Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Rush Limbaugh's giant head to explode in 3..2..1

Courtesy of Denver Post:  

In case you needed further proof of the importance of the women’s vote in Colorado this election – and that the Obama campaign is following the 2010 roadmap of U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet – word comes that Sandra Fluke will introduce President Obama at his Denver campaign stop. 

Fluke is the Georgetown Law Student who testified before Congress earlier this year in favor of insurance coverage of contraception, and gained national attention when conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh called her a “slut” and a “prostitute.” (Limbaugh later apologized). 

Obama is scheduled to speak at the Auraria Campus in downtown Denver Wednesday morning. While his talk – and other stops in Grand Junction, Pueblo and Colorado Springs – will be focused on his plans for the economy, the Fluke appearance brings to the forefront another area in which the Obama campaign is trying to differentiate its candidate from Mitt Romney.

You know I have developed a rather perverse habit of tuning into Limbaugh while I am driving in my car.  I am not precisely sure why I do it, and I can really only take it for minutes at a time, but I do have to say that it never fails to give me an overwhelming sense of superiority.

After all this may be one of the most idiotic, misogynistic, hateful pieces of shit on the planet, and he has literally millions of listeners who apparently are too undereducated to figure out how to wipe their asses properly, unless Rush give them step by step instructions.

And THAT ladies and gentlemen is who represents the base for the other side.

Sadly for all of us, they are just smart enough to figure out how to get to the polls and vote.

P.S. By the way if you think I am being TOO harsh I invite you to spend a few minutes listening to Rush's radio show.

Trust me, it will only take that long before you are convinced that I was being much too kind to the morons who actually tune in on a daily basis. Much too kind.


  1. Then Romney can come to Boukder, Ft Collins, and Colo Springs and tell us we need fewer firefighters.

    Colorado will be true Blue this November!

    1. *BouLder

    2. "Boukder?" I just met her.....


  2. vegaslib11:42 AM

    When it comes to shit for brains, you can never be too harsh. I can't listen to him at all because he makes me want to blow something up. I'm a really nice and loving person, but when these fucking morons speak their bullshit, I lose it.

    I happen to love the way you described the walrus and his brainless listeners. You made me laugh, he makes me crazy.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I agree. My dad listens to Rush Limbaugh. Last time I was in his car and Rush was on, I freaked out. I started screaming about how my dad might as well just call my sister and me sluts because we both need birth control for medical reasons. (We have had two operations each for endometriosis and have both been told we may need hysterectomies eventually.) Even my dad concedes that we need BC; he just doesn't believe that any insurance company would ever deny it to us, even though my sister's previous one did exactly that while covering Viagra.) I told him supporting Rush Limbaugh is tantamount to saying both of his daughters should make porn videos. Yeah, I got a little carried away, but I stand by everything I said.

      When we got home, I cut my arms pretty badly. (I have a long-standing habit of doing that. I have bipolar disorder and am in treatment for that and the cutting.) I tried to hide it but my mom either noticed or just realized how upset I was. Since then, she has enforced a strict "no discussions about or listening to Rush Limbaugh" rule when I am around.

  3. angela11:46 AM

    First, bravo to Sandra Fluke!

    Second, Gryphen I worry about you. Listening to Lush, even at small
    intervals, has been known to 'cause rashes, projectile diarrhea (I know-scary right?) green pustules of bile to appear on your skin and the biggest one--the possibility of major IQ diminishment. I trust that all the former have not happened. We can all attest to the fact that you have maintained the latter as your wit and intelligence remains intact.

    I hope you stretch before you tune in. You know, like reading a chapter of one of Palin's idiotic dictated books. Or that you tune into CSPAN when some of the crazier republicans get to air their opinions. Don't be going into the pit with Lush without training.

  4. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Listening to mush lamebrain is a good way to keep the need to keep fighting ignorance and hatred in the forefront of ones awareness. Just don't overdose.

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Didn't a few years ago he announce he was going deaf? I believe it had something to do with drug abuse. I remember seeing a photo of him years ago showing off his new slimmed down body. He had this smirk on his face. Of course, then it was revealed that he had lost the weight due to an Oxycontin drug problem. What a hypocritical bag of flab and gas. Disgusting.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Limpy going deaf is like Beck going blind.Total bullshit from two of the biggest assholes I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      I kinda thought that Lamebrain lost his hearing because his ears couldn't stand being packed with all of the crap anymore.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

      He got two of those fascist socialist commie pinko uber expensive cochlear implants after the oxycontin abuse rotted his eardrums.
      So, yes, the toe jam licker can hear what he's saying!

  6. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Does Rush send Sarah any of his oxy pills?

  7. C'mon, Gryphen, don't take El Rushbo so seriously! He's a harmless teddy bear. Or not so harmless, as angela points out. I used to listen to him myself until the doctor suggested that my nearly constant bleeding from EVERY bodily orifice might be related to the daily EIB broadcast. I mean, I had blood coming out of my eyes! I can't say for sure the show was the cause, but within 24 hours of not listening, all the bleeding stopped and I've been Limbo-free for almost 20 years.

    You libruls tend to blow everything out of proportion. Even the Sandra Fluke flap was... a fluke. He didn't REALLY mean that he wanted to see her publish a sex tape to compensate society for insurance-provided contraceptives(what???). Believe me, I have a feeling there is no shortage of X-rated material in Señor Rushbo's wall safe. Maybe even Y-rated, as in "SWEET MOTHER OF JEEBUS, Y DO YOU HAVE THIS VIDEO????"

    (to Gryphen's librul bolshevik blog buddies: there are some very rude jokes that would fit in REALLY, REALLY well at this phase of the comment, but perhaps it's better to leave the exact details to your own respective imaginations)

    1. Hedgwytch2:34 PM


    2. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

      Dolly Parton on a pogo stick? REALLY?

  8. A small mistake in the original Denver Post article; Limbaugh never apologized. He mentioned using "two words" that he shouldn't have, when he had actually gone on hours-long tirades spewing the utmost filth and lies about Fluke.

    And I don't believe he ever apologized for the actual lie of saying that Fluke wanted free, tax-payer funded contraception. She wanted insurance to cover contraception. She never said taxpayers should pay the premiums or the cost of insurance.

    To this day, many people believe that while she is not a slut or a prostitute, Fluke was asking for free contraception.

    He did not apologize and he was in no way sorry for his despicable behavior.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Yes, he absolutely did not apologize. He walked back his comments just enough to try not to lose more advertisers.

      I live in Colorado. I am so tired of the incessant political ads, but I hope the state goes blue. Romney's advocacy of reducing firefighters needs to go viral here.

      Sort of O/T, my brother is a police officer and says he is terrified of what will happen if Obama is re-elected because the Democrats want to cut law enforcement budgets so much. Anyone have any idea whether that's true? I kinda thought it was the Republicans who were doing that. My brother likes Sarah Palin, so I don't exactly consider him a credible source. Also, I am hearing rumblings from people at Fort Carson that "the military" hates Obama. Anyone care to refute or confirm?

  9. BabyRaptor12:54 PM

    I live with someone who worships the ground Limpdick walks on. There's no talking to these people. You can put the proof that they're wrong right in front of their faces and they'll choose to willfully deny reality.

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I too on occasion listen to old fatty rush-bo, only if i am driving and just to make sure my head is on straight
    if he says the sky is blue, I look out to verify its cloudy.
    His is pathetic...........you too sarah

  11. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I don't know how you manage to listen to him even for a few minutes. I can only manage a few seconds, when I bother at all. I can just feel my blood pressure skyrocketing...not good....

  12. Rush once said drug users should be imprisoned. The only time I agreed with him was when he turned out to be a big drug user.

  13. honeybabe1:41 PM

    boy, denver post has a lot of hate spewing in the comment section there. not even a hint of suggestions to make things better. just lots of hate!

  14. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Exclusive Interview:

    Brigham Young's Great-Great-Granddaughter on Mormonism and Mitt Romney

    A direct descendant of Brigham Young, Sue Emmett left the church because of the very values she says would make Romney a frightening president. She speaks exclusively with Jamie Reno.


    I hope this is the first of many to speak out. Ms. Emmett is now 71 and knows of what she speaks. WOW

  15. He does stir up the angry white men.

    Some years ago, I was walking the dog down a sidewalk past a new house under construction. The guys were taking a break and listening to Limbaugh, who was railing about Hillary. He didn’t actually say anything very negative; just that she’d consistently out earned her husband. It was his tone, and his repetitions, and the guys were getting stirred up.

    The men stared daggers at me, a woman of Hillary’s general description, and my poor dog.

  16. Limpy just spews toxic verbal diarrhea. He's the male Palin, only with bigger tits and a handle on vocabulary and syntax. He's a divisive, racist, xenophobic rabble rouser and needs to be ignored. From my experience, the people that listen to him (at least the ones I know) have a NEED to be angry at someone. For the most part, their lives SUCK. Shitty jobs, deplorable family situations, overbearing wives, sub-par living conditions, no real talents or ambitions, etc. Limpy found his niche - to allow the losers of society to cathartically vent their frustration. Problem is, Limpy is a sociopath and has these pathetic souls fighting against their own best interests.

  17. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I'll be there!!!! Bringing my 7-yr-old daughter along so that she can feel that she's part of history in the making. She & I marched together in the Pridefest parade here in Denver. She helped me register voters here on more than one occasion.

    All in all Denver is a fabulous place with so many open-minded people. It has a few nutters, of course, but the comments at the DPost are probably not indicative of the general populace here.

    Go Colorado!

  18. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Have not listened for several years.....still being treated for PTSD.....or is it STD?

  19. Anonymous4:39 PM

    O/T: On the Ed Show, Ed Schultz reported how Dick 'the dick' Cheney is now backtracking on his comments last week about McCain's choosing of Palin was a mistake. I believe Cheney's been hate-mail bombed by her ardent supporters. Pathetic. She'll speak at the convention, folks, in a prime-time slot. It's a given.

  20. Anonymous5:11 PM

    When Romney was in Junction, his presence didn't even cause a traffic problem. People stood in lines for hours to get tickets to see President Obama!

  21. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I first heard of Rush Limburger about 1988, when I was driving a battered old Subaru with an AM radio. This character named Rush Limbaugh was on and was ranting about "The homos...(argle bargle argle bargle)...the homos...(argle bargle argle bargle)....the homos!" I said aloud that anybody who gets that mad about "the homos" is somebody who will be sooner or later arrested in a public restrom for propositioning a cop. Except that Rush apparently goes to the Dominican Republic for his walks on the wild side. You may remember the time Customs caught him coming back with a bunch of non-prescribed Viagara he'd gotten from somewhere.

    Tom, FL

  22. Anita Winecooler7:45 PM

    Ok, I'll admit it, I listened to him a few times, you know, "for educational purposes only", but how anyone can listen day in and day out is beyond me. What a maroon! What I can't wrap my brain around is that there's a woman who actually married him!

    So glad for Sandra! What a well deserved honor. She's a real role model for young women everywhere.

  23. Randall2:24 AM

    SO Sandra Fluke is going to be the left's Joe the Plumber?

    I think having her introduce the President is stunt-casting at its worst and cheapens the process.

    Oh - and Rush Limbaugh IS a sickening piece of shit, by the way.

    1. I disagree. I don't believe there is no equivalence. Sandra Fluke intelligently spoke her case in an appropriate setting, and was demonized and lied about for doing so. To this day, many believe that she was asking for free contraception paid for by taxpayers. She is a valuable, educated spokesperson and representative for how the right wing has distorted and lied about health care reform.

      Joe the plumber was a stunt. Then-candidate Obama respectfully answered his question, which was gleefully distorted by the right wing, who immediately made a hero out of a man who lied about who he was, what he did for a living, and on and on. Not-Joe the Not-Plumber jumped on board and has milked this stunt ever since.


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