Thursday, August 30, 2012

Seems fair.


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    I can see the traffic snarls that this would cause.

  2. Leland2:27 AM

    Great idea. Impossible to execute.

    Religious fanatics don't care about secular laws!

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Fox News gets restraining order to keep Sarah off their shows...

  4. WakeUpAmerica3:58 AM

    That's perfect! There should be campaign buttons with that on it. Nobody has the right to impose their religious beliefs on anybody else.

  5. Anonymous7:34 AM


    Gryph, did you know that this:

    What's The Point Of Living Here If You're Not Going To Vote? Jen Test
    1 hour ago

    In your blog roll requires a log in and password? Just clicking on the "upworthy" returns and unusual page...

  6. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Along this vein did anyone else see today where the catholic friar says some teenagers seduced priests so some of the charges are results of these teenagers?

    Boy is that a stretch!

    We also must remind ourselves everyday that the catholic bishops are funding the War on Women. Why are religious organizations granted nonprofit status when they are using their clout, podium, literature etc. to campaign for their candidate?

    Can't the atheists claim nonprofit for something? Seems fair to me.

  7. Randall8:29 AM

    Or, as someone once said:

    Don't pray in my school and I won't think in your church.

  8. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I just started reading Christopher Hitchens' book, "God is Not Great" and it is excellent.

    In the first chapter or so, he has already said quite a lot about the intersection of religion and politics, all from his very experienced and educated point of view. Highly recommended.

    1. Leland9:04 AM

      8:41? Wait 'til you get further along. It gets even better! I LOVED that book and bought a copy!

  9. Maple9:01 AM

    At 8:41 -- I just borrowed Hitchens' book from the library and am waiting til after dinner tonight to start reading it.

    Funny how many families (in both Canada and the U.S.) used to never, ever discuss religion or politics except with close family members. I think I long for those days!


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