Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Oh the bitch is back. Stone cold sober as a matter of fact." Well we're talking about Sarah Palin so I wouldn't go THAT far!

So after one BLISSFUL day of celebrating the end of Sarah Palin on Fox, it looks like she managed to stick enough pins in her Roger Ailes Voo-Doo doll to force him to bring her venom riddled rants back to the airwaves.

Here is the scoop as reported by New York Magazine:

 Last night's kerfuffle between Sarah Palin and Fox News was a classic display of Sarah Palin being, well, Sarah Palin. But her Facebook outburst complaining about Fox canceling her appearance at the Republic National Convention reveals something deeper about Palin’s often rocky relationship with the network. Palin's contract is up in January, and according to sources, Fox News executives are now weighing what kind of deal they would sign, if they sign one at all. 

Essentially, Palin and Fox are in the early stages of an elaborate contract negotiation. Palin earns roughly $1 million per year from Fox, making her the highest paid contributor at the network. Fox executives have been disappointed with her ratings; Palin has been disappointed by Fox's decision to not give her top billing on bookings. According to sources, the relationship at times has gotten so bad that much communication has been conducted via Palin’s husband Todd. One thing is clear: It's risky for her to push the envelope too far. Fox has been a central pillar of Palin’s national reach since quitting the governorship, and without the network's platform, it's unclear how she could maintain even her current, much-diminished level of visibility. 

Palin's Facebook outburst surely didn't endear her to Roger Ailes, who prizes message discipline and loyalty among his troops. Ailes has been at times frustrated with Palin's erratic public moves since her decision to ignore his advice to remain quiet in the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in 2011. Palin crossed him again when she gave her decision not to run to talk radio host Mark Levin, not Fox. 

For now, both sides are making peace. Fox offered an olive branch this afternoon and returned Palin to the conversation via a phone interview with Megyn Kelly. Later tonight, she'll be on with Sean Hannity and Neil Cavuto. 

Palin's agent Bob Barnett did not respond to a request for comment; Fox spokesperson Brian Lewis said: "We look forward to having a long and beneficial relationship with the Governor."

By the way I think that refusing Palin a slot during yesterday's broadcast was Fox's way of letting Palin know who was calling the shots, and essentially an attempt to put her in her place. Whether this has anything to do with renegotiating her contract or was just to keep her from pissing all over GOP's convention is something that might be cleared up in the weeks to come.  But based on her Facebook whining she DEFINITELY felt victimized by the rejection. (But then again, when is she NOT feeling victimized by one thing or another?)

Will Palin get another contract with Fox News? I have no idea, but I would not be surprised if they kicked her loose. Especially after this last outburst.

But I will say that if she does get one it will undoubtedly be for MUCH less money, and that she will have to agree to follow some strict guidelines to keep her from "going rogue" on the air unless specifically directed to do so.

I just don't see that having Palin on the air benefits Fox that much anymore, but she has absolutely NOTHING else going for her, which does not exactly put her in a strong negotiating position.



  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    If Romney wins what would be the purpose of having Sarah on Fox? I'm sure they wouldn't want her attacking Romney, which is something she'll do because lets face it she doesn't like Romney also, too!

  2. LOVE this picture! Could she look even MORE batshit crazy or what??

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      "I'll get YOU and your little dog too" cackle, cackle...
      I hope they cut her ass loose. Did Joe M say she was done?
      That Ailes was sick of her fadin' ass?

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Idk. I bet if you posted a pic of yourself, we'd see real crazy, judging by your insane hate rants.

    3. Anonymous6:16 PM

      I was going to say the same thing. That's one of my FAVORITES! Love that picture. Crazy whack-job, and her wonky eye looks extra wonky.

      P.S. 5:56, is that you Bristol?

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Are both eyes wonky now?

    5. Anonymous6:19 PM

      It's not insane to hate a hateful person.

    6. Anonymous5:56 PM

      STFU stinky-bedpan-smelling-lover-of-Beefy...Krusty!

      We all know what you look unwashed...spilled food down your nightgown...crust in your eye...breath probably smell like dog shit!

      You need some serious help Krusty and an airing out of your bedroom! Until then kiss my Baldy "hating" insane stalker. LOL!!!

    7. Anonymous6:34 PM

      The only people more pathetic than Sarah Palin are her rabid fans.

    8. Olivia5:15 AM

      "Anonymous6:19 PM It's not insane to hate a hateful person. "

      But it certainly is insane to LOVE a hateful person

  3. PollyTickleParty5:17 PM

    O/T --

    PROOF of how corrupt the Repug convention is:

    When they voted on changing the rules ...?

    "The 'ayes' have it" was already on the teleprompter !

    h/t to

  4. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Her smile reminds me of Cheney, it is a sinister sneer. You can just see the evil.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Two rotten peas in a pod. Wouldn't it be nice if Cheney took Sarah hunting since Sarah claims he never misfires....and Sarah can't load her own rifle.

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Wow, when you click that photo it becomes very large, and it becomes very difficult to see what she is focusing on. One eye seems to be on the "prize" and the other seems to be looking at the wall, her shoes, her bellybutton, well, something other than straight ahead and into the camera. All the money she spent on new teeth, new boobs and whatever else she's had done a strabismus (wandering eye) repair is rather common and not really to expensive. Whey won't she fix that thing? Every time I see her it's like watching Marty Feldman reincarnated and instead of playing Igor to Gene Wilder's Dr. Frankenstein, she is playing just a wonkey eyed cheerleader to the base republicans.

  6. lostinmn5:24 PM

    I wonder how much of this is her being paid whether she's on or not. This way they keep her out there and let her twist in the wind. I doubt she'll be back. It's clear the MSM has turned on her as have mainstream GOP. If Ailes doesn't want the TP in his house then what's it matter if she's around? Or if she stays around her "pay" will drop to one tenth of what she's being paid today. My advice to Sara is to start clipping coupons. With all the hush money being paid every month she'll burn through the PAC money and then she'll have to start using her own. Poor Sara - can't bring myself to watch or listen to her but I'm guessing she's pretty heavily medicated these days. Karma's a bitch Sara. It's coming home to papa time.

  7. Hey Gryph it's too late for the Repub convention but how about some open threads for the Democratic convention next week? Could be lots of fun!

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      The Dem Convention is gong to be LIVE. We Dems know now to party!

    2. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Check out the new Twitter feed: Invisible Obama. It's on fire.

  8. Fox is in the cable programming business selling advertising. IMO, it's short-sighted if Ailes kowtows to Palin for the next 2 or 3 years, but she is more of a known commodity than she was when he first signed her based on on speculation (because she's hot!) 3 yrs ago, so I don't think he'll pay her more than she's worth for whatever her value is on today's rate card for incremental ratings. It would be more of a business deal not a novelty freak show if he did the deal.

    If she were to agree and he signs her to a lesser deal with more control on her running her fucking mouth and restrictions on her behavior, I could see Ailes going maybe 2 yrs with a 1 yr renewable option for the network for the final year for a value price and making her spend more time in-studio with others.

    But I could also see Sarah way overestimating her market value and ending up on the Glenn Fucking Obscure Beck Network for the payday so Beck could poke Ailes back for pushing him to the side a couple of years ago. Because she's more Glenn Beck material than Fox, in my estimation. Not that it would last, because they're both crazy as hell.

    But if Obama holds his current electoral lead, who knows?

    It's only fun to speculate because I know there's no fucking way she will ever be a factor in national races. Nor in Arizona. Nor in Alaska. Nor most other locales in the civilized world, even flyover country. Maybe she could be the weather girl in Topeka, KS. That would be a funny audition tape, wouldn't it?

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      I agree that she's more Glenn Beck TV than Fox but as I recall, Beck didnt have much respect for the woman either. I distinctly remember tripping her up on her favorite founder and a few other moments of chastisement.

      Fox would be best served to simply not renew the contract but to really rub salt into the wounds they should offer her $250k a year and lock her into a non-compete clause. If she was actually desperate enough then simply never put her on the air.


    2. Yep, GB asked her who her favorite founding father was just cuz he knew she didn't know any and when she answered George Washington, he laughed and told her no way that she was pulling his leg and she peed her britches right there on the video. It wasn't in the lens shot, but you just know.

      But then he let her off the hook but not before she had that scared Katie Couric experience like she was naked on the camera and the lights were blinding her and she was sweating and starting to stink like she does all the time and feel dizzy like when her wig starts to itch and shift and there are bugs up under there hatching eggs and grazing.

      Yeah, lowball her on the offer. I think Ailes only gave Juan Wiliams between 350-400K/yr for 3 yrs, IIRC, but he was experienced, just hung out to dry basically by NPR. Offer her the same as Juan got and tell her it's a soft market. If he were paying Sarah based on her skill set, it would be in single digits per hour, say 8 dollars or so. No benefits, maybe 12 hours a week. Take it or I'd rather you didn't accept. Hire her and give her a mop and show her the infamous Fox bathrooms and say they're yours now, Baldy.

  9. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I feel like I'm watching a bad movie with a gnarled old hand reaching out of the grave. She's ba-ack....Sarahzombie.

    Fox has no use for her post-election, and she really threw some non-existent weight around with her grammar school playground stunt yesterday. What I would have given to be a fly on the wall in Ailes' office when that went down.

  10. $arah doesn't bring anything to the table anymore. She's not a politician, she's a reality teevee star! Having her on Faux makes them look even less like a "news" source.

    She could go to work for Glenn Beck's web empire. That'd be a great place for her. They deserve each other.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      She's also old and haggard. And THAT is why she won't be back.

    2. Deni, kinda scary with you reading my mind and then posting the same time about Sarah being a Beckazoid.

    3. Anonymous12:53 AM

      Great point, Deni. $arah is a has been with nothing to contribute to the national dialog about anything. It must piss off the FOX folks that she makes more than any other "contributor" - especially when $he contributes nothing except the same old spew.

  11. She's back! Breathing heavy, still in Arizona, and sporting a shiny new wig.

    1. With Hannity of course.

      Funny ALL of Hannity's other guests were sitting with him at the RNC, but "restraining order" Sarah has to stay at least 500 feet away.

    2. Uh oh, she is starting to rant again!

    3. Hee hee, the music is almost completely drowning her out.

      Hah, she can't even hear Hannity's questions.

    4. Not ONE WORD about her one day suspension from Fox.

      And at the end Hannity twists the knife with, "By the way you're missing the party."

      Et tu Sean?

    5. You're so good at live blogging the weird one - keep up the good work

    6. Anonymous9:09 PM

      New wig? looked pretty dirty to me. Loved the Sean comment at the end. I would have never expected that from him!


    7. Anonymous12:56 AM

      I do believe the FOX crew is getting tired of the nonsensical, divisive $arah $pew - and having to throw softballs to the nitwit and still sound like "legitimate" news people. HA!

  12. Anonymous5:47 PM

    GarColga: Why are we even spending the money for a Democratic convention when we know who the nominee is? Is there something in the Constitution that says that delegates must gather or could we not choose to NOT convene and just save some bucks for the campaign. I hate to see this big waste of money for a nominee that unopposed. Is it required to have a convention?

    1. Hey you got me! I imagine that a convention might be mostly a promotional event.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Yep. There is nothing like face to face with the big guns to inspire - in a good way. networking, etc.

    3. Big pep rally. parties for big cheese folks coming in. networking for anybody that needs to press the flesh. lobbyists have some $$$ they need to burn.

      i wish it was for us in the masses, but it ain't.

      get the regional and state volunteer coordinators pumped. see who will be hiring to replace congressional staff moving over to the lobbyist side. vice versa.

      Dem party business, general housekeeping rules, platform stuff. Listen to bitching from groups that think they're not getting enough oil for their squeaky wheel.

      Gambling, Staying up too late, Drinking, seeing that gal from Maryland who did some kind of Terrapin or snapping turtle move 4 years ago that you hoped lost your cell #.

      throwing up money when the wind blows to see who's needing campaign cash down the stretch. democratic process. the usual.

    4. Anonymous8:54 PM

      These Conventions look like they may be becoming obsolete though and perhaps that's a good thing?

    5. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Yeah, they prolly done past their heyday with all the big money in just a few pockets now. But at one time they was big.

  13. Watching Baldy on InSannity...LMAO...a bug just landed on the wig! And apparently there is so much hair spray on the wig that the poor thing is STUCK!!

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      The bug was just trying to go home to that nasty wig it lives in.

  14. *GinaM falling on her living room floor in laughter*

    Bug started crawling down a strand of the wig...heading for her FACE!!! Baldy must have felt it and reached up and wiped it away!

    Can't wait for the video!!

    1. Oh lord, she must be all sticky and sweaty and funky again. She gives me the willies just thinking about sitting next to her. With her lack of self-awareness... never mind. Ugh.

    2. Anonymous12:57 AM

      Gina M and Shes Toast - You two are the best! Can't wait for the video also too - and please add more of your Quitter critiques!!

  15. Anonymous5:51 PM

    A cool million a year to go on GOP propaganda TV and talk bullshit. No wonder all these clowns prostitute themselves. That's some serious coin.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      And apparently it's a gig you can get after displaying no intelligence whatsoever!

      Only in America.

  16. Oh Lord...she's raising her white pasty claw hands and the contrast to her Jersey tan is so fucking startling! Baldy....spray tan the hands too dummy!

  17. More laughter ensuing! Poor Baldy didn't get to say a proper goodbye...Sean says to her..."sorry Governor you're missing the party...we gotta go..they are showing a special video of Gov Rmoney! LOL!!!

    1. lol Let me stick a finger in your eye real quick before we say g'nite, governor. boink!

  18. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Sarah's like the most sober person there is.

    1. "Sober" and Baldy haven't seen each other for awhile Krusty! Baldy is an ALKIE with a drug problem...even her own family knows come you don't?

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      LOL...good job there GinaM!

    3. Krusty, yeah right.

      If I can get a sneak peek and print an MRI of Baldy's liver, I'm gonna switch and use it as my avatar. There's probably toothpicks lodged in her colon, bendy straws galore and half a dozen tiki drink umbrellas that'll show up in the liver MRI that baldy has swallowed while chasing a handful of adderall.

      Krusty, pass along this jpeg that a doc friend who's a hepatologist (sp? he's not a snake doctor, but like gall bladders, pancreas and livers--- you know, guts) sent me of one of his patients who drank almost as much as I told him Baldy does. This lady in the pic was a big martini drinker, almost as long as Baldy, and she had no idea her liver was so bad. It had to be uncomfortable for her for quite some time.

      Should be safe for work unless you're supposed to be productive right now instead of reading G's blog...

      I bet she looked like Beefy on DWTS last time with that thing up in her.

    4. Anita Winecooler9:36 PM


      Yeah, she's sober!

    5. Anita....

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...tell it girl!

    6. THat's some good spellin' there, Anita. I guess it woulda been kinda hard to do "sober zealot". Shit, makes my head hurt thinking of all them letters and that bug on her head in the video.

      I just thought about this, but it's a good thing you married somebody named Mr Winecooler, cuz there's some last names you might have to get you a nom de plume (no that's a pen name, not a french tickler, let's don't go there.) Like if you were to marry Andy Dick... oh hell, we went there anyway, didn't we? oopsie. Speaking about sober, happy hour's been over a good while now. I think I shoulda left a little bit earlier.

    7. Anonymous12:59 AM

      Shes Toast: Damn it - you made me pee myself laughing! Too damn funny girl/guy!

  19. Anonymous5:55 PM

    That mic picking up Hume mocking her word salad was one of the funniest things I've heard in a while. Just confirms the rumors that her Fox colleagues routinely laugh at her behind her back.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I hear the word "zealot" and not "salad."

  20. YUCK! Had to turn the channel...can't watch the "Humanization of Rmoney"'s nauseating not to mention Rmoney sounds like a robotron from Disney or something! At least Ann sounds normal and there sons look like some creepy ass serial killers!

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:04 PM

      There's something about that grimace that Romney has on his face all the time that is very creepy. It makes him look like a muppet. Or like he is some kind of pain.

      Maybe the magic underdraws are too tight.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:39 PM

      The shifty eyes while he waits for a reaction freak me out.

    3. Olivia5:09 AM

      He reminds me of an undertaker in the small town where I grew up. He had a permanent smirk and the creepiest beady eyes.
      He would look at you like he was thinking "You're next! BWAHHAHHA!"

  21. Anonymous5:57 PM

    That last interview she did her chest was heaving like she just smoked a whole lot of crack. The woman is a tweaker, trust me.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Yeah, I noticed that too and either she had breast implants or was wearing the Belmont girls. It was funny to watch all that heaving, up,down, up, down.

    2. Anonymous8:45 PM

      It definitely looks like she had implants. She let her cleavage hang out for Neil Cavuto. Do more men watch FBN than FNC because the "boobie" show was for the men. How professional of her.

    3. Anita Winecooler9:40 PM

      Sarah thinks FBN stands for Fake Boob News

    4. Sarah's not a fake boob though. She's a real boob. With fake, adjustable hooties.

  22. Anonymous5:57 PM

    She's furious that not only the Republicans , but, FOX didn't want anything to do with her.
    Regardless of one's political affiliation, most sane people would agree that she's a moron.
    Rush Limbaugh in an oops moment today , revealed on air that his friends , people who were guests at his dinner table,
    caused him to become enraged,
    because they all agreed that " Palin is an idiot".
    He said he went berserk defending her intelligence.
    Birds of a feather , obviously.
    And of course ,the brouhaha the other night when she was on air
    with GVS and someone could be heard in the background at 1:34
    saying " zealot".
    Brit Hume tweeted after awhile that no one
    said " zealot ", the voice was actually his
    and he said " salad".
    It was his voice and he was most probably
    saying it's Palin and her word salad.
    I will give Palin credit for whoever negotiated her contract.
    She forces FOX to put her on air constantly.
    If FOX ever comes to their senses and gets rid of this fool, maybe Limbaugh will employ her ,
    since he thinks she's so fantastic.

    1. Yeah, I'll bet Sarah Lou's name came up early in the meal at the dinner table with people laughing their asses off as the waiter said "Mister Rushbo, will that be a Spinach or Iceberg Salad, sir ?"

      "Make mine a zealot salad, my good man, with lots of croutons and chopped nuts."

  23. Anonymous6:00 PM

    She would still be in Arizona. She and Trig just flew down there like 2 days before the Adams BBQ thing.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      WTF are you talking about? Who cares where the bald fella is...she sure ain't at the Convention in Tampa...that's where the party is...but I'm sure you already know that! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Poor Trig.

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      She did her radio interview with Megyn Kelly of Fox today from Wasilla, so she's baaacckkkk. We wish she was still in AZ.

    4. Anita Winecooler9:43 PM

      Sarah and Trig's arms must be tired. At least he was on this "Wild Ride".

  24. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Time to retire the wigs, hang up the Belmont Girls, put away the Wonder Woman bracelet, lock up the Star of David (Sheldon has lost interest)put the f--k me shoes back in their boxes, collect your sundry children and grandchildren, call your purse toting lap dog and GO HOME!! Buh-bye

  25. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I'm a huge Clint Eastwood fan, but boy is he really pooping all over himself right now. It's painful to watch.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      I too am a Clint Eastwood fan, but I refused to even acknowledge this event. Not to be mean or anything, but my excuse is that his is suffering from dementia... :)

    2. @InvisibleObama is winning twitter

  26. Does anybody else think watching Clint Eastwood talk to an empty chair, pretending that the President is sitting there, is just about the saddest thing you have ever seen?

    You don't often see somebody have a psychotic break on national television.

    Well except Sarah Palin of course.

    1. Clint Eastwood: old white wealthy male- in other words, Mitt's base.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      The whole blogosphere agrees with you, Gryph. Eastwood is the laughing stock!

    3. Link to Clint Eastwood...they're saying he was UNHINGED! LOL!!

    4. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Maybe Eastwood is going senile, as Charlton Heston did and the NRA took advantage of him.

      Abbie in Seattle

    5. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Even Sarah Palin would have been a better surprise guest-- even if she was there to give the concession speech that McCain wouldn't let her give four years ago.

    6. Clint Eastwood's convention speech was heartbreaking to watch. I almost expected to hear him yelling; "Get off my lawn", halfway through that debacle. He was a great actor and director and I don't want to remember him like this. I'm very sad.

    7. Y'all, that makes me sad. Clint Eastwood was Dirty Harry Callahan. He was a bad ass with that .44 Magnum.

      No, Baldy, don't get excited, it's not a 40 oz Magnum. This is a big-ass pistol we're talking 'bout, not that rot gut malt liquor you chug on the way to the liquor store anytime your vodka stock gets a little low (under a case on hand).

    8. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Yeah, I feel bad for him. He should never have been given that speaking opportunity. He's lost it. And poor guy, his family is doing a reality show so he can't even go home!

    9. Anita Winecooler9:49 PM

      Anyone else find it was disrespectful of the President? He put foul words in his mouth, talked to an empty chair. Who placed the chair there? The whole thing was written for him.

      He's far from senile, he did that superbowl car ad without missing a beat.

      But who cares? It backfired. This convention will always be defined by this stupid skit.

    10. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Great material for SNL, though. Can't wait to see that episode

    11. I'm not sure I want to watch that exploitation of Clint Eastwood. I hate to see somebody I care about or have a lot of respect for to struggle to do what was once effortless for them. I mean, I'm glad if they don't give up and quit. But you know, when someone is cast for a part that is beyond their reach or put in a role that demeans their ability because while they were once very serious about their craft, the role and direction and writing makes stooges of them.

      Every day across the country, the elderly are exploited so much by fear tactics and shit like that... it just makes me want to take up for every one of em, especially when it's a little snot-nosed punk politician like Ben Quayle or Reince Priebus, both of which I would make cry for their mommas together with their ears twisted. Just let one of them speak disrespectfully to an older person, and I will have them humbly apologizing before hand their ball sack back to them if they have one to begin with. If not, I can be creative in attention-getting if need be.

      Go ahead and throw Rick Santorum in there, too. That little bastard, I'd probably slap him first in the bunch. I dunno, maybe Ben Quayle. In any event, there would be ass-whippings to go all around for them and if there was still daylight, we could invite some more of the teabag no-nuts.

      Those clever fucking Repugs that humiliated Clint Eastwood are not the same ones I stood in line to vote for from Ronnie Raygun to Bush43, 1st term. And I am ashamed for what they are more than they are of themselves. They stand for nothing and nobody. Rant over.

    12. Anonymous3:14 AM

      You know the Romney campaign really, really hates Sarah when an empty chair got a prime-time spot at the convention and she got nothing.

  27. Sarah, do you evaluate all men based on your father and Todd? Do you compare Banty roosters to large Leghorns? No wonder you get into trouble when real men (who don’t want your body) arrive on the scene.

    If she wasn’t so hateful, I’d feel sorry for her.

  28. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Anyone catch that she had someone do her hair tonight to look kinda like the way it was done for her speech 4 years ago. Only thing was that there was a bug that was in and she had to swat it away. It was hilarious. If you missed it, go back and watch again. She needs to wash that wig more often.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM
      Only thing was that there was a bug that was in and she had to swat it away. It was hilarious.

      Hell yeah I saw that shit! Wasn't it fucking HILARIOUS! It was some kind of round white bug...I was hoping it would head towards her lip and then see it get stuck! But then I probably would have passed out from laughing so damn hard! LOL!!

    2. Video...

      Baldy on InSannity tonight!

      Bug lands at the 3:59 mark...hangs onto the wig...even while she's was moving that big ole head around and waving her hands...then around the 6:20 mark it starts crawling down a strand of hair and finally at the 6:26 mark Baldy is alerted and she waves it away!

    3. Anonymous10:06 PM

      She sure is mellow tonight, isn't she? Must of gotten "spoken to" and threatened a bit. Let's see how long she can behave. Also liked that you could hardly hear her past the convention sounds.

    4. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Has anyone noticed her respiration?? Watch her lapel pin heave up and down and try to breathe as she does. It's insane!! She holds her breath numerous times. She also hyperventilates at the 7:36 mark and her breathing is very erratic. Is she always this excited or is this the result of over medicating or drugs????

    5. Olivia5:04 AM

      A round white bug sounds like a clothes moth which would be quite possible considering her poor hygiene extends to the care and keeping of her wigs. It was probably hiding in the wig(with many others) and the heat of the lights made if come fluttering out. When the moths appear there are most certainly larva also.

  29. Anonymous6:58 PM

    YEs $arah and the wisdom of the people kicked your ass to the curb!

  30. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Oh, well, it was a nice fantasy! Unfortuantely, herself is going to be even more obnoxious then ever. :(

  31. Anonymous7:09 PM

    This is a struggle for control. It may go on and on for awhile longer. I think it is good, even if she has to behave. Everyone knows what a skank she is and it only makes fox and the GOP look dumb and evil manipulative liars.

    The RNC fall out over their plans for the Raygun hologram was more unsuccessful since they settled for the Clint Eastwood hologram. Was it a worse mistake than all the lies Ryan told?

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      I didn't know that Eastwood was dead.

      Zombie Apocalypse

  32. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Her 15 minutes are over. She is a has-been (if that).

  33. Dammit, I'll have that song in my head tomorrow and all weekend, now G.

    Eat meat on a Friday, That's alright. Even day da do on a Saturday night.

    Which is fine until I start singing the words to myself and some gal who has never seen Elton John wearing a big pair of sunglasses banging on the piano overhears me and then HR and Risk Management want to "talk".

    I can bitch,I can bitch,`cause I'm better than you.
    Its the way that I move, the things that I do.
    Oh oh oh...

    Bitch Bitch the bitch is back. oh oh oh oh Bitch Bi

  34. I'm guessing the negotiations arent going all that well because I just saw her career selling on eBay with about an hour left in the auction, zero bids and a Buy It Now price of $11.00. To sweeten the pot she needs to throw in a few cases of her miserable books and lower the price by at least half, also, too.

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      As long as she pays the incoming freight costs on the books. Shipping on a bunch of table levelers will eat you alive. Ten dollars and free shipping and it's a deal. That way if'n we get a early cold snap and run outa gas for the chain saw and grandmaw don't feel up to splitting wood, we can burn Sarah's books for a day or two to keep back the frost bite from settin' in.

      Now with her career, we don't hafta pay for her to run around in that bus learning history lessons, do we? Hah, cuz THAT was a waste of good money! Somebody else's, not hers, you bet yer ass!

  35. Anonymous8:07 PM

    The pee ponders are dancing over the fact that their Weasel from the North has such power with her FB posts. See? She is instantly reinstated!

    Even chuckie jr posted re her interview with hannity

    Excellent, Sarah! Loved the way you tackled the bogus race accusations."

    I wonder if he really has no other communication with his sister, or was he just steering the sheep? hahaha

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Steering the sheep, Chucky Sr. and Jr. have to sell their books so he's pandering to the Palinbots.

    2. Bingo.

      Now look for creepy chucky senior next to start using the google to send messages to the pee crowd. "Hey y'all stalkers and wee wee pond American patriots and fellow hunters. Do you want to buy a book or do you wanna bid on a pair from this big ol pile of Say-rah's used under-britches from when she was supposed to be growin' up? They make great conversation pieces for backyard bar-b-ques and for birthday gifts for that special one. I'm not talkin about our book cuz I haven't read it yet. But these here under-britches are some that you will cherish like I have for the last 35-40 years.

    3. Cracklin Charlie12:06 PM

      You bad, toast!


  36. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I don't think Fox will renew her contract. Roger likes pretty gals. Sarah has lost too much weight and her wardrobe has become disgusting. Time for Sarah to retire from Fox.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Her wardrobe "has" become disgusting? Ummm, she's had the same sense of style as she does commonsense. . .

  37. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I doubt very much she will get a new one year contract. She may get a month-to-month contract with a bunch of new "rules of conduct" keeping her on a very short leash and allowing them to boot her ass on short notice. I doubt she will get anywhere near a mill either. She may be lucky just to get anything. HAHA

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      I think they'll pay her per performance, and the performance will be at their command. Sometimes once a week, sometimes once a month.
      They don't need her, and they need to keep her in line if they keep her around.

  38. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Lego hair with a crazy wig was on hannity just few mts ago. Spoke for 10 darn mts basically shit.

  39. Anonymous8:46 PM

    She has said the same old crap over and over again. You'd think they'd be sick of her by now.

  40. Anonymous8:54 PM

    What gets me is that she has to send the high school graduate shadow-1/2 ex-governor TAWD to be the big bad bully in negotiating with Fox. I thought she was a barracuda or grizzly or pitbull? In reality she seems to be the Fox news junkyard chihuahua Obama ankle-biter. Ailes is re-considering this now as she's turned into a female Glenn Beck. Ailes is counting the mouse clicks Sarah hotness factor you betcha no matter what Todd the AIP pimp-meister says.

    1. Anonymous2:09 AM

      "junkyard chihuahua". Perfect!! I will be laughing all day.

    2. Anonymous5:59 AM

      I think it's more that Toad *is* "her people".

      *That* is what makes her pathetic.

      (Well, even *more* pathetic...)

  41. Anonymous9:02 PM!/search/realtime/%23invisibleobama!/search/realtime/%23Eastwooding

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      oh my god, people are so funny!

      here's a silly one~

      "Look who came to visit me at the dentist"

  42. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Still waiting for the so-called "surprise" the troll told us was coming that was supposed to get us all wee wee'd up. Did the delusional troll actually think sarah would be speaking at the convention? ROFL. Sorry troll but the GOP would rather have a senile old man yell at an empty chair than let Sarah speak! Can you say "Game over"?

  43. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Kathy has her way with the Palins. Oh boy, she is brutal and hysterical! Gryphen, if you haven't seen this, it's priceless. She's talking about "Life's a Tripp" and Bristol and Willow are slayed.

    Kathy Griffin Seaman 1st Class, July 26th 2012

  44. Anonymous9:37 PM

    One could only hope that Fox News bosses heard the rumors about Todd's involvement in a prostitution ring and now have evidence? Of course they would keep it hidden until her contract is over.

    Something is not right with this whole kerfuffle. Yes, like others here commented on, why would Todd have to be her agent if she's the pants in the family? Do these people ever rely on professionals to make their important contractual decisions? What is it about Sarah that she shrinks back like a child and can't negotiate working deals herself? Todd working for her when she was governor gives a huge hint that something isn't right in her methodology. She must have a weak point. It may have to do with a learning or personality disorder or both. She may have some severe paranoia in trusting hired people because she's afraid they'll talk about things they hear in private.

    Wonder if Fox bosses also are aware of the 2 lawsuits against Bristol? Could it be that Sarah might be implicated in one of these?

    1. Anonymous1:07 AM

      Roger Ailes will only retain $arah if she brings in ratings. Not happening. And $he is trying to play tough with him. Not happening. It is getting obvious that the FOX 'playahs' are getting tired of $arah's drivel. If $he stays on the air, Roger looks like he is intimidated by $arah. Not happening.

  45. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Palin is finally learning the painful lesson of not towing the party line for a "lamestream" network with a vested political interest.

  46. Anita Winecooler9:53 PM

    Ailes is a smart business man. Everyone loves watching Sarah make a fool of herself. Her ugliness just makes Greta feel not so alone among the porn star female news readers.

    That's their target audience, old white males on viagra

  47. Anonymous11:18 PM

    If the Republicans win in November, Fox won't need a contributor who's demonstrated she's not a team player on their airwaves. What would she contribute, besides bile and jealousy?
    If the Democrats win, there will be new Republicans without a job who will be happy to become Fox commentators. People with more recent job experience and campaign chops.
    Either way, Sarah is a sour witch, making trouble for a Romney Administration, and a tired old record, with nothing new to say about the President, other than that the Republicans would have won with her on the ticket.
    Fox needs fresh voices, fresh faces. A million dollars for that?

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      The Republicans have Libertarian Clint Eastwood on their side, they won't win in November. They should have picked a Democrat actor to flub lines, guess they couldn't find one.

      Fox can see that Sarah was useless the last 4 years, but will they? I hope they keep her. All the better to prove Fox lies and how dumb the Republicans are.

  48. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Everybody is sick of the Palins.

    Even Todd got sick of Sarah and went after Shailey Tripp.

    Even Bristol was sick of Bristol Palin and got a new chin.

  49. Anonymous11:47 PM

    If the GOP wins, she'll have no place.
    If the Dems wins, same thing.
    Bottom line: take the money and retire Sarah.
    You got your Wikipedia entry.

  50. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Could she be any more obvious in her batshit craziness?

  51. Anonymous5:03 AM

    She is like that proverbial cockroach. You step on them thinking they are dead, then as you are walking out of the room, you turn off the lights. But you forget your glasses, so you re-enter the room, turn on the lights, and the roach is gone. This roach name Palin won't die, she will just multiply.

  52. Anonymous5:13 AM

    If Romney wins , she's done but if Obama wins they'll keep her for another year under a tight leash.

  53. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I doubt that her contract will be renewed. It's all about the ratings and the money. Palin is an old face in two senses - over-exposed and hag-like. She's not interesting, and she does not bring in the ratings. She's not even a has-been politician; she's more of a has-been reality star.

    And Ailes has to be thinking about how he's going to steer Fox News over the next decade of demographic change. His audience is dying. People have said that the strategy Romney is pursuing - aim for the highest percentage of white voters only - can only be used this one last time. Romney needs 61% of all white voters in order to beat Obama (an almost impossibly high percentage), but in the future, America's demographics are changing so rapidly that even that high percentage of white voters will not be enough to win an election. The people at Fox News know this as well. If they want to keep their business alive (and they do - don't kid yourself - they don't give a damn about ideology, just money), they are going to have to do some impressive pivoting. I wonder if that critique of Paul Ryan's speech they posted on the web is the beginning of something, or at least a hedging of their bets. It could be that we've seen the peak of craziness at Fox News.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Her contract may not be renewed. She can still go on the radio with the likes of Dennis Miller, Mark Levin and so many others. They will give her the freedom to say what she really thinks. Too bad she was held back all this time. Roger has been a burden to freedom, Sarah can tell that story one day, he should have let her do what she does best. You just don't hold back a filly like Sarah.

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Thanks for confirming that Baldy's contract will not be renewed! Of course Baldy can talk with the "likes of Dennis Miller, Mark Levin" on the RADIO! The TrannyMan has a face for RADIO! LOL!!!

      And yes Baldy is a horse...a broke down...nag of a horse who has been sent to the glue factory! NEIGH NEIGH! LOL!!!

  54. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Well she can always go into porn?

    Or is that already taken by the woman who went over so big at the Republican convention.

    More welcome than the real Palin tartlet.


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