Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rachel Maddow presents, "A Child's Treasury of Politicians Refusing to Answer Very Simple Questions." Oh, this is great!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

You know watching this all I could think is that the Republicans have managed to completely destroy the public's confidence in journalistic credibility in this country, which is why reporters are so hesitant to call them out on their obvious lies.

And the second thing I thought is that ALL current journalism students should be forced to attend a class taught by Dr. Maddow on how to conduct an actual interview.


  1. Not What You Want to Hear6:15 AM

    Speaking of simple questions, here's a video of a Catholic activist from Faithful America asking Paul Ryan why his budget is based on Ayn Rand instead of Christianity. He gets no answer.

    If only the mainstream media would give as much coverage to this Christian activist as they do to the fascists pretending to follow the faith.

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    GO Rachel!

  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I am a man.

    I am in charge of many ¨manly¨ men.

    I am a heterosexual.

    Rachel Maddow makes me wish I were a lesbian.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      I am a woman.
      I am a liberal.
      I am a wife and mother.
      Dr. Maddow makes me wish I had gone to grad school so I would be half as brilliant as she is!

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      lol .. (smile)

    3. comeonpeople8:06 AM

      I'm s hetero woman but have a girl crush on her for her brains!

    4. fromthediagonal8:28 AM

      Comonpeople@8:06 and the rest of you who admire the very brainy Dr. Maddow, I join your tribe!

      I am about to finish reading her book Drift. Her research is exhaustive and she has a clarity of speech and writing style that never cease to amaze me.

  4. Stephanie Miller was scheduled to appear on Hannity last night. When she showed up for a live segment, she was told that there was a problem and she did not appear as scheduled. She opines that it was because she was there to be on air live and the Hannity team could not have that. OMG a liberal unleashed!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

      Poor Sean.

      Stephanie Miller would have owned him.

      What a chicken shit!

  5. I love Rachel Maddow. She has one of the most informative shows on cable. She is always prepared,corrects any mistakes made, and is personable and fun to watch. She should be the "rule" instead of the "exception" to cable news shows.

  6. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I watched Rachel's show last night and loved this segment, except that it makes me so angry that these idiots get a line and simply refuse to budge from that stance, no matter how stupid they may look. And they still get votes! Not a very good picture of Americans I'm afraid.

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Missouri steps up!

    Missouri Survey of 500 Likely Voters
    August 22, 2012

    Election 2012: Missouri Senate

    Todd Akin (R) 38%

    **Claire McCaskill (D) 48%

    Other 2%

    Not Sure 3%

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Careful. Rasmussen is an arm of the RNC, which wants Akin out. NO way has Claire picked up that much support this week.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      7:46 is so right! Rasmussen is not a very reliable outfit. This is to push Akin to drop out. Nothing less!

  8. ibwilliamsi7:41 AM

    "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

    Many variants of this exist, but the earliest known incident of such a comment appears to be a partial quote from James Waterman Wise, Jr., reported in a 1936 issue of The Christian Century that in a recent address here before the liberal John Reed club said that Hearst (Murdoch) and Coughlin (Limbaugh) are the two chief exponents of fascism in America. If fascism comes, he added, it will not be identified with any "shirt" movement, nor with an "insignia," but it will probably be "wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution."

    Another early quote is that of Halford E. Luccock, in Keeping Life Out of Confusion (1938): "When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled "made in Germany"; it will not be marked with a swastika; it will not even be called fascism; it will be called, of course, "Americanism." Harrison Evans Salisbury in 1971 remarked about Lewis: "Sinclair Lewis aptly predicted in It Can't Happen Here that if fascism came to America it would come wrapped in the flag and whistling 'The Star Spangled Banner.'"

  9. come they were all MEN? What's up with that! I tell ya...these men going on about abortion are REALLY starting to get on my last fucking nerve!

    When any of these mother fuckers can give birth...then we can talk! If not...STFU and get the hell out of my coochie and my uterus...and that's all I have to say about that! Hmmmmphf!

    1. fromthediagonal8:33 AM

      When these men are done with their current war on women, what will they think of next?
      Clitorectomies on young girls?

  10. comeonpeople8:04 AM

    I love Maddow.
    I wish she could moderate the debates.
    I wish the repubs were not such pussies and would lert her interview them.
    She'd eat them for lunch.She has more smarts than R/R combined and x100
    I am sad though that she still won't touch babygate. i've emailed her so many times. Crickets. This is so something she could expose to more people just by asking the normal obvious questions.

  11. O/T but Baldy related...

    "Lisa Ann, a porn star perhaps best known for her role as a Sarah Palin look-alike in an adult film series, is happy to be reprising her role as the former Alaska governor this weekend in Tampa, Fla., ahead of the Republican National Convention. That said, she's quick to admit her performance won't match Julianne Moore's in HBO's "Game Change."

    "But [my performance] is not like how amazing it was with HBO's Game Change, where you really thought it was Palin half way through the movie, it was so good," Ann told the Miami New Times' Cultist blog. "Porn stars don't really prepare that way. I'm not really an actress. I'm just a mattress actress. I don't have an acting coach or days to prepare for my role or anything like that."

    These days it seems like even "mattress actresses" -- and actors, for that matter -- can't avoid stepping into politics. In May, former President Bill Clinton drew some attention after posing for a picture with porn stars at a fundraiser in Monaco. And earlier this month, porn mogul and one-time adult film star Jenna Jameson took a more involved route, endorsing GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, saying, "When you're rich, you want a Republican in office." Her decision came on the heels of comments by porn star Ron Jeremy, who praised Romney, but said President Barack Obama would get his vote.

    Asked where she stood on the current presidential election, Lisa Ann expressed reluctance to give an outright endorsement, but she did provide some broader thoughts on politics.

    "That's the wonderful thing about our country: everybody is entitled to their own opinion," she said. "With politics, it's kinda like religion. You shouldn't judge people on it. But it's unfortunate that some people just look at taxes. That's the one thing they ride on when it comes to politics. Sometimes you need to do a little more homework than that. I'm not going to knock anyone for their choices. I'm pro-Obama. And sure, we would like to pay less taxes, but the beautiful thing about wealth is that there is nothing wrong with sharing it and being able to provide a better country over all."

    All in all, Lisa Ann said she'd prefer to stick to the adult entertainment aspect of her involvement around this year's RNC, even if it was simple.

    "I don't go out there and recite any dialogue," she explained. "I don't act anything out. I don't have any major props. It's a traveling gig so you're pretty limited in what you can bring. You just kinda get naked. It's a strip club! Why is a woman sitting up there and doing anything else?"

    Lisa Ann will perform twice a night on Friday, Aug. 24 and Saturday, Aug. 25 at Thee Dollhouse in Tampa. She says she expects a packed house, including, but not limited to, Republicans in town for the convention. The real Sarah Palin was not offered a speaking role at the RNC.

    "Mattress actress"...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Well there you have it Baldy...your next job...."Mattress actress! LOL!!


    1. Anita Winecooler7:22 PM

      Wow, who knew Mattress Actresses had brains? Lisa Ann was trying to remain neutral because she knows her clientele well. Republicans in raincoats and sunglasses with a pocket full of viagra and twenty dollar bills.

      And Sarah said "Polls are for Strippers", HA!

  12. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Gawker hits the MOTHERLOAD!!!

    Gawker has obtained a large cache of confidential internal financial documents from more than 20 secretive hedge funds and other investment vehicles in which Mitt Romney has stashed his considerable wealth. All told, the partnerships and limited liability corporations detailed below accounted for, at minimum, $10,069,000 of Romney's assets in 2011 and yielded $913,300 in income, according to his 2012 financial disclosure (those figures are derived from adding up the low end of ranges Romney disclosed; the actual numbers could be astronomically higher).

    Most of the entities are affiliated in one way or another with Bain Capital, the private equity firm Romney ran from 1984 through 1999. According to his financial disclosures, the investments "were made pursuant to an agreement with Bain Capital regarding Romney's retirement.... The agreement has expired but [Romney] retain[s] certain investments...made prior to the expiration of the agreement." In other words, they are his retirement package from more than a decade ago, and continue to make him nearly a million (at minimum) dollars per year.

    For a look at what we've been able to glean thus far from the documents—including Romney's unlikely relationship with the National Enquirer and how his money managers praised the economic stimulus he publicly derided—go here. But by all means peruse the documents yourself and lend your expertise to what they mean in the discussion.

    All of the documents linked below are also available in a searchable format here, at Document Cloud.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Even Gawker can't figure out all the gobblety gook that is in these forms. A forensic accountant squad will be needed to weed out the wheat from the chaff.
      I have a couple of finance degrees plus one in computer info and I even was going wtf is all this crap?

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      This crap is how rich fuckers like Mitt and Ann jam it up our nation's ass each and every day.

      The only part you have to understand is that he won't release his tax returns. The evidence of what he has done is in them.

  13. More O/T this about Meh Rmoney's tax shelters! Gawker has the Exclusive!


  14. hedgewytch8:46 AM

    Rarely do we see journalists now presenting the actual facts or rebutting the statements made. It now seems that that job has been taken over by the internet in the comment section on articles (when the comments are allowed and/or not censored) and on blogs.

    I've found myself learning more by reading links presented to support actual facts than by what the so-called "news" article presents as information.

  15. jcinco8:55 AM

    ryan: "rape is rape, these comments were "above" the pale". Most of us know it as "beyond the pale" ryan speaks palinese...

  16. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Jesse, you've GOT to see/listen to this!

    The "Dragapella Beauty Shop Quartet," known for their pleasant harmonies, snarky political commentary, and over-the-top performances in drag, today released a video detailing the Romney-Ryan economic plan. The feature tenet? "Sell the poor!"

  17. Anonymous9:32 AM

    And how Obama views the presidential race shaping up: As expressed by the president at a fundraisner last night:

    “I can’t resist a basketball analogy.We are in the fourth quarter. We’re up by a few points but the other side is coming strong and they play a little dirty. We’ve got a few folks on our team in foul trouble. We’ve got a couple of injuries and I believe that they’ve got one last run in them. I’d say there’s about seven minutes to go in the game ... if you’ve got a little bit of a lead and there’s about seven minutes, that’s when you put them away.”

  18. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Have you heard of Bria and Chrissy, the Lesbian Duo? If you haven’t, you probably will soon (like, about 30 seconds from now when you watch the video). This couple is, unsurprisingly, not fans of the right wing’s rhetoric and have decided that they’re mad (and gay) as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore! Their latest target is Todd “legitimate rape” Akin and his ridiculous assertion that woman who experience “real” rape can’t get pregnant.

    Here’s the highly entertaining music video:

  19. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Limbaugh: Obama Made Up Tropical Storm To Disrupt GOP Convention

    Rush Limbaugh assured his listeners yesterday that warnings that Tropical Storm Issac could land in Tampa are just “wishful thinking” on President Obama’s part. His logic, as usual, is unassailable:

    “The National Hurricane Center is Obama…The National Weather Service is part of the Commerce Department. It is Obama.”

    It certainly fits the Limbaugh far-right narrative; the president, having nothing more important on his plate than trying to ruin Republicans’ fun, has decided to create a phony (potential) weather crisis. The reasoning behind him doing something so outrageous? Let’s say… Joe Biden:

    “You know what it is in the media, it’s all about the hurricane hitting next week and they’re not talking about Biden,” Limbaugh continued. “They are talking about this Hurricane Isaac thing.

    Damn that slippery Socialist! President Obama has cleverly manipulated the media, keeping them from discussing the only relevant news story of all time, by somehow encouraging them to report on the weather, an act unprecedented in the history of journalism. Of course, in the eyes of Rush and his followers, anyone taking any note of current weather conditions is a leftist political activist. Just asking, “Hot enough for you?” is enough to get you accused of hating capitalism in their circles.

    Rush Limbaugh and his listeners don’t trust any science more complex than can be expressed by stick figures painted on cave walls. So how can he tell there’s no cause for concern? He used the formula Republicans always turn to, when empirical evidence contradicts their beliefs: He just sorta knows.

    “We, who live in south Florida, become experts on it and we don’t need the National Hurricane Center — we don’t need all these weather dolts analyzing this for us.”

    It all makes perfect sense, unless you think about it. After all, the ‘gut feelings’ of people who live in places with a high risk of adverse weather have always been sufficient; from Pompeii to San Francisco to Japan, just having spent time in a locale has always been enough to predict weather patterns there. Besides Tampa is only the 4th most likely place for a hurricane to touch down in the United States.

    So now that we know we have nothing to fear except Obama himself, we need to figure out what his next move will be:

    “I can see Obama sending FEMA in in advance of the hurricane hitting Tampa so that the Republican convention is nothing but a bunch of tents in Tampa…A bunch of RVs and stuff. Make it look like a disaster area before the hurricane even hits there.”

    I don’t know for certain how many presidents have sent tents into an area in advance of a possible tropical storm touching down there, but I assume the answer is, “Only an idiot would even ask that question.” I do know there’s 10 RV parks in the city of Tampa alone, so you can expect to see some campers around the area, without it necessarily being government intervention. And even if you could somehow divorce yourself from reality long enough to entertain this spastic fantasy, wouldn’t the president be setting himself up for ridicule? The entire world will have media present in Tampa for the convention. If Obama sent FEMA and emergency services down there (in tents, obviously) and tried to stage this scenario, he’d look pretty stupid when nothing happened.

    Of course, Rush is the only person suggesting this as a possibility. And his listeners will believe him, be outraged, and then forget about it immediately after they’re told what to be outraged about next time. There’s no accountability in Limbaugh Land.

    1. Gryphen, great site! This is my first visit, I followed a link from Malia Litman's blog, thanks for the info tied up for me. Apart from sharing an admiration for La Maddow, which I watch at 4 am before I go to work, I have also been curious about the coming of a possible Hurricane Isaac, and its possible effect on the RNC get together. But--My partner is a storm chaser, and we pay attention to any tropical storm on the horizon.

    2. I call it Limbaughville and Beckistan.

      Your post brought back memories of my angst with President Obama over how he handled the Gulf oil spew.

      Selling the Coast Guard to BP was perhaps his only option, but he let a slick-talkin' BP-paid scientist tell him why millions of gallons of Corexit sprayed at the source of the spew was the ONLY answer.

      I fault President Obama for not researching why Corexit is banned in Europe before agreeing to allow BP to use it in May 2010. Because he is a smart man, i expect a lot from him.

      On the other hand, my disappointment over the chemical devastation in the Gulf is balanced by my mother-in-law's Social Security check being increased $63 a month and BetterHalf now being insurable in spite of being in HepC treatment in 2007. These are tangible results of this administration.

      I know in my heart the Man is peddling as fast as he can...

      (... romney/ryan/republicans ~ not so much...)

    3. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

      Wow! Rush has one huge load of paranoid impacting his bowels! I mean, Obama can control the weather at will? And he let the drought devastate the entire midwest? Here's a clue, don't have your convention in "Hurricane Alley".

      Yeah, Our President made a few mistakes, but there's no question he's got our backs.

      What have the Republican Congress done to earn the lowest approval rating in history? Sat on their thumbs collecting checks. When they DO something, it's to hurt Obama, America, and the Economy.

      "Don't Boo, Vote!" -President Obama

  20. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Young Barack Obama's Genuinely Hilarious Self-Parody

  21. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Why Won’t Sarah Palin Admit Her Body Has Magic Powers

  22. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Gawker publishes The Bain Files.

    "Today, we are publishing more than 950 pages of internal audits, financial statements, and private investor letters for 21 cryptically named entities in which Romney had invested—at minimum—more than $10 million as of 2011 (that number is based on the low end of ranges he has disclosed—the true number is almost certainly significantly higher). Almost all of them are affiliated with Bain Capital, the secretive private equity firm Romney co-founded in 1984 and ran until his departure in 1999 (or 2002, depending on whom you ask). Many of them are offshore funds based in the Cayman Islands. Together, they reveal the mind-numbing, maze-like, and deeply opaque complexity with which Romney has handled his wealth, the exotic tax-avoidance schemes available only to the preposterously wealthy that benefit him, the unlikely (for a right-wing religious Mormon) places that his money has ended up, and the deeply hypocritical distance between his own criticisms of Obama's fiscal approach and his money managers' embrace of those same policies. They also show that some of the investments that Romney has always described as part of his retirement package at Bain weren't made until years after he left the company."

  23. Randall12:38 PM

    If you - in any regard whatsoever - believe in "freedom for us, but not for them"

    ...then you don't even understand the concept of freedom.

  24. Evelyn Waugh1:30 PM

    Here's what I want to know: the GOP hates what they've dreamed up as "death panels," but they're creating "rape panels," as I understand it.

    Who is to decide "forcible" and "legitimate" rape?

    If the people who decide (mostly men, who can't imagine, most of them, what it's like to be physically
    violated), that a woman is pregnant and probably was asking for it, will they and the government pay for:

    All pre-natal care, vitamins, food, possible hospitalization for complications?
    Psychological care for the rape victim?
    All obstetrical care for the birth of the rapist's baby? After-birth costs of diapers, food, housing, clothing, pediatrician visits, etc.?
    Lost wages, lost tuition, or housing expenses incurred by a woman whose body has been taken over by the government for nine months?

  25. Anita Winecooler7:43 PM

    Rachel is my favorite journalist/author/ and Woman on Television. Of all the shows on MSNBC, hers is by far the best researched. She's got integrity and corrects her few mistakes quickly.

    And every Friday, she makes cocktails and sends everyone to Jail, and she does it so politely!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.