Thursday, August 30, 2012

Need some inspiration this morning? Well here you are, from just about the BEST damn show on televison.

I would imagine that the reason this program gets attacked by so called "journalists" is that every time they watch it on Sunday night it makes them ashamed of themselves on Monday morning.

It is just too damn bad that is currently on hiatus, because we could really use a little more shaming right about now.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    LOVE that show! The political parts are spot on...the personal parts get a little corny though.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Just what I say, the American Taliban!
      I could not believe when he said that!
      It was awesome!
      Yes he Does shame them, the spineless msm!
      I just hope they don't cave with the new writers they have?

    2. nswfm9:08 AM

      The female characters are embarassing to watch, but the newscasts are what makes this program. I have two retired newspaper reporter friends who love this program, goofy females and all. I watch it with a female friend and we hope the new writers don't write such lame female characters.

  2. Not What You Want to Hear4:51 AM

    Yes, I remember when the reviews came out, many scoffed at the moralistic "speeches" given in this show. I too believe this scorn is based on a secret and uneasy awareness that today's national media and press are closing their eyes to a glaringly obvious fact: the rightwing movement is alarmingly dangerous to America.

    And so, happy little morning TV shows actually allow "guest" hosts like Sarah Palin on. Everything's ok here folks! This is just the "other point of view!"

  3. Anonymous5:17 AM

    On the subject...

  4. O/T but hilarious: The Baggers have absolutely lost their minds!

    WATCH: Jan Brewer accidentally endorses Obama

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Great find.

      Sadly the 'reporter' didn't even pick up on it. Too busy thinking about the next question. I think there needs to be a new word to describe the new role of these types of 'reporters'... possibly a 'talking stick holder'

  5. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Has AZ Governor had a change of heart about Pres Obama?

  6. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Bristol Palin is the mystery GOP convention speaker.

    Her speech was written by her sons Trig and Tripp.

    Expect a lot of faggot this and faggot that; and many I hate you's sprinkled in.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      If Beefy is chosen, it would be a mystery what message they would want her to deliver, other than to give middle finger to Mitt Romney from her Mom for having Sarah's interviews cancelled on Fox.

      Hopefully she won't be talking about all her success with abstinence resulting in four pregnancies by the age of 19.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      I think it's three pregnancies Ruffles/Trig twins, Tripp and the DWTS baby who is being raised by Britta.

    3. Anonymous10:12 AM

      I believe there was a white-out, also, too, but I've lost count and I guess I've lost interest, to be painfully honest.

      If her crazy mother gets shit-canned by Roger Ailes, I might have to switch to Bachmann-bashing until November. There's just a shortage of really good crazies at the RNC. It's just assholes instead.

      But don't count Sarah out yet--- she might still decide to bring some AIP pals with her to Tampa and take a few hostages at gunpoint until she gets an offer for another reality show or promise of a cabinet post nomination if Mittens wins.

      She's down, not out, and she will not be ignored without at least burning down the building to get the local news camera crews out, She's certainly done that or worse when she felt her back against the wall.

  7. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I would think the show's treatment of gossip columnists might give you pause-- where do ad hominem attacks on teenage girls fit into your work ethic?

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM


    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      He's regularly criticized Bristol, who was once a teenage girl.

    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      according to the Lying Palins - Bristol hasn't been a TEENager in years.

    4. Anonymous8:33 AM

      "...who was once a teenage girl."

      So was half the world. Are you saying nobody can criticize women? That sounds sexist to me.

      Besides Bristol has made herself a public figure. If she doesn't want to be criticized, she can get a real job (reality shows don't count), raise her kids (not a typo) and live a normal quiet life like 99% of all politicians' children.

    5. Not What You Want to Hear8:43 AM

      That is a good point, although few regulars here will agree. I'm practically addicted to this blog, but I *mostly* avoid the threads about Palin's kids. As a middle-aged woman, I just don't feel comfortable with the vicious gossip tone directed at such a young woman. Although I realize there's a case to be made that she probably thrives off the negative attention, but that's even more reason not to feature posts about her.

    6. Anonymous10:28 AM

      "He's regularly criticized Bristol, who was once a teenage girl."

      Noooo, you're shittin' me... I figured Bristol went from a sperm-coated zygote to full-figured professional DWTS reality show actress/dancer/celebrity/best-selling-author/mother-of-three.

      But if he did actually criticize Bristol during her younger days as an exceptionally-slutty pre-adult female gender human being, he did so from a blog that was defunct at the time, according to expert reporting from Breitbart.

      So quit makin' up shit.

  8. Anonymous6:35 AM

    BRILLIANT !!!!

    But I just cannot stand the photography of that show -- the constantly changing image every couple of seconds is bad enough. But then they do that constant panning across the set thing that is so distracting & annoying to watch. It takes away from the message.


    Great site with supporting documentation on the lies and misrepresentation of facts (ok, lies and more lies) in Paul Lyin' Ayn Rand Paul's convention speech last night. He told a bunch of whoppers, naturally and true to their strategy of lying and hope they don't get called out on their deceit.

    One of main points Ryan lied about:
    Regarding the GM plant closure in Janesville, WI:
    Janesville Plant Closing

    "Ryan cited the closing of a GM plant in his hometown of Janesville, Wis., as evidence of Obama’s failing to deliver on promises made in the 2008 presidential campaign. But as it happens, the plant closed before Obama even took office.

    Ryan: My own state voted for President Obama. When he talked about change, many people liked the sound of it, especially in Janesville, where we were about to lose a major factory.

    A lot of guys I went to high school with worked at that GM plant. Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said: “I believe that if our government is there to support you, this plant will be here for another hundred years.” That’s what he said in 2008.

    Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day. And that’s how it is in so many towns today, where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight.

    Here’s what Obama told workers during a campaign stop at the struggling GM plant in Janesville back in 2008:

    Obama, Feb. 13, 2008: And I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years. The question is not whether a clean energy economy is in our future, it’s where it will thrive. I want it to thrive …

    It’s true that the plant didn’t last another year, as Ryan said. In fact, the Business Journal in Milwaukee wrote that the assembly plant shut down on Dec. 23, 2008, at the tail end of the Bush administration, a victim of the financial crisis and dwindling demand for the SUVs produced at the plant. That’s nearly one month before Obama was sworn into office.

    About 100 workers were kept on in 2009 to finish a truck order and help shut down the plant, according to the Associated Press."

    Remarks in Janesville, Wisconsin: "Keeping America's Promise" February 13, 2008

    CNN also did a good job of refuting Ryan's lies. I'm looking for clips now. I'm sure they'll be posted soon.

    Fuck these lyin' sons of bitches! They're full of shit and need to be reminded that repeating the same old lie doesn't prove it's true. What it does prove is that without making up shit, the R/R GOP nominees are ashamed of their positions and have to lie and hope they fool enough Independents and moderates to swing the majority over to the GOP ticket. I love the smell of desperation!

    1. The strong stench of desperation that permeates this RNC reeks like Wookie pussy. Neither rMoney or rAyn can run on their records, what with their tragically checkered pasts. So repeated lies and distortions about the uppity socialist in office is the only game they got. Disgusting, soulless repukliklans wallowing in the filth of their own self deception - they DID build that.

  10. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Great clip. I saw this yesterday. h/t mrich2500

  11. Unbelievable. Even CNN is refuting Ryan's RNC speech last night.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      And so is a columnist at Fox News

  12. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Wow, just WOW.

  13. Anonymous8:21 AM


  14. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I love this show! The American Taliban was absolutely brilliant and I wish it wasn't limited to HBO so that many more people could see this.

    However, the love stories are ridiculous. I only watch them to see the meat of the show - the political slams that I would love to see on my TV on the major networks. Brian Williams would be so good at one of these slams.

  15. Sharon10:13 AM

    I think the very first show said it all when Will went down the list of why we are not the greatest country on earth, but we used to be. Beside the obvious spot on accuracy of the meat of the show, I think the casting was no less brilliant. Sam Waterson has been around forever, and considering his age and last regular role was Law&Order, I love watching Charlie kick ass....I hope he wins an Emmy. Jeff and Emily are perfection, and Olivia Munn is such a surprise to me anyway, I only knew her from the Daily Show. The rest of the cast and the love story stuff, fills in the time, the real story are those 3 with an honorable mention for Fonda.

    I barely watched the convention speeches, lies to the sheep over and over and over. I can't imagine how the Bush crowd lives with their total destruction...Condi Rice is just a disgrace. I think the nation got a good look at Christie, just how truly awful that man is. I was living back home in NJ when he ran for governor and if it wasn't for running against that crook Corazine he would never have won. Lady Ann vs Michelle...can you imagine her platform, I can't. Ryan is just liar part II the sequel, part I goes on tonight.

  16. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    This clip is fantastic! The American Taliban, and it's agenda of destruction exposed and smacked down for what it is.

    OT. Watching the circus of lies in Tampa, the secret guest's act was the worst thing I've ever seen at any convention in my 53 years on this planet. Clint Eastwood reached a new low.


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