welfare of us all.

  15. Anita Winecooler9:38 PM

    Please Please Please, let this go viral!

    Get out the vote, especially those with voter id laws! A judge in Pennsylvania ruled in favor of the law, and the company hired to educate voters on what's needed is a Romney Bundler.

  16. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Whoa! Chills!

  17. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Incredible performance - very moving.
    Thanks for sharing!

  18. MariaT11:52 PM

    So moving! I got a lump in my throat right at the beginning reading that beautiful quote of my ex-president, Madiba. After that I cried... what a beautiful piece! As a South African, I truly hope progressive American Obama supporters take action to ensure that they exercise their vote. We, living in other parts of the world, look to you to do the right thing.

  19. Anonymous1:50 AM

    A wonderful start to my day! Very powerful video. I thought the same thing as another poster - they should sing this at the Democratic convention.

  20. Anonymous3:14 AM

    I thank Mr. DeMesquita for this and for his description of the GOP ticket as radically regressive. Good for a slogan:

    "Vote Romney/Ryan if you are Radically Regressive!"

    Unfortunately, the rabidly RR voters won't get it.
    There are a number of other "R" adjectives we could use, but this will do it for me.


  21. nogravity4:32 AM

    Nice job. Funny that Romney can't use any music without getting a cease and desist letter from the artist.

  22. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Very nice. Inspirational. And true.

  23. Anonymous9:38 AM

    OK Gryphen, I have to say this:
    Your most interesting posts reliably gather somewhere around 27 (count'em, twenty seven!?!) responses, as opposed to the hundreds when the subject is centered upon all things Palin. ARRGH!

    Please do not be deterred by that somewhat consistently low number. In the long run, I do believe that those of us who "think", who do depend upon you and others of our kind to help widen and broaden our horizons, our understandings of all sorts of challenging thought experiments, will persevere.


    1. physicsmom2:52 PM

      Say it FTG, we need Gryph to keep the inspirational posts and the intellectually challenging posts coming. They're some of the best stuff on here. The Palin pieces are usually fun, but often deteriorate in the comments to bullying and vitriol against the trolls. Wish everyone would ignore them. Love, love, love this.

    2. I absolutely agree. I don't read the comments on the Palin stories - too much BS.

  24. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I don't always comment but this is brilliant. I hope that the copyright holders have no issue with the use of the music. Actually the campaign lyrics are much in tune with the original lyrics. The French Revolution was very much about the 99% and the 1%.

  25. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Loved it and posted to my FB! This song (and all the others from Les Mis) has always moved me, and this parody does so even more.

  26. physicsmom2:45 PM

    A) I love musicals. B) I love parodies (ref: big Capitol Steps Fan) C) Heartfelt musical parodies are the best! This is wonderful. I plan to play it over and over again over the next 81 days. I <3 Gryphen for posting.

  27. Les miserables. the musical that swept the world. in concert. . . yes :-) in dvd. oh happy me!

  28. Anonymous4:21 PM

    LOVED IT! I want to share it and don't know how!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.