Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More words of wisdom from the great George Carlin.

Could his words be any MORE topical?

(Yeah I admit it, I'm kind of on a George Carlin kick lately. So sue me, I love the guy!)


  1. Anonymous2:17 AM

    At least since its only telling the truth about conservatives and not about all the religious, you'll escape the wrath of those charming so called fans of the blog, Gryphen! They can agree with you on this, but tell them the truth about religion and they can't handle it for some reason! You'd think if they've given religion as much thought as they claim to have, they'd have some sort of valid response to your criticisms, rather than abusing you for daring to voice it!

  2. Leland2:56 AM

    Unfortunately, the women in my neck of the woods (for the most part) either cannot see that, REFUSE to see that, or are religiously fanatical enough to agree with the repubs! They LIKE being "barefoot and pregnant"!


    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      It's easier than thinking for themselves.

    2. leland9:33 AM

      Anon 7:13? not the ones I know! They can quote chapter and verse of the Bible that supports this kind of crap. THAT takes time and patience - OR brainwashing. I'm not sure which.

      I even know a few who believe it when they say they MUST SUBMIT to their husbands - even if they are legally separated - or divorced in the case of one woman's so-called mind.

      I repeat: IDIOTS!

  3. PL - MN3:10 AM

    Exactly, Gryphen. Thanks for sharing.

    The tea taliban Christians aren't pro-life. They not also pro-Jesus. They would have more in common with anything which is anti-Christ.

    They're not even Republicans (when one considers it was the party of Abraham Lincoln) and how Republicans have become racist and non-inclusive (though they've been doing this racist schtick since Richard Nixon was POTUS).

    Plus they're not honest, ethical, factual and the only things they're good at doing is digging for some truth in their butts and flinging it at people, hoping any bit of their crap will stick to someone or some surface.

    Ah smell it, that is their USA, USA, USA. Bunch of bull droppings the rest of us have to clean up.

    I don't want to live in their USA sharia nor theocracy. Them worrying about Iran. Why? It's what we would have become and experienced if John McCain would have won and then died.

    Same now with Mittens "Shameless, also with Seamus" Rmoney and his Medicare, Social Security and all government safety net programs killing vampire for tea VP. They're anti-people, anti-women, anti-USA, anti-life except for a chosen few within their circles.

  4. fromthediagonal3:44 AM

    Gryphen, please keep right on publishing George Carlin's commentary.
    We all need to be reminded that the regressive mindset has been and will continue to be bonded to domination in all of its awful manifestations.

  5. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Carlin would have a field day with the current political climate! As a social commentator and satirist he hadd no peer. Man, he would eat Akin alive!! I miss him very much.

  6. George Carlin died in 2008. It seems that this current crop of Republicans are even worse than when he said these words.

    I wish he was still around to address these people. I'd love to hear what he had to say about politicians who claimed that women who were legitimately raped couldn't get pregnant. That women's bodies would somehow stop a pregnancy from happening.

    Cripes, I hate how we are going backwards as a nation!

  7. Unfortunately, he is correct and on point in every word of this statement.

    A lot of people are surprised that I as a Christian do not identify myself as pro life. First of all, more children die due to republican initiated cuts on childrens' health insurance plans and medical care than are aborted every year. Why aren't pro lifers standing outside their state buildings holding posters of a dead child victimized by cancer because their state decided all the immigrants' kids were "using up" proactive healthcare like CHIP so it was cut to ribbons? Why are ONLY fetuses important to these people? The second reason I will never identify myself as "pro life"- the very nature of this "cause" seems extremely at odds with LIFE. They will kill a doctor, impose the death penalty on a black man who sneezed in the wrong direction, and ignore the hurting/hungry/homeless/helpless. How is that PRO anything except assholism?

    And not that it is germane to this particular discussion, but I hate the morons who say "anti life" instead of pro choice. I'm breathing, dipshit- I'm PRO continuing to breathe, therefore I am not "anti life".

  8. George Carlin skewered hypocrisy in every act that I saw him perform. Because he was anti-bullshit, his words will always be timeless. Another of my all-time faves is Bill Hicks, who died way too young.

    These days, we seem to have a surplus of faux patriots, sell-outs, and crossover media celebs acting like lapdogs, just happy to be sitting on the front porch where they can occasionally be petted and given a treat to reward rheir loyalty to their masters, the oligarchs and plutocrats that control so much wealth and power have control over a portion of our lives because they own the government through their lobby and corporate voice.

    We.need more like George Carlin and Bill Hicks who are willing to speak the truth, especially when it is unpopular and had negative social consequences. We need these social commentators to shame the media into doing their jobs whenever the powerful act in their own interests to the detriment of the other 99%.

    Instead of media lap dogs, we need some rottweilers who will growl and bark aggressively, and slobber everywhere as they get excited to draw attention to the wring-doings of their masters as well as the "other big dogs" on the porch.

    Rather than being content just to be fed and taken care of, we need watchdogs that will turn on their master, knock him to the ground and hover over him if he sees the master putting something in his pocket that belongs to us, the people.

    But the media have shown that they will take the path of least residence all to often rather than challenging power to do right, just as long as these lapdogs are kept fat and happy and have a certain amount of access to the big house where the powerful congregate.

    1. Bravo, Toasty. As always, you are elegantly concise and absolutely right.

      When I saw on the news yesterday that Hank Williams Jr told a concert audience over the weekend that President Obama was "a Muslim" who "hates Americans and the military", I was really wishing Carlin was still here to give that Paul Bunyon wannabe mouth breather a spin around the No Bullshit zone.

  9. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I sit and listen to the complete and utter bullshit that comes out of the mouths of these bastards and want to pull out my hair. When a man gets a uterus, gets raped, or is a OB/GYN, then I might listen to what he has to say, otherwise they can kiss my ass. They can go home and clean up their own back yards before coming into mine, cause guess what? Liberals own guns too and I don't need much of an excuse to shoot you right in the butt if you come near me.

  10. @Gryphen: Totally on target! Totally on message!


  11. Anita Winecooler9:34 PM

    No lawsuit from me! This man was a genius, and all people remember him for was his "seven words you can't say on TV". Some comedians are crass for crass sake (Andrew Dice Clay), George used it for "Shock Value" and backed it up with his keen observation of people and what makes them tick.

    Amazing how much more relevant his wisdom is today, makes me wonder how far back conservatives want to take this country?

    Here's one of my favorite clips! Religion is Bullshit.



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