Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mitt Romney's pick of Paul Ryan as his VP makes writing political ads almost too easy for the Democrats

And this is only the beginning.


  1. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was forced into this decision, just like McCain was forced to pick Palin. For sure. Romney's already backed away from Paul Ryan's budget. Why would you pick someone as a running mate who's known for one thing, and then immediately disavow yourself of that thing?

    1. For the same reason that you would run on your business experience and then claim no responsibility for and therefore no reason to discuss your business and its actions?

      For the same reason you brag about running the Olympics, but refuse to discuss your experience with them or why the records of your tenure are not available?

      For the same reason you brag about your governing experience but refuse to discuss your one signature piece of legislation?

  2. This needs to be on TV, every single day...all day long!!

  3. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I posted further down but I will repeat here. Evening news here in Australia put Paul Ryan in terms of at least he is better than Sarah Palin who was matter of factly described as a ' know nothing populist'.

    That just about sums her up.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      He's worse, he knows enough to be dangerous. Better a dumb ass than a slick asshole.

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Post-Debate: Palin Still Seen as Unqualified, a Bump for Biden

  4. Not What You Want to Hear5:14 AM

    If the Democrats keep circling back to that one message - that every policy the Vulture/Voucher 2012 ticket stands for is to pay for tax cuts for the rich - they can decisively win this election, and not just the presidential election, but down ticket, too.

    Because the GOP has a competing message that doesn't hold water on even casual examination, but somehow resonates with a lot of people. And that message is that their policies are to reign in the debt and deficit. Again, that is silly on its face as their policies are what put us in debt and will put us in further debt. And Ryan's own plan ludicrously takes a quarter of a century to get the debt and deficit under control.

    So Democrats just need to seize and own the terms of this debate. It's not about the debt, it's about further enriching the one tiny sliver of people - and international corporations, for that matter - who are the only ones doing just fine in this economic depression.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      No -- it's not just that they want a tax cut for the "rich"...they want a tax cut for themselves, and Romney already only pays 13% as it is - when he does pay...

      Obama literally wants to raise HIS OWN taxes, for the good of people who teach his kids and protect the streets, etc...

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Very well said.

      I also see RMoney as one whose next business adventure is to raid the Gov't coffers and holdings thus adding Gov't raider to his resume and wear it as a badge of honor. He will be the Bain of our existence.

      Gov't Raider/Corporate Koch

  5. Virginia Voter5:35 AM

    Well, we have a unique opportunity to make this a twofer for Paul Ryan. This year he actually has a competitive Congressional race against a progressive democratic opponent , Rob Zerban. You can contribute to his campaign through Act Blue and get the satisfaction of watching little Eddie Munster lost two elections in November.

  6. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Sarah Palin has weighed in -- using Romney/Ryan's names a handful of times, and using most of her facebook posting on the perfidy of President Obama. It's the same old, same old, yet startling, to me, in its incorrect grammar and usage.

    Word salad is one thing -- I hadn't concentrated before on how she mangles written language. Are we sure she got a college degree, and one in "communications"? I guess the postage money that used to pay for her ghostwriter has gone with the wind.

    I emphasize the style, not the substance, because she's clearly damning the GOP ticket with faint praise, and all she has left is her standard stump
    attack on our President, with many incorrect facts.
    Well, her lack of interest in Romney and Ryan is so glaring, I doubt she'll be asked to do much campaigning for them this fall.

  7. Sharon5:55 AM

    Robme is the ultimate douche bag....he's McCain part II being forced to pick Pee Wee Herman. I can see another "Game Change" movie being made because Ryan is the top of the ticket, just like Palin was. His slip of the tongue introducing him as the next president was not a gaffe, lol...he was just thinking ahead. The best part of this...Ryan is up for re election which means he is out of Congress too, what a bonus!!! I am watching Meet the Press (Rachel is on) and she ain't taking the lies, Gregory & Todd are assholes. I like the new slogan of "Couponcare". I am so looking forward to seeing Ryans resume which consists of total living off the government (hes a multimillionaire)going back to his mother living off his fathers death benefits from SS, including his college education. All the safety nets he wants to get rid off, got him where he is.
    Wait till they get going on abortion and healthcare...he's toast.

  8. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Obama/Biden 2012

    Romney/Ryan 1040

  9. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Tpaw just said that he gave several years of tax returns to Romney to be vetted for VEEP.

    So Romney looked more tax returns from his veep candidates that Romney will show of his own returns to the voters.

    Almost worth trying to form a PAC so I could produce the ad... TPaw "several" and Romney "I'll check and get back to you".

  10. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Sarah saved her most vicious and vile for us to enjoy today:

    Sarah Palin On Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan Ticket: 'We Must Now Look To This New Team'

    From that point on, Palin devoted the next 13 paragraphs to Obama's performance, attacking the president on issues ranging from taxes to unemployment.

    "Obama’s vision for America will make the rest of the country look like California, minus the beautiful scenery and warm weather," Palin quipped.

    Romney and Ryan's names did not appear again until the closing frame, where Palin urged voters to not forget about contests outside of the White House.

  11. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Romney Loves Paul Ryan

  12. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Paul Ryan for VP!

  13. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Dramatic video: 71-year-old taken to the ground for questioning Paul Ryan

    As Congressman Paul Ryan cracked a joke about him, Tom Nielsen found himself face down on the floor being handcuffed by police. The 71-year-old retired plumber from Kenosha was thrown to the ground, placed in handcuffs, and arrested for trespassing and resisting arrest after objecting to Ryan's plans to gut Social Security and Medicare during his congressman's only public appearance scheduled during the August recess -- a $15 Rotary Club luncheon in West Allis on Tuesday.

    Nielsen repeatedly told police that he wasn't fighting them and that he didn't want to make any trouble. He also told them several times that he had a broken shoulder. Police officers ignored his comments as they wrestled him to the ground despite his howls of pain.

    Nielsen's comment to Ryan at the luncheon, his arrest, and Ryan's joke are all captured on video available here.

  14. Anonymous7:19 AM

    As for Ryan himself, to begin with, what policies turned Clinton-era surpluses into Bush-era deficits? In large part, two tax cuts, two wars and a massive prescription drug benefit, and Ryan voted for all of them. (He also voted for TARP, by the way; his fiscal rectitude only included actually voting against massive expenditures once President Obama took office.) His “serious” debt-reduction plan doesn’t balance the budget until 2040. By contrast, the House Progressive Caucus budget, whatever else you think of it, balances the budget within a decade.(Note: In both cases, those are the budgets’ authors’ projections; your math may vary.) Furthermore, no doubt in fear of the senior vote, Ryan dropped the Social Security privatization aspect from his debt plan and now only guts Medicare for people 55 and younger. Finally, Ryan refuses to touch defense spending, retains tax breaks for oil companies that don’t need them, zeroes out the capital gains tax and finds his savings in programs by shredding the already hole-ridden safety net. For a Republican, this is smart politics. But how exactly is it “courageous” or “serious” to protect the interests to some of the most powerful (and wealthiest) lobbies in Washington — Wall Street, oil companies and the defense industry — while heaping painful cuts on the poor? No, the idea that Ryan or Romney’s nomination of him as his vice president is courageous is simply wrong.

  15. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Ryan's father died when Paul was only 16. Using the Social Security survivors benefits he received until his 18th birthday, he paid for his education at Miami University in Ohio

  16. Anonymous7:25 AM

    But Romney picked Ryan because he was under intense pressure from right-wing elements of the Republican Party to prove, yet again, that he is truly a conservative. Romney has been trying to prove this ever since he announced his candidacy. Because he has been lagging in the polls, the right felt free to pressure him some more. Now, the right will back the ticket with enthusiasm. This really is the go-for-broke choice that conservatives were looking for. But the cost is that Romney will be unable to make a new appeal to the political center. And by passing on Sen. Rob Portman, Romney gives up an opportunity to strengthen himself in Ohio, a state that he absolutely needs to win and where he has been running behind.

    The outcome of this election is now hugely consequential. If the Romney-Ryan ticket wins, conservatives will claim a mandate for Ryan’s radical budget ideas. But if Obama wins, conservatives will no longer be able to argue that the public was given a tepid choice by a philosophically inconstant Romney. A rejection of Romney-Ryan would be a huge blow to the conservative agenda. It will settle the argument over the role of government that we have been having since Barack Obama took the oath of office. This election really and truly matters.

  17. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Mitt Romney Would Pay 0.82 Percent in Taxes Under Paul Ryan's Plan

    Under Paul Ryan's plan, Mitt Romney wouldn't pay any taxes for the next ten years -- or any of the years after that. Now, do I know that that's true. Yes, I'm certain.

    Well, maybe not quite nothing. In 2010 -- the only year we have seen a full return from him -- Romney would have paid an effective tax rate of around 0.82 percent under the Ryan plan, rather than the 13.9 percent he actually did. How would someone with more than $21 million in taxable income pay so little? Well, the vast majority of Romney's income came from capital gains, interest, and dividends. And Ryan wants to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, interest and dividends.

  18. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Please consider posting this Gryphen, it's so critically important that people not just ASSUME if they've voted before they will be able to again, especially in states where the GOP governors have joined to disenfranchise those that would vote democratic.

  19. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Remember when Pres. Obama Peeled Paul Ryan Apart?

  20. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Mitt Romney has the brains of W, the honesty and transparency of Nixon, and the campaign skills of Alf Landon. And now he's added the running mate of John McCain, like that'll help.

    In Presidential elections with an incumbent on the ballot, America doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to the challenger. The winner can largely be predicted by comparing Presidential approval to congressional approval. I don't think I need to hunt the current numbers down to show you that hugely favors the President.

    Romney's campaign has been sputtering for months. At this point, it might have been better for his chances if he, like Alf, had just stayed in Topeka for the whole general election season. How one manages to screw up a trip to London that badly is beyond me. Would a conservative columnist writing about how "Considerable mystery surrounds the disappearance of one Willard M. Romney of Massachusetts" really have been any worse than whatever the hell that trip was? Could anything have been worse?

    So what's Romney do? He picks the most toxic member of our dysfunctional unpopular congress to run. The guy whose name is synonymous with austerity. Calling him Palin might be an insult to the half-term governor -- even Miss Alaskan Independence Party was less extreme.

    Frankly, I'm looking forward to the VP Debate more than football season at this point. Paul Ryan in a debate is to Joe Biden what a hanging curveball was to roided up Barry Bonds.

  21. Anonymous8:32 AM

    The Obama campaign's early attack on Romney's has neutralized his 'credentials', his perceived strengths. President Obama has called the shots and determined the direction of this race from the start. The Romney campaign is reactively responding to President Obama's salvos, playing defense.

  22. McCain Caint admit Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs is not a good thing9:45 AM


    McCain: Ryan Reminds Him of Palin Choice

    "Sen. John McCain said on Sunday that Mitt Romney's selection of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate reminded him of his own game-changing choice in 2008. Choosing Ryan was "a pretty bold choice," McCain said, just like his pick of Sarah Palin.

    "I am still proud of my running mate," McCain, R-Az., said on Fox News Sunday. "I am proud of Sarah and her family."

    McCain acknowledged that his selection of Palin came to overshadow his own campaign, at times, in 2008."

  23. Anonymous10:26 AM

    But across a long summer of negative attacks, the Obama campaign has succeeded in weakening that message, and turning the conversation to Romney’s character instead. This means the Republican convention can’t just offer an extended indictment of the Obama record; it also needs to reintroduce Romney in a more thoroughgoing way. And if his faith ends up on the cutting-room floor, this reintroduction will be missing something that’s not only essential to the candidate’s life story, but also helps makes the case for his worldview.

  24. Anonymous10:48 AM

    He's been in Congress for nearly 13 years, but Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has only seen two of his bills pass into law during that time.

  25. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Romney Self Destructs and Turns All Attention Back to His Tax Returns

    It took the Romney campaign less than 24 hours to screw up their big VP announcement, and turn the attention back to why Romney won’t release his tax returns.

    ...PAWLENTY: Well, we don’t get into the details of the vetting process, but I — I gave them a bunch of tax returns. I don’t remember the exact number of years.

    Pawlenty got way off message, brought up Romney’s tax returns, and blew up everything the campaign was trying to accomplish. Pawlenty quickly tried to cover his tracks, but the damage was done. The interview ended with questions about Romney’s tax returns. The story isn’t Paul Ryan now. It is Mitt Romney’s hypocrisy when it comes to requiring seeing tax returns for others, but not releasing his own.

    Romney obviously understands the importance of tax returns in the vetting process, so why does he continue to refuse to release his tax returns and allow voters to vet him for the presidency? As has become par for the course with his campaign, Mitt Romney doesn’t seem to think that the rules apply to him.

    The Romney campaign has become a daily gaffe fest. Whether it is Andrea Saul, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty or Romney himself, this is a mistake riddled campaign that can’t avoid self injury.

    A day after after Paul Ryan to the ticket, Romney is back where he started. He is still trailing Obama, and the dominant question of the campaign remains his tax returns.

  26. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Mission Accomplished: Romney Alienates the Last Demographic Support He Had

    When a particular course of events follow through to their logical conclusion, it seems odd that people are surprised, or excited at the end result. When Willard Romney announced he had chosen Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan as his running mate and candidate for vice president, it should not have surprised any American who has followed Republican politics over the past two years. Romney’s choice was a desperate attempt to woo the far right and demonstrate his conservative bona fides, but it was not the least bit surprising for several reasons. Romney had a bad week and needed a major distraction to shift attention away from his record as a vulture capitalist, failure to release his tax returns, and tenure as Massachusetts’ governor, and for a day or so there will be a wealth of analysis of Ryan’s record in Congress. However, what people need to understand is that Romney is the presumptive nominee and Ryan is nothing more than a complement to support his agenda of tax cuts for the rich and austerity for the rest of the population. What Romney did by picking Ryan though, is alienate another demographic that makes his bid for the presidency more difficult.

    Romney has spent the past six months estranging immigrants, women, the working-class, and poor Americans from the Republican Party, and choosing Paul Ryan added senior citizens to the list. When Ryan first introduced the Heritage Foundation’s budget, Path to Prosperity, his plan to privatize Medicare infuriated elderly Americans who paid into the system their entire working lives and expected the Medicare coverage they paid for only to learn Ryan proposed giving them a voucher to buy health insurance coverage on the open market. Romney supports privatization as a matter of course, so choosing the face of privatization made perfect sense from a philosophical point of view. In fact, Romney and Ryan are the perfect pairing for the GOP ticket even though pundits were calling his choice political suicide. So why choose Ryan? It is highly likely that Romney was following the Heritage Foundation’s directions to prepare America for a Ryan presidential bid in 2016.

  27. Anonymous11:00 AM

    When Religious Belief is Put Aside for Corporate Global Domination

    Two of the oddest couples in election history were created this year when Mormon Governor Mitt RMoney picked multimillionaire Congressman Paul Ryan as his veep.…

  28. Anonymous11:06 AM

    When Religious Belief is Put Aside for Corporate Global Domination

    Two of the oddest couples in election history were created this year when Mormon Governor Mitt RMoney picked multimillionaire Congressman Paul Ryan as his veep.…

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