Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney even screws up his VP introduction. "Join me in welcoming the next PRESIDENT of the United States." Update!

Off to a rollicking good start aren't they? (P.S. Is that NOT the worst, most inappropriate music you have ever heard during the introduction of a VP candidate?)

H/T to Buzzfeed

If you want to follow my tweets during this fiasco they can be found here.

Update: Aha, now we know how Paul Ryan got this VP nomination!

 Can't say I'm shocked by that.

Update 2: Perhaps we are being too harsh. After all how can THIS not be a winning ticket for the Republicans?

Hat tip to Azure Ghost.


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Did you see the woman behind mitt powdering her face for 5 min? She looked so bored when milt was speaking

    1. I was intrigued by the black man behind the podium - was he SS? He sure looked everywhere except at the speaker.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:57 AM

      Ha! I noticed the "uncomfortable" brown folk in the background. This is how Romney "rolls", remember the NAACP fiasco?

  2. Not What You Want to Hear5:59 AM

    Absolutely cringe-inducing. No, solemn and patriotic trumpet music does not jibe with a preppy Eddie Munster bounding on stage.

  3. Anonymous6:05 AM

    lol freudian slip?
    what a doofus.

  4. angela6:06 AM

    I was excited to see they had taken the ONLY black people in the audience and put them behind the podium. Ahhhhh republicans . . .

    Ryan was sweating and believe me he needs to get the jump on that because the Obama campaign will make him wee all over himself very soon. The freudian slip of Mitt's was interesting. Anybody think he picked Ryan to get the heat off of himself?

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Hampton Roads area of Virginia is 31% black.

      I only noticed 4 black people in audience.

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM

      No...don't think the pick was to deflect heat. Almost any pick would have done that for the short term.

      I think this pick was far more thoughtful that 2008. I noted on the campaign trail earlier in the year that Romney and Ryan hit it off well and I predicted then that he would be the VP choice. Paul is not the safe pick because he does alienate people but he meets Romney's needs and campaign-wise he adds some spark whereas a Pawlenty or any of the others on the short list would have been yawners.

      It still won't make Romney any more palatable to the tea party though and I doubt the pick will help Romney win. At this point in time the only way Obama loses is if the economy takes a major plunge before the election. If it stays as it is people arent going to risk the inevitable recovery by voting for the new guy.

      I predict Romney gets a jump in the polls this week and then he'll start to sink again as he continues to open his mouth!


    3. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Mitt picked Ryan to score a couple of points with the Teabaggers who are upset about Govt spending.

      If Republicans are true and stand by their mantra of fiscal and personal responsibility, Mitt has to release more years worth of tax returns.

      The "Free the 1040s" song will be playing louder and more frequently than "Call Me Maybe" on a teen's iPod.

    4. Anonymous7:11 AM

      The Republican term is 'BLAH PEOPLE'.

    5. Anonymous7:22 AM

      It was really a stupid pick, becuse Mitt was all about lack of transparency - they picked the guy who will tell you how Mitt and the 1% will continue to pick the pockets of the 99% and drive them further into debt.

  5. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Wow, Mitt! Paul Ryan, the next President of the United States?!? Even you don't believe you can win this thing. I guess it wasn't or isn't your time.
    But, thanks for tipping us off, Mitt. Ryan is being groomed for 2016.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Well, CNN just played a video of Obama saying the same thing when he introduced Biden, but he immediately corrected one had to remind him of his gaffe. When NBC broke in with the news bulletin last night, but my son and myself was thinking that Romney was pulling out. What a disappointment! Just read Ryan's voting that is scary. Google it and eat a Tums!

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      can't wait to see what happens at the peepond when they figure out what this does to $carah's chances in 2016. Maybe it will dawn on them sometime the middle of next week - if sooner, it means they follow IM.

    3. Patriot4Palin8:57 AM

      It does NOTHING because God has chosen Governor Palin to be America's next POTUS! Deal with it instead of spitting in God's eye right along with your homosexual loving, food stamp doling fraud in the WH. Governor Palin will be the nominee because it is GOD'S WILL

    4. Anonymous9:30 AM

      God doesn't get involved in partisan politics.

    5. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Pee4Palin - seek help. Before it's too late. And quit taking the name of the Lord in vain idiot.

      Paul Ryan is stuck in his mid-20 with his continued idolization of Ayn Rand. Most of those worshipers, myself included, grew up and realized that the world does not thrive on selfishness and self centeredness. I thank God everyday that I came to my senses. When even the Catholic Bishops think you are a mean and cruel SOB, maybe its time to rethink your priorities Ryan.

      Obama/Biden 2012

    6. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Just how much $$ have you donated to the Grifter that was used by her for plastic surgery??Fool. As the saying goes a Fool and his MONEY are soon parted .The only thing Stupider that a Paylin is her followers.

    7. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I think that was "snark".

  6. Virginia Voter6:21 AM

    Well, Mitt will just retroactively correct himself, besides it was really just the beginning of the day, and we know how Mitt fucks up when he's not rested.

    I am thrilled with this pick...and I would suggest anyone else who is should kick in some $$ to the Obama campaign if they can afford to. Paul Ryan is one of the Koch's favorite members of Congress. Can't contribute? Then log in to and make some calls from home

  7. Not What You Want to Hear6:22 AM

    It's the Vulture Corporatism ticket come to life. Private equity firms pillaging companies that old-fashioned capitalists built from the ground up, aided and abetted by a government that rewards these equity firms with a lower tax rate for doing so.

  8. I was watching Up with Chris Hayes when this played out this morning. Rachel Maddow made a great point: if 2 democrats, neither of whom served in the military - and whose families are not known for serving either, came bounding out of a battle ship the republicans would be screaming their lungs out. What is it with republicans of questionable military backgrounds (I'm taking about you W) claiming to be defense wonks?

  9. Anonymous6:29 AM

    By 2016, Democrats will have saved Ametica from these insensitive boors, and the stage will be set for our first female POTUS. And GOP sycophants need not apply.

  10. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan representing bullies and brown-nosers across the nation.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Vulture/Voucher 2012

      No, that doesn't sound so good.

      Bully/Brown-noser 2012

      Motto: We're rich, so screw you.

      Yes! That's the ticket. What could possibly go wrong?

    2. Not What You Want to Hear11:16 AM

      Anonymous9:04 AM: "Vulture/Voucher 2012
      No, that doesn't sound so good."

      OH YES IT DOES!!! I'm using that line for the rest of the campaign season!

  11. oh and the repubs seem to be a little smarter about what music they "appropriate" from liberal singers/composers. the rousing theme playing for the grand entrance? theme from Airforce 1 movie, composed by a liberal who is deceased so unable to voice his displeasure for having been co-opted by the right.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Whoever own the rights can still complain - estate, wife, kids, etc. .

  12. Anonymous6:34 AM

    biden will demolish ryan in debates.

  13. Anonymous6:37 AM

    ANd here liberals go with their ONLY criticism: personal attacks and propaganda.

    I do enjoy that we have 4 people (obama, biden, romney and ryan) who are known for the most hilarious gaffes in recent history. Notice how just the latter two get ridiculed for them. Sure Biden gets temporarily laughed at, but they haven't affected his reputation in general. And Obama's gaffes, even the huge ones, are ignored.


    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      I guess Bush jr isn't considered recent history to you? Ah yes, conservatives want to just forget they voted for him...twice.

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      The TROLLS are on one today. Romney is GAFFE CENTRAL.

    3. Anonymous7:11 AM

      More of the but, but, but, President Obama does it. We aren't talking about President Obama or Vice President Biden. We are talking about Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, so please try to keep up.

      Personal attacks and propaganda, you mean like Sarah Palin (see, I can play at that game too)?

      She has made millions cashing in on personal attacks and propaganda, and don't try to deny it, because if you do, "YOU LIE!" (H/T Rep. Joe Wilson).

    4. Anonymous7:15 AM

      If you REALLY like HILARIOUS gaffes, go watch ANY video of Sarah Palin speaking -- anywhere. She's a hoot!!!

      Warning: You'll want to put on a fresh pair of Depends first.

    5. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Please cite two or three of President Obama's huge gaffes. Thank you.

    6. Olivia7:29 AM

      What gaffes have Obama made that even come close to RMoneys? What huge gaffes have been ignored? Why don't you do your patriotic duty and enumerate them so we all will be as enlightened as you? Or are they such a secret only you know about them?

    7. Anonymous7:33 AM

      @6:37 -aka IDIOT TROLL:

      We had to listen to you fools try to pin gaffes on PRESIDENT Obama. The problem was, they weren't gaffes, they were clear, on the fly corrections. See unedited video of the "57 states." Remember, the one where you fools tried to claim he was referring to Muslim states?

      In the video we see and hear the President-to-be saying "we've been (or are going) to fif- ..." A clear reference to the fifty United States. An aide off camera corrects him - probably reminding him that they aren't going to campaign outside the lower 48 - common practice, most candidates don't go to Alaska and Hawaii. The aide then further corrects, likely pointing out that so far they have only been to 47 of the lower 48. Obama corrects mid-sentence to reflect that.

      So we have a busy candidate, with a slight scheduling inaccuracy, using a classic American phrase - these fifty United States, correcting to be more precise about his schedule, and you doofusses accuse him of being a Muslim based on that - talk about reaching.

    8. Anita Winecooler7:37 AM

      You've got a good point, but it's the frequency of the "Gaffes" Romney makes and the setting they're in, not so much the "gaffes" themselves.
      Today, the highpoint of his political career, Romney introduces Ryan as "The Future President of the United States", then comes back after someone pointed it out to him "I'm known to make "mistakes" from time to time..VICE President of the Unites States".
      He also said "people of all ethic backgrounds" but didn't bother to self correct that one.

      Funny how Ryan forgot to mention "Stericycle" in his list of "Bain" companies that Romney successfully turned around. With so few successes, one would think it would have bolstered his argument.

      Oh wait, Stericycle, as part of it's business structure, profits off disposal of the byproducts of Abortion, so I guess his bias couldn't be revealed.

    9. Anonymous7:54 AM

      When you diss the prep on the eve of the Olympics opening, you deserve the public scorn of that country's Prime Minister. It's not bias, it's a unforced error.

      It also badly tarnished one of the jewels in the Romney resume, because it limited mentioning "saving" the 2002 Olympics.

      So, what exactly, was the role of the "liberals" in this Romney Shambles? Zilch!!! Romney blundered and has only himself to blame.

      Babbling "bias" will not rescue Romney from his own dismal ineptness.

    10. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Name 1 Huge gaff of Obama's.

    11. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Consider the gaffe of Sarah Palin talking about "prostituting".Did she really mean to call attention to the fact that her husband not only pays prostitutes for sex,he has long term relationships with them,pimps them out for business purposes,and emails them to tyell them that they "light up his life"?

  14. Balzafiar6:39 AM

    Paul Ryan is also 100% in OPPOSITION to separation of church and state.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      And he's a member of the largest gloabl pedophile protecting organization in the world - the RCC.

    2. Anony 7:43 ~

      Uh, Joe's Catholic, too...

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      cartman, are you dyslexic? To whom are you replying?

  15. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I REALLY need to run for high office. It's like the only way that I could ever piece together my lovely and adventurous teens and 20s, and not lift a finger. All I'd have to do is let jealousy assholes with no other arguments do it for me.

    Our priorities aren't good. We ignore behavior on the left that is mirrored on the right. We personally attack those on the right when they are no more inhuman and less real than those on the left.

    It's sad. And sadder that the only mentions of race in politics COMES FROM THE LEFT.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      You are Delusional and STUPID. Get your head out of your ass and stay away from FAUX NEWS.

    2. The policies of the right against women are horrific - there is no other way to describe them - then we can talk about the GOP policies - Paul Ryan's in particular if you wish, towards the poor, elderly and disabled.

      There is no humanity of note in the GOP policies - which is why the leaders of the party are called out for what they say and promote.

      And lets talk about Race - who accuses President Obama of being "different". Who thinks he could not have possibly been born in the USA. Who says the President and his family are "uppity" and should be so very thankful that they are allowed to live in the white house. Certainly isn't those on the left.

      The priorities of President Obama and his administration are just fine - take your bile someplace else.

    3. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Resorting to calling people jealous? Sound like you still ARE in your teens.

      Anyone who worships Ayn Rand is inhuman. I sure hope you're not living on any form of government assistance (my instinct tells me you are).

    4. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Examples, please.

    5. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Do you REALLY want to bring up the disgraceful Willie Horton ad?

    6. Evelyn Waugh7:39 AM

      A great deal about Paul Ryan can be deduced from his love of Ayn Rand.

      As anyone familiar with the tedious writings of Ayn Rand knows, she was a rabid atheist. Ryan says he can jibe this with his Roman Catholicism, but it will be a balancing trick to see how he does it. Will Evangelicals care what Rand wrote? Mormons?

      She also led a secretive cult, with love affairs with her followers, jealous denunciations of a lover who broke away from her -- all very strange and not at all apple pie and the American flag.

      btw: Ayn rhymes with "mine," which is what she was all about. I've got mine -- I don't care about you. She thought that generosity and altruism were evil. How does Ryan square that with the Pope? How will Evangelicals take it in? What about the Mormons?

      The Virtue of Selfishness was one of her most famous books. Is that what we want for ourselves? Is that the kind of leaders we want? Paul Ryan = Ayn Rand. Remember that through November 6th.

    7. Anita Winecooler7:45 AM

      It IS sad, and I wish the right WOULD address race more often, because America isn't a country made up of one race, and it's leader should include all races in it's policy decisions. When a candidate has to bus in people of color when addressing the NAACP, it sends the wrong message.

    8. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Ayn Rand collected social security and possibly medicare. Paul Ryan paid for college with his father's social security.

      The "I got mine, fuck you!" attitude is alive and well in the GOP.

    9. ManxMamma8:07 AM

      But you're the only one who mentioned race here. What gives?

    10. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Why are people responding to @6:42's jumble of nonsensical illiteracy with anything more than a 'Go on back to bed darlin'. Grown folks are trying to talk.' ?

      Obama/Biden 2012.

    11. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Your post makes no sense whatsoever.

    12. Anonymous6:45 PM

      @6:42, I think you're already high so no need to run for high office. Nobody would vote for you anyway. Just go away and find a new place to troll.

  16. Anonymous6:51 AM

    When Obama introduced Biden, he did the same thing, but quickly corrected himself...Romney ran back and had to be told by an aide that he Romney shambled again!

  17. A little '5 o'clock shadow' on the Munster and he would look like the Tawd. Palin herself is probably thinking about gettin' an Ayn Rand hairdo in the hopes the new "president' will look her way. OMG! when I heard that I nearly wet myself laughing.

    Going to be an interesting few months ahead. The real President ought to book another trip to Florida and chat up the Seniors again. I hear there are also a lot of rethug voters on unemployment and social services throughout the south who will also lose big time with the plan.

  18. Anonymous7:08 AM

    '''It's sad. And sadder that the only mentions of race in politics COMES FROM THE LEFT.''

    You couldn't possibly be this naive, unless you are 12.

  19. Anita Winecooler7:11 AM

    I suspected he'd "go there". Didn't the council of Catholic Bishops slam the Ryan Plan for it's mistreatment of the poor? What foreign experience do either of them have?

    The optics were all wrong, the little brownnoser emerges with no tie, Romney with no jacket. From a Battleship? What military experience do either of them have?

    I love the names on brown noser's high school year book.

    Best Male Athlete Randy Woodman

    Best Female Athlete Jane Blower

    Wonder what they considered "sports" in his school?

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Were Woodman and Blower voted Best Couple? If they married she would be Jane Blower Woodman.

  20. It didn't take long for the trolls to show up.
    Seems like you can dish it out but can't take it, hmmm?

    The Obama campaign is still warming up; as the saying goes, you ain't seen nuthin yet.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Seniors everywhere, especially Florida, I hope you are taking notes.

  21. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I would dearly love to get aboard the Ryan pick being a "gift to Obama", but there are too many frightening factors...

    - Voter suppression in swing states
    - Lower than expected democratic turnout
    - The radical right in general
    - The GOP flat-out cheating the system

    People must get out and vote. Don't wait until the last minute to get your Voter ID "Papers" in order. Make sure if you're a first-time voter that you'll be able to vote. Check on grandma & grandpa and see that they'll be able to vote. Don't assume that everything will be okay; be prepared!

    1. Dinty8:27 AM

      The Ryan pick was basically giving up the Senior vote. We will hammer the crap out of Ryan on his attempts to gut Medicare. Seniors vote - and they won't be voting for Romney in November after we are done.

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Actually, I think democrats are more enthused than they were in 2010 and GoPers are less enthused. Ryan hasn't been tested nationally as a campaigner and his plan is so unpopular that some GOP candidates were running against it.

      Oh and he picked the one guy who can't help him win his home state. According to Nate Silver, Paul Ryan is VERY unpopular in wi. He probably thinks this will help him get working class Catholics but only the dumb ones.

    3. Completely agree...election fraud will be rampant.

  22. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I guess that means that Sarah Palin won't be chosen to run in 2012. Maybe she could run as the Darling of the Tea Party. Run, Sarah, Run!

  23. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Mormon/Catholic - that should challenge the Bible Belt.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      "Mitt has been laboring hard to tell conservatives that he’s a real conservative all through the primary season (as well as all through his earlier stab at getting the nomination in 2008), but it hasn’t worked. “What can I do?” he’s been asking himself, over and over and over again, and after last Tuesday, the answer was clear: Paul Ryan for VP.

      You see, before his election to the House in 1998, Paul Ryan’s last job was legislative director for . . . wait for it . . . Senator Sam Brownback. The harsh policies that Brownback is pushing on Kansas? Think “Paul Ryan’s budget at the state level“."


    2. Ryan's no Catholic, don't care what he claims. His worship of Ayn Rand goes against every Catholic teaching I've ever had. We are taught from the time we were old enough to sit in a pew to love our neighbor; to give to charities; to help the poor and homeless. While I do not go along with the Church's opinions regarding women (and covering up for those pedophile priests)I will say that the Church's (all denominations) are always willing to lend a hand. The help's not always wanted (hey, preachers, leave those sikhs alone) alone

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      In the 2008 debates, Brownback raised his hand and said he didn't believe in evolution.

      Is this Ryan's opinion, too?

      Surely not that of the Catholic Church?

      What do the Mormons think -- besides Jesus arriving in a cornfield in Missouri when the Rapture comes?

  24. All I need to know about Ryan. Hope the Democrats make a big deal out of it:

    "Co-sponsored a personhood amendment. Ryan joined 62 other Republicans in co-sponsoring the Sanctity of Human Life Act, which declares that a fertilized egg “shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.” "

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      All I need to know about Ryan.

      George W. Bush: Paul Ryan Is 'A Strong Pick'

      Mission Accomplished.

    2. Holy cannoli! I had forgotten about that abomination.

      I just texted a donation to President Obama. I love the digital world . . . .

  25. Anonymous8:14 AM

    There goes the senior vote!

  26. Dinty8:15 AM

    Of course this is a move to re-focus the news cycle away from Mitt's missing tax returns. The first question to Ryan should be "How many years of tax returns did you provide to the Romney Campaign in order to be vetted?"

    This tax issue is killing his credibility as a candidate.

  27. Evelyn Waugh8:18 AM

    Also note that Ayn Rand was a Jewish woman who left the Soviet Union, went to Hollywood to try to be a screenwriter, failed, came up with her cock-a-mamie "philosophy," married an alcoholic Irishman who let her do what she wanted to do. She loved being at the center of her circle, and in the middle of controversy. Because she "made" it with a couple of really sophomoric novels, she felt she'd proven that everyone should make it on his own.
    Of course, she could only do that in America, with a system that supported a society that could afford kooks like her.
    Paul Ryan takes from the "Ayn Rand buffet," but clearly doesn't understand the woman or her warped personality.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Ayn Rand smoked two packs a day and then happily recieved a monthly government check to deal with the ensuing lung cancer.

      This is the idol of the party of personal responsibility? The party of hypocrisy is more like.

  28. Anonymous8:19 AM

    7:40 AM, my thoughts exactly. I wonder if this cynical pick is a sop to the Catholics. Willard picked a person from a religion that calls his own a cult. Now they will work together to accomplish an evil goal (Prop 8 in California) but after the job is done, they go their separate ways. I remember as a kid in the late 70's my parents would not open the door for the LDS people and told me they were evil and to stay away from them or I'd go to hell.
    Willard is older than me but Ryan is the same age and I wonder if he got told the same thing by his Catholic parents.
    Disclaimer: I am an atheist now and do not believe in any god or the ability to become one (if I were white, male, and LDS).

  29. jcinco8:36 AM

    I guess thurston doesn't need the moderate vote..or the senior vote...or college students' vote...or womens' vote....or black or latino vote...does he think all the social security and medicare recipients are going to pass away before november? can't wait to hear sawah's take on this..not

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Rmoney doesn't need any of those constituents' votes cuz he knows that the voting is going to be rigged in all of the so-called swing states. Exit polls can no longer be relied upon and if it is ever so close the votes on the Diebold machines will be flipped for Rmoney. The stakes are too high and the Karl Roves of the party know that. Get out and vote Obama/Biden!!

  30. Paul - Minnesota8:44 AM

    And in other news: Tim Pawlenty is plenty pissed.

    As is Michele Bachmann. Sorry Michele. I don't know what part of boring white GUY you didn't understand.

    Figures, Mr. Robot couldn't even get his statement about the next VP correct, though he probably did get it right. The tea party people creamed in their pants when Mittens said, the next POTUS re: Ryan.

  31. Anonymous8:48 AM

  32. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Romney even screws up his VP introduction. "Join me in welcoming the next PRESIDENT of the United States."

    May not be a mistake.
    Romney going to have ask Ryan.
    Is this ok to do. Be for doing anything.
    If Ryan like it, Romney like it..
    If Ryan don`t like it, Romney don`t like it..

  33. I guess losing Florida doesn't matter to Willard.

  34. Not so fast, Gryphen. It ain't over till it's over.

    I still think Rmoney will pick a woman for VP. Possibly Condoleeza Rice, The Screechy Wretch(tm) or Nikki Haley. Don't forget Anney Rmoney said they were SERIOUSLY considering a woman.

    Maybe it will be a completely unknown woman, such as Vernece Wilson, 51, a homemaker and part-time accountant from Bayonne, NJ.

    When I reached her by phone this morning to get her reaction to possibly becoming Rmoney's running mate, Vernece replied coyly, "Are you shitting me?? I can't stand Rmoney! He's just a rich old doofus. There is no way in hell I would agree to run as his VP."

    Methinks she doth protest too much!

    It makes a lot of sense for Mittens to pick her and I predict he will. She brings middle-class authenticity and bookkeeping skills to the ticket. Certainly a better pick than Portman (unless it's Natalie...), Pawlenty or that little weasel from Wisconsin whose name I can't recall at the moment.

    And that is why I have endorsed Williard Milliard Mittens "Mitt" Rmoney to president in 2012.


    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      My money is on Moira Smith TeaParty h8TR and conspiracy wingnut for VP.
      Her credentials may be seen here:

      Her first campaign speech?!

  35. AHAHAHA...Romney introduces Paul Ryan as "the next President of the United States"...To top it off Paul Ryan immediately plagiarized an Obama campaign commercial ....THE most played commercial that ends with this message "Mitt Romney's not the solution. He's the problem". Paul Ryan says " My dad died when I was young. He was a good and decent man. I still remember a couple of things he would say that have really stuck with me. "Son you are either part of the problem or part of the solution."
    Regrettably, President Obama has become part of the problem,...and Mitt Romney is the solution.

    1. From

      While Eldridge Cleaver is often cited as having coined this phrase in a 1968 speech, Charles Rosner, a renowned advertiser and marketer from the 60s through the 90s, actually wrote "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" for VISTA as a recruitment slogan in 1967.

      Read more:'re_either_part_of_the_solution_or_you're_part_of_the_problem#ixzz23GO4DCrt

    2. Not that I'm defending Ryan but that phrase (or similar versions of it) has been around for awhile now. I even think Fred Thompson said something similar in Hunt for Red October (I'll have to watch it again to make sure. Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin - sigh)

    3. Oops - turned out to be Die Hard 2 - Bruce Willis. Now I'll have to watch both. Rough afternoon ;)

    4. I was referring to this comparison,

      "Mitt Romney's not the solution. He's the problem". /Obama ad

      "Regrettably, President Obama has become part of the problem,...and Mitt Romney is the solution" /Ryan speech

      Thank you for pointing out that Ryan also plagiarized Charles Rosner with.."Son you are either part of the problem or part of the solution." ..........and I would "bet the rent" that his father NEVER uttered those words to him....Willard is schooling Ryan on the fine art of

    5. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Not to mention lying also and projecting. This was slyly done when Rmoney said that Obama wanted to get rid of Medicare as we know it and NOBODY calls him on it. I was watching Tweety and pals and not one of those shills called Rmoney on that big fat lie. David Gregory is worthless. Ever notice how Gregory looks like Barney Rubble? He's got rocks for brains.

  36. Anonymous9:41 AM

    These two are turning out to be bigger ass clowns than McCain/Palin - no small feat.

    Only an idiot would choose this moment to introduce a VP candidate. America is not interested in this chit now.

    Over thirty Olympic gold medals will be decided today.

    Tomorrow is the Closing Ceremony.

    In addition, Mitt blew a gold medal opportunity. He should have supported his wife and stood by her side as her horsey competed. That is exactly what any loving husband would do - stand by his spouse, hold her fucking hand through the flak storm.

    I swear, the puppet masters must want these guys to fail.

  37. Anonymous9:51 AM

    FORBES 5/24/2012
    Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?

  38. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Hm, there's nothing that I'd rather see than Mr Obama win this year's election, however when the announcement was broadcast on Swedish radio news the word "vice" was clearly there...
    Anna, Stockholm

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Strange. If you're talking about Romney announcing Ryan then the "vice" couldn't have been very clear. Because Romney himself came back to make the correction.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Sweden must have been watching the speech in Manassa, Virginia later in the day.

    3. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Anna and Virginia, I heard the word "vice"spliced in too! but don't know which network I was watching. Do you remember Manassa, Virginia? I thought it was a terrible thing for any reputable news organization to alter it!!!

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Sorry, when I wrote my comment I hadn't heard that Romney had corrected himself. It must have been that version I heats,

  39. Shades of 1964. Could be the beginning of a landslide for Obama, but we must get out the vote. My righty friends are still all het up about the lawsuit over early voting in Ohio. They now feel that the extra three days should be allowed only to military because they "defend our freedom." They also say that if one wants to vote in the three days before election day, they must enlist and "fight for your country." How can you argue with that?
    I think that the Ryan choice will be part of the narrative in the next book: Game Change 2.0

  40. Let's just hope that Paul Ryan doesn't have any school bus vandalizin', abstinence preachin' teen mother, hair school goin' kids that we're gonna be stuck listening to for the next four years.

  41. Anonymous10:07 AM

    No response from Sarah yet?

    1. Have Mercy! Took a ride on the Information Super Highway and got off at the "Crazies4Palin" exit...and boy did the patients deliver today! The nuts are gathered in the DayRoom (Open Thread) and the cacophony of noise was so loud even the Staff (moderators) weren't able to get the patients to calm down!

      I did see a couple of old geezer talking about the Ryan pick...they haven't received their kool-aid(FB post from RAM/Baldy) yet so they are not sure if they like Ryan or not...some keep saying..."what does Gov Baldy say"! The TV with FAKE News blaring in the background just keeps repeating Meh saying...."Join me in welcoming the next PRESIDENT of the United States" and some of the fools were hoping he meant Baldy...but so far my favorite conversation was between these two certifiable nuts...

      AngelaTX Today 01:58 AM
      I like Ryan...however, the RNC better NOT use that as an excuse to shun Sarah from the convention. It's a sign of disrespect for them to give friggin Pam Bondi a speaking role but not the first female Republican VP pick. Sarah's pick was historical, and she deserves the honor of a primetime speaking role. That's not asking for much. It's common decency and courtesy. All she needs is to be included. It's no like we are asking for her to take over the convention.

      We need to be relentless about pushing this issue. They cannot treat Sarah like crap and get away with it. The media and the Dems will pound this relentlessly if she doesn't get an invite. I wouldn't be surprised if they ran ads during Tampa. There's no way the public (conservatives and independents) will view it as anything less than a vile, disgusting snub. And the pundits will bring it up over and over.

      And I don't blame them. The media WILL be right for once if they point out the disgusting, repulsive, disrespect shown the first female on a national ticket.

      overthecoastline Today 02:18 AM in reply to AngelaTX
      Personally, I think it's better that she's not included. It may not be immediately apparent now, but her being shunned is going to continue to be big news in the months - and years - ahead.

      It sets her apart. It keeps people talking/wondering about/admiring her. It keeps her as an outsider, which only burnishes her credentials under a GOPe/Romney presidency. By 2016, the nation will be looking around for true, common sense conservatives. And ONLY SARAH will be ready to answer the call.... and ride on the shoulders of millions of Americans all the way to Washiington. This is not Sarah's time. But her time will come, and when it does, it will come BIG. I don't want her to have caved in to the GOP and have attended their little high school prom party in 2012. I want her pure and untainted - a CANDIDATE FOR THE PEOPLE.... not approved by the Party.

      "Pure and untainted"....*SNICKER* think "overthecoastline" may have "overdosedonstupid" to come up with this shit! I'm guessing that the Ryan pick has not had any influence on the "Crazies4Palin" crowd one bit! I tell ya...the RNC Convention is shaping up to be "MUST LAUGH TV" and for sure they are going to deliver some serious laughs!

    2. GinaM -- Ryan also committed the supreme sin of attending a special showing of Game Change.

      Oh, the humanity!

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Gina, you hit the nail on the head.

      It's hilarious watching them scramble to form an opinion of their own. Until Sarah tells them what to think, they run amok and start attacking each other.

    4. Gina -

      "The media WILL be right for once if they point out the disgusting, repulsive, disrespect shown the first female on a national ticket."

      They really believe Granny Lou was first? Do you wanna tell 'em about Geraldine Ferraro or should I? (I'm hoping you offer to do it since I wouldn't visit that nuthouse if you paid me. But I appreciate your sacrifice and service for going there and reporting some highlights to us back here in the real world.)

    5. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Go back farther and mention Shirley Chisolm.

  42. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Paul Ryan is NO Sarah Palin
    But he'll do, I guess

  43. The Satanic Budget: Death To The Weakling (VIDEO)
    May 6, 2012
    By Ann Werner

    A little over a week ago, Paul Ryan had to disavow his heroine, Ayn Rand, after his church—the Catholic Church—came down on him for espousing her philosophy. The truth is that Ayn Rand is the darling of the Republican Party and Ryan’s budget is based upon principles she has championed.

    Here’s the video:

  44. Looks like Baldy is sleeping in...but she did have Brancy come up with one of the stupidest post about the Ryan pick that I've read so far!

    Those grifters sure know how to make everything about THEM! Brancy writes....

    "With all the excitement surrounding Mitt Romney’s announcement of his running mate, I ask you, readers, to pause.
    Just stop.
    Don’t write a word, don’t make a snap judgment, don’t critique the VP choice, don’t exult in its brilliance. Just take a moment and realize that whomever is chosen, he is a person about to go through an ordeal that few people will ever experience. Pray for his family. Pray that he can meet the challenges of the campaign trail without being burned by the spotlight.
    I saw it first hand four years ago, of course. (Can you believe that it’s been that long?)
    Our country’s future is at stake, and the other side will do all it can to not just defeat this person but also to destroy his reputation. The next 90 days will be among the most challenging of his life.
    I’m going to pray for Paul Ryan. Please join me."

    Then Brancy posted a picture of Paul Ryan and his family...a wife and 3 little KIDS! Little KIDS...not teenagers or young adults!

    How stupid are these people? Nevermind...I know the answer to that question! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Sarah destroyed her 'own' reputation four years ago! She lied about who and what she was and wasn't! Plus, she never birthed 'that' child and McCain covered it up for her.

      She's going to hell in a handbasket there is no doubt!! And, she's no more a christian than I!!!

    2. Anita Winecooler1:15 PM

      Gee, you think "Brancy" readers continued reading the post after being told to "Stop. Just Stop"?
      They're not the brightest bulbs, just sayin!

    3. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Oh how Bri$tol has $uffered! Ble$$ her heart.

      I'm laughing at the thought of her "praying" for Paul Ryan. Give me a break. Brancy is such a tool.

    4. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Brancy/Sarah: "I saw it first hand four years ago, of course. (Can you believe that it's been that long?) Why yes, Sarah, I can believe it's been that long. You've aged twenty years since then. By 2016 your looks will be gone and those new titties will be down around your knees. There'll be some new thang out there to send tingles down the legs of all the old geezers of the GOP. You should have squeezed through that door that God opened for you a year ago but you blew it big time and now you'll just be an asterisk in the wikipedias of the future.

  45. How does Bishop Willard explain to (the none practicing Catholic)Paul, that:

    He forgot to tell the Catholic Church about this:
    Roman Catholicism the “Great and Abominable Church”?
    In 1 Nephi chapter 13 we read of Nephi’s vision of the great and abominable church – whose founder was the devil Elder Bruce R. McConkie who made such charges in his first edition of Mormon Doctrine:

    In fact, Mormons believe that ALL non Mormons are an abomination...well, I do have to agree that Sarah Palin's brand of evangelicals ARE an abomination.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      And Catholics think Mormons need to be rebaptized..

  46. Well, 5 bucks here, 10 bucks there, I've started making my donations to the President, to Move On and others. We have to fight back to keep Obama in office and to keep the Right from taking over Congress completely.

  47. Anonymous2:54 AM

    OT slightly. Just watching the news here in Australia re Paul Ryan and they quite matter of factly described Sarah Palin as a'know nothing populist' and that at least Ryan was regarded as a serious politician.

    Well it made me laugh.


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