Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Bristol Palin's goal on DWTS this time around is NOT to gain weight. Seriously?

Courtesy of People:  

While some celebrities are known for shedding pounds while participating on Dancing with the Stars, Bristol Palin did not consider herself one of them. 

The Alaska native, 21, said during her time on ABC's hit series that she didn't notice any changes in her body except for toned legs. But this time around, on season 15's all-star edition, which premieres Sept. 24, Palin is hoping for a different outcome. 

"My goal [is] not to gain any weight," the young mom recently told PEOPLE during the Television Critics Association summer tour in Beverly Hills. "I think it's hurtful for any girl when someone's criticizing their weight on a national level. It's an awkward position." 

Well that was carefully worded. 

She "did not consider herself one" of the celebrities that lost weight on the show?  That's because she WASN'T one of the celebrities that lost weight on the show!  That is not a based on a perception, it is a based on actual, irrefutable evidence.

And once again I don't think the majority of people were JUDGING her for being fat.  They were judging her for being pregnant on the show, and putting the fetus in danger while pretending that she wasn't carrying a child.

And if that "perception" is not true then I assume Bristol Palin has the most screwed up metabolism on the planet, one that gains fat during exercise rather than loses it, and we can look forward once again to watching her swell up like a balloon in a Macy's Thanksgiving day parade THIS season as well.

However if we were correct, then THIS time Bristol should look forward to actually trimming down without resorting to crazy dieting or surgical procedures. And wouldn't THAT be a nice change of pace for members of her family?


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    That is what we call pre-emptive damage control. The Palins' are known for this. She's playing down everything in anticipation of being booted of early.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Of course she will not gain weight! She is not preggo this time and on speed.
      She will prob lose weight.
      Unfortunately on speed it will be muscle, b/c your body starts to use muscle tissue b/c the person doesn't eat right.
      Remember Karen Carpenter? Well she wasn't on speed. It just happens faster on speed.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Wow she is already a "bobblehead" like her mother.
      Makes the fake cheeks and chin jut out even more.
      Get help.
      Get off the speed. See how speed has aged your mother? Do you want your teeth falling out in 5 yrs? If you live that long?

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Here is a little tip, KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED. I realize it is not an easy thing for YOU to do, being a professional virgin and all, but try it. Hopefully she will be voted off first. Time for this skank to get a blast of reality. You have no talent, girl, get yourself an education. Be the first in your family to actually get a real job. I feel badly for the dancer who draws the short straw and has her to drag around the floor, pissing and moaning about being a victim the entire time. Let's give the "big middle finger" to a Palin finally.

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    She won't be gaining weight this time around because she's not pregnant. Whatever happened to her baby? Did she give it up for adoption or did she have an abortion? Inquiring minds really want to know.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I'd bet the farm she had an abortion.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      What was the date of the picture she took with the Sherry person of The View? She looked knocked up. It would have been a late term abortion?

      So a person can scam abstinent venues, competition shows and numerous money making ventures and it is not fraud? The public has absolutely no protection against charlatans like that?

    3. Anonymous11:34 AM

      The picture taken with Sherry was the day after she was eliminated, and YES she was definitely pregnant. Took off all the layers of Spanx, and let it all hang out. No way she could deny being pregnant in that photo. Since she broke her contract with the Masseys, why don't they break the confidentiality agreement and come clean? Expose the entire clan of grifters. If she fights Levi for custody, she will be questioned under oath. THIS is going to get interesting.

    4. vegaslib11:51 AM


      I don't think she had an abortion, only because she looked too far along, at least to me she did. I would assume she farmed the kid out to relatives or put it up for adoption. But then again, you never know with this family.

    5. "...farmed the kid out to relatives..."

      Like her older brother and his "wife" who coincidentally was Sarah Palin's "executive secretary" all during the aborted governorship.


    6. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Britta Hanson (maybe Palin) is a perfect beard.

      Gee, I wonder all the reasons that Track is complement for his desire for privacy.

  4. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Where did DWTS baby end up?

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      god-child prob went to Haiti...bi-racial...prob rich xtians there who would take him.

    2. WakeUpAmerica8:28 AM

      Probably hidden in the compound, or it is the baby Britta and Track claim as their own. I suspect that Tristan, the god-child, is the DWTS baby. Remember that after DWTS, she moved to AZ and was seen loading two sets of baby mattresses into her SUV outside a store.

    3. emrysa9:22 AM

      "Remember that after DWTS, she moved to AZ and was seen loading two sets of baby mattresses into her SUV outside a store."

      well let's squash that rumor right away so it doesn't get repeated over and over on different blogs like I've seen other rumors repeated as fact.

      she was seen loading 2 sets of mattresses, but not baby mattresses. One set is labeled queen and the other is labeled full.


    4. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Maybe Romney's fetus disposal company took care of him.

    5. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Probably mud from the pig sty. Pigstool loves to roll around in it with her sister Wallow.

    6. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Tripp didn't have a room or his own bed. All the babies sleep with adults. Bristol when she is there, Gino or whichever nanny, Willow, Andy. Whatever replacement is around. This will keep a child happy and content. Pacifier was her friend also, too.

      It is a lifestyle, style of parenting. If Levi cares he can bring it up for Tripp with the child people and judge that are to look after the childs well being, best interests.

  5. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Something the Palin's need to quit saying, other than being Grounded, fun, having God on their side. Gracious. Not about drama. Having common sense.

    6. “Results-oriented”

    Cousin to the term “hard worker,” this is something anyone can say about himself. And as Stacey Hawley, career specialist and founder of career consultancy Credo, points out, that you’ll work toward results “is assumed.” There’s no need to use your resume to tell people things they already know.

    Question, other than that idiot radio station in Arizona and faux advocacy groups like Candies or Samaritan's Purse, who would hire Bristol Palin?

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      “Results-oriented” “hard worker” - protest too much territory. Red flag. Who needs to go there? When she stops hiding the alleged job at derm office and all the charity work then everyone that witnesses her work habits will show facts.

      Meanwhile, she is revealing the fraud and liar she really is.

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      My 3-yo nephew likes to tell us what a "hard worker" he is (usually in conjunction with driving his toy dump truck around the yard). From him it's cute. From an adult--at least chronologically--Palin, not so much.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    While some celebrities are known for shedding pounds while participating on Dancing with the Stars, Bristol Palin did not consider herself one of them.

    Let me guess, she did not consider herself to be a celebrity cause she's above all that and loves her privacy and office job and whatnot? Or that she inexplicably grew in size each and every week?

    Talk about a big middle finger to Amercia, those Palin gals sure like to hide or fake pregnancies in plain sight.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      The costume Kirstie Alley wore for her Dancing debut reportedly had to be taken in 38 inches for her to wear again for the show's closing episode.

      The woman lost 100 pounds in her cycle. Bristol didn't notice any change in her body except for 'toned legs?' Is that what SarahPAC advisors are telling her?

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      More than likely her legs got "toned" from wrappinmg them around any guy who came within 5 feet of her!!

  7. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Bristol, don't forget to keep telling reporters and the tv host, hostess and judges that you are normal, grounded, a single mom providing for her son and it's hard work, you value traditional family labels and living as said through God and the Bible, and haters are only jealous cause they hate your mom.

    Make sure you keep saying that, and how God gives you doors to plow, so that we don't forget. We must never forget.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      So when she gets voted off, will she admit that that is God's will too?

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Oh, that will be blamed on the "haters"--who are apparently strong enough to thwart god's will...

    3. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Does she have to keep saying that even as she takes pay for some guy dry humping her on the floor in front of her parents (and now her 4 y o AND millions of viewers? Even then?

  8. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Hey, what's that schmutz on her left ankle/shin? Did she not shower before this photo shoot? As for her goal: good luck on that. She doesn't work hard enough "dancing" to lose weight- her partner does all the heavy lifting. Really, why does she keep getting this exposure???

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I am actually glad they picked her for the show. They won't be able to cheat this time (we think) and it will be an opportunity to show her and her kin exactly what most of america really thinks of them (as she is laughed off the show). More reality TV for them after that? Ah... probably not.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Someone on a Sarah fan site bragged about having 16 email accounts in order to vote Bristol a winner. I suggest that we keep an eye out for such comments and then cu and paste the to send to DWTS and the entertainment media.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Most of the DWTS contestants lost weight and and bragged about it. We are. Of critizing people in general who are overweight. We are only commenting how strange it was for Bristol gain weight, especially in her belly. Sarah has a fan openly bagging about having 16 fake email accounts to vote for Bristol. Let's keep an eye out for them, then cut and paste their comments to send to DWTS and the entertainment media. Bristol wanted to send her middle finger to America. I think that we should return the gesture and give her the middle finger.

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      The "new" rules at the DWTS site say that each person (email address) can vote 5 times (I believe that's per episode). You can use all 5 votes for one person, or spread out your votes. However, it's not limited by IP or anything, that way your spouse can vote too... and your children, your parents, the dog, the hermit crabs, the dust bunnies under your TV... they all just need their own email address.

      So yes, the peepond will be doing their usual cheating to try and keep Trainwreck Barbie waddling on the dance floor.

    4. Anonymous9:41 AM

      DWTS is not a quiz show but the public may want some degree of honesty in what is to be competition, faux as it is.
      If the public likes being played for a fool, so be it. If not let them get results from ABC.

      I use to enjoy Tom Bergeron. Now he is just another corporate flack/shill. He cares zip for human beings and I don't buy the bullcrap they laid out for the Palin name. Everyone that participated is tainted by the frauds. Including Margaret Cho. They may gain money and fame but they are soulless fakes and frauds.

      Now ABC is going on to promote Todd's lies. Of course the Palins will game the system again and ABC will cover for them. The only reason she may leave early is because she wants out or they get sick of her and want her out.

      By 1958, no one was laughing anymore. Grabbing the attention of the public even more than the shows themselves were the scandals which emerged around them. The public's naive trust had evolved into suspicious cynicism because it had learned that many of the shows were rigged. As can be imagined, this caused great disgust among viewers. The supposed winners, for whom Americans had rooted and had become dedicated weekly fans, had in fact been supplied with answers in advance. These scandals prompted Congressional hearings and investigations which further shocked the public. Even though there were no laws prohibiting the fixing of game shows, both the networks and their sponsors acknowledged the public's scorn and kept the shows off of the air to allow these turbulent waters to settle.

    5. Anonymous10:09 AM

      The very fact that the pee-ponders know they will have to cheat to keep Bristol on the show underlines the fact they know she's a crap dancer.

    6. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Someone on a Sarah fan site bragged about having 16 email accounts

      16 x 5 = 80

      Not bad. Who will catch them? But I doubt many others will admit what they do.

    7. Anonymous11:05 AM

      9:16 AM

      That show is a joke. Nuts to get sucked into that unless you can find a way to make them do right.

      I don't know that other contestants are so scandalous about votes but BRISTOL IS THE POSTER CHILD FOR CHEAT, FAKE AND GRAFT.

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Evidently, that famous Palin Common Sense, to fake a special needs pregnancy that led Mama Grizzly to say yes to McCain to serve the country, to quit her one and only statewide elected job, to have books ghostwritten for them, to appear on Fox News stoned or whatnot, to forget to 'pause before they play,' whore themselves to any of 'em, all of 'em reality shows God keeps shoving down their throats, does not extend to their sense of style. No common sense in the dressage of the Palins.

    The only ones that seem to have any common sense is Track and Trigg.

  11. Gryphen, I am ready to start proposing bribes to get someone to feature the still shots from the E! video (or better yet, the video itself- but good luck with THAT) where Bristol (and at the end, a cousin body double) gives a tour of her home to Giuliana Rancic. There is literally no way you could see those still shots and NOT arrive at the conclusion of her being pregnant.

    This video was filmed immediately after DWTS and I think it is THE most compelling piece of evidence pertaining to the DWTS child.

    I am on my iPhone at work so I don't have the link on me, but if you go to that flickr page done by "palinproject" you can save the still shots from there I think. Also, the black outfit she was "practicing" in (also on the palinproject Flickr) and one last photo- the "Reagan ranch" photo of Bristol, Willow, Sarah, and Trig. I have seen this photo lightened and either Bristol is about to drop a baby or she is smuggling a case of bartles & jaymes under that gray sweater. I'm not sure where that photo is but I know you must have it or be able to locate it.

    I have never once seen the photos described above presented as a case for Bristol's DWTS pregnancy. But viewing them together would make any reasonably intelligent person arrive at the only possible conclusion- Bristol Palin was pregnant during Dancing With The Stars and bore a child not long after the show ended.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Giuliana Rancic is a heartless reptilian. If she were sworn under testimony before God and a Judge she would lie. They have destroyed all evidence.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Nyah, please provide a link to palinproject's flicker page when you are able. I couldn't find it. Thanks!

      Here's other flicker page by kreitlerrd that shouldn't be forgotten.

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Here is the page with the still shot from that interview showing a pregnant Bristol, just after DWTS ended (bottom left corner):


    4. Anonymous12:19 PM

      For certain there is fraud involved. One of these days another lawsuit that will shed more light on what these crooks are doing.


  12. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I would like to know why Bristol Palin as a DWTS finalist didn't go on the DWTS tour after the competition with the rest of the finalists?

    Wasn't that part of Bristol's commitment as a finalist?

    Why did ABC and DWTS bring Bristol back when she did not go on tour with the other finalists?

    Bristol is not a star and was not a good dancer, so why the special treatment of allowing her to return when she stuck her middle finger to the entire DWTS cast and to the viewing public by not showing up?

    Is it because somebody, ABC or DWTS executive, is a Sarah Palinbot?

    1. We can start with Mark Burnett (Survivor), his wife Roma Downey and the fundie circle that spreads out from them. He even managed to get Tawd a little gig.

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Nope, it was because she was pregnant and couldn't do the dance tour!!! She had to birth the child - DWTS and Bristol really think we are all idiots!!!

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Roma Downey is married to Burnett? Geez, I loved her show.

    4. There wasn't a DWTS tour...hasn't been one since 2008.

  13. Virginia Voter7:09 AM

    Shes so stupid....I don't know why anyone is complaining that Bristol shouldn't be on DWTS again...the constant flashback to her old chin, bloated face, and pregnant belly are going to be fantastically funny and oh so embarrassing, I would ALMOST feel sorry for Bristol if she wasn't such a bitch on wheels.

    She really has morphed into Sarah, hasn't she? Right down to the weird word salady answers. Ugh.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Bristol has totally transformed into her mother's mini me. Sarah will make her get out there and dance so that SHE will be in the limelight. Narcissistic mothers do that to their children.

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      What are you talking about? Wasilly is the meth capital! Besides Baldy has herself a dr. "Filgood" that gives them thar pills for ADD and ACNE...uh huh.
      BC pills and speed and wallows also,too!

  14. Anonymous7:10 AM

    You'd think she'd be able to get a hold of what ever it is that her mother is using to drop weight. Her and her sister ---- Piper...just saying.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Sarah probably got the drug from Bristol and used Bristol's entire stash?

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      They can get anything with 'postage.' It can be shipped anywhere.

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Hey save some of those drugs for Willow. She is either pregnant too or eating too many Big Macs.

    4. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Yep. "Postage" = Palin illegal narcotics supply. Thanks Palinbots! You're not only supporting the drug use of the Palin family, but the drug cartels also too!

    5. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Wasn't it a friend of Bristol's that she hooked up with the FBI to bust Levi's mother? Like the FBI was always there in the Valley doing what they did for McCain.

      Actually two informants. The Johnston's know who they are and what happened to them. They did much better than the informant mixed up with Cox crew.

  15. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Nah, I'm voting for she is just plain lazy and has a horrible diet. Kids who have to scrounge food because mommy and daddy are too busy have no taste or cooking skills to rely on.
    If she starts to gain weight this time she'll just do the lip dissolve thing.

    Bitchtol is a fat, lazy, vicious,clueless, classless slob who flaunts her nastiness, ignorance and laziness. And as such -chooses to be a public figure - she gets publicly criticized. Boo hoo, Bitchtol

  16. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Daughter Bristol is exactly the same as her mother Sarah in that both are lying sacks of shit!

    One tries to hide a pregnancy and the other feigns one. Friggin' amazing!! I cannot believe Bristol will last long on DWTS and I truly feel sorry for the person that ends up having to be her partner.

    I hope more of the cast actually talk about Bristol during and after this upcoming show. It was rumored agreements were signed to keep their mouths shut last go around. (required by Sarah!) Doubt that would be as easily done today due to the respect and support of the Palin clan being nowhere near what it was a few years ago.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      She's worse.

      Bristol has squandered countless opportunities to learn from her mother's shameless example, electing instead to become an even more virulent strain of "media whorism."

      She-like Sarah-deserves everything that's coming to her...and it will.

  17. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I estimate Bristol has been pregnant three times now. Am I correct?

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      At least!

    2. Anonymous7:56 AM

      "I estimate Bristol has been pregnant three times now."

      Who's counting?

      Mono baby - Bristol was mysteriously sent away in high school to live with her aunt.



      DWTS baby - Bristol got big on DWTS and mysteriously was AWOL without an explanation from the finalist tour. Was she sent away again and did not go on tour with the rest of the finalists to have this baby?

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      AT LEAST three times...

    4. Anonymous8:32 AM

      I think that Bristol and Sarah prefer that we don't count.

    5. At least three. The 'mono' baby referred to above is probably Trig [where's his birth certificate]; then Tripp, then the DWITS baby. Although that third one may have been an abortion.

    6. In my experience, women don't usually get fat that quickly during the first trimester. If she had an abortion, I bet it was later than 12 weeks. She must have hit the edge of a "late term abortion." nice, Bristol. You're one he'll of a christian.

    7. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I don't care how many times, if or when Bristol was preg. Until it is in court and shown to relate to Sarah Palins fraud. I do hope that opens up soon.

      Hollywood and the TV producers have to see the obvious signs or her eating problems and drug abuse. They need to call her on that and stop leading young people down into her dark hole.

      I hear that Scientology has more pull in Hollywood, movies, TV than the traditional industry now. That means that their darlings can get work and get their projects financed. Old Hollywood would not have tolerated a Bristol for a minute. She and Scarah combined couldn't give enough bjs. A Scientology tinted Hollywood sucks. Ask Cruise and Travolta sex objects.

    8. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Here's what I don't get. If she was going to abort the DWTS baby, why didn't she do it before the show started rather than waiting for a late-term abortion? Wouldn't that make more sense than waiting until after the entire viewing audience could see and figure out that she was PG again?

    9. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Maybe it was a Christian abortion, forget the name. Like she had a wild ride or something. Went skateboarding and fell down a gully. One of those Palin moves that are explainable to others.

    10. Anonymous1:34 PM

      That's just how mentally ill the palins are. They have shown us through their actions that rhy are BOLD liars. They strap on a pillow and DARE you to call her out on it. They preach abstinence, hide a pregnancy on national tv and have a later term abortion just to TAUNT the "haters". This is the Palin mindset

  18. Olivia7:40 AM

    Well meeting a goal like that is easily attainable if she finally learned about birth control.

  19. Anonymous7:49 AM

    If Bristol was pregnant on DWTS and disappeared later to have her baby instead of going on the DWTS Finalists Tour then where is your baby Bristol?

    If you gave this one away too you should be ashamed of yourself because you had the means to take care of them.

    What's even worse is if you knew you were pregnant and did DWTS which led to the death of your fetus.

    Is it just me or is Bristol starting to look like an uncontrolled sex addict baby factory.

    1. Bristol as a high school student was sent away to live with her auntie and the Palins said Bristol was sent away due to mono. LOL that's what families did back in the day to save the family image which was to send the pregnant unmarried underage daughter away in shame until the baby was born and given away.

    2. Bristol as a high school student got pregnant in a canvas tent while her friends were outside listening to her moaning sounds.

    3. Bristol went on DWTS and ballooned up and appeared to look like she was pregnant. As a DWTS finalist, Bristol walked away and disappeared for a while instead of going on the DWTS tour with the other finalists.Where did Bristol go and why did she just quit and walk away from the tour?

    I don't think Bristol will be pregnant this time because she is older and knows everybody is watching to see if she will get pregnant again but still we would like to know why did Bristol disappear after DWTS instead of going on tour and why did ABC and DWTS bring her back when she walked out on them?

  20. comeonpeople7:50 AM

    She lives in such a small sheltered world in her head, that she actually can say this shit and mean it. Perhaps she suffered from a psychogenic fugue during the last go-round on DWTS and was in total denial that she was pregnant? I mean, there has to be very serious things wrong in her head to lie and lie and lie and lie and think this is OK.

    1. PalinsHoax9:42 AM

      "I mean, there has to be very serious things wrong in her head to lie and lie and lie and lie and think this is OK."

      - - - - -

      Gosh, Bri$dull must be related to Rmoney, Liar Extraordinaire. Seems like their favourite beverage is Eau de Faux.

  21. Anonymous7:52 AM


  22. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Crap! Not watching DWTS anymore. They have sunk to new lows by having her back. Hope she gets voted out the first round...nothing to see, no talent. Heck, there's more talent and activity at the Senior Center dance!

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      The whole voting scheme is just advertising to give people the false belief that they are participating and part of the happy ABC-DWTS family. It is fake advertising.


  23. Anonymous7:58 AM

    DWTS hired Bristol BEFORE she came out publicly against gay marriage. I am sure they regret hiring her but she was already under contract. I will be shocked if Bristol is not voted off the first week. She might even drop out before the show begins IF Levi takes more action than contacting TMZ to begin a custody battle.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      If Levi petitions for change and asks for immediate concerns regarding Tripp to be addressed, the court could have Tripp and Bristol making more trips to Palmer.

      Too bad Levi can't file somethings in a California court. Tripp has more opportunity for his rights and best interest to have respect. CPS in California would be knocking on Bristol's many doors in a heartbeat. Arizona may even be better than Alaska for Tripp ?????

  24. Anonymous8:10 AM

    1) She looked better before the plastic surgery.
    2) She's clearly pregnant or very oddly overweight in that black outfit. It's cut and draped to disguise a large, diagonal something-- a human-- inside her costume.
    3) Assuming she gave it up for adoption, maybe that's why she had an Arizona address after that time....the whole family is so strange and hard-hearted ($1,000 month rent for her SISTER), I"ll bet she found some "Cristian" family to beat its beliefs into to baby before it could talk.

    1. I heard "$400/month" rent for Willow on Episode 13.

  25. Anonymous8:12 AM

    What we know is Miss Palin gained alot of weight between the promo pic on the left and through her run on DWTS. She now speaks as if she was unaware she had rapid weight gain. BS meter is going off given she posed to display her full figure for People touting her "toned legs". She expects people to not notice nor wonder why a young woman had enormous weight gain.

    I don't care why. I do care if a deceitful young person, lazy spews bs discrediting contestants then
    feigns victmhood called out in her lies and demonstrating the least improvement manipulates that also. NOT a role model. She is an example like others who chose to keep their baby.

    She is an example of being altered by surgeons and skilled costumers.

    I despise her BS devaluing people minimizing their hard work. I am well acquainted with the extraordinary self discipline and labor of dancers ...their blood, sweat and tears. Like her mother Bristol cheats her self just seeing $$ with their opportunities.

  26. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Will this whole second DWTS experience finally put Bristol in a catatonic state like Sarah was during the campaign?

    Bristol worried about not being or getting pregnant on the show again.

    Bristol worried about being able to resist the Cheesecake Factory and their take out bags.

    Bristol worried about being able to resist McDonalds.

    Bristol worried about Levi proving that Bristol is a terrible mother and person and Levi getting full custody of Tripp and all this dirt on Bristol will be played out in the media.

    Bristol worried about the Masey's Life's A Tripp lawsuit.

    Bristol worried that the Masey's will reveal what Bristol really did in Los Angles.

    Bristol worried about Levi's lawyer subpoenaing the producers of Life's A Tripp for their uncut scenes to show at the child custody hearings which shows Bristol as a bad mother?

    Bristol worried about Gino going back to the Wasilla Playboy Bunny.

    Bristol knows that all the other DWTS contestants and pros hate her talent-less gut.

    See Bristol, when you shit on people and scam them it will eventually all come back to you ten folds over!

    As they say Bristol, karma is a bitch and the Sarah Palin Curse is even worse.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Actually I think she's too emotionally stunted to be that worried about much more than her next text message or next issue to complain about.

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      They never show the catatonic states. They just do the 'postage' and re-activate them to repeat the same old, same old. Do you ever see them actually change or grow? They preform skits. One day it will break down, but that can take time.

  27. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I sure hope nobody on DWTS is stupid enough to sign those confidentiality forms this time. Remember how she talked about how Marks didn't like her? How this stupid thinks that we would believe that dancing all those hours a day would result in weight gain is beyond me. Where is that baby. That should be the chant everywhere she goes where is your last baby! Only things she noticed was toned legs. you can get toned legs dancing around the house, dancing 6 hrs a day drops pounds on everyone except the pregnant one..

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      And clueless Bristol would ask, "Which baby?"

    2. That's "Maks", not Marks, as in Maksim (Maks) Aleksandrovich Chmerkovskiy.

      I wonder if he has the brass balls to give an accurate opinion of Bristol's return without "walking back" any comments like Karina Smirnoff did (in a Tweet returned to me).

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Maks will say nothing since he can't say anything Palinbots would think positive. Not even constructive criticism is allowed without a script. The enablers will let her smile with a big old blob of spinach or poop on her teeth and say its independence or frontier. If Maks tried to help her clean up he would be intolerant of poop and a h8r.

      I don't doubt they will do some form of "controversy" for ratings and to look honest but I won't buy some stupid crumbs they throw to the audience they disdain.

  28. Anonymous8:26 AM


    I think Mrs.Obama needs to intervene and help out Sarah Palin.

    Mrs. Obama can talk to Sarah's kids about the facts of life and how not to get preganant as well as talk to them about healthy eating and walking away from Taco Bell when Sarah brings home those crunch wraps.

    Sarah don't let your pride destroy your family. Every once in a while we need to extend our hands and as for help. No one will look down on you.

  29. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Does anybody know if DWTS rehired Omar the Tent Maker to come back to DWTS since Bristol is returning?

  30. OverMountainMan8:34 AM

    My advice to Bearstool is keep the Oscar Mayer's out of your holes.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Which one?

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      At least an Oscar Mayer has yet to get a Palin pregnant.... unless some mother names Mrs. Mayer in Wasilla is like Sarah and got stoned one day and named her son Oscar Mayer? That's the only chance Bristol can get pregnant by an Oscar Meyer.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      If Bristol would of went camping with a package of Oscar Mayer hotdogs instead of Levi then she wouldn't be the terrible mother that she is today.

    4. Anonymous11:27 AM

      9:04 a.m. Which one?

      Any of 'em, all of 'em.

  31. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I haven't had TV for almost 10 years. As long as there are shows with Dancing with the Stars that keep putting Bristol on it, I have no urge to get TV.

  32. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Don't know where the data came from but I just read this.

    They have released the Vegas Odds for the All-Stars season!!

    Helio Castroneves 9/2
    Apolo Anton Ono 5/1
    Emmitt Smith 6/1
    Shawn Johnson 6/1
    Drew Lachey 7/1
    Joey Fatone 7/1
    Kelly Monaco 15/2
    Gilles Marini 10/1
    Kirstie Alley 10/1
    Melissa Rycroft 12/1
    Bristol Palin 15/1
    Kyle Massey/Sabrina Bryan/Carson Kressley 20/1
    Pamela Anderson 25/1

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      The odds I saw had her at 100-1.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Pamela may have to give up booze and sleepovers, too.

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Here she is at 100- to 1

  33. You know, I am looking at the three pics of her ... and that one at the top, well, it is just not the same face. I know we all know this, but it is so evident in these pictures, that it is like it struck me like lightning.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Well, actually all of us don't know that and it really is her. Have another look and you will see that it's her. I hope the lightning strike didn't do any harm to your brain Daisy.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Yes it's her. I'd recognize that Palin "I'm better than you are" chin tilt anywhere.

    3. I know it is her, but she has had so much work done, it does not look like her.

    4. Anonymous11:29 AM

      I agree, Daisy. She looks so plastic in the top photo, which I'm sure is stage makeup as well as surgery, but yeah, that face sure changed a lot in -2 years!

    5. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Did you read what Jerry Hall said about the work people are doing these days? The plastic face work. She was talking about the old ones. How much more tragic for a young role model to be showing the world her bad plastics.

      In Britain there will be a show about the subject. Maybe it will air here in the far off future. No doubt we have a huge cosmetic surgeons lobby.

  34. Anonymous8:59 AM

    She won't get pregnant this time maybe. But you have to admit, she's looking pretty hot in that picture with the red tights! If only she wasn't such a beautiful woman. Jeeezzz!

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Ah, but between that photo shoot and the first show, she and Gino could be having one of those Palin trial marriage thingies, and since the Palins are so pro-life they can't be bothered with contraception or condoms, she very well COULD be preggers by the time she shoots the first show.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      No she's hideously ugly actually. You need your eyes checked.

    3. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Time for an eye exam! She look like Liberace, only not as pleasant.

    4. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Seriously? The botched plastic surgery is so obvious in that photo, it's painful to look at. And the smug, entitled expression is the opposite of "hot."

      Why would you come on here and say something like that? You need help.

    5. Anonymous11:30 AM

      I think that's sarcasm.

  35. Just when you think a Palin could not be more astonishingly stupid, it is. Why in the name of the entire cosmos would this ding-dong bring direct attention to one of the most shameful episodes of her pathetic life? She has no clue that most people who saw her make a spectacle of herself on DWITS [yes, that's right, dwits] also believed she was pregnant.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      She is the one that accepted her dad's DWTS invitation, she purposefully put herself in the cross hairs of American's chattering class that can't help but judge competitors of all apparent lack of talent or flaws.

      Nobody made her do the show, but we'll all be talking so she might as well dance! (It's been working out quiet nicely for Track Palin to not chase the spotlight, hasn't it?)

  36. Anonymous9:01 AM

    LOL..... ABC has a DWTS message board and guess what made the topic and has several comments?

    "Levi Johnston seeks full custody of son"

    Sample comment:
    ...Levi Johnston believes Bristol Palin is a TERRIBLE PARENT -- and the proof is in her reality show ... in which she lets their son Tripp run wild, talk back, curse, and show no respect to his elders ... so he's decided to take action ... and seek full custody.

    In case you're like most of the country, and haven't been watching Bristol's new reality show "Life's a Tripp" -- her and Levi's son has been a little ball of trouble ... and in one recent episode, even called his aunt Willow the f-word.

    During the same episode, Bristol admits, "I'm doing a terrible job disciplining Tripp."


    So Bristol, the other dancers, ABC and DWTS executives reads these blogs and knows about your shortcomings as a mother and they are all wondering, along with the world, why are you on the show learning how to dance instead of taking parenting classes? What's more important? The ME Me ME Bristol Palin name you trademarked or raising a child not to grow up to be a grifter, pimp, homophobe, school bus brake line cutter, underage father, underage wine cooler drinker, mechanical bull rider-bar fighter-Gay basher, scammer and a reality show stalker?

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      The simple answer is: Bristol is more important, as she has made very clear for four years now. And even MORE important that she is is Mommy Dearest. Children? Just a necaessary inconvenience to be foisted off on relatives or strangers, office help or paid nannies. And hey, Bristol, we aren't watching, but we'll be voting for actual dancers...like Apolo. As Mommy likes to say, "Anyone but one of those hard to raise daughters."

  37. Anonymous9:11 AM

    There was an article about Bristol not gaining weight on DWTS on the Daily Mail site last night. It repeated the silly notion that her weight gain was "all muscle" several times. Please. Nobody is buying that.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      OMG. SMH.

      'If I have a gay dance partner, we may have some interesting discussions about morality, marriage, and whether the government made him a great dancer because it built the roads that he drove on to dance practice.

      'But I can promise you that I’ll give it my best effort, I’ll learn all I can learn, and I’ll be proud to hoist that elusive mirror ball trophy right by his side.'

      Yeah, she 'wrote' this. Bristol's proved time and again she is not a critical thinker. Yeah right, she wonders if a person is going to think they owe their dancing skills to the roads their tax dollars build on the way to the studio.

      Good job Nancy, proving she can't write a lick by using your own 'verbiage' as usual.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Nancy is out of control. "Elusive?" She's not even trying to sound like Bristol.

    3. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Oh, please. Bristol has never had an interesting discussion in her life.

  38. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The sad thing is... her fan base will keep her around a long time on the show. If only we could vote for who we wanted gone she would be voted off week one buy a huge margin.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      If she still had a fan base, her show would not have tanked.

    2. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Her fan base consisted of the same few people gaming the voting system which is supposed to be no longer possible.

  39. Anonymous9:18 AM

    That top picture really reveals Bristol's giant face. It's like looking at a side show freak. Maybe the Chin, her anorexic mother with the boyish figure and her alto voice pimp father should travel with a circus and really make some money. What the hell, invite the rat's nest hair girl, the fake combat vet, the diva since she skips school a lot and the filthy mouth son too.

  40. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Why is she dressed so sloppy when the other women in the photo-op are dressed up?

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Because Sarah took all her clothes and is wearing them?

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Maybe Bristol doesn't want to buy new clothes since she plans on getting big on DWTS? I don't know.

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Because she gets her fashion sense from her mother who is a slob.

    4. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Because you can take the trash out of the Valley but not the Valley out of the trash?

    5. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Like mother, like daughter

  41. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Bristol will be asked what she did to change her body as other people are asked when a transformation takes place.

    It is possible Bristol did not expend as much energy as she did during HS basketball practice. We make comments presuming Bristol had rehearsed as much as other contestants. Just saying she may have done the minimum claiming the maximum.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      But she hadn't played HS basketball for several years when she was on DWTS. So the HS bb comment was completely irrelevant. She had had a baby since then, too. She didn't play BB after she had Tripp. That excuse is just nonsense.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      but but but Sarah said that her daughter has great work ethics!

      Even though she missed a lot of work at whatever she does as a receptionist or absentee office manager or doctor.

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Does anyone know how much and how long ago Bristol played HS basketball? Seems as nebulous as the "hockey-Mom" meme.

    4. Does anyone know how much and how long ago Bristol played HS basketball?

      I read some time ago that it was JV basketball, which means it was PROBABLY while she was a sophomore. Which would be 16 years old. Which would be 2006, while her mother was campaigning for governor.

      It was summer of the next year that Bristol is suspected of being pregnant, according to her own MySpace comments.

  42. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Excuse me, but isn't the correct phrase "Native Alaskan" rather then Alaska native?

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Speaking as a "long-time" (ie, forty-plus years) Alaskan, I would say the usage is "Native Alaskan" = someone born here (natal = native) while "Alaskan Native" is used for the indigenous folk (Aleut, Inuit, Yupik, Athabascan, etc.)

  43. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Bristol will never go to parenting school to become a better parent to Tripp before the custody hearing. That would mean that Bristol would have to choose between dancing or keeping Tripp and we all know what Bristol thinks in that little mind of hers.

    "God gave Bristol legs so why not dance!"

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      So what if Bristol loses Tripp in the custody hearing, there's more where he came from or Bristol will just have to take Sarah to court and get Trig back.

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      God gave Bristol legs and she spread them.

  44. Anonymous9:32 AM

    This will play out a little TOO predictably. If Levi goes ahead and files for custody, Bristol will drop out of DWTS saying that she needs to focus on her son(s). Not surprisingly this will coincide with her getting panned by the judges, mocked on the interwebs and receiving few votes.

    What did happen to the DWTS baby? Did she have the baby? Are Track and Britta raising the child? Why is this family so weird that everything they do raises so many unanswered and totally morally bankrupt questions about what really happened?

  45. Anonymous9:40 AM


  46. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Do you think the weight gain was not due to pregnancy, but due to NOT being on the drugs that keeps her thin???

    I mean, I imagine they do health checks & certain substances probably aren't allowed, if you know what I mean.

    Stop the "substances" and the weight balloons up.

    Just throwing that idea out there.....

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      9:40 AM Throw that idea out with the other Palin LIES.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM


      Hey - throwing out the possiblity that she is a speed-freak or on meth doesn't fit into the Palin lies, ok.

      In fact, being called a crack-whore is a bigger slam than being called preggers.

      THINK before you type, jerk.

  47. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Since ABC loves controversy, how about DWTS bring on Shailey Tripp as a surprise star dancer? She is a published author of the book describing her time as Todd Palin's prostitute.

  48. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Bristol you do realize if you don't gain weight this time it only confirms the existence (or abortion) of the DWTS baby? Which means we were right. Thanks for helping prove us right.

  49. Anonymous9:51 AM

    If Levi pursues the sole custody of Tripp, will they award Levi his son since Bristol can't keep track of a dog or her trial husband? The dog was lost right away and Gino was lost on an Alaskan highway some where.

    Can't forget that Bristol is absent minded too. She keeps losing or misplacing her virginity and babies.

  50. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Bristol was VERY pregnant by the end of DWTS. My friend in wardrobe gave me the blow by blow each week about the ever-growing hysteria among those unfortunate costume folks tasked with providing outfits for her. They were given an impossible set of requirements. The clothes had to be loose enough to move. They had to be flattering--- and a little sexy. They had to conceal the pregnancy at ALL costs or heads would fly, people would be fired. They held special dress rehearsals to make sure the lighting as it reflected off her outfits concealed the huge baby bulge, designing special cutaway angles where they'd only shoot her from the waist up as necessary or from the back. This went on and on. Nobody dreamed she'd be on so long, then the illegal voting kept her on. The the gorilla costume for the "Magilla Gorilla" number which became an inside joke. Numerous staffers openly voicing their desire that they hoped she'd die of heat stroke from being in that excruciatingly hot costume. Lots of gallows humor at that point on set because she was such a fucking nightmare, wouldn't show up to rehearsals, wouldn't learn the most minimum of dance steps, and her partner was working his ass off to both accommodate the pregnancy as well as work in some actual dance moves. Which is harder when the bitch didn't show for rehearsals much. Total, fucking circus freak family, and nobody wants anything to do with her anymore. Fortunately, some of the costume people who had to deal with her have since moved on to better projects, so they won't have to deal with the elephant and her horrific attitude anymore.

    Oh, and there were ALWAYS extra babies/kids around. You'd hear bits and pieces about this one or that one being a cousin or whatever, nobody knew how many fucking children were actually Bristol's or her sister's. Some people thought maybe Trig was there but the extra kid one person saw wasn't a Down's kid, so who the fuck knows how many extra Paylins were already birthed by that family at that point.

    Media Insider

    1. emrysa10:36 AM

      oh, and look who shows up. blah blah blah.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I suppose all the cousins and whatnot shrewdly provided good cover to hide the extra-marital Palin off-spring.

      Your insight? Totally believable. That Sarah and Bristol are hard working? No.

    3. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I've been looking for the one where they put her in the purple military/marching band outfit. She is clearly showing but I can't seem to find it. Googled it, but hoping G has a copy. Take a look (if we can find it) at the belly button...busted Bristol. Don't think I've ever gained weight specific to the belly button area EXCEPT when pregnant! Can't wait for the trolls to explain that one!

      Since they're not too bright, I'll make the first one up. Hmmmm, uh, um, oh yeah, she was playing a character actor/dancer that was a few months pregnant.

    4. Good Lord. I knew Bristol was intellectually challenged (couldn’t remember the cramp pills), but I thought Willow was normal; maybe not. Thanks for weighing in. You seem to know your stuff.

    5. Anonymous11:15 AM

      @emrysa You just can't handle the TRUTH. Bristol was Pregnant on her 1st DWTS and anybody watching could see that. You Palinbots LIE about everything, but you are too cowardly to address Todd Palin's Pimping and Sex Trafficking. Come back when you have a response to Todd's Pimping and Pandering. While you are at it, explain why he purchased the 'TRIPP' license plates before TRI-PP was born.

    6. Virginia Voter11:35 AM

      11:15...I cant speak for emrysa, but I have been reading her comments on IM for years, and she is NOT a Palinbot, quite the opposite. We ALL thought Bristol was pregnant on DWTS, know Todd is a PIMP and sex trafficker, and don't think for one second that Sarah gave birth to the child known as Trig...only a moron would believe that. Media Insider just pops out of her hidey hole every time these stories pop up here to embellish them with all of her "insider" knowledge that never ever seems to materialize. She has told some whoppers...like Sarah was going to confess that Trig wasnt her bio kid, Todd was gay and male hookers were going to out him, etc. She stretches the obvious truths to the point where they are just beleiveable, then gets defensive and disappears when she is confronted. Her schtick has gotten way old.

    7. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Seriously, why/how do the Palins have so much pull that ABC would fire crew members for not concealing a dancer's late-term pregnancy? Do you know or have any guesses, MI?

      PS--Glad you're back!

    8. emrysa11:57 AM

      @ 11:15: you're a reactionary dumbass. do catch up.

      @ virginia voter: even though you stated you don't speak for me, I agree with your comment 100%, thanks.

    9. Anonymous11:58 AM

      I call bullshit. If she was such a nightmare, why would they take her back? Why would the costume people who have "moved on" not talk?
      I do think she was pregnant but don't believe MI.

    10. Anonymous3:29 PM

      There WAS a time when Sarah was discussing with at least one publicity team the concept of coming out ahead of what they thought was going to become a barrage of coverage about Trig not being hers to get in front of the story; then the powers that be pulled back on that one when they silenced so many of my contemporaries in the media and made it clear that the suspicious Sarah non-pregnancy was off limits.

      I'm a syndicated newspaper columnist but more in the lifestyle and entertainment niche, and I was always trying to pass info around to get people to cover the Trig pregnancy at the political desk. Some people wanted to but when they went to their bosses they were warned off the story in no uncertain terms.

      If you've ever spent any time around publicity people who manage a public figure, there are always different strategies for handling scandals as they expect them to break, like Charlie Sheen and his various problems and trying to micromanage that depending on which outlets were set to cover different stories. A whole team of CBS folks wanted to preserve market share with their "family values" viewers (and the big advertisers who promote ads to them) so they had a big hand in micromanaging how different Sheen stories would emerge in the press. They didn't always SUCCEED in squashing scandals.

      And with Sarah and the Trig story, there were certain times when it seemed in the media that this story HAD to come forth, and most of us are shocked that it never did, that her protectors have THAT big and powerful of a reach. But when you're a small time reporter working the entertainment beat and you have a photographer friend who has papped Bristol looking hugely pregnant, and you naively say to your bosses, "Shouldn't we cover this?" --- and then management threatens you with getting fired, these stories tend to disappear pretty fast. This happened to people I knew.

      Things evolve and changed at the last minute in Hollyweird. Don't you understand how many varied, vested interests create political pseudo-celebrities like Sarah and her demon spawn children and manage them almost like racehorses, with lots of different "hands" involved with taking care of the "product?"

      I think a lot of people also have a misperception that at any TV show or within any production team there is a monolithic, unified approach to making decisions. No. You have the actual owners of the network, the advertising people who sit on the REAL money and control its flow, the show runner and producer types, then the egotistic directors who try to make it all about them, all the way down to these weird situations we see now where a moronic reality show star like a Pauly from Jersey Shore becomes a breakaway star who's suddenly worth $11 million, and then everybody has to kowtow to him, even if they hate his fucking guts. (I haven't heard anything bad about him, though.)

      So that's where, if a show is making money, or if it's perceived that a cow like Bristol, through the controversy that surrounds her, brings in ratings, even people who detest her and her family will feel like they have to bring her on again so the show keeps market share. It really IS all about money. Sometimes the human elements and drama behind the scene are fascinating, but in the end, the "money people" over-ride those people's decisions and experiences.

      Anyway, just thought I'd mention some of these things! Hollyweird is NOT a normal place, and shows there DON'T run like normal "businesses." There are a lot of factors which influence the evolution of a show, or the Frankensteinian manufacturing of a pseudo-celebrity like Bristol. Remember, the way our culture is now, we celebrate depravity (elevating porn stars and their families to multi-millionaire status like the Kardashians) and imbecility (Sarah and her family.) It's just where we are as a society right now, sadly.

      Media Insider

    11. Anonymous4:28 PM

      And for people who don't believe the media is manipulated,reporters are black-listed, and at times, false information disseminated, read Into the Buzzsaw by Kristina Borjesson.

  51. emrysa10:26 AM

    someone said: "Bristol got big on DWTS and mysteriously was AWOL without an explanation from the finalist tour. "

    there was no finalist tour. google dancing with the stars season 11 tour and you will find NOTHING. there was no tour. fuck I am getting tired of hearing people repeat all this bullshit that was fabricated by media insider as though it was fact. media insider is a fucking fiction writer, as are her socks wendy waitress and me again. fuckin a.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Media Insider = 100% FACTS AND TRUTH
      Truth hurts Palins though.

    2. Virginia Voter10:58 AM

      I'm of that same opinion, emrysa. Blah, blah, blah...

    3. comeonpeople11:59 AM

      Me too VV.
      Waiting for MI to prove me wrong.

    4. Anonymous12:00 PM

      The dancers and contestants were all in a revue in Las Vegas, all except pregnant Bristles. From the quality of the language, that HAS to be a Palin. Even Nancy does not lower herself to the gutter level that the Palins are so comfortable in.

    5. The Las Vegas show was from April this year to mid-July, according to this 30 second ad:


      I don't see any DWTS Tour dates later than 2/8/2009.


      This rather funny DWTS gossip blog has a confirming comment about no-tour-after-the-fall-2010-season.


  52. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Can you imagine Levi's attorney deposing Brisket and asking her how many children she has given birth to?

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Bristol and her mother both lied on the stand in a court of law re: their email account "hacking." She will lie again. And again and Again. I hope THIS time her lies catch up with her.

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      She would simply lie. The Palins lie under oath all the time.

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      That's an excellent point. If she is trying to take care of the DWTS baby/"godchild" in addition to Tripp, the court will consider that responsibility and whether Bristol is capable of handling both.

      (That is, a court not influenced by the Palins. Let's hope the judge is someone who hasn't visited prostitutes and isn't subject to blackmail/pressure.)

  53. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Bristol's need to perpetuate a lie further and put emphasis on it is really problematic for her. She can't let something go. If people talked about her weight gain, no matter what the cause, she has to dig herself deeper into it, by making it an issue again. Why bring up the issue of her previous weight gain? Why not just do the next show and keep fit, and let people decide for themselves?

    So she talks about her goal not being to gain weight. No character goals to set? No friendships to forge or learning experiences?

    This is like someone who doesn't want to remind people they have big ears. So they keep bringing up the size of their ears during a press conference for DWTS, saying that in future dance routines, they will have hairstyles that cover their ears. If she indeed was pregnant during the first DWTS, why would be now bring up something she'd rather not expose, by talking about her weight gain? It's so obvious something about that weight gain bothers her NOW and she's trying to fix something that should be left alone.

    1. That is one of the "tells" when the Palins are lying. They keep saying the lie and bringing it up over and over. They can't help themselves.

      Sarah does it alot and since she rules Bristol she tells her what to say. When Sarah does it, I think she gets off on the fact she's getting one over on the audience. Like a shoplifter gets a high from shoplifting. Sarah gets a high from lying and "fooling" people. It makes her feel superior. Man she's sick.

      "Bristol, don't forget to mention something about not gaining weight this time.

      They also can't let any slight go. they had to address it in her book and now again. if they'd just shut up people would forget, but they can't just sit down and shut up.

  54. Anonymous11:13 AM

    O/T but Newsweek has a fascinating story about Brigham Young's great-great-granddaughter. She reveals some interesting insight into what makes Mittens and Mormons tick...


    1. ManxMamma3:21 PM

      Thanks for the link. It was very informative.

  55. The name Palin has become synonymous with celebrity without substance, ability or accomplishment. Bristol as one of DWS "stars" is laughable, her dancing was wooden, her reality show a flop. Her mother's celebrity has become a punch-line, the new universally accepted term for failed, awful VP picks. There are so many articles & blogs citing this as a "given", it's so. Here's one from today:

  56. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Interesting tidbits, as always MI. Someday...Someone WILL come forward. Someone with irrefudiateabULL (I can make words up also too) evidence of all the lies this family has perpetuated to protect their false image of rill, hard-werkin', every day, gawd-furrin' folk.

    I think Bristol has birthed at least 3. Make that 4 if the DWTS baby wasn't aborted.

    Here are some emails that sure look as if they may refer to one of the first of Bristol's Babies. Maybe Ruffles? Maybe there were FAS twins? This sure works with the timeline of all the talk of a fall 2007 pregnancy - Bristol's disappearance off the radar for a few months - and then her reappearance in January 08 in Anchorage.

    FYI OCS=Office of Childrens Services


    And then there's this catchall email from Talis Whassiface...Sarah's old AG...the pertinent info is found in the last graph: "One more thing...."


    I really can't imagine WHY a governor would need to be involved in any OCS case. And after 5 pm on a Friday? And then, WHY - a few months later - would the AG feel it was necessary to ALERT the governor that a reporter asked about the possibility of 'secret' OCS investigation in the VALLEY when the response was the standard - can't confirm or deny.

    And then...there's this:


    Interesting bill.

    Oh and then....Why did Karleen Jackson - the head of OCS - REALLY resign?
    Interestingly...less than a month after Trigg made his April debut?

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Sounds like Sarah created a way to "obtain" TriG.

  57. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I would like to see Levi in a postion where he would have a say about any medical issues for Tripp. She may not want to see Tripp's chin. She may not want him to go through school with that look. It might remind her of her pain and she believes it would help him to look more attractive. Or the bs about a realignment being medically appropriate to help him.

    Thankfully he has energy and may not store fat like some Palins. In that case his diet won't matter as far as his looks and weight. I would like it if Levi could have a say in any medications she may think he needs for anything. I think she has already used drugs to control situations and Tripp. That is something most parents care a great deal about. Would you want your child with a dope peddler? I hope Sunny watched the video with Matt Lauer, 'OUT COLD."

    ABC will not be showing it because they are complicit, but that video should make the rounds with the Tripp out of control TV show segments. Bristol as a bad parent didn't just start with her fame as a reality celebrity.

  58. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Just FYI -- The Safe Haven bill legislative process started long before this, and it wasn't Sarah's doing -- it was introduced by a member of the legislature more than a year before it was signed. It went through committees, etc. Alaska was the last one in the nation to implement one. It only applies to newborns left at a church, fire station, etc. and all it does is prevent criminal action for abandonment. This is a red herring, IMHO.

  59. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Bristol/Nancy/Sarah are trying to stir up some more trouble about DWTS and 'tolerance' of the gay.


    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      I'm particularly fond of story about the "friend" who was applying for a faculty position at an Ivy League school.

    2. Here's what RAM came up with on Baldy's FB post defending Beefy!

      "Sarah Palin · 3,459,772 like this
      2 hours ago ·
      Bristol makes such an important point in this post! Being in favor of the traditional definition of marriage doesn't mean a person hates gay people or is expected to shy away from candidly answering what their opinion is on something like marriage. Since when has our nation been anything but an exceptional nation that prides itself on the right of expressing personal opinion under the First Amendment and continuing to build our culture on a melting pot of diversity. Need we remind people that leaders like Barack Obama and Joe Biden held the exact same position as Bristol does in favor of traditional marriage just a few short months ago, yet were never called "haters" of anyone.

      The press has certainly been very insistent – in fact brutal – in questioning Bristol about whether she'd have a problem dancing with a gay partner on DWTS this fall (this was ramped up after she posted a picture of Todd and me recently enjoying Chick-Fil-A), and some yellow journalists even ginned up a false controversy claiming her 3-year-old son Tripp used an anti-gay slur word which he never used. She answered the question clearly and elaborated on it with this blog post, yet – and this is fascinating – the piece was met with crickets from the liberal media because it just doesn't fit into their false narrative about her. That's a shame, and they're a shame, because she explained herself very clearly here."

      LOL!! Love how Baldy couldn't bring herself to call Tripp her GRANDSON...instead she says..."claiming that her 3 year-old son"...why didn't she just say...."claiming that MY 3 year-old grandson"....LMAO!

      Old Baldy...you are a fucking GRANDMA....of at least 2 probably more kids...it's okay to call yourself GRANDMA you old crone! HeHe!

    3. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Palin linked that to her Facebook page with this post...

      Bristol makes such an important point in this post! Being in favor of the traditional definition of marriage doesn't mean a person hates gay people or is expected to shy away from candidly answering what their opinion is on something like m
      arriage. Since when has our nation been anything but an exceptional nation that prides itself on the right of expressing personal opinion under the First Amendment and continuing to build our culture on a melting pot of diversity. Need we remind people that leaders like Barack Obama and Joe Biden held the exact same position as Bristol does in favor of traditional marriage just a few short months ago, yet were never called "haters" of anyone.

      The press has certainly been very insistent – in fact brutal – in questioning Bristol about whether she'd have a problem dancing with a gay partner on DWTS this fall (this was ramped up after she posted a picture of Todd and me recently enjoying Chick-Fil-A), and some yellow journalists even ginned up a false controversy claiming her 3-year-old son Tripp used an anti-gay slur word which he never used. She answered the question clearly and elaborated on it with this blog post, yet – and this is fascinating – the piece was met with crickets from the liberal media because it just doesn't fit into their false narrative about her. That's a shame, and they're a shame, because she explained herself very clearly here.

    4. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Sarah is talking out of her bony ass again.

  60. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Her argument that she was picked on because she was fat doesn't cut it. Everyone loved Kirstie Alley, and she wasn't small sized at all! On the other hand, Kirstie lost considerable weight while on DWTS, indicating that she worked incredibly hard.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Hell I'm picking on her now and she not fat like she used to be when she was with child on DWTS.

      Doesn't matter what size Bristol is, people hate her for her soul, the way she is raising Tripp and the way she treats Grandma Johnston and Auntie Mercede.

      The big thing for me hating Bristol is her fake religious beliefs and how God talks to her when she knows damn well God does not approve of how she treats others and runs her scams.

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      We don't like sissyfied pimp daddy Todd either and he looks wimpy!

      Now are you going to say we hate all wimpy guys too?

    3. Anonymous1:33 PM

      The Palin version...always a version they've already created to deflect the real version. Criticism for being fat must not sting Bristol as badly as criticism for being clumsy or dull or lazy, all of which she is in spades.

    4. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Ha Ha Ha

      Bristol is truly Sarah Palin's daughter alright.

      Bristol always playing the victim and can't own up to why people hate her, her mother and father.

  61. Anonymous12:25 PM

    She is so absolutely ignorant trash and she knows it. Bristol Palin barely made it through high school and is so incurious she can’t even begin to imagine why most smart young people attend college and travel. Thus, the smug, satisfied look. Yuk. Rather than embrace the power of failure and turn it around, she goes the easy route and joins her grifting parents. What a loser.

  62. Anonymous12:56 PM





    Good suggestion Anonymous 10:44 AM. Levi owes you his gratitude!!!!!

    Comment by Anonymous 10:44 AM
    Can you imagine Levi's attorney deposing Brisket and asking her how many children she has given birth to?

  63. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Remember Sarah Palin's Tucson buddy?

    Loughner pleads guilty to 19 counts in Tucson, Arizona, mass shooting.

    Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged gunman in last year's mass shooting outside an Arizona supermarket in Tucson that killed six persons and wounded then-U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, pleaded guilty Tuesday to 19 charges in exchange for the government not seeking the death penalty.


    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      I heard that he said he was a failure when he learned Gabby Giffords was alive. He may be nuts but he was on a mission that he views as failed.

  64. Anonymous2:20 PM

    This is exactly why Bristol is doing the show again, to re-frame her bizarre figure changes as a simple case of "weight gain".

    They are so stupid, these Palins. They try so hard to revise history for their own purposes. This will actually make everyone revisit or newly scrutinize the footage from the last time!

    Bristol has inherited her mother's love of attention - any kind of attention, even negative attention. She also likes to defiantly provoke her detractors at every possible turn, even if it is extremely risky to do so.

    Well, here goes. Way to bring up something you should have been grateful was mostly forgotten, Bristol.

    You and your mother are like dogs with bones. Just can't let one go.

  65. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "My goal [is] not to gain any weight," the young mom recently told PEOPLE

    That's a weird goal? Bristol doesn't have to embarrass herself on tv to do that. Can't she have that goal at home?

    Shows you how retarded Bristol Palin is.

    Just imagine....
    Reporter: Bristol are you excited to finally enroll in college?

    Bristol: "My goal [is] not to gain any weight,"

    See how retarded that sounds?

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Really? Anybody would be excited at a chance to compete on DWTS not to mention given a second chance when during their first chance they just rolled on the floor and dry humped or wore a gorilla costume.

      See Sarah, if you raised a child with some type of education, Bristol would be able to respond better. It is not as if Bristol is being interviewed for the first time in her life. Bristol has been on a lot of talk shows and interviewed by the print media.This is what happens when dumb people take the fast track to money without an education. I agree Bristol sounds retarded.

      "My goal [is] not to gain any weight,"

      I expect better than that even if Bristol is a Palin and considered borderline retarded in school! I guess we can at least be happy that Bristol didn't use the "F" word or accuse the reporter of being Gay. As usual and expected, Bristol did play "I'm the victim" card!

  66. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Quote: Barack Obama and Joe Biden held the exact same position as Bristol does in favor of traditional marriage just a few short months ago, yet were never called "haters" of anyone.Barack Obama and Joe Biden held the exact same position as Bristol does in favor of traditional marriage just a few short months ago, yet were never called "haters" of anyone. -Sarah Palin

    Hey Sarah, have you ever noticed that President Obama's and Vice President Biden's kids and grandkids do not call people fa@@ots or anything like that or accuse people of hating their dads because their Gay and we have not heard their Facebook friends using hateful words like that?

    Sarah it is your kids and grandchild that uses these hateful words and like the saying goes "The apple does not fall far from the tree!"

    Your rotten kids and your grandhild are the product of your and Todd's environment!


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