Saturday, August 11, 2012

Brutal new ad slams Mit Romney for illegal tax shelters.

Haven't heard of the "Son of Boss" scandal?

Then here let CNN fill you in:  

Romney has had a close, long-standing, personal and business connection with Marriott International and its founders. He served as a member of the Marriott board of directors for many years. From 1993 to 1998, Romney was the head of the audit committee of the Marriott board. 

During that period, Marriott engaged in a series of complex and high-profile maneuvers, including "Son of Boss," a notoriously abusive prepackaged tax shelter that investment banks and accounting firms marketed to corporations such as Marriott. In this respect, Marriott was in the vanguard of a then-emerging corporate tax shelter bubble that substantially undermined the entire corporate tax system. 

Son of Boss and its related shelters represented perhaps the largest tax avoidance scheme in history, costing the U.S. many billions in lost corporate tax revenues. In response, the government initiated legal challenges that resulted in complete disallowance of the losses claimed by Marriott and other corporations. 

In addition, the Son of Boss transaction was listed by the Internal Revenue Service as an abusive transaction, requiring specific disclosure and subject to heavy penalties. Statutory penalties were also made more stringent to deter future tax shelter activity. Finally, the government brought successful criminal prosecutions against a number of individuals involved in Son of Boss and related transactions not associated with Marriott, including principals at major law and accounting firms. 

In his key role as chairman of the Marriott board's audit committee, Romney approved the firm's reporting of fictional tax losses exceeding $70 million generated by its Son of Boss transaction. His endorsement of this stratagem provides insight into Romney's professional ethics and attitude toward tax compliance obligations.

I think this leaves little doubt that Romney is a notorious tax cheat which undoubtedly goes a long way to explain why he simply REFUSES to release his tax returns. I think we can all agree that Mitt Romney is nothing more than a money grubbing crook, who did everything in his power to avoid paying his fair share of taxes to the nation that he now wants to be put in charge of.

And this guy was the BEST the Republicans had to offer this election cycle? So much for their much vaunted confidence that Obama was "easy to beat after four years of poor job growth."

If they really felt that way they would have found a much better candidate than Mitt "It's my turn dammit!" Romney.

(H/T to Politicususa.)


  1. Anonymous5:21 AM

    And now add "Medicare vouchers" Ryan to the pot, and you have a real ugly stew brewing. Can hardly wait until the press gets hold of the real reason behind Ryan's budget: tax breaks for the oil companies who lease land from Ryan on Texas and big profits for Mr. Ryan. And his eyes still bug me...he looks like someone who's had his eyes dilated for medical reasons. Should be a fun few months: the tax cheat and the enabler. Go Obama!

  2. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Ryan looks a wee bit like Todd Palin.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      I agree - not too attractive physcially. He is suppose to be quit smart - we'll see! A brown noser in high school? Wanna bet that title is going to stick to him through this campaign? A tad embarrassing!!

  3. Sally in MI5:49 AM

    O/T but David Barton ahs been dropped by his Christian publisher and his book of fantasy about Jefferson pulled from their website for "errors." They emailed Barton to let him kn ow they would no longer publish him. Ha!

  4. Sharon6:36 AM

    This only gets better....I can't remember where I read it, but the Mormon Church owns Marriott or is a major stockholder. It was under the direction of the church he did this...which also begs the question, with all their financial assets (which are millions) how are they tax exempt? The ultimate goal of the church....control of the country, is that scarey or what. I believe Harry's buddy is Huntsman Sr...he is beyond reproach, and my guess is he is more than sick over Robme being the nominee. Robme is the expert at tax manipulation and even though Huntsman and Reid are both Mormons...seems even they feel he crosses the line as a greedy bastard.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      '''Huntsman Sr...he is beyond reproach'''

      You are naive or blind and deaf, if you think Huntsman is beyond reproach.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Those in high office (Congress) that are Mormon are coming out slowly but surely. It is apparent they don't like or respect Romney as to his Mormon affiliation.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  5. Well, no wonder the, Lying for the Lord" MORmON, does not want his Business mentioned anymore. Not only did he get rich with the blood of El Salvadoreans, he blatantly cheated the American People.

  6. HuffPo has an article in by Chris Kelly about Ryan closing tax loopholes and going after wealthy tax cheats.

    Is Ryan clueless about his running mate? Holding his (brown) nose for personal advancement? Or has he caught the etch-a-sketch flu?

    Can't wait for the debates. It's gonna be such fun.

  7. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Romney is a snake. And, I don't think putting Ryan on the ticket is a help. Changes to Medicare and SS - seniors will go in mass against them if they are paying attention - especially in Florida.

    President Obama and his campaign will make a big issue of the changes in Ryan's budget I'm sure.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  8. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I hope Romney's issue w/the Marriott and proof, again of tax evasion, gets more legs! Romney is horrible and should NEVER be in the White House!

    This guy is such a liar and fraud!

    Ryan is going to get an 'eduction' from Romney much as he did from Boehner in the House!! The VP selection is going to be one screwed up mental mess between the influence of both men!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  9. Anita Winecooler1:22 PM

    Son of Boss, or as known in the vernacular, SOB.

    We're still waiting, Mitt, did you research that yet? What IS the number?

    Where are your Tax records? Dear Old Dad is spinning in his grave, and the shiny object you just picked isn't going to make the issue go away.


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