Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Sarah Palin on Greta Van Susteren show, referring to herself: "Sometimes you're an old bat, sometimes you're just bald." I think I got that quote right.

Click image to play interview.
You would think after all of this time that SOMEBODY would have explained to the Grizzled Mama that citizen's boycotting a business, or speaking against their hate speech, does NOT infringe on the business's First Amendment rights.

She does this yet again in discussing the Chick-Fil-A kerfuffle, and makes herself and other Right Wing idiots sound like protectors of the Constitution, instead of what they truly are, supporters of a business that spends millions of dollars to fund an anti-gay agenda. (By the way Palin defines "traditional marriage" thusly: "One boy, one girl, falling in love, getting married." Perhaps she did not stress this very well at home since we saw last night on a certain reality show that Bristol's idea of a "traditional" relationship, is "One girl, one pussywhipped boy, doing what he's told, playing the substitute father to the child she birthed out of wedlock and is spitefully keeping form seeing his biological father.")

Palin also claims that she was "approached" about attending the RNC convention in Tampa, but claims that she was waiting to find out "what they have in mind" and has not heard back since. (Big surprise.)

My guess is that what the Romney campaign "has in mind" is to keep Palin as far away from the candidate as humanly possible. Perhaps even in another state if possible.

During her explanation about why she was unconcerned about who would or would not show up at the convention (Yeah right!), Palin also brings up Dick Cheney's name which gives Greta the opening I am sure she was waiting for to ask Klondike Kardashian about the fact that Cheney said that Palin was "not a particularly good choice in 2008."(Uh oh!)

Up until then the Grizzled One had been fairly subdued, but now she bares her fangs and starts spitting venom all over the place:

 Sarah Palin:  Well, seeing as how Dick -- excuse me, Vice President Cheney never misfires, then evidently he's quite convinced that what he evidently read about me by the lame stream media having been written what I believe is a false narrative over the last four years, evidently Dick Cheney believed that stuff and that's a shame so he characterized me as being a mistake. (Yeah, why should Cheney listen to actual facts? He never allowed facts to bother him when he was lying about WMD's in Iraq, the definition of torture, or whether or not the Bush administration was wiretapping American citizens, while he was Vice President?) 

Here's where the mistake would have been, Greta. I believe, had I not answered the call -- I was honored to get to run for vice president of the United States alongside Senator John McCain. I was honored to accept the nomination from the GOP and I think that the mistake would have been me just deciding that, 'Hey, I love my 86, 87% approval rating in Alaska as the Governor. (That I worked hard faking poll numbers to achieve.) Moving and shaking and watching corrupt politicians and businessmen go to prison for crony capitalism, working on 16 to 20% of domestic energy supplies being able to be increased via Alaska's resource development. Ethics reform legislation that I was working on, that led to the 86% approval rating.' 

I could have decided, 'You know, I don't want to be bloodied up. I don't want my family to go through what we will have to go through in order to put ourselves forward in the name of service to our country,' but I did it. It would have been a mistake to have hunkered down, just lived that luxurious, if you will, comfortable lifestyle in Alaska. (Which, if I may, was far LESS comfortable than the lifestyle she now lives due to the millions she has earned since quitting the governorship. I'm just saying.)

Instead we, like so many other people across this country, decided we will do all that we can in order to defend our republic, put America back on the right track, and I believe I did the right thing in accepting that call. (I mean just look at my cool new house and my awesome assortment of wigs! Freedom!)

Greta van Susteren: I have two reflections. One, I went back and looked at the poll numbers before you were selected as the vice president, afterwards and at the time the financial cries hit and people can look on GretaWire to see the impact, or how it changed when you were named. The second thing, I might note that Vice President Cheney took a little bit of a slap at Condoleezza Rice in his book, saying she got teared up.

He has two daughters and I believe he's been a good father to them, but he's not afraid to say thing about the women but I don't know what that means. But anyway, your thoughts? (In other words do you agree that he just hates women, and his statement is NOT due to your incredible lack of ability and blatant ignorance?)

Palin: Everybody misfires once in a while. 

And you know what? In the GOP establishment, what I have found, Greta, sometimes you are the Louisville Slugger, baby, and sometimes you are the ball, and evidently in these last months, per many, many comments from those within the GOP establishment, I'm the ball. (Oh, okay well I MIGHT have slightly misquoted her in my headline.  Oh well, close enough!) That's okay. I'm out there working hard for Senate candidates, for House candidates, for those downstream positions that can help stop this failed policy that Obama has put in place.

I love how Palin always makes herself out to the this patriotic fighter for the Constitution and freedom, when clearly the ONLY thing she cares about is keeping her name in the  public consciousness and making money.

And gee, what's more American than that?

(H/T to Real Clear Politics for the transcript.)


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    in screech's fox interview, there was a door creeking and someone was talking in the background, so professional!!! SHe also says traditional marriage has been one man/one woman since the beginning of time, uh Sarah, in the old testament of the bible there was one man and many women for centuries and God approved, it wasn't until the new testament with Jesus that it went to one man one woman, she doesn't read the bible herself. She also said she was a mover and shaker in Alaska, and you should see her face whe she talks about Dick Vader, she also says she is a baseball, what a dolt! Yeah she's a baseball alright, with an old worn out hide and she's missing a few stitches

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Since the beginning of time or the beginning of the Bible?? Abraham took a second wife when his first wife (what was her name, Sarah????) couldn't bear him a child.

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      She's full of shit as are the current catholics. The catholic church had same sex marriages back a very long time ago. It was sanctioned by the church, something they have forgotten all about in their zealous pursuit of more members and hatred.

    3. Anonymous9:53 AM

      I don't think you got that story about the biblical Sarah quite right. Abraham didn't take her as his wife. He just had sex with Sarah the maid because she couldn't say no and she got pregnant. And the bible worshipers hold that out as being a good thing for the church-going boys to emulate.

    4. Anonymous10:23 AM

      9:53 a.m., Sarah was Abraham's wife, but she couldn't get pregnant, so she gave him her maidservant Hagar (the one who couldn't say no). Hagar got pregnant and had Ishmael, then Abraham kicked them both out into the desert. Sarah eventually did get pregnant and had Isaac. Supposedly, Ishmael is the father of many of the nations that have traditionally embraced Islam, while of course the Jewish nation was descended from Isaac.

      Wow, guess i did learn something in Christian school after all!

    5. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Meh... I learned the same thing in secular history class.

    6. Anonymous11:07 AM

      This just once again proves that these blowhards, like Sarah and Cathy, that use the Bible as a shield and a defense to any behavior that they find offensive, HAVE NEVER EVEN READ THE DAMN BOOK!

    7. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Aren't nuns and priests married to God and the Church? That's what was told anyway.

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Well, ain't she just the cat's meow - NOT! What a failure as a politician, as a wife, as a mother, and as a grandmother. She has added nothing positive so far in any realm. That women is an idiot!

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Don't kid yourself -- Palin doesn't give a rat's ass about Chick-fil-a or their anti-gay agenda, or anyone's First Amendment rights. That's too complicated for her.

    All she cares about is another Evangelical Far Right vs Left talking point, and advancing her revenge on Obama and the Liberals because McCain didn't win in 2008 and subsequently choke on a biscuit, thus snagging her the position of President of the US, so she could place all her high school buddies in positions of power, and let Todd run the US as he saw fit, while she waved to people and gave the big middle finger to all her personal enemies.

    Well that was a rather long and disjointed sentence, but I believe I made my point.

    No matter what Palin does or how high she climbs (politically or as a celebrity), it will never be enough to satisfy her revenge. Never.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Perfectly stated. Point made.

  4. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Is it too much to hope that Cheney will invite her to go hunting?

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      How long has she been waiting to deliver that jibe at Cheney? Misfires. Ha ha, ain't she clever?

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      She is an idiot.

    3. Mr Cheney, can I call you a dick? She sure slipped that little one in.

      Anon @ 6:59 - can you hear the clapping and cheering for your comment ! It's pretty loud over this way. You said it. Never.

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      I bet she rehearsed that line in her mirror for hours.

    5. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Isn't that from a woman who had to take five shots at a caribou who'd been given Xanax and then glued to the tundra so she could possibly get a bullet near him?

      At least Cheney, most of the time, hit his targets. And they were flying.

      Trust me: no love for Cheney here, but I think Ms. Caribou Barbie shouldn't point fingers when they should be pointed right back at her.

    6. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Make way 4 the Positive Day! Yeah! Po$itive!

    7. Wasn't Baldy ON ONE last night! And I did notice that video they showed of Baldy with McShame from the RNC how different she looked!

      Her face was really full and her jaw was a different shape too! Wow...she has really aged in 4 years! And not like fine wine either...more like botleg whiskey or sumtin! LOL!!

      And for 6:42AM...I'm "positive" that Baldy will not be allowed anywhere close to the RNC Convention and isn't that a wonderful thang! LOL!!!

    8. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Gryphen, I think that 9:42am and other similar posts might actually be commercial spam. They seem to bear all of the markers.

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    True, Cathy has the right to say whatever he wants. But the public has the right to disagree and choose to no longer buy his product. Personally, I wouldn't want to support a company whose CEO openly discriminates against some of my fellow Americans based on his religious beliefs. These are not the values America was founded on. Besides that, Dan Cathy is showing an appalling lack of business smarts since his company is headquartered in Atlanta, which has the 3rd largest gay population in America. Duh.

  6. She didn't go into the race with McCain knowing she'd be "bloodied"; she went in thinking she was going to be crowned Miss USA and she and her family would bask in the glory of all the Americans who would FINALLY see just how exceptionally gifted and beautiful she and all her glorious offspring were.

    Sarah never does anything for altruistic reasons; it's ALWAYS about how it gets Sarah Palin the glory. Even the whole Trig thing--not to save Bristol from embarrassment; to save SARAH from embarrassment, and to further her glorification in the public's eyes.

    Nevertheless, Cheney is a very dark soul, much worse, dare I say, than Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Cheney is much worse because he has a brain. Thank the stars above Sarah doesn't.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Cheney is much worse because he has a brain. Thank the stars above Sarah doesn't.

      Both of them scare me.

      One has a brain, But don`t agree with what he think.

      One don`t have a brain, and is crazy.

    3. jcinco9:00 AM

      I loved the bit about she could have remained governor of alaska and lived the "luxurious life". But instead she opted to resign and help out all these politicians. What a load of bullshit. Let's compare her checkbook balance when she was governor compared to when she fucked the rubes out of their $$$

    4. Anonymous9:09 AM

      What scares me is the behind-the-doors meeting Cheney had with Mitt the Twit where they wouldn't let reporters in or any photographs taken of them together. What's in it for Darth Vader? They want the public to forget this meeting. I think it should be talked about much more! Ah well, all may be revealed in due time hopefully about this.

    5. jcinco...maybe Toad's blackmail and pimp business...along with the kickbacks that Baldy was getting was more back then...than what she's making now!

      Pretty much all her money making schemes are falling by the wayside...BaldyPac...Beefy's Unreality show...SPAK...and the Toad's upcoming girly man performance are all one time payouts!

      Baldy is screwed if they can't grift!

  7. Anonymous7:11 AM

    What the HELL does THIS have to do with POLITICS???

    'Bristol Palin: Life's A Tripp': Gino Gives Bristol A Promise Ring While The Couple Is Bear Hunting (VIDEO)

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      "What the HELL does THIS have to do with POLITICS???"

      Nothing - which is why it's on the HuffPost TV page.

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Huffington used to have a full page devoted to Sarah. Sometimes the stories that they print have nothing to do with the sensational headline that made you look in the first place.

      Huffington is using Bristol to get readers so they can get increased advertising dollars and claim a high readership. That must be why DWTS took Bristol back, thinking that she would be good for ratings. (They were supposed to have called her while she was still filming that fake flop of a show. They had no idea that her ratings would be so bad.)

    3. I'll tell you what it has to do with politics.

      500 people will click on the article to comment that the brainless dunce has no business being on the politics page just because her has-been mother was a politician.

      If HP put it on the Entertainment page, or News of the Weird, no one would bother clicking on it at all.

      It's all about the clickies and the ad revenue for HP.

    4. Anonymous 7:40 AM
      "What the HELL does THIS have to do with POLITICS???"
      Nothing - which is why it's on the HuffPost TV page.
      It is in both sections (and who knows how many more?).

    5. jcinco9:04 AM

      zsa zsa huffington is a money whore just like sarah. she'll do anything to line her pocketbook including a 180 on her politics. she's not to be trusted. she has no moral compass or convictions. furthermore she can drop the dippy accent, she's been here poking her big greek nose in our business for 1/2 a century.certainly long enough to not sound like she arrived on ellis island yesterday.

    6. Anonymous10:32 AM

      jcinco, it looks like you have a good bead on zsa zsa. Your perception matches mine.

  8. Anonymous7:15 AM

    She lobbied relentlessly for the VP slot, even hired a PR firm to help package herself. Now she's claiming that she reluctantly took the job because it was her patriotic duty?

    If there was ever a doubt that she was mentally ill, this rambling, delusional, spite filled response to Cheney's observation should dispel it forever.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      She's the country's most obvious expert on energy in this country (it's 13% Sarah, Alaska only contributes 11 to 13% of our energy needs) yet an old crony capitalist Gene Therriault gets the Alaska Energy Authority job by Captain Zero?

      Take on the good old boys establishment again Sarah, nevermind the FBI did the work that you take credit for, but go after Sean Parnell's crony capitalism (what does that mean again? And what felled policies of Obama?)

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      >>She's the country's most obvious expert on energy in this country<<

      knowing that snow machines get fueled from drums and noses get filled off drum tops also too.

      watch out for water in the fuel and whatnot.

    3. Anonymous8:36 AM

      '''Anonymous7:15 AM
      If there was ever a doubt that she was mentally ill, this rambling, delusional, spite filled response to Cheney's observation should dispel it forever.'''

      She is definitely mentally ill.

  9. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Will this walking, talking embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect ever just go away?

    Funniest comment on Huffpo about Idiot Sarah:
    'She was so good at being governor that she finished early!'

  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That’s Mitticulous!

    He goes to London. Insults the Brits. Draws a rebuke from the prime minister. Becomes tabloid fodder.

    But the man doesn’t rest.

    Mitt Romney goes next to the Middle East. Insults Palestinian “culture.” Palestinians call him “racist.” Says one: Even our worst enemies (i.e., the Israelis) never say such things!

    Out of context, Team Mitt cries. He wasn’t singling out Palestine. Why, just the other day he made the same point about Mexicans!

    Hole dug deeper.

    What next in Warsaw — a Polish joke?

    And this is just the past few days.

    We’ve reached a rare moment. Sometimes a phenomenon is so unprecedented and altogether singular that existing language doesn’t suffice to capture it. This is how language evolves, as new realities inspire fresh coinages to do justice to human experience.

    Often our vocabulary expands because of technology. In 2011, 400 words were added to the Oxford Concise Dictionary’s tally of 240,000. “Retweet,” “sexting” and “cyberbully” were three. (“Mankini” and “jeggings” were lower-tech additions, in case you were wondering.)

    Romney’s penchant for remarks and behaviors that are false, dumb, tone-deaf, ill-advised, pandering, implausible, awkward, regressive, out of touch or some blend of the above — and which unfold with no apparent awareness of their having the aforementioned qualities but instead are swiftly defended or sidestepped with an arrogance or haughtiness that compounds the offense — has brought us to the cusp of a linguistic breakthrough.

    Traditional adjectives just won’t do. When Romney thoughtlessly trashed British Olympic preparations, even his allies were left with a sense that modern English wasn’t equal to the occasion. (“It’s unbelievable, it’s beyond human understanding, it’s incomprehensible,” said my Post colleague Charles Krauthammer on Fox News, before adding, “I’m out of adjectives.”)

    When Romney says “corporations are people, my friend” or okays the explanation that he “retroactively resigned” from Bain, the mind reels, but the mouth comes up short.

    What’s the right new word? “Mitticism” might be a serviceable noun, but it feels quaint and obscure. “Mittgaffe” has a fun ring redolent of “McNugget,” but it still misses. After all, we’re talking about a state of mind, a way of thinking (or not thinking), that goes beyond any single misstep.

    No, sometimes only a punchier adjective will do.

    I propose “Mitticulous.”

    Mitticulous means that what Romney does...

    1. Marleycat8:56 AM

      I absolutely LOVE this comment and article - sent the link to my daughter and son-in-law - professors in ESL (Concordia University)and Theoretical Linguistics (University of Quebec) in Montreal - they are going to truly enjoy this new "word", just like "palinism"!!!

      BTW - they love it in Canada and of course enjoy a higher standard of living, universal healthcare, and pay a whopping $7 a day for quality childcare, and my SIL gets to take paternity leave to care for their new baby while my daughter returns to work at Concordia. Meanwhile, their rent is lower - and education for everyone is valued highly there.

      Household income is $30,000 - $40,000 higher there despite their commie/socialistic style healthcare system. My daughter was perfectly happy with the excellent, timely healthcare provided for her high risk pregnancy and C-section delivery of her baby.

      Thanks for this post!

    2. Great word and article. I have come to agree with Lawrence O'Donnell that Mitt is just plain dumb. Some people are good at studying and regurgitating the information back in order to get a degree in something. In certain areas of study, critical thinking is not necessary. I think that Mitt proves that point.

  11. Anonymous7:20 AM

    LOL. Great quote.

    You have got to explain why a 21 yr old man gives a 21 yr old woman a PROMISE RING? That is not done in the lower 48 at that age. Is it Alaskan tradition?????

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      When he described getting a bear to take the bait as god as getting laid, I don't think that Gino is saving himself for marriage.

      I also noticed that while Gino promised to be faithful to Bristol, she didn't give him a ring and her promise. Instead, she gave him a dog to teach him responsibility. Gino must be some catch if he needs to be treated in this way. Poor Gino can look forward to Bristol bossing him around.

      When Gino did give Bristol the ring in that fake staged scene, the least that Bristol could have done would have been to act surprised, throw her arms around Gino and say that she loved him. No, instead she smiled for the cameras because it was part of the show.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      No, it is not an Alaskan tradition. It is something that young teens do all over the country. They are just acting at their maturity level.

    3. Anonymous8:26 AM

      They are truly in love.

    4. WakeUpAmerica9:32 AM

      God, I hope that was snark.

    5. Anonymous9:37 AM

      With the Palin/Heath kkklan it can't be an engagement without the engagement fetus.

      Little Rabbit

    6. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Whatever happened to the fact she threw him out on the road, told him to get out of her life???

    7. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Family=off limits

    8. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Hilarious!!!!! If I hadn't just finished my coffee, I would have electrocuted myself via spit-take on the keyboard!!!!!!!!!

      fetaly filial,
      Wild Tortoise

    9. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I wonder how much Gino gets paid.

    10. Anonymous12:55 PM

      In stamps.

  12. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Lou Sarah isn't even good enough for the nuts at the RNC. How much more pathetic can she get? They don't want you sarah, just like America didn't want you 4 years ago. Time to sit down and shut up.

  13. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Why did Bristol choose to name her second child after her dad's prostitute Shailey Tripp ? That's weird. I think she was tricked by Levi after he caught Todd sneaking out the back door of Shailey's "establishment".

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Is it true that Todd bought those "Tripp" license plates before Tripp was ever born?

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      "Trig was Tripp before he was Trig, so yea, it would figure that Todd purchased those plates when the FIRST Tripp was gestating, wherever he was gestating....

  14. Oh, and Sarah? As if Dick Cheney didn't already know EVERYTHING about you before you were picked to run with McCain and had to rely on Fox and CNN to tell the world what a fraud you were.

    I realize it's hard to work with the brain you were saddled with, but you were the one who wanted the spotlight, so tough patooshkies.

  15. Oh the drama, $arah Heartburn. I was sure she was ramping up some Beck tears at the end of her little ballsy 'bat' soliloquy but she was just too dried up and dehydrated to produce any water.

    Palin is always so generous in inviting us to these little pity parties and this was one of the grandest in a while. I'm pretty certain Gryphen is a huge inspiration for many of these little galas. Poor little public serpent can't even serve her public without all these mean bloggers pickin' on her and trying to silence her voice. I say, 'keep up the good work G!'

  16. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Sarah is a woman who either:
    a.) Stole her daughter's special needs baby and faked a pregnancy to gain political cred
    b.) Endangered a special needs pregnancy and tried to abort Trig by flying across the country after her water broke

    It can only be one. Which is it Sarah lovers? I'd really like to hear your answer.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I think it is No. 2. But either way she looks like she is a victim of circumstance and a saint in her screwed up mind. And this person also believed it was god’s will for her to be on the VP ticket. What a deluded loon.

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Yea, and Sarah? Where's the birth certificate? Obama has to show his every three months but you haven't shown Trig's yet. Where is it? Oh, that's right it would show the date of birth sometime back in January or February of '08 and not what you lying sack of shit said was April. We WILL find out one day and Gryphen and all his readers will be vindicated! Lying POS!

    3. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Really hard to decide. Either one. We know she offered to adopt Tripp to save face. We also know she faked a pregnancy.

    4. Anonymous10:06 AM

      I think with her Fundie connections, CBJ secured a DS baby for Sarah and made the hand-off at the Mat-Su hospital, where Sarah was not even registered as a patient.

    5. Anonymous10:41 AM

      I always thought it was #2.

    6. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Absolutely no way it was the latter. Endangering the life of her unborn child is one thing. Endangering her OWN life is another. She is a coward and extremely self serving. No way would she put her own life at risk (or even risk having to give birth in the aisle of a plain where everyone could be witness).

  17. Anonymous7:29 AM

    This is the mother of all headbang Sarah interviews for sure.

    Love your summary of this Gryphen, it's right on!

    Sarah cannot be told she makes mistakes. She will not tolerate any criticism. She will not be corrected, even by a Vice President. Imagine her as President or VP, or any public service job, for that matter, she would NOT submit to any boss, or supervisor, or power. She would be a catastrophe. Her inability to play by the rules, to submit to a higher order, is obvious here. Sarah would not be able to join the military. She wouldn't be able to 'sacrifice, or be a team player. She wouldn't put herself on the line. She wouldn't leave a plush lifestyle to live for months in an arid desert, under the command of a unit. She just plain would not obey her commander.

    If anyone made one tiny critical point about Sarah, she would quit. Dick Cheney's "mistake" remark no doubt has a plethora of reasons she is a mistake; and because he was trying to be the gentleman, he wouldn't elaborate. But when someone's selection is called a 'mistake' it has to be bad. He knows and the whole GOP know as well, but won't say, because it entails letting on that Sarah is not only unruly and unsubmissive, but her ego and her arrogance is out of control. They must know she has critical emotional/psychological problems.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      "This is the mother of all headbang Sarah interviews for sure."

      For now. Just wait. She is going downhill fast. Look what the media has done to Mitt recently. That is next for Sarah. The next time she says something hateful it is under the bus for her. Not a little hateful like every day, but the next blood libel, which she'll be uttering soon. Maybe it will be about Treyvon Martin, the First Lady, maybe about some rill hero like Walton Henry Butler.

      It is coming. It will be ugly.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      I really really really hope Sarah keeps on screeching, trying to steal some spotlight for herself and irritates the GOP to no end! Someone WILL get fed up and shine the light on Todd's prostitution ring or on her baby hoax if she keeps it up like this. Don't retreat, reload Sarah!

    3. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Doggy Dawg weave seen this microwaved po$t. Talk about Groundhog Day. Try Po$itive! 1 love

    4. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Still haven't mastered the English language eh?

      And yes...Baldy did look like a "Groundhog" last night! Thanks for pointing that out! LOL!!

  18. Anonymous7:30 AM

    She's lying again. No one from the RNC has "approached" Sarah except to say "Stay the fuck away or we'll reveal the truth about Trig"

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Exactly. They DO NOT want her near that convention.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      I agree that she's been warned.

    3. Baldy is straight up NASTY! They don't want that trash at there event and they certainly don't want to pay another 250,000 dollars to outfit her whole hillbilly family again! Been there...done that...and they still are paying the tab!

  19. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Retard Sarah Lou's newly learned word = "evidently".
    Like all words in sarah's limited vocabulary, she doesn't even know how to use it properly. Well what do you expect from a person who couldn't even graduate college? She is literally borderline retarded and has passed it down the family.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Evidently, Sarah learned a new word to shore up her credentials as a self-described, "Intellectual" via Katie Couric.

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      But she did graduate college. Malia Litman called and verified this. There is SO much to criticize, why make things up.

    3. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Didn't the Mr. Rogers show have a word of the day? Sarah must be watching the re-runs.

    4. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I believe it was verified that she went to the college, not that she graduated.

    5. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Someone pointed out that she was asked to give the keynote address at CPAC. I am on the fence whether she will be asked to participate at the convention.

      I would bet they won't because she is unpredictable, goes 'rogue', seeks to steal the limelight and may show up dressed inappropriately. IMO she is too risky despite her ability to throw out red meat to their base.

    6. Anonymous9:43 AM

      She may have graduated bit she sure never completed a basic English class. Whoever awarded her a degree should be ashamed.

    7. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:47 AM

      8:34- No, I don't remember.

      Why doesn't SARAH produce:

      1) Her birth certificate

      2) Trig's Birth Certificate

      3) Her college diploma

      oh hell-

      4) Tripp's birth certificate

      (I want to make certain that Sarah Palin IS a US Citizen and her Children are ALL US citizens, since they'be been receiving BENEFITS as such for a VERY long time).

      Then, we'll talk.

  20. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Now Sarah and Tri-PP have another thing in common besides being bigoted homophobes: they both are considered "mistakes"

  21. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Proof the old bald bat psycho from Wasilla reads your blog Gryph. LOL!

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      7:35 I thought the same thing!

  22. Anonymous7:36 AM

    God hates you Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      God hates her? If there even is a God, I highly doubt she or he hates anyone.
      Don't you mean YOU hate Sarah?

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Well, if it's Sarah or Bristol Palin's version of "God", I'm sure he hates them both.

    3. Anonymous9:45 AM

      U just cant live in that negative way! Got 2 have a good vibe!

    4. jcinco10:13 AM

      shouldn't you be flopping around the floor practicing your dryhumping for dwts bearstool?

    5. Anonymous9:45 AM

      You babbled this same shit yesterday "AlphaNum" might want to go back to BigBoss and ask for some different talking points...we're not able to decipher your hilly gibberish! Thanks Loon! LOL!!

  23. Anonymous7:36 AM

    The Casey Anthony of politics has spoken.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      $o funny I 4got 2 laff

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM AlphaNum is posting jokes from the 70's...and bad ones at that! LOL!!

  24. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Classic addict in denial. She got called on the carpet by Cheney and all she can do is point fingers and blame and rationalize and deflect. It's everyone elses' fault. I'm just a victim.

    And of course she fantasizes about that magical time when she was popular and her kids were perfect (or at least unpregnant and still in school) and her husband had a job.

    She can't accept the ride is over. She's still chasing that first hit of that convention speech. She can't accept that she and her family are now a national laughing stock, that she can barely draw a crowd in Texas, that she's not going to be invited to Tampa.

    If she's lucky she'll hit bottom. One day she'll be staring and Larry Flynt's number, thinking about that offer...

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Oh, she's going to Tamapa just not to the convention. She may perform at some of the strip joints that are gearing up for all the good little evangelical republicans coming to the convention with the Sarah Palin impersonators. That's why Sarah got the new boobies installed so that she could look like the other Sarah impersonators. No one will know if it's the real thing or the impersonator.

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      "She's still chasing that first hit of that convention speech." Thank you. That's the best line I've heard about her. It fits her like a glove.

  25. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I propose boycotting Chic Fila not becayse of their anti gay agenda but because they allow rodents in their store.There is even a picture of it.Very unsanitary.I'll never eat there.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      I take it you are referring to that pic of $arah and Toad in the Upchuk fil A pigging out on transfats.

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      "but because they allow rodents in their store" Too funny!

  26. Marleycat7:38 AM

    More than likely, if indeed she WAS invited (a BIG if), she demanded her $100,000 speaking fee to further embarrass the GOP with her skankiness, er, I meant appearance - something they fully expected and hoped she would demand - so they could in all good conscience and good faith NOT BOTHER TO CALL HER BACK!!! If the GOP caves to this skanky little media whore - she will lose votes for them big time AND show themselves to be nothing but the pussy whipped, cowardly morons they are!!! Hey Sarah - tell Todd to get to work and line up some of his hookers as bait to get them to hire you to speak at the convention! That should work for you - it always did in the past, right?

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      What are you saying? Are you saying that Toad is a pimp? What is it that he does with his jiz?

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      She's lying. They did not invite her.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:51 AM


      Toad is a pimp.

      But who the hell mentioned "jiz"??


      And if you've been reading here long, you'd know that Toad puts his Teeny Tiny Two Toned Pecker "productions" in wash cloths - which he stuffs in his coat pocket.

      Alaska, this was YOUR SHADOW GOVERNOR.

      Thank you, again, Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous10:09 AM

      I agree. Never invited and can't admit it.

  27. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Sarah will ride into the GOP convention on a white dressage horse, tossing Chick-Fil-A sandwiches to all the attendees.

    Whereupon she will be crowned as the Presidential candidate for the GOP.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      lol you flying monkey you!

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Yes the other GOP: Grand Old Prickteases.

  28. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Sarah said that Cheney was misinformed because he got his information from the lamestream media. Do you think that Cheney gets his news from the TV, papers or the internet? He knows people on the inside. With a couple of phone calls, he can talk to the Speaker of the House, any senator, people in the FBI and CIA. Cheney knew exactly who Sarah was when McCain picked her.

    Sarah doesn't help herself when she insults the Establishment Republicans.

    1. I was trying to pin down what was odd about her explanation and you are exactly right. Like Cheney lies around surrounded by fast food wrappers, leafing through USA Today for his information. Sure, Sarah. You just keep telling yourself that.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Somebody in the W administration reported that EVERY TV in the WH, and in every hotel room they stayed at HAD to be tuned to Fox, per Cheney's orders. So, maybe $carah is correct, and he does get his information from the lamesteam media - FIX.

    3. Anonymous9:09 AM

      8:41: that's exactly right. I remember that he specifically demanded that the TVs be tuned to Fox News. So, watching her on Fox News is where he came to the conclusion that she was unqualified. End of story, quitta from Wasilla.

    4. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:53 AM

      I thought that was *the* most ridiculous thing she could possibly have said.


      Dick Cheney is taking advice from the fucking papers and online blogs????

      HE has OWNED the GOP for years!

      He knows the skeletons in EVERY.ONE's closets.

      The newspapers don't know HALF the things Dick Cheney knows about.


      Sarah Palin is an ass pimple that didn't work out, and has now gotten so big, it's a fucking BOIL that need to be lanced.

      Now, it's time.

  29. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Her Cheney spiel was classic.

    How many bartenders have heard that self-pity fest at closing time from the guy paying in pennies and nickles?

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      She's a legend in her own mind.

    2. Sarah: "I coulda been a contenda!"

  30. Anonymous7:55 AM

    That is some major spin. She became part of the corruption and actively promoted cronyism. She didn't root out corruption, in fact Ruedrich was still chair of the party when she was done. The FBI did the clean up job. If Cheney knew the whole truth, he'd think even less of her. He may be Darth Vader, but he's right on this one. Her entire career in politics has been a bad mistake.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      No wonder she is so hated by the Alaska GOP. They will never forgive her for her Miller Time attack during the Alaska GOP convention and the gas pipeline debacle. Where’s that pipeline Sarah? As to the approval rating? Yeah! When you gave every man, woman and child in Alaska $1,200 in July 2008 it sure did improve your rating (that was going down the toilet after Troopergate was exposed). If you are reading this Sarah: I hope you leave Alaska and never come back. There is nobody I know here who thinks you are anything but a piece of crap elephant in the middle of the room.

    2. Anonymous9:16 AM

      You also forgot to mention Sarah giving TransCanada a nonrefundable $500 Million to the planning for the pipeline, which could triple to $1.5 Trillion if it doesn't go any further, which looks to be the case. Of course, they were the only company to bid on the pipeline and the oil companies all told the legislature and Sarah they wouldn't be using the pipeline as it was set up.

      Yes, Sarah saved so much money for Alaska, as Sarah fans will tell you.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:57 AM

      That is some major spin.

      That has been her "platform" since DAY 1: Politics, Wasilla.

      She has never, ever strayed from her bullshit message. And every.single. utterance is total and complete bullshit.

      Even *I* know that the oil production in Alaska is single digit - like 6% or 8%.

      Palin has been touting 16-20% for years.

      Her lies are just so obvious to anyone paying attention.

    4. Anonymous10:52 AM

      'Her entire career in politics has been a bad mistake.'

      Her entire (adult) life, from what I've read, seen, researched, learned...has been a bad mistake.

      Maybe even before that, with her CREEPY CHUCKIE, nasty, father and absent, evangelical, turned a blind eye, mother.

      Not sure what Sarah's purpose is on this planet, but she ain't workin' for the light forces, that's for certain!

    5. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Sarah Palin has bought her own 'press'.

      Press that she promoted and produced and now she doesn't know/can't tell the difference since she's truly programmed her mind to believe that she is an amazing person.

      She views herself as a ground-breaking patriot, devoted citizen and public servant...fighting the evils of the establishment...really likened to some sort of cartoon character super hero...

      ...when in fact she is a very sick, mentally compromised, narcissistic personality disordered, pathologically lying, victim/bully who has been promoted and propped up by anyone who sees what a puppet she can be used for, and she likes to think she's in charge with her 'going rogue' stuff, when in fact she is simply 'acting out' her deep emotional wounds and hatred for men she can't seduce with sex or hate.

      She got stuck around age 8 or 9 psychologically, which would make sense for when the incest began, since that is when young girls are at their blossoming prime. Remember what her creepy father said about sleeping naked.

      She uses the nasty, mean girl, 'barracuda' facade to cover for her utter and complete feeling of worthlessness. She keeps up this tough girl front, when in fact she is falling apart in large chunks, every day, and we are seeing so much of that in the tenor of her voice, the state of her wigs, the mix of her world salad and the extremity of her facial expressions.

      She is as delusional as any mental patient in an institution, but somehow her ego and her extreme need for attention hold some of that in check, thus she can 'function' in limited exposure, like Fox, Twitter, FB, friendly interviews. She never really has to answer to anyone, off the cuff, and when she occasionally does, it's a disaster by anyone's standards and she has to spend time doing damage control and backtracking and OF COURSE blaming the 'lamestream media'. She tries to control the message by cheating, massive pre-prepping/scripts/telepromting, ghostwriters and flying monkeys protecting their queen by posting hateful and bigoted messages on blogs and facebook.

      The proverbial shit is EVIDENTLY about to hit the fan. You do NOT FUCK WITH DARTH CHENEY. Sarah has just stepped one too-big-for-her-britches step too far and she is about to have her large head reduced to a shriveled one.

      She didn't have to say anything...she could have just agreed to disagree...but no, she had to go and whack the nastiest, darkest, most evil Bush administration architect of torture and war and coverups and secrets...and whack him with a vicious, scowl on her face, in a way that tried to demean and diminish him on FOX NEWS, for god's sake.

      Suddenly, all I can see is a big black shoe slowly crushing a little stinky bug and it just keeps grinding that little putrid bug into the pavement until there really isn't anything remotely resembling a bug left. In fact, the whole bug's family gets under that shoe. Not a pretty sight.

    6. jcinco1:03 PM

      I think there is a lot of truth to what you say, If she wouldn't have said such terrible things about the president and about folks like me and my fellow liberal sisters and brothers, not "rill" Americans, I might feel sorry for her. But I feel nothing about how hard and far she will fall, I predict she'll have some sort of breakdown in the near future as she seemed quite rattled last night.
      It really has to hurt to know someone like cheney has no qualms about publically slamming her, That mitt romney, the republican candidate, doesn't want her even near the convention. And probably most of all the president, one of the most compassionate and gracious men around, has never responded to her offers of advice regarding energy, what she perceives herself to be an expert at as others have told her so.
      She no longer comes across as an attractive, feisty petite spitfire of a woman but rather a bitter small person. Her hunger for attention is so sad, she just wasn't brought up right...

    7. jcinco1:47 PM


  31. Anonymous8:02 AM

    WaPo's conservative voice Ross Douthat, writes of the Sarah Palin Effect:

    Sarah Palin may have done wonders for Tina Fey, MSNBC’s ratings and the reality-television industry in general, but she’s made this year’s Republican veepstakes vastly less interesting to handicap. The fear of repeating a Palin-style choice, a gamble that worked out badly for both members of 2008’s Republican ticket, has dramatically shortened the plausible list of Mitt Romney’s running mates.

  32. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Her delusion was on full display here. Everyone who watches that can't be fooled anymore. Sarah needs to be leashed at all times. She can't control her anger. I think all the GOP players and Tea Partiers know that now.

    This interview was a set-up between both Greta and Sarah right from the start. There was no spontaneity here. This had to be rehearsed. Greta probably calls up Sarah, and asks her to be ready for the questions at hand. When Sarah started 'misfire' rant on Cheney, it was apparent, to me, that she had that word rehearsed and knew it would sting him. It was all about his past hunting mistake.

    The woman can't divide politics from her personal life. If people don't love her nasty behavior, thoughts, feelings, claims, contradictions, character assassinations of others, she can't understand. She can't understand why no one would want to play ball with her.

    The worst thing about the interview is her making her and her family out to be this wonderful giving sacrificing family who would offer themselves up on the altar of service to the country. That would have to hurt those in the armed services and military who daily sacrifice limb and life, and family to serve. They don't have a platform to snark on national TV, and complain. They do their jobs nobly, and when they do come home, don't have Hollywood agents calling them and their family's up to do reality TV shows.

    Whatever sacrifice Sarah thinks she has made, is a small price to pay for the convenient results she's reaped. She's sold books, done the celebrity tour, doesn't have to work, is financially secure, has opportunity at her beck and call. If she wanted to, she COULD do something noble. But she choses to spew and attack and be the victim. And HER 'sacrifice' gave her nothing but undeserved flattery and gifts. She should be ashamed for talking about HER sacrifice of accepting the VP nomination, and walking away from her 86% approval rating in Alaska. She's better off today than then.

    After the election, God forbid, when the lights go out once again, and the new administration gets back in gear, rolling up their sleeves working for their constituents, Sarah will still be demanding attention and her father Chuck and brother Chuck Jr., will be sucking up as much from her previous glory as they can, before the well dries out.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      8:08 AM: Spot on assessment.

  33. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I just love how she "mistakenly" calls him Dick..excuse me VP Cheney never misfires-a little dig about the hunting incident.
    She's just so cute & quite the lady!
    Keep it classy Sarah!

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      She calls people by their first names a lot. 'In what respect Charlie?" (Journalist Charles Gibson asking her what she thought the Bush doctrine was. She clearly had never heard of it before) Or in the debate with Sen. Joe Biden, she just had to call him Joe. No showing of respect, nothing. I think it's her way of elevating herself to their stature and/or bringing someone else down to her level.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Did she say "Dick," or "the Dick!"

  34. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Study: Romney Plan Would Raise Taxes On 95% Of Americans

    Mitt Romney’s tax plan would be a boon for the wealthy, but a tax hike for 95% of Americans, according to a new nonpartisan study. The report, by researchers from both the Brookings Institution and Tax Policy Center, examined Romney’s suggestion of an across-the-board 20% income tax cut financed by closing existing loopholes and concluded there was no way to make the numbers work without burdening the vast majority of Americans with higher taxes.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      This should be the game-set-match for President Obama, but watch the GOP spin it to mean exactly the opposite of what it says.

  35. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Four for a dollar and not selling.

  36. Ooooh, Skanklin is a-swattin' the hornet's nest! Cheney "misfires?" Does she know who she's going toe to toe with? This is getting good!!

    Good Lord, she's her own worst enemy. Such a complete lack of awareness, both self and otherwise.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I agree. This is the man who outed Valerie Plame and ruined her career. All to spite her husband.

  37. Let her Anita Bryant herself. The gays can be very creative.

  38. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Beginning today, up to 47 million women may be eligible to get free access to preventive health care services as that provision of President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act goes into effect.

    As contraception mandate goes into effect, opponents continue to fight

    "Women deserve to have control over their health care," wrote Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on a blog post on "Too often, they have gone without preventive services, worrying about what even a $20 insurance co-pay would mean to their families' budgets and choosing to pay for groceries or rent instead. But now, thanks to the health care law, many women won't have to make that choice."

    Under the new provision that goes into effect August 1, 2012, women will be eligible to receive the following eight services without paying a co-pay:

    Well-woman visits, including an annual check-up for adult women to get recommended preventive services, and additional visits if women and their doctors determine them necessary.
    Contraception and contraceptive counseling: Women will have free access to all FDA-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures and patient education and counseling without a co-pay. Most workers in employer-sponsored plans are currently covered for contraceptives.
    Gestational diabetes screening for women 24 to 28 weeks pregnant, and those at high risk of developing gestational diabetes. Women who have gestational diabetes have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future and the children of women with gestational diabetes are at increased risk of being overweight and insulin-resistant during childhood.
    HPV DNA testing every three years for women who are 30 or older, regardless of Pap smear results. HPV screening has been shown to help reduce the prevalence of cervical cancer.
    Annual sexually transmitted infections (STI) counseling for sexually-active women. Such sessions have been shown to reduce risky behavior in patients; only 28 percent of women aged 18-44 years reported that they had discussed STIs with a doctor or nurse, according to HHS.
    HIV screening and counseling for sexually-active women. From 1999 to 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a 15 percent increase in AIDS cases among women, and a 1 percent increase among men, suggesting an increased risk for women.
    Breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling for pregnant and postpartum women, including access to comprehensive lactation support and counseling from trained providers, as well as breastfeeding equipment.
    Interpersonal and domestic violence screening and counseling for all adolescent and adult women. An estimated 25 percent of U.S. women report being targets of intimate partner violence during their lifetimes and screening will lead to interventions to increase their safety.

    Already covered under the law are other free preventive services for women recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a group of doctors that advise the government on treatment guidelines. These include mammograms every 1-2 years for women over 40, cervical cancer screenings and prenatal care.

    Many uninsured women taking contraception will still have out-of-pocket costs since the new rules only apply to people currently enrolled in health insurance plans. When the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented more women are expected to get free access to preventive services.

    Because these changes take effect at the beginning of a new insurance plan year, the requirement may go into effect later in the year for some people.


    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      I am so proud of this legislation. It is shocking how women have had to scrimp to pay for a very real and basic right to contraception.

  39. Did anyone else notice Queen Esther at the 4.30 mark flat out admitted the 10th Amendment--States' Rights--only works for Her so long as the masses agree with Her? "But when it comes to very fundamental, cornerstone, blah blah blah, national dialog..." but so long as voters go the way I approve perfect!

    Gotta' love that there "Homosexual Voter Base," also too; a real gem that one.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Malia is reporting that Ted Cruz' biggest backer is a GAY San Francisco businessman, and the Tea Party is not amused. Darn Sarah. You should have done some homework, huh? Was Piper too busy to Goggle for you?

  40. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:45 AM

    to defend our republic


    Which part of the AIP creed is that, asshole Palins?


    Also, too. When poor, poor "Bloodied" Sarah talks about her abuse(!) at the hands of the GOP:

    "That's okay".

    For some bizarre reason, I thought of Tracy Flick from "ELECTION" (oh, that's weird! didn't even think of the title prior to just typing it!)-

    You know, the Crazy, Obsessed Girl who will do ANYTHING to win the election (she pulled down the posters first!).

    And then she has that super tight-lipped smile-thing.

    Then, don't forget, Tracy gets to Capitol Hill.


  41. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:47 AM

    But seriously, that still of Sarah really does look like a man dressed as a woman.

    I really, really hadn't seen it before, but in the last couple of weeks, she just looks like a man-face.

    And those hands!! and her chest!

    Use sunscreen ladies! and lotion!

    Sarah-skin is your future without them! *shudder*

    1. jcinco10:18 AM

      her face is so puffy she appears to be having a anaphylactoid reaction.

  42. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Please, if Levi wanted to see his kid he could.

    The facts are that he doesn't even try.

    You fought for your child Gryphen didn't you?

    Levi doesn't show the same effort.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Levi's only kid is Tri-G, right? And Sarsh stole him for political purposes.
      Tripp ain't Levis kid!

  43. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Darth Vader couldn't care less what Miss Priss Quittypants says about him. If he wanted her to take the bait, he knew he could count on it, and she did. But I really don't think he gives a crap about her. He's got an inner circle and she ain't in it. Now, if she came out and called him a torturer on Fox...that could be very interesting. But we know she'd never do that. All she's good for is preteen level digs. Thinks she's so clever with the "misfires" and "dick" when all it does is show her as the coward and the nitwit she is.

  44. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Did anyone notice in Bristol's DWTS interviews she is not wearing the promise ring.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Could it be because Bristol is trolling for a richer replacement for Gino while she is at the Cheesecake Factory in Los Angeles?

  45. Anonymous9:05 AM

    LOL she IS an old bat. And a willing ball. They used her & kicked her around & she went for the dough. Her usefulness & attractiveness has worn out like an old hardened ho. Nobody wants her any mo.

  46. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The Five Most Ridiculous Quotes From Ann Romney

  47. angela9:11 AM

    Palin is a drinking game. She has been repeating the same old tired shit for four years and we all know exactly what she is going to say. Take a drink for patriotism, blah, blah, blah Obama bad, blah, blah blah her family.

    Props though to her for the ongoing "Dick Cheney misfires (shooting a man in the face) thing. She's a mean assed thing when attacked.

    Still ---the heifer is beyond boring.

  48. Irishgirl9:15 AM

    Stapleton, Meghan N (DNR) Saturday, July 12, 2008 4:29 PM

    By the way, the neighborhood doctor in Auburn says that there is some British political gambling website that's quite accurate in its political predictions. Next to Romney, you're in second place as a VP. The odds are 5 to 1 for you and 3 to 1 for Mitt. There's got to be a part of you that's pinching yourself and asking if all this is true. It's unbelievable because you're everywhere - on the talk shows being talked about and in huge publications, like Newsweek, as a potential candidate. It's so much fun to watch.., and think about.

    I don't see any mention of a servant's heart. This was all a bloody game to them.

  49. Anonymous9:18 AM

    The Palin Effect

    Sarah Palin may have done wonders for Tina Fey, MSNBC’s ratings and the reality-television industry in general, but she’s made this year’s Republican veepstakes vastly less interesting to handicap. The fear of repeating a Palin-style choice, a gamble that worked out badly for both members of 2008’s Republican ticket, has dramatically shortened the plausible list of Mitt Romney’s running mates.

    It is highly unlikely, for instance, that the presumptive Republican nominee will select either of his party’s most promising female officeholders, New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, because both have less than two years of political experience in statewide office, and the parallels with the Palin pick would probably dominate the news coverage at the outset.

    It’s also unlikely that Romney will go with Marco Rubio of Florida, darling of the right and Great Hispanic Hope though he may be, because of basically similar considerations. Rubio is light on experience and relatively new to the national stage, and even though the various controversies in his past – over his credit card expenditures as a Florida officeholder, over the way his Web site described his parent’s departure from Cuba, over his friendship with a Florida congressman who’s been investigated by the I.R.S. – mostly look like pseudoscandals, there are enough of them to spook a campaign wary of a replay of the McCain campaign’s Troopergate headaches.

    The memory of the way Palin’s star tended to eclipse McCain’s even when she wasn’t “going rogue,” meanwhile, has probably reduced Romney’s appetite for picking a mercurial, celebrity-like figure.

  50. Anonymous9:22 AM


  51. I swear to Satan it looks like she's coming in that picture. I can understand her getting excited about being on TV again, but.....

  52. Leland9:24 AM

    Would someone PLEASE steal all her wigs and hide them from her so she can't get in front of the camera?!!!!

    I don't have TV service at all in my house and yet I STILL fear for my TV set every time that fool gets in front of a camera!

  53. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Colbert Hammers Romney’s Overseas Blunders, Makes Fun Of Sarah Palin (VIDEO)

  54. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Idiot half-term governor tells face-shooting vice president what's what

    Oh, Sarah, you lipsticked half-wit snowball of FAIL. If you didn't exist, we'd have to invent you, just because everyone needs a good laugh now and again, and you, Sarah, are comedy gold.

    In today's installment of Stupid As Performance Art, we learn what Sarah Palin thinks about Dick Cheney saying what every other semi-sentient being on the planet has said: that John McCain's selection of Palin in 2008 was the biggest fucking mistake pretty much ever.

    “Well, seeing as how Dick — excuse me, Vice President Cheney — never misfires, then evidently, he’s quite convinced that what he had evidently read about me by the lamestream media — having been written what I believe is a false narrative over the last four years — evidently, Dick Cheney believes that stuff, and that’s a shame,” Palin said on Fox News’s “On The Record with Greta Van Susteren.”
    Ah. That's what's known as a true Palin classic. First, she goes for the obvious dick joke (yes, Sarah, we on the left have been pointing out how aptly named Dick Cheney is for a while, so that one's already stale); then she does the pretend respect thing, her voice dripping with insincerity when she corrects herself; then she works in a nice "misfires" jab, no doubt referencing that one time Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face (nice work, Sarah, really, that was a good one); boilerplate reference to lamestream media; and she delivers it all with her usual obscene abuse of gerunds, ending her sentence not when she has completed it, but when she has run out of words and breath.
    Nearly four years later, and Sarah believes what she has always believed about herself—that she was a victim of the "lamestream media," and that if people only knew the truth about her, they would know that something something hockey moms and freedom. It was the lamestream media that invented her raised-on-abstinence-until-marriage knocked-up teen-age daughter, her inability to name a single newspaper, and her sudden resignation from the governorship so she could spend more time making reality TV shows and cashing in on her own trademarked name. It is only because the world refuses to stop reading the lies in all those newspapers she can't name that Republicans like Dick—sorry, Vice President Cheney—have unanimously declared Sarah Palin a disaster of Biblical proportions, and why the Republican Party has decided that no lady Republican will ever be allowed on a presidential ticket again because "Palin poisoned the well on that."

    Maybe that's why the Republican National Convention has yet to beg her to give a speech, even though she keeps begging them to beg her by reminding them of how available she might be if they begged her. She's already done enough damage to the party as it is. And all the Republicans—even Dick—know it.


  55. (Reposted from the previous topic, because it fits in with the discussion better here):

    Here's another Sarah-related topic, and it's a howler.

    A couple of hours ago I was reading the titles in the blogroll off to the left, and clicked on this link -- The American Prospect Articles Ted Cruz's Deceptive Triumph in Texas.

    From the gist of the article, it seems Sarah Palin, Queen of the Teabaggers, endorsed a Texas Bushie instead of backing fellow Teabagger Perry's choice.

    You can't get much more establishment Republican in Texas than the Bush/Rove folks. Did some moronic Palin advisor not do their homework, or has Sarah Palin decided to rub up against the legs of the national GOP good ol' boys to see if it gets her an invite to the convention?

    1. My bet is she endorsed anyone running against a Perry endorsed candidate.

      The question now is, what did Rick Perry do to piss her off?

    2. jcinco10:29 AM

      also see Malia's blog today regarding cruz's biggest financial backer is a gay guy from SF..

  56. Anonymous9:35 AM


    1. Anonymous10:08 AM


    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      You mean positively!


    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Hillbilly gibberish!

  57. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Speaking of Chick-fil-a.......

    Sun Sentinel Dec. 2011 Chick-fil-A, 1560 W. Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach was cited Dec. 5 for 12 critical violations. According to state documents, infractions included: 44 live roaches and 20 dead roaches observed, a cooler interior was soiled with food residue; a bag of carrots was on the floor of a cooler; an employee was observed engaging in food preparation, handling clean equipment or utensils or touching unwrapped items without washing hands; garbage was on the ground and/or the pad around the dumpster; an employee was cutting cabbage with bare hands and the establishment had no approved alternative operating procedure in effect; there was soil buildup inside an ice bin and a lettuce cutter was on the floor.
    You can check out a restaurant on our searchable databases that have information provided by the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation.
    For restaurants between Palm Beach County and Key West, bookmark this link:,0,4135058.htmlstory
    For Central Florida/Orlando restaurants check here:

    By the way, many states have restaurant inspection searchable databases so you'll have to google that.


  58. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Republican lawmaker from Tennessee (no, really) forwards a fake Obama assassination theory to his constituents, believing it to be true.

  59. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Oh Gryphen, this just made my day! I would have LOVED to be there listening to this!

    ... Lifting my finger, the point is:

    "That you and the entire Right Wing including the Romney campaign, Limbaugh, Fox News and whatever, continue to take things out of context in a deceptive way, now what does that say for you, you as an individual, and for the campaign and the entire Right Wing---because you did it right here tonight---being deceptive. In part---how a campaign operates itself is a reflection of how they will govern---is that now so?"

    Now I have insulted her (as I intended) as she gets up and exclaims, "He is calling me a liar!" My wife knowing that I have a habit of not only going for the throat but continuing to bite at a person's psychological juggler where people can get very angry even strike at me, says "That is enough, apologize right now."

    I sit back in my chair, "for what?"

    1. jcinco11:10 AM

      Thank you for that. I'm a resident of Manitou Springs and you can't imagine how trying it is living directly west of CS and the over abundance of frickin' narrow-minded wingnuts. I was driving behind a fairly new, largest model mercedes the other day. The driver was an older bleach blonde with a broadmoorish" look about her. In her rear window was a sticker that read "Protect our Freedom, Defeat Barack Obama." It made we want to jump out of my car, grab the shrew by her scrawny neck and ask her what the eff she meant by "protect our freedoms" I instead sped up a bit in my 2001 subaru with the Obama bumper sticker and pulled in front of her and drove on my merry way...

  60. Anonymous9:55 AM

    She is Delusional. Silly rabbit, tricks are for Palins.

  61. Where were all these Christian hypocrites when the Dixie chicks exercised their first amendment rights? Oh, that's right they were busy being outraged,black listing and burning their C.Ds, these people are no different than the Taliban. Same old shit, just a bigger pile..

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Was just thinking that myself.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Same clowns, different circus.

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      I remember when that all went down. The excuse the right-wing nutcases gave was that the Chicks criticized Bush on FOREIGN SOIL. Still hypocrites.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Sarah couldn't blame this one on Obama so she had no other choice but to blame the LMS. As the most powerful man in America for 8 yrs. you betcha Cheney can get the real dirt on her if he wishes to. This was just a warning shot from Darth Vader, Sarah. Next time it might be your face.

  64. After Mitt's European tour, they may need to bring Palin in just to make Mitt look like he's diplomatic and centrist.

    We must send a fruit basket to Great Britain in thanks. That "Mitt the Twit" is going to stick to him for years.

  65. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Bristol's idea of a "traditional" relationship, is "One girl, one pussywhipped boy, doing what he's told, playing the substitute father to the child she birthed out of wedlock and is spitefully keeping form seeing his biological father.")

    Gryphen you forgot to mention that Bristol's "traditional" relationship was influenced by her pimp daddy who according to the book Boys Will Be Boys, also had sex with his prostitute employee author Shailey Tripp.

    Is there a law against pimping or prostituting in Alaska? Doesn't look like it since Todd hasn't been prosecuted yet but Ms. Tripp has. Also Bristol was supposedly brought up by a mother who currently had her boyfriend Todd (Bristol's future father) waiting for her while Sarah was screwing an out of town black college basketball player in her sister's Alaska college dorm room while the basketball player was in Alaska participating in a tournament she was working at as sports commentator but Sarah chose to take dictation that night with Glen Rice. Eventually Todd got Sarah pregnant and they had to eventually elope when Sarah told Todd she was pregnant.

    We can see and understand where underage high school single mother Bristol got her Palin family values from.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Is there as law against sexual harassment in Alaska? Can a pimp employer have sex with a person under his authority or control within an organized prostitution ring? Can a pimp like Todd be sued for sexual harassment by his prostitute employee Shailey Tripp?

  66. Sarah sometimes you're a nut... and.sometimes you're just plain f-in nuts.

  67. Anonymous10:50 AM

    “Well, seeing as how Dick — excuse me, Vice President Cheney — never misfires..."

    That's very Un-Christian like of Sarah Palin referring to the former vice president of the United States as "Dick" and everybody knows what her true intentions were with her filthy revenge minded foul mouth mean girl attitude. Professional victim Sarah Palin has pattern of referring to men's genitals when men upset her. Good thing that loser Palin never made it to the Washington DC and now we know where her homophobic foul mouth grandson Tripp gets his filthy language from.

    The Palins loves to be on reality shows. There filthy mouths and homophobic values can be written as a trailer park racist sitcom!

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      God told Sarah to refer to the former vp as Dick... right Bristol?

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      I wonder what Sarah called purse carrying Todd after she found out that Todd not only pimped out Shailey Tripp but sampled her goods too?

      That is one crazy Christian family. What church do these people attend? Oh I forgot, Bristol said that they were too busy to attend church.

      Pimping, bad mouthing everybody, getting revenge 24/7, playing the victim, scamming and reality shows are not only hard work it is time consuming. Who has time for church?

  68. Anonymous10:53 AM

    The stupid is still so strong that she doesn't realize that the rest of us have first amendment rights to say whatever we want about Chick-fil-a. That is the beauty of it, Palin, you imbecile or as Dan Akroid used to say, Palin, you ignorant slut!

    El Stupido is featured as the lead story on Crooks and Liars!

  69. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I could have decided, You know, I don't want to be bloodied up. I don't want my family to go through what we will have to go through in order to put ourselves forward in the name of service to our country,'....

    Ha Ha Ha Bristol and her son are being bloodied up pretty bad on Life's A Tripp. What service has Bristol provided to our country besides getting her name on a show and ridiculing her family just so she could return to Wasilla with some money and a reality show after failing in California.

  70. Anonymous10:56 AM

    For someone who has achieved wealth and fame, Sarah sure does seem unhappy.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!11:09 AM

      Actually, she has "amassed" a good portion of money, but she has "earned" very little.

      That is where pride and satisfaction come from, so Sarah is still an empty vessel.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      That's because she considers herself Queen and everyone laughs at her.

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM

      If you raised fucked up kids and grandkids and have a troubled open marriage like Sarah has wouldn't you be unhappy too? Her kids, her husband and her own idiotic behavior is a daily reminder of a dysfunctional life stlye she has to live in.

      Sarah should of adopted her kids out at birth like someone else we know.

  71. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!11:08 AM

    Ok. I just watched about 2+ minutes.

    1) If Whoopi Goldburg thinks that people protesting Chik-Fil-A is infringing on the OWNER'S 1st Amendment rights, then she AS dumb as Hasselcrack.

    2) Palin actually says, in her diatribe vs. the PROTESTERS, saying they are infringing on this Business owner's 1st Amendment rights(?) and:

    People who believe in Freedom of Speech?

    SHOULD speak out

    on behalf

    of the homosexual community that has huge factions of people fighting to prevent them from having the same basic civil rights as heterosexual people????? yes?????)



    You ONLY are granted FREEDOM of SPEECH if you


    with the screech. Otherwise, obviously, YOU are infringing upon the rights of another.

    Cognitive dissonance.

  72. Anonymous11:09 AM

    All you Palin haters are just JELLLUSSSS!!!!

    The truth is that Sarah's gonna be invited to be the KEYNOTE speaker at the REAL RNC conference in Arizona the same day. The conference in Tampa is just the UNimportant people but the important ones like Sarah will be in Arizona. She's gonna be the STAR and then everyone is gonna decide to make her the President right then. We don't need that stoopid election and all the stoopid democrats will not be allowed to vote anyway, which is how it should be.

    She should be getting her special invitation to Arizona any day now and she will be wearing her extra fluffy Tea Party wig and the new double D girls and some extra-high-heels red shoes and she will look AWESOME!!!

    And all of you will just drown in your jellussness!!!

  73. Anonymous11:12 AM

    She was appoached? I bet by a TPer.
    Right... but I bet by no one who could invite her.
    She was not approached by Romney or any other big active Republican.

  74. Anonymous11:16 AM

    One boy, one girl, meet and have sex, the girl goes to a few colleges, bangs some other guys, get pregnant by another boy, runs back to the first boy, gets married.

    Ain't traditional marriage grand?

  75. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Media-blaming has worked so well for Lego Hair over the years. The media are responsible, in her emphatic view, for her embarrassing moments, her failures and just about anything adverse that comes her way.
    Now, Cheney’s been called many, many things over his career. But unknowing victim of media manipulation? This may be a first.

    The record shows, of course, that Cheney wasn’t following any media narrative — true or false — when he made his remarks. He was following a single fact. This is what he said:

    But based on her background, she’d only been governor for, what, two years. I don’t think she passed that test ... of being ready to take over.


  76. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Sarah Palin’s Comeback to Dick Cheney Marred by Sarah Palin’s Inability to Form a Coherent Sentence

  77. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Cracks me UP that every time she attempts a big word, she has to pronounce it slowly syllable by syllable to get it right.

    And, Sarah, honey? We all know you don't have an invitation to Tampa. We also know that Cheney doesn't get his information from the media. He well-connected. Like you AREN'T.


  78. AKRNHSNC1:28 PM

    Poor Sarah can't admit that Cheney came to his opinion of her on his own. He didn't judge her based on what he read about her, he based his opinion on what he saw, what she said and didn't say, what she did and didn't do. In other words, Sarah, it's you who helped him form his opinion, not the media that you love to blame. You've never once accepted the idea that you've made mistakes. Instead, you dump them on others while pretending they have nothing to do with you.

    86% approval rating?!?! LOL, do you really think the rest of the country is as brain-dead as your followers? Your own staff was stupid enough to communicate through e-mail in regards to their ability to manipulate polls, thus improving what would have been mediocre ratings. If you had so many people who thought highly of you, you wouldn't have had to find people to send letters to the newspapers in praise of you, except these letters were actually written by you and signed by them. This is common knowledge, Sarah, that you couldn't cut it on your own. Your security staff talked about how you left worked early everyday, going shopping at Nordstrom's or going home to watch your stupid reality shows. Did you think you'd be able to get away with that crap if you had been elected V.P.? LOL, you would have had to work and your inability to handle anything that came along would have been proven within days of McCain taking office. You couldn't handle being Mayor of 5k people, yet you think you can be President? Delusional, Sarah, you're delusional.


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